The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, October 26, 1877, Image 1

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    The Meriwether County Vindicator
■-VS A f f fe*bnftt‘x , r;
VOL. 5.
prni.isHßn kvkky futiiat,
*rt? or v ’ Ourt ttnuiw
II••# nl AAvrnW^-
8 ob ilv k(4 ttlvtCi u.m j 0 two jl >* ■(
1 i licit i1 00 250 4 50: 7 00' 12 00
2 inches , 1 50 j 5 00 ! 0 50 jIOOO i 15 00
! inches i 00 I 800 j 10,00 i 15.00 25 00
jc<*i j 5 00' 10 00 *40.00 35 001 S5 *HI
icl ! 7 001 15 00 1 25.001 85.0 b ■ *>o *<>
’m* ! 1000 t3OOO 25 <H) i tiOAK* 1 * H*>
f*r A HU-ral deduct in! made |a lW
edvertisirt* hv llie mouth or mar
SHERIFF .... O tv Florence
CLERIC a C r * H K'llc.
TAX RECEIVER B. 8. C rroriii-
T* A I'll! 1 ITTOU J > <M)! 1-1*
SURVEYOR. O. K Mathew>
CORONER loin! R Junes
* R. A. Chuuu, Aatou SlhteY,
C. J. Keefes. .1, K IhkhsKSTT;
Alien 11. Wii'son.
noAuu ok rnrr.vnoN
John W. Pink, W. J. Hmiiev
Mjulokui licevuß. K. A Parker,
A. It. Freeman, Sec.
sESaTOR lltiili DthtriecP IT Brow sit i
jttUn H. Roper Lme< W Tayloi
I ■ " " '.l
John w, park,
/\'., <■*
Will prwctk* in Meriwetliei and the ad
joining imiitii*
OhioNVII.I.K, L a,
AH business entrusted to his cate attend
ej to ptvmplly and tuitUfutly.
1) K Kl.i Hi,
JA Ottn Noi i k. (.1*
W l ll I'iaetlce in Merits ithei and tin
Cuuutlc* evunnootug tin: t ovietaci edit.
a < FLOYD, D l> :•
j } I.vIHLN I DEN 118 1,
L A Oinei Avii.i.K, <ia.
Ttruta fiab. All work Warranted,
/ V KK]*H bU . **| <• Vl< 4 !<
■ ' ii# l* \j>u omw v u uu uumi
l>r Jf, K O li'iM-U, *’ iI < !> !#♦••
lK i: it am iiony,
(V-jKKf lih III* I'NokFiDOfl) ■M'l vb *** to fill
i * u| (io in iii' Hiii vk‘ji:;'y,
19 WkK* *1 U. J, A i&jMXiy IVi l tray
JllCtr,- M* *lO
Thu ntaiviaH article ih ami
poundwl with t)i<* grimiest fare.
Ita effect* are a* wonderful und
_ <ptlafatdory a* 1 <-v<-r.
It rmirtii!* gray or faded Imir to
it* voqtfcfel color.
ft rKitxrN all eruption*, ilehlrig
and dandruff. It give* tie- head a
cooling, soothing sensation of great
comfort, and the scalp by its uac
Lecorues white and clean
By it* tonic: properties it restore*
the capillary glands to their normal
vigor, preventing baldatn, and
making the hair grow thick and
Asa dressing. nothing has i>ee
found so effectual or rieairable.
A. A. ilayea, M. L>., (State As
saver of Masa&chuaeU*, *sya,“ Th>
eonstituenta are pure, and carefulP
selectee! for excellent quality ; am
T i_j tin- Best Pkepahatio
for its intended purjx*es.”
Price, One Dollar.
Bisislg4iiaglsnsss , Tly
Thia elegant preparation may
reh*4 nto han gs (he eok>r of t
beard from gray or any other
desirable shade, to brown or bis
at discretion. It ia easily appi
being in one preparation, and qu
ly and effectually produces a
inaaeat color, winch will nei
rab oar wash off.
Maaifactsrstf b> R. P. HALL A
ha >7 ifl Onftsai. isifeslsttlsfec
■ ■ ■ 1
Atlanta leaner
Atlawt* Obrocta.
