Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator.
UAce Scott. tile ol Uie Cosrt Rout*
*'• 1 AdvrrtltlHs.
Bntri [1 wk 4 wks 3 mo| # mn j 1 veut
1 inch 100 3TO 450 7 00 1 li 00
I inches, 150 5<W 8 90110.001 15 OP
3 inches *OO 800 10 00 15m) 35 00
iml 150010 00 30.00'25.00 185 W
t col !7 00 15 00 25.00 j 350080 "0
l col 110-00 i9OOO *5 00,60 00' fiCKi
Z9~ A liberal deduct*,... ad* to thus
advertising bv the month or *
ORDINARY ..Jm W. Henning
CLERK S. C A. J. Hmton.
TAX REC 0VER...... ..W. P. W her lee.
BURVEYOK „._O.K Mathew*
R. A. Cbunn, Aeron Sibley,
C. J. Rtevea, 1. K. Buchanan,
Allee H. Wa*aoa.
John W. Perk, W J. Barues,
Med Aon Reeve*, B. A. Perker,
A. U. Freeman Sec.
SENATOR 86th District, 0. L Heavy.
Obadiah Werner W TRevlll
Attorney at law,
Will practice in Meriwether eud the ed-
Joiuieg ooouUes.
All iMieinete entrusted to bit erne ellend
ed to iw roptiy and taithtally.
JOHN L. ROtofc.itT.vjN,
Attorney at law,
OtUARVILUt, tie.
Will practice w the Justices' end Ordt
naif's Court* ol Mci is -tlier, aud the
tteperkor t>uli* 1,1 the couuto* omj,posing
the Cowetn ’iteuli.
WILL COfcllNIE the preetlie .t;ioe in Greenville end the
CMonlry eoje-eei All cel it Ml et the 1>• u*
(Mere ue bis ie*l,t*eer t*routply sMwt .ted to
/ t FKKIUJ hi* I'roiewrtousl services to the
V./< *<•* ol <Jieeivllte end vicinity.
iW*OtUue *t O. J. AutUouy A Co’s Drug
<io sento
i*m R fc. It ALL,-
II svtag lidded to locate pciiwsueutl)
J in (oreoville ten.tei. lilt pinles-iuna)
•eirnst to tb<*l the town eud eui
reuudiug 1 ouotiy. Office on I lie North
id* nl \ t|<* W)' -i
Illustrated Price Catalogue
Fitly page* ---flofi-tiittetratium, with i>ri
*_n|.mms at iti-iuaaml* uf the bent Flu a tut
aii<i Vegetable* In the wort 1, srid the ¥>ay
g grme them— ll Id Tu CmT p.*lge
•lam,.. I'rioLsd la <ieim*u u I K<>itl*U
Vick’a Floral Guide, (Juarteily, M cent*
a ycai.
Vicks Flower and Vegetable OariJi-o, fib
oanu m |X[ir; in eWgaul cloth covers,
Audio**, JAMFfi YfCV.Uncbvawr, N V
Viok’a Floral Chude
a b* antilot tg iorteriy Jvu n*l, filial/ Illua
list'd aid cna'an ing an eegaot colored
Plover Itate a ilk llie find number. I'rle*
ooly 25 Mk lof Ue year. Tiia find No.
lor 1H77 Juet iaauad lu tier man and Ko I
tali Vtk’a Flower A Vegetable (iaxiwi,
a paper 50 Ceuta; WILL * legal! t clolb COV
eis sun.
Vick’a Catalogue—Boo 1 Host i aliens, only
9 cents Address,
Flower kmi VegeUMe Ctrdea
to tbe uxwl beautiful wi.rk ol the klod In
lb# vorld ll v/elmia* saariy IS# pages,
hundred* of flue HlaetrsUoaa, end si*
Cbrom* pistes of Flower*, beautiluliy
draw* and entered Irw: nature. Pnes 90
seats tat paper oovass; SI,BO In rtapa'
cloth. Printed la German an.l *- g'tab
Vick's Floral Guide, Q larterly, 85 cents
• year.
