The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, March 30, 1877, Image 3

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Othcm ‘v-nth 1* of the Cos art Bon*#
*•••* of Urcriloint!
S jfwk | 4 *k’ | 8 uto I a mo . V rru I
I inch |1 Ob 2SO 4 3b; 700 1 13 00 !
S ii-che* l s<l| 5 00 f. #> 1 it'.f'O! IS 00 ,
K tncUe* 200 i OOJ I0 O 0 15.00 ! 2S 00
ic • I5 OU 10 00120 00'3.S 00 ! sft 00
<o. ; . 7 00! 15 oO|2 V00[.00.00 00
i coi iIOOO .20 Of* lAS 00 6ft 0b 1 SIOO
tW~ A L'-cral deduction iii-uliMo those
iveiiiiintf by (he month or .car
Kfli ft iu!> Adlltr,
1 he t .Hoeing i*the Church I>irrtory o
Wt eunUc Jo* 1877:
* ' and 4th Sabbath* m cacti month.
P'stor Ikv. J t>. BRYAN
*d Sabbath in each month.
Pastor Rev. 1. n. CLINK
AM BaUbMl. in each month.
Pa*t'f i . r .* Her Mr. Oilliard
tor the enunty of Meriwether, wilt bepdb
ahedro the ManrwxTiTica OoosTt Vivm
cat** A. J. HINTON,
7 OidUutf
a 8. FLORENCE, Bhenff.
Vf H. KgLLJiH.
in. 4!l 1 *.'it, Clrrk'foip’r Pouft
at i ©as’Webjf prior* by _ ,
At Col l, s t'ottou and Guano Warehouse
... iS7 6, (Jrimn.Ua.
l *m t<.w t tiiiiij} Up my Sp:!ii|* Umkl.
Ac thelf ttL.-ra on hand AU
Cbo-t* llUe- Ct HtfoOnj RUtJ Urowij
ittittjr. N *1 , tiour tf living. Kvury
Jatic f |/n <)* ’ In* I through -
tut tUroM’M <>f>. Wifll f/l l ftk* tor {>**l J)U
tina;'T In! pH fot tiiMtc'lo fetuiiy my
to Dttir, ii*l< |<M !-y hfMiugj
lottom tftjrofts.
n >'■ '4t
A t.‘< - iv I< t>iiar aixl Can i * tor ante cheap
toi i *>l. liy tliC editor ol the Vinoka
IF" you want Fidy i l 'iu)i‘l* of MKA Lto
lij" ltoii*l MM yoir C MtN to U. J
KiH.VkJt'Ttatr jw -
DU KSVILLfc. KKillAV.M<ircli *0 1*77
-*- * "
U iv, Cotgurrr tm commissioned (Jot'
John f,. Mntin Notary Public of the
Warm B|*t iug district.
m. m
TTsve yi |pri:i| U*xh IwHtr? Then
advertise them to tlie Vttnwcatttt.
Y' lends inform us i taut the peer It crop
is not, at yet. seriously injured.
Yrr.r. Balk -J United fckstu* Deputy Col
lector, <i W. Were, this week.
Head toe dissolution notice ul 0. J.
Anthony A Cos., BruggitU.
W ue *l sod o*t crops are not prom n
Itebianon & Hro hare a bran new col
umn tb% ee-k' 'IV*-tf new V;*f tog Goads
•re Just splendid, *o the ia-liea ssy.
James .) Hudson, IcMp, for over twenty
years a cilizeu X Meriwether, died uear
the Troap Factory lav week. Mr. Hud
eon had recently moved to Troup to en
gage in teaching.
There ii a vacancy in the naval acade
my s A*tn(>tia tv which aa appointee
froto Lhia congressional district is entitled.
Pur psrtieulies ass card ef Qua. O. U. Bar
via, out oiagreaamar.
A countryman eomptams of the condi
tion of TlijvUM Street u> Iron t of the res
idence ot Rev. T. V. Harris aod uki that
we call the attention oi the towa sutborj
lie* to the place. Let it he wade good.
+t m ■
It we can t haVa a railroad just now we
are determined to hare a Huh Band
W ill omr friend* from the country assist as
is the undertaking i A d*!'a\ or ball dol
lar, from each one woel<l aid materially
acd, do doubt, woold be grstetally neceiv
ed- ,
Abe Trammeii. tbe ueero mentioned lut
week as charged with breaking into the
house of Mr. j-Ltes, wis adjudged guilty
and eecieneed u> pay a fiae of fifty dollars
or in default thereof to serve in the chsin
gang for sir mouth*. The negro was de
fended by D K. £eith, £q. Tbia was
our frieod’ajn&iden speech and he is said
*u bsreweqaitad Uusssff vary ctrlilyUr.
