Newspaper Page Text
*■" 1 " 1 1 ' ' - ■' —~
Wm. T.ltlCVliX, Editor ami r
(lea. Lam ton refutes to n!;o his name
to go before the convention in f'rei lent
if Oov. Jenkins will accept the < ffi* <
To Ike ilrM viit Man fiHHclwa.
A <liap*tc.b irom fiensral Mi IJ-iwcU im—
clow* tume diiipatetee* from the vicinity ol
(ienaia; Howard’* cou.iuari!. 'IX* Uu--
tion la reprewn'e Jas m t threatening Ji
seem* lh<r is ample ground lor
Jlowuitl'a application lor am <• tr .Oj .
General MclJowdi Will send Lie >*<: rod
infantry regiment to Jiivvttrd direct \>y
tail la Kan Francisco,tbmee hy yam
the iut(,a ol v. h' . M How iII hat Hut
troop* front Fort Ytrait to the acene, aim
Jia> biokvn up Camp In epoo l. n , , mu. !
log the coßpauy to the sum dm l imp ion
ll h attUl that Loth* M. Kenner, one ol
the entered mefaHn ni the L'HiUian.i it
taroing hoard, U ti* t 5 appoint* and deputy
11 la ala ted that the h. errtary ol the In
tartar haa rt<jur I the i< ii, hullon ol Hi
Nk'holl*, (he b.t-iidnl of tin- Hov
ernmefit lowtoe Asylum.
Senal/ir HavariTTiiTht that the vcuorablo I
John Adam* once Wild In Han lei Wehder,
who had imptjnrd nltrr lit* fnrrittl, “1 tr,
habit a trail, weak tenement. In de< *y ,
haltered by the wind*, and broken in u .on
ly •tnrnu, and Irnin all I can b ain the
landlord doeti mil Intend hi repair,”
’'flint Fact “taxp* Out ” The New
Sbnk Httn fopoft-t a rnovt ltilet*tlnig inter
view wtib Tluc —lion—huiuiin V (am l*
Adama, at the old honnate ol in t/. 11111 v ,
Mftn* ,on Haturdny Iwnt Mr A lain , o I
llrre* sbrmehly In tlie View which lie. h
liHmtcly exp'enved in Id# teller to M iJJ-n
den of thw (trial wrong hy wfilch lie pit
r.lil truant oLlhe Willie lloime war placed
there. The tn-do twlnnli haa bran made
over Mr, llayn* n MUsaacliuadU and
ItUnda latand, Jlatvaid’* of lll*r
ary tinnwra, the aycophantlckini whikvtory
addteeaaa ol welcome with which lie wan
received; neither one nnr all ol there
aerro wltli Mr, Adann to throw a glamour
over the illegal and l.nonnatitullonal nielli
0d by Which lie waa (!“vatl hi ln high
otUcn. “One fact," Miy* Mr. Adanm.atanda
out'prominent -nothing can ovamliadow
it ; and that ia the method hy Which lie te
oel red hi* office. No policy ol hi* <an
aloue for that.
A GboM ikiit win irr n *.
Th* announcement Hut four unknown
men had I km'ii indicted lor poijury in aotno
unknown <• In Nrw Orleans would not
ordinarily awaken much Initrrst In other
pari* of the ronulty ; Imt whrn it ia stnled
tlml Iba lodr men indicted lor perjury, *"
l*i Irom luring unknown,rc llcasri Well*,
Iwm of the h-mura-m Return lug llmrd,
and Dial the all*g< and poijury constated in
rncaiing falsely to election return*, a stir
may naturally bo earned by the IntnJllgClu *
tlirongbont the whole land. It is apparent
from lire aui lety maidfered by tbe 11 aye*
uieu hi New Orleans that a cow fiction i*
seriously apprehended ; and who can ca'.
eulate, at tliia time, wbat might be the id
tun ate and Indirect consequences which,
would emiue fe#> aonflctlon ; or, indeed,
who will ventuia to predict wlml they
might not be ? A'judicial determination *t
tlio real facta of li e t,< tiumtia election
even by a Htatc court, n Iglit prove the en
tering wedge which would lit time dtsevei
Mr. Hayce from the office be oecupiee.
