Newspaper Page Text
#■•"**’*— 1 ■ T
Wm. T.Ruvim., Editor and Pro;ri*t,r
WBWnrt ¥** * . AtIJJ. * ' 1
One of lbs übifcul n.ov.lj'ft,, if not the
very ablest one, raid's d'lrb.*,' tbs sitting of
the convention wns Ibe speech do!iv r and
by Judge Buchanan i**l Friday n the
OllSr.liM I Ik- -i .i; lilt!
first Sme the Judgu bud iwk'-d ton at ' "
(bin id tba •I - I **# Wt to* *j •**.!* iw-ult a
flue, decided iis.p.< -<•*<*'.
Judge \V,. H. Wert, 'b's radical < and!
dale lor govsrnur of Ohio,!* entirely blind .
Although lor l*o year , lot baa coni n i'd
to practice law, and ba* argued a nurnlrer
*4 important c#e iu 'be supreme Court if
the ata'is, and oilier tatbuna ■•, with ability
and success. A- he will ie ImshUm in lb*
race i* may las m hail' illy aaid Ibat “be
la going it blind 1
The Georgia Agricultural a-aoeiy -mots
in Niswuan next Ttie-day.
Fieri.* bnlllaa were tuogl.L between *r
mica of the Turk* and Ifuaainna on tin llbtb
and Birt drya of July in wMoh tin,
alana wui beaten with great ' I mgb'er and
driven to reek *fn'tet beyond a river In
Ibsir rear. T lir loaves yof ITe* r,i?t(i * •..
conspbiooui am! tin: k I! of tio-lr gent rale
the Stint of o US
Bosnians ire f>*-<dlly r<-■< If "and, t!e
march to Cnnstinrtnnrdo t* i-sdeflnb- ! y
postponed Tim reat_bnl le above rider
re<f to was fntlgiit a! I’levtia, In Korop*
In Al the Turks slid have (b# adv*i
With a dgb, a vvtill anil, no doubt, a
gnashing o( the teeth, Ibe A'anta Cottsll
jetton remark* tbsi! tbs ''t it- a:* irroti .are
fh [wiwer in flirt eorivesitUicL You e< >•, Iny
friend, the people am #p*nhbif* out and
wont he be con troll" t as the lerlalat'oe
baa ban tin* past Itaff • eat * 1 •
chettp fellow* are hard trt nlth ! bo'd'-rs id
extravaga'it and liisurfon taaica and ha'>
Ita, If these ganitanon cannot. £tli"td ft>
aerv" tbe *lntn at the flgttna Of *I * i: ' ;
'•cheap men" let tbei" stxtid a do . Juit
good men can be found I . latte tin ir plan *
at the pay fif'd by them (.mu, I jcn.-inl.
thttip cntmiiibiiiMa,
Tbe Bupreme court mucin next Slot"’"'
an.l Judgo Wamcr*# yiicnt ion i B'i# •hi*
week. At tffrro n e over Mine Tirilt>••!
cate# falurtietl w Hit* 'erm of the court h.
may expect no winter lioll lay. I'bu l*anl
ct worked tiitin In llm Hint", Judge War
tier hi# for nevcril v"ar advonated * re
dilution of till anl irlc* n-tl e< "ptl"g hi*
own. Ho adyiHtatei* tbi* nuluctlon tt|>"ii
the grohnd that tin* people wo t'" l • l, i t"
that wo * c poor and aid in lowning Hm
burden* of Ihx
The Atlanta C" stltnlioir peiforme a
liercnlesn work In rcpotl'tig the
procefidliH" !" 1 ■pfedte* <( tberonvn
tiott- , % icliM ■ Ihu Ci Mlittl'lnn a man
many remain *1 burnt and obia'U t*.i ic '
and miuuto inloimaUPe respecting every
thing that lran#t irra. That thcee repotl*
are correct we know lr>m a week *|Miut in
attendance upon- tb convoutiou, timing
Which time we beard atr<ry *p< eh ddiv
cred and altrrwai de read the apcecii a* re
ported by tlmt prints ol tlenograpl.i rh,
Bam Bn*all. Every man hi the stale iliuul t
tako the Oon*tilutli>u, at le**t, daring t<io
leasion at the couvonllon.
Removal of the f’jipltal.
