Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator
VOL. .T.
prnusnsD nvtiir fkitav,
by wm t revilx,
AT $3.00 PER ANN PM- IN A DV AN'. 1
Ortr* Hoot* .se-V- ft Hi. Utai*.
( of Advt'rtl'l* l # l
tel\! r j r sjVs|VtT , ,rs
ssss js jsivsss'ss
J col I• 00 10 00 'JO 00 35 001 S& 00
1 col 7 00l 15 001 35.00 1 35.00 .60 <XI
?. m 1 . 110-00 iM 00 135 UU i 60.00 floo
*-#" A literal deduction made to those
*dvrli*in£ bv Oh* or seat
TAX CuLLEGiuU. I " CM*}**
TREASURER... i M .h'"?
CORONET! . i N.t.n it Jonr
R. A. Cluiptt, Aaron Sibley.
C. J. HtrVf*. -* fc-Uarbsanil.
Alien 11. Wa'son-
Jobe W Peri., f. J. Hmo.s,
Msd tnu Reeve*. R A. 1 ftiktr,
A. H Freeman, S c.
SENATOR th District,!* H Brewster
J„hn H. Roper. Jam.-* MLTayhJ
txt'f ' " *' * Jl
Om 1 SVM ! K, t<.
WlUprsrth* in Menwctlii'i ami tin* ml
•titling v
A. It. 1 IIP KM AN,
Out i wru.i , Oa.
Alljnisuie.* entrusted to hir rule aDcn-i
*0 If #r< t-**tbU|tly.
0 K KVI rfl.
A ttouney at LS \V
J\ (/Bl.f s vttj t . Oa
Vi ; |>ra< iii. 11. M. MUh : ■v"
reenue* i om-iosing !.i t*.t -t* i 1 /
7 /To Y< tViTnV s. j~
~t -) KAIDUN I I)KN I 'l . /
0 1 V 011 l l-NVI! t.l-, <'f
iVftr.v tAH work Warranti L
OFFER Ah* '-'caUauiiaiuil aiuY-ii-ti tu
tUr P.ibfio Oflirn Dili*',
Jf J P <i. IVffj), ’ tilt U"AJ?
, . yejPFKfl Hl* Vt*fwi- •wnar twvtn tutl,f
I . yUtrrAi of OfMttt Is nst vicinity.,
prttit, r i (j, J. Anthony A < o'* Drug
■ '
- 7 THE
Of I bOia ige Demin*.
If AX Nt/Wr. n-'T *! ' TTrej at *v> 'in
1 hand at Ilia .and I alar f Kin! side Ot
tb* public •>|natcr, H g'Kid an I
r**r.Tj *n*i rtn sror* or
Con dating, in purl of,
OT GOLD .and HILVaH Watches, _®J
Htetn and |T*r>,touts, <1 '!,* test u aba.
Splendid Gold sod : t*tver \Vn*ch, Chain
of ail *!*, inakcia and price*
Gold iVnaaeil ail kind* of }*oid*r*; bold
fiilrcr A M dp-ci v! A
BUvr Plat© Ware
ot&Tf kinds and sty !<•*;
Tabic I ullm, Alln/or*
by the very renowned makers, JOKKI’iJ
1 wn stJl! repairing ail goods In my .me
Too many citizens ot Meriwether tad ad
Joining counties hire tasted my work to
require a word rom am mto tl>e charac
ter of K. rwDl however warrant all my
work, tf{Moptf(jraMj, u X have alwayr
done, aad respectfully ask a continuance o
the rafronage I have received Irena at
f-faidi to Meriwether
Oc ) fi fi G**Vt he made try every tgcut
‘J tj month in the butiaefcfc
w* farnteh, Iwt those willing to work can
easily eart a dozeq dollars a day in their
owra Hard no roorn to mpfeln
here. Bosint-se pleasant and honorable
Women, aad boyi and g u.t do as a ell a*
■ms. We will famish you a cooipiete
Ootfit few. The buxness pc.ys trotter than
•aytUg( doe. We will bear expenses vt
Ur ring you. farticulart fret. Write sod
asa. Faimertaud mechanics, their sons
aod daughters, and daaacs in need of pay
hi work at home, should write to at and
team all about the work at once. Now is
the tune. Don’t delay. Address Tscx
Jt G# Augusta, Maine.
