Newspaper Page Text
—rimuisnsL kyuiy rmpay,
J Oitice Sooth Site of the Coart House
of Advirlisliij.
Fpaee jlwk | 4 wks t3mo ' 6 Tim l voa;
1 inch | l 001 % 5ft 1 1 50; 7 00' V.’ t"
2 inches 1 50 ' 5 no c, y> ito no ’ft is,
3 inches 2 O'* sii jpii rii v.tnt 2ft on
j coi jSOO -10 tlO 12d ftft 25-4)1X4 ,:;ft imt
.4 cil , 7 Oil' li 0' 11 2", .on 'ls 00 00 hi
l coi I HUM •20 on '.'. m Till INI 1 SIOO
JIT A libera! dcduetii ;i made to thos<
lvertlsing bv the month or v ir
The h-lUns ing istln Chtiicii Directory i.|
Urwuviilc hr l K 7>i:
—;2tl ii! 4th Sabbaths in each month
Pastor IN v. \\ A Ml MuNr
'ii! Sabbath* in ruck no'iifh
Factor Hm ' II t LINE
Ist Sabbath in each nnntli.
Part nr r, : to r in ' tnirpe
gorier ro tn: rt .
Ariel Tills .lute, nil legal :td\ eli.s. 1-
tnr iiie Ilrulll V (It 51 cl' ,v I:!if■( ,w s i. In- pi;!-.
i*hed ii the Mkiuwktiikh (Nil vi v \ imu
CATUH, • JAN w M.V.NN’.M;.*
-Hrdrttafr --
\\ H EAVKR, SliHilf.
J hi; 4th, 1873 Clerk S 11I 'i Cdiirl
I. ■
r"! ■■".■"r'"" -w " -
f* 10l '••*.!> Milling i • i oininu
ntenuous, writu n nit MtW*> m* l not
—l— —U*v—tir**u 1!
pltiiulv v*ri*U‘ti ihry wtH bo Ih 4 hiuuhium!
lt Uh 1 * ftJile bnb>k’H. Till IV v\ itl It* lit* < A
ct ption 10 th< abov rub* 1
A Mh>i> biijigv m il bm lot mo rluuij
loi &%b by ilit. viUUu of line \ >lll.\
tH M >
Tlm’u* will lx* n mi < i ii : n l. .liiui iMixmi’
>t \\ ihjH lam l in’to
Mi T*h ll Wiki* P,i v mi.l l#.)y Wit thiw
*r <rk uv !hi ii i t* io i’
M J.-ItM }i My \\ il-.awi* Jii *lk ‘1 <*ut
JO Lu>ittv* uf £ni si ht Mi. li *•. i i< it
Hit® *t*k,
Mrv A K < > t'v.f-i ■ v
{ ttl tii li.ipu**! * U i ' i li (.<•-% H*
Hi Xt Hh fi til S-th's-ilii in -I j • *)
A vi ia beitv v mm !?*t m (#m *ut i'U* hi"
(Mill f'lay I 1 V| Uin. , 111 I- A. l'U I tki
¥;tul l#i‘VV <!<li =r U I'M *• ’ - K f ‘ ■*' 1 r, ‘
ty<- ♦* i !**<■
Him K our \ '•*
♦*l a I nil <>%f • 1• <■•■“*>• ( 'l‘■ *
If4t444ii r i/ Cha.l Mu**. Liia hi*: '• •> ‘i'ii' O ,i! ’
him) in at#Jiiiinsx < ,a ‘ ! • V* '
h) Uh ch.hUi'P*
Mvv ti< 1 1 l!i ■*! I ■ >*' 1 1 ' • W••
<*.,u ik t < an*! (1 H< 1 I I * tin 'ai I *> ' : ■
Vo rod or inritit of tin D in ' *< v oi '■>
■ mdy.
Wtn Fm ' ■'' !
r"!y i will, k< do IT* *ii 1
tm**, revi-* t, put in Us *s nt- M •* !1 " '
!' IhoS* in er rated " 1 ' ‘ are> ' i!
l> to UU- IF. ii .111- '1- ' tv< I V
fpt.dnition-t ‘>f tii.i'ii l*' i' ■- ' ' I ll '
Im> lo comjr* to tot ii** V o i.~‘.y in tii‘‘ iiijll
Vaty Academy a* W*-v f < * !
Du. Ham. bti.ti ti* it Hi" i'li' i- 1 ’".:;"'
have k|h>i uin) on hi* nt imyin i' t*
tlie VVer-tCflr lull*") nl uoppr I •ijil. tti'ii'Hi
MlUt'l is MU', IW *> BiimtnilK *' •" ' fl
aporeherDnou*. HfMtltt* lio'iot l>c tnke
to isUittti!iui‘it ItMM p**(i "i they *t t <
fclrojr everything in *' ) ‘ ■*■'
liOAUA.—The | O F ln;lia>> of till
county ant r* pi*M'i,to ! t>* lii a vim
jiitytit. Ah tint ik till: tin-.* t-i Un- your tin*'
work is comment and in tbim, i' i* •> b.