Vick's Galal'-goe—3oo UiustnUooa, on
ly 9 cent*. Address.
JAMB" VICK. K-oUtrfer. If. V.
Fltwer b 4 VcfetiMc Seeds
1U ri_A*T*D BT A MfLLfOV Tt/JTUL l*
a name a. 3n
Vick’s Catalogs—3oo Uiuslratiaoa, only
Vick’s Floral Guide, Qnarterly, 96 Cent*
• yew
Vick’s /lower sad Vegetable Garden, 60
cent* ; with elegant c'oth jr>sr* $1,03.
AD ssy publication are printed In Em
£lh end German. Address.
MIWB YW &&**, M. T. i
Cause or Thr Spletion.
1 would invite you to mv house, brutlder
Jackson, said deacon Johnson, colored, es
be emerged from the church lest Sunday
evening, hut LuunoO < *c'l. get any sup
per dL night, the cook Move am to dreliul
ly out ob r|ieir.
What a de matter wid de Move ?
Whi, you ae*i cold wedder etn com on.
old woo.’.'i genin' skase an high eu I've
s-uoted de folk-* to he t> rry eknooitmic*!
in do ualn ob it We’a bin buyin in ami
lota, an leal night beta oat ob fuel, i Bent
ou ob my boys oher to a neighbor'* to
borrow e tea sticks. De meu ob bis iami
t.y bad 4joiU' to bed oarin to de l.ite ess ob
de heur, an del b >y who wool 1 spite to and >
no unhonesl transection, wrote out hi*
note for de value ob de wood, eu dr>vppiu
it In e pmoilaenl plase in da woodshed,
ahotildared en aruitul eu brought it borne
Jess so.
Well, a fire waa kindled, de tee kittle
pat on, de ole womnn she is grills de sup
per. Alt ot i sudden, put! want de uo*e.
soon ; kewish, kushisli went something,
aud as I tumbled over I sew do old wo
man matin tor de root wid de tea ki'tte
and the stove plates billowing her, while
de boys end de gels wea black wid smut
as de ace ol spades. De stovi ’* goose was
cooked for e (act.
What was dc cnn*o ob de tptaaion ?
I’m I'.tongly ’ellnod to believe ,4at de
powder was doue pul in der by del White
man to ke'ch touiu thieviu darkeys whet
in-tiiier buys ud wood, en Pressed et I don't
t ink del note, aud won't male eny
—Dst am an outrage.
Kor e lac', an de children's supper we*
spiled, ton.
W Inn tic Ail millcti.
Yesterday forenoon while Republicans
were claiming that ti e l’rasl.ietiiUl q ie*
lion was Mill in doubt, a man In • saloon
on Monroe Avenue c illn.l .Hit;
I'll bet Tilden is elected I
I'll tw. you an? a II ir I repiied-a voice.
TUe two cliuclted r died <m llie (1 ><>r an
toaale<l around, and tin? Titdenlte finally
bad ilie other at a disadvantage.
Now you will admit that Tildeu la elec
ted f be aako?t, letting up on Hie oilier a
I luile.
No, 1 won’t gaped the undermost but
I’ll admit great Democialic gatua all over
tbe country I
That waa good enougb, and he wag lin
ed up and laketi out. [Detroit Free Proa*
Tbe atory ia told that iu the early of lilu
of Commodore Vanderbilt hit wife waa a
uioet fru al and fahhlul helper. Fro uUm
mouey given b-r lor bananhoulil expense,
tbe lived what atie could; and an a hand
some little turn waa accu mu fatal. Wlion
at length ber h -Mbaud aaw a chance ti
pnrchaae a ferry-boat, an I ao to iay the
Inundation for what became ao great a lor
ione, Ue lacked mine ria ly caali. li >w
moon do no* fad) the wile The num
named, and to ttin burliand’a aorpiiae
a.e pr “luced tbe 101 l aoumnl, which had
: beet eared by h-r kttl t prudence.
