Newspaper Page Text
miJu jito: V V JILT 1 rafi.tatp-rrcsWr
THE VjpymgAToK7
Wm. in i mi gas-iam
QRggNV nlsn
Dali la certsialgglaamd l <* nioth
Wading Speer by iron 300 to 1 000 aotee.
Tbe dfcnlflmi* btea < wewd cm* imho
tn‘, Jones, lu Oangrera irons Hrw>i>-
sbire, TMi Js brl'er news tbt i first re
pa ltd. Jopes* maturity is twenty-five
Pretty close.’
V? >-■•■■, •#* • -
Tbs past office jo|srt.i*ni baa ipond
the right Kay at Iml,—Kay oi Tenuaaaee
We hope be will links* stM W lUa many
bands oi Iba lata admlnlsi ration.
Got Jobosno of Genre la, M prnmiiieifl
j mi Btbmsd in connection with Iba ruts
ey aosr atMlng to Iks aapram# M*n pt
tba United iMaiae.
TW Dnvnaact. MaMt aaasUymß
In our offlea yesterday, llayea seams to be
doing pretty wait so tut and | reckon be
will do abot* as vettjKTtiden. Wiian we
told hi n of a negro to
aa aa oi
flee tor ■ Agfinadkiart fltiiP not ‘1
fieri, aur flj Bwafi some
ctifsift a 4iW|ii~<ini -
i | "wJMMi<triiil r tt "Oo V.
young w edrWijttOn s*> troi -
young iwPW. .v
K-eCt<|ttfcdi, rivaling in terror *n-J
two years a§<>, bare n
■ UUmm t tj#.r
gla. Pgggfcarty,
niMifUlMi tor in counties fcav
sntww4; ■mMm JkMmm, *•
an* trftp •! W*r tsS§, fi find
< uni# tttwttat tfflmgl the ail,
irotn Wifkancounty te tba fldhatitationsl
convention. A bet Ur select lon ooull n>'t
I* made toads- Letts send two a! mu
best ni(K to meet and omxnlt witfi him.
Hajee declined to appoint a worthy rtimi
to* office last wffk fot no other reason ihn
became the applicant w< * lavorlte eo tu
tu of Mn. JUjc*. Tliiaaettou on the part
of If lyes, tba new president, looks like a
reflection '>a Grant, the old president, who
bunted tip all hi* relations and hie wlla'e
blnenfm, eveg to the fdttheat off column,
and plated them all In tat offices.
A’lguefa Chronicle and Sentfosl
wa* eeabliebed In 17HA, the Constitutional
tot In 1760, Mb have been consolidated uo
dor the management ol Walsh and Wright,
prepiMott ot the Chronicle and Men Him I.
* * * T . '
. Hayea has apprtnfed Fred Douglas, ne
gro, marshal ol the District of Columbia
This office le very lotponant, one, tbe mar
ehal be leg muster of cere monies on stem
occasions at Waabtngton. Let tbe rsdi
cale over this appointment, Tlldeu
would not have made It
Tbe negro Lieutenant governor ol Lou
lalana and every negro member ot Pack
srdVhogus legislature have signed an ad
dress saying that Packard's right to be
Sitrcfnaf of tba stale to better t ban that ol
ayes to ba praaident, since Packard re
ceived 1,000 more votea tn November than
Hayes did. This address to substantial old
to Mattie la hie warfare on Hayea, It the
MMmt aaaa proper to maw tba light.
Tba radicals art working to prevent an
•extra sasatoa of Cong rasa. There are no
appropriatioae aher (he laat of Jane and
ttsfMt radical putale to hew to ran the
government tram Job* to December with
8f eer raa lor Oongram in tbe fi'.h dis
trict 4s a reformer but the election returns
ehoto that too received a large radical vote
Tnto to iito way wHh most of the so called
reform candidates. A majority of them
aooott or tear devolop inka ioto fledged
radicals, though we hope .bettor things of
t%Mf> *L kX f >vA
I>ir patch ea Iran* Washington Indicate
that Hayea will wltbdtnw the Military
bam South Carolina and Louisiana. II
so. good byn radical torn in these states;
Hampton and Nichofto will reign supreme.