U ia aaid that Mr. flayts baa confidence
tliat Goy. Nicho'ti* would pardon Messrs.
Wells, Anderson, Kenner, and Casi nave, II
they should be convicUd, in pursuance ol
solemn compact he entered into as a con
dition ot being installed in his office us
UoTcinor, lint what right hail Gov.
Nlctoolls to make such a pledge f And
What right had Mr. lUjo* to txact <i h
ceivc it from him ? If HJcboll* wag elected
to bin office, he was i nttiled to it uncondi
tionally- If he war elected, Mr. Hayes
had no business to p’ace liim in it upon
any condition* whatever.
We tiurt the pailios ludkted w ill liave a
I'crfoclly lair trial. We shonld look with
abhorrence upon the unjust conviction ol
any one; but they arc guilty, no men are
less dcaciving of u ercy, and Mr. llayes
might get himself into very serious trouble
by interceding U their pardon. - -V. l r .
Ilawcw, oooscions iliat ha oocupies the
prcaidcntial C-tialr throegh a stupendous
baud and the com try is aw me oi tiro vil
lainy, ia endeavoring lo stir up a war w ith
Mexico, with the he pc that the attention
of lire people aay lie drawn Irom the great
swindle by the alsothirg topic of * tor
eign war. democrat he caught by
this }itttc dodge. _
Ml Hlw Tell Why !
Mr. lliji says be liss n<* ides ot nink
iai ws r on Mexico, and nnklea of scqnir-
W y prt of U>c Uir lory belong n; to
lt republic. Ob, to, he lie* no tucli
TU* let Mr. Usyes explain wliy bo au
thor irsd and ordered Qen. Ord lo mvad*
Mexico with force* ol lh Uwled Stale* oo
the pretext or Stepping border raids, when
no tuch raid bad ectuiicd for tlie | ictiou*
foui teen month* ?
i Tile keil Mnliai lilevcn Item,
oi rime Mrrjtsiiiy Ceriaui.
Ihe ’lribuiU t t(ieciai Waahiog'oti cot
rvappudent Usi'graph* a# (ode ws :
I A atalt.iM.ul wa# given to the iiearjn
in n ado* days ago, oa'>!<,’ ty on slic t.n-
Ibollty ol Clerk AcHumo to l*>t effect t',
i the Democratic i !lV* Ih-nm,
according to hi.; completed in.!, wvy ii
>n y i-gI.U 'I hilt may lite lie n> a ly|e
graphical nuataki. An ait c Hepnb n. ;,
wI, . haa I,ml ,j, i,[,;>i.tiim,iy--ol -* ..'i,-,.,-.g
tie mil hied m Ihi tdllwr | t.,a ‘I teavutet
.ul the 1.'i.l e,; Xi a.'i a, -ie mh!o,.v a|ia-
loch on mb- i c /c paid, cay* i , it it hc v t
Ii! litui cut- Ii J.' 1> t>uhiicaiia, Wi'h
i, Vl;n vacant lee.
Sll|>|i ne 'I In ) Wlmlll.l he < oi-
Vil:n 11.
| Hupp,.c ri.c: four lndtctvd rnenihvra ol
| the h.ijoiiii i II .a'd s!i , |I,J he
i.onvic'i; J, alitt a Utr (rial, and nu legs
l oj I. i,n, where would Inal ;eve M
lla)e* 'i What wntjld tie do ? tVoobt he
h d.l on in an cftloc ufer It had ,< n ’Judi
cially determined, alihdtlgii in a collateral
|,m< ej- rog, that he I,ad no hyp.: title to it?
Wi.!)M he retain the cilice ol I’m. i lent • l
’ the United Htalei 'Ahiie the to'.n wiin
i (erred it upon him were Uiigu.rhmg in
|,iiv ii under ion view- a and ae-.ltoee. for
, having con In nu H frau lulautly ?
