Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator.
VOL. l
■ T ,'lvlKli .VKlii FHIP \Y ,
B/ W 1 T RIT7|LT^
A r ( ’>At i ANNUM. IN A >\ AS'IT
of \ (vt iiWa ;.
S i.*e ].. l. I.x k. :i it.. '•:>• ! ■ ■
1 inch I ft.) 'J 'll 4 : tilt l> I til
2 i tt-in* l ~.0 i ,) ft Vi 10 tHt 15 mi
y iiti’ it. 2on -- ini ji * ihi i lA.iiu j'i *ii
je ft 5 lhl Hi ft ) 1 2‘MKi ‘ft*i lift t 1.. ,)
i col j 7 lift l-> (Ml 'ft'' ft*' H.’i (Ml ftft .ft
iiiidft i ) Oft 'lVftft ft i(M)' fkm
* sf~ A ;i!it-r 1 1 deduction mi le to those
* Ivt'itUing hy the mouth tir vear.
C3U jM rtf uFi’l 3E i. >.
oIt'MNV’V I i>. IV. UtiutiitfS
• lIKUIfc'E W 't Fixer
t Lfc.Uk 'i ft A 1 llmlf!)
TAX KKftKIVJ'-it 'A V Wlu‘,-U
-TAX toil Kft rou '\ t;. l*oi,
'TTTKXSf !tfc'.ll • : .1. Anfti iv
f'L'UV I.V oil U F M .Ik- a
- HNIVIHI At AH - nti N UUS.
K. A fthuill, Ait rou Mftlty,
i . J Itt eves. .1 K Hull
AWn TT, Wift. i.
150A lit) OK 1 DLTATIpN.
■i ftir. W. rtitrlr; U .1
Mat! tt<>i. Ibexes. It A. Unk.i,
A 11 i’ict-miii Set*,
t- KSA ft 'lt .ift h 1) tall n I, It. 1, i’i'Hi y
It; Irttt. i v FatTV l u
Oliajot IWa lief \\ 1" H'x ,11
TuhTmiss uah us
juli a \\ PAKiv,
\ ri' •.n n:: vat law.
. \ I . . fN\ I ! ' I , <• H
\\ i .’ll f fi >1 -riwelllCl Mitt tin- :n 1
J- illilig t’OUhTi' "
lit.H . .I. L. I’h V. V \ ,
\ M UlSl’.f A t LA .V,
„ \ U Kit* NV I 1.1.K.U A .
A II Fit! I.MA '<i.
v I I Ifi N V Ari AW
\ 0 m i nvii.iT, H a
Al, busbies imli'Me !I" h >• i aibmd
it, *:, Ii ami ;n lul lii
JO.iA I- liU .1.1. 1 I.A.
J \ (• un , N V11.1.K, <i A.
V\ ]i„u< <. i i!i* ■- “ •'’ end *>'<!*
, , s . i ~i Mi 11 Ai-tlicr, anil die
J- .pl'inn I i<l ill* i -iHi'lta i ' 11 1, | „ .Alii :
l>- ■ I . , A !■: r .
1)1: .;L. U. 1 <V<liLI L
lt-JI.L toNllslL lit/ *•
\ \ Al. ... .• . •.. . Itll.b' Hill I m
1 < .411(1 1V .1 }.( " ' ,i I ill" ''l "I I ’ll '> .
>lul *I I l-m I' ; li’l I* , I .111 |ill) It ti'.l l"
- !'U -t! \ . l MOW V,
/ . f'l 1 l(.~i i. Ii nil- 'i,>• i. In H i
o.u.i* r. . J a.
im, u i- uaIX,
_ -l li i 4• • ‘
I —--
, , . r rt - rti. i a l *!
? , u|| ,*.* Nu U.
i • ‘ ■ 1 • ; ■ > “
j,jiv ..I *■ *4* ** '
tub ~~ • -
l:.t> • • = '
(i; Ji Al ■ ,<• " ‘
. . ■., \\ . ' will ln'i-t* al.ny
1 l a. • ill—..
, ~ , • a ('IW, ' .
* .. . ...
