Newspaper Page Text
* Written tor tb* VmiicaVir.
T MM*. B. A H.
V/b> .-t B me lime, O burning drum !
M harp o lire willow bun*.
Ho mom f wander by thorn stream*,
Wham MM that b*rji it* noTObrni flung.
Tb* *#*• of ilf# are on my brow.
Wby woo me with thy *re *ong ?
Oar path* diverge; but Uiou, Ob Uiu I
BUII WMtMt nuts with thy (airy throng.
0 potay 1 BweWt Pooey 1
I ton (baa well, I ton tin* wail;
For with thy gentle ooaetaocy,
Tfey bind'at me m wHb magic p*L
In vein I hun thy pleading eye;
■fb tm me, whmreoe’er I loan.:
lie Wua look# on me from the *ky,
At morning 1 * hear and eveoing* gloom.
1 cannot pom a way-aide llow*sr,
Jfct thou ret hidden in tu hell,
And Feu at midnight'# dreaming hoar,
Thou cetn'tt, Uiy wlicbiag tatea to tail.
Tli stock httd trtlU hie an miner aong.
The atom aw from an autumn tree;
Thoa eetnb'at (he atraio, and wilt proton*
Twill X Til 08Jf XtlVe
! I j
I aae thee In my Mftdran'a curl,
And hear thee lit their leaea of glee-
Tbflh IfeM open the dored the! tart#
luptetonee'er a wpMaerene.
Thoa oooeet in my bahy’a vote*
Then to my liiwrt with thrilling ten#,
Thoa bid‘at me chap him and rejolca,
To nay, I*9 tmuitfal, mp *t#rt.
1 oaniwrt ihun thy r*. oye
flatinot ratal fliy trlkJiicg mug,
I can an mare thy presence fly, '
For thoa haat lowed aid wooed me
Then lake my hour!; with then 1*1! roem
Through By van wood, by crystal lid#;
Out when the atar* tight craning'# dome,
I’ll bring thee to my Ingle aide.
There Is a classo 1 persons In till* world,
by no means small, whose preudnant |w
cullarlty la whining. .They whine ItruuM
they an poor ; or. If rich, because they
hare no health t<i enjoy llicjr riohe* ; (her
whine t*ne iM-te |f (<■ | in |i!ny ; they whine
bi-< iim' the h i " n i 'ii' k am', other'.
erreeih t!, |iH , they whine i.
CAUSe H’liiitl friend# lmvn il and f.nd they are
trtdHtrtnrr ; They rytitnrhornow thnv liav>-
nolle* and palm, nod they lisvo f-b*s and
palus lHrr*‘>o they whine, and they whin*
no One fan tell why. Nh*w w would llhe
•to niy n vnr tvr tnos* whining p-rom* :
F'r#t,joavo oit whining , It Is on use, this
everlasting complaining, (retting, /suit,
finding, and whining. Why, yon arc the
moat deluded aat of creators* that ever
Hand. Do you not know that It la a wall
•mtlad principle at physiology an l com
moo lenae that theac habits mo muts u.
bansting U nervous Vitality than almost
any other violation of physiological law f
A*i do yon not know that Ufa la pretty
mooli aa yon make It and Uka It t Too
can make it dark and shadowy. TUI* Hie
is only meant to discipline ni—to fit us
tor a higher and pnrer mate of being. Then
leave of! whining and fretting, and go on
your way, happy and rejoicing, $
There lea aaeredtiess in teen. They are
not the marks of weakness but of power.
They ore messages of overwhelming grtet,
of deep contrition, of nnspeekimt love,
inhere were wanting any argument to
prove that man was not mortal, 1 weald
look tor It In the strong, convulaive erao
ti°n of the breaat whoa the soul baa bean
agitated, whan the fountains el feeling are
rialug and tears are gushing forth in crys
tal dreams. Ob, apaak not harshly of the
atriehan one weeping In alienee. Break
not the solemnity by rwda taagbtar er to
tnsive fo tsteps. Despise aw woman'*
Snare; they era whet make her aa angel.