Book, KEWB ul HKffWfc
- rim,
AU Sixes andWef^ht*
Address JAS. ORMOND Pr[witor
Nekr fA *ftl* Iftae a Npeeiiaen ol ait
wacar, ltf-1
green v ille. meuiwether coltww.' ga.. October 26. ihtt.
o.HE or ovu sain aro cs.
The Leaders on Etltscr aisle ansi
Mon ilii') Dill, i.
Correspondence ~f the Graphic.
II Oliver IVrry M i inn dies, me rejm’
cans in the set:ate a i 1 have lost their h* •
ance vs heel and nio wrh at aigzig. lie
is suitor an 1 promoter o! mine great
.neaSore* tiinii sny man *b* lias iaten
identified ss itti Ams*hj|Oi legislation Buic.
he lias bee:, i.: tile senate il t .Ulg nl tip.
men! has sucee ded without his aid; every
jliTng ol m nne il list UHS oppusivi has I*ll
- A ctr> nie iuvidia whose ph>-
im illile has leen a t rme .t lor twelve
yeats who lias not drawu a breath wiui
out pain !r iliat l<ig ume, he has lieea
the Heicu'esTo liold up the repubHeua
. r.d when the knees > 1 A la* have hoen
stag .ering fie is h.,e uuUtiug ilio o than
the great balance- * heel ol an engine. The
loicc may have oiiglualed in an abstract
iiolive ; otlisi iii 'n iiiij have supplied the
iiifilnnal weed ihouu.u-4 jiait i l the iniebli.—
ery, but M arl on, w lun be has engaged
rumsrif, nns been ttic nvce ir tc‘o r>.' all tTiC
I rce, and by coustitit, even revolutions,
nas that 1.1.00 tipm. tipi ohja. l
sought uni ii aceoniDlislied Tin fe is no
man now in the senate who can lake ills
place ' There is no man who can
tak bis place There l no man living
with (got fill tl. Ii is asit! that Lv Wil
I Luis a ill send Dan Voo I licet here to sup
ply the vacancy, I Morton tlies, titnil the
lejtlsUture ol imjinila eau ehyui Hendricks.
Cos m| at red with. Morton, Vcorhcß is at.
idle t i ter. Ho at ahJijueiit hut vapid ;
his tongue is louder Rian his mind Mor
ton ls not elonuenl. He uses tan simple
phrases when be speaks. Endeavoring to
convince, not to Inipresi, he appeals t > the
sohci tctlson and not to (lie setiscs.
Coukliugis Hu' nt xt greatest man to
M irtoi., ol Hie senate, but his strides ax-
I t.m long for lb? rt * b’lr'hiroi in follow him.
I Hi- Is too lolly to lend lomsett to '.he c ni
' con detnr's .v-l lepis ntior A great speech ,
a sub ime apostrophe covet pa,si and a lull ;
no great Idea was ever moulded hi to la t
by the use ol u It w ei<|tii.lU |avi agiat-li*
Nolaxly <va I gugs ly Conk ling In sny, I
1 wmb J ini vv puld |o Ip my kill '|is hill
Ncia/dy < er piteiupted a nieai tire wKli'uit
milk leg that wipie t ol Mnrlhn.
E lmuu.lS has a skn wvlei min J a laig<- f
betel- Hint) either M I toll or Conk tug,
hot lie I* lll.t: of the ta n.t that l*urs d<: s a
-c much Hist the people don't help him
va iiei he wants to hulUl up. AhllcutyGiiid
M iiill i w ay* stand by E*imui iL c amt
m c mu! to* liiotloils, hut that Ja very liuje.
