Newspaper Page Text
fThe Cotpity Vindicator”
VOL. 5.
A I ' PER AN M M. IN AiniM K
* *>• .?*■ ,1* |tl Court lie u*#
Si ••#**% of A4vrrlMM||
at'* i]*k <4hti <i mmu Itimu• * v ***
1 iut,] ,! UO 250 4NO . 00* IV* <W
I iuciii - ; r<i> *' uo 6 AoltOOb ti bn
H ;uojf . >i von i HMW ,)5 Oft 25 0>
i 00l ( 5 0.1 ‘IOOO < 20.00 iSOOt 55 00
i col 7 00 15 uO | 25.011 i 55.00 00 "0
t col i ia c*o, *Ua
car A !ibe:al dedurlntu mile lo those
*vorii>trri t The month or >r*r • -vj
n;tiN vuy a. i
—an t-Td i~F OS Feme
i I.KKK W. C ...W II Keller
Tax collkctok 4 o <£o*A,-; uv
niIiSUW-H . . £.. *6 h Mih.ew>
H. A Churn, —„ Akron Sibley,
C. J. Him*, J K. BudoßM,
Alien H, W*i**a
-Ichu W Burk, V*’ J Barnes,
AisU Ti. A. FaTEer^
AO I Froemsw, Sec,
MhNAToil sAii, District,! 1 1! lire*, tin
;Ul’Ht>feNTA 11V Km
4c bn B. K>*|**r. lame* VV la* lor
\\ I'AttA,
\TrOHNKV .rt' t.A w,^ —
WAkmi,ia. C.
Vfc i‘l fr * iu )lff!i i!i(*r and the ad
■ - - wm,. i.
a. ii h ,aoTSh.
\ IT I|;N V A I I.A If
/'\ tmteß Ha.
AH btlhll HS •11-l t' ' III! 'Hi* HUtUJ‘I
hJ i• jut* 4*i;> *i 1 Th t*l i^tr
h 11 Ki.ITH.
\ *!T<NKV AT LaW,
. \ (tUI4CN\IM.K, (1*
VV i>i*f tl. wither wt tl>'
WlMHlWutltf 111* I,’ohiU lUTflt.
A ' M,V U, I* U b
r> F'qPKKT IJKK ti= I.
1 t <>KIMIVIt.I.r, <•*•
Jl4n . ' 1..- A'! .)k Warranted,
...1'. ' it* 4-.JL a Ti:it;tmx ' i
A\TII 1. < vN’t I T #■# IwwrJlcr ui
W M**iilelW in >l >•
m.unuy i.tjvmt A I cells •*P nt Oih*
f*i u ... f tii* m . .!< ii' * r nnT fly ift-il*t
It|( K it Art I UON V,
, k f KlfltH li. I’jutc i.,ni lopli-
T"77 i;r/. ."v'nl .*~-r - 1
a romte*
I * 'y
ii s MAI/fT
7 I ttviEff Ant-faed W U* .Iv ffiS lii SP errt rj
I I IliUHirmt trmicn 4rt-|,i..f'i iminl
-ttV. ■-. ntrti>-yw-iii* WT
refcridttig oueiii'\. f)iiW.! itu lU*' North
J(J* fly* j.'ibbe
Of ! nUlHll#**,
IT AA NOW, *nJ will k"jp *!<**}* or
I bend t hi* <>W tanad Kmrt n *4e <
•be public square, * food sal
WELt WA.MTr.O rf'JCS or
Constating. Is fpul tiL,
|9* UOU) and BTLYIR Wntcbr*, jgj
fyim tod Key wtyueft,aY the make.
Splendid Gold and bnver Watch, Chain
01 all aizea, mifesm and prl<ya
•rj* Penoaadalt kftvlt of boldera; oid
FUver A steal opectaefo* A jaye-Gtaeaea.
Silver Plate Ware
of ail kinds and atjfea;
racket, Table Cutlery. Allts/ar
by Ike I*-'? rfrnaywe.: atatyra, CPI.