Sent ant II the stern heart of manhood is
eometitnee melted Into tears; they era whet
etonMahiaa above the brute. I leva to
BhlMMtt hf affection.. They are poiniai
tokens, bat Mill more holy, then la
plpfmta tmra. m awful plaaaaga, U
then We none eat earth to ahed tears to
ma, t should be loth to live; and It no one
hHtoeg my grave, I could never die.
Borne Mm cl tb tautology of the lege?
formula may be gathered from the follow*'
tag specimen. wherein if a mao wiehee to
1 fife you that orange, be moat eet forth
his not and deed me follows: 1 give you all
and amgalar, my estate and interest, right
title, and claim, and advantage o< and in
that orange, with ail if Had, akin, Jo tee,
palp, aed pipe, and all right and ad rail
ages therein, with fell power to bile, cut,
net, or otherwise eat the same away .With
or without alt its rind, akin, Juice, pulps,'
and pipe, anything heretofore or hereinaf
ter, or In any other deed or deed a, Instru
ments ot what kind or nature soever, to
the contrary in enr wtoe notwi thatandlng I
The ether day a we aid he fcehlsnahli
MNMh • hMflhWa si whsk.aM
UMlhlrwaskiteceghariime. Ons ki
mid thf fiber. M we an iiwg * tafo
iMtf* *1 aas so glad." said the vMbx. I
thoeglhil malt’•, and 1 lik* them hep
tv Ha anything for supper. ]
The rcdl*f# el Ward*.
A atedy ot the pedigree it many word*
which ere In daily use would orora to ora
(aaci nating than any other *Jnd o( mental
reereetto,i. Trench, in bta little work on
tb* "Study ot Word* * bn* done much to
cultivate the taste tof tbia kind ol investl
g#| ; but be made only * beginning.
The Held u inexhaustible In tbia article
w* l f**P"*e *0 give a d’Ort ttrt, to which
we *t,*l. add from tone P. ;
J--t derive* i*. imine from the flagat*#, a
river 111 l.jcin, a here wa* found the Mack
•t us* * belt (lie French rail tragate. or jaei
• hi,.lt mt, abbreviate intojer
Pempbytta, a Greek !*dv, who crespil
e | a history r.f the world hi thirty five
tilliu I<|H, bai given bet name to the
j touch *nd J i.Jy are the relic* ol an an
eU-ut rntatnry play, In which the actor*
Were Putjliti# Pilate afcPJiida* I*4.*f lot.
1 Holier i# Irani the Herman thaler, which
It .Urtlred Iroin I'hei.U*# valley of Joachim,
in llohr-mw, when; the diver work# were
•ituaied ibet made tin* c#m,
Humbug I* trail Hamburg , a piece of
Hamburg new*, wae. In Her many, a pro
ver trial |We*tou to r hdae poll (teal 10-
Tfeuw WUttama srcbabfy doe* re*
know that tin; fabric Irem whkh be s**
bfa name wa# otlgluaily made by M-iora at
Jien in ftpsiu.
Oi.iXn derive* ii* uamafr u Uaaa.wbera
It 'aa ltr>t made.
f>a<ua*k #ilk waa Brat made t ihuna*
Til* word panic >*aa e cunau# origin
According Pi lli-rodetueili# *‘<‘l I**n "**
•np;>r> iid In have e*tW*d the llreek* at
Ihr; h.tlie ..f Mafvtll rn, tlTl It 'J„ striking
* i, rri.r In ttie I’ehfan t.o#Uihilil*
rh 1 to iu> lr *111(1* In iicrfer t ilianiay. From
ib >t time Mn* t*<*k* term punikvn wa*
need to 4. —rnircaymatibr or aodd<*a
mid ovefjio vertng ( H
Tibb,, .at t* all town*clrrti* lliat bar
n*me 1* derived lomu At*b, * lamua* 4tr*ri
l b ||.tgil*.l, lidsablUMl by t tic mauular tore**
Of vilkeri atuftv called >%(***'*, our Ullety ,
tin; .wavy tim'k rig* ot tun watered fciik re
wmb irig |"!**/' coat.