,11 KLL A AN > > FAN* V HO 'DF
< Vhihwl i’. ii 'iii ll. "I
•f/ f,(H.D a bILYi.U V., ii .Li: . -A?
.. ... ; , . <t*. • I ii.' i ■ ni&Kt
J, ( ~O . I .1, •; r.A'-l Wall 1., II .n
gj\ ail tilij I>Y\C' fc
(.H'lii I • .)• am! all I.l'i'Vi "I L.T. V ,> ; Vi rid
►iler A nusd s,<tacit* A Kyc-OLsee*.
Silver Plate Ware
of alt kind* end Kt>sea;
I'o krt, TaldP ul rr. Altsi/ors
bj the very renowned makers.lOfcfci'D
lt'<U ERS tu ! DKOHGE VV ‘>’l EN
ll< rLVr
1 am ftiii repairing sit good* in my **re
T‘>f> many r ittoen* of Meriwether nu r a*-
|iMaiiigewatietkrtlated try work to
require a word from me as to the ctarac
tci ol it. I will, however warrant all my
work, if projicrij tr* .1, a 1 bate always
done, end resjiccttulli ask e continuance,
lie patronage I have received from mv
r.t! k in 5! r; u' ■ •
Bosiißiifttl Prowrrbi,
n.T vU :il£ feul 1-j li*. U Uhi***.
lie liu' U !i i c t t;l u it a., to the
a o*kl.
w a mV ;y<- tT.rf rmi ? Jfttj
n nes.
Forgive * rv v a>* Id i : Uiy>*'{.
li h Uiou-a nl p,ij !s i>i i 4 .v iee\ n l
an uu ce <4 1 vc.
Thv* jlcAutes Il ie rich arc th • lou* of
ilc jhkir
15 a fsiiifel >! y.> .i p.d vrs, aiul oiliers
V% I : ?.
\\ heK£ i!rti ns I ea! the Dws are iljiub-
Drt.'jA ,'.?■ the iluait* l:itt hOt gr
Kvciy >\\• • l > hu*. Ui nndf oo^.
A c riii‘.iU' (\in ■! ! it* a i * tliu ii. lead
A ii t.jfuie.ibVj miv' a ive a b*jufai
A 1 > 1 miv hi the lyoney, bit it iej
ft a a t).<ii to trjviul if,
A ilho 'H Ci'n and Il v v! t b-td isd ♦#.
Au: i ; l]k ik; a vsVv man ami act
like a loo). \
Awi kr ib, ki. Wi w.v krt.ii-t he iauio
i 1 I'aiotxd i <*}>< lit •
pan) o( loali. \
H> oilica'a faults wise iuea coru*cl thri;
{' Hiloit the ihi'os iplo't’s tlul
till IH nil it lOUt liUS tali) j;oM.
t'oal.'liiAi CkiiUi*iLu*>+ i* <t Ot "WTs
Fane u the j tMhmie of Si tie*’ is.
Uuitd pu icliura hull uti l uit 1} >\v
Hi . liiTfi .ii n** That is in tin t ouipany
ul mib'r ltdmollis
ii a volant uy niLf '! me
Law J era" Imiwo-i me bmll" on Utu Ill'll
<j! tiMilV.
Ni'VOl 1411 t a niUitity f<if liojic.
Mu ml do lan iiiakd t in tu noli who ha*
a l.i'.i !
N ill 11;' la to Ic I* <t ■ 11 \Vil|l"U! | lain*
l(,.l I 1,11 I t
1 111 bust 111. tl L Hltj ill lh puiao.
The i hLT i iiJ ol mao i- Hot to pot 111 111
‘ v
Tii<• nio,t l:(i!in_: moiiuiiio I- h o mail
i,I papor
T tio poll nl tbo alifinlil ho- illpno.l
ill t'll' I It of t • Ifl Ill’Hl t.
Ttn ylli il Aiiin* nut pi'iiao ill rirvoi <! •
ally! In * g tv orly oi it,
110 ig! I."' lii-hvo ahefl ,1 i-iiia. yot Hum
mo a it all I'.nri.
\V. ..iiglii .it hot: to 'lO alii* it 01 to apoali
oi.i. h \b.*. an' b- 101 Inan Mloa-'* .
