The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, November 10, 1876, Image 2
Tin:' vfNWcA m-'- W*. I Hbyjcl. lStMgr and Froprieu* GUKKNVHjM*. WAtii iV. N~lu io a Cotton I* >x Ulii? up. Hilliard wa*, bht i* Pvt The ytar of Jubile,. (>■•* come. Hell R.ttler I" !e< leil l<> < "* 'I he y< t.r oi Juhl te ha* oui.r, It. tom jeri,i|,t tygi:r home,— Especially Pham her in in, ' -- ) woni. Hi in I,*Gfkßge Beya.-i rising us soiiii at f li'li ii w*ui vice*- id.’ J !.t !,attic- of I ipt/ceanoe wax fought ~njr- It,i: 7iii of November Hit , '•> ~!1' ti (>| Hi fo'in wit fought on th'- 7th ol Nm Y*llll(CI lk.fl Wn *re in 0e our Fathur'* lf<i, ntrd Ir.und to stay there, *y d>otlj B*u lldi and Uned* Hmntuy .. 4, ru. 4 OtpMtll HarmXtl *T THden 1 the Jirmcnl formal oliiuiT f-.i+ftti* K n-'irr. l*l , <iu. Al ]| di|')l,l is governor "hr l"I door-, girt, the K'i.|.jir Hi -I Hh- H 1 " limn two years O-rrtotrnrTrtdan im* h>4h~ ii and the tusew of tir w York one halt, *“<• hyhtS In lid* ' ! ‘ *" l|ftß " l ' u,n *,) the good *iil of nil loVHwnf rclortt everywhere, and has, perM*. uit*4 lb' |.| K n..,l nftl-e In the id of *<y P*f ‘ ”i> on bn MWB of the ghTba, II Gen C/: inilt, KW governor Of 0 • iri/L, i what Tltdin ha* done lif N**v York. I* too wllj MWijre tin- I ailing arallluln nod klferkion of --very KW Unoigkiu. '!' do tbl* v-'i'tfr#* # m*n ol it'"* 1 l,,frv ‘- it until Who 1* not afraid to rely upon a"' l trust Ttta pauplr ■ 'I ii i< i, a* inner, arrayed agtiiiittl liim many iJi;iiot:fif * l '" loved lUii rpuha of oftl* n better tlian I 1 << latest* of till) UiKpuyer*, and fhe*i 'l ,u *** democrats i oinlur ed to rm*h Mm, I" like manner, If Gain UnsihU itl. imh 1 * l, < '• trench mid reform, he may < *t‘ < t to iner t tlie leproßChea, ehu end fh fee o[i;ioell loti of mafey of hi* prtiin in l h h*’ •!** lion. Wft notice that tlfti <! rli|nltl r#tn ly fold • CJunalltulion rcpofti r tint lm in Ufoe nf drefvd and “raUeni Inuei t and re forin.” Till* rry, vie may rainitrk, la n|.ou the Up* of every oftlfn Imlder nnd tiflh t are It ey In lint land, liven llaye* prate* ol it j lot in, lull wo want, not iniicli | i t>4£ reform, tt* wo do I'rm ti' lug roiranrUnieiit. Itiforuj uiy truly mv thaj aim I* upon G.e lipa ol nil liut In the heart* of fuw *!uk' and national nflleUl*. lmv. Tlldrn reduced 'nxe* in New York liy suppressing IrijudFtlliii wuiu ted Ity KwfmlMr* and ring* Ii U. urgla, at tin- flight or Outlook, most 'f*4*<* gigantic ring* that wrro plundering llyo >(tl" were broken ntt I scattered. (Jen. Oolijtiltt llien Imi ini ilnga l> emaah, hot ho has ih high salaries lUtKKUiewl hy Bullock mi I hi* mammon worshipping, plundering, crew i i eil ui w if - wiiim Tire radical m~, oilhitlnii went Into e fleet the **lni<* of state ufilUlliM ippmxmiftluil mole u< rtrly than Uuw, (Infinite hi Ihlm standard. Rid ual legislation incimMKi ,B“iny nt the-*- salm-lg* nnil Uie ofllccr*. cveeiit J 1 < tit" Wniriif inil one *4-Ut UUICIJ, Ulhzncd, mill were reappointed In older to obtain this iiMtrtiaa ol pay, * Now, Uiu. Colquitt eon have these litalr salaries reduced to Uie proper standard It he will pr lettcn Home ol the retorm iiluis (Jfhl be is preaching. Let Idm in hi* tn augtMfl fii .