1 am Uii ai. j'-oda in utj i>tf
Too many Ifer'wetlier ac ac
jolctag eortDtita Lars tested ray work U>
require a word rom me a* to tl*e charsc-'
ter oi ■*, t w*, however warrant aH my
it oik, if properly need, m 1 bate aiaay
done, and respecttaiij aka cuctmuar.ce M
the f atrooage I bare received from my
f nor da ia Meriwether
Saw ye the Aimer at lis plow,
A* ye were nUiuif by f
Or wei ied 'iicaik the uoouJaV toil,
When u mutr ell its were high t
And thought y<*u that bjalul was haul,
Ami did you thank yum U ai
PUal y<u and y, urs weie not sotJemMil
Thu* like a rve to plod f
i 'mi 1 , see him at his ImrvtV, lonite,
VV lieu garden, fie <1 aud te
1 Uouapire with tj ‘Wuij store to fill
His Utt smWy ; *
Hi* Wu’ t.uidrwu_ je.iy *p •< t
A mill it.* itow-nniwii bar,
Or i r**K4 aid *yUb*igorous anu
lit* i** a* best they way.
The Harvest-Give* •*•*> t* l * ! d,
•ft., tut ket ot the soil,
An I earth, the mo'her, fiee them b „**d.
An ! cheers t Veir patient toil ;
Come jAiu thrift afviuml" their wTiitv;
The heartfelt pl.asure see
4**4 you pan bvt'ei j ijge how hieol
’lire fraid's jit* may b* .
: —: [ W~t 1 it]]
19V& rLM AX* nn,l..
l)ul you evri rt lea muWf 1 duuT tue oi
*id erewture aaeuatomad to *OO,I
•"oil'll, but wild Steed of tile plains
bloc*hi up on grass and ran Muakes, *ll,l
i o.,t"iHe ! to cavort nmarJims of the
u.'U*utuU<*i* iu.ifte‘sld v |he riguu 01
oiai.. Mule* are pretty m icU alike the
world ovu., only the >ou mule ti u lif
.1* mere *O.
I rode on# tke o'.Uvr illy n nl I'm guing
lu try to tuli you abut it h won’t in'
wy well wiilll'll, bc UK* uiy Hktil trui
h* turn In • eMngari'l l Initio iiiuii limit
illtl) Iton#*. nfckiol 101 l in TTVFwill,
i Kiri -4i p #l* n t.ifty toi l wi ll I ,ii. n
)y love, i|. t win jprl*~ .li* ten'*. tin* it l> l
i ..lid as nij jui k wm,til hive it, n-iotiiot
.it lot! iii Knit ilia tatiiaif!*lna* so I tin,
lllir ' ini'.
/** it lni looking ch ip, ti nl wear.!
'i,n i I'.tliri "U wcik ! iy*. ll'puls Im
him in (in* niiit'flo noi♦! oil* it itp a uli lull
Kiiinnt ni i I'tiiiinm tn. lt.i l> is hit Seme
■ mir Ins jin in nl jissiuo . 10.1, nail ■!' ,•
Uji'tn in ,n*l jiriHinti'i'iiiril y In pivip.e
might li.igot, A Ilf OAtIS i|vol wns
,1. -ii* I h,| i-> m kmrwhMf* In* lad Hut
t,i i .11,, t!ns lo'l.iw fill mV* If, lo tins nl
if. non. ol I Ii Vino Al .tills 'a, it w s lllj,
•.! t> k,a..itli *j'i)j a illu• *i if.i :
I pot nil my l,osl clnllntt flay nml
m rk* ,1 nyi, to 1 lit* j, '.To In,iif. liltoniilnjf
In imifiritti hoi w.'iks, un ! l:sV0 till' It,toy
m I‘ii il wilWoA ikd/irtio My I ivnl
/. i. Ii in , tuil ti oinoij ta lisvi- *n Mi l,tl
rr t'.i * Tfft, di in’t ainouot to much, fm
.' * v that il loti f/i: T ,i:W ** it',',is n'li'i
> i'. In ’ l have lo A ini his w m Hu/
*i, 000. ti.i to* ioUI i*,,ly ,! h ,at ll J
w ii, i to'i have Any houi*
II tm srul lu ait iru/al ' oudi, oi lather
it.. 11111.0 imii',.mtnj it, ho mizii ak'.n hit
Hi o< o.;oi at.i) kick iiio bools Ott, hut Ilf
a ni l not gel in niter 4h : al. r i L i*’ h *y
ni',w U o ' a plioismrt TwyAMoW W tl** llmv
liui I • eoon rolievo l of all anautiy. We
nail a illve ai >0 tiint Uiuka up the sit^
Aramiota U potaesa*;'] uU little h>othei
l hate s girl's brother I If they aie little
they pi ir trn k oo yifl. anil II they t*.