T i* I I I I . hi , fTla I I (l la I lir .
ii ' 1 'itsii 1 iii-at, aitl : h i.'iup
ale * r-i
n- ,-rm it ll h< nig 1 -
Wai 1 a.Viil l* '.heui who have novel
I ini 11.
|v lay mu lliii.k- him o I ullie t‘> ailvio
—ti.jA-t ,:booy —O'"-0 CM to
!-, >i | I .|th toa! ay "I 1
||r ,|,.|<* I- I 111- lIKM.II 1" pilhalaK “Oli
, i•... M,O i- < * ",<■ jrltH pww 1 ■ '
t :, -; s iS, t-Su-.ttnw} *-
11,ri i-koit tli--culprit wlm‘ liaii- ft woiiT.i
ii ij liro in tiTio; r< onl h : “ to lull
.•I *l.t alii niHtutii v v Tne tlnol allow*'l
it Him I r>n itm ahniit tliriic y Well,
iaaii{ the .Li To, I will if vn you J it thiw
, , *■ !ahH a' !.#•! U!a in the HP-ti ''
: riaor), aa 1 wi.!i to give the |"|'le i 1 .V"' 1T
. .-ig-.b irhu.. lam 110 hlllto la -o new
vt>.., a • •! I e >0 1 ri't"; tl vn r lilcit
A U.i-i iiioiti!*if at tho io!00 1 poriua
‘..,,11, wlo, wav i.ourioMo 1 of at aim, wo own
•-.I upTir • at* noe am I waw toil if lio ha)
|*oi q a wl.i'o iiia'i ho woulT ifive him ot>'
ion. he i ,Cn t 111 tho piantoMtiary, Imt in
atn. jiT, a- ‘ wa* n l olnre't man, au l ho
w.vli- *1 t-. l ive i.i'n an opportunity to M'
1!,,. „p; 1 1. .itonni il, ho Would lliahu It on
ly h'.i year a.
|*x khu Ma Dim .kcxutkd.- A gentle
r ; ,a' recnt!y invi'e t a well known IwlO*
rer to l;i* bon vs to take Tmmedl rtely
on being *< *’<-1 at table, a little daughter
i I lire gentleman said to the gquit#
abruptly, Where is your wile ? 'l'lie g'-ntl*
man, having been recently s*i>ariiled from
the | uitu<r ot h a life, was Misprised and
annoyed at the quest! -n, and stammered
forth the truth, I don’t know l) m’l know*
replied the enfant terr Me. Why don't you
know 7 Finding that the child persisted
In her interrogators#*, despite the mild re
proof of her pa-ent*. he cooc'uded to make
a clear br<a tof the matter, an 1 hare It
over at or ce rv; he fc aid with calmness :
Well we don’t live together. We thinks*
we can’t agree, we’d ire Her not. He *t fled
a groan, a* the child began again, and dar
ted an exasperate I look at her parent*.
JJu? the little torment would not he quiet
ed until she had eic’aimed : Can’t agree 1
Then why not fight it out, as pa and m*
The Louisville Courier-Journal say* the
independent* elected to the Indiana legis
lature are democrat*. The new lieutenant
governor is 'he presiding officer of the sen
ate, an ! ha* a vote in that body. On joint
hil.ot she democrat* redly have two ns*
Joritv. sitting Hi 1 Morton's health is no!
a* gcod Silt was. llis leg* are laslsna
•gain- “
The nuruher of civil employee* under
President Buchanan wil 42.527 ; under
Lincoln In IS3. when the war was at it*
height, 47 .175, under Grant in 1 WO, 51,207;
under Grant ir. 7873, ; .under Grant
in 187<>, KS.S39.
I lift huu iinoiilnl Ci ftcd.
WluwTcr will Itt* inr i *.|, sa/s the N *.v
11 tv .'u Iti-gislcr, lufitro l| tlftnifK it is uro
e-s.iry lit* It tld tiie CitnJ i,'nl filth; n I
t !*• f *r>i 1 lilhJs thk: Taut tatra w*r
twu in! ltt*i crentoj, It *t!i etjol
a i.l yt'l o.if ' to tfis ot'te-, uu 1 ttie
itilt'i ioi tit ill b.*r rule over the niftieriar,
wht.-li Uiilt, e\-eat every (t:te whole
•ml iimlrfllfd, without Jnht he shill Uo
so iiJe.l st evei’lssttn'iy.
