Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether Comity Vindicator
- _JC_ - *• - • y - - ■-- ■ " *— -*■ 11111 l ■ 111 IIT nr : " ~ II II _
VOL. 5.
a f t*.o i*t:a assi m. in advance
iit M U Cdh
{-•<** mi
Nr-ae* 11 uk | 4 wfci* lm u*o i A UP' i 1 ve*r
1 inch il ! <f * ’ 4*o 7 no’ T? 0"
i iAn {* At• .to I>| is <*
K * lichee % on | S 00 (• f 0.00 1 13 0® 23 O'!
i C.. 1) 3 rttl ! 10 00* •JO.OO-* 25 001 X% (Wl
l col ;7>' 15 00-1 23 on S3 00, 00 1 I
S col 110-00 12000 I :v> DO 1 00 00 1 SH>O
IIP* A Hiu>l fcducj*vin mart* If
tuveiti-'i'ni I>V Ihe mnlilli >r * ear
coirsry orfios^H.
ountNV'lS A. J. Hai'on
SHKHJFP..,, n*
< l.KHtf . O II Ketler
TAX B- * ('rm-nt
aUKVRYoH (r K. Mathews
t 2S2y^!raßPSst
C. J*. fUeve*. -1 K rT+ehsttaa,
Alisa tt. W*wt4.
hoard or ewicaTioi
aam * *s Km -
A. 11. Kresmsu ft. c.
tIiKAWII tL lUawaler
Julia U. Itups*. J **> W. Taylor
business cards
MB t rn .1 '■ r.i .. * '
TjfTt pl'MTlCfi in McnweOb-t jntd Hu' *l
Jk IToIiNK? XT I.At,
;\ OyßinviMAOi
~k .'il VSkWi a i?~*
Arruunt: v at iaw
liliKieVl.t.K, (J/r.
All busine** entta|d t.> hi* earn attend
•il in nromittlv sml faithfully
1) H KKiTH,
\ TTOrtNKY \T M V,
J\_ JOKttknvfM.R 0*
Will practice In Mor!wether anti tin
Counties eonitwi*liis the C’*>*** ciiCilll.
a G 1 l.uV !), I I* &
J I, < .RKKN V11.1.V, (i*
Terms U*v*t*. AH vnwk Warrant**!,
\ IfJJ.I, tIINTIM E the piarilre it.
VV tfilltctM til Omen title "<t the
m.ewilry Alti 11* iell •( tli** limy
HI ore ■ t I If Mfi.'eiu* |.r<*UM I'V alter tit I '<>
ni< r. it ANTHONY,
. v KK'■ H*' hi* I’■•<*• “•*> '''* •*’ l l“'
1 / * ui/a ** • ! in \ i * i.<i > KJiiil v
tarolV a <>■ J. Ah'l-■ny V I !>•'.
H'' i*
J,i . Il I IIAU-,
1 I <ll < till'd l'* |MI IIIHII'IIII J
I j fU, ~! ,nm <r- l.i, J.1..11 lorn
lu nii-( lo ll >■ orti/.eii* oHl.r* Johii imd
r*iinair; country. fW’me * I to N-o'lb
Sole of lif |il> i tf ►■jii'i'*-. __
OJ.D JKtVUXIiV m| KaN< Y sioid
•)( I <lunge, <ii' inr: i
I I Ad NOW, n l will keep KUty* mi
I L baud t lii* old staid 1 • •i>n: *t
the public *u i
wr.u MLWTev nr** on
C*m*i*tnt;, m purl of, Mil HILVr.H Watch**, Jff
Stem and Key-w uiucrivd •’* rt n*ke.
s>d#ndtd;Gold sod Ntivt-r Watch, ( hair
pi *2l s!z*, maker*, and prlc**
Oeid tVui and *1! kind* l bolder*; Gold
Mirer ISt *1 Hpectacla* Jr Ky*-(;l*or.
Silver Plate Ware
ol aUi kind* ana tyie*,
rmtkr t. Table lallerr. Altu/wr
by tberery renowned maker*,JOWfcPb
nd oronoi: wostlk
t xra U)I rej/airing *)i good* in my jint
Too many citizens ol Meriwetber ant ad
(otaing eoantie* bare letted iny work to
require a word rom me a* to tbe cksrac
ter ot it, I will, bowerer warrant all my
work, if properly eaed, aa I bare always
doae, and respectful!} ask a continuance <>!
tbe patronage I bare rcceired Ir-.u, n.y
f::erd* fas Meriaetber
A Xilt*l AHlMcrHn r.
