Newspaper Page Text
Wm. T.TimntX, Lditor end Proprietor
The state lair will be b# : <l in AU*o*
UiU year.
Mort4.ii h*d • long cwnag* r'd
will* tbe president ll® ot!ir day wi.icb
account# lor a change A policy oo the part
ut the admfoUtratlon touching H<wUi 01<y
line end LouWaea.
On Tom'lhj tb* hrtl day of May Pint
an election Will be held In respect
ing an amendment to tb* cooriit-nioo <]-
tiaring Hist tbe bogus railroad bon la i*■
eue4 l>y Dulloek shall narer b* pari. '! Ue
proposed amandment baa Jkwi ■ by
two legislator*# ami only need* tb# to
dorwToeut of toe potato to l>i* • part.
of the constitution.
That e*e*ll*;nl odd otberw toe veil bal
anced Journal, tb* Atlanta ConiUlu'ion, is
ridiculously air aid the capital will t>a car
lied bck to MUtedgevilie. A'lsy your
fears, neighbor, there I* a danger.
Speaking at vending a com rotation ••
Louisiana the H*9 tetk Herald y - <*
wbaluaa, oradthotfty, •*. <>r
(jtfaooe i* a eommimtoa t 00# thing the
(ecklde.A foay dopoed upon! when b
aanda a commit aion to LauMana bn ph *
every dcimynw ■lw hope# -to keep tb*
•oitlln-rn quail lot) open IW another four,
years, and be disappoint# evary man who
want* to aaa tba country, sale under tb#
On tba not topic the Haiti aora Hun
ay* : tU$ amitberb rttotf Wot Wrote
treatment, oat mere poulticing There U
no need at a saw commiaaion to inquire
into Ut# ffrrrntjMtm ot thing*. That la kno* n
alreidy MdSkflMMdjf i# known. Win
ii really area tad ta tba application ai the
knife to tba gaagrea* : nai soothing wlt<-
and oeadtaeroeote. What tba emu try ex
looted of Mr. tlayaa waa Arm, prompt, ro
ergaito action, la hi capable ol it f II h
(* not. uathiag bat JeUut# ia to ba anlic
Terrier A Hremnolier, the <4.1 mu-d.-
dealer# of Atlanta were Wider or# to con
•tderable client from • Ora on Whitehall
lut week,
The Atlanta OomtltuU.jn grow* Irate
and belligerent wbeoercr a mlarhinrou*
editor or oewepepar w-.ribldei gantly hint#
that the capital eliottld bn removed fr-m
Atlai.ta. Tim editor ur by 11.-tenia*
u 4 oplieia<tit. that be will ratae a
comiixdlof) before climatic Infliinricna ahtll
purify our laglal.tiou in MiHedgevlHe.
An Indiscreet aawabty aborning MU
lidgcYlllu Bear gm window bI.Um editor of
thiUonalltutionjEiA TMWv nlabt ttiat
iittuw t ,MUH<aue inclined Individual at
once sont a dlyteh lathe barracbe to
Gen. Huger to bifry bp tbe gwriaoo or
the capital WonhtAaaartio.l toMilkdgevillt
in flfleaa minolM “by the wUcb "
11 area bee wShen to Hampton and
Chamberlain ta OOoie la W taking ton *
that ba may talk with tbeen and And ant
Which ia really fayeroor of tba elate, Tue
ruuinta ref Mi ■lrv'twr)
™ °y , **^p'*** , M*" otwitpi in kn^fwu
Lai Navamber iftd lUvm Ua* no ii*ht U*
U waddling la tta b iainaaa lUoUae. V(4-
vmae oi teaUmoay bore been taken and
Bayep upiicril|pnß Ota merit* at the dear
aa wail aa any (MM. Hla only Mmporin
ing to gain time; ha mean* •welly to de
clare that Uapyin, who ha# the opiate*
of the stab* cotirtp In bia favor, boa not
lieen elected, hod pat Cbamherlnin In Ua
*”*• Andt^telapfttl
A* e-countryMfaa an a yMt to AUaala
waa e>aiitiin§WM>t the huge craoht l
the old Opm ftuuae, now known aa the
Capitol btpldiaf. leM Monday, the editor
ot tbe Contthdrai happened to
accualag Uwatikfttaraf DMaf engage.! Mi
n beterephuanaoe pngoct tbe the rentevai
of tbe capital, roe bed nyon hbn with, n
ahootar in tbeathar, nsd waa only pravna%
tel from totally aaointtaUng the naeba?