T ie mult in vu|t ri u fti the wo nxn an 1 th.*
woiiinn in inferior to the msn; yet lt.ith ik
et) ml, anl thj wu<uau simll me
flu* wo nan is com ns ijuj to ohsy Ih i
mtift an 1 the in til O (jilt io ol>Si the wo
An l yet there lie not oho.lieuU—h it one
For there h one and tmi lio i nominal of
(ho liu.tlioml, n id another doiuiuiou resi of
the wife,
A nl yet tlioie are not two uomi tioiit but
toic rlnmiTlirni.
Kor, like as w are co n|>Blh*l bv the
IL'lnUlion verity 1 > jM'-ktH*** (h tt wlvt*
miftt suhmii themselves to their huibttndi
t and lie '.il'.j .1 l i (hem in ail lliiift^s
S we are lurldjjen by lonjnya!
At it It tony I'lnl Ihey s tool I bo af 1 all In
llitciiu'eil by tfteir wi'U io osy regards lo
ih4tir I’onunnnds.
I'liyHu.m was not crealut! for tho wo
in n. biiKthe wdin tii lor Hie man.
Vel ihe man sh tll no Hie slave ol the
uain i and the woman Cyra ill ol the
So that in all things, as a foe said, (he
subject! Itt 111 the so.n* ior t I l Ur, t Infortfti
is to tie tialinvoil.
lie, ihoMifoi'o, that will lx; mefrie-l imiat
tliua think nl tint woman tail I the man.
KyiMhetm >re, Ii i* noceosmy to suhml*
*ive matrimony '.hat tie also littlhivo right
ly (he ill!i!>iiity nl hit wife.
I’m tin' 1 iyli t l.iiili i that un Ixnloveaiiil
e iniijos t *ut the wife 1* tallih'.u au l itifalli
i’oiTictly l iUHile ami p ileetly lnlalllbl;
■if an oiling Himl mill unerring miml wubH
ting ; fallihle, n t u;:lilng hoi human mi
In 1 , nml iiilullili'.e H* (o icl'illg hot' I'emalu
Who. hlilioiivli alio he lilllhle anil Infal l
hie, ahe 1* not tah lull one woman ; wlm
•1 ’ 1111■ iI. .1 to l.iwlul ill ai uiMi to m o tin.
uni 1 Oil ilmiiinl'iu ami pniml-so l iitligi ni--
ly t.i obey, that ahe inlghl rule with tin
r .1 tnnleil *wav,
Tni< n iliu 1 nij igal I nth, which, except
a nmn li'Tiuvii I ihbiuUy Im can not hn uiat
MTii ii in (hi fl.urlul,
I 1 ..HI mill I1 1" •ijV.'Vtlo.i *• IH'IIV villi'
1 npntii'ni 1 lie! demau I* a mme llmro igh
. ■iii >1 tli in uty of the p ili'fcal i (H'lei nl
'ho .Ih ■ (Tie rimiig generation Hie intelOhl
'I. 1111 I llm pioli'.ivii ah mid ho Iho
Olio llil'V leal h lIH- 111 'l >l Ity Age.
One iler anyv T'lioie >mi I)-' tin ruTe
laid down oil tlna hit j rot will'll flta *ll
, Knim* pi 'iplo hi*' mat 111 tally 00 liiil'lh
cto'ih Mi l tliriltv -that-they witl g't ahmg
under ■tnwat mry’ iTfoumatam-na ftiltKin
, HU hu. and -•hilTcws Unit limy Call'iol
ii'orr n -rierwnT eTenmotanoea The
I. hi lor the lit t cTihi t g"t married
is whenever .liman to do to; while
tho light time t r tile oth*’t claas to gel
um'rlo l aelduin ever cornua al all.