* O.hiJ m*'t .iin, *ir; M.- E h'nr are
jr.'nt I >lk> 1- lay 7
l ntrp fcir yuar newt yfar't liaju r; I tht>arltl ;
l'J I'rtriC ami pay.
Am! J iao* Is spoilt’ to take It, and litis i*
be. in wtev h ’re ;
l fit'll down lattdiu' il mi him, ami tjien
■ enx-'i* iiiin to t*y it a year.
And liera A. a tea Ittyms t7.nt lia. lientHl lut
'n mil to ‘ n ;
>liwn!|*ht they’d k*k U*> 1 il.t the |Ui|Mir, j
and ao I j ia> ] lie I 'em and •n.
And kntXl a OnAicl < f rnsM'l* m * Ih
pickol c*(*rewity lor you ;
A -malt ftneeh oi 0 fi lr*>i 4<*.ni.‘, slit
llimit*lit wlte must tbl tnnnetiitHi*. I>w,
A’twt’re old ’ llm |i dilic* hnlly, as alt our
tainitv apree ;
Jti>l keep jk ur oU*. cm*** tynill a bSt|*p>li',
anAstye fhetta a gtmtl ■ lor me.
Alnl no- yon me i Anck Hill of hßstnar*.
*id I Uc laktn’ your time,
jfvetfldnea t§ I must tend l^
> — day, i r , I tieiieve I ni l climb."
'fW editor *ui in lit* it'Ciiiu, nud luospht.
douu iitr ha wih ibuot;',
-• Uui’.idd t? Ire uiultbicd.
"be’* a regnlor joiK Irurup."’
Aiiu'iit linn iih* urn tj'e |roie*ti**r
i>d tiuMdKl erer lie still ;
There anraome who apiireciate it* lath
urni noil)* who pefbiips ntver will, *
llm m fill! treat lime tint iCo:nit>p, telieu
(JrUiiel'k l(uiit|mt aiotll Mtniil,
And tlrt v wlm have ibharsd mil rtSle*l
fliurl come i.inii Un ijulvth'K •mimdi
And (hot who li.itc *'t{vya atyyi aillyta I.
U'ach and annoltie ili rate.
Shall (aaruh k the hout of fho column
e h ortr i,i ht* Ood-ji’.vcn'place ;
A* th*y iiiaM'il'ipli ihn pile* "P I%'
Crly, with proud vh lnr.ou* lieu I,
Tlie editor Will 111* a**l**lanl!i wilt not be
far imwi.the Itend !
The Old Hun Who HiullmC
tine time theivt i*a*n old mini livlap In
llutrof*; HWbneh an Ih'iil, Ida kt.*p wa* j
slow, and nu n jpiaed U|oiTTil , ‘ snowy ku It*
4 o*l a nuk-ttnl !■ un.t iei.i*pefit.| la elt
Ito i* u ;;o il o’.l man nfliu has not bmp
to live
The old man had loan well oil in Id*
day, but when be found himsell on the
*hndy *,de of lll**, wile dead Mid home
ken up, lie wild to Id- only *on :
Here William , tMo* all 1 have and lei
your home Im- my hoine Up ill l illiy
j Tli*' vor. took iln* paper vmi lm In' ili'l
ami Hi* (.iiliir misgiven a <<fy i flier,
■Mg ( link nl!*l ft <• II nil l*i|“ A‘l| mill
well Inf h } oar nf an, ail’l then I III' KlllV
n il,' lii'ViM In in k" II nil ihiil <lt.* I*l tf till
llic nice nli! until ii I In* (turner Tiny
I. 11- v\ mi' liliiW, ,|< j ijvc l him nl Ins mm
loiti, mi i iii'ii i'iM i! rln <*liiiti In 1 in
t ..1,1 11,ni lir li.i I i*'Urrgu 111 tli Nf- No
I In- 4 1 1 • 1 lilt ’ lIC. ll MltH l">rt' (l III' ttcill
nt inln llic world lo lisltlc iirntnat I• tut
j ll ii and ml,l, mt,l whin light min In
,ii.,i Hi n iluuwny mil w *jtl like a
, liit.|.
hr, i tmtk I l? * Inti ti*lll- , -llil*i*' Op il' l r*
. I , Is K ieirlf'. wli >. llsd I i;on l
rested by the mb* and In* v, inl up lie
a |it (tt il (In' oil nun mi llic In nl, and
by ii,J !))• Iln itli/iy wtt# 10li 1 .