ms vice when the led ol the seoatu ate
avalnel hint. Ldintiuil* lo iks it htlmlnd
V UK old, vv lieu le t Mg' s less tl liu tell
l loft He hoiks like St Jr Joint , c,I-vt let)
j in r*f*i*M- lihuilp hoiom lim l/icuht
i%r \t *ft- wr-rr- arr*tmm'i ta tvr-JJ h k'atr
| Uri'l r IlirtM
(* I edit lllU|/b HM HJXftiil Ol < A .JUhli; (‘
lit\i No tiiflii wim <‘Vfi li>ll ko v\!*■•* u*
_ ■:f to 1- A 'IM Wii 'VVjl* .altl CLJL—luul
-1 a ivnfl lilm htl (if t tit III*
{ fif-r jf•*j ■' r >• *, 1< <n’ < iiifti*U**i Jim mu
; <t< vt If If.** f'VPI il Hll ifl iMM/hl lncil to
| .ia tUf‘
* i .11 m jiiilni', li‘ *#bl w Im'u i hjUJh* mm)
mu ki( m- Mr. >*t 1 liH* julpi*
I 1 |.t VP \T II < il 'i J' e' l'l I\Vt 1 • l'. ) lN\<l
y* HIH, H<lby IMg <l|, I l4fi<* V\oU.u 1 fcffpj.l
, A’ **l.
I ht is.i: ssk uf • .• .!? •
J! fdbi-r af< I ►l* ij >1 <• f Avi*ry
1 y*-4r, Hil l !•- ktif-w i. Ho b- *■* ybnj i
Hit l* ol 1 i<* ►•• fit Ir i to Oiw
I Im*v i IHft Ifhv vut u b(M|f-r
v! ■ | t|j \ > h'- It gn .but b‘ Aiii Iff* ol mol#
r v*> *' lo lb* roui.liy, wuh n b-1
: i<f ifcHA bUf. <1 b¥ ikjMcw , h
bdtgJ iMh flinri lliifm vyl|r> ijfi i>9l Uiiiw
Ikifa iii Ih m BH 1 i wfi I filitn 6
I I# r, u i’ hb‘ *► in ff• t mif] Ui* n
i * fj|*!> bfxt wilenktlly. 14-
fitri vr JkJ N;# ilinr be prvmm f JJr
wofilfj I*y <] ui'iH'- 1 >.*fin 4 1 b<? ijre
h w'iii ,r nUl '.rfiiipet in liiifir>ie ’h t wii*- 1
1-r 4>**n Gr*ftH mM :
I bop* \s irnt* wii) !*• pJecteM II bun
■an *1 lrni(ef, hul \<i*l k way* know (
sbet l i)W lie is the suMMt inai. \
0. f-j< Bin 1 kIK.W
Bu*, a* I said, Judge Dam i!) I*) of
oicr* aervleo to die ' oijtPry. He it a!; *;,
jtidhial n I pr*d*ably k’own. more i*w
*%vrnjr rwm> 10 tbrt ***pt Kl
-a, i<rii'r>. M (■.■ iti< a position 4>
inood'Ubt,; bt dtlfrifcU it CCatJy
hx ef Washington lad roioD fie will
aapjwrt #be 2 X UU.
Bo*,rb, ol Cm rrtda, i* * man that
route out prominently *>me day Hw ft
~001. calm and eooteraoialive Hr i ,o*t
ndiflereni to be warmly prt-judi "cd lor or j
agai'jet anyibioyr, and to accartoand l j
tnr.k out of Impartial eye* There it a I
fr*t deal of la'ent abili'y in him. alao,
~'• . ■>La' *l7!' mLmlalX
• —• * 11/l 1 IHi vi.
Booth .8 <mettarde. H lit* handsnmw
band*. ,e "*•* i t?
V*> n&ltf ixf iw 4rt m to
do any tieeVy fcfltof.b'H frkl that my
tefki thtt he wi ! kke •* Ida coat when
he rrta toteraaSed.
B*U* an* o*iaaby bo Inland a n
nm, table intimacy. Remarkable,,l)w4k
it w til i atern Vt a third party ftiat Ittey
tlioold repe! each other, trot aitrwer. Oglea
by ia crude and hourieb; he takaa pride in
it He gay* •ITieooy’ and aweer* In tbe
presence o< ewh men a Fn-lingbuyeen
and Win, A. Wheeler. B.solb thinks prf -
lanitj vulgar 1 , Ms aJ'dWtefcle a aease
ol propriety as an old maid hoarding
tvVo men are i'i :
so, in able.—Tbej walk to the capit >1 turn
iu arm tVtiy monting, and ride librne io
geliter at night in tlic cai i iage, Okie
will wail au hour lor bieaklasl if tlm oilier
is lute, and taut is ates a matrimonial at
tacntnenl ill nut o.tei. stand.