they honow your §u dr ink,
su i intuit you with iinpuiiTty, ko Jwnig
put you t’e io love wit), the aitler auij
won’t rtyeiit no lr,'ll/{otty*
Wlil.c we arc talkitiK in auiaU way, and
iookion voluuiW'ol lova al the Ktrl aoJ
wrafli ’ weTi other, we hi4rtlf • leyflul
yelt In the fcitrj 'ft patch, and luottfng out
iounsi iille Uotbta a l Un ufum>l mam
live cuuvuWlou . Me hall k*to try \n% to
rat bis way through the melon patch- li
wt divesting tal*tK*, fr be could not
have Lurried open into the coo
lent* of mote than ten 4tlk eye.
Aa it i it looked a though there was
iteifg lo be a death la the larndy. and Ar
iffiin'a erreetued I acreern and yeffd at
ua to ran ler a dueler. W U*fc taw ia
the MMsettow a* agUaee the tmn that fM
a doctor ll* vouvl get Aramhtta for mf.
My rival wart or the fewee tike a <ier
and mad the aeiy borwt ia the dUble.
He hnd ed and raddled the annual fo
dodUe tfiick liinr, when t Icnal nothing
Vefv we hat a mate, X seiaed ahiin i bridle
and rushing at the animal, felt aniuetbiog
Wbi* ever my heal that 1 lek eertsin it
waa a pair of btwi*. They uanewly aim
ad cny head, bat carried away my hat
Nomine daoated, I achrsd tile erwatere by
ike<w, pul ow the btidJ* w> 4 anfaafea
og the chain by wuich Ho was haltered,
MMm from the ta>.le. ff* went act
* •*/. a> aeach m m deed Mating h*d
1 acme t-ifflcufty in keeping- op, and bd ; uyf
'i!i e'ea’ore aWppdd etl tbe Otftlldk t/rgfvf
Tear to ah
cefud net hare m-moted. Aa it ypm y
-lore he go? tbroqgh with, his nipsics) en
trrliitrmeot T *aa no bf* back.
TTx Vart aormed ante Milt satm.Mwd
t M yrtofi iiy wM aaf tacwfcig it
war ia biainaa4# ** yb, watte i 4eg i
my b*u. TigMonaiy m hie aide*. lie seem
*d suddenly to mm to the conClasioa
tbit a change of aSaji-Jirfraftotf would be
a:. exceiieat thior, at.d lotlEa- eaf V gar.
1 r krr u|> and dhwn like a aavrgata. Ira -
Ily thooeht rd split >n two, and woufcl
‘ probah'l7 hare been pitched ovet but that
li th ntUat of Una pleasing et*rcw, Mu*
ley eeug’ii right ot the h time disappearing
at a hard gallop in the distance. He
seemed antmahid by the Uhdabie RMlbb
lion o. ae Hah tog that h,w**, and atariea
so suit leniy lit Paine very near Iraving we
behind, l UprhoJ WA3i f l"rw ,rd auU J
1 could get hold ei the h fer chain, a id,
pulling tin* tight, got a ptetty b*
cura hold. * rV •• *•
U .r mat *K*Ut*il J autf! He not ®ny
gaiued *4 the horae to such an C.vlt ul Hull
Aran Ita Might oft ie.l two to on*
ud no t.kefa, but eibibi'r'd hia uiuir*-
bu uja iCe of both .111 by tniowiilg ia, ai in
ternal*, ‘.he l4o,lie*t kicks th it ever viu.n
--r , - e * iront ami e. About a mile out wr
c'issad ii on the coh, an 1 a* we passed
Muley laskikAl hint wl’U a aatu'a th it Wwh
no mlyipall) lor, plaining his two
heels upon the- edUptwraes at the tuu#at
\ Jjaa and hpd gUucmg
.roUuu saw uiy r<val rod lints go down
tit ms must uiuivnsvaow* juatuier. My
>tf<d pi the desert kpt diaight on- We
had a ol sight aulas Wore ua, and I
te+rha 1 isflot( that In that dwtaa te, at fit*
ala we were trawling, Muley
S,*ii rival ul Ur.i rhscii taken out of M.u.
I aura aware ol *ni isi ua, and tliat
sal my tsrt pants w<-r.- giving way.
About live mi!* out a* struck a water
i-elei) pitch and went straight thr Ml •kb.
