Newspaper Page Text
riatut ol Hie UimaiuK
V r
Arm* in a with A-
Wootd you Aik why iSB duntnng ?
Why these: ad complaint* and murmur*,
Murmur* loud about (Juiii'i ii n'i
Why bare r.sad the paper we k'y.
Head what tilßJf had JtsmjklU ' ,r ,
Head wilti pleasure and w.tb jr.rtt,
Heal ill church affairs and pro/i|M"ls,
Heal nl new• both ti nne and f .1 c;gn,
Head the nwyi and tne (exons,
Full nl wisdom and instruction ;
Jtevl the tallies of the market*
Carefully corrected weekly
Hlmuid you ask or why list dunning f
We would aniwei, we ah mid tell you.
From the printer, from the oiatitr,
From the kind imJ paperniW,
Finn, the landlord, from the “and vll,"
From the man who taxes icUet*
With a stamp of Unde Samuel -
Uncle mm the rowdies c*!l him ,
rrom tin in all there conic* a ine**age
Message kind but fl-rnly apoken,
"f’.eate lo jay the hilt you owe-*** ’
Rad It la to l'*r such nu"i['i
When our fund* are ali • xhaus’ed ;
When Iho i*l greenback* ha* left U' ,
When the nfckela a'l have vanished,
(lout to Jiay |hc pa pc I mk< r,
<i me to jmy tim toiling pi Inter,
(Jone lo pay the landlord tiibute,
(lone to jmy the i lerk mid devil,
< lone lo pay the l.iltlilul m i .>*t,
I lout lo pay Uncle Himue!
I ride Ham the rowdies cull hi u
<June to pay lot tie*-1 and lii.dgci,
(i,,in: to ;*y our l.ulhlul pm on.
Hid It la to tUlli out ledger,
Tni n (tie H-UVM of tuu nW it-i-**-l,
Turn and see a hat sums era doe ua,
line tin volumes imiir since ceded.
Due (of year* of | bupiket reading,
Due. fir year* of anxious later.
Due desjote our ' A ions w aiting,
Due our eoiiaiaiit dunn n ,
Dun In amn* from two to twenty.
Would you llfi a burden fr m ua 1
Would you drive a apicne (rum you ’
Would you laate n p'eaa.iiit aminher ?
Would yin lia e a ipilcl mini hmee f
Would you fen Ia papa pn and Ini T
fl uid u inoriEiy tend u* uiuivy ;
Rend us money -send us money ;
Head us money that you owe u !
Wniilrd i* Hill,
Any Lothario npixurril before (lie
grand [ary a Ittadaya since ,n ' * l,c I’" 1
|H)e, h lie stated, of “ ‘ r ""
iimi that, 100, against a .v.mmi The tore
men looked aympaiheilc, end rath r aut
prised Hi it (lie wlllii '1 should bn '* 11,1
gallant; lull complied will* hie duly (<> ill
torrogatr, mid asked lull die Jmy
nil about ii.
Well, nat<t the wHiicss, it was Jut like
ttila. Tlieic i* eiißlihing looking gal
living in our neighborhood, mid I "*'it In
||yp|y to marry h*r, AUnr lulling Ij'.UiJi
the sweet thing* l knowod ntioiit love,
moonshine mid auch.J popj ed the question.
B|,c mid J im, provided I would got her a
pair ol them pretty shoe* she showed me
wtroii we were in town tngericr. I know
ed ilie would have tlinn .ir.eTTlm knot was
livd, M 1 got (hem lor lur
That wn light, mid the foreman.
Yea, nj"lued the wltiicaa; nil right for
Illegal, but ske gut tlm mid she's
backed out. Now, 1 want to know il I
rnn’t gel the shoos, Hie gal or n hill against
her for obtaining good# under (also pro
Yon mid aim was a matching looking
girl, arid the foreman.
Yes, sir; and she L the taking! st gal in
the settlement.
Will, then, you ought to hnvo known
tlmt klic would hike the shoes, ns the net
docs not come withiii the purview ot the
statute, you cat not get it bill, but y< u
uiigbl sue her lor breach of promise, and
Calm damages amounting to tl u yuluo of a
pair of tboer. An attoruey will bring flic
hi it for about twenty-five dollars.
