Newspaper Page Text
Hy -
'I be Old Mlvi'r thtii.u ,
_ lluw -dear Ur *ly are I i.e I't.lm aLfoy
WIiC'O fond recollection* rt< iLik to
VMrW ;
Drui a acarily gill* io an mil !
rnocd ;
The hardly gained ‘'(Ail” which my in
iarrcy knew,
The okMaaliieieA >pper, with green rust
corroded ;
The amoolh-aided ‘T vy" and el*pend k
••mull ;
The pilaster ed “quart'r," hy !<*a fofc
Ct tided ;
Tbe old aitver AtAlv, kved letter than
all. 9
The old silver dollar ; our dad*’ legal do!
lar ;
The bright, ihtnlrrg dollar lov'd hotter
than all.
ita broad gleaming disk I hal ed ns a treav
The promised r<-•,-;.•) of tong boo
the yield.
To gf**p R ‘ | w* ( *•;..pfo**-
The rrfroufn-it art! keenest that rnotrey
could yield.
I low ardent f *<i/*d it with hands that
were HCliing,
And quick to Urn tong pocket 1 * hot tom
it toll.
There carefully guarded horn Wttfttel
>Y Till yielded l lud to the clrciia man's
The old silver dollar ; our dnd> legal dol
Tim bright, shining dollar, that they
loved an well-
Haw e*^ 4 Iw tlm Unckjrterht grimed
band In meniv l',
A* pay lor (*ur butter, mtr eyy* nip) our
. “
Tim crl*t>ct (till c'MiUl not tempi •*<• to
leavo it,
Though the Hii*k-mile del*'- tut 1 ’fo
nounccd If nr t ■ !ns.
Hinen now in discorded that 1* it • I
Tim tears of rrgrrt wlll urcerwlrigiy lull.
A tanay tovoru to g* ate Mi it* *pleß
I yearn for llm bdfor loved better than
Tim old "liver dollar ; our dad's b'Kril ,!o ’
Til# bright, shining dollnr, loved better
than all.
II l nil in Viiln.
Wlmt la the object of ll thl . junketing
on the part ol II iy u.I in 1 ibinet f- If
Hayes war# gnlnf-abeui delivering apeech
-0 In defence of hi* till" I" the ofllen ril
IVaaldsot, or In cxplsn ltlnn of his policy,
or lo appease lire Itepubllcnii parly If he
rrat looking into the civil service quack
ery, or Inspecting the lort, or paying at
tentlon warty branch ol the public be-d
| n j n j>hr ami Hnllinr. lluL_ neither lil
himself, nor sny of Urn members ol his
t lahlnnt who bsvs accooipanled him. has
said or do as anything lo [mtily thoir Icav
in* Washington again n<l again
Haves and his Cabinet have vtailed Phi!
odclphls. They CSmte lieW to Uni c!!v
under the protest nf attending the Cham
her of Commerce dinner. They hartr-h-ett
to Boston, and at Cambridge ho wn* made
an LL.D. Tl icy hav been to Providence,
and they got damn at Hotky point. They
have plans to go to the South, and to the
Weal, and to the Pacific roast, and to come
again to this city next fall,
Ilsyc* la in pwfso4 of reonceitimi. Tost
is his object in all this traveling. Ho
knows U is a Fiamlulciit Picidsnt,but hs
thinks that II ho can get idle crowds to
crime out and look at him ; and If he can
get receptions ; audit ho can get iuvit"
lions to diapers; and it he can got people
to shake hand* with him, he will grow
lees obnoxious in course oi time. He and
his Cabinet arc mistaken. The brand of
trsud cauuot thus bo obliterated. A". F
Tlic Wusle of War.
The history ef Hie world teiches how
■inch easier it is to begin wars than t >
end litem. We ow wiln.'is the begin
ning In Mnmtoi fighting between Russia
nnd Turkey. No one cen tell when *t wit!
04. Ne oc oan say liovr many countries
wtU lrmoff*® involved in Ibc difitlcullles be
fore they ere trusted.
