Newspaper Page Text
In WlliU €uns*st ih - dltfcrrnre.
flu Jaw eLC’a&mt re'i Rtf Qr
ernor* ot the State* to give certificates to
the eh-Cior* of and Vice-Pre*i
deul in their severitt State*, in pursuance
oUbi* law, toil . the Uc* ot Vie rub went
proteti, Kellogg, the 0 iveruur ■of Luui-t
--•m gave CMllttott** to ee. > x, and
Stearns, the O v-tru rr ot Pbrefdx, to l;u
--elector*, an i Climber *t i, tun Govern >r of
SoaIbJCCD i tH, to *'-n:o ck-our*, m ikmg. ■
total of nineleci, ail of wbou cut their
to to* fir /{ iye.
Tnj B publican think UiU was
right, and they too mure their determina
lioa Ip in Ibylt to the cud.
In pursuance of the *a ac law, * i 1 with
out the oh notion Hold It
done, driver, Ihe Gove no r of Oregon,
• gave certificate* to three e,actor*, two of
whom were ai;ij*ortar of Td 1 >u. T ia c >n
sequence *<u that Hayes obtained two
Vo e* ia Oregon an i Tiiden one.
The Hiijiuhli :an think li>U wa* ad
wrong, and they bv* declared th t they
will IbU one Til iu vole from On.
gnu to tne bitter eol-
The rev;u given by the milfoai. It
£oUlfcaiia for aUputtog the validity oi the
one Tiiden vote hi Oregon i that, record
ing 1 6 tliclr figures, the elector who <al It
di I not gel a rnnjoiliy of the billot* tha’
actually went into the tiu*e on the 7fb ol
Novein'ier. But, not to |,r™ tin; jipinl
too sharply about South Carolina, Mi not
everybody know that the elector* who cast
tho ItveGv vole* lor ilay<- In Florida and
lioataisiraTrtTTrirTcnnra a majority of ttje
ballot* ile|iultrii In ilia bona In N"ni.
her t and that 1i Lo iiiana the Hayes ch-c
lor* felt atmIII # 000 fi<iil of mJnilty 7
In view ol the** notnriot* fn u, wtii not
Mime calm RcpubliciU Inform n why (jro
ver'a oefljUgaic !• not as lUo of KaUrt-?g r
Mtearria, and Cbsuib ilalu ? -|N w Vo,k
Tin* I* tit a** it of lliippiiicat fitter*
fired Wltli
Barney O'Toole ami Patrick Moran
atom! before the liar ol the Kilty 'evenly
• tree! fad Ice court, Harney l,ud a hi o W
eye arid a dumi;rd tn>*e. liano ydo I vet
ed a plain, uuvaintahsd tale :
Ycr Honor, It wm all on account ov the
ellclion. and I (Mild Tlldeu wux ellctid.
Thin arz l*at, nggrvutlii
Hooray ler Haye* I
Hooray fer Ti'dnn, *< % I.
Yrr mlditakln Inturly, *P7. I*at,
Vor mi* ytrw.lf, <•* I
Whoop 1 **** Pal.
Hooray I *< /. 1.
Am) thereupon wn agreed In m Min |l
]<>(kf glntlrmln mi mx-ldo Hut election at
wiiml. I bad got one 111 on Pit'* tin**, no
Pal hni) landed flrniet my 'y*, no eveiy
thin wun tiligiut, an Tthka’a proupwM wor
nlver tiff gh ler, whin a polenemao came In
tetferin lolkfl, mi now theta’* no leitln who
would tier liio elided at all, at all, am)
Barney mid Punch atep|>ed down, iinir
muring mriinat armed Interference of the
lew.— fN. Y. World.
H*w Pinph Un Mik
Sating h>o n on i and 100 Inal , nwatlnw
Ing lioi m lcclly mmluatrl food ; liy tak
onoua whluky and other Intoxicating
drink* ; keeping late hour* at i.l s bt, and
sleeping 100 lat* in lliw morning ; wearing
clothe* too tight, *o as l" relax the clrcnln
tlon ; wearing thin *hooa ; neglecting to
Uke *u anted I exrrrii* to keep th* ha da
and taet warm ; neglecting to waali their
body sufficiently to keep the pore* open; ex
changing the warm clothe* worn in a
warm room during the day lor coatimea
am) exposure inrldrnt to evening panic* ;
(tarring the stomach to gratify a vain and
krolfah pastlnn for dre** ; keeping up con
•tent •af’ltvment ; fretting the mind witli
borrowed trouble ; (wallowing ipiock noe-
Irtwu* kir every Imaginary HI ; taking
meal* at irregular interval*.