Well, 'Squire, 1 believe 1 "ill try lo git
the gal, and let the lawyers, court.*, ami
giar.d juries alone. Wouteu is mighty dc
iciilal and uncertain, bul they tan do more
toi a msn s irjorod affections sad toic up
nlt and than any ol thuc. He departed tn
disgust.—[Trey Kuqnirer.
We spent last Sunday at Liberty Hall :
vnb Mr. Stephens. Ilia health is now j
tjui c as good as it has been at any time
within the past three or lour years, lie
I ;;s wholly discontinued the use of mor i
jhine which was a soil ofdenier resort Ou
rHig his Orcadiul sickness last w inter ami
spring,and uow enjoys the sleep that brings 1
t:m repose and health. He informed us
that on Saturday last he walked in all not j
lr; s that? three or lour miles. Mr. Steph- !
u s a visit to his triend, Gen.
I I < mbs, at Washington, Ga., towards the
close ol this week, and expects to repair to
1\ ashingtoc City about three weeks hence
preparatory to the assembling ol congress
in December, lie thinks that if Tildeu is
elected, Washington, this winter, will be
more largely visited than during any in
the history ol this government.— (.Mae'isou
Home Journal.
4|t;i. i.I>IRfO A MI.TIHV.
How Cmmdere Aminevs Dul
i It .t fitwd Mary Well Tol4
Washington Correspondence Chicago
Tiinca. j *,
From all wiuu the (.'apt air,- at a man
! of- war rn ist tx- a very unhap,iy fas it .* He
is grand, you know, hut he mad be lorn
ome He ha- his **-p*r*'e Cahiu, dme
atone, reads *)■me Rod when he ascend* In
iho deck aTPbT tha bflacer. at once crow to
the other si it and Isar* him one ila ur:
! obstructed* ill- could not oe inoie let one
,if he had 'l,e so,a: pox <fftlcar* claim th a u,i Voiding lig.dity of tx:',avl r !•
alone one ol the moat potent eiem* nU of
diacip ine with a craw. ‘1 ha crew of s
male / war ia largely made up of reckless
dangerous men In number* they would
always Ixi able to t-eiite upon 'he ama’l
arms ol the ship and overpower the off!
<:ef and turn the Vessle into a piratical
cruiaer To keep down a gang •** ri< ue
men ol this i.daa* the slightest Infraction ol
a rigid discipline cannot tie pursed over un
noticed A siury told of Orrmnodora Am
men, of the, navy, the Inventor of the steari.
ram, illu-Irate# how impsftanl ,a unht-t
lailng action In case of a rnullny Bo sc
vain arc the peualth;* for mutiny, and so
r;loely are the man held in check, that
rnulildaa ol lata have, become yeiy rar<-
At Ihe o'ose ol th war Annn*n waa th.
Captain of n I'ociflc mull ateamsr. lie had
shipped as a part ol Ins one a a lot of an,
(pats, oil'll who had teen sillora before the
war hut had aervitd aince that time I , the
alloy liny wi m- a reckless, had lot. A
mils' Ixdoie the stewmei J,., I J*ft N. w
it was evident that there war going to tx
t riubh 'f hear s illurs scouted at tba gr ih
furnished them and aoi 1 tliay must ha e ,i j
good it lie cabin (>*' ngrm < li,r <’ <} ’
tj,e iilf ilr l utu mated by this gang !oi non ; ;
anil t.:uniug aft. Wiien they entiled tlie
aalixuj they V'X* headed ] two I-. .- .