-peeling .rueUcky the timely nrriral of the
police. -
. i mia 1 wateei 1 ■
Alter cayfap ha hte laaagwrat that the
aUtenahoold be iaft ftwa la regale :e their
own domeatki again, Hayna, voder the
pretaora of Blaine and othan, hna deal dad
toaaod a amaealnalon to Sooth Carolina
mid Loulalana to Inquire Into the matter*
hr dtapate hi thean etntea. It will be re
membteed that ooogreee east ccatviaiaee
to both thane ntatee and obtained ail Bead
ini teeflmony which evidenea U at the
command of Bayoa, yet he wante more
Uetitnony. Tbia oommiuiuo ia to ooneiet
MMy rertbolp nod three democrat a, pre
ciady tie kind oi coa miadoa that ocootad
ilayaa Into the peaeldency. A* it worked
aa charmingly In hla caee lie wanto to ap
ply it for the banalt ot Me friend* in Oaro
liua end JUctshUba. Thlata another ex
ample of reform to be lnnogontod by
A thoughtful friend, keenly obeerraot of
peering erect*, remarked a few day* staoe
letfc dtttcnlt of aeluiion. The unknown
qnentiriee, he thought. were the greet num
ber ot able bodied ynung mea *ll erer Uie
land banting poeitkxu In store* and ether
magtned eoft placed The flehh are "riikf
onto the hareM’* but too true ilia that "the
laborer* are lew” and *o many standing
idle. Young men,go to work and let u*
find out whnt We can make ol our old
The pr*wd<nt is reported aa saying with
fton.e wsrrmrrT'iKi he ** mu) na wouid
withdraw U.e troojM (rum baoth Carolina
aad V liidint. Prominent aoutbein cou
grttttien , bo th e i ther ba/J. say (bat they
were pr*,t/jie<j bep/fe (he terrrfl oaitoo of
the pusideutial coant that if southern de-n wo .id not employ dilatory parlia
mentary t*ci has t< detest the count that
Hayes would at once rerun** the troopa
from Slx# alxivc in**f)!lone4 slater. Some
txxfy ha- ritad- a fa ae tttofomanl; who a
It I i.e rt-.ulh, ai utinl, has been *dd
mi no rnnftdsrnc* Can lie placed in pr#in
lw a mi de by norihern ratica
-- Bttlloik rosy lx; appointed to a foreign
ml. Son. hot IS in oat not forget Dial hia
trial tijKro seveiai rrhubiai chafgea is set
dnat. for Mir ensuing ! * mof oa- w. per lor
Cl ail I A tin nto (,'oru‘i tut ion
ViK iiut ;.s<letasip *st An sapalt*.
Tfn.ra taring a racauty In tba Naral
Acaileinj fio the T xirth Cong <-a*loiial
Diktrit i of Oeorgla, t am Bertfßy mj naOO
by the Hw tetary of the Kyy to no ninat*
a candidate for appointment to tb# sane
fn pu a isiiixs wiie'eof l heretiy gi r t.o
tii to ait who may deaire to malt# appii
c tloo, IN > i mijurtltire et*!ina*Ur
will Ire h#ld #1 LaOranga phal being U‘*
rrmat cirri ran amt and accessible I'litn )
PrUay, iba hth day *Usjr of June u*t ;
at winch cacti a t #cry appllcaol wIT 6a
.iff#!*! ai. eijua! oppcirtbulty of klcb
ring lira apimlttiUrSiiti.
rtr*t tr# rMNrf hwif I *#*
under i lghlrr-o yi-ara ol age, ot pool u*>> fal
cha>acW;r, [diysii. iljr aound, w#ll tunned,
ol ii.lioal torn’l'ol ion, oid on !er fl feet
i I tselglilh ail I jutnal rnahuh u/lr/uf*/'Ve rlk
dlitfUi Th#y Will be thu*
sOHgbty exaH‘h>*<l **y the -1 la f(*'l
log. Writing. Hjwtllti*. Arithmetic, Ueog
rapliy ar.d Kogliah fits oUiar rh* Siam
|n|llm will Ire mndortei in aWhlt 0*
'U miry to lha ro • ao-t ragoUthrna ol U*a
Naval Ana lamy. sad ia aU lh bran P ra
• anwpt that Ilf rending will he In wetting
The suCcaailttl can Intaie will lm rerj .ir
e t to r{->rt st the .f iral Arademy by th#
ala ol J>>n* nixt Tbe Heselsf JCsamh
iiSK will coosl.t al the following gentle
luen, li w ! •
l^cutly—A—J tii* haids, J.