\f January mom mend the re duction of hi* ut il ral.i ry i • fl ,000 peran nnrP} Hi* fclliry ff the judge* erf tire Bu preme court lo F-’iOhU, and li e cireuit Judge* to |l,boo, pt!r annum. Let him fol low up with cnrrwponfling reduction* In ■vety other department, nnd ho will arouse n simlWV *t>iri( in our legislators lland tn hand, I lie governor amt thu legiMatui e wiU vroik aucocHSlulty iu lightening the burden of taxation and relieving the po<> l>lo. Bucli a course will provodo a yclt of I rage Iron almost every official allotted.' ami Atlanta will be crowded with how ling ! papauckcn all lobbying to prevent the sue 1 reia of such reforms, Hut Ifibe rliiel m j istiale proves another 1 ihleu the measures -w ill succeed aud the people will sustain our gallant general. Just here we would add, this is the only practical method of obtaining retrench- ! merit, as our public debt must be promptly paid, and our present taxes for that pur pose cannot be reduced. Ouo other idea we trust Gen. Colrpiitt will incoiporate iu bis first utterances as governor; that he will veto alt extrava gaut appropriations for any and all purpo ses, and all bills looking to the state’s in dorsement upon bons tor building rail roads. It lie has tlic nervewc havcgivea.bitn credit for our "Farmer Governor" will re member the interest* of bis brother far mers and endeavor to les>en their taxes. We shall see it our confidence is tnisp'ac cd. Lot KiMi Out f< h Himski-K.—A Wash ington dispatch says: A rumor was put iu circulation to-night, emanating from sources friendly to Secretary M Trill, that tefore the meeting of the Marne Legisla ture he would resign from the Treasury end contest with Mr. Bainc Ivf? the United States Senatorship tor the term coaiuienc ing the 4th of March next When Mr. Mon ill ult ctantly accepted the Secreta>y tbip of the Trea*uty last summer it was with a sort ei implied undeistanding that bo vu old t. mail and alter th.t 4th of March next. Mr. Moriill secs that from present indications it will be iuipossib.e to catty out this understanding, and hence his very naluial anxie*y to put things in motion to gtt Luck to Lis old place iu the Senate. i v- - Ki#r.*.n Hft-frt. Wtdi t day 12 M The jii'/tioui! tie* t I rr|iwi *! that New York fiat gone lor ll.den t,y 7YW) majority, tl.nt ~ t)U o AM) 1.00J4.5A have gone for Tiolen. e rnnwy fd*** U*Ufi; VJuttJ. Vito jotitj, Troup In'/' fiy.r/t ]4'/ri i tir r’h't h " , |i . < i;r<iina Td*!'r f.;fvit M rejiorted oy a ttiajori ty of .00 i hetoral voter. I i <lOl ay rimmin;' —The C -Inmlm* Ii i.i -of lay mv- the mdoflty fur I ilatri. ii. M i -eogei- i 1 W/d. a id ti at erery eoutherrj fctfifi haw le -n earried for and ihli'fi I write .New York, l dlar a, <'on> Nr w Jer'e-, and prolrah y l'ennylvnt, VS iwonurt and OL.o. At le*t Vd*l raf vole* have b- en tser?urei| f,r I llo'en and flendrlek' A demoer*tt: House of H-;- rtsst olatsve* 1* *' urei. The niajnrity lor I lldeo Irt r Jeo gta may re ii*ti 7f> 'kd/. Ad Ui -ad member* o 4 ( legrears from , ttri' re I‘ei.HjU ee;it Ke ton from l ie. >n 1-tlth, A 111/ i, f >< Than*. lie by Ltiney. IHI 1.1.