Newspaper Page Text
Tlu* cfiW ti the Wu*
(As 6'/n Viren ■
ur mu- m. a. Kiorucn.
“(.’umt, wile,” aay good tdd Partner 0,..y
“Put on your tiling ; ’t(* m trkct day ;
j4'|W9lf to IbenvaM-wl town
There cn’l buck ere the nun go; low.
fipol l Jf<>, we'll leave o’d Bt*ot behind,
Rutflpot IwbtrtCßtT, Tftf Wf*T T<■ w 7. :
Aj<! Mien mule op hi* Joggn'i mind
'To steal twty under tie wagon f
A way they wenl, it gore) ri*ud par* ,
And Jo) came wp. lA': t*ru/T i>.' <
“Pol Bfw.l* Ik*, “did ward’to come
B it I’m very glad i>’ U-tt at home,
lie'll yield Hie bail/, ti guard toe crt,
And keep (I'® e#U’e out of the lot."
“X'lii hot to 'e el tfafct, 1 ' growled 8 pot,
The Utile <1 <g under toe wagon-
The farmer nil li t produce
And got bit ply In yel<ow gold ;
ffogt# (ll rough the loi idy lore*' Un'k '
A robber Bprhig* from behind a tree,
“Tour money, or I'Jneyour III* *id in
The moon < out, yet In: didn't *ee
Tb£ tttrtff ttc.g- m.drr the scalar.
Old Hpot be Wke-I, trftd h;nrt, he whmet
And rtl'Ot he grabbed the 'hief behind,
And dragged him down o m id and (iirt
Hn tore Ina coal, and tofu hie *hlft ;
fin held him with a wliUls and hound ,
And he couldn't line from the on /
gro iml ,
Wlille Id* leg* anil mm* the farmer honu I
And tumbled him to > ton wagon
Old H|u.i he envod lb# Mr tit i' life,
The farmer's mote y, tin. Iniinei's wile ,
AAd tW R hern gran I and gay,
A diver collar he wear# in day
And everywhere hi* n utter .o. ,
Among Id* Itfntul*, among til* I ,
He Inllow* uinm Ida lnWny toe*.
The IHtle dg under the wagon.
I,ri luiiiik fUt'Uwnl If. it ■“'
dies Tognlltir*
It imt tf#nc< drd lac' that young tm'"
who ate ititint Jbitvl to tlin reflm and 'in■
(km 111 Mien nor My arc in Urge >r*<• ’
superior t> MiOM who *> donicd, iu •!’*y
ihemielvM, Ibc ('riVi!i#c < l Hvinii l< l * l
diet company. It i* an iincofitr<<vcrt. ii Kie l
Ikat young >•-• "ill K/HC thuii 1,11 I*.
rudo (loclmmkm/ or auHen manner. A
young matt *ho la comHimtiy with y ’t"-
|srtlm neldntn ever becomca intuxienbd > i
nun profane Uugmtgu. The <"i "I 'll 1
Uhtlersfan lllul, "ti hemt is lul#irbnit:(" I
continually, Mperlllea am ritlilwit
ofl; their batter material* (loUabcd ami
brightened ( and their • ’ • “
-a. ' UBr workmuMv by
Iho linger* rd man, that It oould ever I* >v
man. The tl>lr*t lor attuny drink and bad
tnmfnsg*, arc laki aM Ilk# the w rd <d
ttia brave warrior In ihnc id peace and #c
curtty. There are many young men in
day la ottr Jnlla aad Hi ales prLmus wlm
'would never Imve baon lliere, had 'hty ve
hai( (tie privilege f calling on yaang
lady Inond every Hftbtmlh nltermmn with
whom to pass the time, <*l going in
lb# grog shop aud passing It iSS drunk
ards and vagabonds whose tut) Venn lliln
would shock the unnWiiiy of Hats" hlftjgoll
batata \mg they l>cc<mm accustplned to it
all, end thus begin* thr r descent and tvn the
hill olllle, aud ov( stops until the prison
door w closed litron them, or tVo t"i!b v
Ureir end. Boy* > with H o girls, they
And young W-U#* who are aecutloaied
io, and a ease, iu Uie gon party of young
met* N* Mr superior If those who do wot.