When the Cows Come Home,
. When klini’c, kliogle, klingla,
Way down the dusky dingle,
The cotvs are coming home.
Hog sweet and ck .i, and faint and It w.
the airy tinkHtigs oorne and go
Like chiming* from some tar oil tovver,
Or palter tugs of aa April shower
Thai makes Die daises grow ;
lio-ling, ko-ling, kol.ngleliugle,
Way down the dark’uiug dingle,
The cows come slowly home ;
Ami old time friends, and twilight play*,
And tian y nights and sunny days,
Cmm trooping up tie misty snyf,
\Tucii the cows coim home.
With rlagie, rangle, linylo,
W ‘:L two* and three* ami single.
TUa tn*)i m* cam mg l.auu:,
Through violet air we see tlie town,
Xml the *uiamer SuiTTs ell|i)iing Sown.
And the uiaple ia the ha*-! glade
t crows vtowu tue pilti a longer shade,
And the lulls are growing blown ;
Tt-i itiif. to-rsng. hiringlelimtliu
Ily threes and lours single,
The e ms come ?1 uvly lioure ;
The tuuie sweet words ol wordless psalm,
I’he same sweet J it.u day rest ami calm.
The Mint' sweet aiuoll ol b ids and tmltn,
Wheu the eow* uatc Uo’.uo.
With tinkle, liukle, tinkle.
Through leru and periwinkle,
T!„j cows ate- coming home ,
A labeling tii the checkered stteam,
SV Irt rc the sun rays glance and gU a.n,
t ‘tm on. I’eaclililo-'m. and l^liche—Phiilia—
Hlan I knee do- p in the e.ieamy lillins,
1 a a drowsy drn im ,
To-llnk, to-link, t Imkleli'tkie,
ll'nr hii ka with l-.iteien.-f a twinkle,
l’tie io*s ci ail slowly I ome ;
Aml up llii.mcii menu i y'* die iav ijn*
0.,.t it*. Urook i u.. 1 eug and lit old
tune sln-en,
AM itl Unit re-, cut isfilir -i'lict Qwu,
WtH’U Hit* COfttv Uf-at .
Willi hi ,
Da I'D aid moo o H i.l
i < , * ak-
A ini ov i lli i ai M,i ia II H,
Miiiliu U) 0| tla whii- f< *a
will, g
!}u* t!'vv.ji-;[.S 1)11 KT Un, • I y 1
A u 1 tYcr tin. 1 j V PIIUS tlllliUS
Athd t rcr '.lit? 4i< nl mH
K< ia-?, kt !u? r, Uolinf-'U 1< ,
Will* t tiny u i
Is*‘t ts*> aiii t lyiu/, tin ilif it i a
t k r ’<>irr ► /**, aui! unu rsiij,
Kof l< uf "i lime#* t Oiues lm< k
Wli' a tisu U<ijUiu.
• —I
ft r (*.iaa< S i'Jlitt.
It’s oiu thing 10 luise mi elijriet ill vtevv,
r rputf nv'tliet Rri.p in l iiiat —termri ttT"
are arming at n. At•• t.'■ l*< g.n wi *1 tint afti i
a tune get erll tin- t- utn ; llicn tin it llle i*
more likely to grow wrong limn light. Tin'
i.iil.iv. Mip im i u ni iiua-ms..iuicuil-Lj-itii-yvho
-■.i* aorooy -t-* -h* rlgM-
I}i if i i.f- n in-.itit -fit! si tntner’s fright, on
iinr.i ol • .1 i'll 111 i D .tm in istcr 111 h limit
thought lie would take a le’-v hour*' rest
a-.. 1 t.-n-uM- and the rn-’ili'r t-i t!._■ loir ds <jl
Ills lioy, a goiiiewhal suiip!-.- mitided ia I
Do ymi aer: that star sflatv’tll ln'tore iih ? he
asi-l to hi e, je.lutitig t<) the i*ilr n'.ar.
