Newspaper Page Text
The MAriwfit.Viftr County Vindicator.
VOL. 5.
rntT.iaaau strut fsjday.
bt vm t hjevtli*
omc* !tM(fc >to oi ifc U*r How**
N-MM mf A4*mW*.
Itoecw I!wk 14 wks 1.1 wo | 6 uto i
f inch 11 00 * 58 1 450 j 7 ••; <*
* laches i 1 501 5 00' • 50: 10.00 jVS 00
iache* t f 001 8 00110.00 1500 25 00
i col S 00 10 00 * 20.00 T> Ofl i 85 00
! col * 00! 15 001 25.00 *3500T0 00
Ic*i I 10-00 13000 i woo I WOO 1 SIOO
or a lilerel deductoin mvl* to tboee
advert i*in< bv th# tnoutk or *ear
couirrT JFficfiJi
ORDINARY. A. J. Hinton
clerk; a. o ..ty- R
tA X RECItIV KR ;B. % j*2g“*.
ftUKVBYOR O.lMtatbew*
H. A. Chaim, HMf.
C 3. ft**v. )■ £ BbrtiMM,
Alias n.
fobu W. l*ark, w. J.
Md.*ou lUcro., R. A. Parker,
A. 15, FrCcrUAO. Sec
SICK A TOR 3tkl> DWiAcV<’. 8 Brw*tr
—R hsrbh*XT ATlYßfL—
|*hu B ltoper. W. Taylor.
■ u ml • . "L'-*VW———IB—
*\ Ut£*H VILLA, O*.
% ill practice in Merlwethw tud Ut**d
j-in.iif count!*** ' ‘J \
Attorn et at law.
a-Tl fhekman.
Ohkknviiaa Qa.
all l)oina* relruvtrd to bit caie attend
bd le pr- niplly and faithfully.
I) U KKim.
A rroitNEY AT LAW/
( <l*
Witt prariice In MeriwrtUor and Ue
countfti* cooiiMwln* th* Coweta circuit.
A (J j^ l ~ v 7~, ) ; L ,
Kksidknt Dumrr. ’
r*rm* Ca*h All wark Wairanted,
WILL rONTINt f th# practice hr
Med hi nc in Greenville and the
MBiUy *d)wl. All cab* left el th* Drug
Hi vi* or bia reeidwiww nr.wnptiy a Herded to
OrrtHH bis Prelaeekmal n*rvlr* to too
, iH/.co "I (hetmellte aud vicinity,
nrofliv* *t ti. i. Ajtttiionr a go's ,>ru *
•tars _ M ! S<J
D*. r r halo,
Earing J*rid*d U torti* permanently
I, tjraenvili# laaJers bis prafesvloaeJ
tor* |Pm U> tbsertiransoObe lews Mid mi
,„ndlOg *>*l*7 0* m Vfee North
• ef ‘4m public square.
Of LaGraegs, Georgia.
HAS NOW, sod wtl) keep always on
bend at hi* old stand Boat aide of
the publls * good
CootoUii*, M pert of,
larOOLD end SILVER Watches,.JU
Sum and Keywmoeni.or b best make.
Splendid Gold end- Surer Welch, Cksia
of ell sizes, makers end prior*
Gold Peits end eU kinds of holders; Gold
Silver A steel Spectacles A Eye-Glasses.
Silver PimU War*
*d ail kinds and style*;
fsrkeh Table CsHlsrr. ABazsr
by toe very maowasd Bankers, JOBE Pl
lam Mill repairing all grxMlt In my ioe
Too maay etiueoa of Men w alitor aac ad
Joining counties have tested my work to
•‘■quire a word from me aa to lita charac
ter of it, i wtt. Jwwerer wamst ail my
work, if properly oar J, u 1 bare always
4oaa, ted reupu.tluflj ask a continuance of
** fairsro§' 1 bare nae> rod ima ny
bleed* ia Meriwether
riewsc Take H ■<rk.
You ki-weJ me at the gate last nigUt,
An 1 m.-.her heard the *sroaek"
he m\s it’. naugfaty to da >S
Sj [ take it buna.
