The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, August 10, 1877, Image 4
POETRY- Tke TM UUlr Teo little grmfeuppee Bitting < •.&#K . Om 'U too muck greeu tom,— 1 ben there were BIBS . Nine UtU* Just the K fur Uit. ▲ Ittll* boy, went fiAwf, . Then rtu*| WCTe eight. Eight little £gjshopper* (Keyed o|ijfu-r 'lernt. A white Irtf( v nipped ore. Then tl.<giW‘ r erven. hevwi little ,£ty>abopj eri Lived between two brick*, There CAOKWfliorrioauf, - Then Six little gtNfh<'|>|*rii Found i ben- til . (i ; Ooe found AJHiinb! In'-, Then there were live ■■9 Five little gHtahoppcrs Hopping UD the H<er ; I'umv took og !r a mot tv, Then tUr^tere four. Four iluU;gAlm;ipLr* Pound it Mpu pen, Hsi a tig litrU‘ ot It.- Then litre#. Three llulWaliupi>#rs Sighed forpmttnrrtit new, Tried Utcn^ftli*/t vr, Then tin Hf were two. Two littl# gMeaboppeH Bitting o|CT i tone, A turkey gosftcr paved that **y, Then llietVjr.n* one- v l One Utile gimhopfHir (Jhlrped at lhe 'four, Held lin’d cJme next Hummer, With nine mldloni more. M Raw N 4 nnn t eptHlri2 oU'hrenk of the hour it by <io mean* a dl*CMn<*:t*d end l “ 'epenJfinl is4n*, v -ay* Ik* Inter-Ocean. The noun l.a* Imen pcgpsi log for it I*'*’ ■ fiflL, and tti I**l threw yesrs bus ftoc" taking rapid Stri.fe* tnwnr.l 11. Tito panic of>7S was but III* boglnidaw • I * wte* i>l Ijjmplom*, nnil showad Into what • il gwtou* condition the liol/po'ltlc bad fal- ML With lb#! Mogulua UUbporament Which mark* it* • * people, wo aalJ ; -aging* Will lie I Kilter lo mmrow. To aior fygy canto, tiuMliingi wore worm. We lull Mid, lh neat month or neal autumn refefllilonca would rev!*, todnrtrlca br Coin* remunerative, ami trailo reach n jfl&lHahlc figure. The next month nod autumn airlvud, and, although tr wore wotse yet, mu hope* out ran fears, ami wo predicted that arnooth tfl piwaperoua tluiea wurftd COM be at our Mn. Here wo are at left, otir ralkeMS (Jjkrupt, our mnnnfartcaina cloeod, our lUtlo property Imavlly lidcu with taxes art nsxt tiring to a hrgo clae* oi people without empldymnut, another Sp olega at work on Ut> ninety cant* ty atyle ol wag**, the mouey •>! the nlry withdrawn from use, and, to cap the climax of evils, a wild mob, oxlendlrg frtho Boston to Etna Francisco, I* howling Mu ml our depot* amT warehouse*, par ajjgflng alt bnilneaa, and thre ntenmg rnm pjjrailoaa hitherto unknown In the history tdrbur country. -JU* crlahi ha* come, and wo meet meet We cannot h*y the ghost by a tv are of the band. We cannot etuapo by hiding our head* in the aand. The return oi the striker* to their work, ao dositablo and *o nccoeaary to the prsstnt (Wftco and thrill ol the oommaulty, will not pot ua iu the tight position. It I* the first thing to bo tictooi plirhcd, bat When i fleeted what theu T There hee never been e time when e calm, profound, end honest wisdom wa* more needed then now. It will not do to Inflict any fraud upon our own awlerstanding ol the mechanic and laborer; The beat way out of difficulty I* an honfcl ackuowludg ,nent of the altnetlmi, a hmriese regard to truth. Troth ia always tit* best policy, and no timidity as to theMrect ol uttering H should oror-siatigh it. The first truth Is, that fit* great mare of people, workmen as well As others, have lived beyoud their meagg and therefore bay* no resources for a d*j* of trouble, aud may, and onght to, thank themselves large ly for the evil ol the as a cor ollary, ought lo have sonwpatienoe under adverse events. The second troth is, (feet the country has been, and Is, overtnldTviih rotton cor porations and hvistnen ol one sort and anotlier, houses&thout any capi tal, enormous frauds on a too credulous people. Explosions theft fore, ere the natural order ao soon ag^ stringent times begin, and they the end is reached, dregging down!