Well, you have nothing to do hot to
keep the hoot stride! I in that hii etloi),
I uudetttand.
The caplalir Iti! a bfip. The h-y did
'he slftiC. The wind rlinrigod , the trout
temed out ol lu oou’se more an I more,
id at last il had inad-r n semi ole The
kij awoke , he was astonished to ee b>
hind Lin hack Die star will' ii had Just now
hecn mslgbi before him', but he did not
the l<> coutmue witlr a firm liarnl lo s teer
Uro hnat toward tha Hooth, from wliieoto
it ha-1 first cnee.
Two boor* alter the master In hi* turn
awoke. He cast orft glaum.- tt;son the k',
ao t another the boy
Well ; atopid ! what are you d'-ingli
I am ftill Kra.pmg always straight lac
tore me, as you told me.
Ah, indeed ! and the Po ur stir ?
Oh ! the I’oUi star ! Why, we pasaf/d
that long ago 1
* oiirlslnp.
Hood, in hi* “Vis'* of the 'utlicrou* aide
of life,” s*y*, io rciereoco to churtrhifi* : abort courtAhijia, aod ii tiiis
Adam acted aeotibly—he fell asleep a
bachelor and awoke to Bad himself a mar
ried mao. He appears to have popped the
q jeation almost immediately alter mect
■itg MvJamorselle Eve, ar.d ate, without
any Sirtatioo or stiynes*, gsve film a kiss
ar,d herre’f 1 H that fl-at kiav in thi* world
we bare had, however, oor own tbo igot*,
and, io a poeticai mood, have
wibe>t we were the man r wot did it.’ But
.he chance was Amam* and he proved
’■Ve like the notion of gettiag married
io a garden. It is in good taste. W* like
private weddings. Adam's w* atrietly
private. No envious beaux were them ;
lki coax In g oil tnaid* ; no chaturring aa.oU
r r gmatblieg gf*nJuiotbr*. The birds of
iiewven were the u'.mstrcki i and lire glad
sky flaug it* light Upon the scei e.
Dr. Brown, lor* the resident of Biooin
iagdale (N, Y.) asyitua, has gone taad hi
The Kiliior’s Work.
It isn’t boy’s play lo make a newspaper.
Everybody can’t do I*. nltV.otlgh most pcc
ple thiuk they can. More excellent qua i
tie> of head and heart ato requireil in an
editor than any oilier calling or pro tension
in the world. Be ta’ks to more p-iople
tlittu the pulpit does, ami talku to people
ol all grades oi life and all shades ot belief.
If conscientious--and a man who is not,
has no business iu the editorial chair—Ue
Icels the responsibility as it it were a uioun
, tain on his sonh He knows that the wel
fare, moral grow to and peace ot the com
munity depend largely upon his daily or
weekly ultciaiieos. Many times does he
draw his pen through the lines which ex.
puss his sentiments, but which he toms
may he lulstißilerstood, and do harm to
some of those w bom he desires to make
lUer, and trot Wur**. it ft no easy post*
turn ; it is • careely a desirable one, and
yet. if he tisi ecu* to esrpifPu a wmttnulH
which does not suit the reader the latter is
ur.chaiitable enough to l.iso no time in ecu
suring him. Thu editor doe* nut always
think as the reader does. If lie never ex
priail'd si iitTmcuts except such as The
reader cherished, wh it would be the ob
ject iii biking the paper v If h certainly
foiilUU to pay for a Journal which contains
simply a rehash el what wo have long bo
tore thought ourselves. But leader, when
you arc incliue! to find fault with tire edi
tor because he says something that doesn’t
suit you, remember that you can’t get a
paper under the sun, it it am.mala to aay-
Diing. that will mil sometimes say things
ilia! you can’t agree with.