-OM Hr**<-!i i* the tommt hk/Btli, *lw
#1 ill vurvlva lth upev*tiiloii •>( north
eru KurofMi.
O<l Nick I* none other than Nikr, th*
daneurou* wulef dvinyh of Hr *ndi.'iavin
Iba lemon ti*U*a it* Mini# Iron tb# eity
of fdoia.
(4riillft'* iM'llee (ilr* TANARUS lute.
Tire IVrvidanl ba* hffuck the Rbackle*
Iron, i,or i*laii' 4 liinlW, nrnl pnmlaltu* to
llie world lliat henrtTorUi "the pnoplarof
t.ooUUiu *rn aa tree ia tbeir Rflatr* ftom
Ke leral intsrtnreaoe a# tlm pa .pi of Ce 1
tifctn u). and that will le no tent*
j|i|w. dti.Ki to Intro lerr with them than
with dr* [ipople and Now York,
H it w'jy sboehl the n mntry givo (irant
credit for an act ol Jitatica now which is
prpdvafcmt to an echßOWladguenl ol hi*
pa*t usurpation and outrages? II it Is
wrong now to sustain the u*ur;>r P*o,k
wrd wSth Federal bnytwteu, it wee *Huwiiy
wrong to employ Federal troops to up
hold the usurper Kellogg and dtopoaeoe the
legal wi Louisiana. Pious
Ra lioahtw may spproVW|he chango ol poll
ry Hi iuUtan siocwS ba* eecotupliTlied
the object far which It wee adopted by
pt rpetuatlng the Radkwl party ia the CM
Irol of the gorern-ment. With that C*e
of patriots the end ganctltiM Iho man ns
But Mr. Tilden, who ha* boeu beaely re*-
jber) of t|ie Presidency to which he waa
lalrly elccterl, and tmllloiu ef Democrats
will uot thank Grant (or looking the doer
alter the herse ha* baeb stolen. llad he
spoken befiue tbo November election aahe
ha* within Hie last tew days, the returning
board could rawer h*VO eecetnplUbcd Ihtif
rascally tricks, and tire country would
have been spared th# hon-.illatloa and die
gtace of seeing a canting usurper, a pious
fraud, installed in the aeal ol Washing ton.
-[9a*. News of Match Ist.
A would-be swell, wUhiug lor au eicuse
to speak to e beaot.lel women on the
street, wHh whom be wa# unacquaia
ted, drew his nioe white cambrts hanker
chief from hla pochet ee he approached
her, and Inquired if *B* hadn't dropped H.
Bbe glanced at the haodkerefalef, nodded
assent, took it, thsnHß him, and marched
au, leaving the exqigalte tt be laughed a
by his eompanlona.
As the train aiopped tor too minutes,
and that individual who goes along tap
ping the wheels with his hammer was pas
ting rapidly by the smoking car. one of the
windows was hoists* had s torrent of to
bacco spit was ejedled which completely
deluged him.
The machinist paused for a moment,and
wiping some ot the streams from hto per
son, said to the oftender :
Mister, what part ot the country did you
come from 1
Me f (aid the spider, puckering hie lip*
for another expect^** l * oo . I COBlie <ro ®
I thought so, said the machiniat, tor if
you had lived in Massachusetts at Con nee
ticut taay would have had a water-wheel
in your mouth long ago.