I can not tea what ha'in there i*
ia *uch a thing, can you 1
tint aiolbe.' *eem *o very wroth
Plcaie take it liack, now Jo 1
it* aaetiYA to we qu te natural
For tip* to meet that way,
But mother **yt H’* eery wrong,
Si! take it bate*, 1 pray.,
And coma to think of it, I’m aure,
Hint *venvl times Twaaclau#
Si nvw to make it right, bo sure
Ta taka hack ovary one.
t would an* kaaa you think u’ me,
l CKt not ear# a mite,,
Nat mother'* an particular,
Pie*** taka them back to-aicht..
LAOH or r, YOI IO men.
WUea It i* aatd oi a man, he drink*,
and it can be proven, wuat atore want*
him tor a clerk f Wnat chnrcli want* hint
tor a member f Who wiH trait Jh f
Wbat dying maa will apprtiui him taecu
tor f He may have buna Inrty year* iti
twilling Ml r|natation--it g< dowu.
Latter* at recommendation, the backlog
at butiueaa firm*, a IwUiia-rt aocrairy, ce.i
sot aana hint. Why it ia whi.pereJ ah
ihifhigh th* community that *he drink t I"
Whan a young man lo*** hit repetition
tor unhriaty h* might a* wall be at the
bottom ot the ana. Thera ra young men
fi, a-fff ui 1,,, lam w*> 4*... i I liAiiliig si a LitfiiX fill! t
ravra, w ll*' asm* v aat * nni nri*na*T v"”" '
ctlMLl*# tatlict Ua at ailed yen lu ell,
III* He ©Mild auly give y-nl an education
||l f|*ri.l you however, under a chrialiac
tnAawnbe. You h*e comu to the city.
You are auw acliKfliig your fartune, uu
dar (hid, by ydur oAa riglU erul Now
took out young mas, that there i* no doubt
oi your aubrietjr. 0b uot create any uv
piciotia by going In and out oi liquor e
tabtiaiimeula, oi by any tAlorol your breath.
You eai)*it Afford to do It, lor your otime
i your oniy capital) and when that i.
Uiaated with the reputation ol taking ktiung
dunk, all U gone.
Omiuih or Tint Gou litmus D*ncU#t(
the Trench fell* ul ritfpccUnrf the
dvittcat it mi at lljuisu, that li* ear a young
man ot Alhsos obscurely bora, Ini* ex
tremely heudeouie. Falling lu lav* witli
a young lady of distinction, hr disguised
bliaw i i:i a Ictnale fcibit in sirdar to k*l
to her and enjoy the pleasure •>( be r
ronii.ny An be happened to lie enf day
in Ibis disguise, with his ns|ttrss sod tier
fetnals companions, celebrating 011 tbe sea
shore tbe rites of Geres Eleuslna, s k"K
of pirate* cams upon Hieis by surprise
, sad carried them *>! Tbs posies bsv
lug oswvayed ibatn W • dlsteiU Island got
drunk l<* joy end tell asleep. Ilyuien
semod his op;>t tutrltyr-af me 1 Ms* 4 yoglo*-,
and despatched tbe pirates, alter which,
leaving the ladies ou Iks island, lit went
in baate to Athens, where lie told las ad
venture to all tbe parents, sad demanded
liar he Ueud iu tnarrieve as her laoaoSi
His mjuart was created', eu.J ss foriunste
was the marriage, that tbs name at liy
iaa was aver afterward invoked hi all fu
ture nuptials, aud lb progress 'd Urns lb*
Greeks asrollad him among their
Skwatoi NT*.—Here it still another
story concerning tbs late Mr. Nye : Hr
was once engaged In trying s ease at Un
circuit, m one of the Southern tier c>t coun
ties, the presiding Judge fort u net ss
ly, peevish end Irritable, ss well as rathsi
dull of comprehension. General Nye, bed
not only cr'jsa-exsrolued s witness at great
length, but had frequently put the mine
question, which the judge bad frequently
ruled against as improper. A> last toe pa
tience of the Judge wae exhausted, and be
reboked General Nye, what do you think
l sn> sitting hers ** f N/U looked op si
toe beach, and with a grave coun’etiaoce,
hot with s twinkle la Ms eye, answered
coolly and composedly, You here got rue
this time your honor.