Kiwkmo tle ISit< >ll Kn'erpriac ray* :
It ia repelled that sumo of our young ladle*
kin their *wecthe*rt* for the p*r|io* of at
bfylng themselves as to tempera!* bnbit*,
which device, we learn, I* In imitation of
the ancient cuHntn ol Miconiu*,who caught
hl wile aucktng hi* finest wines by the
aid of a straw through a hole which the
bed made in the barrel, and afterward* it
became theetatom in Rome for husband*
to kb* tbeir wive* that they might discover
it they bad been tampering with the hhto
rlc atraw. Cato, the ekkrr, recommended
this custom to the conshterVi iTt hb
countrymen, and the voung ladies of the
present day are making good use ol hi*
Thk Cevraye.
An instance of courage and presence of
Bind is given by Ibe Sunday Scbool-
Some yean ago a steamer ttx k fire on
the 9e Lswiencw Wver. and beearae a cm
plete wreck. Very many, in tbeir attempts
to escape death by Are, met with a watery
grave. A boy, named Na reuse Lantou
tayne, aged thirteen years, saved eignt
children (rent the wreck. lie accomplish
ed bis noble deed by seising tbe door ot a
state room, placing the children upon It
and poshing H before him while-be swans.
By several such trip* he aeceeeded in
landing on a dry rock, or on the beach,
eight of the children that were on
the Hi fated vessel.
Now this is courage. Many a boy who
cn doable Us fiat and inakeagreat threat
ening noise before bn playmate*, would
have been too great a coward even to
bare attempted what Lauiontayne w brave
ly accomplished.
PeSUteii) ff|f<M*ry,
New Y irk PrecrnW* Journal.|
Among the thoughtful men t*ie anxiety
in regard to the pofiticai cnau i* very dii
h-000, *ud vastly gr**cr, Hear* *'Him ( Um>
ids simple enough t© bd easing: WKt it
l a- TiiJen or flaye* f
fit thu cii*c.—U K the begtowfag of tb*-
ioetb agony of t e Republic t —;>ar'.y fet
ing aa.' party asp latien on-fot to dug o|i
of light. Every one i-apable of under
Handing half of tne (icril thg bejet* on
political oiganU'n, ought to *to,i it king o
party, and take are of the taot yu) in
'eruatoftn endangered country. Cis, o
Klsbj the fatlier of Siui, ia a t/i'l ! fir al
of u* at tM* time. He sent hi* mm, Hu,
Pi look after aortic avori that ha-1 wan icre,
torn iii* camping ground. But a day cam
when he left oft C.ri g fir the a< e--wh
were the proPitypen of the rooderti office
aceking wor d — and oerk liiougbt for tiic
aafoly of hi* non, that had gone aatrav aea
lug t>t thofce tmem Tiir I* jwt nrha* the
people ol the United ought pj do for
th-ir children, who have gone tar away
In hunting a**-*, called poiitkwl leader*.
It m eaucediog.y plain, even to the m u
unsuapicioua ol men, that ihe atrain on ',ur
(Kipiliar icatiluliiiua ha* ha aor,h that
they are at the point of anappii g ! <> ir
tiaerf pi lie dragged of a* a G ovetn*u /it of
(,'miaenL ft wa* never unt iwnl ia an in
*irumtnt by ihe coercion ul lue people by
military teirorfau ft U feof-Miliy well
known that f,n;mr;ing, n nrrcT-irorriri
Ph r.d, gave their vote {nr the elector* of
1 ihleti and Hcniicicka- 11*1 ihe i. -.n.i .
lUppoaing tli* idifioaaihlr.heve In:on -!-if the
IfefiObllcnft |i< k, I, the ism wmd i have
lieen decided week* ago Po/rry woe, even
ilie aiuiptiki, know* Lina.
The griviiy of thi* all iir I* not, i.y ar y j
mean*, lief fhi'enl ftn wh*dbar do* or tfiat. T
r andldaUr ia eirt ted. It got* deeper It j
vlrikc* wl'ist may, toon, liecorne * fatal
blow at our Ihiidmi, hial ImUlulioo*. Jt
i *1) htaili to tav that the Am*)b an fl<-o
pie will, by the ballot ho*, take th* it tv
venge, he<i-fl*f. If the trend, hi licpri
mg M<- l ildeu ul Ho; Vole ol thlw } i,ib:*
tb<’ delay In returning *h hl* iifls< lent
evnleni:" ul llui imrp 11* to cbi"*t, i* |rio;.i>
liated, that pnl 1 ! an end u, anythby oi Ho
i-fi*,,!! of ala I lire ril l liihi It/ Ibe proplr.