A you couple w ill) truly love ei h nth
•l, and me wiTing t" work haul and live
!■< 010 ni' ally, and patiently build up their
Put me little by little, may ailely aomi lor
lie elergvinaii aa aoon aa it may lie convi
nleiit ■ but young people who are lu/.y amt
1 ,ie more fur ahuw than lor ao'ij wt'llafc,
a!,null! wait till they aojuirocorrect notlona
lily anil thrifty habit* belore mariyiog.
In tliia day the young lady tee ail incum
be M on bet t marry on the fl rat opporlu
i,Hy Hii" boginf to look around lor abut
!, 11 1 t'le moment the pula 011 a dre* that
touche* the ground and "pen* m front.
The young man ca*t* atxmt lor a wile,
juat > *XIII a* lie can care** In* flrvt lip
hair. It aeera* a* ii it wa* abaolutely nee
eaaary to pitch right in and marry at once,
whether or not lie ha* a living in
'I h re ha* been an awlul amount ol mis
ery caused by llsia Iroy and girl marrying
hutiueas. And in nine oases out of ten, it
ha* noi been solely the chi diets’* fault.
Motuers aoctri to think that the sooner llieir
i sghler* marry the better tor then).
There never was a greatei mistake. Moth
er* who encourage lbe*e youthful [ leludea
to misery simply rob tiieir children of that
small modicum of happiness which they
should be allowed to enjoy on this earth,
lor it rarely hapjens that these child-mar
riages tuns out well.
Mau should never marry until he has
reached the age ol five and twenty and the
woman should at least have attained her
twentieth year. Then habits are settled,
di*t<r*Uiou* made manifestly apparent, aul
the mating can be duo* with a full knowl
edge of each others faults and vhtuee
The man should bae a tool ol hi* own
and a living guaranteed. The woman
should have well learned to stop flirtation
nd to love her husband above all men.
Hat when Little children put on the uiasri
moma yoke, sad siasl down Isle’s journey
hsnd in hand, then the chances are about
one out of a hundred that they will be liv
ing like dog and cat before two year*.
We Isold laat the father or mother . who
would encourage each marriages commit a
sin that can r.ever be forgiven. They de
serve a worse fate tbarvtkal of the mother
Triling With mi oi l L w.
I sViiull n*t make light of tha Lew, nor
wml’d 1 mss* light ol *ny serious .a j >.-t.
I fcewll the inf ! n's, n | smile i„ a,ate
I lie en trinity et the ollenee , an-l |>.rhs|o
other* ftlv bu likewise vi.i tly allude.l
Tu flrat (’inhibit try I inla vin Mt*
sccliusetw waseiii-t'd by the LgUiatmi
ol 18Si-39, aud was com n m y kn >wn a
the KitUtM-gail.ui Ltw. ll.idur tiiis law i
wa prohibltui, to soil any spiriai.m I
quoralnulor* q lantity 1 tan Hi ea i y,.
Ions; u*3o|it It itvuvor, that (he county
ooinuils*ioneis might lictmae ap,.(ltecaries
or praeticitig pliysioims lo sell lor pu aly
mui'icinal and mechanical inn poser. 1.
was also jir.o i led tlial botufi'U inu-.mldcrr
might bt Buenas' l lo sell winu ami olhsi
Icrmcmrd bevuages lo guests, but, under
fit® law, no li,tiding sh ip could be main
taiuud, and un spirituous liquor could be
solj by ihugias*, n tr in any email qnaiili
ly lor diiiiM'ig purjMMtur.
Ths ttntl *1 trln; tiittng with this law
necured, if I entomb r lightly, in thu town
ot Dedlmm T* as *Ol t Ite occasion nf gen
oral iwusiw. In a far comer i 1 Hie flenl u
lent of goodly si/,, was dieted, before
ultich wat,*;x;i.Be !, in ftmuting ci|iitals,
a notice In the etleel tli H Tnu Won lerlul
Birl(wd Pig, urns on exhibition wiiljin. As
ihe Jay w 0,,, mi i'„ tislu i.i ftmi ten. b
eiiins more an i in oe fen ;ent—ilift unm
bor nl I'lilrnu* iocro ae I aius/. ngly—until
at length tie 101 l tide ol h I.mioiu sunned
setting tliat way. Finally an arou ed mil -
es*r trf th#-btw though! he would go i.i ami
lake it look.