Ah Ei.ttcroKAL VoTK—goit Km.—The
foflo* ing detail* of ibc Levlsor mailer are
given liy gentlemen who knew tbe clrcum
*U"ce liertaee, vhen crnnhig down the
rlrtr, an id that lie knew Tllden waa elec
ted, and it waa a d— n shame to cheat
him out of it, that il be could lie liken
i-are of and protected till he could get out
ol the country lie would vole lor him. Ou
arriving in the city be made ofiera of hla
vote tor $1(10,000, and yealerday reduced
hit price to 800,000 He aald he bud hi*
speech prepared, and would take high
moral ground, lie waa *up**’Led by the
Itepoblicaua, and their auapicion* were
Mimmunicaied to Ech Chandler at Wasb
iigten, who on Tueaday telegraphed for
i' lormtio'i on the aohjecl. Tim pera-ms
with whom Lev law; eommanirated had no
MMocfeaUvo with Um Deetejralic commit
lee, and their motive* probebly were to In
duce Levied to eapoee bimeelL Ue we*
willing and anxious to be bought, hot waa
nnabte to find e pnerfiiaaer —{New Or
-1 -ea Special to ’Le New York World,
Dee. 7.
Paoroasb Radical Coup If'eTAT-One
thing is known. Tbe revolutionary Usd
eis bava now no hope ufeipaUMing Haye
•rcortliag to the form* of tbe Constitution,
sod their present plea is ■
coup d'tAt ts seise tbe city snd sxeeatiTS
departments oe tbe 4tb of March—like the
French, who, when they make ■ revolu
■iee, begin by arizing Pari*. Is s word,
they propose to do tba eery thing which h
was learud tbe accesaiiP’sts might attempt
'.a Jo io 1900-61, namely, to ospture tbe
federal capital by s quick, bold military
movement, seise the government offi
ce', *Dd treat to tbe love of peace sod
quiet on tbe part of the pea pie lor aubmta
stan to tbe revol Sew York
Grant complained <•! Mr. Hewitt for
making ow of what be eauj in their inter
view “lor the purpose of delsatiag tbe par
ty which Ire (the Preai tent) represented ”
Doe* Great imagine that ttaa people of tbe
Cos Had Stales pay illy thousand dollar*
par annoas and farciah him a com forts wle
beam U Rre in for rap renaming the Rad
ical party?
Grant told his lAad flatartght that he
was datarmiaad to bar* peace i* be bad to
Sgbtfcrlt Lika the Tipperary boily at
tbe wedding, he waste somebody Ur step
eabteeoattail. - .
Au Editor la Heavca.
Just as if ediiois were not in the habit ol
going to Heaven. We’ll venture to aay
that a greeter portion oi them go to that
home o I those who have periormed their
mission of mercy on earth, than any other
profession or calling that pool mortals
An editor in Heaven ? Thera's nothing
ulrauge about that at all. It's almost a
mural aa well ea professional impossibility
for them to go auy wlieie elao.
Once upon.a time, etter lbs demise of a
member of the corps editorial, Ue presented
Ulmaelt at the gate of the lloty City, and
requested admission. The doorkeeper
a-kedwhat bad been his occupation on
earth.—Ue replied that, be waa au editor.
Well, sal 1 the watchman, we have a
ciowd ot your kind here now and tbey all
came In as deadheads—lf yao can pay
your passage, you can come in, H not, you
must place yourself under control of a per
sonage you rulid ty raunicnily down below
(meaning the Deril) Not having the
wherewith to go In, our brother of the (iett
and scissors posted of! and presented him
self at the entrance ol Pluto’s dark do
mains A dark complex ioned gentleman
stood sentry aud asked in a grad voice
Who comes?
An humble disciple ot Faust, waa the
cann ispty.
Then hold ou, you cuil be adiuitte I, ax
el*mw*.i the grntlnman In black, ovlnclug
consiiliirable.agiiatluu,vid fiercely scowling
no him.
