Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicate? c.
ruw.WttK!* .v;uy kj
A r ,w mANN!M. !N-A ■ V ANt’K
i . 3 1 * y i ■ .. :rj - 1 Utf
ifftf jMvr'rU fn.
Sowra ; - " - - - *•> • * '
T inch t t>' * W* * -
* ieeue*' 1 so: 5 ,-v .. .#■ .'■'(> <"■
.achest h| * O-i j 1 • *-'• -- “ i
j 5 ot> 10 iWi-J' •: • ot> i
loo! 17 00 r. 00 :>A' '>■' •' i
tool !’.<*< f 00- V- •••■•!' t: I
ty A liberal dcAi. ni* <•
advert! sic < hv the month or roar
ooun rir or f icers
ORiRNAKY ... las V V j
#IUCtUFK W H P . '
CLt.ltK ti. C ' J Uiu ■i. .
TAX txif.l r*< TANARUS *A : i L
T rK.\M >;ri< ..\ * a u -iv |
PI'IAYKY t'K . .. . u t'.M ws,
tfUC.Sf V v Oil>l LSKUO. EL
K, V Gian n, Aar. - v ’• v
C J RtOVTfc t L McCll'i ■',
A' i”i 1! 'V
RoAitl) t<V MH - ‘A iL> '•
Jqh% W* J Hhs • v
M i.o u i.-D <■'. TT A■ TANARUS:. •.
A !* rfceiVniii * V?. a'
Il 1.
JtEPltlifclJN I' A 1 a >
libad.ji't VV ii u<*r Vs '| •>{ v
JOHN Ll'A!!k
A lI*HI Nh \ AT
J-\ • -ii. .''•! • i . (
H!! prx'U M*ri . v *U- a i ’ • 1
JOs(A i 4 • 1 ’
t. LOh' T ! l !.A . v
* ft WNM A 1 LAW,
•* ' ’ : ■■ ' s ' "■’ ! '•*
\n\;KNi Y Vl' LAW
tl*i i . il.i.i i.-
All bU*<tt-** tUU U*U ti;. ..a ■ • li'l
eI t |ruuiji v a tut Ii Htfu ! U
! MM Kl J O.N.
Klvl'.fA ui.i.k, O A
▼S ill-j i‘i i< t- iti ’it •*•! Or.'
IaI) I ("tfllfl# <l M ! *t ! .*• Tlii lllf
llwprf ( VmiM* trf the* I'<>tjutl v w roui jHVM!i*<
Ittt .1 t: ii. ■ jt-il-KI.L
I I Til L (>MiviK th<i | “*
\ V M* U•• ;r (<i A f >■ *!i i li* ;
CH nil V A 1 <ii ,I* ti t \ * >Mu
•fvi )| ir > *tii CI I ‘ t*il ** >H -'■:'! <1 t*
IHi L. H AN i rV*N V,
nKKKHH lilt K • ,• KJ r .<}f.
riiifti'i * M fiwufi! ¥ *ti(j v U'i- '■ v
J Antii * y A <;*/. Druy
r Ml
I | *> I.Jt • < • 1# • 1 ' V
i ] !f lIH'H < • *
Ml % Ht* t< >}\ .1 ~n* * J •tJ *•
fvu'Utz unt *, i 4 . * %u'
idt of ’Mr
Illustrated Price CaU^s.te
KifiJ jr-j/r*’ iti-Q i • *-•
ri|4i# i> <i ' U f ,• ih •■■■ Ii < *.* f
ViV+vbilf* ,-, r >*-'rS f* ', I 'W ‘'fy
U> y+m/ 'lu'n a.: U i I * I i.kl
lUmp i ‘“/ t■ h■ *• ■■! i
Vm k • K*"' •. : - < < Q *i ‘i : > , ~•/ •
• J+%t
Yfcfct K ;*i*rr *t 1 Vi:grU ' *■ < Vi
Off)U it) jmjwf , :ti r'-*K*t:l riot! t vir
#l 00.
A'Mr#**, JAM FA > ' K K . <;U le\ > V
Viok’tf Floral Guido
ijftftiiii: U ■ ’ r
triiftl, t ‘ j
Ftmrer f* t!s a* h * >t< i I’l c
ooly Vt Cfte' 'ff H>* v**r Trio ft>-I
for 1A77 jwat •fc' ***<l i’i **• • > i * k i Hi if
IMA Vick’* r: .4Vi A. V ©actable ' .
la p*{trr 'v • ■, .m Ui <'> \
ets f I *O/
Vick's Oat*. “ 'k ; . • •!