No li jai haa ' yei J tkhn place in the Hni
Ti lt KlaOia, net evrn (ha iiniaiard.meol trial
<?f yrealdvnt dnlnima. i a wfaieh giun r ;
coUin ipßiiice* and( ndrd thau are ll rnl/ In
reaiih horn the Inal nl theae fanr mine
The cvKJencr and all the pro. eedi i/* nl
Hie couil id to mail ar. I revie aid hy lh
whole country. II the veidiet of the Jury
•should Hi gouty, and If that verdict vhnuld
lie approved by *ha general, Impartial p ih
In Jrilymoni, ll, tin wnuid lie nu tottp*.
101 l open to Mr lluje, but a a niaMei nl
I'liiiiinnti ilee-imy Cos how hichand a,4 11
tire. ii
A deep inlareal lina sliaady attaahad to
thin pioeeediog, and In,ln liia lin.t i*le|i to
,tln lirl a vtgdrint mid npc f ,|ira wateli a;,
hi) t.epi oyer ii ’l l,era ian l. nu inpulef
in Uioipiuiiig willi He m i ter hy Hi*
it hr il antlioiolea permito I. ’I !,- It i.i
miivl he fall to !*lh blilim, Bod tin n llii,iw
i ao hi; no cm a) e lioic the. inorahon.M
Irurii Ilia legai n nulla Aoi J„iA .‘>ua
Mi. Jlayes la very Intamalataxih He haa
catiaad In ho poldl lied all ovei lliia land
a r.liculw lllU)i to tint i If’ • | that ha will
have lilvilvll neivire lilted • otuplelniy out
of the apliere id pollllr* Tl it mi em*
that Im haa hill lululy appointed a Mr.
'l’holnaa 10 llio ( ailloi luiihlp ol Mr, • (
t u ;ion, aditor ol that mod rabid olgan nl
lUdleallam, ti.i IlaltiinoiD Ann PC an, Hint
alien an appoint tut til would clccllily lli*
whole of Mnrylartd, ami vci..’ n lbi auccaa*
ol Mr, Haye*’ Helorm t>ariy In tlm- -Hiale.
If Mt llayca doe* not i erne uaing luv po*|,
lion In Hit; Inttrieal ol j-.-Httvn, hr? vvi.l hate,
in order to carry out hi* own •rdtia, lo
force lilni*B*f to iw jn .Suo, Ae*.
Oil llir IS.imilic,
The dispatches icporl that a gicat ■>’ruj;
gl* was iniprllcibg in tlie ro igi IfOtliond ol
Rlslnvii, bn the Danube. The Tilths h err
moving to cut off the IR’salans irom ibr
liver, and thus intervene between them
and their base of supplies. It i* not ini
probable thnt the brlligrrn la QbsarTCd the
4th 'll tticlr ettuit nod irpelting it. It collier
wo fancy, to.. late MUUaty crluca suy
Uio < routing ol tin- Diinubr was effected *t
risks, wliicli a prompt and energy tic adver
stty could liave wiied, to the complete
ruin ot the < sir's rmy.
It is said llnil fur lour days the whule
UitoJnn army at Histova enttietl their mm
iniasariat in tlioir pocket*, n;j 1 a vigorous
ana persistent assault would have exhaust
ed all thr u availably ammunition in a sboit
time. llut tliia critical period was |anted
by the Turks in delay
1 lie critic* fej resent the Turk ar a tc r
ribie soldier ; but lie wauts to tight in bis
own liuio and way. lie is not to be hur
ried. He is not to be worried by foiced
marches. He is not lo tie depended on
earlier than ten o'clock in the morning, al
ter be has had bis pipe and coffee in quan
tum ivjf. —Sav. News.
The Russians canuet, it is said, Ittcrasa
fully renew the campaign in Asm this year
even if strongly-reinforced, as ten weeks
hence tbe climate will preclude effective
It is not always a mark of frankness to
possess an open couutenauce. An alliga
tor is a deceitful creature, and yet be pro
sen la an open counieuauce, when iu the
v cry act ot taking you in
An old bachelor seeing tlie word “Util
ities supplied" over the door ot a shop,
stepped in and said he would taka a wile
aud two children.
An exchange says t * What is the danger
ol tlie hour ? There are several. The one
newspaper men have most to tear is tlie
danger ol getting “stuck w ith erne of those
blamed counterfeit thousand dollar notes
now in circulation.
Sheriff's Sales.