hoped Ilia rovJi w ill *oon be V ed in fir
rale eeedilion,
Frc m the tact tut no money ban I*"
paid the proprietor the [ art rrvmUt it would
deem that l<-nr h<*vt fa-en euterla irrrl Ilia
we would suprar/ier lurid* plm.txJ in on
bands (Swing Mrs K‘* abucM-e. Our irund*
cm tuw ititm-, lorwetd a*id **U‘e up
M tar partner ha# n-turnni end b
resumed her piaee * hew viti
I'erbaiis it wan ben* iba' U rnwt.ey wh
itbbeid during her kin* rice, hut (lea *
quenta have do einue now
J>FJ!E)IVI Kaiji.- bwiti an old Ire:' and tie
other day handing us hi* arrearage*. ‘ I
have liecn needing ram; he jxniter i jm'd
and I'll get it now And he ha* g<t if-
Bletwiugs attend the man who pay* :h<
printer. There are many of our subec.i
bcrs yet uabiesse:.
Gooey for August, he* . ,>■* it* ‘ so*
amount of tatemiiiing reading and fashion
article#, ha* a condensed but Hi 1 *- g< n
repot! ol the Koiit'h oi Ju.y proceeding*
ITiiiaUe!ptu. This i* one of tiie Leri n um
ber.* ol tb€ oid favorite magaaiue ever is
sued. -
The kiliewin.; delegate* were elect. i a
West Point from the LnUrange district t
the anneal conference of the Methodist
chuieh which a-srtnh.e* at 5;-ai<a an the
wound Sabbath in Ih ten,her ; Kev. J. .J
Little, J T. Waterman, Y H Thom pane,
and W. 0. Camp [alternate* M. Jf. Crow
er, W C- Freeman, James Patu-o auh
Bev J B; Il’icaicctt
Cnndidale for Tats Koeciver.
Mu. Ei>iTn!i :
.’.ease announce Willi am
Mcliendon an candidate tor Tax Receiver
>■! Meiiwither county, subject to the
DemocmHe nomination, The l.iiainasa t
the ofllt e will be safe iu the hands „f f' ucie
lit I>-S| .! liis boon,- correctly an 1 hc.Cv
m ule out.
Una NortCi •Hc do II t |.| Illlise that
ti'i.i man who aminmicis his candidacy
'i ! 'Ugh ine It will at* elected,-
; !■;; oc do sv tot ne min w do desires every
I ' u ‘ r in Met iverher to know that lie is „
j laiotid.aU 'list the surest Way to sec ire that
oh his !-* ■ tve Iris eird. I'u'dixi • ] ip this
;iaoe;. \\ o charge mil) tire and finis lor
sin h i üb.ic.ition and insuie the notice t~
be read in a mrj utty -el tt.e voleu in the
county. Then are lots of Candidates - Iu
then' make use. id the best nudumt tor m
loimitig the |ieo|ile of Uicir iliinguess to
mlvc liit* public
!' H. I, .iigiindge, o. c ob ttu assist mts
liln st.ueAieo'', is hod ui' 1 ! ..noth ;
•O mra-.-rir-Tn rr— c's.y f , iYiTmTiIT "and e l
sou ices and geoio K ic! >-irio*itie yl the
. lonil v | u him see art ‘he run US roeKs
ottd iMho <HHaos;li-s iitd trtt you whether
ion have a go! I, silver or e i t ij)er mine on
jour jiosseasioiis, < ' 1
' .Uliill M.- n.
tit.' alter day, seleels Ir imUie hiskets ot
•* ' ! S !• if .4’ I 1 XjW r i for s.i)< ! Oil
' ’ ' ' ‘i i t u H • i tb untu .
min rtiitl i.iiiin a imo’Ha- bn U rut.iu of
he ill.tit ytiur, hikl ( afirt a oinlul t x tiui
if t liv tH i.J ..41, suuinu.;,
Tbciu lbi‘tgu Iiiti !>m k. vviutk\v l the
suiting -unit* out&nW, uncli;l hub c |nxpTt
v> n! il : aw linn ti\ it ns !t ini u*■ W\ fnjj
. i dtclu: iA -ixuly v-. li.t- !t> i ht J
of wki'a'. I in* wbu ka¥.
*' 4!l wiUrbiLig tin y<_m. g |)i\ n i.m .I i■
ni i*i p civut* ilwit be w, Ibitiking ot jim
•iju t iiv‘ In *, ns b vxHitiuw* tbe liiui 1 . in
liigrt! iltjf, bi Riib Ui sttnyiiig ImM.
N UiUAlhll if! AngUil lA- Jail ♦ y V
nit il4iuing nuiu n r itu l jn-l wU ki ii
t * - !u U , .*t Mi.i,sutji m i If ii hty nuiubei
b> i< n M.l 11 lit la*r lin* litM -, ii by Mu*
i ‘bnitir funiiH i | v\.4iiit!y f*H t*.ti *u limb
;—L.U,—i.. bl ii U-va.. b i vobiu*, UiH- VVi
■- u' bt |dh( lla\y. ftllt ulOUluilU^*
li l/f nit V i* ill
Si Nu b*i!iN, fi (Ml) till* NHIH! li HIM., is flu
III' I-* V > lit* lit (Ml ltd |.:i [U 4, (*i)|s nii.i
ai i niH iiiiiu i.iiy rlfiii! iu tu*’ Vo iu*ry I
{ lili lit HU 111 . •I.;* an! ji’rSt!!. H,
I;'t*l yI N l A i)• >i ■ l IIU<M ;Ni .k, I U !)< ■'! (I,
\ti.. in<i f<>Nl Ir’ib {jin twrl Iry* a r:i ! rr>mi m
l.’ciil, i iiiHi to flii'i'iiyill ill hi nnjli !)l a
* tin I IK* koiiii otii.iiimt u laiun nut-iiliri
> i ;ja! •> i*on ■ i lit I tie i’ i■ rn ! JJ i| -
*.r , i *li .V. in tin' |>ii|lt> ol I'mii
11. tit I'., '-I, a Ik- t. i'l iiltin. il.
