Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicatoi;
-Ai- i UiEEMULV . ... .... .. .-I
VOL. 5.
Oflfcr-- Smith tte tiit* Court Uow
*nl Artvertl*HJ{.
H: *<■<• >1 k)I tfksTTrninriMnTT*! Tear
1 inch i1 00 2-0,4 VO 7 00 1 1? 00
2 inches .J 50 sOo l fi SO ! 1000 |ls 00
M inches : 2 00 I S 00 | tO.OO | 15.00 25 00
i col |5 00 MCI 00 • 30.00 36.00 iS 00
, c.l . 7 001 15 00 | 2-5.00 j 35.06 jOO n0
col !1000i20 00 i :r> 00 j 60.60 SIOO
£#~ A liiujrel deduction made to those
dvetlisin be the month or wear
SHERIFF O 3. Florence
CLERK S. C : H Keller
SURVEYOR , <> F. Mitt hews
-com>NEK.... r.~. • u *“ u -lancs
H A ClttHw, Aaron Sibley t
C. J. Ktevert, J. E. Buchanan,
Alien I!. \\a'soii
John TV. Park. W. 3, Bwaii
Madison Hess#*, K a Parker, ——-
A, It. Freeman, Hoc.
sE N \TOlt :!9th District. P U tire water
REPRESENTATIVES It. R.t>ei jic \V Tatlor
.111 I
■. ' ' ' * 1 '** *"
\ G Uhl N c It It*, l!
“VTT*I ; rU t i.~e 111 —WrTrn-r+m-t- ALu 4UI
\ (i Itl.t N V til K, (it.
Ai: t i><tit]ri>. - -.1 Mnir 1 f.. bi. . itt i' lit ten. 1
- * ... i.|.*ti|.tly no.I ta.tht.tit>
ii It Ki < i ...
\ T TORN El AT law
\ Ol'lNU).| U (4
Wtfr pm. tier m .t i; ■H. .1 the
t. o }ti• i*-n < *tjii • i 1n / 1 ’<v (.i-m !3 i iirtjlt
A i |,i>\ 1) H S.
I C'ME gJiV tl I I', li '
Term* (‘ash. All Warranted,
( \ FFF.H ** 1..* ’'...a-.. • -.i mm ■ • i• *
‘ / tl,.- I'.ibi... (inter Willi Its Ini her, j
lit .1 K C. f. ili-11, a' tin* ! OK Si ...
~DR I R o. I liONV,
/ \ T I IRH bi- UjuWku. , ;
" nl/its of OieeiivHte cud vicinity.
IW Oflice nl (i. J. Aiilmmy At Co's jitj,. !
Hortr b.,.,i0 |
OLD I! WEI,MI m.,| F\Niy K'J'ilM ;
it A" .iIMV :nnt w.ij keep übvays tu.
. L-iiiiidii xurxd East r:2<r o ;
‘ 1- :i ■ 1 hj_ !
W fll.i. •TtT.ECTF.n spin; I V
J UTVTT.ItT AND FA NCV i.t rtttrEj
Oo> t l ln jmrt of,
t*r oor.D <t siLv.nt Wntcioo., jt:
Stem an! K) m tlie >.r-t run lie
S-'ir'.'lb) <i i'l c l ' irer \V ib It, l lmti.
ol all likes, makers sa<] (>rtr-- ►
Hold f'eii-snd ill kimD f holder*; iin\i) i
n.lrer A sloe I Hpeetado* A Kye- lila, wm
f OUiDNj^Vß't'{ A Ur.K WAKE
Silver Plato Ware
of stl Winds so.; styles;
I’# kft, %We CoMi rt, 6Uk/*m
l y the very reiKrwueH mnXeri.TTjPKPb
ItUlMiEßii sod ULORUh WOfcTEN
I ata *tllt repafriae all g'UHl* In my .me
T<s, many citizen* '#l Meriwether art 1 ’
Joining coontiee have i.t*te>J my work tf.
require a word rom nw e* P. tlie ehsrsc
toi ol it. I wi^.benyrver warrant *:) my
w.rrk, if properly used, t fisve slway?