It to settled that Lieutenant Mclntyre,
who waa trilled l Hoilh Georgia by dL
filler* on tbe night ot tbe lOtb of February,
waa ahot by Ayer* Jones, tbe owner of the
house when tbe killing took plane. Janet
to n North CtotoUna outlaw am] he* taken
tefbge tat the mountains nl hie native state.
(Umtuooa effort* are being made to cap
flat* kirn.
When Bayes indicated an intention te
take the Unttodßtotfi trqeps from certain
Southern Smith aha acknowledge their le
gally elected gceewora, Blaine of Msinet
threatened to oppose each a policy amide-
Urered a odhple of fiery epefccbce ia the
Senate against the (opposed policy of the
•* htod^e
Mbk the back track aad at a reception >|
the Whfte House was very sweat on Mrs
.MM** "** * ***** 4
Hayeaer Hayes to Blaine baa not tmaipiiv
ed. Bayes promisee to be as improve
ment on Grant though be may be that aad
hot gain any great reputation.
J* j
I Tlf. esse W B'frrk tbs Hewnaa wjfi
tuuftieicr, is beiore tbe auprerito #ourt
again bein A - the third base. t),<eaklng oi’
this ekaeUMf Artiottf f*iwwflw^n*t*r* *
old t: tend and echo hnain iLa loileering
high compbrnaut.
This in a ran.ark able ease, in now of Ma
biet'.ry. I*. 9. Hautk, hit waiting souatel,
has tafcttoHcd a ferertrasneeo ngniest aver
wbalmipg <xMs,a#dfiatanafinnfi stuck in
die bed oat of site ease, ttiet rotkiee bim
to aa a fa*kbit. Arm ami uniir
ir.irelnraa lie iwa dav-aml blmecif V.
the case, ao.l no matter wbot tba sseoa may
b*,lt stamp* ova a> a lawyer in whom c--
epttcsn place implied reulbieuce siJ nil
hsgd hi* nauv Sown te future gene unions
as out Worthy ol link. ttoo.
II 01*1 1st k OD<e Inker Mayra.
A tones, undent ol the ALm/mi Tele
graph. e( •caking of tbe propriety ol snath
jyn men taking < (flee under Hayes, ask* :
“How far the aceeptsn m of a UMiad
htsir* offlea will com promts* a man to 'be
Kadical I/arty ’ How far can a Southern
mao in such a prainoa mb re the osentry
to Hi I mat od ventage t And a bather it ie
nut beet to have these piaaoa 61 led by rmr
iea paoplo, and not by ela*.a—tnea who
lieaa tt* sdtniteteratt io Use adeaaea and
pmegertty of tba V
<yu Homer ml urine us Umt the wsmier
ing tTtyxnea w* nsr* (orc4 m
bis ears while sailing by certain lorsly is-
i>r* vuiUda being entket) from bi
boikowort, >.rtfrmf dy the snugs m iraos,
in view <>i tba iudnsti lOpg Hiaftp <4 cor alt)
a.titbornem tor 'rflOMis V* yoetilf !k*i to
asking *r olflne tinder o tmodskenl pfeel-
Meet, wo oomtuand tba elas.&aaampla oi
the pfitdaot Ulyaeas, ihough we War noth
ing altari oi bebeaillag would pfWaot
some iittlicito MsUut .le oomis 'fro*
gr(Wring at tba first official ioal or flsh that
mlgkt Ims leotk"1, |t U easy tor soma to
rrooklbe pragnsm btggc* ol the kose wka s
tl.ftfl toitowe Waning,'* and lh| course of
Key, tba Beat Ti unseats i‘oat Mastai
siwwa that there most be leasing betas a
tedder of < fikie it made. Tbe tempi at lon
Pi ask lor office la (.liorig, bol alt true
de*orate wlif neither ask Sor recatr*
•nob gilts, we think. They wsay sorvo
iiiemoatres but not tbeU aouli<>u nor par
ty by running nflcr thoso toislwo Kgtrp
tWu flesh pots.