Jasaa Marion Andrew Jackson Thomas
Jefferson Napoleon Bonapvte Knight, it
the name of a cittae* of Pickens oowoty.
tie waa bora and raised in Pickens, and
bm lather, Benjamin Knight a pensioner ol
the war of 1811, died ha theteonaty at tbs
age of 104 years. The son whoee lengthy
name m above given, bids fair to reach art
oU age. notwithstanding the prevalent
npiaioo that a child with many names dlea
mtN4* W4HHM
The lollowisg ax*.met from Mat Carper?
la.’# afieeeh on Louiaiana ia worth reading
He aaya :
To reiicve lon* little anxiety that exist*
in aoma part# ol Urn country, iat me <*ec -
Py one rnomeni in alaiicg lor whom 1 ap
pea r bare. 1 detha to aay, in the brat
place, that I do not appear for SSaaawei J.
Tihleo. He ia a geutkaaan wb *< a*t<*a;n
--tarar-e I have **<H the bomrir <•!, wit.u mto u.
I liav# no a.'OijriHty, aggisaa whom I ve*
e 4 on the 7th >l November La*’, anu. i
tbia Tnbwaateouid order a nw
( should rot* again W Ufm— beiwtmg, a* 1
do, that the ace*wion at the Ihamoeiask
party to power in tbia country to day
woftiii be the greater* calamity ib U could
belaii the penpie except one, aad that one
greater rA amity would l*e to kcp hitu out
ty )i*hi ani Uuetoiod
I appear tm-- (*r lO.OtJO leg*! voter* h
the Htate ot Itouiniana, who, w a hunt acc|
aatkm or (Moot, trial, notice
or hearing, hare been ditfrauebi acd by
imtr rUbunahicorp'rratod ia per.xtual w ic
ceaahan, whom citkfaU title h the IMaru
toy Board el Loui*uuta.
AT< tea hvniitor •IThey a Umgb
aahjret m the togwlry mom thu weak-
Moody wrewind with torn mi funker
tang with u, hat the mm reamed to #a
>pair ol (uyfvennaa. Ftsvily M?ody aak*
JilJa* Wfi/ltlMWfyftß tHII IflKiJ tf IB™ w,
and tor oßwfraand to having ‘mat a new*
pwj'er publisher oat o# three yearn mi faaarip
r urn. The rwangattw Infr/rmcd torn 'b*<
they dhi not r<ote** tv {>erp<rrn mt/ac *•.
bat if be would MHtia ap hi* unca, with
r^Mripound ipperMt, and pay (or thre*
year* more in advance, ai'fcwagb ttov
< ruld not ope* tlie door* of tb* ehurr h tu
Mm, f*rb>|< ba might bo anakad la jmUt
he car. <ku* ~: Itovt'-n Bullaua.
The lwto MfrciUtoi f th< Cfto
federal# Cabinet.
From tie (fbarlavtoa New* and Coururr
Th# apmi-HM and i.g*ui taauwon ot
of the line. Pho* C. f*rri#, M
lalely A'iiiuiii*l by ft re, may lei **j to
bare bad a bUtnfie tnter#t tot alt -ono4
Vlea. It* venaraMo owar and .weujuu,!
Wa* lb (i 'at man who eigaad tb* ft'*t a. <
of membra to ItHA al ta wae of h><
diawing rmup* B* vary iatoat aftieial *< 1
mi tha O/dledvfdia government wa* jw.
A* to Ur# fj;*i *tateniei, it u wall known
that the divlrict* ol h<mi* Garudiaa wvte
called In hmir aipbabwth* l order tor *iga
Hire* U> tiro act ol ••caaaton. Able vift*
i-arne (lr*t, and wi Tbrnna* 0 Earrto is it,#
name which apiejni* at tb t heart of U
A* to iba aacond •t*tammt l my informs
torn wa* drired *<>ma ag* from (Jot. Perm
hoiMteti Pli* prnahienl r*f lita mnle tor*
ny and hta nbtmt p*md throng*! Abb*-
vilto |ogeth*r on tr.etr 'mriaf w#*ward
trout HfcbmonJ, and We'd entrltainrd
fn>na ot them, at treat.} al Mil* magnift
Scot reaideiHW. flare toft* hold the |a*<
uiacting of the ca til not. When it waa f>r
malty roaulved to diahand. Mr Benjamin,
ercretaiy ol atata. ctmattHoJ With Ur tore
<t* to tin treat torera nt dl*po#tog m p ••
great are! and propoaad lotfOAroy u by fir#
Col. Perrin rogge*ted tbit * simpler sml
bettar mat bo-1 would bo to commit it to
the keeping ol Hsyaonsk river, which the
aeeraUnr expatlol to overeon the marrow
It ta befteved that aoch waa U>. d!#polUou
made uf it.