From the new men that the South has
sent to tha senate n.unli is exjiected. Tliev
*re n In tu r clssa tlu.n have coine Irom
there since secession, and nearly ail o<
them h*w been ehatloned by ti e. Lumnr,
il'll, MorgHii, l.iailand tuttl llmrls are all
triumphs ol the lost can an. Each oue is
toe loest o| the native class in hia stale,
and uadi la-lieves in the divtue right ol Ihe
states La maraud Hill me,the ablest and
Uwl kuowii. The hiruier Irmn his iuriL’
proiiiuiem'f in the house, ol inprewot u|to*
the taller liom his debate with Ulaine
over tlies bleached boner ol Andrison-
_ Hill U an aa tmea-y Spird, aeldnm aits
in Ifs own scat, and Is given to pacing the
Thine like a tram wltn a burden oh his
min.'. Tlits is also a characteristic ot
Chrialittucv. ILti wad C.bitatiaacv fenml>ie
each other, excerpt that the lormet Has
ihue ttr Imp mor inches in lengtli of
spiif. Roll have tocnl shouldt rs ami
holed giay eve* I’liny tilm their whis
kies altko, atal are given to claKpmg their
hands behind Ilium. Hill is pathetic ;
flu iatiattoy is judicial. Hill is a vlreaimn j
t 'htistianey a alliJeul. lltll is!i*ul in
dot)vie , (' inisu.utey writes everything he
vp< ttks and reads a hw> minute aiguuim t
Irom mauuacripl
Lamar is nervous and vehomowL When
!■ makes u p. e h ho exUausls his (ihyM
tl omtrgj l>y violnnl gesturing ami too
much shaking ol tho head. Hia body .is
hin til nl tin h4,not tho tumtuir
auil ho doulili s Mmsell lip a’, the end ol
every seuionce. 11. is noub'*l with a
iiseaso ol (he kidneys, nud snfieis horrors
sonierfmi 6. OPra nfiei apeukiiu he Us*
tin attack ol veitig ■, aud lias |o liavo Ills loosen ail ami bn laid nut with com
prcoMt nu his In a<l. Ho is iholii.', hm
.■‘Hko.l with an tixly touifkr. luiinriipt
li‘m id h i‘|smili au<l lie lli< t inl a |Kt4n)ii
let 1• i 111 fti’iim mill lit* HI iug Ihe snug ol
S MMUtllh.
i.m<t winter at one o( the ilruiuernl r
cmtoiHriM l.amar was urging hie party to
etijifiort 1 lie . lecloial hill. A i
V iritlnU coiigrcsaiiiiin r< piunoiinil bun
nhh itluhirtiothig hia |.ily.
lultk lihn awiiy, erh U I.moil, taka him
uwy, or J*| kill hiot
Aml lie wi uld have killed him put hr
11 ol tumi lak M ws y
1. 1 tit hi i- torfyef prenchmg sh"Ut )>. > 111 i
i;n kimeuLy, sml I I'wai iiig tun hylMrerim
ol Uioea, when he Ih himacll an eutlg jj-.m
hvpon ilr III* i (tltf ;Ml|i itrarnt, m
swthurnc'a story, ihv uuut who smigfat
till' ug i Mil the luith (hi uopaiilonnhle kin
mi I ni U 4 luigi'J it, lo hi# own bent,
b 1 il:i liamlui cullul uu t’u^uhuo
U.iJ Ok Mt Ihv I blue 1.1 il I *. K'.ilon Bsi I
lit* *___
Mr, I*|iHhii.'! f, 1 .lull'! IlKi) (0 .oi* yon
D.kme .hkliiai ani—liiiLn. yj.iM-Imwoiii
I li*v mi: * wicked ichi-Is to day as i m
Wall, kids l * hull ih* *I I / ) ou.
1 doot lln uk so euualut, repluil n i,
;iic.ideal. 1 have Mi ll a gi< st an- ■ I ol Mr.
I li.l moj >lt. huuiai istciy, and I Itki
1 "-‘"
11 know Uni add lin.iilin.Mid rd hi
and ii'< hoy cu dlt to you.