Ttrh Gcaho used hy oar fin Acts this
vesr wifi largely exceed the quantity
bofight iaat year. OitiasueTtekUng ia the
loser cnrtkm of Ihe county have hauled
an uunsusHg largv amount Irom Geneva’ -
as many at twefty Meriwether wagons be
ing ln-queatly seen leaving that town at
the same hate, ail loaded with the precious
tort filin’. Price* o! Guaue* are higher
than last year.
AsxTskr Mi-ntt —The Governor ia
said to liave comuiiaaioned the wrong man
as Tax Receiver of Talbot county ; John
P.iiktr was elected to that office by two
hundred majority but his oppoaen' receiv
ed the commission. It many more such
mistakes occur the public will conclude
t hc-* is a sort ol llayea returning hoard in
A Pe T.-Lust t ussTlay night we were
routed (rom our tlumbeis about the witch
inghour of tnidutghqto find that e villainnus
old black ctGv with crooked and, perbapa,
Oiu oplcd hom.had opened our froet t*U,
and, after bww.-ing ujhmi tM* ahrabbetv,
texrtng down the vinca, trampling under
d'*ot the rare add preity Mower*' that Mrs
Revßl had btM recently refielfe*l tmffi Hew
Tort ani’which she ha* BBOJalre protect
ed from the teti heavy fruets and chiftng
HlUL*t tldtl Jhaouvd st-. - - Q t .. a *, a
iat> the heck yard, had eaten the *lopa
atgued for our llirce milch cowa and, open
‘B3 a third gate, SU ftCt iaily trying 10
couaume the last turnip and cabbige bead
the garden contaiued. Before we c uid
brirg our fusee to bear'op.m the bovine
marauder a ffcedman discovered her and
ran her of! the lot. We havr wit had the
p’ettsufe At a previeu* visit tram the free
and ea*y old quadruped hut shall mount
gtiafd lieiealter ami be prepared to give her
a warm reetption,lor irtihssgiven * hint we
t;af alio will unlock our loora and eat up
some of onr cbdArvyv. < Wo shall protetl
iKir Hu e iniiK-eiit
Kcrotmne Oil 35 ciu
per gallon.
k Ocniiine 1). mid 11. H.iovll Hoe*.
Not Hhct*>
No J dV'ts.
Helore another Issue of the ViNUtra tm
our Spring Block, bought ia New York,
PhiUutntj bia and Boston, Will t> ready lor
luspectlou. . n
It. N. KjJUB.
Kcrofcenr <)i! 40 us gitl
HOIHN ON A 11110*8
A leller In his friends in Oreeuvldr ill
f Mils Sin in itint Mr Oe> rge Banning who
til UrfCUilh lor the W*t last Ki-lniinrv
is lam. eg ia J ftursoti cuanly. Arkaiisef.
i/iitHl (Util l>uot/iB .vnci oiogrjns gt.yi)
hobin; on a*BftOl!
The State Agricu’tural oaveution will
ti > h<M In lrcwi an next August. Meri
wether ►hor.ld i;,:an /, elalis now sea.* tw
in, well repn si tiled in the convention. I(
I line ni'Vi'i met a,i near ns ImlorV
Nor ai.i. l.awricH*. -A oorrespondent
nnys hr Inna tile tendency of the pros* Is
to send too many lawyers in the conven
iiffi ie the almost eu-ire ss.<daiou of far
incut While In -does not deny that l*w
jis from tf.eir hs’iila of thought ami *v
i vny day business are well qualified to
draft a constitution, siill he thinks there
r* some' might ew aiie their
notice aud asks t first Intelligent m<-n of
other callings he aent *o a* to preserve the
proper balance. The suggestion Is timely
snd worthy of consideration. Kve y in
terest rtiGiidd he utthfuffy represented.
Guo It IkrTt Let no boy or yming man
rest under the false I lea that It Is Unmanly
to nlrev ids mother Implicitly. Young
America two fteqn'-ntly esteems It a mark
•rra maa te speak anecrlhgly of the wishes
and advice of the “old lady.” The boy
who has 4he genuine principles of a true
man r laoted In Ids little hretot never does
tbie. Tires* reflections were euggested by
the replies of a lady iriend Ur Inquiries of
the writer concerning dam boys whom be
bad nut seen in several years- Willie, the
e-ter, site represented as seremece a large
strong boy obedient and respectlnl to Ws
mother, her slightest wish being law Cos
bins ; the other, Tow, cousin to Willie,
was fourteen, se’f willed who thought hr
knew more than his mother and the bat.
sue* of ruamkind,regarding hi* ceutin Will
as ttad to his mother'* apron string. With
thi* account of the 'wo boy s sre were at do
loan to name the noble, manly, good boy.