I could hear the l#eNtrW iHirsltng
am like tk.iuba, and wheu we erucigud
■ I‘UU the iUiluer hide spcclllu ua ol 1 his
Ii nil were Btuing on the ifuttc’* leg like
A ‘l'tic heyonft thu l saw tinr excellent
mnilatvr ol the gospel wending hi* salriun
way across the pmuuu a itii a wagon tall
ol iniaui Jacolw, hi 1 I saw aim Cist on
>•-*• im ahiptwd hi* boras, Old 1J aril red,
to n m ist ustraoidiusry run, w Would tia
i into him mitantar I pulled hard o the
near/*Jn abb one bah!, while 1 aivadeu
wdh lh< chain with tjn; oUie' , Inn
a’jU* an more i final than II 1 had taken a
P*il upon PlkaV Peak. We struck tbs
pa so*V IbinHyabnal aiunlshipa sud wen
iliretlgh. saw Inlnnt CirHalitniU
-o sr-utfvtf ifaf mi muf'diTssien.' ' 1
I left lbe psrsipi yalltcriu { up bis fsmilr,
a*d continued Until I struck Hie ddctor'a
i#ii aud w *Uyi4'lMi itlte hi* franl door
with the Imll rtog ebnaasaw bri.ta#, 'l rear
1 knoebrd ever the da lle siut upsut the
•upper table. The .lector same to asy • naw
etie with ii kbA m Umshm lhU d*>g Ura*'
cent him with a Uokn aud a utoulltful el
ittnUlmm* mbi die yard. 1 then tol l the
ihm'or with one tu. alli—ai*l had led ~
iiita! Aiamliit*'* uumiAhAcLa hr oiUhr
Wit > dying ol too mticM' watsr* n ,
id tvanuri dO 'Mf With MjUltl*.
W returned iw aVout the same siyla
Fbe doctor liivlng a home thsn
my rtvit had iwvored with kept Hit
Ira I, hi* pill bug’* flapping lu trie *lr,
• .KK.*,:t'iiagt4 lint
11 Jiinhetae fln){i;e} any the tnola atartoil
bioi up nyiiin wilii a Life on the
rump that ntometl to Ittftiw netf vlfor In
to that oic*ju ii!<i Autiual. We pa*it uiy
nvsl siuiuyt ual nuraltlf lila
ylt lejf ns It lilua. lie lieimi ci.mi
hack, ack iiowlpilfclf Ull defiC in tht
tooat geadeutatily uiakarrlk
Xtea.Uoai'it v>pt} pot Arkmtnta’y Hftl*
i a p< t\ njje.dlsr philllmi, amt
that ul{ht al tne oclsthf of j Iho Httl<* a,tf*!
|i*re*, fall lo tl*ll (!(#.{, T
f'l w| cw.*l>tc f, t*ml ttif l)pny day *>
f, soil. I rods futo AfioitnU’. kflActfAna
(Ht • tuuie. '*
~ ■ i a ■■■■ 1W 'Te', >
m Otaanwo Haaa far HsjfjMU ~M.
< N M A#potyMnt
Hy U> w yludjte Falletaan, of Torre
routroe. Irom Waah
inttU'ii, saya that ha aald to the Fret!lei :
Hiw did yon to aflAFt f)iek
'1 JUoutpa>/h I 1 Know Mhftort wKt tlfafti*
■uU erery o*rv< to keAp Tjroor tn th Oato*
ioft.mtjd yiwfrieo'l* ol Bert Jhrrltaa wore
(HiahinfSriin (or pi Acer* Why. onddr thaw
drcu.iiA.iuoott Otd yo pick awe Thump*
•on t
Tj,a X'retHehl ropBal: Newly lorty
jua/k ag* I lie*rd him make a apoeah lo
ColumhuA tthkfc hwajr.
tMi4>w44>atiactly *W'l word o( UU
•tlaary wotM. Mid biT*vih‘Ul
ItapdrrMil MhaaCtal 1 have ew iorg*>t-
Mh ift *t, Tb<np*a/ H a* in the
i.—pn ka apaka tb iMt
•Mta laMMaalra*. . .