‘t he Oolumbus /Vines, tu an article oil re
munonttive Industries, coitoludes wttli the
following vciy pertinent romaiks: Now,
i the rainedy we propose Is to lei-railroad*
Rhine lor awhile Wo in Un) B’lUlli have
ii uugli ol the n, ami owe more firr tlrem
alii ady tliau this gen ration ortn pay ; ami
Id those who hava in mey to - invest in public enterprise* t ike liol! of the
it via? ii’yr power -rr UieSe HiPi*, tli it
u now ivasllilg luclf hut
lloi i-am:* ol poluht, an I pit lactorlo* to
work —laetm les thal id supply our.own
people with (lie various staple ol every’
d.iy hie. It will save millions 10 out own
people that are yearly seat away never to
resell ns again ; Mil l It will give employ
nnuit t-i lli iiuwud* win. want It, by and u-a
ting thr ill to do WhTk that 1* HOW dune
iihr ni t Kactnrla* ms’ what we want ami
oof railroad- |f we ma-ie more ihttn vrr
eoB-uuued, v. c w-rilld t-i Drat oxtunt have
-h UtU; I- 1 r aiiro-ltis .
t’AMT.I.KD. A young gentleman ol I’m
ry eiit'hp to Maeon the ortim day to nr
tend tin iXi Iclm* ot (lie Wrwlcyau Kcinale
C-dlege, bufrepoil nay* Ire oared to the
a mils oleine young la-ly nluioit exclusive
!■ . While ttoiM < ii|uvmy. liima. It—lni liirtul
-.ic-twrc mtd hor/y t-rtnkn tlm vnimg —liiHt
to ride, but uiif-iilmiMtely, slifi was engag
'd for Hi* time. HU disappointment kn< w
no bi-nil-!*, mid in an uugiisidn-l irnmnnil
he iel It become known that tt,n •-
ieJily tpeul am ipnUi an Hgn ml lo 1 l ,
trie rmsatr-i piearure. Hr rot imnit lobliU,
and by rroxftjtaii n wv-vl n n'-at little mtr
from Macon. The young In ly expressed
her sorrow at T.l.f're lent disappointuicnt,
and sino'-rae-l a two dollar lill) to rotibuv
the ono he ha I paid for hire ot the liilHo
mi-) buggy.
I lull u d< /, n twaddling little speeches
-from Hiij us are the reviitirot bU New En
gland tour Just ended Contrast them with
lue wonderful ad ilr wee* \>y Horace Gree
ley from tlm plaWo'm of railroad car-,
when on hl on forced cut vast mg tour. He
rail <i>oi ley All of tlietti short, all of
them Impromptu, sll of them d’ffercnl In
theme and wor Is, they wore Incomparable
as utteranci-s of a pat not, s lUlesmsn, *
tiilnkor, and a (lOwCrt'll man, Tho i hiok
at Hayes’ went sjwijcbee , and lot H npub
licans leahze that it was lor thin man limy
broke their strength an-1 party at Olncln
nail, and subeeq >ent!y violated toe Con
atituth n, and *• rained nearly to breaking
t ie ledctal tie by a fraudulent count of the
electoral voter in Washington,—jVe* York
A good rule on the subject of par dens
has been adopted by the Governor of Illi
nois, which requires three weeks’ publics •
Uoa of a notice of application in a news
paper as near the place where tlm trial oc
curred as possible, and, when obtainable,
a statement regarding the case by the
Judge and prosecuting attorney therein.
This is a safeguard against hasty pardons
which might be adopter! with advantage
e’se where.
Tl/'-y arc training Kcd (Loss nurses,
both r/*e;i acd women, at a rapid rate in
Hhseia. More than three hundred girl*
and women have been selected as mrreci
in Ht Fetersburg. Tliey have attended
lectures, and been trained in nursing and
the dressing of wooods. The Government
gave them certificates and sent them to the
front The corr s;>ond.:nt of the London
Graphic gay* that tiie Houston women
nurse* arc far superior to the male nurses,
“Ad only in nursing, but in temperance,
energy, accuracy, and rapidity ol learn
The Seta Y'/rk Herald thinks it “not at
all improbable that New York, New Jer
•ey, Feen*ylvania, aad even Ohio will give
Democratic majorities this iall "
YT U liturroi il Nall.