Ol ail the pivtin* before Hie couven
lion, the one of feast importance l" the
people of Ibe n'rilo i# Ilia! I'UpecUng the if
moval ot the capita l. While it is evident
that this itn issue Hint ought to be anb
milted aepsrslt ly and at a t’mo dtflet'ent
Rem that apjiointed lor the rallllcition or
rtjecllon o! the constliuiiou, still, rrgartl
*ng the question of minor Importance, we
shall support Hie new constitution what
ever direction may lie given the capital
matter. We may expect all those who are
dissatisfied with the work ol the conven
tion, to seek to defeat rati beat ion by* di
viding the people rn this outsido issue’
We are for ratification whether the capital
remains st Atlanta, go*# to Milledgeville
or is submitted separately A separate
submission would Increase the votes lor
ratification while the fixing the capital si
either place, would create dissatisfaction.
Let us get the constitution first ami locate
the capital allet wards.
One Vole Lost.
The reduction of the Governor's salary
to |3,000 u not what wai expected by
the life, progressive,liberal pcop'e of Geor
gia. A dUtingoishcd and popular citisen
from Middle Georgia said in our presence,
thia week, "I voted for Convention, hut I
can Tote for no Constitution framed by a
let of men whose aonls are lo small at to
reduce the Governor’a ealary below f4OOO.
They ought to have raised it to six thous
and.”— Atlanta ConMtivtion.
How bad these small aouled fclllows will
feel at the witheiiug rebuke of Uds “distin
gutehed and popular dtiaen from Middle
Georgia." WbaiaheT There are some
office holders “from Middle Georgia.” Is
he one cf them T Wo notice that the most
blatant of those “live, progressive, liberal”
six thousand a year tner are numbers oi
the office bolding brigade or camp follow
ers of the kme. From all luch by souled
patriots we never expected a vo'c in bt
hallot ntitnchment Will our brethren
cf tle .CtßSiiluth n inform us bow this
whole aouled hero stands on the carttit
—r S *
I A.- ■. <*or •; W trrja be ffirt'i *
K*s>t wff walk around the big dog.
examine id'u carefmljr and c.oM-ly, and.
nuai'y. (• edns; doubtful of ti ability to
~op*s with tbe new comer, drop hi* tail
inr,so tins At bint* Gufis'i’u ier Mi.oniio e.
ai iUO'i thevtatrsmenf >f Staj. Mow;* te-
! r iiii./ At anu'e broken proad ••. as cop
••ied by u la-t week, and finding no v user
h e polut cos.eludes to its* tbe dutuay; t.
iac's ft ij pf a.*-" Of the Hono'ab C /enflc
tuau [*>> utiiJ diced. U "tl i ti/e Com i."•
-tfpn mwy%t awer Md*r* w J t now, with
what g' eio tin y * oeld**jiit-h in.'’ A. H
ft, Their ’•I) .eking dtit” i* ready laughable.
ffnltr n Aft<* of It.
Wbibe Col. M. J il unmond and other
convention orator* were plea hog lor
High baiariea ujauii t.e ground that
the present able and faitblnt cii’isl justice
of th* aupKtrn* cajrt nr p'vuiy paid t
|l} ;aX) a yaat in gob* .the chief just ice bine
*s!f waa at bom*: ■ i-inyibi cia ratati /o
and openly prot aiming Ibat bis aalary
and fbit ol iiU arso'iato* abould las red ic
<hJ to |VrOO. Uke mny "t hia Uigb Ha.
ary l.retbrcu we think 04 li .e .1 "li
bill cak'd.
A fliwuke.
'f'bl: At! Hit I Indejx .'ftlvl.a rmfji a i!.< t
plitrrtskeit 111 Atlanta, -Ca'ea ibat. ‘ J j’y
ibe Id'll, on motion of M:. Wtie. . K*
t,oy, ft. Id. Uulbmk war igyilsd 111 a p it
upon tb lloor Ol the ronvuitiui,,' 1 We
think Ibe litdepenenl t- 'ry rneeb nitsla!
enaudgoiM a long *)t to fish op an
i4Upty tolnp Inivnl to it* bituier cue!.
Wc wem Ufein Ibe floor oi tiw to vaiilmn
at tbe dap) alrryv reictrel to, *ef iiave no
ri(:nilui,tll> ol k'jwb'g aneti a pwitt wn
scad. T*m )■ wi'.t show no such res t
olulioti an I bull t.a'a mvo Will ap;a-sf
upon Win fee rd only tu bin line livid, that
ol a piulide. e and iTugitiy!' lr ;'Tr JiJatKO.