Why are the ladles ol Franco no u liver
ashy admired and loved lor thuir co 1 tqul
at palmar, T (Mlrf/thifMturW they fro in the
habit of a free, and graceful and ' continual
conversation witli men.—Young ladle# in
this way have their winning laeuUies
awakened, their delicacies and peculinti
tSea untold all their beauty and captiva
O. G. F .
A Fnvaiiic Story of IMckaiiha.
The following story may have gone the
round ol Hie nowrprs but ill good
eoough for retelling, since DJekenn nM of
It t Tan ■mat know that I have Mpropii
t HtdH m*r and acquired iMutto* Jrep
dWllon by Hi I**•'? Mpee of rem-
Intownece In Scribner for O c iotmc,ftit!ed
* *'W&nke* Tar N lh|i Frioeda
Go <w* ot .Morgen'* vryykge*
from Amenea to England; b bed under
W*l*e*tar*ttfMViejrouu*)*ily, wtm
speedily dl-ttaguiahed bengl( by reducing
tlir verge ot di
tract wo. fee *M quite ready to marry
we; bat, w)tt qould Je _da_ with tve T
In the sinbarnueianJt of jbcf fctlw she
tough* foe captain, grW, alter * few mo
mwWi’ foongbt, mbit li's a toe, calm day
—ppoaa, by wcoiaeok-jou shoal. I fell ever
bear* 7 PH b4v* a boat towered ready to
pie* yt>u up, and yon .cea Utt the ban
who fore* you wed e ß ougb-fo J Mu
geo. proposition met* the
.young lady’* ▼*, and the programme
wee accordingly cat! fed Ml, with tli* tri
tfog nc*f*lOb , tb*t toer'ol ttoyottg men
toefe the pitot* ansMbatecpirtoft .mi <* v <
j*f fceir nridafopuft* ardnrjr ntnleaa
wet beatbemeeiree, fled tube* atero<>m
•ad Mb for her Advisor, the captain- Now
Cepibla, cried ibe ii despair, ‘Whitt m it
trt do f gf.Mjr dedr, replied the captain*
if you want.* wcsibic busUtd, bob Or
dry M—wbfob ahe did- '
Great. Excitement!
tVe are now receiving a very large *’ock
'<A Wal.le and r*ney ttPT MOOffei.
’ Clothing, iiaU, Boot*, Show*, Hardware,
j Groan ic*. &., fetch we are veiling at Vl
i ~i,i., >.ri- —“ —<V no** from iiv
| cent* per yard, Bilks, Alpacas, (>-*:/*••-res,
i lieiaint.
A large stock ol B ern bed Domestic* ai
-1 wav* on hand winch we on sell cheaper
dan ever before. A**o, a large mock ol
Klo.wi Ball).oral akirt\ H-i.k*r. ('•'*•
.el.*, =f. i., Caimerc* F,(,r.ftl’ and Liod
acys VhUTJJttMAE
\Ve pro|,/*i;'J 10 Beil Good* a- coeap at
i ihoyTaiTSe bought any where T i 'hli v
! Uoii of c .uutry, #ud wo respnctliUiy mvi:e
1, t.: people ol .M I wclber t -uuty to <l!
: „,<l Oiiiiiiinii 01./ :o*.U i/u> Wg
! nine when:.
•We hav■:,' lkro e:mi,e' of W. II
i I'aiUnlfo o| M'yrwetliei I. aoty, mod be
will l*e alwayu on hand to wait on hi*
IfU i. b , o ooo’t ld to ‘.a.l -o W® ****••
yon <; imo to LaGrAnge.
i jiov;)4Uhi!i
W B, Pa.tnd,', /
W . It K.u, v Kaloauiai*.
4- A. 11. Beall. .
to# in. ; : , h
I would ru.| edfoily annoum r (■< t .<• !'•
|,i•• of tlKl ICBVII.I.e el M' livrthci > '• u
ly i||at 1 have .e.Mbtfal- and wpdl A. i
Point, tm.. lor lh‘ jmrj**>jw •! iniymg on
Vim :
fill hi 11 <o4*.
I al*o keep on band . foil viippiv t !
line/ v Fi hI Him U o l* il tin- lead
ill*. Cun* I*o rtTnvn ol tin maruiT.
Kid'A I 111 NO Oil I’INWAUKt <il'rr*.lllKU
at * ItooKlNre a >| reifiily
I live me * rn'l
v. ,vi uiuMP -*r.