On# ot% (ism who ruu a yontmission
ll'lll Hfjlb ’ I'll I'j lii'.p Ii Ii WAH O 1
nuncio, lb'pan lift a Uiprul ol Hour n*
cailjt.Biii cnfaurhri man “li'r* a ba-* or oat*
and it #6arc*h' fiTakes'ttis ears grow red ns
tie tvrtrrol ->f salt into a tanner’*
iviqoii.. Fur weeks past lie lias been boast
ing vd Wiitruugth of muscle, and xvaut
iug tu *eesomething ho could l’l lilt,-ani
the baft around the store got their heads
tirgothkf tint other dav. They took a salt
barraiinpl filled it with broken pig-iron,
old wejifhL. Mid u'.lior lliiugs put. two iu
i lies tflpMßi at eillier lieu 1 and J'"lli and it t >
the ne ; and at a favorable liuur a
dnty bilotti 1 up in the most i hi -cant uin
ner Mi lt order trim grooer lor a bar
rel of was ban-led Ollt- The dtuvniau
and tvfllpf f Ibo boys foldml aroubd Die
barret foi-mg that the strong man got out
ot hi* Jin ilistrust, tt-rew of! his cunt
'f’d si ia ;
You follows hul better get porous plus
-e-rs lor your hacks. Get out ol the wav
and give mo a chance.
He scii nl the barrel by the cliimnt mid
liftc-t away. ITilidii’t move, -lie spit on
bis bauds and laid out to pull hoops right
-nit. The hoops stayed right there, Ho
lid the barrel-
It takes four good tfireii lo lift one ol
them barrels, said the driymnn.
Nonsen** I I’ve lilted a score of thorn,
and I’ll pick this up or break yiy karilt, I
guess the salt must lie wet.
He pot in position, drew- a long bnnttb,
att-1 Dott- tHtert+B! ltd* eyes louke i iike DVir
towei* left on the .Clothes-line in a dark
night. Thu barrel didn’t lilt. Pig-Iron
was t<smutch t" 1 muscle, an I the liliri sat
down on the walk. His back used to lie
plumb i, i and down, hut it hasn't been
atttee flint Irfl. Hiswyf* ftfe ip-rtinj. back
to their origin'll positions, ami the ted is
Wavfif-+he bnek od his rte-dt, nftd Ite err*
two men handle a bag ol dried apples or a*
bitsUei ol bi’iins ivltti rut a word ol con
merit. lOtr.r.t y-’r- ; /V*
A ktllgllt Idr It. - -
It w is a popular I'liiliniiiini-
Tin- Seedy customer who had ilngcted
for ledt an hour over a dottglmut revel
brushed Dm' crumbs oil Inn puuUlooim
with hi* 1 \ > napkin ami approached the
laudtln with hi- ulndrucU-d air. Ax lie
liaudeil over his dime Its remarked :, i -think you and i condd do n lit
tie bn duets.
flow h-;i f afti-l the * a-fd- 1. ,
JVhy, 1 Jiave notieerl that the folk* who
pil-' ti U* 1 htta'iery neent to go ut moat
ly |->i iDm - bonder, and he* I and dough
units. Titty ignore Hie more reetierche el
Juont* ol the meal, sucli as r|uuit on tou t
mid yenivin t-leak. You'd irali/.c more
lirnfinT tin- ri- I tiim~put toniTiii- i * exten* ivi -
ly ol the luxuries of the to S|ieak.
Would you V
I leekott, retired Die r Iteok t dun.
Ifs— enu ever notteotT: <:"iitiiiued Die
-J v i ti-r.',-..- I,in.ln. I" 1 nil - m ' W
r. j ig 't IH i- guided by SSE
lie -iplnl'm iulkei llisn hit own idea f
I xae'ly. Now do you an- wliat I'm
■ t r t-i.. t . * fu'.lic i,;.1 .lii.l ir.fil ll.lll ■l l by
haul Diner*, says doughnut* tin Id nil
chowder. You waul to educate public
opinion VP fo tire more elevated aland
point ul quail on leant un i veirison aleak,
flow uir you goin;’ lo do il ?