But it iB safe to predict that tine war
must be attended by impediment end des
truction t® peaceful industries; by the
waste and devastation, and the consequent
Inordinate Incrcsso ot demand that nsuslly
attend upon greater wars. These tend .to
public tmpumWnnen’, The world, on
the whole, ta made poorer. Hut tor the
eiwm being they may bo in some respects
advantageous to this country, and may in
crease the demand for several of our eta.
pica. Should such advantages accrue,
U>cy will be abort lived, and at an ex
pease of misery to other people. The real
and permanent prosperity ot this country
matt be brought about by other mean*.-
jf. r. e**. - ,
Tto wonder of the age Iras Vicen discov*-
eted in Thomas county. He rs lorty years
old and U* never taken a chew of toltaoco,
smoked a cigar, taken a drink of whisky,
or sworn an oath. "What a happy man he
will be when be first learns the real merits
of cold water— say about 4A. m. after a
fi rat-dam drank
T|ie * i |;ia < ii|’ til tlle Ordtlil i
i ting ;i!iaa ol lire West l*omi
tfiltlary Aeademj'
The- trj iC ltw.l ihll at the Coq
| led hides Military Aciiemy, West lfoint,
,N. y , bad manulacttrrd, at a coat of Hire*
i hundred debit:, a to-autHal "Ott* Cup,'
to be presented to the flrat boy baby Wc
to ai.y of ilk metnle f * Who ahaji uisrry.l - .
is iu shape of a goblet, of sterling silftr.
f<;n inches higii toe bowl m.e ! wTTi goTT
an 1 fratted ouliJ Around the how! ir
sun, ended a into i tore army hell of roil
i.'.ro.ttod with the rnot'o, To or *i ,*J*ob.
j Attached l. the l,<- l in front it a **ord, of
1 exquisite workmans:! , a perb ct fa/:
j ile in rninjal' re (if a regulation a capon
| •, , Mil- obverse of the bowl art • ngraft
! the aims of (he Class, representing Mi ie
va and >1 tr* alaoding '• either * and ol a
elii'-ld. on which la the, losctiption, ‘' L S
M A,” with data '77 above 'he whole
Kwnousted by an eagle. Toe figure of
Mi < rva and Mai* upon a w.roli engraved
with the motto of the (ha**, Hi Mlnervt el
Mnftr 'I he howl r’:J* upon the out-p/ead
wiro/a of * (pd-feii <agi a. •1. to* tutn
|te t U|Wifi thn dome of a minlainre * i>• f
jUTripto, Wllhltt Whlth ataoils a go! !* era
die ( oiifnlning ileeping Infant, whi e ,n
wliernkle opening* between the j
mil ns wlilch auppotl the doom ; pva/
thfeo gjlvct ch-ruht coming f fth with o ,t
kireti ic-i a.'irt*, rJ* i tog iipoa dR
rounded tni'e on svnts ■? I tie Vlttjil* rmbo
four wreaths '/I laurel and oak ms worked
In mid!zed tlvc.r e.y h wt' foil < to. to Iflc
mi engraved pit t ire icp(((Ming one • (
life lot,t brainhea of the mi itaiy wrvi'<-
The inlnnUy is rr preset) U-1 hy a M>nc In
(ftrrip llle, the Artillery, hy xt.i-yi-. butler y,
the ' rivalry, hy -a com pa' y In Iml charge
and tlm engineer t, hy a picture ito'Winp
tin cicclnui.rnillei fl e/l a ponton r bridge.
Ihr r.rily pohahed portion ol the wo- > a
1 ;y an ingento *i|ivicc of llouni 1 .11 A.
Cos -, rrmki r* of 'the cup*, and can Ie- taken
a -.rt and 11.-c cradle removed, hi permit t<f
•It - nmni; o! the Imbl owner In lug en
g avid upon jt. hi-ink l.nlir’ M l 7 /
Un plny 1* Wr* ret.