f t wah shadf luf iUt, teert*Wry’s (Tiiotbp-
Mu’4 faw cMd'dlv, and aahrd him. Wan
yaor appototmaat a ritprha t
I ahoatd aay ao.ha replwtl* If cam# like
a a# thuaher oal Ola clear aky. Ihe
•rtt lotto'atio*4 had *mh fdatnam a_ik
l m,.mU A,XkUuii ifjji,
hh • '/VMa v "T”
•Ml aaUoy my cbaic* twlwa<;u, ijccrapuy
al Wr; trmrtary t>( Hie latcrlu. a'l
JhksWhsaaar 4t**nLJ did ual ha'xr •>%
i'ienda, and finally, in t aiMle* f uifpic*
Uatormineu U taka plenty of room- No
•Aded hewhOafA f acni, I had no mora
, H pohJlfi tlfi/han
f hadrd aammituoji k.Tle.
Nevar parrel wt* /Mradi/alta 14
k eaae fail of wartrtaf t l, at Haeka*
vilWO>*>* Wt> *tMW IHM tMMdfalHy
baraed ; and now tfar aizuM -pMhM a
wile lost a quarrel wi*rfeer heahaad. sd
latdßffa frea>* wf( AH
•vert t> tsrthe iratU, that her liege kr
n. -1 muhablT M* pMler) aet the barn oa
2fr -4 married man never k*r# wbea
be U safe* * (
TUG OY llprilß WATCH
A Bhrikle.
- ei ■f —
Once upon a thw Utere lived, acroa* the
aatef, a great Ylug 1 Who kicked his lilt's
on Ido Ute tnNsuea ho S|Ulle t hi. iua.
The poor hey yartt*Quid trom drown
tig ky beautiful fairy, to whom in Ui<
gr.tiluJo, he oArvd His *crvicca and it
toad bn, his Ida. i
And tha lalry M 0 arid said Ua w.s 1
RtHe Ml; and aha gave a beau
tiful gold walcbkWiMUud w.tlt rubies ami
hamoiuU aqd which she said
she wanted bliu.|o Jtcep T&r h<:t sake aoc
tha sake >f hCr alafs ibter I o bud ifU rt i
niiuiy veart ago, ft wiffaed Mm to k -tp
•it won and up, autl aav*r in part with it.
jrio h loved Uc Mry ad promised wit.
hm life to keep thcuratch,
Tula niceX’ aakl ho was his broth
sr, amf thir ... alt ers antra t.rotuors
aurl staters to v c iybl*:r#-rti* he was go
mg lbs same w*y-ad would tike to hv.
dim watch. Aid tbegood lUtla b>y smd
No! Tyis-tsuy wiuh, .Tnl It Was given
me to keep. *
And the ntiy tlßtsUoyaald, tdrnnw h ■
yours, but 1 *ut*. Torn the good Utile
(my wsttl Ui gWu up hi* wutcU,
•ml bocame vjrvangry, and boiled with
mge ; but all rtnwds iell y lor being
<n ai.grf, and t®fd the nice Httl* tntiow
(who avid ha vaa till la uMim.) that it h
ihauglit he ogikAiw iiate it, be wuuld let
It I m in fimUmi ere what Hej
•heUld say ulpm it. And the tiles little hoy
sjd, well,Tot oriccu iSt oiff fflflii l i~\
you 7all sevet tnri't Mill nal eight, Hnrt
lUff Will dodW irtt* si.all htv.i tut watch
And she {Mwdahihi d,“vea,".md ttmught
am l.", Aud al.
the irirnda^u^t and I-ok thu
waicU and is*;Hfe6d at the two hoys, and
•aid : I Ids [s |(ttlc boy, but a Tin
Witch wntyrt A IWffr 1 - -
Then tltuy utdfatl UI u op a id mtei: ltwU
hy, •wouldult jmm WM i tin WtttOi to pu>
,! . , M A| -
Ami liuhly fried ami slicked hi* thumb
md asset lie dill lorry lit didn't I<ep
hit rtlCe eAM teftCh which tils aunt'a elatet
left hfiu. t afe *
Thau ell tbd clkiir bo/a lauttlfcd and
HcplaWfiy !*l||(qg,“A|4Uudg.”