- -1' -
alnie my invuntive genius Onne,- it, 1o i
und 1 pul up ft joh ou ’em. Lv-ry day
about litis time I unit# here for dinner. I
io-ik over Die programme and the waiter
slogs out Die ol k r so tin Hied-.' room lull
can hear. The iuiks that have ju-d come
Ur Sav lo t hern selvas, f lcilo,Uiis is a kind of
a stylish place, it won't do lo eat baked
bean* and codfish here ; and then they fol
low my example ; inure espes ially if
the waiter does hi* pari well, all I can in
fuse a tone of ►arcaMin l lo hi* voice wheu
flawing along the order for darn chowder
and hash, so a* lo make the cheap feeders
fed their lusifciflcsnce. Things would
soon week around, if some enterprising
man wojld set the example.
' Well, laid the canhfer, you or anybody
else can order Juit what you like, provided
you pay ter it.
I’m uff*M you hardly appreciate the Im
lortinei ol my idea. In order to iuaagu
rate Uit h, tern it witi be necessary to dis
regard tU immudiate iiecuniary outlay-
Now, my projxmttion is tii l 1 sliogld olll
ciate ns < picurean exampler. I will soon
rouse the-pirlt of emulation by iiiy apps
rent rec! h.-s extravaganw. I wilt, by
. revelling b the deiicacit . wtiTcli wonM
it|ipi-the appetite of a I/ilcililus, sii'liu
lal cihtis to like laviish indulgence. I
shall a,*nt die process by 'Cadi- g arouffd'
ine gla iof scryrnful dejireciation at
th'roe go.veiliug soul* wli'J fWlskit in par
taking ol humble tare. Hero, now, Mr in
stance, I assume an air oi lofty disdain.
Do you think you could sit caFnly
and eat claw soup while I wav looking at
you an ! devouring boned tuikey ?
No ; I should probably get up and kick
you, was lb'; answer.
Ah, but o.o*l men would lake it oilier
ently. They would say, I guess I can af
lord boned turkey as well m that fellow,
-and (bey would order ail the luxuues they
coaid think oh 1; would catch ’em, I tell
you. Now, to come right down to bus
ness, I am : ambitious ; 1 don’l u*k any
salary A’l 1 wan! ir to order what l like
Irte jjtfttl*, iU.d I’ll sr tto work nd we’ll
hii-ig about the liiggest rcvdlution (u pob
lic*%pinion you ever saw. Whit vie you
g iy ? la it n bargain f
1 ran’t sift’-is it would exactly pay me,
said the restaurant man. 1 guess thing*
nave got to work around gradually.
You don’t s-cin to have much. enter
pti**-, sadly observe 1 the opicurcan exotn
plar . What kind of a one horse beannery
Is this, anyhow f T-itt r.ay pul down
venison and quail in your lying pto
gratnti.o, and hanged if l believe you have
any iu your old chowder mtil. I'll oiler
my service* to some (list-class establish
ment,—/->vm thr Host m Travtllt'.'.
—*ns- mu —t— .
M. Hiking .bitila are bisMiniuu' taror in
Georgia, try reason o( their capture by Die
professional catcher's, who sell them in the
NoitUcn market. A consignment was
shipped tlirengb Augusta, (la., a lew dfty;
i(oooul iluing 150 young mocking birds
not fully (ledge 1 Bt-p It.
There Ii a precious mx-year-oid boy in
Auburn, Me., who u wonderful on spelling
and definition. The otner day hi* teacher
asaed him to spell matrimony : "M a-t-r-l
--m-o-n-y,'* rraid ttio youngster prompt Ty.
Now dell ue it, said the teacher. Well, 1
don’t kuo-v exactly whuX U mean*, but 1
know mothui't go’, enough of it! replied
the boy.
This is the season when newly uiariied
couples make their appearance at the wa
tering place hotels, iuuguish on a four dol
lars a day diet tor one week precisely and
then go homo to Die rouHTos of corn, heel
atld cahbuge lot the nalatuic ol their nutil ~
ral lives.
