Newspaper Page Text
mim.tSBBD ktkkk piudax,
BY WM T REVirx, !
fOAo* aHff cf tk i\i*ngfiov©
— a — ’■ v *; S '.
“■•<* *l A4miliui:.
ttpec* jlwk 14 wks ' 8 tuo j6mo : t vekr
I inch ( 1 00! SSO 1 4 50: 7 00' 12 00
lnches 150 1 504 6 50 1 10 o<t ■ 15 00
3 mchee 2 >ta | 8 00 I 10.00 i 15.00' 25 o<>
*] 1 5 nd io 004 souk 'see*. 35 w
l eol , 7 r ls 00 25.00'35 00 60 m
IMi J 10-00 120008500 160 00 1 |IOO
ty A libera! JeJuct.un made to tboar
sMveAtsing i>* the month <>r e*r
Hi sutke.
The hdlowteg isllve Church Directory o
©reecTilie for 1877:
so 4th Sotrtfotks ia each iuoalk.
futor .*,...•#• . Jw, I. Bit AF
:*afm** -*
SO Sabbath 1* each mo*iit
Paator CtfLINR
lat Pobbalh in eaq|i month.
ARM this JsU. all i*gal advcrtisaivtente
for the coumly of Meriwether, will be |>ub
•h4i. tUa MewwKTapiCoyftiTTVnrm*
•aroK A.J. HINTON,
O ft. KIdtatENCB, Sheriff-
Vt 11. KJtLLKR.
Jan. 4th, 1878, C'*tk Hup'r Court.
WAlißli O USB
G LAND Full t Ul TON
tK IKN *-; W U EAT lor SAL L
at r easocebk pr ices, by
W. T. Colo.
Al COLE'S I t tuu > tl Guiuo Wteh*ttH
#u* (inftln, (in
sritiNt; 1
< ;< >ODS.
1 am mow tvouing tv my OootW.
A C khtij %tit* n yviMU on hunt! AU
Choice Hoc of IMi.t*, li< at bed and Urown
( 'ottori*, O* tt dm.■ 0< <l, Turn
to lug. K tfoti*. &< ■., no w striving Kri>
line ol good* will be repien ished through
out the mnwoo Wlib lAnub lor i>aal p*
trur.sgr i (bull i tTcitmte to study my i—a
t< n. t, li b ii *l* I y .r'lliig]
11.23 41
'new (HdODS.
Eli, CO FI ON AD EH ETC, Just receiv
and *i
R-.i)j> ,ou A Bi o’*
Mar gtn:, l fc 77.
IF you want Flfiy Pucigla of MKAL to
the lluehel send year C< UK to C. J
KELVkH Mill. lui
nimmoe's Liver Hogulelor for sele et
New Hfnieg Prune el
A besutlHl kit t Bfwlng Pruts reeGv
ed this week.,
Merch 16, 77.
Yerd wide Dh mchrd Jlonxwp jc 8 ctr.
It. H. M.LH-.
Keroeeoc Oh 45 cu gallon. In five gei
lod fots 4! cents.
Shoe* f Shoe* !!
A lerge lt, latent an* hmvmt'r
jSytas, lor Gerds, indite and children, at
Umprtett Just received.
March 44, 77.
Genuine U. and iL bcovi) II e.
No *■-- ctr.
N,J - * 70 eta®
a R. N. ELLIS.
A Goon b ufcy and hsrnem lor sale cheap
for ch by the edllor of the Vijtmca
ron. (if,
WIU be paid for itimmntkm lesding to
tbe recovery or whereabouts of a pair of
flae baS Cochin Fowls stolen from my re
tdence oo the ij>ht of 14M>.
E. WliidLOW.
Or. RadcHTs Great Remedy
v * OH
or m&I ?
' iwwfWfcoN & gwya.
A good lot ol Pluw-.Vjea eoa,ta ijy u
It R S. ly.yja
Ffunk Banning says he ban, already,
opened for uaspecuoo, a fine lot,of New
Hprtng G- >da. flo and took at lieui aud
learu hi* :■ i icea.
N'TICK. Especial attention ia ealle ! to
the meeting at the Presbyterian I’forch
. n the Aral Sabbath in Attrii and tba Sa.
unlay lielbre. Tlir members aud (l ieuita
are rasped In by invited io attend. a ar
raugcaii ms aie lo be make lur ae'unng
the bc vkaa cl t’Pktnr tine year.