GEORGlA—Meriwether County.
Will be sold before the court house door
in the town of Greenville, Meriwether
county, Georgia, betweeutbe legal hour?
ol sale on the first Tucslsvj in August,
1877, the following lands, situatad lying
and being ia the upper oth District ef said
comity to wit: Dots Number thirty-eight
(38) aud ninety-one (91) each containing
2021 acres worn or Usa; also SO acres more
or less oft ol the South-west corner of Lot
No. o 7; aUo 10 acres, more or less elf ol
flic hen.’ 1.-at coircr of Lot 101 ; aiac Ot>
.CM. >.l t,.e North hall trf Lot SS(I.
JO2 , aleo Iht eaat halt oi IgH Jvo.
’"j o.ii'.aitiliig lOld acre* tiiora or Usm ; ai
ao Ibe Ni riL-catl u.iocr of IjA So. 40
LonXi.uiiagJiii.iif nr unde or Ivaap aiao U.e
I -,v* i:jr pari e. mluatcd lying .and being
,r, tin I Hi. eld tint of said county low;*.
,1 ; , re- <n n r e oi lean .fl of Ilia JjFaaheru
: ait ot Inn No. 114, The whole eiabrui
i g fsMk < **; inure or ie and
. W iraC HMli*oiy tieeMi * Cfca-jyfa*rf*-
iinnof ’A danrn T. Willadßi. Levied cc
1 a 9 tiirpo iieSy oi A', liam T." William* to
ca>nly a nu.iX'age fi fa from Men
wether !4j(>*ilor fonrt fa fror of W. II
Hllo| a-m >■ .rvivof A , for Hie uac ol K h
,rl<i tVdliaioi <M*ry 0 WiHiaiui, Irtiiv
i. re,- : I, ci!, VVl’liam T William*. Frop
, r!) (n.inU and out In *aid 6 ia aod lenaut i
). rva*i ll dll y notified L
'Fite :,Hi\e pm;*-•'.)• is wdd tin; IWvt
and ue-! Say in Mereii, twd ia ream and at (In
rudi ui Mr*. Mary C. Wiibaaia kga,.
, lilchaker
a! llu -nine I'lnc i.lil pHre *id be *n!<] uiie
ii ad lot conlainii.g 2 awe*, wore c.r
Ott. ):*,-*• ’H-Mi-liol Sij dir.-.r* Hlaloch >B-0
liou< and lot being in the middle
I'tct ed 51eti rre'hef eoun'y, *nd be.-.-g a
part of ll No. 2<r, ymg on the wtat *; ■
.1 •ai I lot r,ear the *ou*h'*t c<ift;tr. f*cv
;ed on m the property of F. J Ltffdfl ti,
a.dlvfy a-1 allv huu >it fi la from tW J tt*tltd*
court if the 121311, d.allii t, <1 M-, Of aaid
■ ouoiy ,in fay .r ,I H.n , firs/ vv I' I
f.lgoii In vy made and rifin and p, u.e 0 ;
W Hay, mmatahii , jiinp rty ftninfe-l
nul by plaint Iff] attorney
at Ihe *9llO time and place, w ill li* Void
lb* iteveianma-y iuteieat of Sideline
in lot* of lam!-. No* 71 *.>d ?, rail half
Oft t No 71 an 1 SVeat balf-.f h.t ffo. 73
Ii iog iu ihe Kith claliict nl **7<T ouUuly
I lomi-. ,'. ■* h : i.y said Mi hilnv a* ho
p toper t y ~it tod .Yb <..!,< fa.iiail on to
*,l ;fy aftlaln in .!u*to u * (.unit (i.,71h o (i, M in hivor n| J It, Htuntlf >H (><
c I*aa- Mi Hal, e and VV II Sf >
f'ropetty ; rrnpjd out by t' amiilt * All ..
m y 1-evy made. Id nttim.ed to mV'try
W m. Hamer, I. C,
AI Ad i,
at the Mint line and place vi i hn-iohl one
lot ff rand No. and Hj were* off of lso
Nortii aid* ni No |M, all ■ i tirigloa y tb
I Oil, di tri l hut now l,<ilb>rvii|e .|lt,
o| Meriwether county, (imnrgia, iiviad rn
aa Hi* prnj *ity of Ib oton f! Ki n,' **'..!