The price ot ndmiui.m wa* only aii-.ind
* q latter c*ta. lie paid ilia money an I
entered. An! tliia was a Imt ho lound :In
a email pen, la mio coiner, was an iuiim
ccut pt(, Mrlpetl with blank paint liko u
xohra. In mi nlhr corner, behind a rough
bar, win a mail drawing liquor iroin a bir
iul. and eerviiig it out to Ida patron*. B*ld
1 quor amelied like Mudtord Hum ; but Hu
man did not fell it. l’oopla |mid to aee
tbo Won lctiul IV, aul the rum was a
gialnilOJ*ortering. T’mi util* ei called a.
•iatance, and cauwT the almw 1 1 cease, but
nut however, until t 10 barrel bad lieen we I
nlgli em.i l*d, and the owiioi’* purse .veil
fill** 1. The lam.t ol ilmi Ibg liecame in
lone, and tor yeuia, ii M isiacli’lsoll* Htrip
ud I’.g wa* the n tiiiii Ini,low and up m mir
rvptlii iu*ly eo.J iipioiv.
Amitliir ttiflmg witii the taw, quaint and
inismes* like, came under my ob-o vstio.i
M . Kowlof kept a large giocery aloie 011
Coinmurcp'J *licei, in II ("ton. One da>
•lioitly ttlfp* “ ,JH uuwin.'e imntt. iii 11 uu
take 1 for h q nit} "I biandy.
t; m’t .In it, sii l Kuwlor.
L’ail't do ll r lepev'e l tin) old ClWtoliiW
in .-iiipiUo.
You know tin' 1 iw. 1 ean'i '• I I'"** than
fit oi 11 gallonr.
VVlmw t"Sy. old iii .;a rt i yin mean to
slick t<l tlut ?
I iniial. till I h i In.w lliings are going to
Him. am wall.hi ig in ail dun
Tile i'iilnmei' aciwlcbed hi* b< !vi, am!
flnatiy a-bright tight broke "V-i bn laee.
Bay, Fowler, ll I bid llttuen gallon* ol
p, line old brandy '0 M il, would you liny
and *
II you'd sell it tlgli', ye-
Then flint you Med m I!Teen gallons and
a <| HU, wdl you f
KowUr look Uih pay lllofiT ne, nml thru
he b l .mg A back ft'.teen gaToiiH, ami tin’
*utimiei went awiy with bis ipiart ol
brandy rejoicing
Hut tliovc were in the da'k day*, wtimi
l>H<)|)le had an idea that Liw meant *Olll-1-
lliiiig. They make (hotter cut* with 111
law now.
fkiul Among Froplid*.
The prospects of suecs** arc bringing In
a decided I v mixed company. T J. Mackey,
on# ol the 8 ruth Carolina Circuit Judg-s,
and (it I* to he feared) not Use least merce
nary and time-rei ving ol made
a speech far Tildeu in Cooper Institute
hail, NW Yolk, last Wednesday, in which
h* predicted too electdou r f Wade llarnp
aisd Psld some truth* atrout the shameless
robbery and oppress'du ol the Mouth Caro
lina taxpayers. Mackey said taxes were
>H per cent.—h*nU interest Id to 30, and
only three out ol eixletiJswillwns ol arable
lauds In tbe Htsle of Mouth Carolina under
cultivation. If anybody knows how badly
the Carolinians have been bled, it is Mack
ey. He was one oue of those who held
the busiu and weighed the product. —(Ma-
con Telegraph.
Many a child goes astray, not Irecause
there is wars'ol prayer or virtue at home,
but silnply because home licks sunshine.
A child needs s miles as much a.* flowers
need sunbeam*. Children look little be
yond the present moment. If a thing
pleases, they are apt to seek it, II it dii
pieases they are apt to avoid it. If borne
U the place where laces are sour, end
word* harsh, and fault finding i* ever on
the ascendant, they will spend ts msny
hour* as io**i!ile elsewhere.