3 cents A ’ I
JAMK> VJ K. R., v v
FUwer tnd barden
m the ml f. * r ' c
the wort ! ft WT*!"' :*■*' >' IVI [i-i
btftlrftlt of fin* ii j and • i
(' brmo pint** of F.o * . ’i ' j
drawn and colored fra'; nature f’ r
oftfiU Lu paper cov*i- f ■ >i'.t
doth. Print*4 in (if-: v •,* •< • x
Vick's F ora. O ''- , Qua""! . ;3
• year
Vick’i Cai%U*e * JOO I • !:l‘
)y t <wf AUUia&A
JAXJS? VICa. Hr*X***r t N V
Flower aad Vef'euble Seedtt
awßiuca. Sbk
\ ick’s Calaiogo—lJOO niustrafiooH, 00 y
2 cent*.
Vick's Flora: Ouiue, Quarterly, 35 c r,L
a year
Akk s Flower and Vegetable Garde-', 50
cenU , with elegant ci-. r, a vcr., | \ ,00.
All my publicati n are printci in I.'.
gliab ami German. A dr.
JAMES VI'JK, U he;c .If V
1 : —r l -1->
A lit' •*. sf: :l! I i'll'. > - >?; {j % A fiil*
, .A- r l".
4 'r r, * * a moMin t- her sn, are vn
V - itrSvv *..1 Ls in?*
M T-LXA —; u._i nal i...: . 1' a Uc IY.
hivv:;, " h v l l 'm •: o.[ the ch>the> tht
tiv pul vti ijVvst pi<vr.-*
i i*s a—; I! c !Jrei!
vViii! t inaii vi ah m kIMm. tti* olciei
Tl. Cit H VjivMMi i h li) \ OiUHivT .AilOi mi
ro r navi 7 ti.l, Woul l y.i k;n Jiy llx lUf
ti iH r V
1> .! yea noi ve hov% jp l Wfcul
til-l re* .it if- b* lti
Iff. \ .H, Hivl l v.-•> li < 1 tu.nt v'U
\ man wh**** tppfhraiKt- iuh. itf-1 tint
A U * V*<s Loo IU4 4H. J JU'ii'hl
1 ir* * - * l tngiy fMpiiel f
- Ti* , r htli a Hal) —nol evwi
tmx • .
. f
.hi' k . A rjh\k\ frifThl
: li
iS |! N-- 1
j r : ! ; -i...,' , 'fh I-. 1? l=:T~ t>‘-v *•
'• - -A --
Ia i' -••<., ithi ik iu\ hat 1 v%.>4. t .i!
i i ■ v *, S-*v. 4* H' hi* #0
> . 1f m.f •“ t-> ' to-ty -rtran*ri. <•.
I 1 |. 1it,.,. t l--. k ). fur ui) l-U
--!, 1.. -j
l,i vil s 1 l. ltci ii iKo atjitiati..’ tn wu
t. . * A 1.1i: * iki* to av At
-L, L‘ t', n-Hi-ntt 1 tit P<iit in i
t t,■ i,—.;.. ;‘.L. ho.! * VV p: I
.. hr! rye : , J lit.- il W‘l
it, !|! 11l All !•' II I! Cl,, 1 ' 1 .41 ' -
j iv., . ii Mu' ft-.(lie null In’d ott <-li dial
i .. Hi'-'i c 4(llii cl In 3• ’ I•- •
i I ,i ,* mf < a-y that l ■ 11'l >
1 it- im!
A i t ml -mi l Hie nnnset f?. tits hI
N ' \ <.<k ik.<l ►kiiol W itmßte Hint
Why, Thai’s* 1 *,#* lU U!|i; h-h.
• •♦I nnr| I’#! A u.l it< <■ • the ft in* tto !>* ii
liii c urriiy with *♦ ii h ,o> Ui.m! v
S’ ’ ■ k'x' 1 MH. . ! in ii,' n itrv o! t
j e fiuiit.c: p '- i in K * V Mm moth
•ft { fti t m 1 an-* *'-i
, , ix 4’ v* iiili ith on'ln‘ -y H * '*nh
’•*,,•4l,. ;i,h In Jooiih <i ti fit i murttigiH
of the heat'
A f.n<l yit r< wit 1 v U>j lHyn to win*
*i 1 let l<a * t tUr! mptlt t* * lhe J.olvl
is'. ; A *4* A buy } 7 ftM> H
■■ ■• \v - • y li, 140 CHI 'lf, 111
hm i. t ii* i.i M oj! Jhovi \*u< < .Nu klo
i H tii' li f UiUli t hut J'i! 1,.i Til JuJliO.
lift All t HjJJD# f-pfHI lU W*’
a ; _w/! T r TTIiM , <il >thrM.
