Newspaper Page Text
Wm. 1 Rkvim., k.tUt'.-i ui i) I'roprn.tor
<.kfchjcV-tn-fr. I-fU.VTns? W7F/1
Uaatfitnakarhreo roatig .isicii <i 'vcruin
ol South ( an ms I, v the di n.< , i . s .
Cisrtt (■ aif the Vir* a:. i- > r s.ij ..fb
riady lia;<* is e.'tcud l,( rLali he irratig-
KJ *Ud.
'I he <• a>e aigna .! ao a^cciout’ LxUya. r
tl.e (Wo HoU*ea of o.,ii J{ ;c*a fui could it ;•
electoral vote
I fjfCMOlil illll,/ )• I 4 y I Itltli
pent that lh fsil-aak i,.uu i count,ng i,,
ll)W sc,l Ihiti Im tin) in
Mmcfi. tin clcrfy fa* „ , H( lh „ ,
iJen is etictni that tT<- r.< ; j m~t u a y ( .,
y load to tronWe, 'i ,m ~„iy obaUc e in
Ml* way of tfoubla and, !, ,p.|,e
** tbs amount o< patrlotim h i V j,
*l* mocg ,* ma*w* North. as it **,
ore* Mid ol aocLut Uve, iDye* j,„,
Ttldcu list t party but Urn repu •
le satro* to lav* no foHrmsr*.
Wow lfny>Mii4 Hind,, mm
to tip Counted in.
It i* Af parent (bat Ihi Itadical* ar- deter
twiimii that ill/. F(ry *l,ai< #oout the . :-r
*or#| *ote of Oregon •* w ,-!| thorn, or
F/orMa, BotU. f-’mo/ioa and i,„ a , „
fUy- rr-gantfUM .f.U, , {
of Oregon 'lt tht? pfolf t* of tla;
l^BlOfifaU. —lia will mrv,m n rrithr , dfitroT'
ol UrnMtHmill, ftfl'J, r.iiJ,„ out lit,, you- ,;t
Wata its he (m/cra-da, hr will |,s-.r „„
motions, „ prof,-I ts, no debate, no
liouf of privilege, nor anything *•)„, ~,1,1
h.- lot. co„c*t„fit,l „„| eoaotio, *,| ,| ir el , :l
lion ot liny, , VyiiCi l> r , . AIU
tit* Htc t ltd Joint n*ln adjourned n„ y
IJfmod.t Should ptoll.t too Vehemently
or •>• a Clamor ol t, t
twuaatding*, n„. h> lyctHoit. Am., i,.. u>i
hy n i mpo,,,;’- pi, u( ,| t,( soldo,r ( w/u pj*,.
him ju custody, Mi l ,| the |)
•liofid prove .
with the count, ti ny will |,„ ,*„,,| y tlu .
gfliitri. I in* i Hie pro|pailimci, ,„ lW
(li* <(U. at ion i. what ara the Democrats g,.
in* to (to about It f Oram loijo. ti vy win
laaem the witra*t, a. *ui no i<< ■no i„
•urination o| J'nMKU i t rojim <. -■vtv?U
DkUtwribJ|i, •,
it I* IlCt t\*ji <* -ii f|)r{} \ty || ft f 114 < (
lioiiftble lewlmony flair llcoaw
tr renew , ili biiglilcna, iihijji i.i,
atiU rcatorua to it* oilklu.l oolm m u j iimii <•,
lacJd) ytrnv or Uli:n|u|*c| |, n | r<
quickly am) amely. '/ho pooreai |w..i 4 ,10
jiftfer le buy It ami um- It, rather ihan t
pteelalm In n manner moru forcible than
wortl* enn (1c ineata, through I,him hcU
le< kor grlMty )ier<f, that they ate aged
and panting (odotey. Avery short trial
Will convince (ho moat, akaptlnal that it
doea eradicate Ihtjaralp (JlicMCi which rtdi
the hair ol |i* wlor ami lil | Fmt Hcoft
IUIfjTH miter.
'Pho result nl the otf4 In iho th/ef dh
pull'd Hlati-s givei grci iilisliicltfln In the
Hcpul,Henna, saya the [*)itliuM(>hU I’rcas. I.