3 'os, sad respsttkdlj ash t
the pafronsge I hnv ‘received from my i
friend* in Mwiw-ttser
(gjf jf j Can’t be made by every agent
caetg moirOi ru the busiae*-
we i'lratsh, but tS 'ae OTw itig to work can
•-ssily earn * dozen dollars a day ifl their
owa laea'ttiee Have uo room V> explain
hesa )-iae** p'earanf and honorai.
Wotnco, ami boys and girls <ht as well s k
rasa. We wfll famish you a complete
Outfit free- The burinew ptys letter than
xsjrtldng else. Wt will ber espensex vl
stsfieg you. Particulaxa free. Write and
see. PeaißOT* sod sneebanac*, their Son>
and daughters, and dosses la need of pay
ng wort at home, should w rite to a* an
team aM about the work at owce Now is
the time- Deal Address Tune.
A ( Aaguri*, Mkiue.
A Jurticint TiHißtatiiH,
fSbeuaodosh Herald.}
A small boy was brongH letore a Mag
istral* iu Potieville ihe other day o|ofl a
I serious ebargn. He was a little fellow with
a red bead, and hi* face spevkhsi tike
Clitres egg. A toft oj hair stuck llnoagh
the top ot a pointed slouched hat,and his shone Hi rough holes in those por
'uuis •>! his p.nts. His mother held him
. last, and, ss she struggled ini > the offlje,
the 1> >y swung back like a contrary mole
1 at Hie end of a hatter.
What's the matter ? said the magis
Everyth iag, Mid lb* woman. He’s bad ,
lie's rotten bad, asd tbar aiu’t uo doing
nothing.wit) hint. Thar ain't a cherry true
round the town ho don't know, and thar
ain't a eat what shows ita nose that ne
i I" U r I U * iV''i>% Taar H
door boll hi* hanut jßiiTetr, na i* w-
H 4 wtp44 w %eU him in
a hit til: he gels a lick at it. I have
wore out turce iiiblea reading 'a n w him,
but it don't do uo good. All the trees tat
the back \W has been killed getting
sn ttrl es id to lick ’am and he chaws all
tor u-tdtsckvr (bat the old man can buy.
He's -breaking <4 my hoatl, and I wants
him punished. Ye*, Ben Franklin,
j you are bringing my gray hairs to the
i grave.
Benjamin Fiankim, said the magistrate
lln ap imperious manner,"Tain afraid you
i are derelict to those tiigli principles ot
| ChiisiSan morality and r.etitude whiclt
i maternal sttwUon li t* en le ivore.l to instil
' into your eoiilpoiillo ..
j _Now he .a here. Mi. Ju-D<, w*id the wo
j man, that 'ere boy hasn't had much Pirn
! mg .nd ho can't talk Dutch
i Welt, 1 .Udu t say tie eoul I, replied the
i mag ts< rale.
i Waieu'i tint Dutch you were talking
j thin „?
No, rnad A m, that was pure Anglo-Sax
| Of.,
! W hut ' - In* got to do wi ' this caw* t
| wiior
Why A'-gr! ns
Who sah 1 any lilnjc rdn.tit A fig. !mu tax
! l >ll I
You .li I
I did nut
You did
L 1 retinal. 1 did not,
1 did! ymTTtPrrt tttrt I ’ did fill
I dll, till' die mill did 1 111 II! and
I 4td, and you did, .jut, .It I, ml I'll n.'vi'i
|ile In.
| In lm •i.ntime lioni i ii-iii Frinklin sat
j ui, a t >.>k sni't, “(to in, old woman, and
' ■ *.>.i': giv. t. , 1 ..... sou ink-' .'own dad
| iljal wav usa’ y n lime.