Knygle*. a i ul 1 ci|hi> < I in iter, id l!<i
liin, |n|i| nut lIIAIl 1 1Al hit lined ta make ; . ui'
[tauela Ur him. Tlnty were inn In <>! m
hugany, and *Hi rim l coiiijiUiiutd limt In
liilaacd thi! rough e'lrla* .. of canvn* t int
wan favot ihin Hi thn |i*fkli> <>( hu c • nr,
ftngglr-a invented tin* way 01. |.r ln luy
that ml id nurlncu liy rutting Ici-ili in lln>
[italtr linn all I 'lni/ylny It bark vard, tint
proving tin’ to'el way of linto'iting witbo'it
tOftillig thr woo I It'igg'i not that at
the lima liu lined to woiU lor Htunrl irie
nhiaji waa In Wilitoi ntrri'l on Ur) gro ii I
Hour, ami one day, killing at Inn ehiip
iliuir. Ins-***v Htunrl i- miing ilnwm -t he
atrect in cafiirkt t'onvitin sthui vitlt a.•• u
llrmtn, Htmwl I'tttun iiitrt Ur: .!i Iji foi
lowod liv hla trio id. and, r ild Utgrl.- -. I
juiW Unit Uni -n. h.iu fo
ld foil him eimi-tliing that )> ->*< unwli
ling to fruit him with. Smart mn'b Mr
RugCb e, havt' V"U g"l a |U*C ol r.rilk ?
I cav* him a pin o ; hn then tnrutd to '
■otllPf ntr I—rr+ 1 —rr+- Hnna -tr enort - t—rrh
ttand.a lor ini 1 , an t hr muiitt a tnaik !ii')i.-f-
Nnw, yon air my good irmii !, an I would
like to know my arofrt , V ill nm a man ol
honor, il l l. ’.l Vll.ll. I’, will do I,'J h lirjfo
ufot, at any lat -, it will g’.atity rr,u an n
mark of mv rortfidrm-r, I foti no, a.-.I
Itiaktriit attrltou ma 1, , that et-tfof* f“t
you, ao llirtr aro two lluit know il. Bit
|iiil gtc a imirn: 1 nViii," Hir'd, as ysnU. "dE
Is a Ularrcct woman, and you nt vrr have
any rrecret.e lit iwrm you, soiuc '1 tv, " lirn
you arc alotir togrtiicr, and liavu nothing
to talk all >ut, you tell her that you Unov
aoiuethiug curious but aro alral I *ho lll
■peak of it. She will he indignant at n t
being Lifted, inaml that gfi'C ought rrr
know ; proinUe aho never will whlapcr it
to any one, ami perhaps cry a hole, so von
foil hot, and that stands lor her ; lie made
mother mark, i. Now how many people
know il ? Three, aahl hie frUud. There
ate our hundred and eleven that know il
I tt, euid Stuart.- From “ Anted, dr* ol
(filbert Stuart ,” in Scribner for July.
Doctor, said an old lady , the other and vy,
Cos her family physician, kin yc tell me
how it is that some folks is born dumbb ?
Why—hem I—certain, madam, replied
the doctor, it is owing to the fact that they
come into the world without the power ol
La me 1 remarked the old holy ; now
just see what it is to have a physic edica
tion t I’ve axed my old man mme nor a
hundred times that ar same thing, and atl
that I could ever get out ol him wa, Kase
they ia,—-
The Ohio <S'f<i U Jourml tells of a village
clergyman who, visiting a parishioner sut
faring from a lingering disease expressing
to his wile a hope that she rometimes
spoke to him of the future. I do indeed,
sir, was the reply. Often and often I
wakes him in the night and says : John,
John yon little think of the torture aa is
prepared tor you.
\ bright-eyed three-year ofd hoy was
seated iu his chair at the dinner tab.e.
