Newspaper Page Text
pnm.isnsujimurt irimt,
o*o- s. nth *Ms of the Ooart Hows*
Hon of A<lvrrlMNt>
.UkM<wk 1 •! n*! 9 f t V. <
1 l m 2 50' 4MI <go
- 1 ..os I3* \. 5 'X' JWittj*'! H
s i— •op s out ui.oo is.oa ss ;> v
, J 00 ssrol®
. 7 00 * 1 A 00 I $ TOO S5 00 60 -i>
;o. o-oo t oo i ss.o iao oo ♦’G*'
£ ff- A Ywal made to those
lv.-!-.;>.r.i l.v tUe mouth or year.
Krii;t<*u A uicn.
The i-mowing tithe Church tKirectorv o'
u:. ir.* tor 180;
-i,j *, t ) yth KatioalUs m i-si-n month.
Pusior R - v. A SIMMONS
Sd Sbt> itu in each month
Pastor Hut ll- CI4N h.
presby r ethan
S*t ‘.tih iii each mirnHi.
H< . Juo, .Tono
>uTI( C ro 4 *1 •- *** H < •
.ieertii* r > ent
tnr*themantr nf Meriwether, tv 1)1 U- t”th
ii the Altiuni ttrutCK CiUiAl t\ IN I*l
Oi'dmu v.—
W H FAY Fit, Sheriff
A J m N !'• >S.
i. , SStijS 1
Mi ———
Aimouuttttmrula •
t it.i.llß.it.- lor lilt Uintvir.
Mi. Kui r ** •
am* .*i irunr# W ‘ ' V ! * !
Ml■ nd ..■ : r* UtfoeSvet
~i M.n.i.Uiti .'.oiuty, *it i.<i w .Ho*
Drtlm t.- Itl-.ii Itl’il 1.-11 The business 111
t T o- oTV. ■■St - .r. ... n.i •'! t r.--r
Jtii-.y aid ir* hooka cmrrHhr rttd H">lh
111.'.i!< ffNl
M \A 1 1 41iN|>H
l-'i ;\\ r< Tj.f C iHI
Mu I iju u
' " i ■ . \ ( ;i •>. n
„„ ||!t!t !. ,KH , . I I lf V I ill'* t'T ;
, • M>t. i.. ii f . if.. tli' ! •'
i'H :.ti >U W* i'i:ii litulll.u! It
J. <- * ilr ! |i( Vi j l *Vf 1 4 luilli
\t wv Y<rrn
Jfr l.■■ u i,,!,. .1i.1.1. •• < II■! i >!.' ' CiiHlIlIU |
• .i r ■'- M I 1111' 11 HU tl‘Uli "i'll* IIIKiI lt"l
. • .
| ■ , ~ (f Inn'll. 'lil'M' "irllrl In) IV;
,-| Ii ' • r*tll ** X '
<. I \.Mj 1 ‘>lT< V
I < iHN nil I VVIII.A I l'r FA I I.
i,' H' |'i •< •'! Uy
W. T. < '■ .!"•
A' ( OI.I'.'M Itrrrtun and litiult' W.'i'tii'iim ,
Fire Proof W;ireh"U3e*
If. D. IV4*jl tVilko# & <.
~ i'--' 'PKiLT'tK-i.
i , J{ 1) | l ;v, <. L O Ii <> I A.
[ % Ih ol Ui* {*</[/**.ki \\ f*
J,< i.m \y ry H•• .A 4nM>n *r
Of j ft* * ’i* c-h* U-* VtU* * 4f-lLil
b*f t| i. 11 *i- r, Urn gbt In '!,i 'ridlln msr
i r>nrr Mi*- t** < f 1k75 There
w*uni fy rvaUefT'Jieery. Being bow well
"V 't-V-f T*" 1 “ft kßown, it. ) i |
(■ Hit yjcjt kevon at* exceedingly
If -h* ifcj
nr orvK thfm a trial .#■
* lie 97 I n.*
CilUiliO N r <)i ic*<; •
OBKir.4 erd SO.Ng r.UANO.