H>-r ln< alh on o' * i, sl.i: nut. h
j utr.a! ’ii in A inolea id jiltPoaoph. rhy
1 >)>*■ !ikj*.‘ of l).i< in * U and awmpt nut of (he
i • 1.1, .J. . tl ii, • :in ha i 111 vr: 'll HI II
'■ llted f” 11 tw-r life, .o.d that ■('.*> try a
'Judge who had no bi highly up
A I’iot.ow s Rack with an l.xrntti
IKain Y' e d.> t in- was a race from
D mi .. fe'ii ..> . blow, u the Coullueutal !
i mall ak|Qa -a tiain a. .and a naif .of pigUufl
d-i.'.m* iug a do' imeut of at. urgent na
i luf n I tom she i''i‘;uUi put ICC, The pigeon,
i fitch was trud hy Mom 11 artl) A S'lns,
t ..f W<, and ."Uoiued 1 when * few
week a old to u b il.Jitg in (Jnunvn istrctl,
my, was of the le st uifed of liomin.' |dg
.■.CP, know as ‘'lb Igian v .yag.'Uf*." Th
biij was tosned through the railway ear
rlnga window hy a Kretic'i -official us the
truiu movwJ from the Admitattly |ii> TANARUS, U<
! wind b<-ng w< utund the atmosphere hazy.
\ Imt wdh the sun shining. For nx ward of
a mm ate the c*-iiei pigtwa iircle‘l l>> un
nl'.iftide of a!id half a milt: uni then Mil
ud a way" toward Jymdofl. Hy tlii* time
the train, which carried the European
mails, arid wa timed not to s'op between
D .vei and Oaunon street, ha t got up lo
full Kfiee i, and was proceeding at the rate
.of aluijr mil.-* an hour tbwarj JyOudon.
Ih* at cta'tiug seemed against the
trird, an 1 the rail iruy offl'dala predict' and
that the little messenger would he beaten
iu tire riser. The pigeon, however,** soon
as if ascertuTOcd IU the near
est homeward rmrfe, in a direction mid
way between MaHuone and Bittinilemrne,
the distance “a* the crow file*” between
Dover and Loudon being seventy mile*,
an-J by rail seventy-*!* and a likll mile*.
When the Oootwrtif*! mafl expic * earn'-
into Cannon street t .tiou the MrJ had
betm boru twealy mmutes, having beaten
her ilujes y’a Royal mail ly a time allow
ance repruw <iog eighteen if.Hes. —ZnudoH
1 imt *
A prior tailor, dunning lor so old debt
the ot her *r. wrote a* follow': “Dear j
.Jim, tVfi iittle aerount iia been standing
fur seven year*, aud I sh’ak it la hiyli lirne
itwaspaif ” To wdiich J'tm rf*U..j, on
the name sheet ol pari*-, wiiile hn p'i bo/
was waiting. “Dear Earn. I don’t; and
may a di den-nce of opiwkm never alter
fHend-Wp" 'Ahat s sjstendid diplomst
Jim would have made f
Jk little girl in Clinton, it Laois, was
teCtiii.Z her htlie brother the Lord’s prajr
r, (be oilier night, and, when she had
aaid, Give os this day oar daily bread, be
suddenly called out; Pray for syrup, too,
foster ; pray lor syrup, too*
Ail Inc idem of Use HlegieM
Gen John B. Mag ruder, ol nubaequenl
Confederate time, wa then an officer in
the U. 8. army, and plumed liitnaclf lldgli
ly cut horsemanship. One day he rode
act oss the square in the city o! Muxico on
a superb black animal that he had just
iHiught for a high price, aid name to Hut
window by which Shield* lay wounded,
that the latter might see and admire hi*
purchase. The curveting of the sieod and
, the heui mg ol the rider drew a crowd into
the square, aari a
my follower* of hU hind* Wav ihthf and
admiring Jack Magrtldci show ofl. Alter
a time, when Majmtduf haSJlgfcipl'eil a mo
ment, one of the Up to him
patted and prstaed the horse, and told the
officer that he rode almost as well, as an
•-s.Mtaut tif the country.