laud being llm place on which *.llll Ri .l .r
now reaile*. Levied on to ii-|y a fa
f'olii Mcrlwrlber Hujarier (' met In lav >
ol .fame* 11. Kitlckland v* Hanlon fl. K<
tor, principal, Walton Fetor iml Kilty
Ttlri.itr wcurltln*. B.M *nhjvct ta a
Hooie-rt*-a4 etr-lef- Het teot 3<>tt> at the
t'ode , ’ W-1 rmt eily point,,| out by
riuhdfTv ;l!t /l,ty, fu.ltot tJT fO**etioll
tiatifled in Ittniiol ii.e law. •
at Hie same lone and pia<a will tie (a id
pa l l of bit of taint No 77, is' ! v tods wi|e
call tiding acioaa Noilli half ol said N.
N" ’.‘tl’ tub! i-tt t-v tbs —abnesHtd line run
■ling No. th till it strike* White Oak crew*.
then along raid neck till It inMkes Un
corner of a*U| | w t N" **i.l
lan,l th? sltua'ed In the Upper ninth
.turf tic. I of i-nuj-.ty. ti*. and
bounded eait l*y wrola ol John T Stone
ami ollicia, and weal by .'and* ol Maicomc,
Imirhsm and IVarv*. and owft-4 by While
Oak creek ; all twtahiNg coa-JkMißd
and sixty at re Said land kwicd on a*
the property of the estate of J. Aden,
deceased. In bauds of A. J- Hinton ad
ministrator of sai I Aden, to be adminin
tered ; *atd land now in the possnMkMt of
TbTwtu Levied on as the property ol C J
Allen, doceascd, to satisfy a fi fa from Jus
tice court Wroth Diatikt, O. M., in favor oi
J 11, Williams vs. said Allen. Lev> made
and returned to me by J. W Fioiencc, L.C
at (lie same time aud place will lie sold
lot of Land No, 20, containing two bun
dled acres, more or loss, in originally rhe
lt'li, but uoW tbe Lutherville aisirict <>(
Moiiwithcr county, Ga., and hounded as
follows : East by lauds ol Hetib Evans,
south by lands ot Keel and Fuller,west and
north by lands of the estate of Allen Post,
deceased. Levied ou as the property ol Al
len Post, deceased, to satisfy a fi la irom
Mviiwtriher Bu|*ett*>r Court tn-favor ri A.
11. Calhoun vs. Alleu Post; property poin
ted our by plaintiff, and J. If. Croly, ten
ant in possession, notified in term* of the
a M. C.
BrM|e Notice,
By virtue ot an order from the Honora
ble Board ol Commissioners of Hoads and
lie-venues in and for said county , we wii
proceed to let out to the J.oweet Bidder the
building ol a Balnea across Ran Oax
Cbkkk near Win. E. Brittain’s Mills ia
the 10th District, on the First Saturday in
August, August the 4th, at 3 o’clock in they
afternoon, according t> the specifications ;
Length ol Brulg* 90 lean
From post to post 10 *’
Posts 12x1 2 inches.
Cap sills 12x13 “
Mud sills 12x13 “
Sleepers 4xlo *
Hand Railings 4x *
Flooring, 12 feet long, 2 inches thick, 6
or 8 inches wide and to be well fastened
down. The above Umbers to be geod
heart timber.
July 3rd, 1877. Id,
Aaron Sibley, )
Wm. E. Vriium. > Comm-
C. J. Rccns- y
Gr e ec ville Masonic- Instit u to
The prefect Ttrta will dose cc the Shii
of J me, itur 1 flnurh>bicg seaeion
Our Fall Term will oj*a oc the Ist
i'aincu to -tdcvcote t oi .r ci...
dien where ’f .itmn an t Hoard are ebea]-,
wid fio-i this Invti u,.0*1 'he very j/.cf,
iS-.ard may be accure ? at the rea>mauie
tate: • f Ten to Fttlueti d-f ar- per tnou-h
#ml In deuiu F*e weemd eg *>•> U •
follow log ;
lt Clawi Tl 7 per year.