*.4 I !." The f.,1 o wing I* the r elm n; • < the -be lion last'l'm/flay fir M-rlwctlwr Cobfity rill I UhTliftr, I 4,* and o, m I fay. a. i 9f*rriH ‘ • IT, .uni, _ ' <**>' iafvtKKt j Td.ko, I fay i* dOj II tint. I'^i ii.ii;*d, 2H j s TJ4I Mi Dl’fnu.t. TtTlfen, 67 j Hayes, h '"' JTartl*. ,J * ,, h7 j u ivjtf JH' r TlT'Ten, . - -l, ' If • rr:■. :w , Hilliard iciiucii( iir.Timr 1 it-Ji n, 'f* I In) if, ' II in k Hitler**, l.'iwme *i •< i < Tlldijir, ~ - 7C flfiv#*, 1,1 lf-ii.Pl*, II ill'llf and, I* Hipiu i; aik rii. TIMi n, M I lay*, ■> 11Mrrt. 111 Klllluril, ■ 6j urreii ninth THdon, i Have*, l‘ ! II irrls, * M tft tkntit nt*rhli t liMen, lluye*, 27 11 in U, I >a Hilliard, 3? RI.I.VEN 111 MsTIUCT. TlUru. 11 i yea, 7> * j I I'vln*, .. fir| i ini in id, LUITIKItVII II! lull lU< T. Tllttait, Ml ; Haves, SSI H ttrt is, 133! ■ .... . r* | HKi Wtirt-iTi t -a..,,, tm H m , 1!J tlairis, Jll'-i Hilliard. •* uu mimi. Tilden, <K< , Harris 71'/j Inalnad of giving the elect oil vote w i si.ha'ituie the names of T'ldan and If ivet. S Hirri* ami Hi Hard wi rtMhc opposing t .n diduii s tor congress. THK RATTI.R (>li Chandler, 1 am tired now 1 dii not care to heir you Mow, Just pmu some camphor ou iny brow, And turn the gas down very 1<>"; Oh Chandler, dear, the gain* i up, 1 hear (he rfilghty Tltden-Iready ■ Now siir pome nervine in my cup, And put me in my liltc bed. | Come Chandler, Come, kiss me goodnight. I'm sorry now tor wual I've sail; They've whipid us burly iu the light, | tso put uie in my little bed , 1 i Do .you remember, tttiandler dear Yon said we must w ake up the war I WVve overshot the tnaik 1 tear, j AnJ pushed the buisineas quite too tar; The lighting men have left our ranks, With llookci, Sige), Faihsworth. Corse, We've only Butler, Scbenek and Banks Aud things have gone from bad to woise. ! Come, '.'handler, come, kiss me goodnight, I'm sorry now for what I've said. : They've whipped us fairly iu the fight. So put uie iu my little bed. Ob, drow the curtains, Chandler dear, The boubres make my eye bails ache, j And -Lull some cotton iu each ear, Those victory notes my heart will break, An awtui ghost is in my room, With lioriid bine jeans breeches on, 1 see the shadow in the gloom Oh, bid the haunting thing begone Come, Chaud'.er, come, bid mu gooduight. I hear the mighty f ilden-tread, j They’ve whipped us fairly in the fight, So put me iu my little bed- Hayes IS 1■ s 0 , U\r, : i. ■ J .. . . r KLKUTIiD. A llisttrital ftiiarnl ihtttfA *rei*i amndng -of the 0 l Wat ViKon lyi gentle u * • who were nevi-r • x<*ite.j. hy rt’ong dr nV Ji lti-reon !)avjs an,/ Henry I*. Foote Ti-ey were anting in a ro /in to .ether it Wpiard - •u Idle, hi. 1 got into a W * ietfarr vrrflten by r.ener*! Taylor, t : eu a < ai.lldib: for the i' e-i i-mey. One * ' txouglit on ani/'in-e, and <..0 the <*• *ive and r- ye-end H- nator ti *trtk n-n Ircut, the shoulder ai ea<di miav The n •* • It,. ••• < - nter bronghl i ■ in tukiea of the liolel into due rrram, *< and tW tobdao( were tei-aratod, end at'er w,(i.e 41 treaty, soo'S. ~a *<l *d i.le .o. Iteaily, raid Mr Foote, l abwati no* nevi thought, of *<i h a tida* w •tnku.g Mr, jL/avi* si be f.M r.