Almost, Krnnmm ~ . „ >u . m
well as any Mexican. Blow me one who
can i hie better.
Nay, said the Mexican, you claim too
much. You ride well,but ills not possi
ble that you can know onritotac* .pitte as
well a* we do.
Magruder Inilateil, and growing w*tm
dftcreil to bet a doeun doul>iooa* that he
could ride lit* horse batter thin the uUmi >
could. The Mexican objected; said lie did
not like Pi bet, and did not Hko to show oil
his horamuanihlp iu publlo. but at last, *
Mogruder grew mote urgent, he reluctaut
ly consented, and the money was pul up
IK the hand* of another Mexican. For
Judges, ati American w*s chosen by Ms-
Kinder, a Moxkau hy his adversary, and
the two together cho-e for the tTTlrd a
FrcuWimau. I'lieu M igruder phi hi*
horse through hi* paces, walking
around the sipisru, tlie.i trotting, then gttl
loping, au.l tin .lly putting the animal lo
tup ape-e. l, utdi a maguitkotll btltst that
d.uw cl., sr*. ami hand clappings tnmi the
crowd. TYltor a lew moments the Mexi
can came forward lor lib trial. Without
touching ltd* hard-* to Ibe animal he veutt
cd on his back, and went through with
precisely Hie ami p.'rtorniaw*'e a* had
M igruder, mi Ir. ally proved hint*elt to bo
the more anoiiipll>ln*l lioisuniae ot the
two. Magro.lci htnwelt tinned in the u|i
planae, and adiuttte i frankly that lie was
fid. ly lx ateii. Tlie Mex can smiled mid
tjowed, and siitd ; .Now, it tlis
wait a m imiuil I will show him a teat ol
hoiaemanstilp the like ol which lie has
never seen.*
Misgiyilei a seub and, and il.e Mexican
ro.l * ti .111 way i.nind the npiuic, ui.d then,'ing -puis to tin Ii m-e, *44ttkppe ill i'll In
a tw inkling. .
Wlmt tlie and | does tlial iiienuf i-a] j the
..n.iu. oi till- Uo.a*
I only know one mail who cult ri In Ilk.'
tlial, m l a bystander, and ilml t* Molt
—MnHm, the > nctTtl la ? groaned M agt u*
The saint:, sir, I don't think you'll ever
Me yi>m h'.lsu iignin.
He never did; mid the Mexican wjio
held the suite* hid ulsu disappcauid ;
irfobebiy one yl M>4fh‘>'s tn u. Magrud-u
o*ve. hoard lit* la*t ol this exploit among
his brother officers, and wiiile hi* vexation
lasted )>e .J< el .red tint lie was ‘ tlie hig
gvsi loot in the American army.”
Nursing llcscntits. iMx.
Moat of them would dl of tlicinxelves,
but lor csrclul uur iug. Many lewmliucutr
are ready without emt-e. Borne ails*
from simple m'suu Jers'a'iditlg; nmuy
more, o lai as we lisve olrterved, from
wounded vanity. A>ul tbere is nothin/ so
■ hsily wounded The egotist Is cislly hurt
fits harness has only “joints,” and they
are ud open. A r indm- arrow Can’t tdiss
him. A clergyman, a Irleud of ours,‘hurt
the fiieu iship ol a country brother wliorn
he cstocmetl, arid year* afterwards found
nit tire cause. It seems that tlie brother
ww the minister id Ibercrowlwf street# of
a ct.y on* day and bowed to him. But the
minister, a little n< ar-sighted withal did
uot leturn the brother’* salutation.
The brother never forgave him lor whsl
he took as an affront Moreover he nurs
ed bis resentment, and told the story of Isle
wrong* till at that ha concluded that Die
minister had done hUu a real mjuiy. lie
would bear him preach no inor.