CasmpATK* rax Covykmtu/M. —As sug
gested by ns a few weeks ago, it appear*
meet rijiedreot to Call a osnvection tor
this senatorial district to be held in Vase
nan about the last ot April to select sis
can ltdsta* for tbe constitutional conven
tion. Such a eoaventfon, we sappose, wMi
constat af delegates Itom each county in
the districts aay one from each miiiba dis
trict of tbe f or sounHes of Mcrl wstoer
Coweta. OarapVril and Doogfaa. Aa the
time ef bedding the cooveutioa we aeggest
Friday the 17th of April, though is da tbs
proviace of tbs disUict executive commit
tee to appoint tbe time and plane. Lad
them go to werk at once and arrange this
matter, and then let tbeeoontry eceewtive
com mi trees take step* to bare delegates
appointed in apehcaunty. li wa ara to
have a convention it fk lime we Wre tab*
ing steps in that direction. Gentlemen
of tbe district execative comsaitUe, let os
bear from you.
Tfflt Onset Alter reediwg the
abort article hi iaat week's paper In regard
to thewvHe et atrestg driak a firlaad Aid ;
“Too ark mistakes, It ia wot > disgrace iu
our country for fbeag matf p* tipy,"
“WMy," aaW he,” in my iseßkftfirkodS. foa.v
winter, little partiee were quite eeetmee,
and altheugh the M people iavdhehly
stipulated, batore agreeing that parties
should aSaeaabk t their houaae, that o
ardent spuita skonhl ka IMVgkt, cr any lu
toiksaled person he eßosdM to at*eod* pet,
n nearly aVary oana, WbhYV was brought
and ielt In buggies, and the young qieu
would make short and freqieul visits to
the hid -out bottles, The majority ot tbaaa
<omg toe often for gen teal’ deporlVsent or
•llatsnct utteraefee. la my neighborhood,
t bitty years ago n me but confirmed drank
,*rda were to be Men Hloi#atW), eeft they
eely at stated intcrtkls, perbapa en public
days, hut ooW, old drink to ex
ocat so Irequsetly that nc eetkto ia taken
ol it." Our trii nd la no advocate for legis
lation to rdtrain people from getting
drunk, hut he regard* the futility with
w blob hoy* procure whisky and tbf large
number that drink often and deeply of the
intoxicailog draught aa the alarm! vg evft
ot the day. Lei parauu and the blanks |(
young meu think <| the nastian .’ 4 . ~
w. ..1m.U.4 W.i'.Sy, Slfrj tak
eu to lay olf anew militia district IM tlte
first and portions of the adjourning file
I I ■■——ll I
O NOTlt.
(' ot ti, t. Aauouiy A t.’o, u
diWtkaJ by mutual content. Ail those
itidsbled to said fir pi wU) pleas# come for
ward and settle at one*. business
will tie carried on by l)r. J. E. G. Terrell
A t'a, with W A. Terrell aa clerk,— Drugs
and Mediciuee sold only lor cash.—Mch 2ft
•877. ■ 11
Asa Act
To amend an Act entitled an Ant to sup
press amt prohibit the as n -if spfrituoua li
quors will,in two mlfea ot the towu ol
Jurksonvilla, Telfair county, U.-orgls, and
within two uiiUw of Tiioity and Vlaicber
Chaprts, Iwlng cburchss in the fird dlairlci
ol Meriwether comity,and te'apply the pro
vWerta ol Hie nuns to the Town ot Wood- 1
bury, in the county of Meftwrth. r.
BccUou lt. Bo It anaoied by the Gem
oral Assembly of the thaw of Georgia,Thai
acetton third ot the abovt recited Ac* 1 be
so sum ided as to rra-l as follows ; "Be It
fur ther enacted, the* It ahall hot be la-wful
lor any lerfon or perseiM to sell of dispose
ol In aoy maaoer , any sptrlmbrl* liquors,'
sicoliolio bitters or ruedfoated liquors of
any Irfod or name
tity lose than ffrs gallons, within two wilts
of Tridify and Pletcbsr chapels, befog
churches In the third district ol Meriweth
er county. A)y person yfolflliiigAhe pr >-
visfoaa of this sauUon of this AM shall be
guilty of a luiadcfncaoiir and be punish'S a
preictibed In section 4UTO of the fkxte.
hectloe 1 He Itforther ensoted.tbat the
pr'-vtslons off ble Act sod the Act of which
ii it • “'•••lafory, Ire, end the same are
hereby wade .. % f.tly to the town of
Woodbury ia the Co-,* ol Meriwether,
witti alt the rights, privilege an ,j psua lles
in Std Acts mentioned.