Usd <* fdt —"
3rd “ <;7 “
Ail ptcnwiv ace nt-,*a t... u< fit nl ti.e
"ftiblte Fbndt 1 ’ ■ • tf.tlalrd i nu; Ma t’) in (’e t.v-. e
it oi’t 's a the pun.;a TT.e adian'.ag * r
tpeai w-ihety, iomai tolLmriCK* and good
L ee]Ui
Let gil-avaii thetuaa: •e* this ;>[ orVi
nliy m; the beg t, tt.g of *b<- tern
T ate Win be <p>fiv*a alva.r’i-e 'o tg-tii
leir.xei am-; po-J-X- - Lvy - 3--rt *4. co
mtde to bring aHitff progre-e aaO adva.rc*
n><rftt. • „ •
Q _ Ibiucitiai
Nfc W A I) Vfclfl 1 x’fcM f.NT-
V|| A M/nC ' '*** 6 ’ ,1 K
riAnuo * - ♦ f
i'r +
: arI—
UPiJ/1111J * . • I •
■■m * *’
fO 1 79 JUir •j|y(fOf!U(aHiF* mr • a?
Ht wtffylr'iMii* fk*f- ?
FtrFf rn’v' t nn % W I'-;
k'V ti ! %! fl *i'V air* ]
i/iiJ LttilL 'll * J ry !
Kit- Ai-Mill Wsh'H* fl (fi >ti’* t*-
TcjUjaCJ*, MiiT.iiSiA.iJt. Alt- XiJ^\
I hi* V UhA'l I \ VVa '* 4jr * r , J* r
n V i
h) w 7 rfri Mi l frtA*f t fru ,
II If A IkLKT & hU.. ltitiUn l. M . in*
To lUTtmaat. IhVALUM In s.cknei*
ai y pott-oa Ol tbs body ayiT'i- f t,lm
wiUl the seal of il # 'Uorder When ti
al marti laila * pc.h'iu* tOFCtlona, !h*
liver, Ikiwi l, nerve*, tmtaei s, T' ira * * r * c
n Ac., are alt mre or !e itlfij...
These (lelii iptents require a medicine,
combining the properties <d a *l* roactiie,
Kh all*ali*S, m pnrgall'c, lnn>.
dative to bring '.hem beck to third duty .
sin) all U>*e p riwiiti, ! their pwrsa', and
mot i-ri'-cuve fotm*. ais uni’<d in
T>rft% Kgervrwew Wr(*er
Hie grist IT*mdy f _ r
and its concomitant t;t nerprencer*. tod
by all druec'*'*
C* p- rr P ~“7 A WEEK to
tJIOO j i Agent* fIOOu 1
a ritEE r. O. VICKEHY, August.
t Dollars a day at home Agents
.'i n ynted’ Outfit and term* tree.
IHh K 1 ( ii. Augusta, Maine.
Drunkai and Stop !
C. V. IIEEH.S. M. I>. (formerly of II >s
tool has a hsrmleas cure for IN TLMP£H
ANCE, wtiieii can be civen without Ibe
knowledge ol the paticiU. A*so one for
Permanent cores guaranteed in both
trend stamp tor evidence. Ask druggists
for it. Address
lIEKRB IN)., Birmingham, Conn
Q Extra Fine Mixed Cards with
name, 10 cts , ['ost-psid. L. JONEg
At". N*’n, V Y. . _
5 Dollar* to AADolian per day at
iU\J home Sam pies worth
g 5 free. Sliaaon ACo., Portland, M* ine.
"My Mother 1 ! Daughter," an intense y
interesting story from the pen of Mrs.
Ophelia Nisbct Reid, ol Aatonton, G*.,mill
be commenced in the Savassah Wekklt
News of Jane 24Kb, 1877. The price of
the Weekly News is only fI.OO for six
months, or $2.00 per year, postage, raid
GEORGIA — l Ordinary’s Office,
Meriwether County, f July Term, 1877
Whereas Lnois M. Phunn, as adminis
trator of the estate of Amos Chuan, de
ceased, represents t > the court that be hss
fully administered the estate ol said de
ceased, and applies for letters ot dUinission
from his trust as said administrator.