Wf',i the In Ilmen lent i orrnci Ita inwink" 1
*lr, ICiiiMiiitl.
HpeaUng nl Mr. Hit dab'a emi, eul tpia!
it ail ml I it Cli* a,I sake fan Ip, to Now
Volk lorn lolttnly *aya .
11l the I I t Co* grits* Mr. If .rvlxil tltnwril
no dlapoaStirm to ""mprnmtae with nfflr
I'struvagnit is or with private | .IPwry. I 1
svatt iiiiiler ill, rsi.ip tliat tbe I ions'
(Tiiti i,- ; iij.on i iletcnmnnd and pmtrncteft
airnggb with the Htmaiu nd tim Adtittat*
tra'imi, in lavoi ul economy and relorm In
tlm ciuubint.'it tlm ttnynrnrnent bin*
„l,ovv nil other mini hnlotig* the l.igli eted
it ol a irslmamn nl * lO.CWO.bOO s e"in|>ai
■ and w dli lb# upproi'rtai.oii* of pnrvbm*
CoiJgte* <•*’ ,
Tin- Coiivnilirsii
lla* Used the term of suprvme mint
jn.l.i laiaix yvua, * rdaunmi 1 1 rn'
IH7H, Imo and fkH!) They are to ti ( In.
, rtrv-t Hi *HH f
ol |!l,0()0 a year, sviiTch Te over fWO lea
[linn tlu-lf powont pay. -4 In nit (‘ffm**
In*! I tin- r olTlore lour yen' * nn I get f j IHMt
n ymir, over f ">(b l"*o titan the premi t
an I ary. They ate *!•*, to in> c*n*a' tt by
tils legiabil tre.
Ttt# T' i ~rt nf ttif, r; lyiiiVhTrr n v-) rhe
bumiahiad >I,OOO w ill the- priTirge *:
waiving nil Hit* amount ntccpl fdOfl wmtli
irf liottaehcki and kitchen lurn.lnre, went
ing apt *ril, ami provhdon* bn one y. fti.
H. K t,u v<atd under |*oybn**lf existing
LiWsnte il* t aUcded by the In iv cnnitlti'.
tlpn, A b.n£ debate was hfd on a prop*
ailion t.i sLortm lists lerui of tlm ordinary
hi two >< aits, lh term oi idhr n us.ty 1
llcui*. bm it wa* Voted down.
Nu mmc uew cnmUeß arc t*> bo'for til
The Halarios ol slate lintise ofll'H'rs have
tseen red need— The pay of Juiisr* llxel at
$1.1)0 per dar.—Thoan *hu oppose redm:
tion and saiartoi rai-e ad sieltd bowl ov
the hgitUi'ton ol tin* cmiventt >n. Isttf tbe
body legislate, if it bo iegieiati >n, il doc#
tetter work than the last leg tala tire.
TTe speechr* are becoming longer ami
of alarming Pejoency. Neatly o-> entire
day was cnretiir.ed In recon-idering and
attempting to reconsider tbe work of tbe
previous day. However if the convention
will confine itself to the f95,000 appropri
ated ft defraying its expense*, and will
give us a good Constitution, Jke shall not
complain. 'I
Died hi Atlau& at the hands ot the cor
ventlon, after a protracted struggle, that
old troublesome pest known as High Sala
ries. Though the offspring** Bullock and
Ids wicked crew, she uumliered among her
followers some ol the most prominent men
of the state, and (ell greatly lamented by a
large circle ot sympathising and deeply
troubled state elHcla’s. llcr Iriends and
defenders consisting of almost the entire
population of Atlanta, a portion oi the
atate press, the office holding brigade and
those who were desirous of being en
rolled in this army ot patriots,—all rushed
to the assistance of the old jade, as soon as
they learned she was in danger, and dtd
yeoman service ia her cefence. They.pic
tureffin glowing speeches, ffeil written
leaders and auooymous communications,
the great evils that would result to the
state it High Salarks should be consigned
tufrhe tomb. Pathetic and racv'ng appeals
were made by orator*, who bad often
swayed multitudes at their will, to the
members ol the convention to save the
gtate.irun- the reproach ol starving her
fhKbfdl cfficfeife ind beggaring thefr wtm
and children. Members were buttonholed
and asurcd fhat the best men in the aUte
would be kept ont of office if High Salaries
should be pnt to death. It was pleaded
that officeholders must be paid well that
they might be arrayed in purple and fine
linen, and tbua properly sustain the dignity
ft fe
'the oftOE. Oli^'High Bi*y, hers# 1.