Ri-aentments do not need nursing. It is
beltor>j nurse vijiers, for tffey will coly
sting the bosom that warm* them Into life.
Resentments nuised will sling the h<-art
that nourishes them. Many a man ha* em
bittered hia who'e life and out a neighbor
hood by the car* because lie faucied that
somebody had slighted him. It seems, to
use the mil nest phrase the cos* allows, ex
cessively foolish. One mu-il think hi# life
of vast consequence to speuffTt In uur-fng
little reaenxmehtk. One other thing may
■bsaaid, *i* very wicked. It is not ib the
spirit oi Christ, nor due# it lead to Christ.
A North Carolina scallawag went lo
Washington soon after the inauguration,
and even *i cu has been endeavoring to
get a place. He was refused the CodHniS
sioperrhfp of Agriculture, the Wardensh'p
of the District Jail, a clerkship aod a berth
on the Washington police, but fir,ally se
cured an appointment os time-keeper un
der a strtet-eonUractor.
, . A PaCernni Escapudc,
A laughableteoidunt occurred at Perry,
Ga., recently, which caused much sport,
an 1 the circumstances are as lotto *• : An
old geuUotna*-Whc had two haudsouie
danghler* was so cautious nt hi* charges
that he would But perioil them to keep the
company ot young raea. However they
adopted an expedient to enjoy the compa
ny ot their lovbti ; Alter the old man Imd
retired to rest the girls won and hang a sheet
out ol the second etory window and Jim
an I Charley would *el*e hold of It, and
with the asftatgaoe ol the girl* would thus
gain entrance. It no happened last Sun
day evening the girl* hung out the sheet
ladder too early, lor limpid man, hy some
ill wind, was reddeutly out ot doom, and
haptH-ned to ecMW around the oorner of
the house, and Spying the sheet dangling
from ttio window eotyhl uot coujjcture Ihe
meaning of tlx Wag there, 8j he caught
hold and endsstvered to bring it down.—
Tr " 'frla a bowl, juppoiiig rtlo be Tl>€
boya, began to hpijg ant} did npt dlseoyci
the mistake UaUf^ e o)d h *ad was
i-vd M wh€U m
them ns ifu . * u .. ft
her hold, wUAErkrighlaund her sister and
rim lut go the aud down catae the
old man on the stone walk, breaking kls
wrist and trarbetg hi* clothe*, lit* cries
iirouglit out fire household and several
neighbors, and!th#jr r-uiovud him iuto the
house. Uo is |tnw busy COglta'lng wlieth*
or ti> lot the gifts have Ultlr biatix in the
parlor or U> sue the young men tor datuag
as. The boys have not beau around to oi
ler any sympathy, and probably won’t tin
tii the old gonthmiau led* easier.
Tlie Value ol u Doilttr.
A silver dollar repro<enn day’s work
tor the UlNiter. It is given tu a hoy. lie
Ims no iilcn ol What it is Woith. Hr would
Im> as ilvuly to give a dollar aa a dime lorn
top or any other toy. Hut il the boy has
learned to earn the dimes and dollars by the
aiveat of his fscu ho knows the difference.
Hard work, Ivlo him a til'nnuie of value#
that cm never lie rubbed ot" of hia tnltrd him learn by etperloiice Hint u hun
dred dollai* represent n heu<lie<l w ary
day,’ lutair, and U Obums a great sum til
money; and B tliousnud dollurs Is a lurtuee,
and ten thousand is almost incoiicoivub'e,
lor it Is far more than lie ever expects to
|H>sesa. When lie has earned a dollar lie
Hi ink a twice before he spend* It. 11 •• wauls
to invest it so ns to get the full value ol a
days work for It. It is ii gies'. wrong to
*oi-li-)y nmj tt> a boy lo bring Mm op -to
mail’s ratals without ttiin knowledgr. A
tort ant-at twenty-nee wi’hmtt it t-, nlmos*
liii-vluljly thrown away. vvpb it and a
llllla I 'tolle* (-> i*' ”•> ’**’* ' .(.
own in; tune i>etici- ihau auy one can m .ki
ll for him.-- Mmchiinla Mtujnriiw.