Why n.t? demanded the typo, who be
gan to gat hlufitsh, and looked around for
a sheep's tout, with which to force en en
Well air, replied bis sable majesty, we
let one ot your profeeal in lu here mauy
yrars ago, end he kept up a continual MW
with his former delinquent subscribers, and
as we have fioalud a law |rohlbitiiig the ad
mission of any editors, only those who
have advanced our Interests in tticir papers
on earth, and even those we keep lu a tep
erste room bv them solve*. " You have
published many things that o|ierateil
against ua, aud always blamed the Devil
tor every thing that went wrong, so you
can't come. Wo enforce this rule with
oaf res|>ect hi persons, for our own poses
aud safety. You can Juat travel.
Lasting a droll leer at the outside senti
nel, our lyixigraphical friend started off
again, determined to get in up above.
Tula time bo look up eu old file el hi*
paper, and pretentlug It to tbe guardian
ol the Celestial Oily requested tbe'. It'inigbt
he oarelully exsmlcwd, aul they would tee
whether he waa entitled to e trim ticket,
lu due couree of time the conductor name
along and look him In, telling him that he
pn’tHfilfi ninny good thin nod hat
Im-uu a martyr In the cense ol human bn.
provrmrnt and that reaolullona had been
paaaeil to admit all inemlMira ol the art pro*
rrvalion who hail abound the Devil while
below. He added that they had been pu -
islied enough by being with the Devil all
iliclr livea. Ho further stated that not one
delinquent subscriber could In? found iu all
Iteaveu.—[l'rinter'a < -treutar.
■erltngtntt Raall l>o*l,ig
From tbe Hawkeye.J
My eon, my aon, wildly exclaimed a re
ptoving We*t Hill innUier, yealerday mor
ning untie that cat Irow the gate latch,take
in that r|>e you've atretched acrota the
•Idvwalk, let yout little alater out of the
woodah <il, uulaaten the cellar door and let
the hired girl couu? up and get to her work,
take lliat algo of hoard era wanted off ol Mr.
Fouoobya Iront door, let Mr. Jasper's dog
out of that barrel, throw that paper ol gun
powder In your pocket out Into the atreei
and then ami here end 101 l me where you
were Friday and Saturday, that yon were
noUtech ml. The hoy said he wain’t
ed to anawer )u*t then, but he would iu dal
on throwing out the reyeirt of tbe acliool
toactier on the ground that be ( tbe boy)
bad been aoduly intimidated truui attend
ing acbool by tbe terror ol long, bard la
-•oo a, a'id further by the piti tiue ol bull—
doling In the pariah, aa he could oalabllah
by reliable witnmao*. Fend I rig the decla
lon ol the Board be filed a number of pro
teat*, but hla mother pronounced hit at-
Udufie revolutionary and feut to bia lathe.a
office.for troops. which arrived about tee-
Umeptnd the local governmeu'. waa at ouoe
supported nud order enforced, and aa the
boy went up to bod without any au| per
and in ceatody of tbe troopi, die tbroca ol
e free |ople, atruggling iu the iron graapol
n do meat tc deapoliam, could be beard away
down on tbe next meet, where the other
boy* were lilting galea-ofl their hiogea and
onrrylog them down to tbe creek.
Georgia win* tbe banuer offered try tbe
city ol Dallas, Texas, to tbe bout hern
but* giving Tllden and lira 1 ricks tbe
largest majority, it iaeaUwaled that the
county Damocrstic majorities in this Slate
will reach near (fI,<KW. Texas cotues next
whir 7*JhJO, and followed clou by gallant
Kentucky with 80,000.