One Incident el the Republican vie lory
In Mew Hampshire I* the reappear*ace tn
politic* of Jams* W. Patterson, formerly a
I’rofesaor in Dartmouth College end after
ward a United Stale* M cater, Patterson
llva# tn Hsro-ver, and was elec tad to the
lower branch of the Hut* legislator* ea
tlretjr by tbs student vote which to thrown
In that town. Ui will be remembered a*
s Senator whn, like Sobuylar Uulfsx, sold
l ltn*df to the Credit Mobittar swindle, de
nied the corruption with solemn protest#
liens of innocence, was afterward shown
tbe a [terjorur welt ea s bribe-taker,
nod eacai M 'd punl hmmit for hit crimes on
ly through th# Isnleecy ol Iris political as
sociate*. Lika Schuyler Coif**, f’alter
tea is a typaerttr. tttaev hi* dtograo* five
years ago he has obtruded blmeclf fre
[neatly upon tfea notice of tba pubH o ass
Itcturer on political morality. An oration
of his urging tl|e Importan t# of electing
only bfebteuad and scholarly men to dll >
hao warn the mtoatratoowot tbe young men
of Various New Sag land cotiteS*. Pte
tcraon ts onu ol the worst of the canting
shams who have made the term "Christ
iana stateiwan" a term e( reproach.— AT, 7.
Oa Monday laat, lor tba first time lu
sixteen yeara, there was a dnmocraUe ma-
Jt illy tn (he senate, and bad they boen ea
disposed they might have reorgan asd the
committees, elected officers itf the senate
bom their o*n party, and overturned
things geeerafly. The seat* ef Senator*
Sherman god Cameron, of P*ftnyl ranis,
warn vacant, anJ Senators Cameron, ol
Wja-*'*iu, and Edmund* are too ill to ba
In tiio eeuale chamber, Mr. Ferry Is In
Mlchigsn la attendance upon a sick broth
er, and Senator f*h*roo baa gem bank to
hi* alifttf ataes-—Owatobiftton.
Wtoan Hayes declined to cootioue, Doo
Okitofe* secretory of war and akowad
atfibn toaSbaSua to evMtdraw toe Federal
bow* from South Carolt a and Lotthfonn,
Caranvou to reported as any tag, “w# bad
better have had Ttldeo.* A large majority
*f tba voter* said faato November that Ti!-
deo Wto* tbe better man. It took Came
ron (our months longer to find out tbe
Mr. Tildea took down trout It* racks in
hie office an oliVtastotoaed fitotetock mus
ket that hiagrandfatber had carried at the
battle ot Uenniugteo, sad, aa the governor
glanced along its rusty barrel, I wish, be
said, 0,1 wish I knew the names of those
democrat* in the boas* who voted last
year for the sdmteeion of Colorado.
A. delegation of repnblicans trow Virginia
headed by the chairman of the state co*.-
uitte, called upon Postmaster General
recently, antj solicited certaiu changes in
the pasfrefloes ia that slate, including the
one at Richmond, and presented the appli
cation o< candidates, indorsed by the par
ty leaders- l|r. Key in tonped them that
he dM not propose to make appointments
Which were purely recommended by politi
cian a, bat to appoint postmasters on the
reoommendal ions of the business people tf
the towns and cities when the offices were
located. The ddcggtiep wyre quite aw
founded at this decision, and alter tearing
the department, Indulged ia a joed deal c<
List •fl Grand and PnM Jawrowa
flMf **fm : Mrrtwflter flgr
iseriwr C<. aart.
R*a rewaaw—rut<7 wnaaf.