-H pfr<l the floa blow. Am: y." not mMiMw ikwt Itat i or/* ! ALult4yi%ate/or<o eP_y fn,lard 1 401 n-Jt, relorteii Mhs imp** - >*.a Vr. Foo'e. It. u mjr oTipret-’T.u HjirybuVr-iuk !ir*t, ! pleadial Afr P,ti jb, no ' It /. s. you ! ,S,, ,t lu }OX ll,'. AT r n*v. , m * wear t* ri yo ~ An! I, Mr K ot--, Vroi.:d i af I' l a a Mi l I Yon did s'i b hi.* I l,tl i,.<l aifil.i Qi -I Y.m ;ih; I d.iTi, 4 ; t Y-oi did, I -ny < I *,ty I ih in'l ! v\.. • • , it* IMr i u ' it m ha 1 Pe ftny diip'.le *1 In Wii-i -f'.i V hr.' : - ; tiilji .m lan .{.oke i,; diu.t Mr H• : (~% ltnj j id-.W -fi f ii- •' *k ’I tie i.t-.ii* i lhe-1 iihmit* *j/ing h‘ tr,e*u ;t)e I*" gat. I t'tnnari *d | reventi-d Inribei !,. ! ' Pirngrs W-M Hiiln' fin'll all p,r*tnt t" deny I hat lh re had t>e**n 4fy Unpi. >- .1 ’ 1 me* , hut I have *1 <• 11. ,i {. .1 South, rn v.idmiHy, a* the c'-ntnene- --t ' j ot n feud not y, l *.Jtf• 1 A Mtl t toWAtn* to iib ILum 1 ,r„p, thiiiwr 18. -Jarun Itya-', l* ’ j year* old, a mer,;hant In Fi liMLir'K, ■ * man wnilii golsi w/O-, w** n trial " wile miirdrt ttrt* at *!. Az lii tiin! Irlwn. The ,;a* i ior.| at H o'r 'u-a i..night, wtfrtn th* ** tlHmd g>ul i fy, and (wiiiUisad lo death on tfi#2lt pro* , I,no The rrimm *a* i:‘iii|in4/' ' 'U thy j *Hti Of May lwf.-*TI4 pHauftof, ta*i h. ] • trinklnst for tern* dy* i<i,,i>mrr<t*iX( tv Kb hi* wife a very a,com pitshed lad-y. | tiighlr e- ruifft le.t In (lie evendsy he mil ,i1 |,er n*He an I smhh u!y aiahhed in r through Hie lu ul will, a lauoni • k-.d --wh'a It lie hud oht lined l hit U' li'fV m il , by BhC! *L fgt'fed nnt of the ho an in* - r.r strrtd-too ft-H -■*-•+-1 ‘-‘f e-m— — deyv : Til', ,'fiw>oel‘* C/Ulixd t* the llio fo d'V a rr< linn Matthew ' rnN C i o r "f. Q C , .1. Id Arini/Ui, V. (f , and W if Sunt. ' dritihully he cairie.l Oil’.- -ftT ~Y. TYirtlif M-idbon It-Mui' Jiunaal. Wo *, t fast Hdu-laflil- Litw'ffy Hall with Mr Ht -i.hrru. His iienttti i* now <|ni!e a* ji*d a* it law la-nil 'it any time witlvln the t>a*t tiir.-e or lour yn*r-v IP- lias wholly difteo d'n i T (lie ,t*e ot morphhte wh-icli *.h \ awt of -tender ri -ort during lii* drea tlul nicLn*-* lnt wdnfi-r u-ul spring, an i now etij >y* the *leep that bring* tun repo*,- md tn-aitH II" infmuuftl tis tint on Saw 1 iy list lie wa’ked i-i all not Ic-* than three or 'f u uiile*. Mr, S'eplie >* cnntem;d*!'•■* a visit to lii* friend, (len.T'Hvnb*,-H 'A i*hiogton, (1,., to .1 ant* tlia close of till* week, and cvpci-te to repair to VVashiogtou about ttirne weeks banwv preparatory to too a semblmg ol cungrpss in D-ccmfier 11 thinks that if I’iUlvsu L !