11 *' :*( a v >•<! //in * iii , !.• Ji 1 l *i ■ T *:t • T
■ *i ■ *-1/11 • It* I*' lltin', phi
■; /. *■; t At.'i/i \ -;i> r,- * N 'I >..hlV
-r-rgr-it-r-rf-rr*; mi t 4 Ift- iti~ t*
i | - • ht n'tt r the flr>t li'< ill m !
j 1 - ■ < . * . .jx-m vt ut w *♦¥* bom--
( *vu,. S'- i * pi tin
H -i jjj
j t # . to nTrant r|irirrr-t o; *vr-ro* wj
( };<* V l‘J III* ••‘.H I |l 4’l Jtl ill 11. L t UK 1
--.Jori'! Il l ttiffjr • 'ii I *.*■ /a*; <M
I '! • t *i, V, IQJt M>U, f l 1 1 i/i H*| rk .1 v*. > <!.
Ah’ iy /!<..iii ur,,)>K l 1 ti,-' v ! 1
ti* k'h u<il'>li* >4 purU' ii *l ytir r, lt‘ ‘
uuij iiHM iK’tu . %dly */■ J nboiiui
i v* >mm! : Thoinufc, ny k"w, tmrj^Mirl
froii* Hint iii /l orn
l -.HfiJtli ,;i. .. , . •.;>*> i liii- ol
.;••■. 4 . -f f .
; {*!..'><■ -y
.) ,r *li '•%•* tIM ’ I'r ifji 8J i
|Mi<\ . L rt, y, iiu k; wo iia't i ib*
i .Hr/ Alntjii.-r y(*>4 r* a f> >v• of ab f *
I O u- l *V ‘a* ii ft ’.!*•: i ‘ y t ‘*‘ B*l.
v* * - 4.0 Wi t let! y ... u* *->i, I**
, .tv*. 1 n.’i ' v;i tbo tv.'
4 M'IUT -#rhO''l Utwlfl'r V.-; 'IVf J; H
*• ' +-M If !* ii Hji wti’.'i ' / i
! *li'•'bu n-of Bo*,/ jo Ui<;
I fi 'ijt* '* f- )r o * in * of toil
N ,-v to o, rai l ►!*', 15 ns/ *fil nu *
. If./ fr..} ff'lt* ; •HU yall 1 1 : frif* A <■ .
* A'A. / tffTA'l ’ S4‘ j rnf* o' til** boy
fY, 't; rj *o
'1 ; -o^' !: *v -.'o ? ■( a oify ttiif .
• *.,>04 inoi FAnur UC rj ,!hin^
I'dM.H. . ; • to. vv' -.. jo link* ?
a J< U* up iii*: bo> fi tu J O/ffi *
it,; ; * **• 4 li-Ui oi f ; i r day b
the L *, ''4. / -- ' ■>.* Mi*; Ji^i
♦b‘* *• * -tiJiUli li ' / •'
i* .VV * ' v*. a linker 1 * <jaM
J-l y ' 'V#; / 4 r not. it’d A
'Jino i /;- Ho tc ' <: -Jj.-.e i flftt-:!*-
■•, •. ,i> •
faiiiou* I-r ui j i it/ lV*i*a*. Ai,
;r,_, .fi ! Jt,. i*, kai : b.i iiOst,
/. I am tK/rry lo aay that you’ll not get lo
•i*y a (Jifinfr */nr fri*i.*t Tom Moore
gae o. i'erfaitj./ nol, repjeJ llotjk
Iron a Ilatcbi.'l one o.n fijn.'t ootL ng
!iU< a ciir-
M-i”in and If gii';, the two men ar
rea" in ‘he charge of attempting
to deepoii the tomb
of Abraham Lincoln of it* f rec ion*
cor,ten*x, were on Monday indicted by u
t. grand jury oi Hamramoa ©aunty,
n fort* kepaMte crime'* —atfempt-
-1 i ,ny and c/uspiracy —and each *• 1
eouxinltteJ •" •• .1 ■/' b*il in the sum ol j
1 n,'/f
V i Urm'ntll) K'lown
Matii.i Vin Hjrin j. ttic o ily rain who
in-iil Iho 3i ;• i l Pie.-i leut, Vi. e t’lmiitonl,
-oiuinvr to ti.ore:nor oi us rrwn
m!, au4 Vic iilk-c ol hiiiu 11 iuhos ot Cot.