** their fall many legitimate enterprises. A third truth is, that railroad inter ests of the country have breome essentially corrupted. Vast ftanchjps have fklleo In to the hands of a ifw, who, under forma oi law, have Invented end etecuted all man lier ofeehesMa f*r illegitimate gain. lo ginlras enough to avoid legal uial'easauce, these cßTporafaone have swollen up into unjust and audacious mooopoHe*. Many of the managers have tamed the profit ot transit Into their own pockets, and hi their greed have at last made a cut-throat war upon aaoh other, and then, partly from ■hem utesssity and party to make a ■bam of sooooeay to Mockholdere, they have put their ope%tivel oa short rations. A table showing the geogxephioel area •utysof to the dictation ot a small number ol row! wan****#, aud t table of income* managers, uxd'reely, from th# i owl* they Control, won Id prewnt gfi fontrnetfe* tecitofe A loorth truth is, thtf tho public nvone-, tnry potry o/ fee country bM been, for several years, managed in the interest /<l tb.* creditor against the dVitor, In favor ol fii4 large inner ; at first Is •<* * whif fling utaoner * to destroy eoofl lww in vahbM, and as-rmjfy, wiwa wMtJlflg OOWn toward a Mail* policy, going ®w the in MM IdoaiiwM of gold eurreney. Ilba* not been .ma i bfora ? |rt..i W W< fflawßSration \<rl-t,irrK. Theft! nmldoe: no other out fcnm# then financis* rtslo. Aoi yet, with lUgnatittli and imafcJ'Jlojtt.fry hand, tiw fold **>f 'UMft 1 drive the country to a more certain pardt tfl. A truth which MW ihlCHgli lb* *“>r jng la thar t ablj a Mod gunny f>wo right honestvnattt meo df brstiw add virtue E:^rrr"u^M;t,sa. fi in t#(i#g fcenul out! 'lb* kleptomania baa lnvwJ*t aWclana#*. •<>* even exempt ing from It* dire contagion the pffl'v.u'jo and {utietwnarfcM of religion, . .. Jl. t 1...^, (inch are *oijse ol the eavnttai teat urea o! ■ ;,* > f|ii Tha tlrirmCttiddlx. fctfii- a& (heir dtabthtem hav# not brought thnv |tme* hikjii uv- Ttu* min ie not Stun* raapooatlile tor lb i pr>-ei*t It i* rn,t diahoneaf and uej ndCt l cb argk jibs with gnythiag mart than * bsrfl m bringing atewt tb# puWc calam’ty. 11 • Whole people may divide the blame with ns another (!y wlialever OMMMM we my emerge Irom our current dUaxtrous c*[>#flence, we Ihall lie c >n|#n<)d to aubmlt to a degree of anti'’ling pretty evenly meaxun S cut, and on the wbd almimt urrfvarenlly da vrvd 'Vn can and might to make xlmri work with all rioter*.and teach vagaUm I lam tliat med.tllnj wits tfte pdb’ic pp i* not a eato e*|>erinieal or ansnaatoeftt. But whm tir*t i* ifoine, we tnuVOx,W -jtifaeivc* Oudar the yoke ol our owtilollie- til' Rnan (til common venae and corunter* Ivirtue (hull tie fcinatalwl, and *hall have time to do Uielt ai-proptUte wink. A sttrlblMtf t’atrrhhm. Why did dir.jr |r|ke * fl-cnun of n reduefton of are tree Why Hie reduction ? Heenmte of the billing off id lrei,elit ten* nciaAnd the reduction of reyenuee Why tli* falling' ll of liuaduen* ai l di rultiuHnn ol reyeuuea 1 Cloning of fact or In* and ceMmtl'ui of