Mamma bail placed him snugly up to the
tJble, pinned on his bib, and succeeded iu
getting the ltltWflffschicvouslauds quiet,
and making him bush when wilier pro
cured to ask a blessing- While this was
Ui progress our little chubby made a dis
cimry. It was that all the plates on the
table but his own little pla'e were in a pile
at papa’s place, at.d it seemed to him were
put there to get the benefit of the solemn
ceremony. So scarcely waiting lor the
"Amen,* he held out his own plate with
bolh hands, saying, “Please, papa, pray
ou my plate loo.”
fftilitxk and the Pcaaiocr.i tv. ,
Comment jog o;k>u the Bu.hxk Case*
and the ad vice of the (Jhronwil un i Coo
ftilullorypltl to e*poje_ tLe guilty I7erao
crata, i! there arc- any, the Oiiue--. e AT
jk says :
it wi I never do They are all ; fl lu-d)
places, now, and it w&ttld be a ]>ity to top.
pie them over. When UulWrk left they
flrat cricl ‘thlel’ to divert ptsbhc attention
!rc‘tfl their own Ufprwiimofaa , aod;
ing the j/eepie wilt tog to be golie co ut
ed more fuHHy ac.J increased the v / .cut
of their vehemence to a tidal w ave of
blatant patriotism, upon which they rode
n'o place* of trust, honor and prof.! •
*,Vc fp.g the Ettq’t to Ire more **;/ cit re
it-itsten.euts about *0 important arc it
•11, Wh ■ were the Democrats that shoe
ed‘thief’so l i tilv when Uulloek fl-. 1, it.
Order “to divert public a'Uitjtion lro-o their
Own depredatio .a ? Who are the men
that rieie Into place* of trust, ho .or an t
profit by a boring their atc-ci pie • . j
fittiue ? What high place* do they hob!
now ’ Thu Iji U mini to know these
; men and to l/e scrpuajolet! wifh < ,e and. tai'
jof tin tr v:ll*i -,y ; we tro t that it wiii not
■ fjiykfjv jgf kj; vT** t .f’lfi te, —li
| ha* often been intimated bed .r* ’Cat pro .si
)<•*' IhmQtirits "f fieorr . *te
fisyi: been ’.rusted and honored hy the par
ty which they most have worked s> te-.'y
■■j -.lazitoy were aCi.-/:ii:.:-T* !a the frs-i 1 !
and I *rieflctarlns of the • ot
tin: fto’i-rk lllody 0. t'-y -.’ hot -
and far la iiave never stid been -c W*
do not ayrec witit tin En/U that it arotitd
I*: a (illy to topple over ■ i>i oieo (/ ' -
ci n'rary, It wiMitil t*s a moat '
Irln | lto I|( .wa them hr Use t,‘n\ ! 'I r • y
di-Fcrye no aynifmthy I ,r, *c..0fd.0,/ • ■ .
/iiyfe, they am douhin trattnra tr*<tora ’
the pefij/lo #,( (ir'rriri sand tla Uals to lbs
ring w|t": apeli*they ahare !. lest the. fa*, puhiishfiil ! . sCi ( f / .,
-tnil I /it spic I era ii'uil.
l en ms.
Aft art)- !c in the-to r‘*y ntr ilci •
Mr. Dwi#, fire<* n i* ..(.<• novel .< *
Thn result* of great tinmbtr fit r;)
rnenU am field l> *irttlo ) sf it. ;
fact*-: •Afwurtng* lei t low nwjtfffl
In nr cloio to ti,p enn of ,* r.-c.o and a
most invafiahly lau*- lil-rr ' dfam and '<•:
riltlr ndtrnlttfr* rm vn'iv, mch 'a* vt '
wreck and ‘lfowniug Umgl-ig or (.tor
on mn.ical inatnioienfa in ! i * drum. f
dea l (rinnd*, funfit n’*, and Die Ilk" W n
riaomu dresini ais oflc-r r-iiis*,! 'iy
ing with the anin otrr Hie l.eid Mr
liuwis does not l> ii-..v that rni'ivn'i i
iiiru is olln cause I by weight el tr t •
on the mind, ah ! ItcAourhsU the 'it--1 thsf
any go at proportiou <d an- r'ii arc Hr r<
suit of Wnk-of (ro’i)dc , I hi ih'l* JesnyOto .