Tax xmv. —Mot long ago s bridegroom
returning home from his wedding,Was met
by a Inemt.who Urns addressed him: Well,
Israel, Pm glad to are thee fa tby happy
condition, thou’st seen the end of tby trou
ble bow. Thank thee led, teid Israel. 1
hope 1 have. About a month afterwards,
tbe friends met again, when Israel, speak
ing rather warmly, exclaimed, Bill yon
told aa# a He that morning I got wed f
Didn’t you my I’d seen tbe sod of my
trouble f I did, said Bill, But I didn’t telj
thee which end-
lUioey, Cain, tbnalls, Judge Wright,
Cardwa, Maawali and Minton, aa Imasnr
tal i(bt, representing the genius of nig
gerdom, called on Hayes Saturday with a
view ot getting aa idea at btl Boatkern
policy. Tbe mongrel idea waa r try forci
bly 111 oat rater] ia what we hare af the in
terview by oar Washington dirpatebet.
Tbe state yue ie übe paw nfl aolU Mr.
Hayes tao esareisaaarefaily and dsbber
ate/ tee condition of afiters ia teat State
;Tb bold policy abicb will at on* stroke
of Mr Hayes' pto girt peace and porrna
aaota to setf-gemmmenl in Bowk Carolina
is delayed to parity ends poikieai negro
semnoei* ae Oinaberiaia, Kerney, Cam,
Cardi-za aad kt right. --Thi* a Sautkero
policy, . pr]
COCBT-1100l ‘SAW.’
A cjuidt an and ready sH ia an almost ln
dis>tVsd*aUt( ac>4dwmet }u a good cnw
?i ntoing otmsad, bwt Ua quickeal
icaißeat aautatiuau* imla bia match. Op,,
ui i any this jgentiamau warn abotyt aifll
Oaiiiiing to a pert yawng <ma* ia lira
ruiK**-b it, And I tmppiMs now you •%
•i ler y.wnmlf a pret jr good J >&si of ngUf
eh t Ah, )'■*< frh Wadi, OOW, ItoW
tlioAi i you taka me to be *
Judging hy your apinurance,
tba wimaas, 1 abmaUi take jn U
0. By year qumiot I
you were about It*.
Whether ianl Mild kitf mfmwS"
lion* for thte ledjr ie not recorded.
Now, began another le*r*e>l gcntlemaii,
rtaipg atowly tram Among hie
brethren, and looking very pawfwsed.wm
*ie you prepared to aweer thtt tbt* mate
Swear t returued the rtafelaman in ib*
And pray, air, epou what authority are
you prepared U awear It?
Wiiat aeihorlty f echoed the wit
VeAMr. sjmu wiiaS auUio.i'y f You art
o afte me an ameer, and not repeal my
1 don’t aeo a* a mart Can bw eapecta I to
aciam-r a que>tiuu tt-hnc he UAs had time
to turn it over. •
, N jllimg can t, •unpler than the qua*
lion put to you. Upeu what euihority, i
repei.t, Jo you swear to this aulma!'*
age t
On very good authoiity.
Then, ahy till* ea**ou t W liy not Hate
‘it al auce t
Well, II you inuat have It-^-
Must have It 1 iuteriuptcd the man ol
law, I will have it.
Well, Hum, it you maei end wilt have it,
olid the li teller, with delihmaie vrefity, i
had it irotu the inare'a wu mouth.
A pnrUcular'y witty i*ply wa once
mads by a wo.I kiiewn Kngliah architect,
who had been giving An iinri>ortantopinion
and whoae prufiMloiial alaioo Mr. Bor
geanl Uurrww, tint Djipoal couuael, wa
ainleo* to doptoi'iate.
Yeu are a builder, 1 believe, began the
No, sir, I am not a builder) I am au
All, wall, biiilder dr architect, architect
or builder, they ar pretty much the sain*,
I mip| tom-.
I lw:g your tivrdun, sir, I can t itJuiit
•bat ; I consider Ilium U) be totally dll
Ob, indent!; peilist you will alale wher
•11 this great difleieuce consists ?