Lisulenant (l-iveinor l) r.hcimor, ol
New York, in a card fo the New York
Sun, states that It Is within Ids personal
knowledge Hi at Mr, Tililcn w.w uuL in la
vor ot tin electoral coniniis lion Me. Di
aheltner in an intimate personal arid politi
cal if lerul ul Mr. Tliden
Bull, when 's Die Hlslo ot Matrimony t
tt hrOUtt Ot the tjnilt dfS ale-, ft i* hound
e l Iry liugging and kissing on the one aide,
liable* und era llox.sru Die othpr. It’s chief
prodileli are population, broom slick*, and
staying out late o’uiyhw. It was discov
ered by Alam and Eve iu trying to fiud u
not 111 vest passage out ol paradise.
One of HUerman's bummer* cut a pa'ul
lug from its Iraino in one of the KUott lam
ily mrinilons iu H >ttth Caioilna, and sob)
it Li I’hilii h h'lii i lor ten and filar • Nolthr i
lie nor tlm poreltstter knew that il waa
over ten eenluriea *ll, and wu- valued high
among Die lliouniml hit Im* J ist Irenu dh
eovered in (JiiiefiiuatL
A negro |ireadier, wlio vvu* cots duel lug
a revival meet 111 | In Calhoun eoituly, Ky.,
llioii.-hl Dial one ot Die Hisler* was too
loud aid c*nt iu i-mt- lu her diouting. Ilu
louder, and then lie boxed liei ear* with a
Bible. Then Mlihjis-.abvd him will, art ut
iairing vigor, SiffUlitTG a i ilehlng, kirk mg,
and lrHn;p, tin I In- fft-d frn-n the rfiurcb .
A .-l-me culler imec unarm’d fro n a tier
man Die following eprtsptr, lu Ire engiaveiT
on lire lornb'loue of tiU ciaceasau wifi :
My wife u.tiiii is drail , il site had lived In
uexi l*’iiday, slio'd I-eon ihad i.Tmal two
weelu. As alx e lull ao aliu inual a'.aud.
All thi-igr ia hnpomfible mil G-l
4SS* For Ki rqfuln, nml all
JRL scrofulous iLm/iki-s,Fry-
V[l ffl id peine, I tori: or Kt. Aii-
Uioiiy’a Fire, Eruptions
til hi Eruptive discuses
SW|fgß of the akin, rieerntioiiH
*!■ 111 l of the Liver, Stomihli,
W M Kidneys, I.mif'H, Pirn
pies, | 'iistflh e, Jloils,
£ Lhrlr 111 , Tumors, 'J eU
fur, Halt Ithcurii, Hcald
Hoad, Kingworin, Ulcers. Bores,
Rheumatism, Nenralwin, Fain in tho
Louca.Bidc mul llcat!, Female Weak
ness, Sterility, Lcticoriliora, arising
from internal nleenttioii, and uterine
disease, Hypliiiitie and Mercurial dia
eaaca, Dropsy, Dyr-pcjisia. Emacia
tion, Gencnd Delnlity, ami for Furi
fyintr the Jilood. '
TliisSarsnjmrillii is a combination of
vegetable alteratives—Htillluglh,Man
drake, Yellow Dock— wills the iodide*
of FoUeevhim and iron, and Is the
snort cftlcaciouM medicine vet known
for Hie dbicares it is intended to cure.
Its lagredicnt* are so skilfully
coinbined Hint the full alterative
effect of cadi is iv>Kur< and, and niiile
it lx so mild aa fo 1/e harmless even
fo chi Wren, it Is still so #ife<-tiial or
to purge out from tiie system timse
iinpiirilic- and eoiruplious whicii
develojr into loathsome disease.