'rp i iii-nli sliowiu r that Ih'-y ere )•-.!
fl i lies across lim hr no While one w rtch
ed a sleeper and *n <' lie - Hu t -'ll , sHi and
fondly slammed the 'r : . ) -f a ■
ntavv-tt trrti inn I<y 'my, I’lrw *'3 t e* <• •*!
must Instantaneous. The man * img up
at tire mrUTnt, looked mound in s'lr.-i, and
then rai lairne I Tiiank find tint t was
91,1 y a dream ff ■ had ’rea'm-d -I he our
f.i a - i.r.vdcd ~U*u ’ in (",n‘. •• f • : ■ o■ h.. (
wlvTcu the i tnwd ilecUri l vmft, 1 ot at til
lingered near i ! . The draaurar t Ito *t
how his way long, hut the pc foered
Sad laughed at him and ht-hi ;t L!i‘:rr
and the trattitmv tap pled aver na tarn, the:
sli.e-k iirrskfog hrs dres-e ft ■ •me! tor
ti that ho lei 1 thcanied the mi' ifoeant
in a second, while, the lime seen.’!:! a . lone
wurriisnr w iviin ; borw sstw rra ijitr*
li 'n In’) onl dispute we indulged in seven
or eight ddicicnt experiment*. Some
limes we let-ft weight (all lo the fi-oef, t>r
rtruek a chair with a stn k. and again e
sltfomed the blind. In everv Instance Vic
slecn-T ilrrani''.i ol <■ "ire f..rtlnnr a-lven
lure, and awoke with a start; and no
dream lasted over a mrnrfto.
All-accounts go to show That th Tur- j
ktsh soldier has not degenerated lr in his j
ancestors, who were the terror ol ’hi rope !
in the fifteenth century. For dth in a
etisrge, and lor obstinacy ol cesi'tann be
hind intreuchmonts, the Turks of to-day
are probably not urp*s<el. II it like
Oriental warrior*, when repulsed or c< n
fused by the los of a commander, they
soon become panic stricken.
Nor has the Turk lost any of hi tenaci
ty. At Damascus recently s Turkish so; -
dier went into the bazar to buy a sword-
To try t tie temper df ooe he looked MffßjL
tor some object. Just at that mo meat a
a Jew happened lo pass. In the twink
ling of an eye, with a s.voepine blow, the
soldier cut ofl the the Jew’s head, as clean
as though .tone by tlio axe at the execu
tioner. Then he e *oby pronounced the
weapon at good steel, paid the price, an l
went his way. Such soldiers are apt to be
as terrible to the people, whom they dc
(eed as the enemy,
The Home Cfr’iner says wheat is coining
in at the rale of 500 bushels per day, acd
commands $1.50 per bushel. Apropos of
this grain, the Thotnasv:::c Timt* tars
Mayor Davies, of that place, shipped a lot
of red wheat grown in that county to Sav
annah last week, and realized $1.75 per
bushel on it. ‘ -
Mr. Samu el Smith , of Schley count;
lost two valuable mudes" recently, both be
ing bit by rattl e-snakes, from the eficcta o!
which they died iu the course of
minutes after receiving the injury.
Wanted —every one to bt tree from Pi tu
ple?, Blotches, Boils, etc., which can be
done by purifying the blo-td a iJi Dr. Bull’#
Blood Mixture. Used everywhere.
Tifli “LUidiT-lt INMSr "
t uoißi.f: TiinrAD,
L.04-M wi l l * 11.
ffujicrior to all others for either Maculae
| luring or Fauuiy Lse ft is the aimpkaf
j v:-*g Machine made, b&'ung tower parts
Lac any ot!:ei ; frse from i ompiication*.
it never get* Out ot Older , an j ; away*
ready h-r as..- It 1* ‘..e
Most Dardble.
tjj of £ or/, **.a tt.c (.
;mu rft to U is r<. and to< oi If/ -U-<
J mtd.i.ti-.*<:4i l * .
: ifi* .*eU-Ito •* - 1 4mT& -a i 4 PC WS <Ol ■ i
1 ‘
Om! !|I :,r _*.'• >! ■•%'- = . *t .