Ifnirtllti Is (tin n ih: "I tin* it n Wi*
■ in...* ol nun in tie senate lloneal, hut
bnah raid /.%> h Chsadior uf another
o( Ui ( last.
(i irdoo, liom (leorgiM is a nisn <<( I, gri
rcv.’v cea than any <d Ms c Hssgu<* h ton I
the H'nitU. and is sliia, u* gel c, selt-ppi ■ i
I sod, iiigetOdO*, i'ffil t man ot * (lairs, fh
had a litlh 1 dsu,;Ut'.i htiru nil tin* dsy dm
tiuop* the Stale h <o: hi ti *its <>sr I
ik. Us tumid II I 'bur lint, Sod the I
1 ciid J died.
Osrhjinl, ihe new uenslof from Arkdn I
u, I'.skk gjn the irrum that ViWl puls
oo Ins piciarok. tall, well f<ei, fond ot |
i k.nriU, a round close sti-.vua lane, ro t and
; [ml.iy U<: made a good goternor and
| will make a good senator.
ct Aes'isn a, and of
reoii<*a#ofc,*r little meu wit'i ohtrurely
,g<ay tb.oiulocher. Morgan has n / paidfl
uari :c rd, hut iliuri* U tic/Uifl: , t| with
(he ot (ho M it*; ‘ f iwromaswe, Ihe
ln'‘- conleleratc .toes ol Ameriut, kiud (he
Ipd cruHUK sl ol U* has cut a
wt4h t -ealh lr* UVu rraie/aA*#- Rre denmera
cy hare great c'tpociathiaa of him In the
'Lite ascot ul ti a iiml tow. ion ol the
teoate will ti auspice *iiui Uiaioe and
Btu/iley Matliew* u>e't._ (flaise. lias cut
• wttofcM ekouel, to fire Ktardey a Jruh-
Wwg. Watiwwr i< a strong tfehater. but
XLell •;( he (Mu S'.ahd Ulaine'k ptigiflatfc
pratory is gouhUul. Kioca Mathews 6u
dartook. tostaar tkaahip of atsta, ha
fAc kornk linage that he will hesa iJ ex
LpO> <k e Wi;l*ak him
ridiculous. —1 ! i (1
,-re irM-i4iswi 4 \ ,
Why anfler with a had enid if one bottle
ot Of.'ButW dmrgh will cure a
cough of tbe kind Dr. ltul|'a Clough.
Syrup Is sild for 85 cents pei bottle, .**r
Are bottles for f LOO la ererjr resjmefsbie
drug store fo 'he Untie*! B'&u-s
\ i fierrel of ll;ippliir,
i _
Men Olid women we 1 each other to he
TTSppv", s\nd wliy i ot, il thuy matry wist
'y f The man !i mid lie h little brsvcf, s
little stronger, a wiser, ands Hale
more iifcvo w iili her tiian she is aii hi it.
Chu woman Should always b: s little
>ouugerpei'.d a little prettier, ad s ItUle
more eonddmato than her husboid. He
should he Tow upon her nil his w orldly
goods, and she Ih' iild show all the <'aro
su i lendermss that afi.-ctior: ean pro|jipt ;
|ui I'Vsymiljwy Isth'bttxlneaa to In t will he
Cunt'S a Jwdgji. Miter Ms* on a >mi he
karri* than a rhrtftnf alio has brought him.
Neither he jealous, nor give the oth
er cause for jealousy. Neither must en
courage Ktilimental Iriendslups lor the op
posite se*. Her feel confl lon cc in eiveli olh
or, and rettoanoe concerning their inutnivl
allalrs, ol their own fami
ne*, LfPHrTTieceesity. X wile should
dress Morsel! becomingly whenever she ex
pects to meet tier husband's eye. The
man suoul+i pot grow alovimty, S¥V B 1
home. KautdlinJiug, long arguments or
sookling, cuds the liapprrmrrthat begins lo
kisses and fov< -milking. Sislcts and In oth
ers may ipieriel and make up. Lovus arc
ioyers no longer idler *in !i an d
occur, and married people who are not
lovers are tiound by red-hot eh vim* Lti
man admire* his wile most in prints she is
silly not to wear thorn. Il she likes him
best in black cloth, ho is a tool ii ho nog
lefts to indulge in It- They should eon
liivo to please each other, even il they
please nohodv cite, (or their mutual liappi
ness eau only .ho the lesull ol tliulr mutual
love, sod that low will never lad In exalt
ils object.