Grant ha* psld up tbe two per cent. *-
■easuient like a little mau. It was a tough
thing to do ; especially after hearing Irotn
Indiana; but republican campaigns are
expensive. He cat/t expect a mars to rote
twice in a t' state all the time, for
i nothing,
Wc mlvbc every M i*-, Wm:in un I CliuNf
in M TiAfther t • gti do vn uud b.iy tiitir
BnU, Sl>9?.i aaJ Ljathar
rom .111Ll.lCll A it|{.)., tho wide wk>
''h.ta Men ol West I’oint Ua. They Itsv.
Mote Siloes, and Sell them CV/ft’.l I‘K.t
Him any oilier lion,so in the S ate.
full sro, 'K n to ;.i.v*f v/ /,>u
lil.K t'O/.N $10) p;r pur, SOI.
LK l VII Mi 2) r lA, if - .
S \ VANN All, UA.
I 1870, WHICH iae'uit** National, Btntu
and county elections, ami which will un
doubtedly lie the most active and holly
con tinted of any nluce the inemorablu o*n
vans of |8fl(), it now fairly opened. The
National Democratic Parly will Hus year
make a hold, vigorous, au l dotdi ic* uc
*ful MlUggla h r li e p aiidi lai 1 e u.d
supremacy ot Itinac principle* which an: vl
lid to the pmai'ciity <>l the Itep.ddic and
CNSctitUl to tlisr well Tiling o! the people,
In addition to tlx" Presidential election
the people in Derugin and FI uida will elect
new Hlate government*. In Florida the cam
paign prom!*,!* to tic iiniiHually vlgorou*
ami tiler** is 11 probability that for the that
dm* Mim e Hie war Hie people ol thslltidi
cal il Idea Htste will vied * Democratic
Hull' government. In these campaigns th
<NH|'de Wlk 1 lw.*f WoNr.r m
welfare nl Id* country aim 111. - .
lieait, khouli) ai.ipiaiu' himself with ev.ry
detail ol Ihe great w n k of ic lempti m ami
rV'lorni that I* now going on.
To this end lie slm dil Mibseiilx' In and
HMf ill iirridatiiig the HAVANNAFT
M'fKNING NKWH, in imbpvndeui Dam
nrial c liewMpapei. ol proii'.iluiid opniion
aud leal leva in thru exp" stun, n I' tper
dial l* 1 ccog 11 i/.eil everywbin "* lie- lest
dally 10 di' H-mth Its editorial depart
iiumi t I* vigorous, l nought lid, a >d c- hisih
ent while il* 1,1 w* and lixnl I'epnrtfli 11
aie mai vein ot industiy ami coliipleiene**.
li* deparlme'its ol Oi'o-gln ami Florida *1
iuir* is not I'inlliii'd Ip a mere hiiien sum
nni ry *d event* tramp ring in thotte f tiles
but is euliveue I by c mimeut at once apt
iuiely, and tacy.
The ample rcoourcn* nl Hie edulilinlimenl
w ill be devoted to luruigtiing the reader*
,1 the
Morning Now.*
wills she latest intelligence Irons all pari*
ol the world, .lirsugh the press dixpslchca,
s|clal telegrams, anil by mean* of special
correspondence ; and through these agen
cies the paper will be tbe eurl:t chroni
cler ol every note worthy Incident ol Ihe
polit cal campaign of IH7O.
Daily, 1 year fIOW
„ <J mouths 6 W
„ 3 months 250
Tri Weekly, 1 year 'HD
“ fl mouths 8 00
“ 3 months I 80
Weekly, 1 year 2 00
“ 0 months ...100
“ 3 mouths. 80
Specimen copies sent tree on receipt ol
ccn ts.
gJT Money esn Ire sent by I’ost Office
Order, lUgistered Letter, or Express, at
our rtsk.
Hsv*unab, Ga.
_a ?
Mcrv. BCIfAUB & i’KKKINS, llv
o;rcued a splendid
n Atlanta where pictures ol all kinds esn b
obtained. Meriwether people vinting A
lanta re cordially invited to visit lh<
Gallery. **
t— bGHAUfr st PSHTtX
Awarded t e Highest Medal at Vienna.
nJI llr/idWiiy, Asia Virrh,
C>'i>. Meirnp >.Utan Hotel.)