Utttltl.M G’t!owoii'a Ol'l-iloM A gi'ii
Ih.’toa i ol St 1,0 ,|s. ii *e in uu Iti,m th<-
At Lou* Glolhi Dun wfat, wrote in M
Cha-isa fr'Oonor, ot New Yntk, for hi*
o pin toil cot) ci'f fling Ho' •iluiboti in w,,,,. (,
tlarnllna, and rm clvcil t'm foltowigg bind
letter In rn|ily ;
Port Wadi log ton, N. Y , No ember t!st
|M7(I diiiar Hir ; Gibbon *,iy* there in n
vital diflercnci* in the ron*r|-irm-c* off ,r
idgu and civil war. The ftnmat i* lb rx
tcrnal waimth of sunnier, alway* tolefabli
and *om,dime* hourflGal , <h M tar i* the
deadly heat of lever, which cotiMime* with
out remcily in tlie vll dso) th" Cmwliuiikm
Ido not tliin It opinion* "fa J'tdli ial nattne
coneotnlng the law of tha Coiiditution ol
any connevj icnre. Tha drunken Da.noctai
whom the Iteputdicaiis tail ol Ih
0 ilenn gu'ter, beoneired wiih the blooit
of Mw < vlalu in donielh: broil,
and iified to a |w*deul a* Hie M-dot h
ol their WO'whip, rulea and until a great
change Iff icfillliieiil HiaTl faLu jfTaiat mua*.
contlnue to rule over tha prostrate rain* of
Waahlngion'* republic. Tl at rapnblhi pef
l*hed on the day that Mi If iwell tßoved on
to Ktehmond. Your* tnrtjt,
Ult uu.tti trtb'Xrix
Mr. OV'mm i* cartaialy uol Verv dalnlv
tn hi* deneripHon ot Grant* l U vathMi In
deapotie power, but be d'-ea not lay to our
(‘leiar’a door the entire blame ol deatiowing
Washington's repohlic. Ha evidently be
lieve* the dredrioe of cneirton to b incon
•tsteut a ith our republican form of gov
eminent, amt that It would rripiirea great
or genlua than Grant to convert a govern
ment of choice fnto ago vet winenl ol force
without diet orbing the liamtony ol live ikj
lltical fabric and endangering the libertie*
of the pen pie.
Horace White, a prominent Illinois poll
tician, has written a letter to Hi , Modiil, of
tbe Chicago Tribune, wtijcb hom the irjv
ulat oe of Its author and "his former ciow
sffil'ationt with tbe Republican party, can
not tall to attract attention Mr White
takes the ground that the Republican par
ly has simply debauched itself with infs
my by seeking to perpetuate its rule on
the strength of electoral vote* obtained hr
introducing •'lntimidation'’as an element
in politics. He does not be'ieve that the
dhf reach Isenient ot thousands of votcis be
cause three or four men swear they weie
intimidated secures “an honest count" by
any means, and any man who will crawl
into the Presidency on such a basis he has
no use for.
• ————— .... ■ ii
It puzzles the soul ot a statesman to
know how to ezclude the vote of Oregon,
legally eotract and presented under the
forms of lew, mod count the vote of Louisi
ana, legally an imposture and yet formally
correct on the face of the certificates. It
is the blockading pilot’s problem of putting
the helm bard a star-board end port some
at tbe same time.—[Nashville American.
The Boston Advertiser, ablest of Repub
lican papers in the United States, while it
thinks that a fair election in the contested
Southern Stales would be in favor •( Hayes
neveraheiem asks tbs serious question. Can
we afford to reverse tbe vote of a State ?
We should think no*.
The Meriwether county convention ot
tbe Democratic party, for (he purpose of
county nominations, “busted up." The
regular Democrats were ‘•ball-dosed,” sod
troops or an investigating committee U
needed to straighten things.—[Savannah
Uelttag MUcl*.
Sf Hkhu I* rn >rt ea, than to grow rich
It iv only to U W nofaidy. to tjefneo i t one.