Blessed i the town that blows its- own
horn. Hitheifo Uieeuville haa bad no
horn to blow, Uni Amugements aie being
made t purchase a tbi el borua for the
town Jro ahdfcmtuMt tin aaatter prvperij
see arradvcrUaruieutelaewhcro relatiag to
Ua* maur amTLwAure baba oa band Ike
cigbtb of May. * V
Atm ‘*""**
There ia a didermce at o|A* np lb rag an 1
to the damage anstaknH by tba Paaek bwp
duriiag On late etM f©*©<k WM
that bitfo injury fIM be** deue.' bMiers
Ikinkitg neatly till tin trait baa beiv kii -
W_Gr*ham, who resides ma>
the CUnlybeate t). rTnga, while TuiTii©{~Tur
h© new gronad on the ihe foot dny *1 Ui
pretest month looelyag * terrible woworl
in Hie bit ankle from a hjow 6f hie m.
Mi tricaliSn. wim borne U> tne bouse up
on tin sUaulderj of two of his neighbois
and has soileied exciucistiug paiu ever
nucbeing now uusble to lorn Inmseil iu
beA The cut 4* about tUrw? inches long
If inches deep, lUc Hi muling physician*
tmuks the boucs ol the uukle joint a>\
cut. Tl.e *) ui(>alhies ut many triends ure
eXTOidcd Jbc sortcrrr; eriro is one ol our
most cuergsti , lahwi ious and success Iu:
At the rleoticn held la t Saturday lor
bailiff cf this district W. P. himonton win
elect id beating L. P Itiouut two vote
laktukh I'aiitu übAHs. -We under
stand that the kit ing ol W I), ftnisiiai.
by Nsth.nllrsyat the Kulpliur Bpi nig-*.
lasi week, Was done lu ddl di louse Chris
Can wss advsuelug wu ftiay, in
l.asid, when sbid. The deceased, win had
bu n di inking,
wi,en umlio the n M isiice ol liquor Al
the time ol the u Ri u'ty, Mr, H ay was
pit*ceding quietly down'th# stret all. nd
nig lo bi busim s < hrisllau cnnt It im
the hotel and, witli cms, pursued Bu.y,
the lat’ei rtire.itlug aud wninlug his pu.
auei not Pi approach nearer. Thi |
wen iii slew feet of each olhor when llir
fotai shot was bred. Hrsy lltcd twice,
'aith shuls taking < fl it ; on pu—i lg lien
the,brail, the olhe lodging in the h u dei
lust a* llrav fire i ChrUtiin cal ed to him
not *< shix'l, and iinmediutely pr.cctlii g
ihe e ond shot, ft.e<f a-(’lirttiari wislall
iog. the tiecenM-d said "tlou’t shoot III'
again, for yon have killed me already ”,
At the coroner's hupiest, or tuvestigalmg
Inal, mil- Intomianl n n know jug _Witj lit
was held, it wb der larecl lhat according
to the testimony of eve witness's, M Hray
acted strl-t y lo sell d' letice.
The rlrrk and the httto-ft -#4sWJ)t, Hh'litl
and Tax RceiV-t a'* yc-imj to aeiyc
aa |urois at lit* May term Ol M< liwcchi:'
Hojiciiof (,'onri.
Petty tMei jg seams on tha increase in
our midit ffvery lew days brfogoig news
of the robbing ol a I < igliLn's in u ro <at
Htrk't watch and a sprinkling ol tuna!! shot
might lit-lp uist" rs.
Ho Ibn "f and ht. Nuliolas for April an
folly uplo their former high standard <Ve
are Indebted to the publisher* far a copy
of ewcli.
Oo'jey is rarUaet in the April nnrrder_
with new Ijiautie* aud attractions B'tid
for a oepy.
Yesterday Just bclo e wc went lo pros*
Aba Trammed,; colored, waa hrougiA P
town eerureiy hound lo answer to tlie
charge of catering the residence ol J. W.
Estes ol the 10 b OjeUicL Abe broke in
while the fsmily were at supper but Mr.
Estes came in before the negro bad time to
steal anything. The Laeeai being sudden
ly and unexpectedly confronted by Mr. E
tea precipitately ted not, however, before
he was fully recogn z*:d.