t .rgetlu! rhat labovSti, rf-.dUßiant* #ad pro*
fetssiimai' emtsl
t .bey leatizcd yearly in roan #t gf.&Sb
bong in r banrers on ttve ontee wall *d
I t-t 500 cd per aMotHj It.did o
i O and to remi .and tlje h.ugtity ertd bar that
of oar prospe.ity sve pst I the
e-t, pur'-1 ao-1 iblert men that eves* <IJ -
t(am’! fnr notj* otil state twenty-five per
,ie* J’uffe tup J/y the Ire-jnsat Mice *ae>
■ I their q s.aen before tbe leriri*lt;:e. tom*
nl her bolder and and lew jw#de* adher
ents not only runirted the derhMSvement of
BuH'f*k*s j ot.Tcj' I'Kidly d*sui*ttdd tbs*
itt'r'-wycd Wiclumetit# b arwind vctf.e sa!
public fo a-ti'inaris#. l'#ri.*-i.. n
- #irt*uy,'hst ioeidiou* foe of retrewtb
rrsent and reform and the ever faithful ally t
til IligfTfiv anca, was b ought into repi s
.itoß, and wrefally selodel
we-e twnsc-sight to pfoiofij? tbe sway ot
• x ravagao? pay of ‘.be ruler* w: xit the
peon <- bid lifted into power.
<>ti! it waa fearful to *** how h>r i old
Ifigt) Malari*-* (bed, twit die she did * ateive
•nnounne-t IXeepiy tsrcl IjeyorPt th# .ee
of eii>ff#*'eß waa ah* heft***, v*-*- -fio-e
bolder* and c rl*ie sdltow fclcusimg a*
pail besirer* f'lte.uca w ere tb sm rbai
went Up from the "• roTtMUte f hlpia.f
in bmkeo roecfil* and itrtusitsiog t-jtm fa
ter*“i ,w*t “Tl'fe* to dnsr “ Ifeft reu3Tijy 1
wi re tbs gtoari* ti*t br k* forth from ris
t'fiu.ralw and ii* iu oarui,-—a b*i* t
unto draflt,—a* the < Jotf* Ml Upon the C.t
Ita ltd of the erfMi;d old tot trylst and op
|)f ■(' I 'it t'.e* her efrf* v tl b*t ; “He' ,’M the tyet .v
<sd 'it ll.tlbe k, t).e daiiwr'd the. Ita-Uesi*
and lbs mi 'HJV o! many d'-rr<wT*i*." ff at
' and l.ftbe j,< .vp* oje. I" f lA o**)Coftf*o.ttOl!.
w# forbear to piacs* nor ardu'paa t?
rii'rtirnirtg a* a token of sorrow b,r If#* t
factual uhmy ott. May *he*sdbr the v-<
urea nl tbe wioksd, slid may we uaver '#**
bur bke again.
Tho Giirtlnri Numerliiv of
Ornoosbaro, N. G
If KhI'ECTTUI.LV I d".m p ei *us
of Meilweltier,'Tr >ttp, lletrd and C"W*t*
. "unii. v tha' they are prepared to for Wi,
it ; lie. * !.* suit tie times, Iran tree: of the
idnist vaji-stir*. counl ,tmg tf KAItLY
I'KACfIRM. ripening ff "n tlieuib t<> the
70th ol J ti # and I, VTK I'KM.'HK.H li
!I" snog a* late a* the f>*f of •) d*er W
Tixi'- the fsihotj* Ainsdt'iV T'lti", Early
.1 , ss.***vtf **!*< tNtetiV *!..#.- r .
mvMttrml Lift? IfwffiL *%m\ tft-rH rWldkt ?t pmrh
knfrwn to tlio B<vtlia i
vnrb lioS of App'n*, we Itava J“> that are
apt' i'fllv a 'ni'te l *o thi* rli'ii'itP and *• t’
O! Katti.v Mav. Ifatynd and M l 4*fr*
; Irayns-Apri w*.—H-ywt trWb.#,tg
1,-dr Eittscs-, Win*- Hap , Hh e-iti-y. A *.