Tl i: K-putiition it • nioys isd< lived
from its cures, and the confidence
winch prominent physi'-ettis all over
She rountry rej/o e m it proves their
experience nf it* ii-i )uini ,
f Vrtiiii r/tes attesting its virtues
havi a< emnuiated, and are ron-
M.uilly laing received, and as many
of ll.i -e eases are publicly known,
they furnidi convincing evidence of
the sujsriority of this Barsatmrilla
liver every other alli rative ii.eui' iue.
ho generally is its sujsrriority to any
other medicine known flint we need
do no more than to assure the public
that (lie liest qualities it lias ever
p/st-csxcd are* strictly maintained.
pkkpauku r> r
Dr. J. C. AYER A CO., Lowell, Mats.,
V rue tit at anti ,4 nuhjtirnl Cht tnisiti.
vju> ux all nuLuuuns
< iimri't ark 1 I*4 id - ! !
I 'jS- *i* ,J '! : *
ilß’ Boftk luttic
Phillips, Ciew & Freyer
hau been removed trm ! A 4 K-rrisU
Street, Aliauta, Georgia, t# H.ifc 10 Marietta
S*root. Everything iu their Jins,
MUmOAL 1 NS ruu MKNTtt,
'Hold on tli* most reasonable term*. I'ICJ
lUItE Ell AM BH of every stylo a apecial
ly. The pat run ago or the citizens of Mor
Mull will always receive prompt attention.
8 As <> Varietta Bt,
Atlanta, Ga.
have ontfdaf ®ur
adapted to all kinds of goods, and to alii
the dillcrcul and tusiiionable slyloa of Plait
ing. Himplu and canily managed, it is just
the article every-lady needs-
Seat by malt, pontage [mid, ou roeel[>t ol
pnre.tJ —ScTidfor circulftT,
<ll Cortlandl Street, New Yotk.
i. KOKUIA Mori wellicr < Jnunty.
Whereas, lire estate uil'eiiulcton J, ltob
erisnn, George \V. Wilght and Oomont -I.
Allen, all late of sab! county , deceased,
ate unrepresented, the letters of Andrew
J Hinton, the sdniuin-lrntor ou
said estate, having abated by reason of his
election anti qualification as Ortliuitry ol
said county, and said estates, not being
likely to be represented.
These are, therefore, to cite and aduMHl-
Isli all parties interested, whether kindred
or creditors, t > altow cuuse, if any they
have, on or by the first Monday iu August
next, why th HilmiuUlrsUoix ol said oa
inlus should trot ho vested it. pie Clerk vf
[lie Bupeil,or Outtrl of said county, and lel
ten granted to him.
Given uudei my hand ginj nlUcil sijpin
lure this June Jikb, 1H77. .
• a, m. c,
GEORGIA > Grd i nary’s GtOee,
Mcriwetbur County.) Muy f'emr 1H77
Win reus U. F. Wall, ua Administrator o
Die estate ol Uattaoß N. Jackson, <lof>fljHt
repma-nta trT+tm oonrt Dial Its has fully
uduiliiHcrcd Iho ostalu of aairl deceaned,
and up|i'ie* for lalters of dlnruiaaitm froux
hiß trust art sard Administrator.
Tub in iliciulurc to cite and ailmouisU
nlf eoticmnnii to file their objcctioon, it any
they have, utt or lieloro tiro first Monday iu
August next, to show cauao why said Ad
mil Ist o'tor should -ot reeeivo lettera ot
diHiubsion front salrl trust.
Giron under my liainl ami < fltcial signa
ture, this May 7th, 1877.
A. .1. HINTON,
O. M C.
! wilt soon lie piepsred to exccuto ucb
work hi rtiepuinlliig line In my bhop
Making FKAMhtf.
WHAT Ntj’lH,
I will also eoutioue contracting lor lious
mid sign ,
I've spent the past year in Grieutillo
und am pri piie.l to give satibf.iclory refer
Id MV re/-! K.\Til-FACTION OCAfi.VN
l Lilli C*tl on or idilwa,
Greenville, (la.
Allaii l a PaDer
‘4 J )
book,n kws& wk i phbu p pet
All Size* and Weights
A rtdref- JAB. OIIMOND I’reprietfrr
He er to thi ;ss- eas a Bpecimeu oi tna
ttpU. (ti)
"NO 3>