It t perfectly tmderatood through the
country, liowcvor, tint it U m,I tho reault
rfflm vote* UV6I w hich the Hej qbTioam,
are tcjnkdnp, but the icsuft ol the cmut,
which I* tho Republican word loratCal.—
Oourioi Journal.
in nrnoitiin.
Amo* dumb wua bum ill Charles Coun
ty Midland, the IMh day t April, lyii4.
When about tourtpiui year* ol ago ltc r
moved with lib Fullici to Wilko, County,
Getirgln, and On tin 9th dXy c.f February,
1896, wo* jellied in holy wedlock to
Mba Mi I. ndon ol \\ ilkca. 11r> remov
ed to Met iuetber County, Georgia, in the
year 1830; in 1844,- r IH4A, he attached
himself to the M. K. Church, in whjoh lie
•tuveil asCls** Loader ovul Steward lor a
number ol years, in the former ca;a. ily to
Iho diyjr ol bit death. He was a regular at
tendant at the house nl (tod ns long a* Ids
health lasted; indeed the wri'ef met him
there, when prudence would have justifi
ed his nbscuce, 8.) ieehle was hit coodi
th'n hr yearsTicKlre Tils decease that it w ts
fatiguing for hiiu to go to xhttrch, hut he
Consulted no*. the ease ot the flesh, but was
glad when they said let us go up io the
house of the Lord. Itis house was ever
a home for the Preachers. Theta they
met a hearty w elcome. lie was fond of
the cOtniWntj ol liU Itr< tberui and frieoda
and loved to converse Upon the tubjeci of
Religion, being alwflyd ready to give a tea-1
•on ol the bvi>o'ht was within him. tic!
rated a lkfgclantify tfchUdrcn, the great
HI part 0* wlio n are member* of the church
May God iudlnt them to live like their Fa
ther did, and rrjnfti him ley the church
above. For many ycaia Brother Chunn
sg the subject of much affliction, Vut
bore it with treat patience and V brlstWu
lortitude, nuti>, tylw Poet expies es it,
God said to him:
Way-worn Filgrira thee I pity,
Thou hast suffered much T know,
Labored hard to resell the cby
"Whore immvital comforts flow,
Now thy p!cas ! n expectation,
Tliou ahalt fully realize.
In the glorious habitation
Of tny saints above the skis*.
Though caited to mourn life loss* w
•errow not as others who have no hope,
feeling confident that our Toss m hiaetarna'
gain. May Ids bereaved widow- and chil
dren take and press oe jj meet
him beyond the River, where the bird*
aacilly eiog and Use un never'g ji dewn,
J. L. PIX'>N.
Mr ir-itioe'i a llv';Ci CotrinriiUteegiaa
I sent tu Fionda to tl,e tieetkw
j fra- ds -f tWet- atate, a roiriie of~trtr
: i- <lcttx.ok thirty do .Sera Two"
nemo ii.-bd wi.i’era were arrested oa ltta
[ |,ii ion. I* not this imncell catno
Here Wllelj) aleai the vote of Kbui ’a lot
iliye* sod jo he robbed ti t* way btOittil
,y fwo oj his own party is croei.
- ■■" ■ •'—"-j
! will set: at {/Übiio ui.ltry fretweeu ttie
legal hnftr* of *?, In tjirenvi ie Meuwetb
er com ty, Oa., on tliy fire! Tue* :ay in J iu
owy neat, (t.e (/>?/ *.l roue,option ol
James F. J iif*, Bankrupt, in and to 100
nerofl nl lot of land No lltf, and iff/ a< re* ol
i t No 121, and 2 a tea ol lot No. 138 in
, ihe re/i nth duim.t of sui t CoDflty and
fder,<Jd t* Ifegrd amt McKariin by suid
! liarkrupt and wile on (I, 27<h day i
! April IW7t ablet) vaid deed ** on the b‘.b
! day of ia7b tranaferred by 1C it
M< Fariin a- surviving partner ol *id Heard
and McFarlin (<# Jo-.n ft |}fe life and in
who ll aaid deed saij Jud< tie |g!!y <je
I m tilted, and !*o the <rpjity ./ tCdrijipli./i
|in and to two ie.’es for | ,da each aahf
! miles hearing dale un 11. i Hist (,f i, .V JH7rt
and <>iie mi ttie 'Frl, day nt Inrembi- J-i,d
and i"'el reap eenvidy and made payable to
Van) James F Junes, or bearer, and sgnm- ;
by Jtedtxtli Jones.