This is therefore to cite and admonish
all concerned to file their objections, it
aayr they have, on or before the first Mon
day in October next to show cause why
said administrator should not receive Let
ten ot Dismission trom his slid trust as
Administrator aforesail.
Given under my band and official signa
ture, this July 2nd, 1877.
* O. JL C
o_o_. H J.l
ilAWdtrjtSYiLhß, tiAh Aprft, 1*177
JKor.iluesj) Cflitcdv* (.Nc-cis-i— , xii WnJi.wgto.y Ave. Kt- Mn..
i Gtwutitas;—Etvcli oae ol as pMrcbkssd .-me of yaar vaioabbr ”Fwtbto‘
! Clocks, tire desirous that our friend* and tue public should know how we appreciate
'be same. We bav, as all others, that it is the u.ojl perfec.4 p;eca ol tuechtuEsm w*a
Lave ever sees,. Tie* Ca.eudar , tu us work , the time d-yiarth.,*tt caanot be
surpassed, and tbe finish is the finest we Lave ever seen put lot Uwa. ** ftivv* us
: i case re a orjin men ding so vrortLy an ar - icle, and abw to do busines* With a t-oargetic
! sir dec. .1 g f got, tgoven a- _v<.ur saen'.a. Your o>oi I x yet .' i ir ,r ’t Yt apprectatn. aaj —w*
'v. yvu a.- gocu a icecs* !aer>. as yvu itaVe bad in our country.
\*urv Her pact hilly. . .
j f • J-rdge I. O. Hotxnc' 9r .frTi. iKsjwrc John KutaerAe ;
iW. li- J .;uef Wui. G. Gunn Jlt .beil Taylor J L I>u * us >,
IV A Ivey J M rtouiuieric-rd J C. Shacuon te J M’WVhand
YY L JirowE, HiaL S-taiUi 1 Z. Etiiris F A- HUdvwu
W H !!• . U Ktcvall YVesb v Ivey t ijab Buliei
* VY McCarty J. 1). Jl PegVy Jao. W. Alien -La. Wdk*
Ii W Judge ‘ CM. Leaver 11. V Baiconi -‘Ab" Ltcber
J T liotuui It Hi tt’.ty y M M-ana UJraue
vY J Jni risen. Vl. il. A N \ mi-rnt u •* l.dl
YV ii r uu. met lord H Marshall J. Ll Clark* W It Murray
K N (j - ter J. A, Hammock Mrs. C. M. twtbbroagb Jen. Otoetar
VY* |i falser 1 TANARUS, M-iteHcd J. YY Jones Jaa.cs Cilocwr JK. Buns K. H. Boytao Juogv C A Koioai
Wo < ii j nee fc li. Lt> tt C YY aPWt SlapUeu Jones
I, A -sopt/L-s Will tMrUt > YY' ‘I. V’UttJeVWr M. II I\rio*r
Mia. \ C Na, ,er Aaiuti J. Lickercvaß J H ilaaivi HI . M ditaius
c., I.'l>..,a*av B. YV Hr wti J. C. lAiilingTon II H. blory
YVc Ino k ' K. S Griffin I J Ktui.ow J O. lUru
ry W , L L Htchardsou J K haH
i.davelte AWa ilragan
i., ... ‘. D.i.q-: & 11 (-xJv Mila* Laacalt
H,; Mi A .s'-j’ J>uucau Mchlatbem Jhnt;.rtee F tank Batkina
►TATE < )T OTHItHIA—Tti-ssKt Cos cm r
I 1-. I M< c.m hi .i.n) said county ,d< eerily that fam pcmwiarfy a.'i.naidfXl
a La c .mbir Ot ...e ; l eg :.5,..,r ; -e; a tea, u; Ui sa'ajUeil that th j are ,rc
h , .
'] ... , a,a, er ol t,' tins ,ti ale st .tig h n this cimilJ ate I’.rat- !**, auu 1 au.