I* Jam,* ,
Carreli Mwnlt—Re* A. He*e, Dr. V
Mo*** j
I Inn id rwti) J it. Mnrrlll, If* J. R
llanirl .
(.'ampiiell county T I). Long)##, T.W
Intk#m ;
CuwtU touniy -Dr. F. M ibaolly, Hr*.
r N. l(bud< * ,
Truup oeiuiiy J. T J-dmsoa, Dr J. H.
If iOKh ;
sfuit Auther exiiloty Unt. TANARUS, btaeley,
J P Otopt* n .
Taijioi, pounty ~JJf, T. ,
Mnscogoc oonniy —O. R. Olaa*, Df. R
*• *•—'Cl ’
Cliaitahsatos* tonirty -J* r * Yancy.
J M. HiWp | ? ’
j Mai ton county—lf. B. ilintog, Df, W
P. Hart;
II am* oaanfy—ftt. (X CbHWfai Or C
tl’dWet ~ lfi_
Tv Inbnwai A BMl| *T
pointed rh.drama #f tba Board f Irani
*rr* ante attpAasnw wilt t<Umiia Aim at
1,.0ia up fbr any aaddS darfmi iaforma
li“!i Ami ferity offha Rfamfaara yme.
detntgMl, ffafflfafa A BMPfjl.
.. .. A" ... ... .
*nf fP fl Tw IH ml 888
oa* pbj *ldan.
Chrmifllt#. Oa . Match MthfiAiT- V
11. K. HARRItf.
P.A Papcm tkr ogbofa tbC Dblrkt
wlii pirate cupjr the abave.
Rr n '
A gate) P*ka baa barn ktod ma .bavtag
beua pnr}wtrat*d by a former new Bimira.
Ha had hero bothered greatly
by the hunters treat the eftfoe who
And entered bfo weode with a pertao# than
tk>n tad tlangbtemd the r*fo fa great
msmbem. > One day be pmgenfii tw* ar
three *q ilifela. toto tbemfa a tdMHbkt
aod bad them ifwtoJe Ha Into toem to bfo
WOrith sthl nailed them taut fa fan Wmba af
aa many tram ia such a way torn they
tnoch powder and tS torn bean
wavt*<V n tbe fqnsitefo W b Imyamlkfo to
many a hearty brngh at tbe beaf ra
TAam ara aeeerai tbted aaaetaa ot Oen
Uecrsf* Waahiagtoa now Uriag upon the
charity of trianda ia QnrdoaafHto. Logan
smamto, Ky. They are Wm. A. Waabiag
ten, aged seraatjr-efgbt, and aaaaa young
er triafom, the yauagaat to whom ia aixty.
Their grandfather and Pen. Waaklngtuo
ware bratber’a children. Wm, A. Waah
iagtost removed with bis father to Ken
tacky ia 1811, cod fetlcved tba occrpe
ttab to teeobiag mbaal for forty yaarr. Ha
at length becami ee deaf as to be unfitted
for teaching, and bis age and incapacity
to# work fowsd him poor. Ba and his sis
tam now Mr* uodar a charitable root fa
two rooms, and the ecighboia heap them
alive. }
A minuter w*a telling n young girl that
era* about to become a bride, that aha
muet lemtmber that a maa ail wile
are one. Lord f aahl aha, if yea were ma
jor my father end mother 1 * wtadew when
they are qearteOeg yaaM Mink thane wee
,al lea* Ia dose*.
■i ■■■■■' m i—i - -
A pretty Wieconein *cbeoi-aeonri In ea.
courage promptness, promised I* kta the
fi *t scholar at school, and ife* big boyn
1 took to rooetiag on the fence all eight
Ocatttl Watt.
A prodigfatM am cent U lCtie##*, fetes
pride and grand are roooea’ad nodes tM
phrase Many thousand heads ara teeday
(die, trait big Air aaamtMag t#Aa.—Aod m
spite of commercial d>f*rMan the country
has w >rk waiting, for a
m.iHoo hands - Tka
fur kelp ; ib trades ara dsfflaat la irwi
clam workmen ; oat kitchens am paaefy
supplied with denmstlc orrriai; and yet
the onirhet place# am fait af tbf aaampfuy.
ed Why ?