- -Ttiis property ir vainrtdc an.f fr, 5 d.tyh
state ol ootOvKi -id with a tilw cottage and
good nut houses and Una la a On* opporfu*
f,,i some on-- i-i ae( ufs a and
coinfoitabie hotue
I *„| *,;4 only Hie light nr npilty of n
dmoption of said Hinkrupl In suit to said
lands and notS. T< M nl sa e cab,
' It. H M( KU>l.l*, As.ignec
r.l James K, iUnkrupl
A fhnlnintraf ora Hal*t
UE'tH'ilA, MomwcUi'i tiouut,
ily virtue of an order limn the
Court ol Ordinary oi raid county. iil
be void tel on; lb.- court ho us* door in ami
count V, on the first Tuesday tn January
lie**, tmlaeen the i<• 4(sI li'Hlfa iU lli
a I'jtb ball ol lot ol land Mo. it(), in the first
district of snld county, eotitainmg tblf
acre., more or |c*a,
Hold as the projasrly ol Andrew F.ess,
deCCid, to pay detils , and sold at the risk
ol John. T II urts ami J .tin I I! own who
bid the same ol! nl a t.,inter sale and faded
to .comply with the term* id snlv. Terms
Canli Th (a I fee Bth, IH7d
DKUItUtA, Meriweilier '-minty
By virtno ol an Ordsr from the
(.’ourt ol Ordinary fn and (or *lil rolinty
Will by splil beforn tba Court floitae dnot
in the town of Ornenvltie lieiwceft ttie le
gal hours ol sale on tho First Tm-olay in
January next, tun remainder interest in
the dower lands ni thn wtriow nf M"*ea M
It own, deesasnd, constating ol 1 fl ar-rr* off
of the went side of lot of land, N0.70, Indie
ti rut ifutrifl/ of a! Icntinty, on which is sit
nated itio -f iTrffig and olhcriinptiiTOuscnls
8o and its the ptoperty oi said dre-eaaed, tor
ilistfibutioii. Terms Cnali. Ike &, tH7B.
Uojerl W. Brown. 1
S > Adm.-f
Ej-iry Brown. )
GEORGIA, Iter I wether County. "w
Julius U Norris applies fill 'u tters of-M
--nilnistratiou upon tlir estate ol CUarlea, (’■
Harris, deceased
l'hla is there lots to cite and admonish
ail concerned to show cause, it any exist,
011 or hefoie the fir. I Monday in Jany.nrxt,
why letters ol Administration should n
lie issued to said applicant upon the estate
ol rh and Chariest C. Harris, deceased.
(liven under my hand and official aigni
lure, Dec. 4, ih'fl
-7d J. W. BANNING,
O M O.
GEORGIA, Meriwether Caualy.
Win. 11. Ahnau applies for letters ot Ad
ministration rfe Amu non upou the estate
ol Mosce Almnn, D>cd.
This M therefore to cite ami admonish
all concerned to file their objections if any
they have on or befue the first Monday
in January next, to show cause why said
Letters slrou’d not be granted,
Given under my hand and official signa
tnre, thls-l>.*r. 4,1876.
O. M. C
GEORGIA, Meriwether County.
Reverend W. W. Prather has ap[died
tor exemption of )>or*ina ! ty and selling
apart and valuatwa of homestead and 1
will imiss upon the tame at 11 o’clock, a.
mon the 2ad day ol January, 1877, at my
office in Greenville. 'I bis 18th day of Dec
O- M. U
GEORGIA, Meriwether County.
I will apply to the Honorable C mrt ct
Ordinary hi and for said cooaty on the
first Monday tn January next (er leave to
eell all the lands located In the tower 9th
district of gaklcounty which belong to
the estate of Wittioei Ik Marita, deceased.
Thie Deo. 4th IST*.
AJmrx. with will annexed.
bheritt's Saltrs,.
’ GEOWfIA Meriwether Cooety.