(limn' i|ii nln Hi tl ll m wll Ii me, until
the tajiorii r, taking lti ni l mao's nrm.
Yum ton it 111 at cousin lo llic in hi tali*,
pi. I' ricil lii./,/trt| to 1 mill, mid i'll help
you 1) liim !
JtVll fti 'mine otic of llic il. I y paper*
11, niton ll mi t'no to l! c elite! Hint ml okl
ii n l ’,'Until tinmcij Ooo'llictrl limJ been
I iiitul tmti.icrlng ibc tircct nl ntelii. Mnl
[ vilicti iitkcti to Hitt tl'i'Wn iflO.lKKl xoitli
of I'niUai hmtcf It in l f ml o i him
The ' ''l m" reti'l It ner litre* Ihnct, al|i
iM ( ) |,i. I#)s at, he saw the point *tvl
hfai miW nerol bi* Inc* unj chtn:*>i
op tbrottftk hi* loti-. In aJmut an boar ln
uin William ni*bl W.u> lh Ktalion ami
caUci) out •
tc.iW dear falher. Wim Ikwbu f AJI and
ii* wire crying all r.iglit long, and my wife
i< now lying in a comaiw <-i*'e on your
account ?
Tlir old man went home with hi* sou,
winking at the Jamj>-j>osU and smiling
iie turned the ci*rnei. Hi lid all hi
com lot t track, and the ion bought him a
c'-tlv pips and a pair of box-toed bool*
that very day.
Well as time went on, the son ventured
to suggest that llic bond* had better be
turned oyer to him, and every time he said
frond* Hie old man W'Mld smile and turn
tire rulject to pnlcnt milk censor lb# se
cts*,ly nf counterfeiters tsking more pain*
witn their lead ntckle*. The rxher dsy
the lather went L) Ud to die, ami he soii -
ed oltener than before *s he lay waitiuc
tor tire suoimons. T:> son aVt his l.eai'
was breakiag.aarl then went lirroogu the
old mau'f ck'tim to Cod the bond*. He
didn’t Bad any. lie warthed the bsrn
and the garret sod oe’iaf, ard fiuaj!y,wheri
he taw that death, was very, near he
leaned over the bed and whispered :
Kfttncr, do yoa know me 1
Oh, je* —1 know you like a book, repli
ed the dying -mao.
And, father, lUro’t you sc* that this thing
;* si roost hiding roe ?
Ye*. Willi-m, I* * •
AnJ, father— thoaa—thote boiyds, yua
know, I soppote you want them used to
porci-oae you a uroa nucnt ?
Cornet, Wiltlain, whisix'fctl the lather,
winking ayh iallv wink. aad that same.
i(l Minile evvetn I Ida faC4 death Cauie t"
take him la a Uoltui ho iu.
Wlien evening fell an ! lb# son and the
W* wife wars wildly aeaich.nd s tho straw
lie*l to got their hmtH on those bonds a
reporter bid nnd -r lh gin lamp acuW*
the Hmet and with hi* thumb on hi* note
he *w< clly cal'.e.l out ;
B*hl again an I g* lha tin — rest tldsl
son AeirhirwfkrU f i ”‘
lNilg.l Prim tit's ■y.
.In Ige Cltunaw’s Iwy, Bid saya the PhH-
lrpl.l.t Rutletin, aerpure* his learning MS’ 1
‘log *cfi*ii hoeae At one place tit*
plaster between Ifetf
log* It bru'toa away, and tiitough tht*
a;>e<tureUidt-i leaver* and to e*c\pe foet fcirtfe
m*l during m,Uo d.hotur one day taat ttittl*
mer. ISHorutnatidy he tuck fast when Inrtf
way lie stfuld neither reurre
*r itir et- Wb*<n iho *tcntHm of J4r<Siate*.