WATW'i?: ut il < nrU’ (,U A NffF,
and A< ID PnoKf*HATBH
lor l '>riip"iiistf
*Mj a* SOI ''l t'rwtt btxw ■ Utaifx'l i u r, y
TOa'ki't bjr (i i
Hill Blrt-i't f Jnff!ij,
firm tf.
WEST P-rINT, ()<:'. Ht, IS7C.
0 \
WAGONS, gcanos and;cotton
PRESSES. ocil Cm
I wQi seli roy EARLY MAY OATS
from this date at
Oac Dollar
Per Baste'. 4will imp O.YA' liUSUEI,
of onto lor two Ui-lwda' of corn; Rjahe*
or Eal.l for Whsat (Mjd Bari.!-?
1> W- MrLrxrw. *
Hr and Reception!!!
You arc cor,Bully invited t<* attend the
7’ i id Prirl*, Jeans, Bleached
"huX UFowd rtoincaTTcs, Sh.-esP SaLTlery 7
Crockery an) Glass Ware, with an unl'm
ucd supply l the Kw hi ***/*•
.'mc aed bring all lUc chltdreh. ilraud
S a ughtcr Of
"BksT Go ns at lua e-T Prick'. t”
tloall rut i/UitlUy. JU-k*U ffoMi .
for t/u .vMn i.
Frank Rassuso.
ni\ ’J 4t
N EW""sTY i ,KS
Prints Orcsi O >.\k l..dH-'Wat<* TW
ih l),..'ra Fin incla. (ft /s' inil
ladies U.n ward Shirts Ladies this Tiea,
I. uhes v'utTa, t rllafs and O.dlarctis, Ladles
Re is, R .Mons etc , in iho pq'i’ir o' >r.< -
r i'. N iry />.'■.< Sr it .in./
My Ate (>(.,” Just fe. cived at
KORINS >N A lilt >'S.
A (i.tou bngev amt barn ess tor snle.lieap
lor mh t>y the editor ot the \ iniu.'-
1 at 1 i?h!.
1 Hll7. can he seen at ,
Fuanh R.N.MS.I's
nov V t
OU Rush. 1* For Baiter.
F. ..rn or*..tb.u Seed.
- 1 bushel ol OofA) lor .Hi- Ol <).ls.
i H litist,. Is ol cil'oil seed !• l .***** cl I) ,1 s.
i in..;! lu.* A .1 SM RSuN.
!>l in > K On.
J im/1 <;imi so\jm x
\it ‘ i
111. I'; I I H.tU J‘iSl it !i t'.o Will l* > '.A*
t by
FkvNU liAMMNii
j u(>\'3 At
,|{|" N\ II !.! I RIDA) No I • tiT'i
tin) I \ i‘, i ~iti In tn nl iUn
mo i In N < i
♦ • *
It*-. X A • 1 1 ilti' VStD lx
J ,!)> T pH) h f *J< *
,! to y itiU w (“i
\\ ti Jf ... K av* l.i t T.ib luy n> 4l hi
j< it lit 1; v I ti r *>)U\ v*l v W 0!
Xs( yS< fri >i j. 1 tijT. VIM>H Mlty ’l* l
. K t i! | *>!i>t! ill urouiivl town.
4i2 h !it*t>iiiUoi j
l lir tifijo u! t!.( ("Hill UJ* l> tin
\V*. |f!> m! ,V, lrv lu.'tjti iiHinljf 0(1 <lOl4 i in
'f••• t ' ' ’
in (i4v*r • I lli<* 1 I ' l '• *
* > •
Iff- !,. ~. I. AI II ~l net U|e. R e aiif
... i ,f 111. R aid "I ('• non. a.m is to
'l,l j,, , * j-, :t , Iy. . < i-J .;g .'"llllllllS III."