HacUon 8 Be It further enacted by .| l# .
autliority alorcasid.Th it all law* and parts
ul Uw in coiiflii t with (his Act be, and
Urt time aio bsruby repea vd.
hpoak’sf House Kepicacutahvet.
E l f . Hi’Xkb,
Uleik House K<*t>fesenUl!vee,
President 01 Senate.
W.A. Uaaau. .
Hccrstary of Senate.
Approved, Fetsraery kftih, ttfff .
j Olflfie if the Secretary ot state.
f Atlanta, Georgia, March I9lh, 1977.
1 hereby certify tht Ue above and fota*
going contains a oorroet copy at the origi
nal Act ob file in tala ofltoe.
Given under my band andjefßcfol aaaL
Utile Thing*.'k ifoAFiir* hr. yrifl gif hniag are ffftrtftral
Aw* orw* Wew wy - SOW ISS"
ly the most happy and ccy ; tittle villages
are nearer to being atoms of a shattered
paaadiaa than any thing we kaew at j wed
Htllc forte oes bring the smt eon that, end
little hspes the leant dtosppoiatmenL
Jiltfo wavde ere the sweshest to (war,
little charitica Ey forthar and atay toogsat
as u<e wing j Uttfo lakre erelhe Millast,
little heart# foe faifost, red little forma Ike
beet tilled.—Little books aas mast read,
arxhiktle seaga the ares* toned. And when
•atom weald make scything sHfwalaUy
tars and bsaathai, aha makes ft MUa—
pearl*, iitlie diasaouds, lUtfo item drtps-
Keerybody caUs that little whfoh they love
hestow earth. Wa cwee heard a good hfod
M a maw apt ah at hie little wile, awd we
Backed that ska moat he w perfect Uttie
byoe of twite. We saw her awd she
weighed SlO, wa ware ewprisotf-Bot than
it wasao joke; the man meant it. Hs
could put his wife to bw heart awd have
r ets for other thing* besides; sad what
was she bat precious, and What wwfo
bat little 1
Multan* to Parrs meal to tonic—is the
greet beaaty oi all we love best, kept for
most, and remember the longest.—& t,
Tay \m,
Girls, don’t ha afraid to work. Bh
glaaaad in the harvest Said and got jaw
as gaud a Moan any girl lathe fffrblm
0 Sr ING
> ■, & > 4 - ■ . . • *
. TV j
• • V
—s *• 1
'**>' * ’ Af
•111 l .I >. > ;
f -7. M * tv- .
ROBimna ntt’Sr
j 1 H-'i . j £T~’x.~\f. *
• qi •/ ,
■(■*_ *• 7,r? ——
dW ooodb.
BEST mi** at e.
Whitd Ooodi,
Natoannk, i*cnat, Victoria and Blsbop
U# UffoAvd Muslin. Swlsl Muslin, Tar
letna, Willtt Uartst LaVk, Dish Linens,
etA ■ , j
A nsutfirG, lot nf'jieoeet Trimmings,
ICdglngs, luterttog, Rufllings. Frll ings,
<A thr.tpti tot m*r brought to Oretnetilt
L. J j ®r<l
raslrmt'fs, Alpscae, Corded Piqnss
ifit late* s tyU, Flgnratl Lawns, Mtiiflna
(FawfolQ,dA. AE/resA sad sss st atorl
‘j “
I.S ’ k
.**s • - .
lloritry, liandk*r<:Ulets, Gloves, Ladles
OoUers end Oetfo, folk Tfos, pane, el eft
nffwgi Mills Dgr -a-1 -f 1.. R- -s. ■
/ WB# t on* rf Mura, rtfifif) f.
I'aieeoto, tn the lotoet stytss mad sAwtos
mtk pottKt KandUt, from M eto to ga Ott
A forge eed vso —. ~. * ... / .."f
fo(sw jVrr.ii —x 'ramaaewea, trc ***
1,1 n P rtn w Mfogigst i— aj —-x
prices to salt the 1
For Gents, ladles and Ohlldreo, 1 for
Hpriag and Eeftaev wear
at tMr mtfiaas.