c rvar-i,
1 in-mai it. n iy tin 1 nn’.y man wh
ciii t a at in Inc u liitnl Slate* Bi ,ytc Jot
ir v I'oiiSPi iiiivc
i .n- on y insimic. it it laihcr n.i too in
me Loot'll Mialis He little at ihe same time,
! * lil it nt (lon. Mi-ttry DoJge, Scntlor trom
low:’. Hliiuiila is the only nun who
ever rst.resi-nteil twu Htnles tn the I'm ted
H:nte< Hi-ntli- At one time he was Hens
ti.t f mo Illin.iit, ami tnbserjuenjly Senator
J *hn linev .Vilmm heLt po*lti m infer
the li-ivenvo nt .firm * -. ry aihninTatr.t
i,M tiinii Wasnlng- on to Unit. f l‘oik ilnring
• .ui- i lo* .tie i: il ha 1 bee M nistei t
t, mi- i.Wr ol ts'tii Houses nt Cm
i ss, .'acc'foUiy oi ShU’*il Pi twLle il ol
tirr ol the li re nt H-*;-:i tr-n i’iy
Hie on’* (jsUnce htr<> thim brothers
■a Ihit-t-l lei -i, il.c [elite,- I { .!,-e a! the
iiin- lime. VS i. Khhu li \V tslitnsru
r jifese-te-t the K.nt Ol.tiiit of Illinois.
, i VV ale, Jr., Hie I'iiiril Dist*let
i nv ‘ ' ..7
! 4 Mots TO f uutv tbi: BISS
Diir i.
o e Tt ry ('urioiin tlnmr > ini'll 1 with
) the ftervmn miliUry b • .* i* ihr minuet
fi wnit it io 11 1 \ u>! il.* curry the
| Hniui l ini• *vl. us oilmr iriuhM, ol he
!_ ’j. 1 ftiiri f ' in Ini ii ot ;lie mail pi a\
j iiitt nun! iMpUve.l upon u Huiuii
!t ' A : e-t cm , <l.*iwn hy m .n^
I tin .tt
M U pl.u * in iljj hum), even thivu ’li the
uum he- i be (irumimji Hr.ikih
nuivl iiic kiiii ju ifonuh on the instru
•a t< i-s hr >CM h!oii^
I ll* l,Ust 4 Vl|,
If v\< v ifi) A*'* cwnt f nftkei! in
I Hpev uijliiUs look loil 'W of m iohdtvo
■t l'< oT,.i tljj. Ve ripli- <1 tl<! tr
ll< 4 Mtlt, liiitl 11. pJICWif H llftfl ilul ‘ll ill*
♦owe.* • for li >r min, whoe clothing
ii<w l> ' 11 in I lie ll4<l .-'|4fl<ler I hi {HU|I
Mtei, it not inn **• fling* t w.e* l from
M'lun'ng lit* iyr*M?i*r tin* Uh, timf vyiUpmt
bellikitiafh' l, (to u*-,kv 1 lor tun u: ones'.
File i Uo‘ ifttj not tlcklr* hift f in J , u*m!, h
.uni / <i •* vn '•! vi A'tor, tie f*#lliy in
• i ni* 1 I fl'i. o* . *-ul one* H* lectin; o )u,
. j iutit *lv * ii Inn fl ig r>, Hint vtt ti
the In if .‘4 |•!i\ • 1 nut lusnnuTlv vi ftoilci*
! \i, U >t’.i j
VA'ouhi > i*4 IfK* b iiisii'n hut wilt lor s
4 1 ; tf f
Tn* ihK'i vp4*M inn r *liiMt re, !.<• j (ha t
~re wouhf, H 4.1 i UaL wcil-iii-ai 11*il _a: ir, hj j
< 'lrtfomM p 4' ** 1 on** C; -i* a I 1 ii* *hoW
■ ‘ In! the sinrill eilnf t r ll tyxrm H(
!■ i!-HieLlorrb. H !e.Httre , v? ti ilhul tmf 1
pt;l* t* I: j s IfjJi l(,|/f i t *.v
h.t.-ll! tl.'il
V% •-•*', • r -trm n-frr nin 'r n P] > niii. Jn
.* / Oi of ii, lamn . ■<- * 1 ■ ’i, ‘.ii
U l ■ •'. 1.1 ' ita.ii. > ,i r .IE I iI.TT fOir
i'< ■' ■' 1 1 ' . r 11", <' ,■' i iiiiui of tin
Uui' ■ > 1 Hti' 'ln ' i ~,r wholly
l*-ttrr ' 'it' • nillon of '.I n (|
"oiiii Hi ', r A'aslilhiffon wan f’p t'lmii
iii tn< Jon (tv (,'imviii
’ iin , Init M " <t ! Hen no fow ilio' !|ii*y
j ■ o'iM not tt! 'o' Iff i-1 njic.ctir Tin:
j •'• uv-iitt n low'r h o-v> 'ge-l llio
; irm.o - .pii • in ffil: ' rl t i . afll in Omt Ii i I
'i "K .< ’ I-rhi■ ; r on' jiop'i'urlty ari<)
"if . ii-i.' iiy wi'ti who'll bo ;oiU, 'ln' <f ii
•Hl'i‘ i in wouM have l >i-fto r• j .o'l'Mi fjy Ho
[K'IJ ll I fiolll J ‘ l'ri 111 Vi f o|—l* a
He oo JiUvi —il j', Nupok-oii
fti.o.i -*<•' •I v -ilnii , ,* I ft'ln* *( with
o- i •, • iiru"' !, Hul ! til'll 'ol* fji nte#t trnUbin
ahh i !l Ih i 'ii'”i of 'i-.i| lather than
I AorJ* Wln ii *.iii’il how hi- rtiftinfftititif
jma iiifloefiO owi hi ijo f.or* jn aivt
l nai*i I*lll-0, wij.-o i aiiitTtiir ( iJ*r-tii ■ (in fol
j flit iMrtiy til 1' 1 y * ,M , "IJv ini" y.’