Then lit, lett ilfaerted Kil l ii'oiia, and
spoilt (lie piniiftwiff Who hid jflten him
111*"#alrdi, bStFSHTMUi* Wmtil an wna a
rhrtsndtHt t'iMifwi>lag ttpua aitmtb and
nia,ln* a tol9k *cra)l v t>u which ha could
diuti) dUctra ;
. /‘ga’ch i W>u*' i”
A* • *ear^iCei*hir'upi.uce ST the prfmi
ui llhurty.*' 11 R
(kpc fur ifrirbiiruNi flti*bnii4
A wouiiia Wtio hitd atiffkred teirhnrona
haatlnta from her Uttaltaai*, Wua to a he
|T w ienmn of the rhla<e Aa.ifttpfl l * k'*w
4ib might ewe lb***e t>ato*yiu*p! rloletu.e
Tim aoalbeayvr b util her couijhalutj aid*
aPcr jironotinrlriK s uMe haid word*'and
Using Vftrhm* gfestlcutiiiloa* white ho (Iliad
phisf iTitli rmystortnw nHWuw, *faair*a
her wbmseeM-batfnwband -<dP * a paa
*lau, fa take
Ufa;' It la. her mouth lor Urn mtuftief.
I |jy #oman, quite ova joyed at e ibnple
i fcnliwff, Bitrtlr (‘Tildaad tb uuonml
ehteh fw fifed her, end ehtsped iho sao*
|l cliaslMMufMfii 'l ife omdmttls ul ih bol- ,
UiMiuilliil eioiiiiCcd. ahu returned to
pie WM# meg. and autionny ifegned to
h.rc a S ,U.
>'en fuel lab womatl, aeM the .ddM-faj ar,
theta weething iu Use VoUia hut *t*vw'
tagar atd nafai• Wbeu yudr **,
|u bo your tongue, mi l, my
|lt for Jl, be wlil not la/'ra (lagef upon
yod. • i
-• >ee ■■*'"• *s-iia" 'i*y -
A fand faulker teufarketi: Tea, I want
my daugbWr to altiuy rhetoric, far atte
cirfH fry pah eafcea dew whlwtrt amaklog
tall L||| hAtiky lift.
m9m •• • V'W* * wife*
All • avJ Ur. tiefl'a Oegb
Byrup la taaklng ha way, and every place
It reetjhea.onnsumptHrd people are mere
(eldua net. It le truly a bleealng to hu
manity, elsd euly coat? 2*l cents.
M'-MMg'iiejiiaßgu- Jr—*. 1 ■- i
r*. * *
■* i iis. i klii L
By WALSH A WiIKJIU;, I‘repfieUfa.
Full Tffhwtapbl* Biapatcbrt (tam ,
points, Lstaal aud bloat Ac* urate Mar
ket Ifaporta. , r* ■
ItHrftimV o*4 Ut\j*lM QorretfondtrUtJrom
•MpirU ejT Hvxyui, tjoulh Carolina anA
WeafaMffc* Cdy.
l i W’JfiCTALI ¥.
One Year SIO.OO One Tear SSOO
Ax Heath* SA,OO i(A MaMka iMI
■vntttur i
One Tear S2.W
tax Mouia*..,. 1,00
to all others for wither Manufac
turing or Family Use.
jb__ -.(n-s*.
It U the siiuplusl Sewing Machine made,
saving Imrei parts tbau awy oltiei ; Iren
■rom coinplic-.tions, it never gets out of or
Ivt i aud is a ways ready for use. It Is
MQrft Durable,
>f reason of Its simplicity, and the mint
mum to which liktlun ia rtnlnced by the
inuchautoat aoeflraoy (comparable enly to
• tine waU It movement) with which each
part is made am) ndjiulod.
ilseuswiib great larllity the lightest
ami dins 1, as well as the heaviest and
coarsest Übrlcs.
With our printed directions,
No Instructions
or mec.iianicsl skill is re<|uired to o|>erale
.■ 0 U
.41 sa a machine that can be used without
Uaiiu i>y suy oho, bocauso It requires so
little cilort of any kind, it being the
niachiue lu the world,
i'tivy aru mad* al the Company's naw
wm ka lu thv City of Newark, M. J., by
Workmen, with new Special (patented) me
vihiueiy and mol a couatrurtteJ ctpressly to
au-rsMiiplisk w)iat Is oow uflewl.
JCvety Mitfhinn fully ewrranlwt.
CKMOK * CO, #1 Peachtree st.
Atlanta, (la.
r . '. . .. I I. 1..