Au editorial friend in New Itampuhiro
send* tilt# tll a-pi ’a Mhgftgitl* ii on, ■ an aged mm wiio had just loil
his wile cumo into o.n a iiietum, a cT, vvTrTi
loam standing iu hut eye., uulog/. and the
inemoiy of the d'ceased, and askoil us to
isc-ird thu death in our next isauu. And,
aani lie, while yon arc about it, make an
ilem at nail iu* ol my i.nthma hous laying
an egg no asming sevru and a qusrlri by
eiglit and three-quarter livulwn in circum
ference. Tims aud tea ly our Homyhts ol
sympathy wu o directed to thu sterner
realties of lile.
Twelve years ago K ctimond, witb 41,-
(SS) inhabitants lay hull In ruins.-Now
site lish inbuilt Hie whole of tlm burnt db
trict, has established 200 factories, and
with a population of 15,000 people Is the
handsomest cliy in the world, Norfolk
ships near 1,000,000 bales of (fotton thia
year, and has developed a trade in vegeta
ides, fruit, aud ttsli which hue extruded
tLlough our great Northern cit>s*, across
th* Atlantic, and has increased tho value
nl lands In the adjacent counths many
hundred told.
This in the latest lortu of s Dalton Wed
ding invitation ; Come around ami see me
capture a mother-in-law,a! 8 o’clock sharp.
What ocntlment-, draw every bod y like?
Borne do not like light leading, some do
not like aerious matters, some don’t like
politics, some don’t like religion, some
don’t like the set .’aces, ami men who do
like Jiolltlcs, or fun, or religion, differ on
tlie same subject, soma like and some dis
like. Wouldn’t it lie a cwriou* ps| er that
everybody liked t- Woul>ln't it lake a pa
per as lor ire as a plantation to hold short
article* enough for every one to find a
whole article that lie liked ? Try to please
evrrylioly arid yoo may please nobody.
The object of a newspaper os wed as any
other public enterprise, should be, not
merely to ptcaac, but to iK-ocfit its pat
An Ohio Doctor, so at least he called
himself, went to another Doctor’s house
and wax admitted by the daughter, lie
explained tout he aud the other Doctor
were old friends, and made himself quite
agreeable. Seeing that ns had made a
good itnpreskon, he went further and re
marked how strong a likeness there was
between ids wife ao l the lady, but,he said,
you are much handsomer than she is. Aud
in her tempo nary dotation be found au
opportunity to put In hia pock-l Iris btoth -
e; Doctor’s case ol surgical instruments,
for which abstraction be had to answer in
the police court How very serviceable
compliment* cko be made I
Exiravugant Young Men.
It is common to hear young man pro
tons to bo dt tor rod from matrimony by the
extravagauee of women—or, at leaxt, by
their inabiliiy to ksep up atl the “notions”
in which ladies wish to lie himrvreil. H-r.l
--ly true il is that many ladies are extrava
gant ; Hut it is not a tauit i>eculiar to the
fem&lo sex. Indeed, we rattier sui|tect that,
were the comparison rlgi 1 y male, they
wouhl be found less guilty than the men.
They may dress more; but what they
spend tu bounds and silks is by lut the
greater part ot their expcDses, whereas
there are many leakings trout a nisn'
pock its that go not to pay hi* tailor's hills.