If a merchant ad*#rti#aa fl a bank
keeper, a baodrad cinmpaSMSf posies slap
forward at one#. If aa aat bar asaha las
an amsanarmfs, ba aMMI lbe# Metis
an many eager appOoNtta. Mary (Vos
ernmeat Asr who cant rot* tie appoiat
merit of darks, ba# more name aa bm list
than thert are a mnsth’s work.
'R demand is foe >aa>#fb|f that wffl
n*4 *i‘ ih# bands, that td **'• a tlewtl
h usd without iavoirfag ag'.w-.
Ocauiob*tl mark Ja asfy mgsadad as
sciwt rr*n#ctahf*. Me* da a*l #mA fba
work ; ibry lo"k for a datls', in sdld
they mar avoid work. TA#} do th#tr
be to meintatn flm appaavaacaof *w|oy
%g ehywnt teisaea. Mat If a# slasla'i tea
tr oi# cannot ba 6mad, I bay w dr ever *>
gir# their ratphtymawt# aa Mr A dtgwfey
ol rrpom, "t treed* ua from bam If fofs|wm>
In a word, tbay seek a Agbt bdso*.
T(iU Isle* taa4ard al mpnMUky k-
Al##f#d hr the word gsntiaMbfailai am
Tonne mm • aehosad of that
which sfinuid ba ibdkglory, Meant b*
Win dno# lbe least for (tea asset m mey
who MM wear host afntbol fist ** hb
sally svoralWm—wbooa bsadaaa foaoMas
the l#a*t dl*p'sy ot ttn eiMPi lArt j * is
•#< be that fa to 6a meef rmpatod. The
•elar f wilonot real iaba* fo a dfagfn##
fhsrtfat Ml#ease, bawcvcr. *a*fo r
a *bow af biif#e. la a mfoAwsiia. a ad. ft
rorp*s#tr bsdwicad la, a sham *#t to b#
poonixa,nxM Cl#a*>#a t* l*st ffl a4
>n*ac* In iafow. arc already eeaerel with
a slain that water will not wig* aaf. Tbe
r#fl##fwewf that drawn fato Mans maawe!
emp’ovment and prsArs saewfai dewdlinf
s a sham, ami Amlf n#f bare metal me
opfititna. Be ter b# a grbwy MAtVswsi'h do.
inr tbwrmgb work then • t*tfad ngfoer ee
jerlng a large Incem# a • • rrtgra for anm
fan! servbwa. Bet** rba a labtorl ffcaa a
twaf. Mm# *•%### ,
mwfortab'e linrMbood by ’he sweat af
one’s fora npoe a farm, ar la tbe ktsebea,
than d#nodi*g on (A* nacrrtsintfo* af
-Imhwrrk In an ovmr.'owdad efty. Better
be a simple mrpviet than g bto-apStUag
•etlbe or pberime.
We wkdi tbia #vß spirit ef ptofaf fato
earn might be eaemfoad, drimw wet of
common ooavermlfon, *vpetfatf fri-m pop.
alar fAaAgb* ami mmf dawn from its
ebafafaf tbiaiia# at imam fates b asNf>
Christian, and Aa ary fotoa old om Whet
Have wa to do wRb then, then Jwmt ol
Kaaamfb I Them 1# nto'a gsafaai filer Ife
Urn leads wha Sam not wfob to ba left
a Hem. They aagfa to ba rifa*i W
GBORUI 4-Mart wetherOeemtyt
Wilt he eoM In the town aMbmtiWt,
Qa. before the Qenrl Sana Amt ef mid
county on the f*b day at April, Jgn. whh
ta the Myel heart el edg the let lev tag ar-
UeUe, rh: One OuppH tun. and Capper
Still cep ead Still worm. Hggffcmt aa
ea the pewytrt y ef L. H. lilwk to aeWafv
enadry warranta of Dietraint Iwnal agnhmt
tad dletrict ef Georgia,
■ * •••
■ " ■■ -■——.jpm ■■ n.
VO .
I now oier the following reUahle fertile
aara, rta:
Bradley’. Ammonieted Dim .lee I Mania
Bradley*! Add fhoepbate, alt at oU pneee
Cotton option II am
Ooaaa Maaahwtarnd by Wallen WfcaMr
A Cos, WllmHgtan. Delewnm.
Befataaee ter BradleyS Pteeolred Moetee
Dr. J. AO. TerraH, Mr. AF. HUi, U i,
and R D. Reader.
one and arooeriee. C'beepeet htechyerg
°* d
PICTURES,." qj '
fci'i awwir ■*'
*<4tea l|ot ba Ah fitted up a PHOTO
vfSc in mamm Dr
BsylwlbablOlsh Whom Aoiapea
porad fTCTUBBA of a8 tba mot
pop Mar tyfoa aod sin, ot grtew to suit
be ifossa.