Wr, ftr.t.r. tree* at |*o .<•* hnndr.' i
*gy Ewly petted *s, t then *r M'ftelf , a
little ldglinr. WercfrteJ. v C. Hubert
- ill, hud John tl *V < I*9* J M •' •****,et.
41 M 4J. tiiv-ser or ■ Hc.'auvvtdf vc4 !r
VVa'-kl'H of f’a’-tnett . W':••* Tsfr*t ratt
T’ t rJrt/~iTrtf(Ti r *r. .re fs-iiritWi wfll
hr visited liy t,. L Liwrenr** J A B’rain
and M. J. Gicg.-, reprewntaiiva of thr
A tie, 10'h, 1 tn •
i: ••.. -a.. 1 .-. ■■■ ■ 1 ■— .-rr=rr
Shpriff s Sain.
''.!!■* . !' " .!'." ' . ' J*
G EO RG t A—Met i wet her County.
Will tie sold before the court bonne door
in the town ol Greenville, Meriwether
county, Gaorgia.betwfen the legal hour* ot
sale on the first Tuesday iu. .'•spt'tn e c-x'.
one lot of Land N0.30, containing two hun
dred acres, more or less, in originally tbe
ll’h, but now* the J.uthrrri’le district H
Metiwether county, Ga., and Vianded as
follows : East by lands of Ileub Evans,
south by lands of Heed and Fuller,west and
north by lauds of the estate of Allen Post,
deceased. Levied on as the property of Al
ieu Poet, deceaseil, to satisfy a fl ta from
Met iwether Superior Court in fuvor ot A.
B. Calhoun vs. Allen IVst ; property poin
ted our by plaintiff, and J. IL.Croly, ten
ant ia possession, notified ia terns of the
3. M C.
GEORGIA — 1 Ordinary's Office.
Meriwether County, j July Term, 1877
Whereas Louis M. Phone, as ad mints
tratoroftbe estate of Amo* Chun a, de
ceased, represent* to the court that be has
fully administered the estate ol said de
ceased, end applies for letters otdiawisaion
from his trust as said administrator.
Thu is therefore to cite and admonish
all concerned to file their objections, if
any they have, on or before the first Mon
day in October next to showr cause why
said administrator should not receive Let
rersot Dismission trout hie said trust as
Administrator aforesaid.
Given under ay hand and official signa
ture, thia July 2nd, 1877.
* o. m. a
style, !
-sr*— " |
lowest p no a
• ._ -- ... . i
“llow you sell* tj**e •- y i>* p HtJ you |
ch!o!e,’eiu." ;
Ask me no < t uen *i as to ry reaact why, :
b', at my go-ai* a-.d u.y jjSViea try
I>UY CCOtiA, Sla;.,e an t Faiicy
fVsusit,: Sti New York.
CU/Tlf ISC, HATH i'd Fs-ey Jo-da
set-*i(f to New York.
*!!Of* (ail quallUaw l*ygl w-ciT.l
H>~gbt ,U lioai“H
btFHN (best i t us.!*tb:->. sew* ! aorkj
M xi-a to n* enks m 1d...* ie!|d,i.
V nor "lUat l nXbed,
: I’-na tost ifgi-rt jA '..■*M l s*#d.
Yuar tex t uiuat Uoi,
WVII g i,
lbt *] h" li yen'll aak wt* [wh**'
like a g"iit*! itr'wa,
e t.k" v *'l " ol a h*t
•V!’ HAVK * HKALTIKCE Id*l,Vl.if.
Im-lsci ftk* a px-dty (b*
W rt Make that a Specialty,
lyl'ftwa a to** a I .v*!y Ur
"PT* t,x* ... i, , vj j t
Oar Embroi iisrie f
fir o Elojaat.
r hf ' j*. : ' r <•-' fa* ' if' li • 0*- ■Il Hfi
An/ Timo
h-f we irtur-wvtwf fa xS Ttr... ~ I
f>*T Cst m IK'. VsJB x y !'■ TO
"■ ■ 1 • \tu 11.30 par yv -
<SO L ) io ccß.
iion,.y co..ij,r.t:i*ui. j . nk-vi
OilK.VI', atj L) UR A OLE
without tear ol Uuibttu co tea .<li m,
We Hefp
a*, ill ti n’ • Ul s !sSt
Assorted Stock of Gen
eral Merchandise in
7 H&.T
Asa whole our qnali’tes are alter that
kept i t *'iy ol i A a here.