die teiehur, was directed lo the walprft,
Mr S.mft* pmo<H**J'd t i the exterior ol the
edifice, and cmluueed thd opportunity a*-
( iid.'d Uy Williain’a posit irm to hammer
► i. l >l eelrniile. Then young Pill ruin wu*
pul e*i out nud plungist into vn gar Irac
lions. Near thonehool houwi thelv* I* n
mil A.icc at tHw in I nr a UJi h there i*
tltticegnte, inimeduu’ty Iwlow the gate
there G a huge, deep tank, wlilch curric*
lit* waiei Wan aiieel. Tt.r In
s> a ' * '
*idc of the tank was giecn nud slimy, amt
wheit the Water U dr*a u eaielully out ol
It, a greal many can be often rtmnd ly
ing In llie h.itlom. Tne l ink is flitoen lee'
uor|'. X lew dey* after Uto lligglns Hilt
Imprutd to paxs tho t.inlh aiuT tii lo*l* TS7
1I saw Mr Pdnes at the bonoiti jpkktiig
up heh putting tlwmi in a hag. WE*
Lam felt that liie lion u| vuogal>3C ha t
yrut K lib ttirped the hsu lte ol tlii: siulw
g'<S end In'oms than a minute that jolly
old pedagogue was ftouruk'ilug Iu elk feet
ol waturj trying lit vain in iJdamber up th
sides of tiie tank When lie saw you K
iM'nluil lie crle 1 lo him foi help. Bit
(Jill with Ih nglWi I'A.lip W, sglj ; No, sir :
goi lo a ulcr till you jrrotniw
in nr U< h:k tile eyutti. Then Hint** i"h
ufhnly swoii' tieit*r toatHhe another bloa
at him and Hilt let (he wuh-r from He
tank ami hi lp and Hlmrs out. Thttl night
when lidl got hone Blm;, was tlieru con
versing illl the Judge, ng l ftvg Ulhtntc*
later ll.r Judge w* iMidllttlf Wilt with #
Irlink ilrsp, tThlh JA’me* sat by and •mil
<d WUllatu Im* slncu f*|r*swd the rtpln
lull otdl lotuUtlty that tflmsa is tuoibi
ou sconmlfel.
A K*>y' fvmposlilen on Piirnit*
Ihtrt nt art bttru Pt be wiflcHt Iroultlfl t
lit* |r I lt>pi lug. They upM*t nil a feiloa 'a
plain. It wotthl be Jolly mil have any.
tVlien I tan v*r no liilh', I rt'tlleiiihor, I
triail to hand up llic klitfii by my whip
lub, anil mollitfi t mk Hie kUtfllAi'.i sc I my
car, ami went ami tltownttl 1' hersell tin
next ilay. **o *h ha I a!* Iba Hm ' eiell,
anil lalliei'i l woi*e than molhei. lie told
me to I'ikc care ol the |ieniilea an I the !•*!
IhT" vtruiiTil lube cafe of tlii'itlxlvee ; Mi I
s' il it< i bniiiti an An'i Hwfiirtßii
tluhf We hml a til Ik that lor efury pro
11ne wont we llv'il we ehoiil f pay a cent
mio llic IrcuMiry. We bail accent elite
cent* In llt e first ilty, hut when we divlil tl
ami I feicllcil thirty eeren ami a ball coin
home, lallier eaid it wa* a bad b taliiMl*,
wini'fie !me and broke tip the cftulr. II iw
i a fellow lo know wlnn lie Uilion< ri 4ll ?
If J ha! no fmi'fits to lion i'! me around
i' ( | le'iil Geo, Wiidlflipton a'l holler, for I’d
cut dowi every clurrv Ifee in Hie jptrdeo
and own It lyf. ll I an at) orphan I
know wljai I'd do to in inow„, Is*m NiulHi
and me would go itralgltt to a detoUlr
Hu'ith He a laland ami Mir tip the gasta and
monkey* and o’ber thditra, crack cocoa
nuta, fry toad-atoerl*, eat orange* a aft* 11,
the 1 wir'd make a h*p attd anil round Hi*
world. W j'ti’a the line of drying up I ■
one place f I told mother one day whan
alte Wautdn't give me len Cunt*, t'u.t I
rlinaut lo gu a whaling, and I hope 1 a
, whale would awnltow me, as one did Jo
nah, and then ah# would nevar aca mi
Hgaiaylor 1 caw’t awlm. h'lie aahl I wotihln'
Ire likely tn make much fa viiit, U>r I
would turn be whale'* atomscb atijlity
(ju ck alter I got Ihere. WaMi't aha Imlly?
il I were a parent 1 know what I’d do; I’d
keep Mill, am! mind my own Iriiainew, am:
let my children have rome fun. There'*
Torn C'utu live* with bi* aunt, and ha* a
buHy Hme. lie goaa wood-clmcking and
rating Sunday, has no be*t clothes a iJ nn
prckel-liandkerchief* lo bother hi'n.craW m
undar the canvas o! every circi* te t/wm*
money at the theatre, sleeps in the stable
wl *p he like*, and always has hi* frock' 1
lull of peanut* He says be wouldn't la
tethered with parvuta, ii ha could have
'e 11 lo' noHiiug, and he thinks if I had i'i
any it wooh! Ire nouey is tuy jackst-
Them’s my sentimen's.