Lite ia but short, hut wa ahoWd do tail
we can to E , a cotigh or
it’old at 000a and are tt old reliable reuse
Idy aocb a* Dr. Ball’a-Googh Syrup.
Tn standard agttola it com
pounded with the greatest care.
Its effects are aa wonderful and
aa satisfactory as ever.
It restores gray OT faded hair to
Ita youthfhi collar.
It rrmovee nil eruptions, itching
aad dnadtaff. It gMg the htoi a
cooling, soothing eeanalkm of great
comfort, and the aaain by ita nan
beoomnn white aiutdaffc.
By lu took properties it reatona
the capillary glands tatketr normal
vigor, preventing badness, aad
making the hair gWKtftick aad
Aa a dressing, nothing baa beat
found eo effectual or desirable.
A. A. Hayes, If. D., State As
say er of Hassschuaetta, aaya, “ Thi
eonatituenta are pure, had carefully
selected for exeeffent qcfoHty; an*
I consider it the Biarfhaxaaaxsa
for its intended purpose*.'’
* Frits*, Owe BsUha
Buckinghams 3D y
M.-fhMermiby M 4
•** \* ■ -w* wrf Ks * w*£**n~w * k | I
1 '
/>/* Ih.ltar# a week in jrhtkr awn t*t
V U T*rm and f9 oulfll froe
H HAtUET k CO. . F utmii l. M.ine.
ANTED u* our G.and
OmMsUton I'raapucttia repr#at ug
woated eer-y where Che Biggea Tbieg
Ever Tried, riaiee made from iht* • he*
ati *ugt Bw kjs fail. A’ao.*dg*t wan
BtliLEh, riapeetor to ah arimra. With in
vataatoe llMvuaiad AaU ami (toparh
Haoaa haat the World.
FoB pmtiaaW* tree. A.tore-* J'iHN E.
Fu*huuib, FIIIL.\-
<M> the tine ot * oil EAT ItAILUOAIt,
wJUs good uiwkct* bwi. Et ST and WI s |
how itmkTire*; ro. i hk
WltJ t“lra*to, F# the, fj*,! ( <, u iitry
•'* tyjrik ftilling in the Lvital HvatO*.
Ui4; k*f. Fut: Wufm!hm,ei-.. 'VMM
t If rN’CEU ' *rjt lun in. all part* of the
wvf!i, Addre* O, F HAVI.h
L* 1 < -m U I' It It
iij.rr. i Q 77 a WEEK u.
Oil Agent* flO Um
at KB EE. I’ .O. YICKEKY, Aagaau
Is ) !**<*>(* * !*/ at A#‘ I*l*
•m **!!<! 0.1 St aud rerun tree
fltl’B V Cos . A*lgul*, i| |* r
w J>r -~T *nrr “
ftcn '■ 1 thh v *.f.n I.
pr wr. W/J.MT mo mohs fih*t
( LAWH hgWI SO VI trilfNK AOKN re
AND -too MBl* OK l.vr. o' ,a sf>
ability to LKAim rmt
or 9MrU.NO oteAi.NMi V AClll'l Rh
vAinffVti td \rrrr.n r
Sewhig ffcifhttif- f*,.
and Broadway. New New
Orlmci*, frK
t'.xira Fine .Mi**4 (!*?*!, ’ -tw
ij’O nwae. 10 da, paid I, JONS#
A CO, Ne**u. N. Y.