A. * Mi* Mat ity Hnrlmiii Tin* iln**kv
, \-t . * i wi.k'j; lit ik!-. u I it** )i*' lo' li(*i
, . t .i . t .i .it p . .** [t a In ho i.ieiily
* tintl i mi ,H*iU ! t) ai;i.' w t ;li lii t.*l|li'
it innil iilif, iirrl ii*- fin .n*< *t *'t nn i*iii
l*Ji b< I Win* in t.V on. li -Ii
I '.V it 1 ui I* li '• ■ * ■ o■ ■ a- .livin'/ iv
. l*n i **l;ii mol li.i |.i lni '.*.| t i tint,
ttlll II * op* . 'lt * * lll'H, la J.t„ ! 'll 1, vv i. I
kill-ill in; lot lit. imv '.lll vm'.'i vv 11 *
Ti ..rr.-.~ P •.rrm-r:?.": :s:-r—-a—arr.-p
a *-k_oi., a.t ,ui •. *.. I V a !#
a ■ t, Vr. ii-> i -’t itit** H’til wii
t,,i It.-* n ’a niii'il nl'. l*i "ipiir t *' *nt|i* i*
,*•l* iti!l-lit .v*; ii.vt lin lor, ! vl'l a now Oi In
Mill*,it*, i ',**'..'!At iJn-T [n'titu*.r Inn* klnn
t| till' BigliV I*l • 11' li.'iovnl I* it* Inn
f i<*m -o, . v* - ! *** *.l vvut run nn*, ii I*, a
Valui .lay *i ** !*• *t. Wulßoii lamt I **-1 r
> !*,,- two *i| IjN ln;t .**' iili*-vly in lint
Ml* .*r,*i l,<* wiit >.av<*<l Ikiiii I'.MoWiiit
is. in, only liy Xmi al* ljf ul - *■< *• W<l
rompPri- neilM fc "I 'D'Meli. In l*i
n*'r t** yi't awav w ilh'A in ni la tin- I'ml'
-or furyit to remani U*i|<H tor V*f Una* ho
vi<v*>. Tilt- imiifill*nt<* win) n iic i inrprorn
** * i-i j* v win:n Mi Freeman |ii*ml oul l.n
njljiio *:• nn*! luml t*avi; m*lMiij{ i'h t noil
ml til*; Drutioanr’a “kul- kiy*ml- will.
■ iou iWt of “ll*o:Hi<i, lUn'ini* mid K 1
,-ia” on them in the idiantclei iatic cliirog
aphy ot It - aiwcotiiiaitg avt h-stive Lotha
rio. In the UgWe of aU t..e'S it i
thought that tljn place* that, have M.-">utly
nun n Prof Henry C. iVat*"o will know
him no mmc henceforth within the memo
ry ol ti>e psreot gencfwliun.
fir. ih*s feu attend the political meeting
next T m -day. Gm day can anrely fie
■.mm uo* trout Hie wop. Come up and
U u* i,u. ixi intetclmige and expre*
non of opinion
SETEhAh have iitsiflirtd how many can
lid iI . w 1 lx- in ttie field during the ap
pn,ac..in4, < icctioti*. If the name* are not
nnoni c.d ill the VIMHC'ATOM you can on
ly know a candidate by hi* action*. Wln-n
yyij a t/.a-i with a broad grin on hia face
ronaing wcroM the street to abake Imudi
will! i very man ir. town and inquiring
* l .••-** win § interest in regard to the wel
fare of the old lady and the children—jort
put ids uatr-v down i/. your metnnrandiim
tx#k. lie is aiding Vi w*e ifl-te himself i
-r; serving the (-w-dtc to* Vue saa&fl pay st
i’clji-d to the '. tffetenl oftk.e* in ttie gill of
he *over"ill re yerai OtW-tvar* will
owpare memoranda H will tie seen that
crop of car. ,’i late*, ike ue com crop,
rotniw-s to tie ut.J* i&fiy’* T gt- For five]
dollars we wifi give every one ol them a
good tend -ft
Oil. I- w. Avery, r'e.-retary ol the Slate
L*ee itsve Committee, bis made arrange
ments *dh the (Liferent railways of the
Sute to carry delegatee tatho Stale Con
veuilcn V, Atlanta and bring Utftt back ler
one tare.