: Ihe go .'ln a .1 * 11 ...0 ia not to i.n no m,
J ori if ly Hi" ;:n|;!li of i, a i|ii;i.Un•• I Ihfir
| Mioilwr.
i Ev:; r yl) ,-iy no-, tit 'to >.. wi l for
ii *'*.•’ . )■<; o).f 040 a ."./o ft |ij it ia
yto hil hi o, win.i 1. fi.. hut ol for
■ oo r fr >ii ' , whet? ; o- thfty ’ Lei toe jitih
-0 i livv'-a ut VV.t ingloi i oi.t'inji'ate lloi
e: mio.lioi, o| ii,j in m*'.ii:u , mil tali'
w*rnnj' Their prewnt fam.iixt a<oiiily
1 t|otjr*i'*f if' id lilh > a few yvara
j ogt/' ' '
"Home to -. 0<: like T t mjr
atroko Uii right way for yonra aivf hear
nothing hut fuiriog , hit fti.iii'JfcnUifiy
traft/J on Die (an au>J memory of forrio
Irio'Juea* i oti iterate-l. &
In what are two heada letter than
one T In a barrel. <1
McKjck, the editor of the Bt. Iyiuia Uloly:
Democrat ban junt, been pardonfti out of
prV/n by Mr. (iranL McKee waa one
the raoftt prominent of the St. Uiw win.
'ty thierer He didn’t get out in time hi
vote for Hayes. That it what beat him
Too many of hi* supinjrter 1 were I j If.-
fft.'hi’.ea’ia y.
Why C lliniw ISiin'i Huf,-hi,..
The New York corm|M>ii<lent of the
V inairn*ti CH/. -tt, in n i'cjuiu Uitier, ,4y-s :
While * viikTTTj f.rgßia.le *-< a feature i,
human c\ t v; iene,l am lej to the reiuaikabie
tact tha* Piiit -rt-it I|T exliibiui s igenuni) an
t xn-puon W ile be lust hml i .•tanoc*
of siMl-iiitliok-il ile.ilh lawyers,
bankers, ami mechanic*, such x emu has
iml cavu. red mnong the Journalists of this
city. One may reftsouxely inquire wh it
is the c,tu e of this exemption f They ia'nr
inU-usly aid are jjoDernlly ill ? id a n ,| t ba>
!nve a f ill slui.'ii life's lunlshiD-s, which
Ucv eu.lnre till their clunge cornea in the
coma*! ot u-it.ire • I can giy o no othe* ren
so*! I*r it- v -iipt that the profession i ,
coustaailv limy, an 1 work* with an ap
proval oi c Msciencu, ainca it laboia for
pub ii- wini KJilor*, in lcl, are ao ocu
plo t with rnnyo nt Upright tnuitr-tciitg
public interests, they have littla time to
think about Lieuselyes. WaLer Scott
'mi le the remaijjt' after he ha.i reached
hauxtupfey, that iXolbinq anted him from
insanity but his habit* ol writhqj. Hi
mm 1a ii thus Uni away trom ttin conteiu
pi i.p.i I h'. miseilcs. Journalists ate au
ciiKageit in CUn nlqlJhg the w"s of oilier,
tiiat they io i .igiit of they own.
- -...