WILL b* mid i/efore the Court Fionas
dm-r r--tte wwii of'Crfc.'&wre,
Ce< rjrs*. within the legal hour* ol sale on
* the Cr*C Tuesday in January next, those
I 1 rants or parcels o! lands situate, lying
I and being in the 3rd district of aaid county
j co*/e(ituug th'- premise* sold by Ww B.
i Oliver, deed, to Joel W. Ijee, deed, ao;s t<
ni.ich O.ivi-r, Jr,, Eltr A- , i.s
- ’ a-i and h,d iwcoided in toe Clerk’s Ofhoe
! of the Buperb/f Court of said county a J> f
• tu Harab A. Ijte, Admr*. Ate,, nu-ier A - r M
mfe E/ic <>ne of said parcels finowr,
as apart of the White tiuijybur tfjiring*
p'ace,)/ordah.iog Ki ntor or
twing all that psrcei t lend 1, *•„
ry/nvi ye J t-y R T Madis to Wu.. B f> ver
on the 2Vb March Ib&b and, i* par
ficuisrly dt icribed by metes and b< - *in
the IH-c i o' *4i i Mark* to sai l t> -vco m
■ order) u, the Clerk's Office of the BuprU
or Court of said county in lEmfe -K j/*gc
t'diiaod fid i, ar .i en.hraomg e/, ,i risibU
an! prfviiege* in and to the street* laid oil
fronting the Hotel, and, (!**< **| ssod
</liver’s dwellfc-g house, esoet t that por
tion >.i said tract w btcTTrie* an the A e-.-
rid- of the Coiuwb-ia road, and a!**, ricept
that |x,rUor, of said tract o# wiitei; lb*
f'roteaiaot Mefhttsi t Inin n stands, *, la
m the same is deeded to I', bpi by
sab! t/itvi-r Ar,other of sat S par* ns twin*
aorr-tblrd miti/st Th an ttodi.. >1 four
acres, of.oo which the Holpbnr Nt-rtßgv are
Situated 1 arui uwg.jj of ***-4 prt"r— -—~-r
a small str.p ol and lying on the *i sr■!
"f Ilia t olumoua tool, svl*l strifi * n .
ten *cr4 more or loe, aod it* mcr* ar. :
bound* particularly in I feed Iran
11, J tlal IW to hr s.4ut Wirt, 1C Oliver, . • -
ma ir I' M , I • rnbrr Iftb7, aft i .- .;■ .
I the < >r* S Office ol the Buperi./f 1 / *
of said 1 ouoty on j|re rstra of link _S
Ihe abc/VD pferuiMS at the ttum of tu*s
levy ween t lbn Mlpatreff of Hsrsh A />■
Vfiift of Joel W. I/ee, .bed , *0 ;
P/ljKfty pi MStl out to I'lff’s Alliac 1 ./
led on lla 1 1 *1 yaftla In favor ot tVm l',,
tr.ivvr, Jr-. Estr A , apainat s.J -ra
l.e, AdrniX ot J * r-1 VV Iw, Om!., In I li.s
linn liue Ullllll7 Notice giyen to ter.ant
* rtipnroil by law. Maid ab-iV® <ia< H'e<!
!n 1 ba* tieeii ;la cited as llo&rttead, but
found aubjeel to Haul fl f, A Meood Claim
was Initrvfvoaecf but * withdrawn at i*t
term of the court. Thit l>ee. 7ih, 18/6
At the same time and pbw*. wii be 1
ail of tit of land number tweniy in the
middle 9 b district of Meriwether x.M 'r
(Ji-orirl*, exeept fitly SCrt* In the aoipt,
aast corner and eictrpt ten acre* in smith
weM corner of said Jot ronlahrtrrg one h(i
deed and lorty acres in or* or lean j,*vi-d
un as the property | I’hlletua C Thrasli
by virtue of a ft la from Meriwether W jpr
rlor ('ou t In taror id Nancy 'Johnson vs
•all I'M etut fTbrnaft said land Irt
session ol ani l I’. (J. Thr*h Tbit IVi 6,
at the same lime and place will he toU!
a l ertain tract nriaml in the 11th ITistrii!