1 HA.I
cocrvlefed weacil cheaper than
one cite but.
We bay a larger proportion ai war stock,
tram Manufacturer# and Impoitars than
anv oaa.eiM in GreenwHo.
We are glad to sbow wlut
fiJ ■
- sotnarasN l>a or.
UA KiKsvitXK, Ca , April, 1877-
Sceithera Caiendar Clock Cos , 71-1 Ykashfagtoa Ave. St. L*>uia, Ma: .
Gebtlemssc —Eai-b one oft having #k. ytwxr mliiaWa “fagAWB
Clock*, are uiauritoa that nor friends and the pubdc should know bow apptgciatc
tbe same. We say, aa a 1 others, that it is the tu<wx parfee* pwe w geecaffga W#
have ever seen. Tk* Csleiidar ii pe lect u) it# v*irh ; th* '.!• and warhuaut caH be
•urpanac.', and the tEi*h i* u.e 6lwi we have ever seen put to a UTCwk. It a>ww# rw
, pleasure ta i .iiißtiuliip t> worthy an ar cw- and ataa la do bwinf
*Mif Cim '.UH ! trll.uil.a* ) T Mgtrtilft. Yi'Ur i/tod /V \tt wf; ippficiii*|
1 wwi. you as- good s rt'. -♦ *--.-•** I.era aa you have baii in - ill country.——
; } - JigeJ (j. Uo iue# I>l J 11. Lfut ree John iWferd
A li Jju.t-t J imflTsJt4 •! L-Dowwa,
W .A Ivey J >1 'tits.mark,lb J C. !*baoui L. W. M'WWkaod
. L Brown, Latah Simu T L Eon** E E. Hudswo
W. ii .Hook* B. B Movin' Wealev Ivwy -
‘C >V McCarty J, l). M. Heavy Jno . W. Alien J. AWdha
ii W Jude# ' c M. L --.ei H. V. Baicowa Julia Bated**
J. T Bofutu H B Hetty F M M an* W fIL U<e
W J. JoLiiv t W H N .IrHn N Vraonit 3 tt HiU
S\ H F JOiObt! !*ro H Mirs.ol. * ti Ciatka W U Murvajr
k, N r J. A, liatnwoe* Mrs. C IL Bcarhoraugft MUSSaOer
W ii li tu J I Moe*u.4 J, W Job#. Jax&frMMS*
Mrs. Faaate Jones J. K S. H. Bortotj J utgaC A (Ww#
Wm L bailee ri H Lewi- H C. A altar* t*teg>a Abb
L A. matrtj# Wat stein a. W. f. Y..rat *o H. B Y*eldev
M*. Y C Na, *#x Auioit J. Eh-Wciuh*# J. H liwatei It. T. A illtama
ft .a:.. E U . #w) R W Br wo J. C. F.dnngUM U. li. hbiejr
Wo. FtiOik k. 8, GrtfEbr T J. J,C.Ummm
it it ft ap puty W i> Coiwy L. L. Itietjardiou J. H. haala
C M Newby Hunt, iteagau Lalaycua Abri Hiagaa
Cunt *a L)a* *■ Juba h)u.ei 6 B. Goody Mr*## La aeatn
Havai McAitsu r iHuacao McEaibuin Joauua ÜbAt;*. Fsao k Balk om
1 ATE K)¥ Cemtt
- I, P. T StiUrtJ, Ordinary ot #iJ county, do certify that 1 au* pwaoualiy aapuainted
w ii a utjiuber oi iu# amett person*, aad aat tuiiy aatrathui tbai tb#> a*# r
i-#hxQ ... . - ■ ■■ ' ... -
'I lit tbaracte* o' onatn# they are te,uig to ,u Utt# eoaasty a# ni'st-daM, aud I au*
. aa-shti luun that latl as tttil as le.-ng icie-mai t #..xt*#lute*i uu areal many ul lira
j.-vi .ia they nave . ;.l to .. tbe c .-auiK-e t ; t'aigga, Houatoo.lhoo.y, Hoag* asxt Wti
o x ( , l tat* ieiuOkr
i i-an Oallil- Uuiaux i..t. 1-. ui.j.a! . ini.**; bean
u.aa. ,g liawai .>.:.# tbei* bewutfoajrtu*, I b*v boeoxat a.'*}aatt-td with several Ot
111 C-. pahy, X..U t ou. the <:rp)*uiMii of ta* eettre Cattpaoy, I lewl w* kewhauty ia
tag iLat they a. getiticui* not i# abm y, aad worthy ol wxittdeace. ,‘l.