Wetosy dtreg tfotoJEfiaufacturcra BwJ,
ptir sMSTvafod
For Mias as, Gaata' and * Mp,-
Fne Hwl Wool Bala, Straw Bate, Pana
WWM,tl**g frit* from tficU id $bM:
Wa |bfitojn Stock
—— *t-
*od prop <m to
W* ba? to Vo# Tkrf ottMT cMm,
• cm k# Um Bmt Bmwfttm, t aotbW ill
to *tT OUR Comm BABO Aim, tmd
to ro4oo prfftao Aoll bo tbo LAST to
aofttjnox * BSO.
'•®FUO twfoiAwg woo pm XHGA JASJSf
M ! 3r j
*3 • I-!
4 * * | ~ J _ -| ;
8i / Ji OTn N *t pw*!* 6 S€OOS 1 1 A
. o ■-.? -- : - I |' | - p
D! :1f■•:i:j. :■.I. : j I . ■ i ■■ ”
K ' ■ j || j .
s l t r i a *j>t a
Dont fad to be on hand the eight at
May the Bth next, at the GreenvEfo fV
male Academy. Awryfowy It npeeved,
sod every preparation, srltt he made for
tlielr entertainmsir A fir* elan String
Hand will he la anendanc-’. alia Plana *
Vocal Muic. KnckamiimM IVUMa
Scvnca, Ac., Ac., Spiced with
e V
[and “P-’llleklng Rip-Roarers." Omm
•Laugh uud grow phot at pAwaay (hinga
and yonlf sever regret yrmr M cent*, aor
the 25S cenla Invested for the Uttie lajs
INm't forget the time, plaiee pnd gj4
spoken el, and that your pteeenee
and mvntg w ill'materially aid Ora
. bbab’a band.
m*r3B 7w
tfoid in td days. It
.fbmpreee mark <T7O only f*SOJ, treat
ing Of tkeroWre history, grand hm'dinge,
iwendvifnl wxhlMta. curioritisa, gtoev dayq
etc.; illiuiratod, ami ffi cheaper than any
oUrer; every tmdy weals . One saw agsnt
etomw/ fiftO lu 4 wsrit-. l.ofiO u/raft man
(Vd. Sen it qxirkly tor proot f opto
lowa of officials, clergy and press, *nmpfo
page*, foil (leircriptl'in, and extra farms.
HUBBA'RD BROS., rubs., 7il.V'Saiom
Ht.( IMrilarlslphla.
C AUTI()N^ ; JS J^sslutul
Send f*H proof,
tj(] n s:”"V"r'w "t
H IIALLKT A CO., PtjUsnd, Halos.
c * owes gwwaa'oa.
555 8 *77*JJroS
fit Fit UK. I*. 0. VICKERY, AugauU
1C) Dollars a day at heme. A veal*
I AJWMutpd' Ouiflt and terms tree.
THl)B A Augusta, Minna.
OK K ’“ rl * WiM Mixed Cards. wRh
t-ir) name, 10 cU., poxt-psld. L. JONES
A CO., Nstasu, N. T.
V. V. BKKItH, M- U(formerly of Bnston)'
tiaa s harmless curs tor INTEMPER
ANCE, which ctn be given wlikent Aha
tr.ToWjcdg# t f Uio patient. Also out fog
the ...
ofiUM vis BIT,
Permsiient cures guaranteed to hath.
Bend stamp lor evidence. Ask druggies
for ft. Address
BESHHA CO, Blrwhghsfo. tfonß.
W A N- t e g.
Men to travri srd sstsbiltt aghhnfos id
every town for our new fire
pruot Gists dilfiiesys and lamp. Bustnest
permanent, bells assy no peddling.
■ -■ . ~’ * • H-> rs^
£rDolieis to QQlfoMaxa per My st
$0 h A fifineoo Ac5T Portfomf*MrHsa.
ARE Tcaaoota TO PAINT f
* , rtf .... , il*. y
AVERILL paint’
Tlee Moat Etagilfgf ggg
ble Exterior Point Known.
White, end all the Fashionable Shades'
Sold by the Gel 100, reedy
TV Usa
The finest residences In the ooaniry we ft
is hendsome.
Geu. D. 11. STROTHERS; It is scoaomt
*. f. W; Mr <-o^
look Iwsutiful.
Huhdfods of testimonials from -rntm ai
w ie J s^ M A ,e * i<J#UC^l,l “** °* ,att y> NVkk
Seffijfle Card* of Colors Jurukksd irse hr
dealers, tnd ly Lbs
Na. 92 Burling BUp. New Yusk. **
r*LL*cn>iTt or ooYMferg' aakoyy -
GuajQ6 N’oiioe^
WATStrtT tod Clark's GUANOS.
tar Compostifig
SJfg .Wd im
* m i, i
— s Bm ****,<fnu+ Cfo
vetmfit t ■ ■