‘-'fpy oaatly eseratod, aod aalfols#
lifal fi
www wvi^^as.
After tbe flrst of April 1 wtti be at my
dteo from 10 o’clock A. M to I e’ekx-k
P. M. of each day {eaewpt Sunday*) out; ,
lertbar aoMee.
Artist j
r- j
We bate pmt recofsad a car load af tV
foidbrated MTt'tHCBA It MM WAOOMS
which as am avtUag at the Low Prim af
We ateo barn a large Slock af ftoa IW
gfoa on kaad.
II yoa waa* a Defter Baggy,
ffyoa waot Awihk S Sosa asms sainkra
fod Baggy.
If ye waot a Cnarsrd Saggy,
U yoo ml a WomleuS Bog*y
tt yoa tana* a S Horse Wage#
V yoa wasst a 1 Hum Wego*
If yoss went Suggj Uusm,
S yoa aa Wagon Sbiasos
it yoo waot Plow* otoil KJfod,
■ yoa ess * yosss Bbggy paired
II yoa waot yuor Carriage dsme up,
yoa warn a fVdAs of soy hied
Sara seel lie. On
ligurr, HAAMSts db uais.
) e. 1
am n mm nM m. tntm a* r
sji.j waff maonod Saab
h OUAftrs. -
On mam IbeamMe m
■e 11 —ass no *
erSkLoaia SrieSf Pare White Laai
or mad yom o#r ta
Mo 11 K.wtb ftpar SL Arinas#, Oo
inch J . __ ___
Merwetber Cos. P >* IMSs lT
Mr*. Mary C OhShsa, aa tb# wits #f
ban a OoUloa, agplm far awpfas af
M riMAfart'~lToaod I wfS p*#
agoo Mm masa at LA mfaob, o. ao Ow ase*
ood day ol April, lAH, at my oMoe.
Pl# 0. M. C
said ccanty o tfosAm fa AgsS
on tba llank aod Wast by foods af B. H
Bmfß, aa Am Soafa Ay Modi af Jaa. C.
Aadrww*, aal oa tb# Sam Ay Made af J.
RMcOraw. XmaAfa aa mSm property of
Jaaam Sosrtfoa, aaoMAdy two A km bum
IfaUAblSgilfaSiWism fa Soar
ol Bufaa BL OAaSar m O. W. Im aod
Jaasm Sosrdao, aod fan atber to farnr of
Alton mm* Smamfajmaa ■ ba aaH
t beWarnbaifarfauMod Moll fa tba
Taath dJaUW of. ffisriawtoar oaawty,
kaomomtoapfaM aforsm Jamaa ftp
Mmfomtoar Beperksr Oarnrt fa term g
aMlAad- thfolbnJsto lSn.
i sto : " p.tmrOßßircß.
♦ W
ft T.Qimtm, P.IL Santo. t v MKut.
Manalactu*cia *( deafotr jt> all grodcs, PAiiLO.H, OFFICE, CIiAiIDTR aesF
41 A 44. VYbiUbali Sueet. Mlaatk, GuoitH
$4 Worth oow h. Stock. 5C* complete *r la * *re
Cteailief suits tor $25.00 Dhosiog case mils for f 100 00, /nfosdt
Pari*# euiU Only #*o.oo t nurb e tiumaM only # i 4 00
Waiuut Burstas #lO Oj Oam BeialtuJ #2 50
Ou# fieri Bedoteod txfoe; high #&. ♦ Marble Tahir ISidt #0 50'
“erbk Tabic 30x36 #l* 00
Ail ether* good# ia p*wperuoa.
]S"ow is tho Time to Oixy>
- Kenember the Plaoe.
CAATLfiBIRV AOU 42 A 44 WbitehnC**.
Atkmia, Oa.
8 T E I.N W A TT
StHsvsy PtASM Still TrisfajfkdsU 1
rr lino era aauta avurgatf w tubs reiDUite f i.**•.*•
Ct.* kssrin# A Ssmf, :
W 1! Kaebe A Ox, * JJS „,
MetomUrm. 21*”
Wilimm I*
.e.*xv t .