The bachelor who complains that he can
not afford a wife, *i>cnds enough hi super
fluities to altt materially in balancing the
pngos of a family account book.
ft is often saftl that if a man would ac
cumulate a lot tune, Uo nMJst_J>egiu botore
mmrnago. Well, tt iScxAuatUK have
something laid up wheu tliat important
a ten U taken ; but rntny young men are
too Uuu>gUlksa,.anC txjtravagant ever to
got a start. Tbc wt nl save is not in their
vocabulary. Aron those uu.. .1—
ed os dUsipateil, and who do not frequent
Upling shops, expend more for cigars, per
iumcry nud clothes than their means
would authorise. Very olteD, alas t they
rdako drafts on tho future to get up the ap
penrancu Which they think they ought to
make, and almost a* often thoso dralti re
main uuhouored. Bouu timw they contin
ue year alter year wittingly living beyou.l
their incomes, but hoping that marriage
with sou.* rich girl will set all right. Hut
the rich girt manics some ouo else ,or it
turns ont thr her foUuao wss all mon
shinr, and ottr extravagant young man
kills himxanf in despair or drags-along in
mukss.'iill way, getting no mote and su
ing no more tluui when he began. Wi
would have young men shun nlggardli
ties* ; but we would have them pruutici
economy at n virtue. Let tl'em dt'en* do
ceutly, lull at Ihe same time l> regulate
their expenses us to live within their in
come. Few have to work at such low
■lies Hint they can save nothing. Mauy
could savo! ol their lucon.o so ut
much more It they will do tins, and in
vest llieii savipgs judiciously, they m*y be
liiiJedeadvot, so they used not ih/Fr rnalri
motiy longer Hutu they choose, nor ninke
il a mailer ot u.uney •|mcuh'ion. A com
petency in old ugc is Hie ics.ilt of having
t .Ved, quite ss mni-h as tin’ result ol huv
mg labored.
n> i’i' iiik.
Never deed re f*r Ihe hako ol f< li-h
ji-.t ot to exettn H<e lung liter ol n tuw ooin
niitnou* at the exptutxe ol a frieud. Be
ittixioir* whew / .ii H im,, nnytbiog t>i tiill
li jnxi n* it occiirruil. N'-vi-r vary in me
Hast degree. The lensiui why otil mis ale
ao olleii siilolcd by iaf ll- lepoltn is Irecstisi
lusiplu iu UUiug road lhmg add a UUiu to
tint'll, mill as lhev t>a s tliroimh a d>/x;ii
nimilhs the oiigin .1 et irlus mu liimed into
something entirely ilillun lit to when
you utUMqjl to lull uiiyttiing that you have
seen with your <>wu yu* relate Roorrui tly
in i very (mrlicular, aud as you gio v bltlc
you will reap the advantages of thb
WRliam M EvitrU the other diy began
lo 101 l a man that his coal t it 1 wits on Are.
Rolorc Uo g t through tho flft baif of the titrec barns, twenty tons-of hay
and iilii" liilfy g/xl< were burired t/p, n>it
CO lilting the c ell t lit.
H ippo#** we puss a law, eal Ia severe fa
(hur in hi* daugliicrs, 'hat n>i gHI eighteen
yi ais old who mu't cook a mewl slm'l go l
inurrisd until she leaim how to do It f
Why, then, we’d ail get married at seven
Iren, responded ftm girls iu swiot Cl Kirn-.
A gentleman cnrrglil a | I kpm ltut in tin
act ol robbing'him. Y> u arc not fl’orei
enough, my flue fell iw, sal 1 lie ; and
what n dirty lmn I you h*je ! My liandV
clean enough, coolly replied the rascal, it’.,
your pocket.
It wsa ut a party, and another fellow
bad marched triumphantly off with Ids
girl. That’s the way, sai l lie sadly ; Il
isn’t merit that wins In tire world- it
hr*M* watch-clista* sad paste diamonds
-iid t!ywl moustaches. Amt ho swallowed
down hi* Adam's apple fully three time*
before It would stay ; such was his grief.
Mj dear, said an artocHooate wife to her
husband, as site looked out ortTic winiTow,
do you notice bow green nnd Ixtauilful tlie
grsa* looks on the ncighlrorfng IrtTlx? Wed,
wo* Ihe unp<wtb. reapoaae, what other col
or wcul i you have it at (Ids time of year ?