[ Utfe UaiUrkai iV - e
[ Otif DfO-'p-i (Jit' V-liuES,
No Inbtructiomi
I ‘it Ibljt:u*£i H ti hr. i I* ft", fo f*"*t I
hit 1.11. n- • P:yat
tawaauaa u
*4 Irec.g f.e
Liffbtt *(-rauuluK
-t •. tfl Su lli*l M -r. ' ;
A 4 iiit • A *. .% 1 <■ l ■ J f.-t. V
WOtieM l' ' V I tjf of >h**a.fc. /*. i , j.)
k.i* f w t* i.tb, * IMj iir -rt j.<
’S’ /ID •(•O-f/ at! t*. lac. fay*. •: fC •• U?i • 4
-j rt’-j-Tf fi7 3' ."T7T i4Uw.l *i c. JT T
i‘i At ft >,
; V
< *:; r.k. Witt> <in 'it * •;* j
A Notod Llvlnc sajrs
They fire worth their
weigh ti n gold. |
I T\ tT -f>*- hr SMr Fit f '•#► J > * **■>- '
•• :*> tC*fr\. l>V4Jf|At*,( : .1. * • t 3• -
* jrwi\l**JU wf-' t* • •"’iii.i w!- i * I 1
sw*4*-t4D fve*Vj- i an: -*• >• . vw I t -*■ \
i '.'- ajM-U -**4*rk •*——a *
iiry *r r~ H
Hm R i
viiwiA/nu a -4% I>r ' T*m ~r
TUTT S PILLS *" in* 4
t?lTB 1 RtCTK B IAU• frf # ♦?;>* iw*v
AL-HM. Hfsttr (3 Um
TUTT’S PILLS c I h .: , :~ ;
coats IITSrWWBI*. t*eth* t’fT t>rc{.r"t
- ■— nn tifk {'WV'XP**‘<.
Turns pills qvarltry
He hti Mccctdea >n i
CBE* CQiTl>Anoy m'.in-* lE. 1-
n a heretofore nur"r* f
’fekiW .f
tuh’s puis petite by the ! •■'*
to a **i ml 5 t e l
CtJEE FEVER AXD Thao the rretem it aoar
i%hed, oivt by their tmir
CTTBB BILaZOVS OOULC Tbeit)Mit;aith wheh
i mmmmmmm Urfcn* /at* '9 fifth
Tlin’S PULS ofthe** wiU. Ot iteetf >n'
__ iticatc* their df*tolity
CVU * fJJfIjS? OOM tonooriilh the body, *c
pcacirr. hence the.reacjuio
■ VII V/ ■ Ik*v im of the m.i*cie*.
COM TORPID UVIE K .*c,nw* of the liver
“■ chronic cooalipatiort,
Imparting beaith sad ktrength to the ir*. Soi/i
evV>|wh?w OSce, a Murrey Street, New Vork
Cnr Mair can be to a ■
What is Queen's Delight?
Read the Answer
It U a plant that grow* is the South, and * a Pe
nalty adapted to the cure of diatwc* of that climate.
Entering at one* into Uw blood, expelling all scrof
aloua, syphilitic, and rheumatic affection,. Alone,
u it a Marching alterative, but when cotnMocd with
SanapartUa, Yellow Dock, and other herbs, it forms
Sr. Tutt’a Sarsaparilla
and Queen’s Delight,
Tls meet powerful blond perifier known to medical
•cience for the cure of old ukcr*. diseased joints, foci
discharges from the ears and noatn s, aSsccsses, ska
diseases, dropsy, kidney complaint* evil effects T
secret practices, disordered Ihreraad spleen. Its use
strengthens the nerrous system, imparts a fair com
plexion, and tan Ida up the body with
Af an antidote to rvphilitk poison it is strongly
recommended. Hundreds of caees of the worst type
bare been radically cured by it. Brifcg purely veg
etable it* continued use will do no harm. The best
time to take it is during the summer and tail ; and
inHcad of debiUty. baadache, fever and ague, vt
win enjay robust health.• Sold by all drug-ats.
Phce, fi.oo. o®ce, 3t Murrav Street, New V orh.