MKtmvßTiiKit Jan, While on a Tlsit to
lireeiivih- ti i’i-uLy, we tinman to be alarmed
lor tear the \v ii was shout to bie.ik Out hr
atu, as .... tviv the MterifV tunning the ei li.
zen in battle array, and miking arrange
tuenta ~a though ho intended to “hold the
city at all htieuds. On iuquiry w learned
(hat tfiu front do *r ol til.) j ill Imd beuu bro
ken oiien and Uol. Kovnr was alt aid ouni
lib P'b.Y:;. L. had Heaped On entering
fh> J'-, I.ishley' tin* only prisoner, toll
the bbc.itl to do no hauu as lie
a as 'tyiil Ihb.t
Uive Vour Child A Nowa|iaper,—An ex
change, very apjir. prtately aya that a child
iieglnniny lie.-, mns delighted with a
newspaper, tic. ante breads o| name* an>'
thtnga wliloh are Inn iar, aid il will pro
aec.irdingly \ newspaper, in one
j ear is worth aqi.rior,* •ehoollng to a
child Kvefy lather must consider that ii
■oruiation is con ..etc I with advaiico aunt
I'he mother o! a family, lining mn of na
head, amt im/ieg a more immediate charge
i l ehildien, -heu and In n. I lie insti in led.
A mind co.iipleu in cumin. Inriitln.l aglni> (
ihe tile oi h e, and is brseed tor any enter
ecucV. s.tifrit, are-un-d l,v reading or
■ indy, are, ot c., more e mld< tato and
tiiur" ettsi j- govern.! 1.
%%’mt ilif Iki.Miitimlltll.
<J <•<11 eIV ,ol Knglamt, nerit Die (am him
I’ilt ih Hrnnivl i.n a pri Kent in a to the
PiX'iiiu ru>>. fill An .-1111111. Tliii h> ;* lit
•if tin* c-ially. lin ■, Hu llailvr l J uii'h, a*
Htopfn'd in hi journey try a inekHi 11. P'l
..(row the ep.’irt, ariil detr'l nut to enter Die
• ap'* tl, w-hefr- I-" .-.ji-’i •ul.-'.‘-!i were then
irrrftmnunt Alter Hir Hmtortf ind -n ■
lei Vte l ever) tigtimeijV to ahoiw that ho
ought to le rftiwt/ed ; without making any
l-npretalon on the Per Win khan, he raid :
'•Veil it It mutt Ire a*/ I ahull return.hut
thin in',s' go with me, and he took from
Ina (xi.iii't the he.iiutilnl (Itiiiiiotnl ring
which had linen wilt for the "hall The
tpaikle ol the giro priuluud a rniufi'al
' fleet ■ the khan no sooner beheld It than
I '■ Ion! Ii 1 b.l iii'e. fillJlmi-h-i'k from fiTh
•i-ftl rprile out of breath ; then, r>-*: orered
hiruaell, he ahouted : Slop, atop, EVh
Mayyonr rondtmendlng kinfi 1 go i.n
intreftaing ! Thin after i the Dinner. I will
send an etj ite# to the heavnly r'em
oliog 1 hit“Uli ,ld o* the ftaylum of the
world ' J a'/.eat by your head that you w,ll
he receive 1 villi all h "t :i M. kluiliah ! It
r* not every nt that hat dia i.iui Ih nku the
Ingar. flu was nu good at i.ii word ; Die
eaprow c u ir wan diftpahhnd, and Hi'
Hartoi ! 1 ,ne# fulerod thu cl y "f Tel suan
by one gate, wirili; (icn iJ>n lann'*, the
Freni h envoy, wan packed 1 ll by tho oth
Wiii’e vt deteat rain aa a rac*, It meat
b" .adrn :ii' 1 that tin y are very intelligent.
They will carry egg a front the bottom to
tho |op of the houae, lilting tl;m from atnir
to fttair, the firat piubing them up on it*
hind le/a and the m-t ond lifting thftni with
it* fore legs.
The will extract the r. otton from a f.ark
of Florence 01!, dipping in their long tail*
and r'ceaDOT the rnano'/re un i! tio-yhav<
coi.auined every drop. We hive found
lutnjrft of augar in deep drawer* a! a dia
tance ol thirty fwt fr'citn the place where
the petty larceny waa committed ; and a
f' etui ,i a rat mount a table on which a
drum oi figa wer- placed and straightway
tip it over, ftcaf ieiing content* on the
fl air oeueatb. vhe:*- a •>;* of rjify rtiDt
oretbicn y+' valchi' g I- 1 :.,u v.iu^jj
A Trip | nertwHber.
'Vc made a rtylng trip tn VV hite Sulphur
Springs end to Orevnvtlle l*i week. We
.-oUe.-d liiat ttic cot ton bald* along the
.'■m-c I. .-kid l. aek and ti.-e cotton about
a!: picked , nt,
A t While Sulphur Springs liicae lines
1 hvdluulaliTjr oame iuto our mind :
1 led like on who treads alone,
Some tianqmeh all dusurted,"
■he e*y, happy and giddy crowd n h
had assembled for a few seeks recrealioi
during the summer had all returue.l lo
their homes, and the Hotel and the cabins
were almost entirely deserted.