.i- .SB; it oriTTtTT Tsf-ss tFT a; -fiemg-pcrs.nail) a, arm; s great may of tue
.at/, e* ' y t.sve s ;to i, toe orraaties I'l wigrs il .ualuii, lluoly, luig* aud Wil
es a tb t tnsy .* ie ,*o.*
TTiiri&tj KJtify no i.Ci mpan) baV* been J ,log bUiuu ,n don,
a... >, Uaak.iavi i .■nett uta ;, .art. Is, 1 t.a* laistm * * :U * *eet*i wl
•ci iat .ait, i bwtJ a u**Vaucy m
.*> * ‘a; • y a.v -4 =•■ -b y, VU.d wnthy ot etwfidwde
r vy ti-ii-J fcfaj U eftice u*.3 Ajl. ii McOUII’ f.
Jui, lai if OitUoaiy,
.a u. Jlsa.r i. x ■ *i.• xi
X; lb cater hue* • * Altai.U. tj.swgia*
: • - A tJP •
BuiWrrw’ n a rdwarr r PIbH ; „I,*. : :. \ WUuUw titwa.
i t ft *
*4 -*T‘f; CWBrj * 1 A UrA NIA if M^UJUA
iyj a ry!%niTyl n hv..i W ; Up>* r% | l+rg* mini iiMffi
Doors, Sash and Blinds*
fat fIWH ■ * M Mfiag*’ MtoWfW. .Vwds Bwsksk thBmH IK Wtsdww OUa
Pui’y ami
Wrt’a tor v-* lA*t and ,a, 1 1 ?r,-a* Terms t. a*b
r rh<* Con vention..
N- ’• that it i# c*-rta. that a te>nvii'ion 1
wiit be held, we tak- p-nujnrt a annoi c
ing tii&t tbe proceeding* • i that 'ew!y wii;
te V" "-■ : :' - - by
her o! oirf editor!si staff, *!*> i* aeknaw
edged one of U,e mort accoropliahad *aoit
hand wiiters In the country. C naldcra
ble rnterevt will atuci. to these procee-l
ing, and those who desire to read or pre
serve a verbatim h atory of tbe !aV>r ol
tlie Convention will <1 > wtl! t-> send in
their xubacriptionv ATosca.
One Dollar
wi ! l get H e Weekly Conatitutnro till Jslra
ary Ist, ibdb, or Five Dollars the Daily
Constitution the same length of time, p**-
lage tree. Address
Atlanta, Ga.
TH(*MF!>.C it)LE l” fO.
Fix iiud Plain Firiitve,
Bedsteads. Bur eati*Chairw
Tables. Coffins. Etc
Metallic Barial Cases and Rosewood
Coffins always on Hand. Cheeper than
the cheapest for 1M catk.
Babv Carriages
in great Variety and loy in prices.
m43on. * %
Dr. W. E. Ward's Seminary lor Young
Led km, Nashville, Tens, Forty-six grad
uates stood oa the stage this Jane. Ad
vantages many and all first -dial. Drue
simple and expenses moderate. Average
grade of ihu Senior dess 047. French
spoken daily. Calisthenic drill daily.
Careful matrooage and hygiene. Fine
churches in the city. Evr new catalogue
address the principal.
Wisbe* to inlortn his triteds and every *
trody else, that lie t* atili lo the
bosiness, and by reason ol a eosisctioc '
* ith a firm in tbe miss business ia the cHy
be enjoys aff tacilHiea lor fuvalfiikg any
style of Monument ol Marble ore* fltaSeh *
Giaoite and, aUo, Iron Railiag*
Griffin, done sth, 1877.
Darwin O. Jos*a J -K . WHmrsv
specialties: Whhe Wine Vaegar, Sweet
Cider nod Cider YloegM.
Office 47 Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Ga.
a, j. Lowe. erof. *x wxua
rVrmx fitl—tM Ifid W<•! POUCt PMKBOV l>epOC •
The best stlentioo given lo the awn tort
ofgneaU. INHito Portent ot every tram.
Ters*i*> 9 Day.
To ail that have WOOL to card I would
announce that my Curds areuowiu good
order and 1 guarantee sutisfsctkm ou short
Kates tor Carding ; 124 cts p
pound or one-itwtth of the WooL Terms
C ** h ‘ J. M. DBOOKS-