An architoct, sir, conceive* (lit drslgu,
prepares tbe piau, drawl otft (be speciflea
pona— iu sltort, supplies the miud. Thu
builder is merely (/♦ iimclllnc; tbti archi
ls. <1 the Ilower that puts tbe lifucblnu to
gather aud sets it gsdng.
Oil, very wall, Mr. ArcftKMM, that will
da- an Ingcnimiv distinction without tt dtf
lreac. Du yau happen to know wliu
was tin* architect ol lift) Tower ul Ha
ll f
. There was no architect, air, replied the
wilnriw, brncc 11l *: coiitusinfi there.
Ass 4 Now Fw (he 1 rlfphottr
Dim iiuisli Times
Tbe recent reduction of hdegrepble rates
tielwesn this city aud Naw Fork and oth
er places lu tbe eat Is very notable. It Is
no time since ten word intonates to New
York ©net $2. Then came aucocssive re
duction to SI.OO, |1.78 cunts and 00 utdia.
Now they are put down t< fW uents, an '
night memasHis at twice the iiuiiilwr ol
words tbafl can lie sunt by day srs sent for
the sains sum. This is a result of the In
jection of a little healthy uotnpatitton lu
Lite telegraphic business. Evan at Ibis
greatly 1 educed r>tc, h is not prnlash a
aioney will be brat. The ezpatliuauts with
the telephone are stilt in prograsa in both
Boston and obic<g<>, Tbe apparatus bs
beau much rirnplifled of late, sad with
greater simplicity has coma efßcicuey. Ex
actly the practical Value ot this Invention
baa tot yet been discovered ; but It will
b almost tbe solitary iaatanou among In
vaatloiM H N fVies net turn oat te b* im
portant. The largest circuit yet in as* W
199 aides, and the veststancu that baa bam
overcome is much greater than that en
countered hi transmHt'ng cable ainaagaf.
If men can talk Intelligsmtly with oaa an
other whan separated by a dLtance ot
mora than one hundred aides, It mould ap
pear that the lists is a*t far assay when
oral messages will be transmitted with
such rapidity that phonography will be
come M-eutla! to tb ojierator. When
such spend as tola is gakind, turtbar radac
i torn in rstaa will have to eoma.
An Kstooton man who want* to teach
•cbooi In Berrien eonaty writes, Katontas
Oa Pen 9- 1877—Jscttemsn Mr I trader
■tend that yoa Bare no achooi at the AJ
apabs. i am Teacher af the English
Branch Are a man without Family hare
.taoght ftehooi Id y era and my age 63 can
come all light Jet me beer boo* you
SUm, o SeUrday, apoke to Ben H.
Hill, aad suggested wba* a rtdieotoos no
tion tt waa tea* he aver apposed Hayes*
policy. BUI Mid ha thought ao too; but
* Wed, 1 this k, Slaiaa, you oaght la con
fine year attack* strictly to Jti l
Dari* and tba South wn Confederacy.
Tour constituency will back yoa to any
extent os (beat topics - _ - h
Bmmm mf mmMmm Wm Yen
j■ „ ,
JMkhl Bctavik Wait ■* t Vktl, the
adthwrwas, tiled ytlUrdiy in
% , yr>.'.-efhe tana at ll llevue
near thMHRtg k| Wit; Uer ItaUcl, Cal.
(hetogeJpwilaa (* b*f Hie eiguer ol tin
ikeejaratint Ol Ittdepcu >e.;e, Ilf the
■>y •&** WtwnVtd >0 (Vl*aco', Fla ..
Whiiflined ffsji) haViag h*-u ep
f a 's (> f|'fKtVb*riai fecretary ol F, ari ia,
wAMjpE|Mei iaek*wn a* <)■■. rn.r. O.