Or,. nville is a preily little country tewu
ol two or time hundred inhabitants, and
bears the striking reremhtance to itainib
lon. We made a cad on brother Hcvdl, ol
tlio ViNim'ATiiß, who extended ua a cor
dial nelc.iuis and diurtes'es which affcre
appreciated. The Vindicator nndor his
lead is in a prosperous ooudlUon, and la a
P*pei that k.tepa up with the Unw. in the
cetreral i-sue*of the daj'. We louud Uiecli
tor out- ol ili.*o genial i'ourteons==f ulle
otrn. w ith a horn it is * keel In meet.
Wa also had the pleasure ol tueuiiug the
Hon. H. it Harris, und the ottener we
motil with him the utoru ais we chuviiickT
that ilio gourllt District has nctod winely
in selecting this noble, volt-eacrafluihg,
Christisn gcutlsuasn lor a Hepiusonlailvi:
in (Jougreai,
I’ttiaoO Winslow, ol the Greenville HoUSo
trrtded iii like a hud, suit wu will I. ng re
uiemhur the l'aisou with griititu In tor his
attention, and when our friend* visit Jrerti-
Ulle we adviao them by ad meant to Stop
yyjth i’araou Win alow.
Om visit to Meriwether was quite a
pleasant one, and ws loiiu.l every one
with whom wo came m contact sociable,
pica-, aul and agiucablu.-—| llsuUUou Jour
A nii|*i. ry Tlmi'o.
A ('ltlcago deacon sat down so Icrveutly
on ihe sioeeslk one aifppnry day last win
b r that the ,-paiki II w front hla Is lac teeth
lihe those trnm a rclssorgrindcr’a wheel,
Just ass young man with a round lur cap,
a waxed an I dy-.l moustache, and au ula
ter ovuio.iat, inxaaed salely by with the
i liNtllalile reniaik.
Tnu oid plan's drunk a lain.
When tin) doaciu got homo turned up
Ida liible, and reading lo Ins wile this text,
“The wicked stand In H|ip|)t’iy places,
Hninauth, 1 am more than ever convinced
ofthutiutb of his iiloiise.l liook, but I
wool 1 have been a se< ol teeth and a pan
ol parjiaoxins ahead il 1 had boon a son ol
11-drnl this mornbig.
A cow Inthe town oi J£duii,VViv,ititi mother
ol a liandMiirio oill, won eruaslng the rullrimd
tt (cw daya einee. Khe cleared the lan util
w lien Mi paftfecuger train 'l ire
aumial hiiatrued toward Dm fence. Look
rr.g luck, klieftiw liftr oflipring Blau.llnif
on tlm Mack Wi'li a lilghtuiied look him
iiiiule a plteoua hut uaelcH* appeal to tire
foolteh 111 lie eroattirv to follow her, On
• a e the train, and klill atood Die calf, by
Ilu time faring the tiafn. The engineer
tried to wwre-Ht* little fool away hy ruak
mg thft wlilalle neraum, Irul he wouldn’t
scare When the liaiu waa within ton roda
of the call the cow made a rich tor her
ably child, ought him on her horn*, and
bore him away In eafety.
tlriEitiirtJl. Tat ft.—The Cherokee Omr
gian tlm* luc'ibrntM Never hai there
tieen a time atnee the war, whin tho us who
ai* out ut debt could lire *0 eaully and In
de|rendent_Bft_*l pieierit. Proviooui nre
cheapot Dun they have boen for ymua be
fore, and dry good* are remarkably low.
Ini ea*!o For a low (iotlara a reasonable
man can now liny eohiieb to laud am]
clothe iiim wiuio'tably lor u hmg lime,
and il lie he a thrifty larniftr, lm <An live
ny ifarndmg a very little money. Taxes
a e tli* greatest btndfto, und Ooveruor Co'-
<1 nil say* they shall be reduced to the low
eat pOMohle tigure. f,i t u all lift '.liunklul
and hopeful then, keep out ol debt, deal
I'lhlly, love m'-rey and walk, humbly with
oui Odd, and all will Ik; well. oM ruE Fan* I). I any of
your readers ever tliink ol tbv amount ol
travel a lakes to mlxs a crop ol corn t i
nevw aw an illustration in print, anil 1
tliougld I would iiv" you one. I have a
tweni) aeie Hell, forty by eight rmU. To
break this up would take one huu Ired ami
ixly ix uiDch, Harrowing and, about forty
mi's, it with a plant" , and it dropped aud
then coveted, oiltely mile*. Ami for excir
plowing of two furrow*, lour hundiftd
un i fli:y mile*. Thus you will that it
lakt-i aixiut eight or nice hundred tuilea of
travel to ud*c twuiy icrr* ol oorrr, not
counting going to ami returning to the
field Bouidft* the:• ia replanting, thinning
tolling, etc. —Indiana
Andrew Jackwm was once making a
stump speech out Waal, m a small village.