* ' !,,, AV aVtt ton tliia wiutor, will Ik! more largeiv v.i.a I e.l ttmn dilrini nnv wirfler in the hialtvry ot till* govemment- I’iesident Giant c alhln’t c' a deadhead pr es t - G i'rev and so the “morat etici T , f his ote was lost. It w ukl have been iu any event. A Boston womankind prepared to elope, lull when her huslnnd, heating ol her in tention, came forward with bis check hook and o tiered hei money for Iter expenses, while his face was iliumil sled with uc ta-uiuled joy, she reconsidered the matter ’and concluded not to go. Ittoik all the romance sway. Wm. Ponder, ot Burke coauty, will, says the Jetleiaon New- aau Farmer, make this year on thiec mule term, fit teen bales ol cotton to the mule. He has also made an abundant crop ot corn. The Augusta Chronicie and Sentinel so vs : There is a ruin >r ad at that Cuief J : slice Warner contemplates retiring from the Beuch of the Supreme Court at tbe ex piration of this (tbe July) term. Judge Waruer lias been on the bench for ab u thirty years, and is universally esteemed as an aide aud upright Judge. We learn from the Butler Herald, that Dr. J. P. Moye was arrested io that place Wednesday of last week, ou a bench war rant from Decatur county, charged with forging land deeds, lor which offence the last grand jury of that county found twen ty-one Hue bills against kirn. " = j. tire ■‘Flit. J* ;* frfy-fyT .O,l tb'V jrf'i a? innT rtf fT>EOe aod rarxala that have escaped j itice— throti:e t nr'**r *u -*.*• —-it ■. ■1 j ixi a*l mo. i - 'ipoositoa. to Tlkler. Tilden . .imUa t, pwduc h-ui, hexce ’.lit opi>>.i- Vm. rf •/*.* •■ F'i bwlov Letter than Hab ere k lut lie won't help '.be trapycVrbili'y ./ th-- lladicai ttwees intitb. — [Sav ,nnsf Ne*>- " "' ' 1 1 ""■ AT f fcVI I 0.\5 4T TKtTWM' I ONLY 36 DAYS! KOU IS THt TIME TO ii SAVE MOISEY A Bpieo li 1 new s ! '>C' of WArcffts. I/JAMONDS. JEWfCLItY, HIT ifk, Ul YIN *, nn ’ on v Cf.O'Krt M'K(TI''I.F.L bH,vi:a iTA i z winns - • be ♦O.l VH‘T tu w , ! C-; 'i k>fr ■ - ---t * '..%•* •. A LO'AEtt i. s-.. J ■ " ■ tjr-ffio u* ; K* ... g FINE WA'fCJIEI? ' * if. A :i 1 a *— - . "i. , b itrl/.d nl A i>llx a af/. '.ed A Ui AE.t re '27 t ri - ■•■—-■' 1 Mw Ai, Al/i Ell I1- hM KS | - A -i!/lii-f’- Si; tS• •. |i : r .11 .ill !■ .1 , *. 1... i * ot 3 i v *' t . f , -■ ;. ./ in itMiiiu Vloi ~ tu, r i .1 r , *i on f,ft-1 ■■ - */ . If. ■ -■■ ' b i -.- y.f M-bmr ;.<iu *ii lan, f J > --■, IJ-iftadOFt, m ...ii h-i ill 01:1. ~ J .i llj ■' r o[ u„,l ,{• oil N • ! ! #~*g 4, ~ , I ,I ’ No r.’O 1.1 it .1 / . !l I , '. N IS mi ;.,nd> iy/t a tbs- 1. - . *- • • . 11l !<• • •'. '!'l.di I/b >’ld -■ ■ j m H>. W*t itwm .f-oe. ~ ii . S'./, all ’.IS,/ ft . i H j a* tlie ii Uy of A, * P, 1-i.l, IT tfd A. Mi Ki'.iU he * ‘Uife ih ;1, and and U■ ■ wa* aiU'l ward# lr*l,t#fe Iby It 1 *-f F•' Un at r, v#4 j*itni 4<t ' f l ,r S m . VI j' r ili ' J .Hi, il Ii HO- . ■ M„t !•-■ ! .•! UMVI- .re in y i.- uV !•- ! ,-■ iniiii, l'4-xre* ii iif or '♦**. and t • till- of rnfe"!'.' ' ■; t.l a nii'.r* lor f.ts# Neti a..i nr i-Ji U-anng rJ.jte *wi 3tH '*y of Nof.mTa f I l *. ; and fur ,*nr .1 in n 111 2-, <1 iy i l r-* * ",'ni H7Sf ao-l Ihil im|i o'.art i Vi„< •■.£■ ■|by |{ - It* laser to t!“ ; . * • a,.1 J VMM V J >e* o*' Ittt ’, o lor ibe ;’i*f ~r.:, ■ S l * itl.l tl i'll ii : •., and ■ .-.- no • : ir L ii I.- il . ' C.. !y It' t '•H’r . . 