Th CoiScT.—The concert of Prof
btbirtnacher came t ff at the Or liege study
room last Tr May evening. Tiif
war amir ted by Misses Ola Htmmona and
Bettie Render, pupils of the LaOrange* Fe
male Collage, and Mra treeie Peary of
Greenvi ie. Pretri lent Msyson of the col
lege and acreral geo tie men from La r i range
were present. With the performances the
aodieace wore <ietl*hted, Prof, ticairmacb
u and Preidjit Maysoo making many
tew friends for their institution and salts,
tying s’! that the musical department ol
lie o liege wa efgruled to faithful and
competent management. The Wowing it
the programme of the musical treat given.
Spring Festival Galop by tbe ft rcLeotra
Serenade,—Bong, Htm ftmuaoos, Sana
Hoocie Galop,— p iaoo Solo, Mra. Peavy;
U* (£cbUs; Waitigg, Song,
Stirs Si anJora; Carnival of Von lie/ Violin
%}.>—Prof. Brbirmoeber; At Fall Spend,
PHoofMn, Mra Peasy; Jftr* in tbe Tree
Violin & >io. Prof, ftchumee&cr.
Fron the sperimej given we cheatnlty
ice -uitaend the La Grange Female College
lO eho paf/ri.ajra of the paillig.
Hev. J. H. Hall will
tist church is C|fßßfVllle on the tet flat- * I
Two ! ’kb* LtUfeenilie
distnok ci*r*od with stealing potatoes
Plant con kld yeaf, take care of your
pigp an|l for your county paper
i' you dfoire kCbaproeperaita an© happy.
The Bioh t machine, after a
Vital of six montba, we pronouwee ana at
tha greatest ffcventfons of the age. Anv
ou# can readily laaru luw to use tt, and
easily knit a pair of aseks oery halt hour.
Tba work is well dope Air pwik a’aia
advcntsenieut. * “
The Mew Domeeiic ftcwiug machine is
as uav pert <sc ion a* Jt pee ins possible f*r
hinuut •kill make U- \ffe have one Joel
pm chased and would not each nag* it for
any other make la Ut* uaivers*. You may
tmtie va evw*y word of jpf
'.be company appeaseeleewkwe.
i On dabary and -Oompany, tba famous
•Fuiuttura Lfoalers la Atlanta, sail special
attention to their Emporium, We have
oitea visited their at ra'anth kaow their
luruiture is the bandsoiuest in the city aud
-Dn ir priyeadha foweeh Pwtroulae them
hi you want bargains. Visit thorn, ttuy
ho.n them andXiM encoutage hoius in
dustry, . _
The hwiveiitlon.
K fiitnd from the flr.t district wrltkig
ua ou businesa, eugs : I cordially ciidaiac
your ideas iu regard to the propliely id
holding a uuiveulion and think yottr sug
gestions uspectlng the selection of dele
gates eminently sm and propi r. As
Mail wo lur is cut tied to lw*
a* you say, Judge Hiram Wsruer shoe id
lie one by ail means, tie caald do us more
service iu the couveullon than any other
nia* iu the slate. Ills pie*> nco lu that
body would assure the people ihal they
.votlld have the aid ol a sound incorrupti
bln an exporftticed jurist and
,tract cal man in shaping the tundaiueii
tal law >1 the stats, it. you. will pardon
the suggestion, I would like to tuggosi the
ec< n ! nun on the ticket, one who would
prove s worthy cofaliorer witli the Judge ;
1 biuk Major John W. Park the wan. Ho
lias never sought office though so wed
M'lallfled to fill any wlthlo the gift of ttio
ix'<)ila With Park, Warner an I lluchan
*n <>ur iistrlct would be ably represented,
ami IMy l<-l us sll unite lu asking these
geutUmen to serve u.“
j'lie Foil Worth (Tex is) Oswuerst
to is : Rill Arp, Ist <• of Georgia, (he msn
ho isrelshed the witUciauu aud odd ,ft j'
mgs, which Ghiirlr* 11. Buulh prepaied
and pubiisitad totne year* ago, w.i* acci
dmi ly klll.-d near this (dace (Decatur, Tex
as) issl Monday, March (Jib. fie tell from
a wagon loaded with com, (ho wheels pas
sing over hi* nek, killing ’jiTu Instantly.
■ A hen h<* left homo in the morning he told
his fondly h# wouhl never again be por
niiit'-d lu >•: t'-r rhe tn-ise ailvi-, andatrangn
to say, lie was in filly yatd* of the bouse,
on Ills return, when the sad accident occur
red, which terminated so fatally. i{<) wiii
a muai ka : ,d* oniti; |*rrlet;t!y illiterate, bu l
replete wikli origin* ld*Mi and witty say.
in gw he rare' y ever snoke without saying
(imicihing pitliy.