(loc wlii# lis l ini iled the mutiny At then
appi iiom a i-aivural army officers on hoard
viilunlnui I> lhi-tr aifvnealo Ammo i|
lloinFed lion mildly, hut said he would not
IMWiil their In-Ip lie. walked fo s ard Du
gutdly toward tliemutineirc and without
giving llimii an opporlnnlty to nay a word,
look out hi* wn'eh and *ti) Now no n, I
want you 1“ go light lm< k to dot lokcs*)
1 will give you on*• (iilnute to go
A run an li** the *|i|i< firao l li' ft In in-v
ohl ih a* on who wooid weep with pain si
till) ri'-ei:.j!y o| killing a It, III* vol<e vi *,
a* <d' a* il Ida mouth vv lined with plush
vrlve , m| aa sweet *t a maiden’* whiqn-r
when Adolphus (list emlichs her llniid
When he said simply lo the men, Ni,
I waoi you to go light back lo the tokoeel,
the leaders grinned. This mutiny was lo
oee ed 100 easily S dui iog llio, liiPnil
they scoffed al the .>ll msti At precisely
i*ly seconds slier the aspiration ol Am
men's remark lie raised his pistol and shot
‘ i l.e ol Ihr riugjeudcr* dead Will yon go
hack lo the h kcsal f said Amman lo the
,er\>nd ringleader, pleasantly. Ihe man
hesitated , a flash ! a report, and fio 100 Jell
The deadly persistent blandlrs* ol Am
men's composure drove leifof fTttnVigir rw
tanks ol the mutineer< They went for
ward, and there w** never liny uunetroilh
le This prompt action alone iavl a very
rich auip and a large numle r <d pa*aengent
hum pliind**. outrage and moniaf
A IC* |m iiiuiit I lint
In the beginning ol the last cent fry there
was nr Hit' menagerie m IVsel a lion tha:
showed an astonishing degree ol lameness
toward the* woman who had the care ol
him. This went so far that Ibe w oman, in
older lo amuse the company which catue
l.t see lire animal, would often rashly place,
not only her hand, bul even her head !>e
tweed his tremendous jaws. She had fre
rpiently petloruied this daring act without
suffering injury; but oaee, having in
troduced her head into the lion's mouth.
anitnal made a sudden snap, ami killialber
on the [t. Undoubtedly this ra'ustrophe
wa* unintentional on the part ol the Hon ;
probably at tlie fatal moment tbe hair of
tbe woman's head britated the lion's threat,
an.l compelled him lo shock- or cough,
supposition seems to tie confirmed by w hat
followed ; lor as soon aa the lion pi-rcciv
ed that he had ki'ltd his attendant, the
good tempertxl anitnal exhibited signs ol
the deepest melancholy, laid himself flown
by the side of the dead body, which lie
I would not sutler to be taken aw ay from
him, refused to take any tood, aud in a
lew days ptnued himself to death.
flOTrl* of Tolismto oil il Kilt.
The Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle, of the 30th
ult., says : Yesterday as one of the young j
Vedies in a family living on Greene street j
noticed a large rat eating a couple ot cigar
stump'-, which had been thrown into a spit
toon in the hail of her house. She was
atraiello disturb him, so sho let him eat un
til he had finished them Shortiv alter
ward she mentioned the circumstance to
her younger brother, and he went io the
spittoon, and finding the rat inside shook
bint out. The animal attempted to run,
but was so drunk trom the tobareo that be
couldn't navigate. He would stagger a
few steps and then tail down. In this
drunken condition there was uo difficulty
•n patting an end to hire.
An Irishman, being tried tor assault and
battery, iu Virginia City, Nevada*-.when
asked by Judge Knox if be bad anything
Ito say by way of delence replied : Well,
‘ your honor, 1 saw but little ol the fight, as
■ 1 was underneath most ol the time.
A* Early Debut ia rlltici
' *n
' (JLarleatoo New* and C<>urler.]
A young couphe tiring not a hundred
, mo-* north of Cueater courF iV-n vt
!'aught their little iofaot, aged aDxjt tao>
j years and a half, to lisp the Da me ol
Hampton, and thi* word, together with
papa and mamma, were she pal y one* the
i ittle Democrat cou and aiticu!*'*. It a > hap
.< M lhai u*a itou Dr m.r.te ti -g i. Ua
| by urns round, and the young hopeful
aw aerwrilng.y esmvey**! to- the ereutet,
, wod il.e ewemi ny brim. Wiwrn the mn
| i-'er sprinkled die waier into hr* lac', li e
baby dVJ hot, <:< rd ug in the wpp ove,j
atyie, kick and scream, iwt aa ami as h*.