Pi get everything yj can wave ad you can
get, ,'a atott tmiwiver ao I everyhu-i y be
long (? t ua ;tobe t ie irieod l > heap in
lered upriu interest end cent upon cent , P
be miserrbie ia l (:*;sel, bw twen-
I V ir thliiy year*, and richer w.i.l come a*
t ire aa diaeu* and di.-apfriinlimot. Am,
when pre'ty tm*r m*ugtt wealth co',“Jt
el by a disregard to all Ihe charities of lb
lUutan heart and at the ex,*a>e if ever.,
•n| -y me at*t! that of w,to * 1 1 fie h y
neannev*. deatii e cue, to ;i r u--h tne r 'k
lie h)ly i* buried lu a h ,;• V.e- heir* dice
ovei and. and Out w,u! g,r* Wtcfc ’
- . - ■ ..i
St. N"icliol;i-* .
I ‘‘Toe King of aii PobiicaV i'i* fss wei for
the Young on r.tiuei a,da 1 the AiianUc.
~fßouUj*rnito*i (Kug and. f>’,o:'ver.
The third volume oi tn, in comparable
ilag,i/.,we ,* now compleie-J W.h >U
eight hundred royal octavo page*, aa i 1U
nt hundred PlMKrwfi'NM, Ha ; eodii *e
\ rtaia,:ta aliorter at ithta, jionm* ,and akatche*
iru ,et ,in it* tiean'itul binding ot tel *r,
gold, it it the inOvt apirudid giti book h r !
ti<*y acd gifl* ayer iaanci froth 'he Jireaa |
Prtoß, $d , m ftlfl go*,
•St N ICltoi,** la f'l . </{ tvs sA/hstaf fAiaai
'll* pvbMaUPn > hr, ih aft '<>,->• ta fAe 4r*f >/
t/ kimi. H'c fulte nttmr *e: rim <t utlnjxr ’
lh'*t ran# mi/ euepririayfy ye-1 —[ J he-:
(‘bore .man, Hanford, < <scn
h'l MUH'tLAA for 1*77,
Whn h open* with Novemt/er, l%7*f, begin,
A Hwotir tan Vaar Ewtaktafstsci Ka.
uui. ritriw Tit* Faa.vcit, : Ti*a Etheha
■ v rim (intsKiiT,” -r iur Aiiarntti v
Titk Tlttea oivt&u Htata* An ,l„ i
rial, of aliwirb ng. lulnfeat l - boy-,
lir J T. Tn .anuiisr,
•tuUu/f of Me ,/u,-A lliotit *, ' !-*i’
in ttin < uni rwa* Ncunan
IP sltle* atrrial at'.ilaa, f l,t t(n, *f lie
lively ‘ketrhet p a-m* vrxl Jii'-lm# t r !h>
ho'ldiyt, and aome idoai
Ilona ,| tlrer.til |e,rt, “ Ith dr a ting* *,
Hiirne a artnie, T || *i < lIHIA f N AH (IGf,
ll>A V Nl M 'KB of HT Jf 11:!fOf , \“
•u|,e|lily il. iiifaUM, o-utaox ve-y ,nle,
i-..ting pafier,
• Tin: B'lYd OK MY fPiTHOfrl)
fly VVi ltam Cu'htn llryahi ,
-The flora* II dt," a lively triple, try
Uhariiii A- Barnard,apltudelly tliuairated,
•*Th* t 'fork 10 the Wty, by fiirbkrd A
I’roi tor , A * :hti*tna f*iiy for llumo or
H unlay icho 'l*, by Dr, Eggleatoo , Tic
IVlerkln ' < ‘hr|tm* Tree, by I, n 'l’t'a C
llala ; !*• <*y *n,l Caroia nl Winter, by
J,iicy I#ri orn.w ith pit • i’o-.
Do Not Fail t Buy Bt.
Nioholai for the
Chriatma* Holi
i*i too r l*i r 11
During lbe year there wllfbe interesting
paper* for hoy*, try Widi'vn Otlllen Bry
onl Jdhn (J. WUitl.*'.r Th, .maa If jighpa
Wit Ham Ifowltt, Dr Holland. G *ra Mc-
LViuald, Sanford li Hunt, Erank R Htock
1 ton, an t other*.
There will he storle*. &elche, and poem*
of speeial Interest tn girl*, by Harrte' Frrs
entt Hpoflord, Hu*xtt C<*ifldge, Harah Win
ter Kellogg.l.liniheth Htwrt J’helpfl, Lou
lot Ab-otl, Lucre'll P, Hsle,C*lis Ttnxtcr
Msry M*(ies Dwige, and many othera
There wttl be a’*o
By Professor Proctor, the Astronomer,
with map*, showing "The Stars of R ich
Month," which will be likely Vo serpa** in
interest any series on popular science rr
centiy given to the public.
with FUN AjID FROLIC, and WIT and
WISDOM, will be mingled .a* heretofore,
and Sr. Nir*itJW will continue to delight
tha young and give pfe.i*nre to the old.