!V oiler.
l>y dueetbn of the Svocmtitre Committee
1 lier ‘ ,!) y is a call for a Mass Meelm; ol
■he democratic party oi Meriwether to’ as
setnhle in Greenville on the tirst Fnesit iv
August tu appoiut delegates to the Se ri
atoiial Convention (which a-scmblcs m
Ncimuii on the rir.t pm.nbei to uoni
irate h candid‘U* for Senator lor the 1! itii
' 1 ‘MI-. ; , a ~1... ~y
; the fourth C ongiessiunal dis'rict.
t> Warner
-t Inn.
Of Jan s state commissi,un r I ngi eul
, Hue, thinks the giasshoppeis Uiai have ap
i i'' ' *■' ‘IU and tie;ent p?n t* ot Ueoigi | tij,.
lieaued- grasshoppers o| t,,e hoi and
j A oinab rttirtiltei mnv, may produce ini
! diei se swiciiM next s, ason.
1 would advise ym ami al'other I irniers,
hi destiny them by eveiy mums in ym,’,
On the ltus of C,.1. J. U. funnel, () f
Troup county, where they appeared two
weeks ago, they Wire ell.-clualiy dcalroyeil
-Oy-Uiat,ng writ 1 trtish and dllvieg Into
P* " * 1 oiws ..| dry sti.i, ami t.ueuin^.
X S '“n 'hat ir Alabama where they
have also ajipi ared, LUc ianmua
in deii >yiog them by w holesuie, by dri
mg fliem into Biiaiesoi Hi ts, emisli ifcied ni
cheap l’cttmg or homespun, somewhat like
parn utj*e ue>k.
It is impnttMut that they l*e destroyed hi
loir they mu able to lly, as after that pm
■lit tliey move nipi Hjf ami , asi,y Kohl flcld
t i Held Mini count) to eoimlv, ami it will
be impracticable to arrest Uu ii pr,ugrtn*,
smee t. ev can rise high m ti M . U it amt sus
lai 1 a vuy prolonged High!.
Judge Atrell, of 1, >ui>iria, says that dul
i-u+A* U 4 p 4 ttirrtr ttirtfiry —brrr
Mtfb'ii lu ui Lilt bLult itt ftmii vby +4-
itn is >| ililt <Jnvi ruuuM.i ilmn ims iwt-n
m tin fevMtitii : Uii- b) - A l\ Uu- un< \\\
i.ial lliiivis, rubhcis ami Iturglam who
have i>|mmwU'U m I.oi is ana ,diiitiig tue
ivlrole llniii .-i ni' it was |nllllia.sed IVolit
the K ris n.
tiie .’State lira been irmtei rads al ridti
since the war.
CtbTkH's Pui-.momiii Ns. ,vn intimate
perso' at Inch'd ol .-lien. Cosier hm,.-
that a shiat times previous lo Ids duparl
uui Ibr !d' coinbiMi'd, he, iri losiversatioii,
'.rf,'!' -sell his tear ig sot h a eohinriiy ns
lets ti-tsmtlv happened. He sail limi the
H *Vt;l uim lit l oil ,1 1i.,1 1 1, p, I mtu<l• 1 |
ni i, pV'-i ialhm ol ,he fi.nuidnhli dijiuc
on and tie- rveodiiji of ;hi- t ,v;i_-- , nm
cl as Ini are with Urn besi aid latest jin.
Ployed Mims. It, sod Hutl im! t -, a mneli
•ai get fore* Hum em be brought into the
ileld-Hl this point inw, wi re-sent into lids
('OUiIHV, lies* would leaulf n lung and
Oslb tu lIHH (,(. |n.
V! * ri'nine Ini*, cm .ipi and | in* tim o|
'l i J.i.Hio.iiy <lonnitiM***. i* lltttl Im* liltif*
ill 'V f*! -* II iul* ;! t* Ml fl *it II 'III! JV.illß* r* iitov*
Hill !■ -I Utc t * mi- 11 <on 11. (ill inilli ITon. 1 liiit
< nil;* lilt- --i.t*. t lif twi ioi I'lmrealiiiifnl anti
..1 -IM.'O. Ml Hlal'ii* ill a (Y.JJ4I. pn.
Ai'ion loan wlien in- opi in il hi* eari r*i ol
i tpiiv'ir tii'm. I’iiy lot hir milli.iliif's uluho
tin jiii)(!ii<;i"*l hy noiiKliim **lll4***ll.
tin! ituxii ty i anno! afli'ct llin ilxon P*i()iiiin
, t • 14 ■ a ',!i._ nn.a I,u LltiaT* j 1 ' .in i
,;i I: in 1; .1 j, in j i,ri I., i;f tnrfiii-irife'u; ■
... flyiiii 31 ,a: ..1, i '..*.!