Xhe sfots Agwmt am faw *ws a# aaaaai Airrs*l It eve sue Ta* ffeturwar
w m • r*
<- CjkJ'-.JI
RDBEMITEIK flhnog ell o icwg end diffi< uithKirw <*
ali .vrf ln#t, oil in a *-ry Rirlerwr- r
iraaw, 1 OM-d ynw fbacw. and bava bn
abla l. .in* j<.r flamw r*<-!.uiively ia ev
Two Handrrd and Ktn4MH ftwnrtt, aat
. abut m with it-a m< •> raiaret *<
Martin aad rlart. !lf* Torb. May 14‘b
-1073 fTba a*v* B tba <<l UattUMmlat
rr elvtn try Rafreuaietn to any Plan*
■rarinlaflnrt-r t
l*ray ini; Mr Wehiway that Ma vpteirli<f
LISZT. upright Piano M n In briUlant a<lvar.U|
l ti, mallvat pertevioanrea at tba W art'
borg * ka.* lat Tneaduy It aard uad'r
my Dngira aa “VWee OrThwlra," aiming
r*ni admtfatWvn. fßatrart from Dr.
Krii-a Diaai u, IU .aMitalnl ant.
Mr'a-rfl. aiiiti, MHar. 4nd W*4wa.
day-t k 7, |K73. U n.i* in [.iManaiue nf
JMttar*. M.iaaay A th na,
MARIE KBEBB After tinaougbiy 1. aing llano#,
both .n {.r.vaia and In truldk, 1 can onu
" w ir< aay 1 iat ll,a Mrinway l*ie<.e
r. .;(.W>r |<i all Aotennan and Koroj.#.
<• .iun>m,t VornaH ta pie. iNaw fak T
If ay 17th, >o7* ,
P£ JJETEH “Oaring *y artieih: carv*r of iwra than
* Wry yam*. I had nor*,n ta n#e tbe Pt
na <l ail tba nrtd ranowaao awk*ra ru
pnbiic ami private, but 1 bare utrmt i*u4
! an iatrsmtn w.n b ea<|nm with yaor
ptawoa. <N 1 , Msrrb ttat, 1999.}
lATT T “Tear eeme t}rserve* Uj h* fatwrilbed la
go!dan tlVar fa lha hwtory M i’iaa -amh
tag in Arrvrrica.m ibeimpcvclarDt <d _<!•
yon have ao fargaly umtrihatnd. Your
>lar.<a may la- [a- -rta I mad u 'xc>Bnpa>
hie ! Wnal oohla, dWitagaiabad taaaf W eat
ii? poetical alaguag qoalHj I tPerie, April 17th
“Ounag my Mag <w*r ae Artiat ami
awry i'nmpoaar, I bare met with many ina few
r -ty* and AeeafVum Piam; for tea, hot
eeoa that c'-mhioa gramianr aad poetry oi
!<*€, elarticly of tomb—in abort, every
king that reader* e Piano jerlect, to pcb
e high degree aa y< or rehhraied P ane
fanee." (flee York, July 5, ISVIy
< L IY I. TyA I Kf niTl * CKPDKNTIAI,-i, a* there are
dMer-nt celebrated ArU*U. given by tfc-.n -
Aleo taeiimooiele
ibe UeamtrygXa#*t Mmaae. n~ia
A. MB An. tba PHaaaa of W. tea.
*o# aI”***” ** Ft —*• —l ot o+w* tea aa—maa ta aae,
ft "*°* U^* B Pd wherever their Pianoe bva
“’keliT^b*^—Bron. And other Plaooe.
mbet. “* ■mmal wr we can eoppiy at loneet rate* an] M aheit
agmie waoted ia Geo, Ah, florida. H. bed 8. Geroiiaa. aad leal Tom, hy
TLBKKII A BJtAL'MCLLBR, WhaieaMe Soothera Agent
-30 Whiteijtll Pt. AUia'4lisM|U.
Wm.T. RSVILL, Special Agent Greenvillg
QKOBOLk, Meriwether County.
totae of aa Order from the Han.
Oowrt of ffailimij fa and for fad manlj
wfil baatol fadma tba Oaart How door
fa fan lowa of OtKsrua between tba le.
Aprfl next, foe fanowiag hade beioogiag
to Wm. T,M W, Jaa. A. J. W, E. T.
K Brads way, faaraaid, ria: Wert half
to fat Mo. MJytog mto baiag fa fan Lather
▼Be, formerly 10th Atrict, containing
104 sere* men or bwd.
Tbit Hatch Mb, 1877.
WEST POINT, Ge Oct let, I®7l.
Srotxrj Herfkaatg,