Maaufaotnrars, Import of
ani D mlor* itt
8 to 1 'BOSCODO3 &
v i u: wus.
Au.l ki idred gnn.l*—Celebrities, Actress
ex, etc.
Wo aio lt.iadqnarturs for averything .a
ilia way of
H -iiU Mimifact irers of itis
ill. It ts 'IKS I*l Kffti.tUTAHN,
I'NtVKHr-tTy wnttmtfvrr *os,
AiiVKui mkii ■* a-r a. lit ,prictN,
nt rorricujt,
acnoob i.ANT.ttfN. r*trit.r lantxrs
PK il'Lß'g l.\N I'BltV. 'Hi. being the lie.i of Its class la
the liit'ki!!.
( Vllng.iot.if Ll l o' it 41 | BUJ M,(Till
dircclious lor uaiity, aout on application
Auv rnterprisuig uun can make money
xv it li a Magie Lantern.
tW Vixlfors to the Centennial Exposi
tion will do wisely to .Icier purchasing
goods in our lino until they come lo out
store in New York, where they will Sad
greater vaiieiy and more moderate prices,
mid can select more at their Uilstire. But
we have a concession lo sell some styles ol
our giatd t iu llio building ot the Depart
mem of I’ublic Ootulort, and tboea not
coming to New York are Ijvitud to call ou
our rcpicsuiilstiou llieru.
Ug~ A lull itock ol Views ol the Kspoei
lon Buildings ani ilwir otulenls.
{9* tint ust thla a.lvsrtlMiiuotit for rat
ranee J 1
WKhTKItN I offeriiirnalefor oo day*
LA ND ! Home valuable tract* ot
tanning ami limber land In a thriving sad
inpitlly growing Western Htste. On ac
count 01 ridlioad*, recently constructed
and Iminlgiaiion, tln'W lands *re now rap
Idly rising in value. They will lie sold very
low lor co*b. A Clear and Perfect Title
will im Uiiaiuuteed, wiili every tract oold,
with deed* nl full wnirantv Iroin re*poni
hie grantor*. Parlies desiring to purchase
land*, hu an early rite in value. Heal Batata
agent* and IT ailing M.. 11, will Sad It to
tlieir Inleraai 10 address
*" ‘ 1 nui> .i.i t ffaster,
Family Knitting t Machine!
A most Useful and Wonderful Invantlori
Now airrscdiig universal attention by M
adotdsldng p< rlormn and It* great
piai'ln sl value for cverv day laudly o*e.
It is Siinplo, Durable bm
Cheap ■* re i ,4 * r >
It will knit every poMible variety of plain
and fancy wmk
and lar better titan it cao Ire done try hmtd
or on any oilier machine. All kinds of
garment* are |m fleetly formed and alraired
tiy the machine itself, requiring no cutting
and making up. A good operator wtU
knit a man’s sock, with heel and toe com
plete, in from Jim to ton minute*/ and from
twenty to forty [mirs of sock* In a day I
Every Inmlty—especially every farmer**
family— should bsve • Bickford
Knitter It will be lound equally as
useful a* the Mewing Machine, and eve*
more profitable.
Every Machine WAIIKANTKO perfect
nn d to dojutl what i* rejirttenUd.
The Bickford Machine hr Ike ohlv l**
oitihatb cylind.ical Knitting Machine io
existence. All others, uot licensed byua,
sic clear and palpable infringements on our
patenta. aud wc aball bold all pertfea who
manufacture, aril, buy or uae such Inlring
ing machines, to a strict legal accountabili
An Instruction Book, eontalnlng eoea
plete aud minute directioni b> the
..r, accompanies each machine.
N r. 1, Family Machine, I cylinder,
need) ea
No 3, Family Mcbt:.e 3 oyl*odef,
72*HW needle*
A wm/rto MacliiM wUI be sent to say
part of the United Scales or Caned* m
)em charge* Ft-jtaid, on •< tha
1,1 a?j*hts wanted in every Bute, County
City aud Town, to whom very liberal dia
counts will he made.
Frr further particulars, addreaa
Bi’.xvosD Emthko Macuibe Mko. Cos
jw Sole Kaouiacturcr E Brallleboio A
NO 45.