■I sal a* he Was concluding, Amo* Kendall
who sat 'rehmd blur, whispered, Tip ’em a
little Latin General. They wun’t be con
tent without it. Jackson instant y thought
upon a few jhraxca he knew, and in a
voi'X' of thunder wound op hi* speech by
exclaiming, K plurihu* utiura—fine qua
non—ne piu* ultra—moitum in parvo' The
ftflcct wit tremendout, and the shoot*
could l/e heard for many tnilttr. Yv
Awarded the Highest Medal at Vienna.
51)1 ftroMtumg, Situ Yvrk.
(Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.)
Mail afmoturra, Importri
and Dotlen m
- pm,
A*ui kindred goods—UelttbrlUee, Aetrees
es elc.
Westo lleadquartcrs for everything in
the wav of
Heine Manulsetnrers of the .
itJoHO hoi uxr trio i.antssn,
t nivbhmi ry ttTxiiKyt'n. oN.
‘ r*klr.r laKtbeii
P* LAMl'ItiH.
Each Stylo being the bust of its clotM In
Iho market..
Ulttelogue* of (..tiler is vt i Hb l ii, will
directions lor using, aeut on
Auy enterprWng mxti can make none/
with a Magic Lsulern.
OB' Visitors to ths Centennial Kipoall
lion' will do wisely to ileler purchasing
good* in our line until they come to our
store In New York, where they Will fled
greater variety and more moderate priest,
and cau select more ut their leisure. Hu
wu have a concession to sell some Kyles et
our goxD In Ihe building ot the Depart
ineul of I’ubllc (lumlorl, and tboea net
coming to New York sro i ivitod to call ea
our lepicsintiilion ihuro.
IW~ A lull stock ol Vtews of the Ixpoal
lou Buildings and (hair oouteuts.
IW Cut out thin adrtrtlseweat for ra(
rsnaa jn
WEST HUM folter tor sale for BO days
LAND 1 some valuable tract* o(
larmiug and timber Und hi a thriving sad
rapidly growing Western tittle. On ac
count ot rstlrosds, recently constructed
and immigration, these lands are now rap
idly rising la value. They wilt be aold very
low tor cash. A Clear and Perfect Title
will be Guaranteed, with every trect sold,
with deeds of full warranty (torn reaponsi
hie grantors. Parties desiring to purohtte
Ismis, lor au early rise In value. Ileal Estate
agents and Trading will Und U M
llictr interest to address
WM. K. GUMP,HeaI KstataDealer,
170 William ti. N, Y
Family Knitting. Machine!
A iivisl Us*:ful Hil l Wonderful Invention
Now attracting nulrorial attantloii by ita
a*t'mi*bing performartcen, ami It* graat
ixaCtiiAi value for every day laruily use
h > Simple, Durable aud
Cheap. *e easily kept in repair, ant)
It will knit every pomible variety of plain
wiiii fancy work
and Inr bcUer ihuu it ctu lie dollo by >m.d
or on any oilier tnaclitnit. All kind* of
garmeula ate perivclly foriued and tbap4
by the machine Itself, requiring no culling
aud making up, A good operator will
knit a man'a oeh, with heel and to* com
plete, in from Jim to Un rnwMifs#/ and from
twenty to lorty pairs ol fcoeka in a day I 3
Every family—especially every ‘farmar’a
family—h"iiid bav* a Binkford
Knitter h will he found equally as
uselul as the Hewing Machine, nad even
more profitable. 1
Evaiy Machine WAHHANTKG perfect
nn4 U) itojuit ft/ial is rtrjrretenUil.
The ftlckford Machine I* the om.r l.e
nirinais cyliedrical Knitting Machine In
existence. All other*, not by ne ,
are clear arid palpable Infringements on our
patents, and we shall hold *ll ['allies who
manufacture, sell, buy or use such infrlng>
Ing machine*, to a strict legal accoantahill
An Instruction Hook, containing com
plete and minute direction* to the operat
01, sru'oinpaniss esch machine.
No, 1, Family Machine, 1 cylinder,
needles, |3U
No. U, Family Machine 3 cyHoder,
72*lf>r needles |4Q
A sample Mnehim will be amt to any
pait of the United .Ststea or Cansds, <v~
preti duiryrt pre-/Hiui, on receipt •! (he
Aoknts wanteil In every State, County
City and Town, to whom very liberal dla
counts wiil he made.
For further particulars, address
llicktohi/ KniTtino JfacntfK Urn. Cos
i'*f H 1 V* nufictt irr/f It hero Vt.
NO 5