riii' I'iiiuiiwt.o I'a )Ikam u 111 < W at-lt
tii/i*m r<ini;|HifliUoil nl tin (Sowlori l'i*k'
m)w. PimidiiiV (iiiwit'ii ion.hihni in a
kmiici! "I on Iml nnXi ’ty Id tin* htiyjj'ij)
H•-*,•) I )lu:.** 1 h lien . 'I'll*: nnil'niiii'niix lit in
'ln Imii' rlinhl or; it* In: ir i,*j*| up with
t n* hi. 1 "ii: In aiU* lie Imr (frown more ami
inoir fir<ni.iil iw* ti e w*!ia luive r<> Uui
al'i't.*. ami all tiie wiiile il I*-,*** linui tin
li k tli *i ettr:!i one iucant Unvl lu: wuh 11
cov< inn* Iron* Un* elß'otw uf trio modi liq
ti n. 'Vim ho'iiw.umu Uun In ii* *l tiiat inn
ar Unl ov-l work were'tone mnlrr tl*o in -
II h ms*: nl Siiylor. Tivwaril lll*' rloec ol tin:
week bill rejyorit 1 t*i bare Iwcorne no
and fiuaily j{oi a** l*a*l llml one
day li*n a well-kn*iwn lady rftllei) upon
liim lie ,i-i<i il In.-r by l*o!lr nhouMein and
viiok her violently At iiu*l Mi Fiali went
lo him and inuaua'led him to li avn the
oily urnl /'votil to D :cr Park to upend Hun
day Kiali ii* the only npujar er of the Cal*
met who l*aa any Influence over him. For
hia opinion Uranl ii ut the hijjlicil re-iiwrl,
arid, bellerln*{. aa Im ilrma, that Kiaii ha*
never tried to manage him, he will gernu
*lly*h what Fiali rrupioalH, amt a! way*
give* great weight to lea opiuhroa*
Wlierv Grant selected u Jim” Tyner lor
P wtmastei -tienei*! to succcoJ Mr. Jews I,
he bad full knowledge ol all In* peculiar
qu*iittcatiorui and 'if his vmlnahls service*
to tiie country. They were of a kind a. suit
In* tu t*,* exactly, Por e juuip. e, Tyner
t'Hik the benefit of the bankrupt law the
day alter hi* election to Congress in IH VI
That po.ifyiog proce** imaliled him to go
to Washington hee ol*, and
since then he has contrivcil, like many ol
iii* ISepubiican awKistwia the, .to
live on the Ist of the land, to become s
profierty lioldrr, to keep on band a g<*xl
*tipjiiy of greenbacks, and l* indulge a
strung taete lor pe(;ulatiou.
Grant concluded that a liaoknif.t who
could do all thi* out ol p.-ur fe**ions ol
Congress must be a ihrewd fe.Uiw, and
w .rth Inking eire of. Jfut wunt uiiot cum
tnended hits Pi lv<ir was Iho fact .hat Ty
ner stood ot mspicuous among the noble
ban i ol back-pay grabbers in the K .rty
•eoottd Congress, so ewmtpicaout, indeed,
that bis constituent* refused hi renominate
ban then, and reiterated that refusal a lew
weeks ago, when ha had tb efiroutery to
press himself lorward a;;ain at a caudi
date.—l2* V. Son.
Jewell Uiio.
EPoSlmaster lletieial Jewell, who was
a feluya since so ignominiously dtsm ss
ed lit oliice bv Tresidcut llratit, was the
■ ec 'f’-t ot a most tl titering ovation in
hraive ivtate, at Bridge t Hi;t oti Monday
j he members ot the (iram) Army of
■ Mejfic and a large concourse of citizen*
hadinviogalerl at the ilcput ami clucred
| turnjjirn-ns'y, to which he responded by
t.'Pfing on lire tdatlorm at New II ,vrn
IN lit lit* at lived at 5 p. m he w >s reci iv
ed !ji committee ot citizens, atiTali'ri'ir
the irlfin it committee, and escorted to
the |w Haven Hotel, where an eleeanl
Itanfl was deltvere.l to Hep. Mi r win
and hpouded to briefly by Unv. Jewel.
reicfig only uieidenlully to his retire
neni’. in the 4'alum't, auddivelitng mai
•y o|is gtatiliettfion at agaiii reliunmg to
Ins jhve fsiate amt the circles ot In
t. iei^
lliNew Nrk Herah! says : I bis re
eepij by Ins Iriemls iu Idonucotknil shows
the; tfein In which lie is In hi by his pro
| le. shows, too, the leeling as to tjraltt's
tyinjica! course iu driving turn out o! tlm
Labrjt Ii the I’lesTdent had discovered
ol Jewell any evidence oi
teaciy'y, he sh mid have n:adc it known,
lit liii Minister would hare gone home In
%igtt slecj ing ear, and net In the day
Mo. nth liamts ot music. As t now
slur!4jfcrwell w ins, it Is a mis ake* to
JstitlTie people. This blunder tlr.ntdrr
‘ihiitir makei, and never so mncli as iu
htfed-nl removali.
llerniiKl.i ttrasa, ,
i Cg'niilibition J
I >*u Hm I'bi! bminiiiVv wm it
irotliL s mio (it mid inly,
ub mjiic jr ir IHU) i>y IC/okirl P.u U,
Unu Imm .lut Ucnmitla
iuvkrj ui bt*cM (.I santi line) CHivbvliy
l * M <|i till \\ll> IMiFHitlri it to br it Vl4l
jit*ii mill pinluiti jjnt.'i-. Ii wit*< pun
'<* by Mi. IbiiMl in bit mnl M
•bk pun loti u in t\ k*ttb: bniiub l*>tu>tn,
wbin iwn rtuks m n'iivtßHt (imu Uin in
*H >b near tin: louti ietttiii gti Kubmion.