On a CaTTfcrntaThriCtfif*recently wheat
which was dfamUug hi tbs'Cur *t a q'isrtor
lußorc five iu the •fteruoon was catou ax
biscuit at a quarter botore sever*, 1 raving
been cut, threshed, ground and baked in
two hours.
n—Bi .in i
A young ruao who is evidently without
pride ol aueextry or hope of posterity I*
constructing a raft ta which he expects
next month to ride over Niagara Falls.
The rail is I icing uuoati acted on scientific
principles, but no doubt Die young man
will be drowned in th# comirro i way.
ToMotheis: —Mliould the R-sby lie suf
fering with say of the disorder* of Baby
hood use Dr. Bull’s Baby Hyrup at
lor the trouble. Price cents per bot
The Book & Music Sf#r
Phillips, Ciew & Freyer
has bent) Kittantl trat 3 A 4 Mariatl
Htreol, Atlanta, (toorgia, to 3 A 10 Mariettas
S'lxwk Everything tu tbclr flaw,
MtfHlO. - ><
8 lil on th* movi reasrtnable turiM. MO
TURK FH.VMES of ewery style a apecM
ly. Ttie patrimngu ot tbc cittmeas of Mot
wojUcFresirtioHuny soltchaiL Orttars by -
Mall will atw iy receive prompt atumtlou.
r ■.
..It Atlanta, Oa.
Lavo one of oaf
adapted to all kinds of goods, and to oil
ilia ilhlnreut nud fashionable styles of Piatt*
tng. Simple and easily mauagud, Uls Just
the article every lady needs.
Merit by (bait, prskago pakf, On tcoMpt Of
P'tec, |3 Mend ior ’*■'
tU Cortland) Street, New Yolk.
k. . 1 "■ _.l '.‘MLLJggßßggßgii
Ay©r f s
Cherry Pectoral
iWot Dlsoaass ot th*
Throat wad Lungs,
such as Doughs,
Colds, Whooping
Oough, GronohlUs,
Asthma, sod Con
Tho reparation U has attained, to
consequence of the marvellous curse U
has produced during th* last half cen
tury. Is a sufficient assurance to the
nubile that It will to resit as
the ifappiust ii,
Iu almost awry section Of coantiyr
there are pereoiw, pnbllcly known, who
bars I won restored from aUrndng and—
even desperate diseases ot the Jungs,
by llama* All alux have tried It ac
knowledge. its superiority; and where
tu virtues are known, no one hesttatag
us to what metUcine to employ to re
lieve the distress and suflcrlng peculiar
to pulmonary a/TectioM. Cukuky Pnc
touai. always affords (aslant relief, and
performs rapid cures of the mlidor va
rieties of iironchUl disorder, as vrellna
the move (UrmldubU dbisssss of tho
As t safeguard to cftlldreo, amid
the distressing disease* which l>e*SS
the Throat uud Chest ot Childhood, It
hi Invaluable' for, by Us tlinsly use,
multitudes nrs resound and restored to
Tills medicine gains lYfendn at
every (ri*l, as tbs ourss it U oonstsnUy
producing are too remorkabls to bs
forgotten. No family should bs witb- *
out It, ami (boss who bays ones used
It sever wilt.
Cmiuent Physicians tturonghowt tbs
country prescribe It, and Llsrgyuisu
often recommend it m>m their Knowl
edge of Its effsets.
Dr. J. C. AYER * €O., Lowtli, Has*., .
VrssUwl sag ,Ul|Mssl OXsIIS. <*
solo nr six mvooimA svaarwaama.
1 w ifi iwi lis prepared to execute such
work tu the paly ling liu s In toy si op
Making Fit AM EM,
ETC- *
I will aJao continue contra*Lug tor housg
aod sign
I’ve spent the peat year In Greenville
and am preptied to give satisfactory refer
TLED Call on or address.
- Creenvillv, Oa.
NO 35