■hamAMtocnt of tlvnrl J wka m lnu
Wjdlon acted hr a time
- * l ll '/**' r ' A 'W* o " ~l' ttabfhler'*
"WpAMB Ta e*clttlfaty domestic on.i
ntoaial ♦ o she not only lw
ua#Ap>iitoti tho French, Minmiah
wY llybi Iknghkgfk h>it oiitalnet *Oul
uf jUpn arnl Grw k, et •all a*
ofiheAfjßiCa*, Al a very caHy age the
ws| edftl.sajlevt Kito by her lather to
t|>p(|e ...ftrt* fwm thk Preach awd
Spae’aii languages, whl.h were tficn *V.H
ken y trio*t of the fhnahiunts of PUrhta.
4,,e km nvited, whi t yet a gi I, lo sp
ent a name for the tutor* eapitul of Ptoii-
Jaaud eh-wr the muloal Semimile wuM
T*^lah* pe Afl ISIH tbe left Psilaacal*
iiiod thv Wfu ter in Aogurta. Whil*
treiclli ig In a flag* coa,U HifuUgh what;
aat Ihcnth* wild region <4 Alabama, in
,'ouipuny wither h-o(h. r, ahe lormed
die arquaintanre and a lcllw-, ***. ng.r who
ortifod to tie Waahington Irving. Thi
• qualiitance wit the loundatiau ot a
Irltsudahlp whi.-li c n inue I ilirough*ut
'he rt-maiuder ol Mi. Irving’* life. Mia*
Wnhon si ent the tVlntor ol IBdil 114 in
Washing on, and during Hie Uebrosr up >n
■He rentavtl Ot thir dep wita, waa in the
habit ut writing net rcpariv of tlyw pr nci
lia! |iai ctiiw jjelivcra I at (he CapUot.
l liofc were *e Meilr.hV, n >iw iiii-iitu ling
her youth that It M said Mr. Olay, Mr.
VVibU-r, Mr. Caibo mMr Mur>nllte and
Mr. l’raat-ia were *ll in me habit n/ cal pig
to read from her p<rtloli, the re|wiru el
their own ejimrhei. In Hkfb she wa* mar
ried to l)r, Heury S. Levert, a ptijalcian
of M >hi!e. In 1858-4 and nwain In 18-55
Mm. Le Vtll tiv led In P.Uifipc, and was
i tec I veil Into the Iwat circle* ol a clrty In
E*gln<l and on ihrO.mUneat, and record
al her oiteeifailue* in Hi* iuUneaiitig vol
urn* nailed Kouvenlrs ot Travel. The idea
■4 this woik wa* *nggcat*d to th* author-
aas by M. Ib- Lamarlius. Hhe win for
some year* a euntfibutur to varl "it Amat
lean and English psi I uliuala. Him Is uu
understood to have prepared two worn a,
P' uvwilrs of Distinguished People and
Houvanliaol the tA'sr, vriilcb have out yet |
burn publlfVtad-—Bbe modcrart good ser
vice lu behalf of tlm Mount Vernon At
social mu aud w* jpited lor office, ol ©liar- !
by during lliu civil war, Hbc cij ycd a;
great lepulalioo as an uOcvmpl.slMui Hi"
guirt c.m vciHStioiiallst and lender ol soi I
sly.—[ Auguda Oprimb !<• A M'Ptinel.
M'-n dclng makn tlisif wills *but wives
# <NkMLi
Wby sUmil 1 they make what all their
Thu dame* Uava had f—ftu\
A Lsitjr having bur dress tibillnu I with
bngbw baforn going to g ball, tier hula
daughter wanted to know tf the huglus
woubl blow whru aha dancs l. U, au re
piled ill" mol list, but I spa wifj, W flea k*
sscstha bill i
My dvii, said a luoband, in slarUsd
tones, altar waking his wife in flic middle
of the night, Pva tnftoW<i * dose of
stiWall, then, do for caoduaas
saballa atilt, you (col, or it may asms
up. ?/ 7 #'
•- —■ H miutimc sg. a wasisn u la
ws bung hr tell bvcausc ber husband
went to Oalilornia. Hliort thertalter a
number of hualracds went
ti DalKomia from tba saam w'gh
borltood, hut their wives cualdn't act
It. They wouldn’t bang wmtb a cent 1
Tlw poor devils have alt returned disap
pointed aud dejected.