Tlie house of repinaeiitatlves of the uexi
'umgreas will stand one hundred and for
ty-nine demoi-rai* to eu# hundred and for
ty-four republicans.
Kx Judge Carp, liter, of the supreme
court of Booth Carolina, and F. H. Hawyer
ex-aswfwtaat secretary of Ihe Liuilcd Btatas
treasury, were among the victims of a raid
by the police iq,on a gambling house in
Washington on Monday night.
A UsaviM. Auobln, said Mra. Boobba
to lar husband, the day altar IM bait.
So abbs, why did yon dance with every la
dy last aigb t befora you ever noticed me f
Why my dear, said the devoted Bnohbs,
I was only practicing what we do at the
table, reserving the beat (or the last.
A ciilaen of Indiana baring occaeion to
go homo mtfcodttnoap ectedly a few algtita
since caught a gentleman acquaintance in
the act of kieeiag bia wlte. Q* relating tbo
rfrcumcUnoes to a friend be was asked ff
he peolebed the guilty couple, and replied-
No not exactly, but they muet baro seen
from the way ( clammed tbe door that f
was cot eaiitfled.
Gold tbe fork, tbe lrthree are coming.
The pla'ee are on the tray ;•
Waft the chorus to your neighbor,
•Wing the bash this way t
Oliver f.
Morton, be
la lying la wait lor Kotberford B.
KaMberford &
Wiafaea that be
Mover con id meet wftk Ottver P.
— o
ftP recelrlng MEW GOODS dally.
will soon be complete in every Una.
March 18,77, (
mmm & m*
■ i ■ Hl* W! If’
Greenville. Qa )
March hath, wn. {
We qaoka prlata to-day as follows;
Choice HteOoflae 25 eta lb
Kholce New Orleans kyrnp ... 75 eta gal
rime New Or leaus Byrnp ...65 eta ga
Ch karleiff tkrd...; : lffctalb
White 8ag^.......F........ IJ ct* *
BugaF Hooia Molaaaoa. 45 eta ga
L holce L<foM4k Rice 16 c.s lb
Black Tsppar.,.; S3 ef* -
Beat KaglMi Ml. Set* “
Granitavllfo Hhrating (yd wide) 8 eta yrd
Grauitevill# Bbtrtlng (J yd wide) 7 eta yrd
Checked Hcmtaptui 10 eta yrd
Flaw Linea...*. ...SSctspr
leon-bottod Hauflaa M ct* pr
Tiace0fca1**.,.............. TOetapr
Well •ackhta (tacts -
Horse and MaM 8bnt't........ 8 eta lb
Genukta Aa© L. j|f. Shovels.. 1.99
Axe*...... 00 eta.
Nada—allMM*. 5 cts lb
>%>w Back b©l(ta ...40 to 50 ctr
Carry Wets
<*••a ••** aid Ctft
Prfno sct pain r—Awry ;M/w>r ifirnrs(f
fuU y fr#h and gsau SM.
Robinson Jk. Bro’a
A large lot at •rmdtnffljt taw fiyurm just
A hamlaome Hoe ol 5 oti C.llco J u
opened l)J
W have Juat received a large lot ol ax
trs Heavy bail double aule lv IP iiOtl l ti
lor ditching.
Robinson Jt Bros
Fancy Paper and Envelop#*--In boxes—
assorted tlaft, list ter. Note, Fools cap, la
gal Cep. BfS flap Paper, Copy-books, t helk
Crayons, Steel Pe ia, slates, Cedar Po.iclla
Ink, mucilage, etc., J .ret received
lot -just received e*
, ‘•Orcd*/ Iyiela ffetutoee.
We will koop a lull stock oi the above
rarluty throughout the season.
Our mock 1* bow c-nn plot# lu every d<*
huitmmt. New Goods .arrtviag daily
We invite our fiieuds aud customer# tn
call atpl price our goods I—
ItaffM* WWfr *ttd Crepe Lfkse Scarh,
Bwl* OoUarettaa, Linen Conors and Coifs
- UtUtl NJibtjsif rgccived
CW*rt Aimaffkos free gradt at
Robinson'A imon
Pfoff IkWls*, Riding Bridles, Whip*,
Haildta BLuketa, Webbing Ac. al
SADDLE OTiAMKETH, 50 -te. at
i ; ♦* 5 ..
lllliMAlff R COtlfASr
pr new rows.
** do:
■*■ ■
Established 1893.