<d said tonify <Tf Merleether, (Jor
gia, lying in the north west corner of lit
of land No. ail, bounded on North by
lands br liantet jenktnt, on tT *- W>t t v
tends id t'nperHrutth, eat by lin ts ot
Ki'ey Turner, ton'll by lan Is nj J p c
ton, and known s old Din id r •*>:[<
, place. CfStthrieg fnrtT rrlnr irrmr srvrr i.i .;
south tut cornet of Jot of bu-i N.- 2(H
lailmdcd on the north tiy IPanpt t ok :n*
land, un the east t<y same, on the w<at t>v
lauds of J,o Wnodroof tod on the aoutii
by llie forty nma acres off of lot N 1 213.
containing twelve ac ea, —both parcels io
said llth ilistrlet, —all levied on a the pro
perty t Jeliu W. Arnold an 1 VV. A I’ <*t
to aatisiy a mortgage S fa from Meriwether
.'vtiperaar Court in tsvor of Edwin llitei
aud Cos. va. Jolin W. Arn o i an i VV. A
Post. No one in p>wsesuijn ol said land
Dec. 6.U, 1870.
A L“-0,
At the same time and pace will lie torn
aci rtiln one-eyed aorrei mare aboti - sit
years old ; Levied on as the pro
perly of M> mre and Wood t -vi-G afl fa
from Troup Superior Court in (av ir of
Cox and Hill s. Moore and Wood. This
Dec. 6 h ie7.
D. S,M. C.
At the same time and pi ice will be sold
lot of land No. 78, originally in She Bth dis
trict ol Troup county, now in the lower
9th district ot said county ol Meriwether
whereon Ansalem Ir. Anthony farmer y
resided, hot A. J. Snelson being now in
possession ol the same, and adjoining the
lands ol John It Jouca. Marlin Andrews,
aud A. J. -Sneison, containing 2024 acres
more or less Levied on as the property
ol Ansalcm L. Anthony to satisfy a ft fa is
tued Iroru Meriwether Superior Court io
favor of Andrew Pleas vs. A. L. Anthony
prin. and Jolin R. Jones, security. Notice
given to ten act iu possession in terms of
law. This Dec. siu, 1876.
$74 Wo. R. FAVEH.
a M. C.
GEORGIA, Meriwether County.
I w!l apply to the Honorabla Court of
Ordinary in and for said county on the
first Monday in January next for leave to
sail all the lands of Alexander Hall, de
ceased- This Dec. 7th 187$.
Jl. F. HALL* Agent. #
for J. TAW. H.-F. HaiL
A graphic pei,-;>.ctuie o.t its lo tory
mm Utnirfirgs. vsoederfui efbiblts e-.ri
o>i'ie, great days, etc, F, .lastly iiiustra
led. thorntqhigpepoiar snd very cheap. It
teiitng luiurensely 3 002 AGENTS wanted.
Her.d lor ltd junrikuiaK. Tot* noise ehamse
ol 122 years to c- i roomy fast. Get the
. n!y huiory, HEHB.Aftir
BROTHERS, F)bc, 732 Btrnson street,
Fhiiajeipbia f's.
| ie.nature booa. uaauuottg to be “uflicia:,"
<tad el.iiig what will happen ia August
o:J 'V'ptrfi.-lj. r
J. a p. COATS
have been awarded a Media and Dip'.acn*
at the t euteattai ExpoaUmu and cou-ice
Jr and ; y the J iJgra Or
-tsu -
A. T f/rru-w* TANARUS) '• r-rtiew 1
•’ J It 'IA .V EE Y, F't<* i
• As It, licit*.*f. Her: pro.tra. ■
v £*•►* Ki*' Miled ‘r *•
) rian.r 10 • . pn*t , i E. 1 Si
A ( O , N**e*tJ, N Y. r-
"""" ’ -
V- 'f V L •*7 ~7 S ’>> r-Eii 7
,0)1) •“ 7*y j | Aye- * * >
FREE I*. O. Vl' KEKY, A : .