A woman committed suieide by hang
log herself Uaa appls tree. At the Inoa l -
si a neighbor, noticing tire tad Appearance
<>f tba bustmad, ootwolad him try saying a
bad amt with a terrible loss. f, said
tbe bereaved husband bearing a sigh,
tbe must have kicked like ibauier, te
*1 eke ufl six bosbelt of given apple#,' that
would bare been worth a doilar a bushel
when they got ripe
Wahiimjtow'# Chair—A coireapou
dent of of tee Wllrologton Herald, writing
from Raleigh,- Worth Carolina, says the
chair cerupted by Qa-wga Washington as
Wnnhiploi Master of tbe Masonic Lodge
si Alesaadrto, Virgin Is, la now in posses -
•ton af Vaaohaity Lodge af Ancient Fr
•od Accepted Meaooe, et EdSriton m teal
State whither If waa mot during the war
of ldtf far safe Keeping, ft is of massive
mahogany, stobiwstely ourvad tod a fin*
Hlicrimea af tstlpn furniture. An aflurt
will ha made to iadieu iu custodians to
allow this memento of tea illustrious ‘man
and Maaow* to ha placed an cabiWito*
next year.
LcaaJ pelHfcs ran high, in Prelate atoc-
Baa la tba Weriarn atmaOy. A candidate
far enuoty fMt l* Texas offered to regis
ter msrrlagaa tor nothing. Bis opponent
undismayed, promised to do the same aad
(Ar## h* 7 irmfli.
Aw Amu>iki IhcibajiT- A lataer
aktusing incident i* told aa having oWcar
red recently ut a Cbarch hi Oowueetitot
aat feaky a* lies from Pali field. Tba oler
ij man, ft would appear, drulred to eat;
iln* avu-ntlhk tif Ilia ooagrepaii. kto th*
'act i hat it bring the last Sunday of th
uM*fth he Wools admiatoter the rite o
liajUlun to children. PreVieU* to hie hav
ing cuff fed; Ihe pulpit, he had received
to-m ae ol thr elifere, who, by the wa
wa qtiii* deal, ft net to* to flaw eflect tha
a* the children would tic preaeit that tv*
Mug, and lie ha 1 the new Sunday seheol
book# ready lor iDaiilbulion, he would
have tin m Hii'ic to .all to all erba desirsil
tliei" Ader the akrfnoii, the clergy maa
began the nwtlta of bapiismal, service,
due : AUuithue* having children and
Jckiting to have them baptised, will hilng
them this afternoon. At this point the
deal elder heating (lie mention ot children’
lu ppoerd It was aomethtug iu reference te
Iti* books, And ft-Wf, *a*d ! Ail of thufe
having non*, end deeiring them, Will he
•iqiplleit by me tor tha fiiin of twcaiy-tlv#
|rffl HESS TH* f!BJ
IS: Word* tf Advice, fits
: Hit
: mffigriajKSP HV2i™
I | f|L 3
: m
lUI tw r|t 1
UTT’S ' Pltti
' tirr 1 * pit \
CTT'S TWTTTe NI.M j-lt. ■*
OTT'i kkl Pl llkht YIOKTAtILk. [IL *
Si ;:tt
PTT'S ?!|l
tITT'S - Pit
trrrs mis t* sat iming t mu pill
Wl Hiiiir, but •stead* t all parts PILL
SRI [1
'UTT'II i******** • Fllslf
TTtrS k CLKAH RRA D.UHI limbs, PU T.
a*o4 Slsmllan, *o4 *Uap, PILLS
buoyant*. iu dj>*iu, PILL*
Sajrß.R , fH&-’“ ;itii
*e*rgsfee• *—*—♦*** *♦•* PTItLw
rrra pill*
mt 511:2
wfTS ♦.....*..*#♦ .of.wMut..w*.i jm tfllS
crr; Puwk twiutt-fivi dm. ritg
. Tills unrivaled preparation has fat*
formed soma of tna most attonlshlng
cures that are recorded 111 the annals of
history. Patients suffering fbr years from
the vsrious diseases of tna Lungs, aftat
trying different remedies, spending thou
sands of dollars 1n traveling and doflcr-
Ing, have, by the use of a few
m/irtlf rtcovtrmi their keeltk. g* .