Family Knitting Machine I
A most tJst'lul aud Wonderful Inyeutlon 1
row Htiraciiug mtiyeraal attention by Ita
•topohuig performances, and Its great
practical ralaa liir avtscy tltf few l */ UM>
it la Bitn|blA DorablA and
Champ. l *aMy kopt In tapalr, aud
U will knit arery imaeible Variety of plain
and f*oty work
and ter baiter Uian It can ha doua by band
or any other uaacldue. All kinds ot aar
irteata are par feet ly farmed aud shaped by
the machine ita*H,req'firing 00 cultiog or
wakkug up. A goo<l operator will knit a
man's suck, with heel and toe complete. ♦*
from JlHttUa minuUt / aud from twenty
to fatty pain ol sacks ta a 4as.
JCvery lamfiy—especially erery farmer’s
lenfilv—’should bare a Blekford
ffnlttat*. It Will be lotmd equal!/ as
usciulesUre Aewlng Maahfno, and even
morf pretftStHe. .
KVeTy Mach the WARWANTKD parfaat,
and to < lehai U roprooentod. .
The Bickford Mach tee is the on* ua
ctimsti cyllndflcal KnHthif Machine In
eiWgenca. AH 6lhefe, not Mounted by as,
are clear sod palpable toftingements on oar*, and we shall bold aU parttes who
mauufactare, sell, buy swore snob UifHng
lug machine*, to a strict legal socooetabtli
An lostruorion Boo#/ (SOntelniaf dona*
pietc knit mfoafe dlreclloae te tba opara
tof, aceonrpstiles eadtf ma/ hloe.
No. 4 Family Machine, 1 cylinder,
72 needle*,
No. $, Fanetl/ Machine, of Under,
n*lU) need lee ♦>
A itnsjfa maehint will t sefll to any
part ol the United Bute* or Canada.
I where we bare to agents,) emprorn eKarju
pflpatS, oa retedpt Of tba priea.
Atetelre vMRcd te ovasy itete. Coonty,
City aad Town, to whom vJf bbteal diw
counts will be mada.
Pee turtbsa pru tkutars. address
Mole Maoufactnrcrs, Brattitboro, Yt
' >WiS;
NO. 15.
Darwin 0. Jonss^
•l IMIOAP BTNF,Kt Atlanta •
White WHie Virroyar, Cider Yiild|{raaS'
AYhite Cider. Baal standard goaaia low
est r’icvs Warrantral.
Tftylsr A Farley Orgsi
Only Org%o \khl glm WrllUJ* Otarranteß
mi >
■: • *! -i - ..
Lai gtst urgitß Pnoiory in th#
Mr. j 1 / .
s6o IO*
n <f;*Vl agents Wanted in Oeonrls, AJa-
Ibams, Plnrina, fv,ta r a„nlb Caro ft eh
sad Fast Tennessse, try , u ■
Vrholeeale (tout kero Agents,
go Wltlfahall Bt, Atlanta Georgia
Wm. T. n*YILL, Hoeclal Agenl
war 34 ly Green ylile, Oeo.
' ’ ii .ter
(iinAfi Can’t be toad# by erery agaef
TgV / rJ > 7 rtefy month tw tto# busUcte
w* furnish, bul thoee wlillnf tn work naif
easily earn a doMu deHart a day In their
own lecalblra lUta re room to explain
here. liuslmte pteseant and bnaarabW
Women, and boys and (tils do at total ad
men. We wilt famish yon a complete ’
Outfit free. The bnslnes* pay* better thaw
snythlngnla*. VVa wUI tetaf mm** ol
turfing you. Partirolsis bee. Write and
see. Poimers aed meehseles, their seov
and daughter*, and classes IM need hf pay*
log work pt home, should writ* to ns and
learn all about the woik ta one*. Row Is
the time. Doat delay. Afidltel TM
A Cos, AngtMia, Maine, > J
liit* one of o(ft
adapted to a)) kinds of goods, and to all
the dllleredt aed toelrlnoeble style* of Pielt-
Ing. Simple and earfly managed, It Is }oat
the srtlcle every lady needs,
Seat by mail, peetagu paid, oo receipt oi
pstee, $2. Bend (or circular,
N. Y. TMXtADLfi M’F’tt CO M
•4 CortJandt fUnot, Mew York*
.Atlanta Patrer
--v Ho U f i 'i ' 4
*■' ;*•' A
All Stsea mnasW
* Addresa JAB ORMOND Ffapsftear.
Refer te tbla Maoe at a SpataaMß 9t aI
pepefa (U)