VS.. u !. i a lull 'SI ol the mi! r iOV' S
, Iliya ;• sei.l Un. ——
i; v . i> mi lulu ii I tlu tnniit l'iy Blimtlil
(:H I | ii < i ■■ nt- 1" Mml lUr
; i mi nt j fI ,i U'iity lii'M I'-ii ittti tii*'
vftjiit -.i Ur jU= W'iptpm **H t : WIE uu
—ii 11 m .1.--. J—i—i
Jvi fy tun ,ii bMi Jtiifui* n ;tt ' i*ii Oui
- )|i hi jij anti it tii 1 1 if 1 ii' \i" lin 'I H 1 ’ a
- tn In-i p p.i>K'iJ in le 'iuil '<) tUi’ nil mu ill
1 tii* di' iit*
|.,|' l 'lai Js'' 111 Jl|f(Jt II Unit Hi * til t' tit*'
<iim,t] J try In.l Moru'ny *t uuui'ila’iy
; (,• n'r 4 and i ii'ar. II lint Jury *r.l ii
j SlXl'fitat r with tHul ciiniKf, H trifiul i-hv*
. '.Uutiil' i !•'! !*• Hi i Ui'/i lift
i 11r 11 ait lira Ui Ui I vtl) atil/Bi 1 ibi'f w U*’
[Ui jjjiiia tUi iif w ( *'iits iiuiH' with itf I-o’ S'
Ifr n'l j ro|i*'rity to all o’il'>tili**''ilsi*i*i,
i-iav*l l. l ly t7*'•*■ Ini n ttet* isiviDpUj'.
T' e If' i'll' witt-in wi''bf Unf (r ivri)
•>•' laisi' iua In lUr jrJ)v* Uivri in Kav
aimal Hi vial n .tiy'-m wlin Irsvi; ri'turn
oil to tin- ft) lihV" itii"'
F.VI Ihuil jin tii**'*D'tnty hmtUi tnl>
tiu V'iMif ATost. Tli uijitor rift lift lounil
j <*u IU, js'.i*-*'! wUU ulivf i[iliofi liook in
tat ! [r'i'jHH'l to t i i' iiftrira and money
NiwM/ii. H*--rj 1 1>- new weekly
mail route (tom fsrrenviite ■ Ori.ot rtn
j ll'icay Mount went into oymreti'sn lat
:wri* fS ir li'itiMrr'tljrr at Ki>iy Mtiunt
; virill now rcinve tneir jiajiera on tiaturilay
J mßtrwJ ol Uavitig to wu until Wwlm-ailay
|of iUr next week. We hope the fii*ri-a-*-<)
; niail faflinu-a will [ roar Use rnea.* ol e-
I isr/ing our nulsecr'ptioa Jiat in the U|>|ser
i .lortioo of Use county.
i w
A W Outhauk. — Althopgb a large peti
lion one of lire largest <Afcr got’en up undei
nif.ii tlrcuroklao' e* ifaaaent l<> Wa4‘ington
ver two montha ago bv (lie patron* of
Woodbury and Cbaiylrealc Spring* ufli<*-
aakiug a change in U.e day* of carrying the
ma , ati I lu tUenUou mem* to i.ave b:< ri
ja : j the rrqoett of the citizen'. 'lire con
tractor live* in Alabama and neither c.rie
f-,r nor regard* the wibea of ’boe for
whom beta paid to labor. If Uncle Sam
my cornes ; n we hope tbU se.'finb little an
t octal will be brought Ur Lit aenaea. It i*
aupfosei that he alone i opi>osed to ttie
change desired by the’oVizena
The election framed "tT in perfect quiet
last Toe day tin re being not M'TT !r
rcl in t c'vr. The rote in Geenville an
' ritjrtal)y large ntßijftrf I* 60<f balled*.