Hr TYutlC TP s’ouuski.k. Nothing hints
a mao more Hiatt to seem small in his own
eye*, it is the slavish let-ling degrade*
tin slave. A base un.billon makes the man
Ilia! diet tabes II hoe. No ono ean tlehase
yeti hut yotirra 11. Stalltler, satiie, (iHse
Until!, IjiJ'litlce -there cm never rob you
of your manitoo I- Men may lie about you,
they limy denounce you,'limy may eheiiah
ijs|hi tons inßailold, tlivy limy make your
tailing, the Urged ut Uiuii wit ot mindly
uevut Im nl*f Mtt'tl, never swerve an inch
hum Ihe I'ua your Judgment an.l ton
science have marked on lor you. T hey
cannot by all their dlnrta take away your
knowle Ige ol youie‘l (lie purity of your
motive*. Urn Integrity of yo tr eharai lt i,
unit the geaferoshy ol youi nature. While
these are eft, you are, in point a! lad, un
list tin TANARUS,
A Noted Divine says
They are worth their
weight in gold.
Du. Tijtt;—llf if tttfT Tyr Itd .rtn
h ittArl yr to < ')itbU|>tttknn, ami |M i. tal
birring your triUt wsrrr m-< •! lo int ; I ue 1
UtriH (l#ut wifli little fallh). Imo imw . w* II itmn,
imvc goutl tilt | (ligi hltssii j.* rlw!, M pular*fi*;|r,
|i lr* iC'Hltt, Mild 1 )(v gMilir-il I'ifly [KMtndtk holid ila tli
t hey arc wortU thcii wciwltl in goid
JU* It. % ty
Tun'S PILLS k'^n
IWI • V ■ n*ad( in thirty year*.. AoJ
DVUW- JOH lIMAiJ- for alpiiM tifttawaii <J< th'>fw
ACJHM efntfor 01 aiiatrmiy in tiut
ouuic msnnu. tioy an*litti’X''J
■■■is nr in* on a<icniifi' |riiiri|)l(*s.
ovhs uoMwnnrATiow ' thr.',,' 1 1 hi
.... - - ... _ lih*lol/c snUirwdnic
CUES VU.M. i/iiyr lunlr.
mmmrnmmm Tiiwir Uik* appai r% I<U
TUTTI& Dll 1C i* *'* * M
I|| I § nUUw petiia by *.ainK Hm
. w , to properly ahhiini
CVHJI V®VgH AMD Tituh the ayatrm i rgmr
ishrd, and l/y their toni'
rin a ijt- a artion onthr digrs-.nvr or-
TUTT’S PILLS and I,.aifl.y
" w ■ ——~ t- V< tihlioiiA tre Jirmliis and
CUM HILIOUB COLIC Tha rapidity witli wfiw b
ptrtont tai* on
TIITTSO DU I C wMlf under Ihe infl'irtw #
111 I 1 9 m rILLa aiiia.u •>.
u “ b, !w* w - tmX-’
M1....—' btucs tbM.iAiHy in * >'<
▼IITTIA nfl A inu nerttnt* 4*blli*V,it-i
ing of Inc niua l**,
OVftg TCRFXD LITHB fjtunenn of tha liver
chrotiia onrtJpation, anti
tu ,h *' •r*f m *
,I,wianpmaais Murrey WiMt, Iff* Yhiffc
i J 5 ■
I Ogc“sfu*TybC,|f.y.4_
What is Queen's Deuuht?
Read the Answer
It Is a |iant that frowi In the Sooth, ind is.spe<
! < tally adapted to the rurc of disease* of that climate.
Knltrin* at once Into Um blood, rxplliDf all •*■</.
Sa7u[4.niU, Yaltow Oorti. aad other herbs, U lorm.