1 • ; teon 15r of- ill 1,,’ x- >. ■ ■* E■' > ■ | wiii mi roV >v ryM *t n. : , td v .fiiinptk.n ol *,i t it,i iiUr .ijit_iu__an'i to • - 1 laid* n 3 i t. iw-at ii' tb- laroM in Mmsuefiiii tonuty, i improve I and in food i ©ndtSt'm frr f* • • ini; a(upi*' on i / year |irm ol , Mlur t V •" ! *', f“ ” N Y! l tH f-t. \,*g-rp id J tme. F T n< - I! • ' SherilTs Salrs. OEUItOI A Meriwether County \\ TILL be Wild belore the C rt H \\ and rin the town of Ore*vi Georgia, within the legal lints of *al on the first r nee day in December neat. .’•;s idea cl lard moie or less in the 7tb di tiict nt said county known as H A Seay'* p!i e, siid land liooßihrd on the south by (Jie L'i asr LsiGra ige an 1 OrcenviHe r il e i*t by lands ot J no. I'artrMge, n-r'ft b> Wii’i m Tiippc. Levied <u a* iue proper ty nt Win. A. Seay, A ill ustrator of Jus- J Seay, d-Nave-.1, to satisfy * fi. ta from Meriwether Sup-ru t Cmtt n f*v->r of Benjamin If. Bigham v*. M rr.. A > Adiar. ot Ja. J eery decease ’. ALSO, At the same ti ne and place will lv e so 1 e*st n*■l of lot if la- I' l No- 201 and a.. ed Nos. 2L<% '.'o3. 215 and Jit ail one li in deed acres ofi of lot N . 2-H. ail in the lO'.h Diatnct of Menwetb- r c ur*y. Ge ' gia, subject to the claim •>! H imestead ol A >n J. Howe as the hea loi ala any. said sn !* having b-en wt apart lo aij Rowe as Uis IL-mestearf, ail of said! m said ’and levisNl on as property ot Alien J R iwe by virtue ot afi ta trom Meriwether Spperioi court in Uvor ot T A. Barne* A Cos , vs. A J. Rowe, said Rowe being ;n possession of said iaud. Njv. 3ih 137A ALSO, at the asm* time and place wi.i soid one hundred acres of land in the 11th dis trict otsaid cour.ty ou which is located the dwelling imuse ot II- M. Nall, wherein he now resides -ofi ot kw No. liS. Levied on by virtue of a fi fa from Justice Coart for &09 G. M., in favor of Jas Van’ oudenrs-H. M.Nall,as the property of H. M. Nall. Levy maule by constable and returned to me. This Nov. 3rd 157A |7J 3Ym R. F.VYER S. M.C AfirtO, • At 'dt* time atd p.aae milljbe tmt j tlie sooth half oi lot of 'and No. 2V5, cob -11 iminff lffll *ni4l more or less, and he j atiuTTldiaTt iTSTT Jv*. ‘Ab,’ n i ,-.r.i -1 - -I---* f acre* more or teas, tire parts *t U-.’h | rltnated r the Lower Nmui Ualx-t ul 1 iforiwcihrr c ,’.ioty, the sane Lung C.e i ) maieder ;a I> ter ul Et ga’urta M rr‘- ;j ■tv r>t VV in M jriUs decease ’. Levied [m M |he property • the eila'l t i MorSt:ct*n S, t , satisfy a fi fa f: in .Me! i-thi-r n i court UufaVi if of WJ :-c Warren J VV l’atk, transfriwe.) v- VVni F M F. M Hatchett and iieiij b h nif W ii' M ru. deccaaeii.— be admintstraiorb oi aa-d M n ri* pausing iie same. N*,v. M-.u 197* J V. FUILER. !). S M. C ALrbJ, j At 'be nn:e t ti.e nd ( m .i. l.t so and •he fo l--w.- juotrerty' f K Lots ot lan-1 Hum ims fHVy<.ne. *eveu!v eight, - . *-y.t- i -• -r , -v ands- venn-ser er, and , .g >n the 19th duknet ot Mm waiter c unty. Levs-d np>n bv virtue fi -* 'a r if A B Airtfews 'rids fere,-. s-S t.'. *1 v (•' ti SM4- nr .e,ry I, iv *,i.| (t !i,i jif.