\i * ■-&•■. *
Centennial Reduction in Adi
Thrr* iboosari'l, two hundred and fifty
d*. r. worth of new sparry .A*e*ti..r.g- l
. ~bi.*hrf' schd-ie rat**, fits* M f • and
41,1! • three moßibs’ note ei.cep'wd tn t-sf
men IPm in'v.rtlseis of rnspoeslfifiiy A
pHf ied :at, rn{, Character, A
• i {>lty and .Wctek/y C rcnfa mu, an
Hcbeduie Itstcs of Advertising, sent |f, u to
any sd-tress Appiy to 11*' I’. *k
C- . Newspaper Advertising Ar.<*eti, di
p.rk Row, N. Y’
sfTtfKU, -npKNHn;
tiie'-UrecsTVi e A&enSrr Tr
-y;’:P.e - Imyil.x iis fi.ll krm. of
v- V! r ir in January. A' sen V*g w
flrrl rjnitr an ADVANTAGE in b- giae l ' g
early. The situation of tuis Beh “1 i*
quite an advantage, —Not being on any
miiroad. pup! v are not s* a(d to be Avert
> 1 air towns situated liffren('y
lb >,\RD may b<‘ bad from $lO to sl*>,
Time eatimated frutu entering uoiett In
case ut prostrated iiineae.
A<->antt paid at the end ol Scte'u'le
> ear.
Fare ,ta desiriog llieir daughters to lake
Music cen base good teacher* at reaeona
nl termw Aail voireelf one end a 1 !, of
W fST POINT, Ot Oct. Ist, 1 SJis.
Grocery Icrtliltfc
RESSES. octt * ,B
By WALSH * WRIGHT, Proprietors.
Full TeTewrapbie Dispwtchas from all
point*. Latest and Most Accurate Mar
ket Reports.
\riltreXinQ and Reliable Corrt*p**U*r* fret*
a Spa ~t of Georgia, South Carolina and
One Year $19.00 One Year so.oo
Six Month? $3,00 I Six Monihs $8 50
One Year $2 00
feix Months... .1.00
S T WT X W A Y .
Steiewaj Pianos hiliil Trißßpfcai ’
STIESw AY S SAX-As EVxbßLhtl iSigliiKUt Pc'Wl i-SSUTT J JW.SSJ
Ch... he ring A deuw'
W liiiam Kiia: e A Cos., 883 51T Br.
Wiiiiam F. tans uu, W!, 700
A aer. W’ebsr, ••. ® 1 144
The abuse figure* ai lakeu frem lh< acaasl Intersai lirrecu* Tsx Brturna
HUJ3ZNSTEIN ITuricg a!) my ipng and and ffleu'ljoamey
nit over Araei.i a, ai-.t in a vary mciemeu
SMaun, 1 u*ed v -ur Fmoos, and have b*ert
abie to use ycwir Fiar o# eaclusiveiy in my
Two -Handredj&rid Fifteen Concent, aud
aiao 10 private, wiilelbe mi st eoiiuent sat
isfaction and ( fleet. JteW York, May ?4 h
)Hli} fine a'love 14 the only testiuioaial
ever given by Rtrtjensteio to any Piano
r eifir Pr*JT tei: Mr. Btsioway that hi* 1:
T.ISZ I op-iifb! JMano shone to irriiutnt advantsge
n> uw icsuvsi |wr i jousMsu st U.r Wart
!g/rg -a I,ci. loet Tu*d*y it oerved under
fny t net rs as *Vte Orehewira, exciting
gecerst adtniratine. (Extract trorn Dr
Eisut ljtsrt to the celebrated compuaei
tti uiorf, which letter, dsvgd W’eiuie.
hcpt.27, ItsTJ, is cow in poaaeasiou -f
- After Iboiougbiy leoUag yotsr Fitm.*,
twJtfj tu private mid to jmbtie, I can o/n -
e:c superior to ail American aurT^turoiieau
liutruuo-i th- *-wu to uic. (New Y'oik,
M.y J7th, i*72 j
DE MEYER. -During tsy artistic csreer of more than
f ity scars, 1 pad occasion to use the Fla
ti-.s of ail the w orld-rrtiownej oiaaris iu
fmb'ic and private, but I base never fuunsi
*u tastrituient which compare* with yor
l‘i*nos. (N Y Match gist,
JAELL, ‘ Y our name Uraervos to be inscribed -in
golden )cl'-*l Hi lbs hcaU/ry ol Fisus •*
„ mg tn Atririi*,to the improvement ol w„,ch
s-.uh*v.*o largely roulrtbuted V-r
i’lecos may be prwclstthed st InnwmjiaT*
hie ! Wn.l riotsie, and tat mg uto tied tone! VY list
l—uwi singing rjuaitty I (Far to, April 17tto
JK7 )
. “Dating my long career as AUtst and
All I 1 (Ynipoart, | have met with many (lua go
, r-'Wean and American i’lano Forte*, but
nnue that combine grandeur art J twetry > t
t oe, :la*(k-|y ol u.ucfj -to aioM, eiery
iocg that render, a Pl*uo cwrfcK't, to such
* fogb degree a* yor reirbrsied Fen
Fortes.” (New York, July I). li?J )
AI.’.VAY'H ffIVE DAWWmi ALL CUKDENTIAL*. a* there are s-m.e
i,” ye, v*ar ot.o * c<-feuir*!* <xt from (fiflereiiV cetehrated Arttotn given by them -
s >m* >wt or M* Ari-.y A Aitu even man,:%aured Pianos, and nthnts, ersh ia
•hey f,.(’tried the* celebrated fuatruranate.