Sr. Tilt’s Sarsaparilla
and Queen’s Delight,
Tbe moat powtrial blood awttcr known to aalinl
xencefoulncdkof old olcan.diaaaiod joints,foul
diachaeccatrouitbaaanandaoatrila, abatcaact, gkm
diwatea, dropajr*. kUney complaint, evil effect, of
w< ret peaetk ea, diaordcrad liter and apices. ltd usa
•tmwtfNWdMfck adtoH ayatam. MM a feu ♦> •
pUxitm, wad kaildb aptk* body with
A> ai ayygflitjc ppbot/it U kroaidr
flaps lo Litf* it S Ruring njnm*-f mitd ftJi; jsr.'l
few >n| a*e,nr
W Hi if ■fuyjrtiU.
A' Oflci,J>l.didf Hfe* , N't'* Ywh.
HUNT, ICANIi!Y A l.iniU.
mo, 11 north Pit you sruunr a ri..v s r* o.\
tillers to merchants an I dealers a large
and .veil as mm led stv ck ol lelialno
On moat KwmtbU terms.
We arc
for Si. L >ui* RrrfoUy Fura Whtt* L'n.l
antk Pme Liatwi Oil,
A LS() ”
in,'t oilier Ferilliaiug Oheiuicals. Oa'l on
or suud your order to
No. 11 Norlli I'ryor St Atiarua, Ga,
melt 2 Jm.
TT- \a^ t °Matic
family Knlttin t Michlnn
A l’ii In! and Woiidcildh lllvipilj in
Now si tram lug univnrsiil siivot.mi by Its
iidoiiiiiniu! |m 1 1 tor in aii ( Ay, su 1 it* gca
pm in s* value for every djv laiuli.v u "
>' 1" Simplo Durable and
('Ill'll]). i 1 Aidly k-pl in te|iMir, and
li wi'l knit cvciy I'Ossthlc viniety id [ilslo
and fancy w in k
hi..! tut licit, i tlniii it ci.ii Ifdmi: hy hum!
of~Hy mibc*r ortebltp*. All kinds ot gar
ininUn c |.eih*<tly filmed and rnapi: i hy
die machine lt*vll,requiting no cu-Uug m
making np. A go. and operator will knit a
mail's sock, w itli hel and toe comploie. in
from fhe lo Un minutti / ami Iroin twenty
n foriy pairs o! socks in n tiny.
J'vcy Ufnily* < f |M'U)ly *.*v# ry tanner'* y flifmbl 1 1 it v*! h JVij’d
Kniiitir w ill be loujttl t ijtinl y it*
j uatdnl ii* I lie H.iwing Mudilne, ami even
I more profl'ab'e.
I.\cty Medline V' r A. lift AN TKU poiCrtt
| (.?.</ to tbi j>tl irh‘U in reprtunUd.
Tin- Hub ford MacbiuK i die om.r i.k
urilMAlK rylf/ulricnl ffnll'iiijj Miu binir In
exirir nce. All Olliers, not llc< lined by ba,
me elenr mid iil,i*b!e InlrliircnienN nn our
pMlt.iiln, and we plialt bold ail parties wbo
manulactiire, atdl, buy nr ui audi Inlrlitu
big umchlotjr, to • atriet legal aecountablli
An ltclnwli m Bottk, roulaiuiug Com
|iltU atul ariotile dirertlmiM to Ike f*ra
lor. ai mnj>aiti nch itwetibin,
M'. 1, Kafcrily Mackiua, l eylmrler,
*S nielli', * '* fIW
N>. U, Kami j M icliinc, 8 cyllwk i,
TfwKdl ueedldn |4O
A ntritpU nmnkttu will bd et 10 ally
I Wirt of the United Mated or Uunadn
(ahere *<■ have no ogcuta.) tsjvtn ijkurjti
//rv-fvtv/, n rdcdjW of llie price,
AofcSTr wanted In etery Mate, County
(Jity and Town, towvbom tvtj Hlxtral ;dl
r-onnia will be made, _
—For b‘tth’ r pwtietitete, addrew
Bicnroito Knimwa MaoaiNk Mrs, Cos
Hole Marmfodurera, HraUteboro. Vl
Mi ll ‘J3
a. t. U>* K. I’rof. tyw wjcix*
Star Atlanta and Wcat Point Ptatcnirar Doixrt.l
Tbe beet attrotion glreq to Ibe comfort
of (uo’k- Pdite Portent at every train.