T'Wi sre going to have your tnruMe is
we las vour ple isuse*. A man H D<"
wi rib a snap that has not hM Iriubiel
You cjtnnut autalne salt-hue** without a
rtMiggln. You canrart sestiain f-rfJc wilh
out a conflict - Yob cannot expect lo go
• hrough Hie wilhrrut 'rearing burden*, llul
you are goiog Ur have help BO ler ci'cums
tsneen tlra’ll redeem you tram these things
You are going to experience more victories
sod defeat*. Your suffering wUI lie only
her* and there, lilt* spots la a whole field
ol peace ud joy.
'*•' lEfel'i'P. *
' t*#is __ w
I gallant flffttt maile by the I> •me
■•+t.thf'#trea agulug the tt-'piibl caw High
• tilslory. and will h
.otllA ucctlpy imtuirtaiil p'tge*. Tu utini
tr urreri though an M .i, lu nin ilone
.wa JTy timcj Iw tt.a Bible. In view of It
iftifviusncr, t give lieluw ttulauces *he
il Is •tantlnucd. 11
mn&'n h day 0 at rndod his Works.
Ik the Kh m >uik N.iu .’* Ark loucne
day* ad ive was wst nut.
Axhthatn plea led 7 tints* with Sodom
3<wih stive.! 7 year* lor Rachsl.
Alii yet another 7 more.
, *ydtlns*l. 7 days for Jmepb
''JIlMt A’** put sued a 7 dgys* Journey hi
A]Wtiy ; ui laiythlb “off
year*, were l Ijlh t*harali’a dream* by 7
Ist and 7 loin iiemts an I 7 eats of lull and
7 ll**4e l corn,
do the tilt Jay <tf the 7tU month Ibe
children and lareul fsvtod 7 duysauJ remain
*hl 7 days ii letil.
Every 7 year* the I iml rested.
—Kvrry Trlt year the band.hen were set
—llv cry 7th yuu vh* law wit lead fo 4b*.
In the de***ticllrtii uf ,% Vlih 7 priest*
bore 7 frttni|H'ls 1 day* On the Till dny
'hey nir .illl dad llie wall* "f time*, and at
tho eittl of the round the >v ift fell,
H.domon was T year* In building the
trill pic, and Irastau 7 dvy* at !ls Oe.lica
In the hthternncla wsf* 7 lam pa
'fii** g ifddß e.indiettick* btd 7 liranclirs,
Nsonkn Wsslie l 7 time* in J •idan ".
job’s Ii tends rat witli htui 7 day* and 7
night*, slid off. red 7 bullocks mid 7 rum*
' as afobetneul,
Otli H.viof Siioke 7’ times I out the erotw,
on w hlch lie hung 7 hour* mid after his
i —ufrfetloujtppeuml 7* times.
In llie I, nd’s prayer me 7 j ctbblS con
tulnlug 7 times 7 words.
In the K relation* we read jit 7 churches.
7 candlcidlcks, 7 *lrs,7 lumij ri.*,7 plagues.
7 liiun.lers, 7 vial*, 7 nng. I, and ii 7-lieutl
mi number.
Do V*Wn Duty.