pro ductlvo Induxirles. Why l(tc cc*ftt|'iti ol priatnc’lri. Indu* trine f Wlttrdrsws) of capital from tmlustilai anlarpriacv. Why dm withdrawal of capital f Tli* timidity <d eapltatht* ; the grnrr,) doubt and uncertainty elrntt the govern tnent’a tmlley with regard to the revnntp Hon H always difeaffni add >lway pre vent*. Why till, gnvvrrine it*! vacillation f To permit the “rings" thst regtiUt* the governmental policy to make 60 p-r tent -uutnttUr flwlnatlon* end contrecUor*. — 3V,uAriA dmsriViaw. The Cmreuiy. It is intereetlng lo n.4* the progress whirh the currency question h** mud a in pnblte opinion Two sgnydhe Oh’o Democrat* uiedt the currency question lhulr chief lstuc, la the gubernatorial cam paign between Allen and Iliye*. I hny come out In s pistform denouncing the rapid eonlraclhin ol the currency, no<-r*| tstnd by the resumption set, a* ruinous to buin< ss Irlurestn, In Mint sucb a course wniihl t-nsettlu values, cause n trenicndnu* shrinkigeln prices, force cajitsl. always sensitive, to be withdrawn lrm legitimate enterprises, make money scirro, and etr sir n lore of c.mfi leerce which would be .certain to cripple lawful (iii-Ifrtak : ng*, and (that the natural result of all this won! i br a shock to business, which would make tiiun* har.l, and, necessarily, be product lye of mod serious results. On the other hand the Republican, with LUjus as their standard bearer, look direct hsuo on alt these point*. They stronctv favored contraetlon, wanted greenbacks re tired with all spMd, e!!*vd that the T)em ocracy should V denounced for wishing l > do as they themselves hal previously done, is*** oceans ef greenback*, applaud ed the resnnrptfrm act, ad declare.l In la yot ol goM end nothing else lor the pay men* of the bonds. On these points the fight was made, and ao necessary turttre tatnvwot the pswty did the Radicals tegard snoccac, that the Na tional Republican Committee sent libera I supplies of money and speakers to the State, promioeut among the latter being Carl Schurs. who by appealing to the nl tra-hard-mOney Herman element of Cleve land, Cincinnati and other cities, 4W more than anything else to enahl e Hayes te car ry the state by a pitiful majority of about S.MXX lo this -routest, bo It remembered, Hayes labored personally. He loudly advocated costractkiuTTorcod resumption and gold, wltile tha Cincinnati Qaaette, the leeding Radical paper in the State, stood firmly by bis side to echo Ms sea time at*. Now mark the change. The prophecies of the Demociaey have proven too true. The business interests of the country have, from the policy adopted by the Radical*, been almost completely paralysed, values ot every Mad bars terribly shrank, and limes have been made grinding hard, a* lb* rooant disorders in the country amply ■bow. So much, indeed, is everything af fected, that Hayes and his feeding organ have, both,been lotted to alter their views. and r.l a ktwr la now advouVurg a , repeal of the reawnptioa wet, tulng the ver y argo io,t, and in aiDuoal the •## word*, with which :h* haied it. Ohio wfll dunaMwatty t!t* f*ll J but wuttUuw the dooa or not, it it eoßVpteuoualv cowfaMWl by the Badrcwi# o* that But# that ‘-bear party I* * failure. They hare been forced to adopt Democrat ic Kfe**, both toward# tb* fbMtb, and in the Weal, regard!eg this vexed currency question, *nd, hi bosh caeca, going lu • d*- recUoa diameuicaiiy oppoeed to