Tdr*ukt9,oo per Day.
Pnlr*iii! Ho 11 rt led '
!*r I iOoK!Ijoo$C -A
■ *’ ~ Sh . .
I will ss n e ptep.irfl to eiccutc auch
work in t.,.e ~o tin t lino —in my oimp
Making FRAMES,
\\ 1I AT NO I S.
I wll alsi continue contracting for house
and sign
I've sped lilts ins! year ill Greenville
and am prepared to give satisfactory refer
ence*. WORK Hol-IOITKD,
I KFI) Cull *n or uu'dio r.
Greenville, Uu.
GEORGIA -Metlvvelher Comity,
Thirty days alter dalu upon tbo Aral
Monday in November next, I will apply to
the Honorable Court <>l Ordinary in and
for mu I county lor leavu to sell all the
lauds bel ingi ig lo the estate ot Win, A
Chuuu, duuc.'tse I I'hls, September 28tb
1077 . John L- Dixou,
f : H Alim’
Moilnr*. wl o Lhasa Uivii Darliugs with
.liaiio fnirg iilvu incur n ftsuhil rtwponsl
hdi'y. I loi genlla, modo uta (yut affcoUvo)
laxalivi*, .literllllva, and auli hi ious opera
tion . I Tarrnut'a Haltxur Apatinqt paeullar
ly a lapis U l > iho dUorilois ol children.
{VDiiSara In ft/*v Dollara par Any at
') uj homu. Hiwipiaa worth
# r i i!i>. Hi s.on A Cos., I'orilaml, Maine.
I i,A V> ' FL \¥ !
hk.r gsa-Ung Clubs, tr Anwgcnr The
atihiaK j,T4>l*wauc i’lavs, Ihawing
It Flaya, I nil y Flays, iStbiogiau A’Uya
(midi I* > Us, S|)vtskpra Fahtoinlnes, Tab
iiHiit J.lglit,-, Magi.caluiii Jilghta, Colored
Kirv, Lurid i:**fk, Theatrical Fape Prepr
nuuma, J alley's Wax WorUa, Wlgs,Roard,
an.l .M .us!aches at induced prices. Uoa
iuiiic . Si i ucry, Clmrailts. Now catalqgue
•uni fine c i-.iValulag lull (Jescrtfltlci and
piles. IAM I. FUKNCII & SON, 113
Nassau Ht., Now Vurk.
i )
/>/" Dollars a week In ynUf ■ mh town.
*)*) Tit nia and |A outfit free.
11. IIA IdihT |p CO., Portland, Make.
A ruie ruie lor Torpid Live* and all die
<i< tea arkfiig tbirefrom, Dung,' Kidney,
Hplne. iiadder. Womb, and all Female
Diet area, UDLLB AM> XKVKR, Coatlva
Deal, Dyepepait, HeadacUe. Qur Diver,
I ung aid Ague Pad, #2. .. BbUitc and
Hpiuul Pad, |tl. Pad lot Pemide Weak
(*. |:i. VV# land them by juntil free on
leoeipt ol pi lee. Addroaa £, f. B’.'YDKH
A * O , <;ii, iuuatl, O.
— ; 1 ■ ~n. Ji
,a Ibeir • ijt*ink,<kuvaiklng lof the
Ktrtekle Vialu-r. (enlarged) Weetlf and
Monthly. Lariieal Paper in the'World,
with Mammoth Cltroirnai Free. Big tom -
uiiaaioot to Agtnta. ..Tertpa and Outfit
Free. Addrea* }'. <>. VICK FRY Angtn
la, Maine . _
j c-j|j,nra a iky at h <uie. Ageula
XZu rankrti Outfit ami Usrma tree
1 hUIC k CO, Auguata, Maine.
A l \ £*tre Fine MtJed Cardv. wit
4:V name, 10 tsa, poappatd. L, JUNES
3t CO., Ha*ti. N. Y. ;
AOK.NTH vt ANTED I Medela and diplo
twae awarded lor < . .. ■
WO illoatrstion*. fAddraee tog new
shgutan, A- J- liOLMAJi A CO, (ISO
Ar ti PWMktpKs*
NO. 45