Byrd Lorcst, H. t. Luagiuo,
W. V MeWlHiaaaa, T C. Kay,
It M McOwiao, Wm. OWOOI. 7
tt fl. Fsrbasa. U. A- Thraak,
H M Xsll, J. S.Trlff,
J M Pewlagot X D. fiVrfcartMQ.
doo.T.Wws, f>. 8. WlMoma,
i. TANARUS, W.-iaaa*. It f*. Terser,
Deaton Tisoaepaan, W. 8. WRMeOW,
A. fl fioiiM. J. T. Wrigbt,
It H- Mite*. M. <3. Weddtli,
0. Parkmsn, D. K Wsldrap,
L- J M'lent, Ti ed Wtsrafley.
W r. Howard. C. J. Wycka,
Ifcetam fltroainr, Br. J. B. Jaduww,
ntr it js.* mo no— enter ana.
f> W. Metendme. It C. IfelWa,
L*it!.uf lluiuos. a- u. Mttekaai,
i>. M. Uwaiier, U. It. Iwratatt,
J D. LamW. C. T- fin tar,
T. J. Lsmoort, T- A. Mad#s,
fl. M. krwstt. M. O.fiJlUses,
A ndrsenn Mellon. T-M. ffsdtkK,
flirsw Usyaa, and TANARUS, Wood,
W. (4, Wilt aghsui, W. f). M or)-kyr,
W. A. Tt/kffwin. Baa), Kioystn
W, I*, kfarna, W. L Lo*rt(.
f). A. M*g> wrk, I*. T. Ligon.
(j (j ~ J, tfrilinphfr,
W. H. Keller, j. Jf. Kayaeids,
'las. Mul r, fl. A. Pwkar,
II 1* Mslfa , U, I>. Puli lips,
J It. Tbdilps, y. # Home,
Usury PsrkinM, /, U. W. Key,
aaasavNons ?> a.
A M. Kaitb, W. U fl itchem,
It W. Wi liams, J tfi.fle*,
J W. Murphy, fl. >i. flegruAsv.
If. A Montgomery, O tt WkaWras,
I*, w. M ft Hams, dr
It r HsirW, W. T. MUgradrr,
T W . Jackson, J fl. Taylor,
J a fl.fliut. I. P. Peevy,
Tb>Ms Mitcham, 11. fl La*i*ll.
J It Mryo..iy, A. V Thornum,
(i J Martin, W. If lotimer,
!u, B MOTlets.lee, I< WsAlell,
L f>* # Maoiao or, A, fl flsirls.
A J. Mnehell, U. fl. Tiaar,
It T. M< DontH, . Teorotoc,
rum jou ns—aacnwo warns.
r r Tl.hearth, U. A Wark.
J J'-r, W.D tWldaei:
W I*. Truitt, S. f Caipsppar,
tt M TTu lerwood, ft. ft. Dow,
(I W Ternlpasaa, W. A. fJareeker.
J A kkiibllsatoa, B. J. Khtcbsr.
Allan Gnabaw. H. W. Douglas,
f. If. Tidwell. Iliifh gibir,
J Wilds Pari, fl. f- Dunlap,
W. J P Tripps, W M. Florence,
r N. Wortham. H. fl. Kills,
J D. Wagner, tt. fl flermwe,
T. 11 Tori. 1. J (MM.
fbW B Ua, / M. Oksyhsn,
ICIi Dsvts, 3. O. Cbrbtiaa.
W.T Bhwence, i. V Urwadat,
J fl t.'bamMls, A. M UaWtwiu.
I M Caldwell. fl WlWt.
thk m,r., utmitw
Family Knitting Machine!
A moat Useful and Wonderful Intention !
Now attracting universni aUauitm by it*
a*.tontolilng performances, aa I he great
practical value for every day family at*.
i* •• Simple. Durable and
Cheap i* easily kept In rrpair, and
It will knit every possible variety of plain
and fancy woik
and tor bettor than it aaa be dene by hand
er aay other teach too. All kinds ot gar
ment* nr perfectly formed and shaped by
the machine Hs6lLref|Utriftg no cutting or
making up. A good Operator wilt knit a
man** sock, with heel and toe complete, tn
from Jtve U ton m>autos f and from twenty
to forty jSulri of socks in a gay.