The London Literary World ssys ;
•‘ There uwo maguaine for the young that
an he *aid to equal Hu choice product*)* of
Scunman's prtm AM the article*, whether
is prom or rhyme, are Arothing with eiUUty
• * * The Utcniture ami arUtdc iUuetra
Hone are both ruperb."
The London Daily News says : “W t
trieh we amid point out iU equal in our me n
periodical liter at •ire"
Osed News for Boys and Girl*.
Ts meet ibe demand for a cheaper Br.
Nicholas Gift-Book, the pries of vole 1
end II has been reduced to $8 each. Tbe
three volumes, in so elegant library case,
are sold lor fid (in full gilt, slsl, so that
all may give their children a complete set
These volumes contain more attractive ma
terial than fifty dollars’ worth of tbe ordi
nary children’s books.
Subscription price, $5 a year. The three
hound volumes and a subscription for this
year, only sl2. Subscribe with the near
est newsdealer, or send money in check
or P. a money order, or in registered let-,
ter, to
743 Broadway, N. Y.
i tjUAfinißLY DRAWING v N\-w O
lean*. Tu*dy, January 2, 1*77.
Lbuishiu State Ltttfy (•.-
Tl.i* IrisUtuliua wu regularly iocor,x>
rated by the L<v*l*Ui>e °f the fesate 10,
Educati'Ulsl purpo-c# la ISbS, with a Capi
ta, of I.'JbO.ObJ lo w hic.. it him *tnee ad-lee
a reaorv# f#mJ of f.Vej/kW ft* Gta -d >u
gic Nutaher U awing* will use p ace
rwrntfc'j. iue scaso ,ol ib?.' ope, a wiih ,
he fobuwing scheme •
1 f'r./. ♦ 1 i' i '<5,000
Jibe l J -go. A’ o* • eg ', t'lt.'i.j
101,000 TICKUTS A T
oa i. r o > a; dollar a alii
Wide Jot Circular* m' -1 rdig* to
CHAS. T. IIgWaKD, New O i-eu*, U
Or to B KrtiSiNMA, '■aianiioh, Gh.
VWl't AU tJUAfiI Elif.Y DBA W i
!N<i on Ecb-ua'y 4, I*jT7 ‘fickeu fin
rack. '* ,a Pi /< f>l bb<l
Ayer’a Cathartic Pills,
Wot aU tha poryoaa* ot a Family Hliy aic ;
aod fir cunnit <kauvei,e, JaiinJjoe,
| 1 cdixeactou, Fuel P,n .h, draath,
fleuWne, kirysipal##, Khe-jjc#
Ima, gi-iiiUvui u,-l fitii, liHcrao,
VvSmw'SamrSjJiVa. '
cetpdi, w.
are atlll the imiet thor-itigh and *e*r< fl
ing calhaurttc hri di- Ue that <ah be
ettiphiye-1 <leiaUig li. t' r,a*h nd
teiweta tint even H,. In iiaail
Aa iof hue pUi a day they svinuiat*
the dtgritlv* oi gam and jirtimo-e t-*
unxit Jieahh
Atm * Pit i * have le rti ktwrwn tor
mure titan a ifitarter of a century, ami
have Obtained a w-irbt wide Te|rt*t;,,a
for tlp-lr ilium, llwy <or ret ,ti
eased m-1 loti In tju- several a*4nU*-
tlse organa of tte lerily and a/' *'
composed that ntialrm ' -n'a within
tin or range can rarely or
evale thi in Not only do they rttrs
llm < tery day ■ on,plait,!# of every-
Lmdy, but also formldai h nd dauger
ii dine*■ that have batfteil the iw-at
of iHttnsn skill VA hiie they prtelu, e
|*iwerful ■ IT, ■ la, they are, at tl*c r: e
Gin*- lire aafeat ami Iwat phytic fur
children, lly their aperient ctp,n
they grltw much lea* than Uie rommou
purgatives, and never give pain wtwu
the Isiw.-la am not Inflamed They
n ich the vital fountain* of tte bhe*i,
and atreugthen the ayatetn by fTvving
ft fr'tui the elemerita of weakn s*
Adaj.ieil to alt age* amt eomlltlona
In all illinate*, runtalnthg neithkr'
calomel nor any ihleterloua drig,
these I*ll la may taken with •afetjf
fry anyt*ly Tin If sugar coating pre
serve* tb<m ever fVch and make*
them pfeaaant to take; while being
fHtruly vrgetabis, mi harm :aa arise
Cfoiu their uac tn any uuautlty.
rarrsaat, at
Dr. J. C. AYCK 4 CO.. Uw.ll, Mat*.,
fTMltaMl Ml AMIfUMi lfMtltta.