M. T. Ca^tt vwr-RT ftas* J.NO. Neal
MaiUii&ciuiers and Je&le.’i a— trades, PAliLOii, ‘M’i'iCE CiIAMSLR and
V a 44 Whitehall Street. Atlanta, Georgia- - ~
*C ; (Mi Wcrth now in mock. SW& complet* set* S’.cru
ft c- v■: •/ •■-■' f-.-'i [. Lceaa.i.g tune auito- ter HMdAb ei
Jfsrlei uto Only S4O.Uu i marhto bureaus only $14.00
Walnut ItarwMi* tIO.jQO - t • 1
Gum i’aue! liedstcad 6 foe*. $3 bo Marble Table ItJxii #.?
- Marble Tahto 30*30
A ii i. iiirr fci-tmii :a p'o; orucc.
]STow i.s tlie Tim© to Huy*
Remember the Platae.
CAf 1 Etartrtrt' to CU , 42 to 44 Whttotbai:
At tali la. G
a L.i ivWihli IfTtloa V WiiOU.I - WM. nrtt'KL
vtoari. ri-.rTrv Lsit Htti
HOW Ar U 1), VV O O O & ( o.
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Tt mA u.u-m;h;au-s- ktg—
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- - Bar fat la Hs net, i J—r—
All ASIA (i A
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Cuitaius, Wall Paper
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M !11U ll 1, Til till.
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It pn * art Wagon flirness
If you w an! f‘ nn ant a i Kind,
Ii you want yout Lt ;g*y ib : r'.i j
It y -1 want your Carriage done up.
It you want % Cos fir a of any kind
Call on
Barm-s* !e, lit
111 NT, It 4 MAIN A 1.4 Will.
■NO. 11 -SOUTH rkToR *T. AT!.AST V r.A,.
OBct to merchauU and destor* a large
And wrti swwrtcd firr-knf reusNle .
Oc most favorable fertni,
tVe arc
for St, Louis Strictly Pore White Lead
ami Pure Lie seed Oil.
and other Fertilizing Chemical' Call on
or scud your orde: to
Na 11 North Pryor St. Al ania, Ga.
mch 4 3m.
Family ICnittio?; Machine
A fj , - * t and tV onrfrrtul Inwi.Biioo
sPeittonby It*
*•( ,i .!, m i erf-.fmMiio, and it* |WI
[irs’iKsi vloe for every d*v family usp.
!• i* Simple Durable and
Cheap I* > k-pt m re#*'’,*od
It i • very poMib’e variety el pia'a
and fancy week
and tor tarter ’ban it ran be done by ha*d
or any other machine. Ail kinds ol esr
i meats a e (icrfectiy formed and soaped by
■tV machine no cufting or
mako-.g i. A good operator will, knit s
man'* nek, with heel and toe catnptee. w
frtm to tea ■minntt* ! and irem twenty
to forty pairs of socks in a day.
Every fsmfly—ei>peci*llf every farmer’s
isn.i’v—should h*e a Bickford
Knitter 11 w,!l ~e loonf3 equaity a*
I Win] as the Sewing Machine, and even
■ njpfe j rofl’st/e.
Every Machine WAUBAJfTED perfect
u r .d to do ju*t what a reprftenled-
The Bickford Machine is the owlt LE
rjrrTH.'.TE cyandrics! Knitting Machine ia
-Tir’mcc. A'l others, no'licensed by as,
aWa 'nfringementa M oar
patents, and at aha!! bold ail parties wba
manalactare, sell, buy er tire such infring
ing machine*, to a strict legal occocotabiU
Ad Instruction Book, con taming com
plete an ! rainnte directions to the opera
tor, accompanies each machine.
N<>. I. Family Machine, 1 cylinder,
72 needles,
NHl r J‘smi’y Machine, 2 cylinder,
72*100 needles F 4O
A umpU macfiitu will be sent to any
part of the United States or Canada
(where we have no agents,) erjrrett e&argct
prt-pjid, no receipt of the price.
Agents wanted ie every State, County,
City and Town, to whom very liberal dii
conn’s will be made.
For fertlier paiticniare, address
Bickpop-o Knitting Mach ink Mfo, Cos.
Sole Manufacturers, Brattleboro. Yt
Mch 23