lblh g litlrinrn took fxtiu ciiiejtif it 111 <v
Hi Imvt? !• I t reuhf*—~uni il wprrittl ! ll
1 not only lo tlw*it ovt tmlicibn lion,
l.rioTTii t’rt iif ffTaamisfiiction at untny i.tJ
‘b.s .n mt bill' (ifoiyiit.
bin wm douMlrHs, \ h (iill intiotlurl ion
mb (liiHgiu, Mini bom lltih it Im** upload,
iinly oVfr many rot'iutics in llm,
b't.a'.jto many ol tin*('loh,
At ; |t a tat/i^Vt 1 . i> t 11 it vr\aUo i Willi
imtiv.oi out lin mi in it *. m \n itboul doubt u
vi:t \ (|tut j)IhUJ!O grafts, mi'! frtodm im hMI
I * ini (ptalily of bay, yu blmg from Ihm*
to ijrit tOl'H j• I l'bt*Ms MtffllH'-fllH
aiv <’orrol>oraf<*d !>y M u Thomas hot*k
amtoWtiu old niit/. oft of l lmj country. Vr>
'lon llrn\y (i I,nail to ( mi).
Wnshlngton, Jnl) t?. (hull ve H Orth,
il liduiuK, H. puhlii an anuiinec tor (iovui
oor if tinri Hr ate, iir*.J lo Waatjuighm
to diwpii'V, il po.Hwilile, lh* rliargi K invo.v
mg ht* ii'pulfitl'll in coniariion with tin
Vent'V'ie'inn claim awiii llr Hudv li the
( oinnliealtiin of Ortb'a name in tt*la Mian
dal thal lh* liottJaa Wnpuhllr in Kaecutiye
(>-io*n .'* *■ *m ‘ Hi'M'l.iy I*-inter ret Vo 1 "lit
•fnikkhuiH f*i utrttTrrnrn'nnmtmn for -fhrvet
nor in place ol <hih, Fruit, hiewevcr, (io
i ivi* y tie* lim it to accept, auying flint hr
will not h/hlv iuiliu Un: poltlii al inrna nn
■ho my •*neii|*r**• in. The anh *• .minilire
on p*. 1* 1 .f,pi Alfcnra in ready to hear Drill’",
ktiiteraenl. atilt will, t< (lour Kile, liny* In 1
ma w prevent during the (octmirintion.
By ivai Oluo Fontiniivtcr.
Hold the wag, lor If tyen nr coming ,
(Crooked wlilaky Hi 111 !)
th ai tin' almut lioin Wakhltieton t
Clycc.M aay a, " Wc will,’’
J to I I the awag ,
Hold Hie aw a/ ;
Wilt: hv won’t lit all 11 f
Ifoid tlie Bw fig ,
Hold the aware ;
firdicoek aaya, “We will.”
Courier Journal,
General John F. Kamsworlh, ol Itlinoi*,
wha served tor sevetal tenns a a 11. publi
can member ol Coagresw, bus come out f.r
Tilden and Ibrudriuka, and made a strong
*pe*oi' iii favor of their sleouou at Aurora
Illinois, on the night of (lie <Hh Instant.
.Geo. Farnewer'.h ha* always been ahead
ol hi* patty. %a lhTGwlien ifnihick and a
Sew senegad*! tfeorgiao* were ttyUig hi
have the Hute reconstructed again. Got),
Farnsworth opposed their rascally scheme.
He i# a genuine, not a sham rebinner, and op;xxt* vbe (osodnlao.-* ol vest re
Preferred Irocals
Muslins and Lawn* at lOcts yd at
There la .TUiiM-y lit It.
In these hard times a good return for
honest I ales is very desirable .Any active
young ruaa or young lady can tarn a hand
some sum by addressing, for [.articular*,
the M rnager* oi The CorotTiTtmov, the
great pelitioai gpd family journalfcpubiisbi-d
at the Capital of the B'ale
ConstrfurprN inJUbisiiLMG co,
4l Ati.awta, Oa.
A BKAcnrur. 10l ot FKiirnv“nei MyUt,"
also a lot ol checked, bleached And brown
Domeatica, Just received at
IU)niN>OV ft BfO H
Robinson &, Br o '^
lIIIKKN VI 1,1 K. (] A , f
July 28 h, l‘>;i> )
Best Prrrrtn.... g . .. . ... .freta
tfranlteville Ur.iwu Drilling 10 „
Bleach Drilling 12t
Brown llotuespim....... .8 to |u n
Bleached Ll.mie.spmt-,. .., 7+o 17 (Is
S'.a Island Itnmespun 7ro 11 „
Elnvked t)sn dinrgs.... ~li <l>
Sniped Osnabttrga I I „
tleorgia Checks . I'ff
'Jntlim N ares )l 2 > Imm
Coals’ Spoiii Thread. ... 75 els do/.