their far *t*r 'tun**. Ail wfciob obewr, cfearty. diet the only thing xrblrb lie* ever kept party together wax the e>beive pow - er ut hate developed by the war S' v, that stmil Mato ta dia*ppeaxtag, lie twa-km, wp.h it* iniquitie* and miatuie, ta alar um*w i Irig Vito, Ttvrx* le A ley 1 -’• Trtxa*. Wermt* visittd a public school. At re nun a Htl# fclhrw came up and xpeke to flic tetcher ; as l*e Pi rued to go down the platform the r caster eaid : “This it a boy ttiat i c* i ti ist lie nvcr failed *,” W t toiiowed him with our eys and Pvie<i at bail a ftne, open, mably face. We tb'rjgbf * good deal blwst the mnster'x rem* rk. What a character had that bay tarowi. lie ha } air only gotten whet eoald tar worth more to him than a fortace. '"It; would ho * (Mbttpoxi info tli* best store j. the city, arid Wo at is Utter, Into the coo o deuce, (nd rcvj'C-t '< the whole u>m m . filly, W# woridi rif the boya hfinw b Sxm they are fated by other |* <pl*. Ky try boy in the rtetgblrorh'HeJ i# know , sn-l SpititooS are lt',rra 1-f film , H- b* •; character, cither lavorahfo or u.olav .rat, A troy of wtiifin the master can ary, ”1 f • to—r*t him ,li never failed (lie,” WIH m r wtiot cinpioyritoot, Tbeßde My, prompi nun and itad'retry wtxd* he ahoex vd,o..T, aie i” demand eyvry fiber#, an l pn/od everywhere il who i* taitiilut in tit le si, l ,u faith! il 111 "I'JcO A [>ei 11*1*1* man, a<re‘*.l t<,r murder, proved that on lb at flight end a' '.he hour or tin mu-dvr. be we* fit home whipping lit- wll, and lUU fact *av*d him. A word to tfat, wl*e t*. and > both. Oh flaoobe’* atorrnf bank* I iUrwl, ami cart a sUnhit #yfi {'ward rurkey * lair and tirltnppy land, where mrroapoaiUii'* lie. NKW AllVfcin IHKMKN IH DAVIDSON COLLEGE. N. C PMKPIhATOIII CUSS. Tsuglit by llic Prufi <>l lotlln,flrrek on-! Mattpufiiltee. Haaslon w %P. 2.. IHT7. fcfenJ forcataloßM to .1 H, ULa K < • ot K*ciiltjr, “N. r. BURMHAM S 1874" VVATEK-VVHKEI. “ I* declared the •TANDARI> TtlfelUNK, hy over ft-iO pr*oi>* who me it i*t redtKeil. Naw -pamphlet, free, 8. ¥, nUTIN IT AM. York. Ps. * yriyj"mTWJWTy Til*CttM,T**r of the vslnc cl n medicine I* time. Doe* expfiiere t< t fl m the claims put iorih io (** f*v> r t ibe outset f is Mie gra*.! questhis. A|>piv tins .c'ltrrton, so simple, yet so starching, t. Tarrant's Kticrrcsccnt A|"!nt. Ifow his it worn T W!;at ha* b*#u it* ti-- iory,? Row does it stand tr-day ? , TAItHAN I S BELT ZKU AI K HI ENT 8 a h -wnhol.l name tl rmghmit tli U i- U'd States,, it is a lnfiritre<l s* a p clflc. ami with sticeees, 1/t tlyprp*lr, nek lie*.’- aclte, nervous debility, liver e>n;ilaiut. til limn romUtents, txiwal cnmplsiut* (es pecially constipation), rheumatism, gout gravel, nausea, the ermplaints reciliar to the matetuxl sex, and all type* of ir,B*ui msti So mild te Ris it* speration that it can be given with psrtect safety to the feeble*! cblkl ; and so agieeah'e is It to tbs tests, so refreshing to the (mists, that chil dren uevor refuse to take it. |K*r sale by all dvnggWa /T/'i Dollars a week In your swn town. V>o Term* and outfit true. IT. EFALLET A CO., Portland. Mains. £stra Fine Mixed Csrda. with fiamc, 10 eta, post-paid. L. JONES &CO n Nassau, N/Y. 5 Dollars to QA Dollars per day at Zi v* home. Samples worth 99 fens. Dnwson A Cos, Portland, Mala*. CiPiX P A WEBK to tJpOO k* fj) | ( Agenta $lO Out fit FREE. P. O, TICKER V, Augusts Maine. -|Q Dollars a day