-jw ■’. V -f J t: Mm ,i./nb In ntirfr let •,.. - , ~ . - * , v 4. h xaeg. : J W. FU LFIL n M C It 1*901.1 I I'V* * 4 til* Alt I * *llll*. '.r • * ■ ' • t s t*'. Tie iky < **tf‘ P • \S 'fi‘ Bi. : T-lbfi K I fll . CVs> 1 * ft W . , . •f’• r- f ' V\ \ * r. a • v tf* ht —- !vt rr. r U A- +; : ♦ Kry j{r ,'y fd p•• ‘ *rf K hr 1 t W A r-v -till . l BJUIUII All. jt-a, - ird hf* rirmsr ■„. r * >♦-*• ' : < ft.'it i'jWWa/rj m •' r <L * VJ,. <** V l 'A ; - if**, , .y* j\ l{ -lIMMIW, 1 <* K* v '' it. Bal v i!, ' and a .1- * i< a .ti 'V re-, e-fi t ’,N -' •i er i '" ■ I 'l *t Wr it! rf ( .l< t ate 1 twd.l-e Hie - • ' fj :. ’',a *' * I >i <*rnlj %V i t ■ ) - . .... t e. !T. • *♦*, hi hr 1 . : : ' I,'- IT*, o! safe ~ .•■•'..'t i: iln Hi- If'b db. t,,Vi t-f at I ‘>t, i wft . fit!v •♦** M i. ...I ,N £‘H y id * **| nft trm t>. X ... I-, I * ■ I .••••; •■/ ,J ' i'll, S’ - •V- • * v tea ’ifl ot ~ 217, i*ii*i ’y ■!!,.' n * t 4.;, . M r '.-• •• "• L ■■ ■ i '• :g s 1.. .. *'a- w> ..* .1 N' ' * .•- t’. . rr-rr; n • * f ’• * • ' • 1 t •*•-• VV .ifi -.I i-i ,t \ i i,t !, *. % 21 i ♦ -Id a* lUe j-i{eity of J* lie* VV Wood Mr ’ dr hi, ), f ■ t e' 'd' ' * (IMso I.i.' p-fhi.t. t t a ' •' ' • 7 I PC* AJH T a lbs b Adiniuibf rfl’ nr* S il<- ht'f 'vlk, M-.r • t '. ay By ■ ' t - 'i ■ ii il •• tv, r> of '.,r t * i is if - ' it will V- ' !-* ■ ‘ (' .n H-*e . ; I" 'h- b 1 tr f,(W..,: - between t-l* 1* jal l. ',.e ,tl the. Flff r.i - I,r i ’■ *-*t" - br ~i- .■ i.J—:— r- ri — ; ,j. or *Tv. Tin i 2 ~' ” “ vr-; i erf , N * •*, ‘e-, Ti ao-l 70 1R 1 h ff i ! ilrl ! ,f * I > 'i < rci ,B.nrai v i • !.*: !*, wci. wab-‘>) si dwrnd. I inter UVit to mb* !♦ and f'.iea.e* T'rtntr rv*b , Trite* jwrlert r ‘if. c, T-’d :.- < • M ’ ' see GEORGIA. Her w* >. r t,ty L*w * Awh, ippi'i for let ie r * a' At mini*!, at Mr: op* tb fMi’e of (biases ( Hrri <h nt <- 1 Thi* there?- ' r.'e and a lou.r.'-h *H car em*l lo -how caurf-, U any exot, why letterK.of A 'utm -'rstitm *h<*;id nil', lie is>j-d to *a ! l appVant upon tlw w'tit ' . • • • I 1' •- Givra ur er >;,y t.arJ at’ iffitirl *igni t-ire, Nov. fi, l%7fi. 7d J. W. BANNING, O M C. GfTORtJfA. Meriwether O-nniy ' Mrs, F. : <sVftl Tlsh. ~ H, yif,- rj >f t >a Hat r, e, i.a* ap; lied I r cremptfon of per*' na tv and faring a; art and valua'idn irf Homestead and I will pass ofmo Uie .im at my office in Greenville at 11 o'clock vm.on T .es-lay 'hr 2 tt '!i day of N ve:., her ISTfi. J W CANNING O. M. C NOT.CE. The county Boar! of Commissioners nt Meiiwether county, most reapect/iily rt quest that Goaraic.n* of Lanaiics will plea* report Uie mge, condition, ?<v and color ot ail Lunatics of said oooefy to the Hon. BH Blibain, LaGrange, Ga, a* early as convenient and obliue aatd board. A true extract from the minutes. Thia Nov. 7th 1876- J E. Dl CHASAS. Clrm- W U. Kcuiit. See. protem, N E W A in xBTIFEM ENT B ©ESTABLISHED —1960- I KFDKRK’K LOE4ER A CO’S BRO rKLYN YIAMMuIII ESTABUNiI MFNTf iiry-ss Gxrds, Md’mrry, Fjury Goods s Xs, Lice*. II rtiery, Hitt .nr, Ribooo-, i Oiovea, lideruea. L idieV tod I'hil iratN r *u fita. sold FaSIfIOY LlfiHr." ■p it s-..ed R 1 iiHliiy, contain, eti -ic rc&d ufj matter an 1 gives a ! the 1 dot iion -,n ‘atliions. It will, on appinaati >n, oe tun vu tecot i tiurgi ibr.lefj 1u i. the C Itit-t, > - I..cited olid filled with area', ca/o .ii a i-atcU *lO upward a !:. .. It it tiir encasa be., prepaid he 1’ * l oidera • r dealt. FREDEttic K LUENEH A C->., K.:'t ': , T. r> and Wash.ugton S’., Bxe kiyu, N Y ~ l‘ , ..