Every tamily—especially every former’s
tamily—ebUuld have a Rinhfnrd
Knitter It win b toond equally aa
usctul aa the Sewing Machine, end wren
more prefltable. 1
Every Machine WARRANTED* perfect,
end to dejuit mho* it rtpnmnttd.
i The Bickford Machine ia the onr u
snuuis cylindrical K sitting Machine to
eiisUoea. Ail others, not licensed by U.
sre dear sad palpable infringements aa oar
paUats, and we shall bold all parties wbo
aamitodure, sell, buy or ure such to triag
ing machines, to a strict legal accountabili
Aa instruction Beak, containing com
plete and minute direetinos to the opera
tor. accompanies each machine,
No. I, Family Mawbiae, 1 cylinder.
7$ needles, |8
Me, A Eemßy Machine, 3 cylinder,
TSqIOO needles egg
Awsphnidhs wm be seat to aay
part at the Belled States or ITaaaits
(where we hays qe agents,) *rprm Nn
rtr# °0 prise. .
Aqkjcis wanted iq every State, County,
CRy aad Town, to wtrom very liberal dto
counts will he made.
For further particulars, tddmst
Bjopoio Mirrenu Macros* Mfto. Uto,
Sole Manufacturers, Brsttleboro, Vf
McU '3d.
IM MI WAltfl
<S wr .flwnos QetS
JA-mmttA alk tie finnsad wfit Mill efiaan
bracch to west token do* *y caw (age 'at
the residence of P. W. tttroaiar, near
Oraao villa, ea tbe night of tbe IfJtb of Te*>
rooty. The short reward sriit be pm 4
tut ttsrir delUrerr at the cAce ol the Vto
fit * March t. IT 9 Wefsoa
Guano Notice
Of*lP!t end fit/118 Ut’ANOS.
WA IKOfl and Clark's CGAfffJfi,
ami At IP PilOb THAT ISB
let tewnpostiug
so to good terms u ran be obtidead to aey
mark* by
UUBi A Mil,
Hid threat, (inlae, tta.
cr .
We bare just raised a car load af the
caerbra eu nTUDKfIAKKfI WAOoKfI,
•tin wa era selling si the Lew Freer and
79 ilaiiart.
We siro bwva-a ieffu- Stock ol fine
giea on hand.
D yea waet a Deals* Buggy,
]f yen moot s fliJth 8 Sommers caiabca
t*l Ihigg; , *
If yau ascl s ikmousd Buggy,
ft you srstst a Woodrud baggy
(I you atsuV a A I (uise Weguu
tt yon want a>L Herat WegOO
If yon mnb 3wggy Hwnase.
liyog *sat Wifit Harbsea
li y/ e want Pwt of all K tad,
U you wsntfiwr H .ggy lt*p* re>!
U ysm went yoar f.’s/tlsgs Jon# op,
11 yon want e Coffia of sag hied
Cali on
■jrrn * t*otmbr^
Bar tin.
no. !l Moimi rnr >vr ari.airr* ,
Otfoi to aereuant* end deetera s Urg*
end wsll saaorted torch of reliable
uii true.
CHS* it A La,
On mo*| favwruW* terms,
W sre
lor St. Lom* Strictly Pirn White Iwsrf
el Pare Lisseed OR.
and other Fertilising Chemicals. Ca l m
or sand year order to
Nh 11 North Pryor tC Atlanta, Ua.
melt 3 3m.
i .. ""to———ww*—warn
Shortir* Sales.
OEOlttitA Mari we'her County.