atdkotne. Agent* LZi wanted. Outfit and terms tree. THUE A <30., Augusta, Maine. “ IKSAHITT PBIVATB ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE Cincinnati Saaltwtanu SUPERIOR aocomodations tor all ciass es. Separate depaitmea's tor epilep tics and aorvous invalids. For terms o admission and circular addrern W. 8, CHIPLET, M. SupT, College Hill, O THE “LIOHT blrniso* NEW •DOMESTIC” A DfrVBLE THKIU#, U9CK WTITt f*. to ail ether* for t itter Mae jfae- t* Family IV- It the simpievt ewfog kt*bjh nneie, bar eg 'ewer par . a ' baa auy other ; tree from cepiplksuou* ft never out of order ; hod i a way* ic/viv for u-r It is flic Most durable, by rwxiv of -i* airup!iC-iy, iod '-ht nt nutn to wuich Irkliot. fe* winced by U-* Oi- •Uxtflk'ai accuracy I'jcrnteuau e otuy tc C- - wut b m vrriieril. wtlu which *<vX pert •* made and -Mtt tociiity the llgb'cef ed *• m t!>e heavhet *<*d coaraeet !*bru. Wui l _ - -• No lustr actions i,t mechar,tea! skrt u '-vpitred t® >p- r*< H. I'nyti- iso* reCointueoil It aa s tnardrine that can i-e used ► (thee, harm by tsy *>-•< fies-aiiae it r*i(ir *o In-..* etfurt ' I any klf.t, if taring tti* LihtF*t-fUjmihir u.a-.l,inv tu tnc w . l h They are ftiSUSa at the f>p*ny new *iijm tr 'it* City of Pic war*, N. J. by vbtihxi v iif • . wti.i new aiwt.tai t;ftisrt Ml) toaid.hM ’ y and ft>*>U, cmatru*.!* •' t x prnaly t„ *i cuflipiixli wunt ■ ti-i a < fllll*l /.i-i-g With i-,-./ol* e irii.ita-i CHAIfIH -* CM, SI fUacb'Y**" *t , At!hrt, fi* • icriarit! Adi >lr**ir U.a ' r* TUTT!S_PILIS A Noted Divine says They are worth their weight in gold. BEAD WHAT HT SAYS Da. Turn—D*i Sir! Pm wa r*n I a*** martyr l I>npi;S,Ca—MpaOw. 4 VWx tjw* •pr4c mat aM* *M wis—i I■! IO ,I m* UMa|WI rtUi UllJ* faMJI) tam •* awU *, aata.dWMd*a *•<**, Btl**oa.MuUSashn<<*r pim* a—s TkfT ue-wi-flft lbij w .if I.ll* • -14 Rev It 1. lUMfrWN. Uwliriiia. K.v. Turn PllU s&SHrli on as etex anux>- ( iw *CM. WrXin- SMlomv In tl Turns Pius ctra* DTsrsvm*. (> it*v *rp*p.ra tmmmmmmp on pn nrtf'Fw Turns pills Malay. H Ha m cqaCOWTTF*WQI* In then, Icrtvliw UlUrnvtV tutts pills tittps puls hd, aw! try thtr Wmk . nctfcr. OB tk diewti-re nr TUTT’S PILLS nre.*gir.'*iw*s/ . ' 1 v * u nicaitioM art nncJecM. cm BIUOUS OOUU TV nfMitT whs whkS t ii ' i Wrwi Mb at gffl. TUTPS PILLS SSSSgSttTC TUTPS PIUS rnSreSUBUm fSine*, < clmaW eausdpaooß, •b'! InewnTorsciaetT What is Queen’s Deushti Read the Answer JlpiSaSiissSjZi&tst&s;. 'NATURE'S OWN IIMEDT,' aSMsaamaTYeUsw Dock, aad other huta, tfcni Br. Tntt’s Sarsaparilla and Queen’s Delight, tedamtnwteanudaMMfewlmilkiAii feun, dpopy,^atSney^capW wS *” *f SantennlcAand Ay k. Bsiagpaialy tr etableitseßatlaaaaasswflfSoaobana. The bat tiaMWtakaitfe Eariag tfe aaan aad fell; uc jasfead T SaMltfe, kyofeebe, fcm a* >|w, yon Will enjoy rotnat by all dnggku. ftke,llToo. Other. ■?* Murray Street. NtvTml. H.T.Cinuicsi P. H. Snook, Jwo, Krai CASTLEBl r iiY & 00. *> - M Ufi grade*. PALIOiI, OFTIUs tm4 WUiSciNG FURJOTTRI. 42 A 44 WbfMkdß iMM. AtiaiHa, Ocnrgia. MUX* Worrt mu in Suck. m tomtom mu *mt UtauitU-x Mils be #£o.bO iireash>g case eoit* Bar loO.tie, /Wav’ Vtriot euHe Oiofy |4O.W i uaarhln bureatits only BwTeeM SIO.OO Uuib BoJi'.eed g 2. >0 tool Jrtioel Heduvad 6 feel high ( OP MttfWe T*biwJ9x%* fi- Hvbit Table 20XJC .|lb.oo Ad cthne fods in p'OFOrlioß. - Now i.s tlie Time to Buy AI L INQUIRIES CBEKEFULUf _ASS\V&UED Remember tba Plmc, CAHTLLHLRV A W . D A 44 Whileiiad at. Atlanta. t>a s . H I'lYii 1 !' TiiU* Jt W iHJtI. V M i*UW£h !