rirjovneif from the slrck incident u.sro
ha dousing, he shocked many of t:e sauct
tmonioua hy ijacuiuilng, Hurrah i-.f
Ha npton I
With linn I Mill Ika k
A Chicago girl received a dispatch irorn
Wiv; nun ann iu icmg ,list i*er lover waa
going off wit i consumpfion, and she lete ’
grwjihed to h a (lieu i His Jeffrey tep! up 1
in* hie insuijn c ? Tus tried telegraphed
bi.k Policy lor flOOtjl in y*ur favor 1
pod up ltd VI iy tj, 1 fT7 IVsr Jeffrey cn
not last altei the IL'i* Cold ana, 7be
young lady then wondered pfaiiosopbtcai'y |
4.1,4. mm ..I i .. .t i* In lilJAi'V tp 1
ti fw wtt~ W r*f t'f f*Hrw **v *** •* ■- ■** ■ ■— *■ •
graplted to Jeffrey Darling, I W-i- ti*
with you on Tuesday, never to ij ;ii you
Toi lug iiic. 1/iniM, it will he asi 1 low 1
lo you, my love, sH Inr uunoer Vc, m
s-i hy
lilaine deitveied a speech last il n .sy
i veiling at ‘bxijwr Institute, N # York
,tiy, dutmg which he roads the fo re g
jtar.k cnutcMlOft of i,is j*,.l |i at tith . i:
\fr Tild'-e g* ta Into yowet, s*id he, th*** get Hi in* n will help ■*
root- them of nothing that is not i._ma..
nat'irn Any body Would do it , f w m : d
do and , you would do It, anybody would and.
it it Ibry hail the opjmrtun!• y VVliy, Jim
,* that th* way Uoa thing has tx-eu going
on ever afore you writ* red and. Thirty r ight'
r •.njpeas ? VVtiy under the sou didn't you
•ay that U*t spring or eiimmwf, and *av*
the jee.r , haul-worked Julia iary Commit
ec t-> iri't* li w orW *
r - —. ....
Row ta lltr Time to armrv II !
The hf si and 'hfu/ifM Und In markit are
in Kastrui* NaftUvraa, on the fin# of the
fJiato.t* I’arrnc Ran.noan. The moat I*
vorahlg terms, very low ratea rd Urn and
freight to all acUteis. The fwat market*
Free |rtis*a lo land buyer* Maps, d.scrip
lire lamphlrts, new edition of " I uv. I'l
nrrh'' lent fre# everywhere Address O
F DAVIR, land Commfasf'invr*, U f’ If.
If . < linslia, Neb.
S,— ■' 0 Cir-7 A WhKK to
r)k > —H- *ii>Ag“‘)t Maiopii l
FRF.K. r O.VICKKHY ACO , Augusta
r ‘ A complete llistory of AmUrsnn
±1 idle PrtßtHt hy 111 It'll s-rm;v
>e, gcon in (hsrga, with ah Append'* y
jj containing the ictnire ol IK nisi Colon
auldieis who died iher*, with d*te an in
; came of death Hoot on receipt ol -
price, $d 00 A splendid campaign book
/**T*tW hff SUtYrss/or Ilf throughout (As tun a
(ry over
(lie,best Purgative and Anti-Billious Medi
cine kcown. Onte Constipation, IbMioua
ness. Liver Complaint, Malarial Fevers,
Hlirumallstn, and all kindred disorders.
Dr. Strong’s Pectoral Stomach Pills cure
Coughs, Colds, Fevers, Fem*',e Compla : it*
Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, and all de-
of the Stomach C F„ HULL
& CO.. New York, Proprietors.
are IN
It is the Orig.nal and Only Reliale Paint
Mixed Heady for Use.
It is the most Durable, Haods<iest and
most economical paint made, fend for
sample card, with testimonials bra own
ers ol the fines', residences in the country.
For sale iu every section of tb coactry
33 Bulling Slip, New 'ork City.
The only Centennial Medal fca prepay
, ed paint was awarded ns.
r|X) ADVERTISERS ! Sen 25 Cents
J. for the 108th edition ol Netpaper Ad
vertising, containing a List ol bwos over
5,000 Population, and various imbination
of newsp*p*r. Address GEOS*. ROW
ELL & CO., 41 Park Row, N# York
TEA'S. S.Y. Citf
Tftfltr 4 Farlfjr Orgaa
P- - - ~
Ooljr O tb*l gif* Wriitea Gu'aijlwrf
Largest Organ Factory m tbe
Places PROM
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flelia'd* agent* wanted in <r- rgi*. A s
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Wholes* HoUthffft Ay* 't*
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Win. T HKVfUnfiiwt *: Agent
mat 24 Iy tlrvmvide, Oao.