Wilt be sold before tbe eons* beam
door in the town of Urasnvilk in
said county on tbe fires Tuesday to* April
nest, within the iegel bourn of sale, the
South bal tot lot ef fond No. 200, cooteie
log 100 eervi more er teas, situate in th
First district of sshi county, and bounded
oa the North and Want by lands ef IL H
Revia, ea the South bv leads ot Jaa. C.
Andrew*, nod an the Mast by fond* ot 3
B. McOraw. Levied on aa the property ot
dawn Bowden, in satisfy two S tan trues
of Ratos M. Chester re. G. W. Bee am)
James Bowden, and lbs other in favor of
Jobe It Jones vs. the asms parties. G. W
Bee,tenant ia pomesmn*, duly notified.
March sth, 1877.*
At the same time aad pnea will be soU
the West half of In*, at mod No. 11 in the
Tenth dirt net of Meriwether county,
known as the plane whereon James Per
now resides. Levied on as tine prop
elrtv of tlma iilT* !o “t'My a & fa from
Meriwether gnpencr UMi £ *f T ° r 01
Marion Malone and Elizabeth L Malone
vs. Hiram Hays Tenant in possession
Mil tied. This Marc* Bth 1977.
.. - .
GEQRGTA, 1 Qrdbmry** Office.
Meriwether Go. f March lfeh, in
Mrs. Mary C. Coflinf, lb the wile *f it.
bsrt D. Cos fibs, appffe* for nremjWloe of
personalty and setting gpart *nd valuation
of Bomeatead, cat of the lands and elects
WsaM Albert D. Ot>ffhm,TAd I will past
upo* the same at 19 o’clock, a. on the aec
ond day of April, 1877. at my office.
' A. J. HINTON',
J2s* 0- M. C
ML T. CeoTLSvar, P. H. Saoo k, J go. Stsi,
CalSTUiiiUS, y A; CO.
MknuteC.tirerti end dealer* in all grade#, PARLOR, tbPFICE, CIIAMIIBR an3
41 A 44 WbMebali .Sweet. Atlanta. Cfcnrgi o
fig i (tot W .rti- cos hi Stuck- *fioo canrpl- te •* is St *re
•Jbamtsrr suits tor fifii.tkl iXga;ag case saitt li $10303, /A4fl
Pr;v* suits Only $49.09 f mmrbn Sure sat ®u!y $14.00
Welu* fptraaos $lOOl Uutu Bsslstesd $3 30-
Ouut Pane, lie-islesd 6 le* high $lO9 Marble Table 16x41 $9 30
*fbie Table so*Bo sfo 00
AH other* g.Huds m p'opstruiMß.
]S r ow is the Time to Bay*
Hnirr—fcnr the Place,
CAbTLKBIHY BCU., 44 8 44 Whitehall •.
AllanU, Us.
_ (
fittiswij Pixtio* Still Trittiphfiit 1
wreiieera aet.ns gvurove vrnm wavniAimr ijse.u
CTn-iterS-gß' . |MO.*IM
Wilbate HaabeACo, ...... ~3h;it I'.r.a ~ .... !W7,09!
WUUasrt P- ISswra<>e *34,.‘V0
A-bart Weber 811.444
Sts t>. ve figures a/a taken frees Ike aaauel Isternni Tas Leiernv
HUBEH STEIH. During all say Lwsjr and 18. a i )on.r
all over America, *<l in at sty teciemre
mason. I need yo hso*. ami hava teni
able te ere yr f*t*n r*r-itiiv*!y in toy
Two Ifuedred sard Fifteen (uwnrrt*. and
ri*r> in I*l raw, •** th* rn-rt hi
tofwUee arui rifort ffr-w Yolt, Mv *tu
► (The abort tu.* uniy itftj..edai
ev*T x vi hy ItateHHtoein W any Prane
Umnntewturar ..
n.....— v, *1 u " **♦ totetnway-thet his epieeUfd
LISZT. at •right 3<* Aum w> Wiiuaot advantaga
to tor Isnlvto pTlUftMton it the Wart
fot* *tr)Mt Tindy rt rwrl uud't
my fiacvni as "Vi.w fiwtuwif*/’ esetotng
#rrT adintration Estrar-t trren Dr
P<*r r Tbrt te the retnOrsled <wwpaear,-
kt*!.!-rt, whh Mter, <t*td Wiie.