Hensy W Hilliard spoilt Hst Saturday
uight with Dr. J W Siinartn, wnr* ph-oveeJ
such a strong Msrris m*fi that ilihiard
ro.le twenty imier ui Takiol coufljy ,88u
day Hi'Wiil;.;; bet he sli.j'ipe ito preach;
i—i m i 1
The democratic nomination lor cn®ty
oflici rs Mill tie male on '.lie first Tuesday
in December, Wc do hope that the right
men will be t Kced in uouaimt' ami tri
umjilwwt!) e'ccte; over all Independents
•htrt mnt daTe shorr thetr heads. Ter
il er.- he no divisions among true demo
crats <7/fertho nominations are ntAdiij
Ao. n Dabky UoNR— A friend wiili* ns
fi. m ih. Hi. euth district, saying tint “old
ilYiole Isaac McGehee,” a good old darky,
Red the first of the month, aged on* huu
licd and twenty years. Thi* old man,
vt-cn a hoy Requei tW raw General Wash
ington, and says he hi* often turned the
giiedstone tor the Father ol hi* cotmuy t>
gtln.i In* hatchet, it may be the self tame
hatchet with which IHlle George cut hia
'sitier's fine cherry tree. Iwtac wa* a noted
man in bit nghlHrho<Hl and frequently
sbouhlered his crmch and abovt <af ‘.he IW
euing darkey* tiow Gen. Waalringtoit look
ed and acted when he received the turren
Jeroll*'-'* 1
At hough the jail has receatly
•■made secure ’ again the Board .it t'- i
mi-sinners seem to regard it as still unsafe.
Fears are expirce.l that some pfiso ier in
living to es-aix* trout it may loosed one
lock and cau*e ih whole jail to tumble in
oe linn and perhaps g •tbuailio.l t * a felly.
—We are not leajiontibie toi this i lea. -
tTjfi Norri* lias peifh. nd the work a!*
lolled to him according t>> eonlract and
specificallob and Me trust to hear ol no
ninie eea[W>s
M.a.-i* Toggle and Harris hail a line nu
de. oe, mi I made lelllng speochoe laM Rat
nr nj ('ol. Tuggle showed that our stale
. \|.'its.> w.le lot luge am! optuud lln
eyes ol many ntffjis hitu cim.tlar
t s ;tslonil-d, , yen tin'*’ who tin I looked
into Ur.' siibj.a i, ni the I txptlon, iruud and
evtravagaline ol llie goveiumeill
we writ, the i.siios disemsel are being
ecidi'd at I lie b.iliot box and, lienee, We
; fin'a udo e uni. ul mi the many lfJTn{
, |...| .1 - made by llie . I.Hpiejit mid diatiu
-I . I speaki i . \S e ai I, bow. vr, i.exl
, we I, give a0!),... ot Col. i ugglc'a asloulsb
, mg ii'aelailon* concerning the e.vpcu*'* ot
i;, i leiual ,t. |'uilinoul ol thu Georgia kg.
- iiuii amt t> isl Rio next I.eglsUture TI
.in re.' tin in. 11... oolyc.iidfined (vli.U we
i have ott .’il told our readi
In i' .1 I* it kln town ilranlnji
tuning anil ll'jiulliim I'itilliss. t’omiM'ti'til
j i y-kimv lie la iliilnu linn woik. I‘mt
i , il ili'f iti'i], w iii 'tike a I'lutr in vm'ii! nsti
i ll' f‘iitilr* Well rni:f*mtnnttrtiiif, Anil
vvi lii'oe will be litsurully jiHlionir.*!'!-
i m ii iim Our lea'li'M.pciliaiia remcm
111 a |il(ii: uinalii ii i I tint Onvei’Uil' puli
1 1 : 1 ,i.I Uy us last Mam:!i o(fiititiy. Two lulls
rUcil dolltira t< waul l"i tlm urn at ami ili
lively • I 'Hiottms J.lslili y to tlm Hlsetifl ol
M o i-.M tin r i .unity, Isaibley rstiuuls
i ! w ili I tic inuril't ol is prio nt H rky
lloi rit,-nlil' C'lmintiti'd la*t l'- U
mu' v. Not Ii \ j tin'* Until In ard ol l.imli
U y ; Virr i t liei u’i l l ffTyT t Moiujii V, win i
t.|.i 'HumIII of flay rmiftty, Alabflma, up
l>t:nM"l'v (liifiivllle wills Laatiley at l.ia
i ll -i ri r, (■ill.:)* at lim VlNtiK'AToit < 111' i
■l' t' iay to 1-4', W it ltiere r ' na. a I*'
am I "f t’D) f'.r tlm ayipr-imuhiuit
•■t H ' it Itii f'tleiiily; I*. at'7-tnt tbat
L.sln' V lifts lx i'ii In AliVnna ainei; ln fled
frotti Mo iw* ttirr. IIU arrjval t Utinily, as
riiutt is now in kevarsu aifia sjn-txly lit 1
an la' bud.