„ni ol the tt- iicniM*. oai did lo the Lino nan * **i<.t u ii mi\E ! K rrr s- •r-trg m l‘- M-iHite—, K:. 7■ ii, the brei atni ll*-ru Amg nil’ Ui i <•- inplet* , Km'-ah si • - iutm* , 1 ~ and I'-ie weu ti ~ i.. I'i a- F.ii , N.i.y [1 >ubb or lidj “tie-T, Pi7cubing al' \‘ol.UU td KitilAppar .t-l. stud tor cncl*ta *d santple ,*lucl. ..VV!:: EXtTriNG MACHINE CO ~i, F . 'I 11* P 1 eW hia, t*a '. - .i . , PER JV V fO ,> rt 1' * Atiiii' !>. ->!' LLIKG -.ti 1 1> MAASiH X 1.1 lilif i IH to. t.tto-rtv Mn.i i .Ni w Voik J, - r-y \ -V> I. i.i, tJ. Si),) r* *f | f V.'i ,1. Ol.til - , 1 i ■ .. i,Y A 1 i.t . A i-yiitf - Mas ,e ;\(; \\N r 1 ;•* r 2 il • i aX ■ . i-■ ‘ i’ i it, 1 UC.i Aft - V MON 111 i li'. *) w t r ■ , i < • . I HI I' I J, f. I‘l I ■t > > * ~m il II “I * •'• lu i.’ •n ’ .•< | . f JO xu t I . v '• !. . U 1,.:. Ptl cm i A. li. 1 K 17 and: Hath f * • rt!- Conte ‘inal K(?i.;cti ( 'n in A<l veitibini^- I : :., :. j IH t-'-t fii r .*. O .'Sti H* Wi:.,;, I ..'1 ,'. i ■ ill j., ...- ij.-f ?. M.. .i ia<", ,- e , I■ *1 1, 1 1! ', iftiu t, 1.-t fmi r ■ n*' rtoir i ' s * 1 ■ id pay It., ne-ro.i:, . ’V, r ■*i.,l I, Oi ., } A pi, i"! is*', g.vioi; Name ( ..a-rar-trr, A. ~ I), y and VV’•-• k i C—nn;,, n, and Si i,i.!u , "I A * : • 'r < lo 0 - :• A ; yh, )/• -i i' it-iw■ . ,V. ' N ftp. I A, I ,* -V ‘ti i’ i- tt-.w N , i 'l’rtlNiVl.i . V\ - 'I. LU-XU.'.i -CN r yi.V m* t. .* "’IJ: .u i I'>< t -/U.U.N 1 1AI, Hlill'A- J i f-.IIH!' 'to <I AOlflir TIIK''tl T to r re i->hi, s-.-. rta. I r '.- -WI-ii.NCTVi 'Ve - r IIXK TT. . • - lHt _ r.Vy I.IHlI) i Oil MSI. 'V " • will, pnerhsi*, uki i in th*- 1,-.. ■ F• ' - Mii.deV. b*!'l [I or ( ioTr'i, Lirl l-l , N V IT AT F. I.OITFR Y COM PANY 7 I' Uitution *mr g far’y inc'.rpora •e.J Uy t I. ••*-- f‘r. -d IN State for E -iv ' , piirp"n j-. Jbfpt, with flajiif'il j.o |l. *4p >*• !<> whi'li * ha* kbi'i- added * r-rt-w ' •'! f:*vt <<H P Grand So , t'r S rr.’ i- Iln*in;. •” r#kw pure Mibnitbly. T.jC no! lb-0 tn.-e* a 111 j 1.,- e e>. r.g iihCtliC < ipiru, i'iuzi; io.ww. '< -i r I 1, -I 1.-'/ r ich. Fiav ' .a* in pri j-oit uo. II T OF PRIZEN 1 ( vj-itoi I’. i“ IrO.IFK) 1 Cap Hal P 20. WW 1 rap 'a Prize lOdtOO 10 Prwt at *1 .Wi 2b Pi re. at W 12 VYd lOOFrtmit fFO# 30000 200 P 7. **t JOO . . Fi.OOO *(00 Pr'*e* at HO 50000 2 OOD Pr z * st 20 F'.OF) approximation prize a 0A: -a mati . Pr 7. *ol %’Mkf ~2,7f0 0 A pr tlm 'i't, I’t z-;j of 300. ..l,*of> 0 Appr jimatHin Pr.zt* of lLk>.... 00f) ! “C. 5 P: z~*, amounting .to *25? 200 Write fr>r Circulars ut --tuJ orders to 15. | FEiiNANLrEZ. >avriDah, Oa.; CH.AS. T Howard. New Orleans, I.a The First Regular Q tarteriy Dollar , Driwtcj. wV.I take p ace ptrjin’iary 2, I 41 ?? , Tickets |1 eaji Cipdal Pr.ze |!5,000. j OE bit jI A. Men wetber Coon’y Ordinart-’s tbfifiee, I Nor G, IST., f James M. Briok* has applied tor exemp tion of personally aod setting apart and ruination oi Uonieatead, aoo I will pas* npuß Abe same at 11 o’clock, a. its, oa >1 oDiiay ike 21st day ol Nuv. 187 G, at n-jf cdfice in Greenville. JAMES ,V- liANNING. G. M C,