V7. W7g, |e now tn ( esssa vd
b> east*. tMmnway- A bvaa.
MAMIE K BIBS • After UtMWougtUy tvattiut fw Hanes,
foiih in private and in bltf. _tr. w.
Mini aay that the du-mway I jam/*
sr* superior >,e ah Atnerwton am: Euruprwa
iavuamenu kr.oww te me. (Nsw Turk,.
May 17lk, inSL)
de meter. ’ Da; teg my artfotfo <*nmt of tear* than.
forty ywa, I! ha>i octai'.u te um the Pm
oot all The world reii *u3 mtferrw fn
pub*re atxl pnvate. but 1 bit* ruemr tty-nut
ea tnetrument which couipanw wuh yoes
Piano*. i,N. !, Marrfc lt. 11*011 . >
1 A FT.f “Tour name deeerve* to hr iearribed lu
foWton totter* in the Watery of Pfone me*.
' tog in AmertofotefbeitoprvrMuent ul
you bars *<r largriy cotitribeted. Yuur
V**a* * ‘“•y be prerlatined a* tecumtwra
bte \ Weak o, dfotiunisked teori W bat
pr-a Val kinging qu42jty I (Pari*, April 17tfa
y kag career as AriUi ami
a HT Cf cßpoaer, T have met with many fla# Eu
*• r< peso ar and American Piano Pone*, hot
tfoe that combine grandeur and poetry ol
lor.e, elssticiy of tour b-is ab.rt, eterv
hing that render* a Plano perfect, te such
high degree i your telebrsted Pmne
Fottea.” (New Turk, July 5, l7i.>
W / rn . ALL CREDENTIALS, a* there are some
sm* arZ- iTom dtf ‘ < rtr ‘ l cetehrated Artosu, given hy thna—
Pfomm -d tofktei hater,
Also teslimoniato from
lll rA7ab ,e *”'* 4
: r
Tl'mfnJUmmi&AS?* 1 - mr>oU * B* OsaMrvkorr QflHwil Mo*oo.. *BHU
*. ■ U>B A B. Ufe PrtemsteWatea.
h., — 1 —te" amen too aa metoo, ts
. PU *“ b * e wery Prim and Medal wherever their Piano* a-.,
!C5 1 7i.“ 1 , , 553T a *“*“ ■*“.•^^s^
. ALSO Valhiashrk, Hardman, H antes Erne. mt. in..,-
notice. ‘ tl * ln Bve Mnascai tin* we can supply at fowem rates aai at ahott
liaMe *gent wanted in Geo, Ate. Fterida. N. and S. Caroling and E, T ,nn. by
TURNER A RILAUMULLER. Wholesale Son them Agerte
W Wtabaii bt. AUastta 4rorg.
Wm. T. RE\ILL, bp.e*t Agent GreesviSia
GEORGIA, Meriwether County.
By virtue oi an Order from Urn Hoc.
Court of Ordinary to ard for said snooty
will be before the Court Ileum deor
to the town of between the le
gal hours at into so the Sr =t Tuesday in
April next, the following laads
to Win. TANARUS, K W, Jss. A., J. W, E. V.
and M. M Hardaway, afphang pf Susan
S. Hardaway, deceased, via: Weal half
ef kA Mo. ttjytog and totolg to tbe Lather
rifle, formerly 191 b dhtnet, containing
101i acres mces-or regfc-Timbered toad.
This March 9U, 1977.
Guard ton.
S w jFPf M ar
WEST POINT. Os Oet Ist, Iff*
4MU *. SCOTT A€•„
trowry leretoftto.
PRESSES. , c-cri te
8 T *TS W A T.