Mr. W. II Itaker, Hie ft'i*i!il ol Clay
idu ly aniHeil l.r-liley ln Hiiiinlay
a bunt \ ii ■ In- k in Urn lie mint mil atri <
vt din lit' *' Vil < l f ) oVlim k ' n Hoii'Uy
i|*'< IHiK of l.xri ntlv*- l tkniuit
I In' exi'onttve eormnill' o met last tatur
day wttb tin t illoa'lii/ m*'iiit"M iircje ii ;
tlrowiler, |**rtrldjie, Knlier, I’ulk, V’luu
Ilian. Kcvlll. lit* vi s. Modus an, ItivVe,
<7iol*yatid Mel/tnistiiliu. After a lull and
Ifi e i rl- iciiaosje O* o|iini<m it wa denied
Ibat Ute deinocfary of Metiwetlmr <fi\ t>
tm 'i ii nr. led to aswiiiliie in iMiive'rton in
dri'Coviile on Urn (iralTucaday iuJ>e ‘ Uilx;r
to nominate candid alea for con.ity olllfefa
Hald (:< nvention la to lie eompoatV ol live
delegate* Irotn each militia <)tt**<:t, tlie
d* legate* to l>e aeleelid in •*:! ditr*t Uy
Ik* .Uinierxtic party tUerisil, oil I ri ‘-o
Pm 'l\' (i of Noeintx*r.
Orxits.—Matk-tam receiv' and "ti vote lor
(Tvngn aa ltvl Tueaday at Woo llxiry. Tlx
negro voting it liad (lerltaiia goim to Util
fin and Istea loriiibed witb llcki ta and pay
iiul concladiog P< return home Indore tlm
election thouglit lie rxiu.d vole for Matk
tsam In Meriwether,
Ilt/TKL. —Tbe Ilencli, Bar and cilimna
Mopping at tbe Hotel this week any thc-v
have never Ireen more hospitably and
agreebly entertained than tley have he n
thiaO'Urt II the dinner I Hat Wednesday
waa a specimen, we aboulil y 1114' Mrs.
Winslow knowa i-xa' tly h'w tire pu'dk:
d*-ire to be fed. We profe** to bra judge
of good eating, and we unhesitatingly as
sert that Darne Quickly never tickled the
appetite of ti e gallant kr ight.Felataff, with
a more palatable meal than waa Mn. Wina
low’a dinner laal Wednesday. Coming jur
after the reception of the newa of Tilden's
election it ma le every one happier than
ever before. Settee** to our model Hotel.
In Coweta county the negroee repeated
anti the tfllccr* ui the law ate alter than.
—We are Intornted by a
gentleman ot v unity that a go*Reman
who r*i in the dsmocr*tic nominati, g
gonteutlon in Coweta county as a caudi
ftato fof thO legislature wift at
Meriwether county, last. Tuesday clrcnlat.
mg Hi'Hard twUels, and actually voted tor
Hilliard torcoogMs.