Cash Capital, SB/100.000. -Cash Assets
\Tt repramt Ihir Company and ask the
attention of our If lends and the public to
its unaqUAlKO claims, assuring Utetn ol
tbe perfect indemnity R offeia
• Agents.
bteuiFioe forS'Cr sale at
f ■ y—■
From Ms date wa will tali onr “Winter
Goods' at ftdmecd prim to mefca room for
our ffp’lnf Stock.
*• - ROBUtrSOir4BRO.
FebV M7T.
(OnjmtUto * U, ImstK Horn. Also
ban j led Eves, ft rgo let at price!
BOwaaoM 4 Bitva
R. JV. j EtXtlS'
' • .‘K.N.EL) Lls: j .
/ j ■; , ' ■! :
WILI, OJPUN AH OUT IMB ist OP APRIL. a Handsome stock of SPKIN G (JO OUB selected by himself
V;| ■ ■ ■
I l I
in HEW YORK and other Eastern Cities
:#e Jt •
Donl lad to be on band tire aighfc <d
May tba Bth next, at the OreoavtHe As.*'
male Academy. Rrxrytody | expected,
and crevy preparation, will he marfelbr
their eatertaiiunvu . A Jlnt e'tM String
Hand will be la attend trim, alia Pi mo
and Vocal Music, Kneh intinj TsTfleib ‘
Beenes, Ac , Aj., Hpfood with
racy wit. * real 1
sad "Rollicking Rip Roarore" G >PS
“Laugh and gmw pd.U at pAuaay fblagi
and you'll never regret your 50 csoti. nita
th<* 25 conta Invested for the Utib ftiw*
Dou't forget the (was, pUut ami gjod
thmyt apnkeu el, end that yoqg J— ttfrijS
mar 88 7 w vJI
tile nswT "liauT-uuiiNwfar.
*4 '* ' - ~±l a
STIC Mr. *' •*
Superior to all others tor either Manufac
turing or Family Use,
—-*o: -w— t f
It ia tha simplest Hewing Machine n—fit,
having lower parts than any olliar ; free
from compUcatiena, U iiayor gets out of ar
dor; aud is always ready for use. U la
the ,
Most Durable,
by reason of lit simplicity, and the mini
en/m to which Irlctinij Is reduced by tlm
niealia'iical (comparable only to
a flue watch movrmum) with which each
part Is made and adjusted.
It sow* with great facility the lightest
and finest, as well us the heaviest and
coarsest fabrics,
Willi our printed directions,
No Instructions
nr uischumcal skill ia roipilrod to operato
It aa a machiou that can bu used without
harm hy any one, because It reriulrsa mt
little effort of any kind, It being the
•ft *
maohlac In the world. and
They ere medo et the (Jompany’s new
works lu tli# City of Newark, N. J n by
workmen, with uow special (patented) m \
cliltierjr and tool*, constructed expresaiy Ig
accomplish wUnt It nyw vllored.
Zmry Machine fully unity* tiled.
CRAIUK A GO, 81 Peach tret at.
Atlanta, Ga.
General Wholesale Dealers.
1 now oftr (lie following reliable fettl'd
aera, tiz i
Bradley's Amnionlated Dissolved Bonus
Bradley'a Add Phosphate, all at ok) gtm*
Gotten option H> eta.
Aho to Leyileoa Awmontotad soluble
<f uaoe Kaaolactarad by Walton Witness
A Go-, Wilmington, Delaware.
Deference ter Bradley’s Dissolved Bones
Dr. J. E. G. Terrell, Mr. A. F. Hill, L. J
and It. D. Bender.
Cheapest Guano, Cheapest grain, prorts
one and groceries. Cheapest stock-yard
and Feed table, are all found at my 4aJW
oad Kircprool Warehouse.
Very respectfully,
Warehouseman A Cobs. Merchant
The undersigned would respectfully giro
notice that he baa fitted op a P U O T *-
OKAPI! OAAL EJR 7 at Grecu-
Ule la rooms recently occupied by
Floyd as Lenta! Office, Where bo ie pre
pared to make PICTURES of alEtbe mogt
popular Styles ami tires, at priQQp |p
Copyiag naatly agnuLed, and jatfriac
tlon gtswntoOd. ■*•
After tbo-flssS of April I wkl bo at my
offlea from 10 o’clock A. M. to 9 oaioatc
P. M. of oneb day <rcpt Bsmdft AMI/
faribor notice,
A-d. HURD,