•old bt Ail baIMKMMi Munraua
THE “ * *
tli Eafirasgc, Gc-,.-g.a.
I PAit NDW.ioJ viil keep k**y* or,
1 1 hand at ins old tUuu Last tuie *t
he public Wjiiare, a good *a<l
wxu •at.r.rrKD stock <.r
Conmwling, u part, of
;y UOLD and SILYoU Watch**.
Stem and Key-wtners,of the be*tm*ke.
Splendid tiohl and hover Watch, tli*'r.
of all sizes, maker* and prlc'S
Gold Pena and all kiud* of holder*; Cold
Silver Jk steel Spectacle* * Eye-Glames.
Silver Plate Ware
of all kinds and etyiea;
i’vrkeh Table Catlery, A Khz or*
by the very renowned makers, TOSKPI
1 1 era still repairing all goods in say doe
Too mtay citizens ot Meriwether and ad
joining counties have tested my work to
cqnire a word from me as to the charac
ter ot it, I will, however warrant all my
woik, if properly used, as I have always
kina, and respectfully ask s continuance,
lie patronage I have received from mv
tier (is In Mexi aether
A.*,* WiM). Xucr M keep, k re* it
lane o{ ic raaa a B,v< Witt i ul k Bill
Jt U W A U D, W O O 1) ICO.
Adlnnta, - - OeoruiK
1 1 1 Id M I -1 iL\V Id FI f Id It
/ ' -
F I K TO I V oLC M li
Ai if Af. 10THEOT1ZEX* or
M K It I \V M 1 II K H COU N T Y
K,f a rtmUhuant* of ihe.ii er! pair mrge wht' ti baa tevn jgjgiM WU>
Tint Four V olumcs
During Ih* next year !h* {rojre 1 or will devote hi*, emir* lime *i,d ritir 'i <
•■aper and i" t- e,,aV. '■ r< t> *■ xw■" v i fSi IscraSl r*r< migtCwl ich rr"r
n,;w,i it w tj: re* *:c, K*,toc oca res.’.mi sd, h* l&Uitlin 4 Whh h wi-i fdd pi
he interest of lh
N w material will he aildml to the otF.c* from time In time, which will iwprova ti>/
Awivtance b*a been {vr*w®,ed from Vaditig friend of literary mrril, who willdi c*
tttiane and in*truct our reader*. With our iwtreweed mail faciiitie* we h!l ba ktei
give the latest new* op to tb* time ot g ne lo prtwa. Tbe leg*! nlverttoemen * *1 the
county will continue to be ptiWbe<l in the VINDICATOR, a* well it an account e!
important event* transpiring in the cownty. Many kind friend* have encouraged ul th
iaat year ; will they kmi a helping band at lb* beginiung of the present volume. B.e
VINDICATOR i* e*tablialed upon a firm b**i*,
otsucreed if the people ol Meriwether county will only u*Uin it. The pric* if
•cripticn will be a* heretofore, TW O DOLLARB fer annum IN ADVANCE
The circulation of the paper ia far in advance of whatsit waa iant yen: , will not u*
Gret us One more Subscriber^
wiih this we aha!l he antiafied The aUeation cf those trading witii our pewpu s
called to the advantage* offerer] by the VINDICATOR * an adverusing medinm,
Pearce Cotton.
This SILK, or LONG STAPLE, Cotton
now eomtnee ed to be the
Finest Lint
of any VARIETY in tbe U. 9. A- ewri
tbe Sea Idand itself,—Most Prolific and
Earliest ir. Maturity.
Planters wishing these fine seed will
call oe K. Wioatow, Greenville, Ge., or at
my Office in Hagaeeville, Circulars,
Samples of Cotton, Ec,
i. M. HURST,
H Jl
Darwin Or. Jonas,
81 BROAD STREET Atlanta Ge
• - 0
White Wine Vinegar. Cider 'N ine B* r ***
White Cider. B-wt standard lt
eat ptices Warranted-