They have introduced to tb* attention
of tba farmers of Hart oounty two negr<as
who can raise more corn to tba acre than
any two farmers *f Georgia. Without any
work—ao mala, no land, bo visible mean*
of production—they have succeeded Ur
raising from Mr. Taaaiey about 30 bash*!*
of corn to the acre. They are
The Boston correspondent of the Spring
field, Mas*., Republican wriles ; Strong a
Ibe lurch ot the country was lowa and T.-
den on the week just before Uie aluctlou
were It to take place again, be would have
5060 majority in Uoston, and would staud
sotike clianne ut carrying (be Stain lion
dreda and thoussnds of Republicans arc
ekh and tired o| this endlees huriness of
Rireing carpct-hag governmants upon the
8 >oth at the point of the bayonet, and di
guated at Uie thought tlial ev, u in South
Oarolins Uie onkcholdors cau command
UlO wtiolearmy and navy to keen them
laivcs trom beiug turuvd out by ttie popu
lar Tote. This state ot feeling makes Haiti!
perceptible iu the Republican newspa
The I rsnscrlpt aud the Advertiser have
virtually acceded Horn the Rule-or-rutu Kc
pwMicana, and even the Journal hat lelt oil
praising the 8o Alt Carolina Hoard ot Cau
vaseeta tor overreaching (be Suorrinc
Court, and begin* to omit the Southern
qaeation In its daily obfuscations. The pa -
lieuco and forbearance ol the Boulhern
Democrats Is in ovrey way praiseworthy.
They are deserving success, and they are
gowg to win it- Tilden ia to be peaceably
inaugurated, and the country is to have
peace irom that lime forward. The |eo
pis ol (be couutiy, who are wiser thau any
ol Uieir nominal Icadera, are going to de
cide Ibis matter suddenly and in lbs way
that will Involve them iu the lowest luluru
That way is the Inauguration of a new
administration under Tilden. Bixteen
years agn it was the tnaugurathm trf a new
admiutalialien under Linouln. Thu patty
names are changed now. but tbucrlais de
mands tiie same regimen—a change of Ad
ministration. All the bayonets lu the
country cannot pmp up a power that the
popular will lias condemned, whether In
Columbia, or the District of Columbia, ll
It Cannot be hut that the bayonets should
come. Woe to him liy whom tbey come, all
tha same l
Judob B,u Dona Hla Wohk Wbi.l.—
We do not yot know, aaya tho Oharlaaluti
New* an i Cornier ol yealerday, upon what
ground Judge Bond louuda bla declaion
tbit tbu Supreme U<>uit had no Jurladlcti.m
In tbe caae hcloie iliein, and the board
of Stale canv*aer, therefore, were not
guilty ol contempt and muat be released ;
but a more monatroua declaim] waa never
rendered. A State I* little butter than a
territorial dealguatkm, wneu a United
ft* -tea Court can reverae tbe declaion of a
St*?* Court, eontb ulng a Hutu law which
regulate* the election of Hiatg officer*.
Tbu lUdical .I ff li-a doubtleaa m ole f fi
declaion on the ground that it wm bn duty
to carry out that porltfu ol the conaplracy
wlilcn had been assigned to lihii, and to
|H?r|orm which he had bta-n aunt to (Jnluut
hla. The work of the canvaulug boar?)
and tin? United Slide* bayom-ta would hoi
have ln?i)n completed without the Ju lidal
aancl'on and protection ol Judge Hoad.
The fiowera that be in South Carolina are
the canVHMluir hoard, bayoueU and Bond.
Vivo U IU urhlic !
Thu Chicaga Tribune In one ol the imsl
liitter of the organa of Mr. Ilayta, and yet
It dlaliiu-tly announced last Sunday morn
ing that the Itepuh’h no party cannot ur
vive the election of a Itepohlhtan lVeddeut.
should the American people, In the light ol
all the I ait a, come to the coucluaion that
a ich an elocdou wn ilnK-intith/ iteuretl ;
lAat il unu <l Hutiltrr of nrilKmMic. -a fora
Me red notion of the not* on the role to mknt
ever nurnt/er rrotf be rerpnml to let the other
Me have the clertorol lUlef/ntton. We agree
with the Tribune that tho Hepub'lcsn par
ly cannot poaallily aurv've aurh an election,
but what la a thundering alght worae, the
country can’t aurvive the experiment,
Al the laat interview between Mr. Hew
itt and Oran), Dun Cameron waa preeent.