Hickory Stripes.... 12 j cts
Brogans ...fl 2iM l.fkl
Women’s Kip Shoe* fl 24
tleutiine D \ Ii Seavd Hoes
No 1 ,‘0 els
s " ’■> i-L
S.M'vil i'aucni MtH*M N ■ J .. JWi „
. '* 70
Nails—Alt sizes ft „
Anuta I, It Shiou la 1:1 25
Best Rio Codec 25 els
(tiamibiled Sugar 121 n
Yi'lln'v <i. H |g„ . . . It
Choice Now Or limn* Syrup ... „
Kafr Now t). leans Syrup 70 „
Sugar HotHM Molasses 40 „
Best Vinegar ttl „
Beat English Soda 8 „
Black Hcpt>er . . , „-, 2A „
Matches Oil,, do*
■ld.t rpr(dv.wl A l.iimK I, -r otTl HNII*
At Ui'ilutid /’/hVa.
iiislll and
1 IH?H, WHICH IncSuduM National,Hinlc
and fr uoty * H'rliorr*, hthl which will nil
.|*eilTi*“tly4*r.-Hr** tie*-! 11' It ye ami It*.l iv
, hlc'! ..I any aim 1 the nieiint/'itlile r in
vihh of Ihltly ia now hiirly opined. Tin
National Demonra'ic Pally will Lliu yen
make a ledd. vlgor*m; unit doufr leva sue
(ca*ful afniggh) lor !li nmirttruiaraai and
"iiprntim* y id lltove pi innipma wlik Ii are vi
lal lo the proapciity ol the Hcp.dilt.: mill
CMMUilhil '.** tin well lining ol lll*' piuipln
In addition to tlm- I'rcvlih-n*hvt election,
tin: pnoplo in Otjorgia nml Kl >rlda will olcd
new Htatr* goveniMMuitv fn Florida tine cam
pnlgn proiriiwa br lie unuaualiy vigorous
un*r tlierc is 11 probnhilily llml for the firat
I true since the war the people ol HiaiHudi
i'Hl ridden Htale will elect a Ihuuocrallc
Hi ate governiinu.l. In theaa ttnmpaigtw tin
|s.opie of tlie Houtliowe deeply iiilcreuted*
and every inteiiigent citixsn, who liaa the
welfare ol his country and Ida *e> tiotv at
heart, ahould acrptaiut himself with every
detail ol the great work of redeunptihri and
reform t!ra(. ia now going on.
To ll*i end he should subscribe lb and
***l*l in circulating tlm rtAVANNAII
NFVVH, vn iiidcpsirdtiat Ikon
oeratfe new spnper. of prrmouncod opinion*
and fearless In Bieir etpieslon; a jai>et
that 1* reaognljed everywhern as tiie lient
daily in the tHuilh. Dts editorial depart
ment ia vigorous, tliougiit'ul, ad c >n*i-
I'M,, white it* new* uud local departm urt*
■ire marvel* ol industry and completeness.
Its department* ot and Florida al
lair* I* no* Orel fined to a mere barree sum
rnitry of event* trsnainnng in those Ktstes,
Ini t i enlivened by comment at, once apt,
timely, and tacy.
The am[ile resource* of tiie e*t:iWitil'ncni
will lie devoted to lurnißi'ng Mte rewler*
ol the
Morning’ NVwh
with the latest intelligence from all pails
•if the world, dttougli thr: press'dtspaicln-s,
siiecial h-iegratn', avid by ntMUt or sp;cia!
correapotidence ; sod through these Ageu -
ciits the p.i|M r wiill.e ttie erli**t chroni
cler ot av> ry note worthy incident of the
polit ca! Camp den ol i.
MlTi.SCitiF'l ION..
Dally, 1 year $lO 00
“ 0 in intn* .'i (a>
14 8 intuith a 1)0
Tri Weakly, t year 41 (Ml
0 months 3 tar
“ 8 nnioUiv. ...( I Ml
Weekly, 1 year v 2 (Si
** 0 bum.Hi* 1 (St
“ K tnoiU/i*. ..T7 00
Dpeclnted coi.te* ui ul lrce on rceeijit ol
H cents.
*Vf' Money can fie sent by Plait O/Boe
Order. Ucgi-tered ftetter, or Express, at
our lisk.
.■J-WaUkl., Ga
| . ) H ‘liars a day rvt home. Agents want
I eil. Outfit an * ferrm fr tie. TfUJK
A' CO , Atrgnsta, Maine.
Nr. HulTuln Hill ttrvntve OV|UI?
aunt with tierrtr)itan tnr at. Vt r.r. Nrr XUI Cl (Tl:
t.riHfarttnn rnsrantnet rrnuwarr.f fntnhA j. KHrK
VKSTKin t‘N WOIIK*. ( hlrscn,
V llwlma (Mn hruuk Bkwki V O Hi 340.
——j A WEEK guartwrtp"l to Agents
'1? i I Mtli 1 mnl Punrale in r’relr ova
.. ilnv. Twtva uni tHfTKir FREE
id lii s- T. (). VICK.E. IV ,tv., .V iguii i
Maine. ,-* ;
s' ~V Ci- ) f V* v, ' r JfV “f home
f,N • ) cTpf ,' *plea w ofrb free. A<l
.In'* STINStf.N A. CIV, f’.irthuel Maine.
* k j jsrcHtrM vncv. <Hi sour.