Syrl'P.-—<). R- Florence hands us a but*
Ue ol fine ayrup m:uf,l ftoni the Juice ot the
ribbon cane. Mr. F. thinks ail tanners,
would do welt to lalse till 1 cane and make
their own'syrup. .... -
The gin-house of Mr 11. F. Rloion, in
Twiggs cnw'.ty, w as burned last week by a
negro, wh ha* confessed the ci imu, and
also thftt Ire was hired to do il by a white
a*n of that eonntc.
The Atlanta Onnstiiinion, states
the Olmmlcle and Sentinel, that ex Out
©phor Jolmaou says lie “would tike to be
"Senator it the plnce could be won without
a serainhla’ 1
The Nmhville American solves the prob
lem wlrcu il says StrHe lajtweuu the see
tious and between races will cease as soon
asrthe power for evil Is taken away Irom a
party that omk.e pwin'i-w* < s!ii ° lu " r
scenes ot ttnienfc, and the const it iitloiißl
aulhkrily is placed in the hands of men
whose political well# e rniuires that pc Ace
sled be preserved everywhere.
Tlyc next 1. mc isna 1 ,egisl.,t ill oar
taisdyGre IbmjoetHtie. In sixteen out ol
the tilt) s|* parlsfiea in the Rtate, ttia K* ■
publicans have made no nominations at at
while the Democrats have candidate* in
evyry palisli lint three, with only One case
o! division in their ranks, and rtckeis com
poi-'d lor the most part ol unexceptionable
The ddh iciicu between llie Deinocrnt*
and Uopublicans ts, that ihe B..publicans
squander Ihe p< oplu’smoney to the tuna ol
mdliuu* U|mu miftioiis, while the Demo
ci and Ju (licit uunl to economizo and re
trench. During the lust se sion of Con
gross ttic Dent, fiats saved Ihe people fill),
(KM),000 in this very way. They wiil do llie
saint' thing next year.—[Savannah News
All lowa judge has decided that a ni'ili
may legally ki-s a prrtty girl if lie can
> weal be I hough r It was hi* wife. That
decision should lie deuot necil by all good
men a* sii op. n encouiagemcnt . I peijui v.
mmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmmmmmm nm,
WE Wild, give tlie IHGIIEBT Unit
floait [iriee for CtOITON in trade. W<-
have now on band a full stock <d DID
GOODS, Ul{(><:Kim;S,i le .which we oiler
at ptie. H a low as any It. It. MubU.
>•— ;(>;■— -
We are now receiving oliK HKCGND
fi n>t |( ol F:\ I. /. ii'iil It'/ \fhiU Goods
Pile, /.DM/.;// Til AA' T.VlClt GIVE us
”* calt h you AVanl lIAROAIA "
BY HUY IMG Y'fPR dug ln irom
Itnbiution Sl BrO,
| Column jtcaP and, |
■** ’ OltKt's vm.i.k, Ha. I
Octadih, JH7O i
Mu \V. TANARUS, Hkvii.i.,
/Vni’ .dm :
W have lx.en kept ho Imay,- <| <ii
injj mil new kto k ulnl milking sales, that
we liave liad nil lime to pr. patij n iidvio
tiaeii'.unt f t tins we, ks VlMil' at in, Uni
our ttur.k is ready lor inspection mi l lor
We afu prepared to show the ladles
iiiuidsouta line ol prints, I• ni till dr'
K'sid* Hu plain colors, wdli ifuinuaei. list
tern* to tiiMleli, al*o Iliui k Liiuiunt. ‘ e ■ "i'll
liamasei; lor oyer-dt essi.-H.
Wn otter special induceincuta in Alptt'a*
and pine Mohair* and believe we can i"C
/•sinfully compete with any h tail store in
the Hint*- in Ibis line. Our puce* range
Irotn 40 cts to f 1..V1 per yard. 1 beie ino
socb article na tdk nlpasui.