In the courae ol the oouveantatiou be ineo*
lently obaerved tr. tbe former genliumau
that tbe people oi tbla country were begin
ning to nee that tbe efl >rta of oine pe rple to
defeat their will tnigbl liecorue treason ; Ui
which Mr. Hewilt tartly replied that he
waa glad tbe Secretary of War waa getting
Ilia eyee open to that fact. Tlila view ol
tbe poaltloo bad not occurred to Canieron.
Tbe probable proximity of a baiter hail
evidently not been contemplated by him.
II Hie gellowt ever geta IU due tbe treaaon
able oonepiracy in which the War Secreta
ry ha* taken part will cerwiuly entitle him
to its earliest favor*.
Our venerable Ineud of tbe New York
Kveatng Poet has done wall la denoone
log tbe actiun of tbe Souther* returning
board* bat h* should cat himself loose
from all sympathy whatever with tbe
Radical party, or alter bis lemons poem so
as to rand:
“Fraud, crushed to earth, will rise
Tbe eternal years of God are kls’n;
But Justice, wounded, writhes in pain
Ami dog-like dies, parehanc#, la
There wsa s ton ok of Usk antique about
it, but it was juet as good as if It bad beau
new—the motto on a Sag stretched across
tbe street at a public welcome given Gao.
Butler at Bangor, Maine, tba other day :
Welcome to Geoers! Bitter, tbs Hero ol
Fire Fork/—and dud know* how may
Scribner's Monthly
An Unrivaled Illustrated Magazine.
; —* -
When Scribner Issued its famous Mlil
sommer Holiday Number in July, a blend
ly critic said of it: “B* art not mrr but that
Scrihnkh k<u tour hod htyh t rater
lie do not too to bat too rid* art Ufl to it to
oonquor " But the publishers do not con
sider that they have readied the ultima
thuie of txcdlence—they I relieve ‘there nre
othei worlds to conquer, and they propose
to conquer them.”
The proaitcctua tor the new volume
gives the titles of more than tiPy papers
(mostly illustrated), by writers of the high
est merit. Under the head ot
we have “A Winter oa the Niiu,” by Gun.
MoClkllan ;*' Bitnnteriugs About oou
•uminople,” by Cit.utLKs Duui.kv )Va
nkk ; “Out ot my window at Moscow," by
Kuuknk , “An A meric m in
rurklston,” etc. Three aerial alories arc
auuouncud ;
By Dr. Holland, the Editor,
whose story of "Bevuuoak*” gave the high
est aaliafi ctlon to the readers ol the rasnth
'y- _
The acme of this latest novel Is laid on
the banks ol the Hudtoii. i ha hero is a
voting man who has been always "tiotl to a
ttotruin't apron otrinyo," hut who, by the
death ol Ids mother, la left alone m the
world,—to drift on fho current of life,—
with a fortune,'.hut without a purpose.
Another ao-iol, “His Inheritance," by
Miss TitArroM, will begin an the comple
tion of "Tlial Lasi o' Lowrie’a,'' by Mrs.
Hodosom Hiiknktt. Mra Hurr.utt’s story,
lieguu lu August, has a pathos aid dramat
ic power which have been a surprise to the
There Is to b a serins of original and ex
quisitely llluatiated papers oi “Popular
Bcience," by Mrs. lltcttuicK, each paper
complete In itself.
There are to be, from various pens, papoie
Also, practical auggealiom aa to town and
country life, village Improvements, etc., by
well-known rpeclaliat*.
Mr. liaxuiAUu'a article* un various ludua
Iriev of Oreat Hiltain Include tbe lilabiry ol
“Soma Kxperirnenta lu Uo-oixratlon,'’ “A
Beoiiiali Factory” In the November
number, and “Toad Lane, Rochdale,'' lu
fteci-mbef. Other |>apeni are, “Tho British
Workingman's Homo," * A Nation of Biio|i
keeper*,” “Ha'penny a Week for the Child,'
A richly il'ustratoi! series will be given
on “American Sports by Flood and Field,”
by various writer*, and each ou n different
theme. The subject of
will have a prominent place, whilst fhe
latest produrtl ms o' Amencan humorists
will appear from month to month. The list
ol shorter stones, biographical and other
sketches, etc., is a long one.