>.. -tf Juvaaii a Uvtiaiu. txi'.e *i'h * <ll a tli H O W A K U, W l> U U A l O. „ ■ * WIIOLT SALE DEAL df" TOBA< t '(> t iIA Ids i: rt ’ :><. U KKfHTtLIC BLOCK. Atlanta, LrecrTg^a MWar M ■■ -* : ... x .- rr-.Td-~ t-r xrw^^fsssf WW. A. il AYiiOOI). ' “ -_' ll vrrr:_ - • ATLANTA <IA (; a up !•; i’s Ul‘, t j£*. •a ♦ CurtAiuri, Wall Paper AND ULSsKItAL IN i}Mlt DM OH \ I i't.NA _4 I'fi 6oi. TO THiJ PHOPX*E OP MERIWETHER. ' Wrhsva j<HCTvc*T**f a >• t T<w.fT jifltn .r-,.hTL'Dt'.BAHKtI WAOoJtI whk.b '• *rv scliia* 1 *4 ti t -:r, (Svilmi* Ws *l*o hare s HM-g* ' < t*lt of bo! H;j lies '*o hand. (< ynTj want a i* itrr lUigZj. ll : . u-t a 10. > -h. s!nl-J*- (f you want a ( /MHvr.| l! tggy. If yrni want a Wat-lr<il! f! igyv it you want a 2 ifte-M (* ■■/;*; * xr.t * Tfnri* tt'va ll you want 11 uutm. If yon nt W*f o If you Trtr.t Plow* of all Kind, II jo-i want yoo- Pugty R*; . re j I! you want your Carriage cion* op. If you want aC* ffi• ■t, • v Call on , SMITH A BUMMERS. liar >rvl!!e, O*. HUNT, M AN la IN A I. tU tit. WHOLEHALE ' DRUGGIBTS e NO. 11 SORTn PRTOB ST ATLASTA OA,. Oflcr to mercbanU aud dealer* a Urge j an l weli assorted stock of reliable DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, GLASS, DYESTUFFS. ETC. Oa most favorable term*, >Ye are H BADQUARTER9 - V=£^' tor SC Louis Strictly Pure Wf te Led aad Pore Lioseed Oil ALSO DISSOLVED BONES, SULPHATE AMMONIA, NITRATE SODA, MURIATE POTASH, F ERTI hi ZING -SALT PETER, aad other Fertlliz.Bg Chemical*. Oslt oa or seed your order to _J HUNT HANK IN A LAMAR, No. u North Pryor St. Atiarts, Gs. mch 3 Jm w JT Xmrrt^ THF. RMKr#MU UTMUTM.' I'dmily Knitting Machin* 1 Am, .i l_.?/u! an-l Jrnrnfioo N-.w nTTa- • , TSr"otT**v*vl sMsetiea bjr ” * • |<' f- iTininc*', sal I'* great {.:., . f,r cv**ry dsv family *• it ■ Simpln Durable mmd Chr *Md io repair, swd WILL LAST A LIFE TIME ! It aid W; t vet/ variety oi plain and fancy a .ik „ WITH ALMOST MAGI CAL SPEED. *i,.J tnr *tir *bire rt caw-be daw# by bad or any Ahhinr All kind* rd 4br merits vk t-erfe* ily l-irmri and üb>*..* by -,he nw'tist Itscll.rwjniflng no cutting or making up. A go*>d opera-or will koi* a rnao’e **<k with b*v! sod *oew*;*N*. * fnp t firt fn Ut m* ufe* f sad lrr.m twenty Jaf*u*y puln of *ockv t'a a dsy. Every isir.ily—eepectally every f*nur*a lets ii v —should have a Bickford Knitter 11 * in ’** T l,i: y • uvciul a* the Se wing Machine, and even more profiub'e. Every Matuine WARRANTED perfect '.n/i to r?o jittt vlvtf it reprtmntid. The Bick f,.id JlwcUiao is the oRLT IJt (irnRATK cy'.iadrical Knittiag llarhii*# in frsioeofce. AH "Utors, r*A licivwed by V, are clear sed palpable tofringamewt* m oqr patenta, and we *tali bold all parties who maautacttM*. seli, buy or w such lairing teg machine*, to a itrict legal sceotmtabili >y An laatruction Book, coo lain Log com pSete and toiaote direttiooa to the opera i !or, accompanies each mschiac. No. 1, Family Machine, I cylinder. 72 r.eedie*, _ _ No. 3, Family Machine, 2 cylinder, 72*160 needles A prrtpk maekitm will he Met *• **y part of the tnHrt oUtm m (where we have mm gSt*,) pre**A*rpr. prt ptnd, ao receipt of the jwic*. AuKim wsetrt ia retry Sute, Coaaly City aad Tsara.ea w*wm vary itess* die counts will ho maria For fe Tibet pmticatam, addross Bicxtobd Ksrrnxo Maua in M*a. Cos Bole Msuufact wars, Brattlcboro, Vt Mch 23