<tur *tm k of laucy good* f'tr Ibe ladies Ih
large ami varied and we believe towel titan,
jyi atita or Cbat ..*.iui cnri be mid.
We* *o show a (in* ol Bed Tn k*. Blau
k'-ts, kannels, Linueys, Cotton Klannnls,
Bea IsUul Cottons and Bleached Mi'slius.
at | ricev.ti'ii Ii reduced from tortner rati.h.
Cluthin and Hats lor men and boys are
niueli lowr and we keep a much largo r
stock'd tim thsti any one else here.
Nove utr It will bilug us a fine stock
oi Ladiev Misses and Children's sewed
sh'X'v, ever //air ma/lc h> order in I’lnJjul/t
yhin by Z-< er Bomi.
We ltd keep ahead of all in Hosiery.
VVe havboughl irotn a iarg*- Manufac
turing Copany, (Factory in Connecticut),
a much laier assortment of hard ware than
we have unliy kept and at large reduc
tions Irowumer pricea.
Cr<t<;ker>aed GiMiware we have Id
large s*ipt> (not yet open) and at much
lower pricetban lorrnfrly.
We proive to gpUf every thing we keep
at unilorur Uer rate*, keep houeet
gixids in ery line and acU only for CW*.
Your anbribera might save aomi thing
by examtnif our large stock.
Truly dun,
, ocf Ti 1.
s:t ejx w a y..
_ “J.'KilT I ;KS,7f)6n''T TITS’
Nlrinnaj Pianos Still Trinmfhant f
Chicken..c A*
Willikm A Cos, 883511
11 si mss Bros 287,031
William I‘. F.meison 222,7!H):
Albert Weber, 231,44 k
The above figures are taken from the aunuul internal Revenue Tux Re lumas.
RUBENSTEIN. t)nrlng all my long and difficult journey
all over America, and in a very inolemcir
seaaon, 1 used ymir I'innns, and have been
aide to use y.nlr Piamw exclusively in my
Two Hundred ami Fifteen Concerts, and
also in private, wills (he most eminent yal
infliction and effect. New York, May 2Wi
187S (The above Is the only testimonial
ever given by Rtibcnslcln to any I’iann
iiunutac Hirer.)
TC __ Fray tell Mr. Kleiuway that bia ajihuid.d
LINZ 1, nplight i’iano shuuo to brilliunt advani me
l.i till. Ii slival perlormances at the Wart
li.irg w heie last Tuesday it served nnd. r
Uiy fingers as “Vica tirnhoslra,’’ exciiieg
general ml in I ration. (Extract Irom Dr.
- Fran* I.itzi to the lelubrated compose,
Metadorf, which letter, itsio.l Welmci
H0p1.27, I87!t, Is now In possession s>f
After thoroughly testing your llanos,
both in private and in public, L ean con -
scieiitioltaly say Unit the Hteliiway Pian. a
are superior to all Amcrieaii and European
iiotruments known to mu, (New Yoil-,
May 17th, 1872.)
DE MEYER. “During my artistic career of mnro tli in
forty yeivtM, 1 had oe, anion i.r use llie Pig -
nos ot all ihe world-renownen makers hr
public and pi ivats, but 1 have never found
an Insli'tuuciil which compares with your
Pianos. (N. Y., March dint, 18(18.)
JAELL. “Your name desei ves to lie inscribed iir
golden letter* In the history ol Pious >esli
iitg lu America,to Bin I mprovemenl of ...*)
you have so largely ronliibuled. V.rsi*-
Tim es may lie proclaimed ns Incompara
tile ! XVlull noble, distinguished lone! Vt I*l
I singing quality 1 (Parts, April 1711s
1807 )
“During my long career as Artist an t
Aul. Composer, I have met with many tine l.u Piano Fortes, but
none that combine grandeur and pxM'try ot
li tone, eliotu iy ol loii*li—ln slioit, eveiy
thing that renders a Piano p.ilccl, to mi. Ii
a higli degree as celebrated I*, mo
F. itie." (New York, Juiy 5, 1872.)
WE AMVAYH GIVF f>AI'KS WI TH Aid, CHEDENTI.M, i. as there are a.tnio
“old,’’ yes, Vi- it v oi.o credential* out tlom dilletenl eetelji at. and A. I isis, given by them—
same heiotn Mess. Hielnway A Nona even manufactured Hallos, and others, r*>
they lot.l liiud thee, celebrated Instruments.