Latnp O'Oda to Dealer*. |HI a month, ho
tel and tra*eling eaprtiese paid No oe-i
--dHng. Addrews MONITOR LAMP (;0,
Cincinnati. (>.
;r D*>ers t*> Of \D4lar* per day at
•J XrV'hon)*. Sampler went)
% 1 free. NilosonACo, Poetieod, Mr Ins.
'* s; AA A MONTH t-- Active Mm aching
one Irctter Opying Book No
prew nr water uted. Samide copy worth
fSOO free. Send stamp for tircnlar. KX
CEL9IOR M*m CO, 99 Mad tana, and
1© Dearborn Street, Chicago.
Liberal Profits
To flbrebanta
*nd others who w' ii sell the New Wheeler
& Wihw n No. 8 sew ing Machine. Agents
wanted in every cfftoruunlty. Adore**,
wiih stamp tor term*, WHEELER A
WILLON M'K'O CO., Savannah, Ua.
ID ELT CARPETINGS, 80 to 45 cent*
* pat yard. FELT CEILING for rooms
in Wot plaster. FELT ROOFING and
HIDING. For Circular add Sample, ad
dress C. 4. FAT, Camden, New Jersey.
The undersigned will sell the
Soluble Psoifle Guano,
in HognaavUte at Sixty Nine dollar* per
ton or cotton option at 15 cents per pound.
Thia Soluble Pacific is the best Guano sold
end every bag is guaranteed of standard
grade, aad eflull weight, as marked in it
Try it ami yon will never use any other
A liberal peUoasgs is solicited.
March Sim Frank Wobd,
Agent, HogaaavUle, Georgia-
Go to the,Collier House if you desire
something good to e*t and a comfortable
bed for only
per day.
When you go to Adnata stop at taw
above named Dowse, 884 Whitehall street.
Dane D. Upshaw
loweaanMo buy jour groceries at M
Broad Street from the same man that keep*
the above House, as cheap as from any
house ta the city. *ch 2
a- -AGJiiNT,
Grocer, Producs Dealer
>v Sit W.*4 Wnwlih '**,
T3EHSON AL xoO'UbEO ATTENTION given to a. Order# entrumed _ to him
I. lur Uvuih, m in* in.medtatc Hue ut Dot Sin
a. *4. ttuwv Itir laoah. wuuh, PCW.
fu of Jvot** ft lai# 1U VX ft BIS
r ~
HJ) W A K 1), W OO Di V O *
WHQI.EnAT K dealers in '
Atlmiin, - * o‘Oi*uiik
AITS A L." T n Tm rTraJl OF
Vt K It I W KST H E.R COU ft T Y
T-r * "witowixaC the lit ova! paw me go wbleb fiaa b*ee extended to to*
First Foor VtlnznM
During tl next year the proprietor will stsVofe Ml emir* lime aad sUenttoe ta taw
paper and will be sssfcled to render H worthy ot be Increased pmronage wtoek is
hoped it will receive. Some new features will be introduced which wil! add greatly
to tbe : merest of the %
New material will be idled to the office from time to time, whtab will improve the
Assistance has been promised from leading friends of literary merit, wb will isTigl X
amuse and instruct oer readers. With our increased mail facilities we shall he able te
give the latest news up to the time of going to press. The legs! sdveit wtcent* ef the
county will continue to be published in the VINDICATOR, as weU as an account’, e
important evert* transpiring in the county. Many kind friends have caeca rag eo ds th
last year ; will they lend a helping baud at the beginning of the present voiua*? The
VINDICATOR is established upon a firm bnsi*.
to succeed if the people ot Meriwether county will only sustain it. U* yi ce ol *u b
scription-will be aa heretofore, TWO DOLLARS per, annum IN ADVANCE
The circuiasroe ol the paper is far in advance of was last year ; will sot esch
G-et us One more Subscriber?
with thia wa 11 he aalit*r* The nttentkm ef thoee tradfcsg wiU *or people to -
called to the advantages offered by * be VIMDfCATOE w aa edvertstog mtMmm