1 CHARMINti.”’ 110-v either sex
may fascinate ami gai*. flu* love impi alive
lion ul anv tliey elemwr, lllHtanitly
Tina arl till can |Heas, fi r't, Irv nnnil, tor
ift re ds ; together ivilli a \l irtiigi) Hoi is
Egypt! iu •trae.le, D.e.unH, 111 its to I.tdlv >
at . 1.0d0.1M0 aol t A oncer Irook. Ad
dress t VV llrl.l .V MA CO Pub's Pin ftdel-'
|*ll Iff
Were, Ttrxiity Fan Cud*
C, m !,uidrg n CniopieU! Vial nf *ll B*
low it- in the Uivitnd St H*a, the Tuniti/rier
and lbe Domitycnf <‘4 4 leads, ltovlng *
po\)ii!tdi'ii) greater than s,duo 1 according b'
Ihr lasi CCriNUM, liatetber with 111" nnnr ot
iluTh'ewapipOTS Inwimi llw largnst local
"eireirlirtkitl In uerir of dt*r fdaeos hhiihiil
Also, a catnloKim •>< unwrpwvwia which am
rnctiutfth tided Br adverirrets aw giving
gnratnst yilinc ro* pro)>ei'ihm to pvicc-i
charged. Also, afl iH;waprV|t>ir* ini lire U n
led Sillies and t hinmla printing ovei SjXJtr
iMipie* ea h Ibsiic. Also, all Mm Relrgtouw,
Agii.oltini*l, Bctuutirte. imd MeOtaaicaV
.Medical, M isonte, Juvenile, Kdu. alimial,
Cotiuiiereial, limmimoe, Real lielate, Low,
sporting, Musical, Fashion, and other
special class Irourmvla very conpl* >' u
Together whir a eisnpkM list ol HlkV Her
iimiß' papers printed in tire United States
A Iso, an essay irpim- uihriu BsMi'g ; iiuvny la
bios ol tales, rhowltrg ll"’ cad "t wivertis
ing in various newspapers, and everything
winch a lieguinui iu utVverlishig Would like
iii know. A<bh’>n
tll'.O E. HOW ELI, A, Cos .-H Park Kow,.
Nvw Yuk
A complete list of Arrrericasi
nriiiiherlng mur e limn i ignt thoiiaivrnl, with'
aft /.dicin' of nit Ihc lowna and s’diiea lie
which Uiey an' puMietred ; lliilnrh-ai and
Slatlelieul Hk< tidies ol Che (ileal Newspa
per Kslahliklmieiils ; illhetniled 1 with inHli
irons engravinga oioac piieet)nil News|ia
( *er tluil't! itn, |t*>oH ey --(Hi 1 'Aitiie, jiiat
wjod, .M.uliui, pa- Lpuol, bo any address
for dheenc* Apply fiiudokilig pi les ) to
Fiitkiiv.N't’fcfi wms f or Tine Ntta KCAi'Kit Pa
vii.Kirr, i.'enbmniil Ovoulnia, Pliltadelphia,
or American* News Ho., New York.
(Jrainlea. Hcheme ever Presented to tipi
PuWh: t;
I HHIIDN (fOMPANY, i*iitliril hy
a a penial ml ol tlie Keoliieky HerNlaturi*
lr 1 lie ranvlll o| the Hf/'rifHiiiS*
OF niANKronT. will have die first 01
iheir avrm* ol (Jrattd lAawints at Ma./oii
Ham., In Uie C’ltv ol Frankfort, Kv, on
wldch ia/:aton they will distribute to tlie
ticket-holder* the Imiacnsc im ol
Thoa P. FotUi', ExdJov. Ky., (Jcn’i Man.
n we will have a scries cl Grand l>rawing
and cnnnwasttblisl) the piec'Klet of j)o*t
One Grand Ca*U Cdft sloo,ooo'
< trie Grand Casti Gift fiO.OOpi
One Oram! Casle Gill. 2.1,000-
One Grand‘fash Gilt 20,000’
Ot e Grand Cash tilt*. .......... 10,000 t
(Ate Grand Cash Gilt tytOO*
’ MVCash G4h* ol SI.OOO each.. 150,000'
100 Cssli Gilt* or Wf each... IF I.OOO'
l‘*Caeti G.lta ul 400 each.. 40.0001
100 < Josh Glia ot :Ud w.W. , 80,000’
200 C ali Gilts ol 200 e els.. 40,000>
ti.k) Gash Gfls ol UfOsMli.., 00,000'
lO.Otkt tfssh GilU of ']% eor:h. . 120 000
T..MU U, WlsGlt, All Cash 000.00O 1
Wnole tickets, $Vi ; 11-ilves, S(V; Quarters,
$8 ;tt Tickets, $100; 'ft. j 'l ickcis, SBOO ;
4*H Tickets, SV)O ; 95$ 'Pickets, SI,OOO.
100,(WO I icketa at slc each.
Hun. KM. Taylor. MG)or of F r ankfor
the entire hoard <dCity G.mdcilraen, Uun.
Alvin Dtr vnl, iatss Chief Justice ot Ksn
lucky, and other distinguished citiaen, lu
ge the min sncli dlsinleieated person* an
the ticket lender* p:e/nt may deviguate
wiil rupc-riutend the drawing.
Hemittace*) can lie made by KitnrettE
Drati, pnstmfllce Money ortlev nr Register
ed Letter, made payable u. KEDHTCKY 1-
AH eommouieatiooa orders tor TTekets,
aptiticatkms ler Ageueiea should be sd
dreaaei to
General %lan*gtr, Frtnklort, Ky.