“ •.ijMsaSii
•R< TMTf l , . , ,
to sin win la Aitua, issS woMsv. t aasg reek
toassisaiai ear mm an**, sad essMss* ssaas ksasW
rr*aiii*MMrU>ine r svsvtasO. IMS* wall isas
f will MHh PiarMa asas wtaOsv as I latasis*.
SsaC *4 tot 4mm kasusa. *r ssas. mu ssai
Una*. axjvmd ooavnmk
nawsstOMsw atolussA
aosMa, Jaauatv U.WN>
trzu Sftuu.ihl t *.vsmiaiSfaiS Os Mss*
. Tim's gaps WWW eueawasS ttataags
vUm past \*e vsavs,aa* ta awhaawlaSaa aunp
HIM 4tt bvsa m* hr *W pailsats m* *• hap>
Gsm results, n twa sssssvriurs usvss taaaaft* as*.
Brw* mnsiaaiiiiaaae tabsaatssiunaossitasat
maiM saag *. ■.av*
MPa asa ass seeaa la* fcleMr s< •*, Vote's *•
a* tod fay *tog| mdw h# *afh|tao AMBaoMi
■•asu —v asssasi sMsa gaasvsOv awaoA—Canto
WHIM Wwtmnm •
By WALkii A WItKHfP, Proprietors
Full Tetourepitle Di>patche* from all
potnta. Latent and Meet Accurate Mar
ket Report#.
I iUt retting anti IUUtJAe CorretporuUnstfrvm
•Uptirtt of tJtorgvt, fbuth Cartfhut rnnd
WatiungUm Ottg.
One rat 810.00 On# Year (Bjoo
Blx Months $9,00 Hlx Months $2 50
One Year. ..1300
Ma Mantes.... m
NO. 14.
D trwin O rpotMs,
viMEOAR woaau
t! IJUtUflSTtterf Alt*Mba
White Wine Vinegar. IN-tei Yiawgan4
Vhitr toider; lUh utawAafd sowis Uw
—I piifto* Wahai.tol.
fAy&sr k firfej Organ
xjOtabl xlihjbd aoUf cam
Date ttrask teat atom Writtea Uasrtaatw
A.P UIJ VPa gJw-M lmwf
* - ; Uf -
Largist Fwtcorf ta Iht
micEG From
S6O 2 o %
riclialile sgvii's wititcd In flvotgla, AV
, 'Hius, Klorlila. Nurlh anil Hoiiffi ffrtrr/ffha
and k.a-d. TaiinaawK', by
W lrtijcsala tioiithern Agent*,
80 Wbfichnll HI., At tort Mt OMtghl
Win. fTSitViLL, Special Aiful
mar 24 ly Green ffile, (too.
slit if lft Gitu.'t 14- (hade tor kfarr} *gvut
tyiJ'JU ivory fncHlFh th* IkiafSew
* furnlh, but thoaa billing iu #ork aan
"Hilly etu n a ftottii doltlrs a M*y In their
own IwcalitiM. lisvk imi room to agptoia
her*. lluhlum* pledsknt add lina itobla
Women, aud tidy* and girl* do aa wall •
men. We will furnish you a complete
Outfit free. The biislffew pf.J batter than
uything ulav, Wt will beat edpenacs ot
UiMitg you. Particulars tftk Write tad
see. Kaimcrssud oMchaeica, their sadfa
snd daughters, am] classes la oaad of pay
iug work at liiimti sPotWtf write to a* aud
earn all about the wot Aa l uitesn Mkw (1
the time. Dost delay. Addmto Tfc#
A (J*. Aesuata, Maine.
liate ont of offr
tbA different and faabiosaM* stylos of Piaiw
Ing. Blmple and easily bisnaged, It D Just
tbe article ovary lady Bead*.
Bent by niih, pastage paid, au recal|H of
price, $9 Bond for tlrcufar,
a. 1 o.
it. y. TREADLE M'Pfl CO,
9* DurUamj! Hucet, New Vork.
Atlanta Pan^y
Atlanta Gumma.
: aaatsM —■*
Mrtoara mmpw, ******
Htomta tori issue ss slpasiaso of M