A.a •.••*;.in--i..i* fo-if
• > fl iflUJl. 1 +m: '—t
J !* tATn*W '•
AI.rUH’ 1 n rS4fB **
“ *• 'Ti,t.B““•' “ Y
ft/9f 4 V:t+-‘V* o*4 f +n*rv*U)’j olUn\m l Rm*
< n 4 nt H%m.,
rise •( v.- I! tL B. ta PIIBC** nt Waisa _
Ift w tvar.Jav. Mi*wo : ri- •,I*l *** •'(“ m in* • ;■-, n i-ii.u
St>4 frw I ala, a I*. *a t •# y-.r*e** •*.
Hteioway'a ('(anew have taken every P- re and Meifa! wherever their J< *r, * h'-ve
eeen pc and ip imnpetiU-:io wip. othto**. Parni 148, Lon do* JH92, whicti r !*• e. ;heir
)’t*f - at Ifet FiF.ADof TfiE W<tft f>
HTtau-aor i. want*'/ ■< the Motion ::=e t ooaauppty *: T-weid r•teaman? at sh-rt
nnoce. ■
TUoabi# agsuta waated in (in , A ! *„ F -v'da. N. and ® < 'arc'.lna, and Kaat Teun, by
1 t'HNEit A RFIACMI YY'bo’eaa/e Bocthsm Agents,
e Whitehall ft. AtfatiTaGeorgia.
?4rn*rlr Wu T hfcVJi.lj, Kp'o i Apent Greyvi e ta.
Talbot Valley select
The cxe’rciac of tkia tthtai wifl Tie re
sumed Monday. January l/tth, 1877, at the
following rate# r>f liuvUwi :
lUauiMn W juTirw. PeiMAev Opvtn
rwr. Out i. AnrvnwHTK!, per month $3 Off
OuewwAT!, Or.jc**r, Amthmrti y
Hirrogi, C gpniTtM, per month $8 00
L'skkiuut Ahitiimetic, AxeanttA end
Hir.nuß MATtiaxance, Lasijcao&s and
Moral Sciescea, tier month $4.00
Mtsic wkb ute of Fiano, per month $4 00
W. H. Wood all. A. M, Mrs. R. Brook v
We sincerely believe that the aecexusry
expenses of Board, Clothing aud XußToo
a: ovr school, are leas than at any schao’
of aimiiar grade within our kat>wiedge.
Boya and gvrts aaxioovty asriving ta be
come educated, u-eful men aud wornew
are E’pecisfly desired.
John Harris. 1
J *bn B Roper, t
Dsvk! Oaldw dl, k T nstees. .
R 'bTl Brooka, | _
T. H. ‘Juuniugham J
For partieuiars aAlrees
W. 11. Woodall, Frioelps!
Pleasant Hill.
Talbot Cos.,
A Bfiierri. l new ttock ®f
1 m s.
Tie to|d
Call quick H yon east a lergam.
'TKat aide Dili St.
Griffin, Ga.
nr Repairing FINE WATCHES
and JEWEbRY a epeeisity,
GOODS end WWRK warranted.
net 27 2m
A.tlanta Paner
Atlaicta Gkbo&ia.
All Sizes and Weights
Ad<fr-? JAB ORMOND Proprietor.
* Refer *6 tfii* iteok at a7p -omen of hie
paper. (U)