II irk' you enemies 1 Ho straight on, and
mind ilieut not. Il liny lln kup jour psili,
ividh armiud ttiem, an t do your duly re
gardless ol llietr iplte. A mnn aho ha* no
oiiemio* t > etdom good for ttnyllilng; lie is ol that !dn Ii f material wliicli Is so
en.-lly worked, Ill'll evoty.i'lu' lias n hand
in il. A sterling clmra. In—one who thinks
•or blnurlf. ami *fn *h wiiut lie tliluks—
j* always sure lo have enemies. Tliey trie
a- not-ossify to lilin ns fre| i ntr; tiny ktv p
hMil n’iVe ami c ive. A eeleln.ded eliata
tor, wlio' wa* surfotllide.l will) onemlts, us
al lo remsik : Tliey nt*h rpaiks wliioli, il
you dolidr blow them, wl l go out oi Ihehi
.elves. |,ii Milt lie yno Ireling while in
• Icavoriiig tu live down the tclindsl ol ll)o.e
who nre bitter ngniusi you. II y.<u atop to
dispute, yon A ’'ill t'w tliey deslie, nod op
*n the way n r more sbiise. Let the jaior
fettows talk; Store will be a rfaetlfm It you
per lor >u Jut your duty, an I liumlred* who
welcome alien tied from you will llick lo
you and cjinrtv'cdge (heir error.
Cherry Pectoral
irr titaaaae* of U>
k Throat and ferns*,
W suob *4 Ootuckf,
Odd*, Whoopi•>
M,/> Oouab, UfooehUii,
Hb Asthma, *nd Oorv-
Tha reputation It has attained, Id
conwrfmmce of the marvellous cure# it
has produced during the last half cen
tury, Is a sufficient assurance to th*
public that It will continue Ur realize
the happiest results that can lie dealred.
in almost every section of country
there are jraKOfts, publicly known, who
have been restored from alarming and
even desperate diseases of the lungs,
by Its use. Atl who have tried It ac
knowledge Its superiority ; and Where
Its virtue* M* known, no one hesitates
as Ur what medicine to employ to re
lieve the distress and suffering peculiar
U> pulmonary affection*. Ciiaanr Pao
tousl always afforda Instant relief, and
jrerfurm* rapid cure* of the milder va
rieties of bronchial diaordsr, as well aa
the more formidable dlaeaao# of the
Aa a safeguard to children, amwk
the distressing diseases which beset
tire Throat and Cheat of Childhood, it
I* invaluable; for, by Ha timely arm,
multitude* are readied and restored to
TWa medicine gains friends at
every trial, aa th* cures It Is constantly
producing are too remarkable to be
forgotten. Ho dually should be wlth
out It, and thona who have once used
It newer wilL
BMwat Physician* throughout the
country prescribe H, aisd Clergymen
often recommend It from their knowl
edge of its effects.
Dr. J. e. AYER 4 CO., Lowell, Haas.,
*ka*nm sa* analpttsal Cb—lass.
Darwin Or. Jotfe&y
81 RlfOAl) UTItEKT Alluita Ha
AVhile Wine Vinegar, Cl del Vinegar anc 1
' Idle Gi>;*r. Hrst tiaudard so.-wla low
*■•l pricea Warianted.
Tjl*r k Farley Orgaa
Oily Ofgaa that glw* Wrlltsn Guarranlr*
Largest uigtai FdOiorj In the
unices k JC'MOM
s6o 1 O *
Ut'lfnhlc Mgvni* wanted b* Gsorgis, A'a
hiifua, Kl', North tod Jtoulli ffsrirlina
Slid Kast Tcnurssrc, try
I ffltNKit vt limvCMHUtKlii
Whftlcsdtff Hmiffmrn Agents,
BO Wlillclmll Ht., A l l wilt is Groigi*
Wm T VI 1,1,, fbicdlrtl Agent,
film 2d fy Greenviiir, Gw,
C*{ if *'<• Hindu by every sgent
P /*/. f i vefy month in the Iriiaincaa
■ &> 1
we fiiriilsli, bill lli" wilting In work can
i saily earn a doxen dollar* n d*y in their
own loci'l'lr*. /Tnvc no room Ur esplnin*. llnsln*s plrwanl and hnnoraMe
Women, and liny* and girl* do as well ns
men. We will you a complete
Gullit Ire. The I>uvinss* pr.y* UUur limn
*iij ildiip else. We will bear expenaes ol
lai'l' g y<m, I'arflrulars free. Write and
*;r. Kftitmrsaud mechanic*, ikrir sons
■ml daughter*, and cluasc* In need sf pay
ing work nl home, should write In n* and
Icftfn *ll alartrt the ffmk at once. Now Is
'lw time. Ih,hl delay. Addrea Thua
A C. Ani-nst. M Inc.
hart one of our
ton.ovEi) pha-itk/m,
*fapVd to nil kir)d of good*, and 'p all
•be rtiiTWem ami l*liionble *ty!<- of I'ialt
!f. Simple ami easily managed, It I* Ju*t
lie article every Indy need*.