The editorial department will continue to
employ the ablest pen* both at borne and
abroad. There will tie a aeries ef letters
on literary trailers, Irom (grndoo, by Mr.
Tbe pages of tbe magazine will tie open,
as heretofore, so far as limited space will
permit, to the discussion of alt tbemm af*
feeling tbe social and religious life of tbe
world, snd specially to tbe freshest thought
of the Christian thinkers snd Scholars of
tbla country.
We mean to make the magazine sweeter
and purer, higher an j nobler, more genial
and geoeroua la all Its uttersnom, and
Influences, and a more welcome visitor
than ever before ha botnet ol refln ament
sod culture.
Hckumkh for December, bo# ready, and
which noiitaios the opening chapters of
“Nicholas Min turn," will bs read with an
ger eurianity and Interest. Perhaps no
more readable number of this magatine
has yet been issued. Tie three numbers
of Hcnimaa for August, September, and
October, containing tbe opening chapter*
of “That Lem e* Lowrie's,” will be given
to every new subscriber (who request* It),
and whose subscription begin* wufa tba
preeeai Volume, i. , with Ute November
s umber.
Subscription price, $4 a year- 30 cant* a
number. Special terms on bound volumes.
Subscribe with tba nearest bookseller, or
send a check or P. O. money ardar to
oonapß* 0a.749 Broadway, S T.
Taj I*r k Far If j Orgaa ,
Only Organ that give* Written Gu anta
Laigest OrganFactorj in tha
S6O 1 O sl.ooot
Reliable agrnt* wanted In Georgia, A’a
bama, Florlita, North and ftouth Carolina
and Ka*t Tcnnesape, liv
turner a rraumui.lkr,
Wholesale Southern Agents,
80 Whitehall Bt., Atlanta Georgia
ffm. T. HEVILL, Soectal Agent
mar 24 ly Greenville, Geo,
Family Knitting Machine!
A most Useful end Wonderfitl Invention
Now aurwtiing universal attention by Its
aulonlshlng isirformamiea, and it* great
to act leu i value for t-verv day family nee*
U is Simple, Dnrable Mnd
Cheap. I* easily kept In repair, and
It will knit every poaelble farlcty of plain
and fancy work
and lar better than It can be dofie by band
or on any oilier machine. All kinds of
garment* are perfectly formed and shaped
by the machine Itself, requiring no cutting
and making tip, A good operator will
knit a man's sock, with beel and toe com*
plete, in from Jive to ten minutes/ and from
twenty to lorly pairs of sock* In a day I
Every Ismlly-especlaliy *v*ry farmer’*
family—should Usva a Bickford
Knitter It wiU ba found equally as
useful as ib* Sew log Machine, sad even
more pi ofl table.
Every Machine WAftRAJfTEO perfect
and to dojud t that U rtprttenletL
Tbe Bickford Machine le tbe oily l.a
-ormsATß cylladrlcal Knitting Machine la
etlstdoce. All other*, not llcensal by oe,
art clear and palpable Infringement* on our
patents, and weaball bold ail parlies who
manufacture, sell, bay or us* such In (ring,
iag machine*, to a strict legal aocounlabill*
An Instruction Book, containing eoffi
plete sod minute direction t to tbe opera!
of, accompanies each machine.
No. 1, Family Machine, 1 cylinder,
needles, SBO
No. S, Family Machine 9 cylinder,
79*100 needle. S4O
A tampi* MatMn* wffl ba seat to any
part of tbe United Stales or Canada, an
press charge* pro-paid, ofi receipt af lb*
Aontrs wsnled in every State, County
City and Town, to whom very liberal die
counts will be made.
For further particulars, address
Brcxpono Karma* Mlcntaa Mrs. Cos
4)7 9eie Msaufsctartt i.Brs'' ’•