Also testimonials from
t- 11 XHI.I H, frelsl.rsle.l ilomjmscr,
J. N. I'ATTIsoN ••
Ai.Pioat ir iTv*r, •• ••
ii. vvui.r.KMiurh'T
,|o i,i'll Wlli XI A WhK I Irii'j. lir of Ills bl .llasbi ni JVlossew, ltar(*
< HAS, h I NK Kl„
- xYn.fdr )t rAfit fi.i.isi n, ii ii n ii... i‘im.'. >.f Wi.'s,
It II w ASIIH.MIM , Miain r la f'jsn...', *n,l tiuintisr. of oilisrs pro numerous to ms lloir
fi, i,.1 for I'*Ul..goes s.l* y.Mirs..||,
Kleiuway’a Pianos have taken every I’ri/.e and Medal whemyer tlielr Piano* |*wvr
ii<-i ii place,| hi eomp. illlon w ith others. Purls 18117. Roudou 1802, which places llicir
I'taooa a! the hEAliot Till.; W<H(ld.
AI.KO MulTiusliok, liar liUtUq Ilgine* Bros. And other Pianos.
Wlmlevei e.waiitv.T iti thu .ll.isieal ftnn we . .tti supply at loweai raves an J al short
I(. liable agents wanted Id Geo , Ala,, Flnrldu. N. slid H. Carolina, and Esst Teni), by
'i (JKNEIt A RUAUMULEIt, WholesiT. 1 utliefa Agents,
ill) Whin hall Hi. Atlanta Georgia.
84tnu'ly Win. T. KKYI ID, Mp (I*l Agent Greenvil . (
Jgy J 7& ETtIAM MtTKAM KfM!■ j
wmmm tn 11 ii’n iTfiirm md
In “tore and arriving daily,
#5.000 Woi'TTi
nl fjOODH nl All Kiruh and Best tjmill'y
—iluuglit in
And other dtlea s ct: the decline in Oood*
Hata Irotn
G0 <: J'O $4.00,
Calicoes from Ii to H cents, fileachdl and
Brown ffomeaptns from <} to 15 cent*
fs/rdsA Whits am\ euhursd MuUn, 10 to ‘ih
that you will rxrrtainly purchase when yon.
see them. Also a fine Lot of Confection
erics,—Orange*, Lemons, Jellies, Candies
Come in and see me and Hnng the Cash
The Georgia Daily
(Except Hunday)
And is editer! liy f.’ob. Cahrv W. Brri.wi,
ate ol the Albany News, Willi elttclenl as
atan t*.
Tiik CoMMUNwKAt.Tif glyet tin enrren
ni'ws of the city, Htate, and elaewhera
market report*, and vigorous editorial* on
Munir I pal, J'olltictl and General HuUJecta
The coming canvass. Htate and National
will lx: closely watched and properly pro
ti nted, wlille the Mechanical and Agricul
tural interests of tlu: Htate will pot be neg
lee ted. Il bat a large and rapidly itierca*
ng circutation.
One month, 7 coots; Two months, f 1
15; Four mouth*, |a l|0; One year, $0 00
ol every kind done i u the beat style and
at Isiwest tirifr *,
COMPANY, Atlanta Ge irgla.
TV tluii t/i .L J aT)er
Ati anta Ukokoia.
All Sizes and Wcifchts
Address JAB. ORMOND. Proprietor.
Itefer io this iMU as aJHpecimen oi i