Hei.l by ruaiv pnafage paid, en receipt of
I" Ire, f'A Mend lor circular,
N. y. TIIKAf)f,B CO.,
fl 4 Street, New lt ,rk.
X J at>er
; Milieu
AtbZXT* (JeHoPU.
All Siren and Weichta
Addreia JAB. OItMOTD FiwprMar.
Hew le iM* law aa a SpeeiaMa f
paper. <4{
NO. t#.
. 0 t : -■ g-w
. i , i.
A Dtfß THtiEiD, toca
rrirtf *■ -f -
2u[wrlo lo all ultieri for ntwr MaSllfso
imiUJOffllniltyUsa. {
It Is llie timfffeil Sewing mkds,
having lewer parts than arty otbtrt j* frva
from complicalioiis, it neviV gets mil of or
der; and is always ready hr Il Is
l H r’-i . ' r,,**,, 1
Host tßurafife,
* ••or uSt iO Sv
by ieason tif its slmriicity, and Hi# mens *
mpm \o wtiitfh j£l^l n rwWnW % ihs
m#chnlcal accuracy fcooH>*ia(M# wnty to
a flh watch movement) with wliWh each
part is mad* art id adjh.iisl.
it t*wa wMi great facility the tightest
sn.t ftinssf, U Well hi (h# MTHksi nl
coarsest labrlra. V
With otnr printed illracttecS,
No Invtmicftttftajr
or lucctismcal skill is raiptircd tu operate ‘
it ns a nmcliiuo tint c*n ba use 1 without
barm by any one, became il ree(ulr *.>■
little cflort ol auy kind, ii tiei.ig iku
' e - * a
machine In llio world.
They are mad* al Hi* Company's new
works In th* City of Nowsik, N. 4-< by.
wnrhuion, with new (palentaJ) tn*
chincry and tools, conatructcJ esprassly to ■
accomplish what I* now uttered.
Kvtry MutKine fully teamiU&l,
cUaUiU JGO, lib •cachtrrw sf
•tlsuto, (H.
den. ral Wli desaJn fls-aie*.
i j
*• - ^ 1 —— ———
Family Knitting Machine!
A most tjaelnl and Wonderful Invention I
Now nttractbtg uniyeranl stiention by Its
adrmishhig fieifornmnce*, an I Its great
prsNlcftl value for every day family use.
it is Simple Durable and
Cheap. I* < uslly kept I" tojiair, and
W,U * ¥A?e: A
Il alii knit evary posaiblii rarhdjr ut plain,
aid fancy work
and far better than It rad bwdonebf band
or any other utadilne A T ktwda At gar
ments me perdctly Imm ml and shaped by
Hie machlue'pilrtng Bo nnHlag or
making up. good operator art* tail a
man'sork, with hwl ao.t too comptsi*. t*a
fnm fit* to U/yminuUt ! and from twenty
to loity fwirs of sack* in n *<yr
ICvsiy family—op*< tally svsrtr farmer's
Iftn.lW—should have • Bickford
n win b# i*mmt n t u.ry ■
useful aa the duwlag Maotiltie, and even
more prefttab e.
fjgKvsry Machine WAflHAllTEPperftct;
and to do Juft teKal k noprtttnlrdt
The McMord Machine kerb* oin.r i.a
on m AT* cylindrical ITnittlag MaeWno la
existence. A'l others, not Iksnoad' tty tl,
areclaar and fw>l,Mb'luftlngaui—ttwn our
patiDts, end wa shall bold all part lag who
mauulecture, Mil, boy of or* such isfring
lag machines, to astiMt legal aaMMtablH
Ao lastmction Book, cmrihthttog com
plete and mluntfe dlreeUous to the opera
tor. accompanies each maebteo.'
> No. 1, Family Machine,, key Undar.
73 needles, fSO
No. S, family Machine, 3 cylinder,
73*100 needle* #4O
A sample mmMrni will be sent to any
part oi the United Mtalea or Caa*da,
(where we have bo agents,) raprass *A<wy*
pn-patd, oo receipt of the price.
Attune wanted is every Hi air, Cosnty,
City and Town, to whom rtf j libaral di*-
cooots wUI bo mads,
for Innber pauicutais, addrea*
BK%r °Me MaflßhwmruhyttaUicfeofw, Y%