/ yV’ I \/ foaeautll. 1 iuv
v / . N | j I * ii mr*
Vtrlt *at* r* 1 v r iieiivio
sr> rM*.
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■J.)( IS. A,t ■
H is it ms i
HKMtIM* Vlttklt u AMI t -,t. .1
WCMMIMI null 4 v-nt. rou \ k
Our Own Fireside
Is a llorne Jrxiina! for the Kut le
Eight large page*, with iiius’raooni
Now ill lit Fourth Yea/
I'ltre gl 10) a year. Ten lent* t •'’* musi
he sent pi | exit age.
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act otir ig'-n'.
A Cliampmn Irirting I’rrssg.vejj (. r a
lut> ol to svb*> alrcrv, Send .‘k- stamp lor
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; UUSI t KHr Men and cannot spring a ps
. N 1' licia.
\ AM I'Ll.'ltH. Do the beat ol Work.
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a Chromo with every paper, will receive
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stead of $t lQt
Tbase Chromo# are lararerTasd of a better
c ss* than those used by othei poblisber#
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scriptioa price.
Sample number ol the paper with sample
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- ' •'
TOBACCO t izyn
NO Vi liEPI liLIC Bid H K, K
y\ (1 all (a s Q c^oi^iii
r I"l i K M KIM W 1 ; VI ll 'A l
ro u i: t 11 you u m 1^:
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■ff r ‘
Alf I A i.: TO Tilt , IlinlN"- Of
m 1; 11 r w 1; r iu: u con n t v
For a cvuUruaaiacv of’WTa j-'r >n*g wbx li Ua* Iwen *l'.ended tv the
Fiir.t T hrc(j Volumes
DirTig the nest year the f*rr j-rw4f
,T*per ■’ w . -* rna’.. on- >r ■' worths t l!,'- • •*--*'! pain-riSgo w) u b it >a
hofe.f It Will rceelva kviue rw knit!'* * be :*,!*< , w ♦*! 1 add gits, y
be ,nterest at ?' a
l I*o HA f. raTFA TITAEEH l
N* w tna'.er al will ha *d 'd U> tbe office from time to Kmc, htrfj wt'l hsipfevs tlw
A *t* L* fwen premised from lea-ling friends of literary merit, who wji! dsligk
vtnno rd instrnct 'mr rea>ler With ortr rocreaaed mail fa/.ilitiea we i*a!! be aide to
give tbf latest new* try, to the time of gfiwg to prw*x Th* !e ? ) acfvemsemeott of ihs
county will contioue to be published in tbe VINDICATOR, a* well aa an account of
iißjvortawt events tramplrrag in tbe rowwty. Many kind friemts have enrottragadus tbe
laal vear , wilt they Pod a helping h*ni at It** beginning of tbe prewenl volume. Th*
VINDICATOR is entabli*be4'Sij*rn * ftr*n baitr,
to succeed if the people of Meriwether county will only sustain it. The pries rl sub
scription will be aa baretofbre, 7MO DOI.LARB peraunum IN ADtAMCZ
Tiietircol/vtrfF' r* K* [if* ■ far * **tv-,rvoo -1 was last year ; will sot ean
Oet us One more Subscriber^
with this we shall be aaUsfted The aKewtiem of tlwwe trading irfth our people is
called to the advantages offered by’.be VINDICATOR \s an advertising medio*,
Dax win G. Jones,
31 BROAD S THE FT Atlanta Gw
White Wine Vinegar, Cider Vinegar and
White Cider. Bern standard goods i<rw
eat price* Warranted
Thompson Cole A Cos.
New.vas Ga,
Desire the people xtixtwijxrx w
know that they are selling
Cheaper than ever, li tba citizens of Mer
iwether doubt this statement ww only ask
n examination of oar Fmarrcn* and
We also keep on hand, at very low fig
Baby Carriages
of every kind and order for a]] sot’s of Bu
bies— ezwyf vpfy owes Send us yoW or