>* i.i.t--s *.j :asl ao t* ot old'.* tat* Aj* I. tSxh, Ufa.. I*. l\
JurnlMU Urdluaxy,
u a. I. li'ltin i
■ • " ■■ "P . ~ ' J
Vt lAcui ir Mrtrt, Ai'-auta. Gnwgur •
iiooks, Nil mi, niM>s, *mu;s, tu
- - ALI >
BsiNtrs* Hardware, Pstsls. Ylls4* Uanfl.
I. <l-0.
W, (*. ASHLET k i 0 .
lAacLsstatfj *. • A Afuste . )
-J.l 1 t, H .wet, A * LVSTT.t GL hJI \
TTPH '•.".' v M-‘y on tvv.rj ax W>i iraa: - sv-s } Hr-* li to*- *ajrW .*d rot (>"" atwett
Boone Sash and Blinds*
n tic"K,i. A.m do, *1 MabUev, V*ran i., Urarart*, if* loiter*, Window Ula*
I'*t'y|aft i,
W :•* for- Price I,!- *■ - T* w, ■ T‘~rm CM-
THiiPtt.V WIK A (It.
v I
mamactbbti* < r akd mm: tu t*
Flnr <i Plain Fnriitarf,
Bedstead*. Bureau*-Chairs
Tables. Coffins. Etc
Metallic Bor fa! Caaea and ilioNiMd
Coding a’ways on Haod Cheaper than
the cheapest fur On tatn
X3abv Carriages
In great Variety and its in prices.
nm “med in these
fj) ( I | time*, but It can be made in
three months by any one U either sei, in
any part oi the country who k willing to
work steadily at the employment that we
furnish. $66 per week in your own town.
You need not be away from home orr
night- You can give your whole time to
the work, or only your spare moments.
We hare agents who arc ashing over S3O
per day. Ait who engage at once can
make money last. At the present time
money cannot be made so easily and rap
idly at ay other business It costs noth
ing lo try the business. Terms and $5
Omni FEES. Address at once,
£L Hjo-lst & Co-,
Jaly-37-ly. _ Furl.and. Mams.
The Atlanta Utdteal and Surgi mi IntUluit
the oldest and best Medics) Publication Id
the South, will be sent tn you one year tot
$3-30, if you tend in yoor subscriptieo,
tW~ accompanied by the money, before the
first of September JFt The Journal is
ably edited, and furnishes 64 octavo psgss
oi fresh medical literature every month
Won* delay, bet semi in yeor subscription
at oace.
nr*Job Printing at “Bottom" Prices
Bend for ffl Estimates. 4) idrsis Ml
H. H. DICKSON, Proprietor,
33 Drod Street, Atlanta, O
j ur m
T. H. 13 RAY
Wi>bes to inform hit trieads and every
body Hse that he te still in the
business, and By reason of a coonerthm
with a firm in tb* sans batiams in the city
be enjoy• all, facilities for farokbieg any
style of Monument of Marble or of Blotch
Granite ami. also, Iron Ratbags.
Orifßn. June sth, 1977.
Darwi* . Jonas J,B . Warrant-
special lias: White Wine Vkagar, Sweet
Cider aad Cider Vioagar.
Office 47 Forvyth Street, Atlanta. Oa.
a,*, now*. proi va WWUA
Ciam AOsaSa amt We Pst* IWwpr Dm**
The V— * attention given Inthn esmfcrt
uf guests. Polite Porters at eveep **■
Term* ••* l 1 “
To nil that hnvn WOOL In ewl lefoM
aonotmee that tay Oerde erenow ha- gm*
order aad 1 gtmraatae idldkim an start
notice. Metes foe Cnrdmg ; W *+- P*
pound or uoe-fourth of the WooL Terms