W* * I’',
(Km U 15; I •
GLOB <I A Mrrmrllirf Unduly
Wlnnaa.W II KcTrr Adtiibihtrann
on Ho i'M*t ol I saiab Huttmt, !•>■ n t akl dei i-aicd, Invmg by ht wu(* p
titlon applied io me for leave to sell all ol
lim ti al ia' lte of sold Irrrr t
Cilia la I In'll Cru to ell* nil per* n C<n
corned la show rauMi. It any tiny hive
why tin order authorizing the sale ol said
ii al i siniii siii ulii mil bo granli' I on jin
-“f "i nayu I’tr t ext
Given iimb r u ,j. | m „, „ (| , „
lure TbMCWt frur, TWi i
A .1 IfINToN,
I It M C
ttKOliOlA*** Mart wet bat County,
Whoretia, J. K. O. Terrell as Admloistra
tor rnm trtfrrmmti rvtntrn the -f'T
Ol Hamit llamler, Into 1# said conyity de
ceased, Ifhvtng by hi* written iciil'on ap
plirvi in me for leave to sell the real - d'lO
ulaaid d'.ctartd. the tome cuuslnlmg--ui-*
house and lt>t Mi ths town oi Wrcftivilie
and said enmity.
'I his is tin rHorc t" cite nil persona con
e,irnit to show car.*; It any limy have
why an order notiioifcging the mla trt sad
rcgl estite shoirJd n t b' grsn c l m the
Cist Monday In November next.
. ; - HI orttelal sign,,
lure Till* Get, Ist, IBIT
- A .T. HIN rt)N.
_____ rt nr. r.
OKOHGlA—Meriwether Couijly.
To all wliobi it nVky txintern * -
It licreas, Z N. Allutd of mid Ijtaie nnd
the countv of CTtmon, applies fur Lelters
ol Atlminiaf ration <m the eat hie of Mis.
Mrry A. Hraased, fat* of *afb mwn'r of
Meriwether deceased ; these are rim ef,.re
to cite and admonish, sii aiut singular, the
khidred 4i*l edjfnra of said decease I. to
show raUae a< nv offifle ho w before the
first Monday n November nett wiiy let
ters bf Administrations on the estate ol aud
deceased, should not be issued t,> s H i and ni -
pl leant. y
O M C.
GEORGlA—Meriwether County.
Uy virtue bwywdcr Irom the Ilwor
able court of Ordinary ha and for Mi.'
county will be sold before the tfour*
House door, iITTKe town of Greenbe
fougiagr bvllieertatav*B-nrt U Btemn
decease d.vii: Cfoo hundred acre* more
or less, off ot tot*. No, 39 rnj 58, lying and
befog In the far, district of *ai.l cotmiy ;
W hore# times or 14m off of lot *nu
U acre* mow er Ices, 08 ot b>t #O. 38.
Good cabin and about 36 seres ol good
cult-vetable lapiLjinder good I* tree, br
-IPWHttWaKfeKciTbe other
ifofe, payable Ist, Not. 1878, with iutsgtst,
at 7 per com. 1r0.,1 day ol ■ sale, with ap
proved security, —Tides perfect.
*, JAK f. 4LFORD,
’i'ytbi'dsfco® it may concern IZI_I
Where**; |f. Bowden t sari *<ate
and county applies lor Letters of Arlminri
rsa&&T’,?*zr;L “ss,
these at® therefore, to cite and adinoeiah
k bfodnfo and Creditors*
of said deceased, to ahow cause at oiy ol
tfosoa or before the firar Monday m No
vcm her neat, why Letters ot AdramiJufo
-00 on the estate ol aatd deceased, ahJCj
0. M C.
Ok OJeilA —Mnriwether C<>*ot|.
Wherea-i, Mcrguret A. Btoui', #*
(intnlmo of Carrie B. P*a*y *od Mary A
Pcavy, orjitiaiu n*J minors of Allen Pot
vy, ckneMo-1, having by leer written |*Hi
tkm aouliod to me for learn to toil jU tjL
the real ev ale o| aaSd i/iino'B-
Tbla i* ’heref/rc; to ci!e c- c
eernod P* abow eoiae if any tifey hive. ;
why an order at’tboruacg U.e sale of *U 1
real estate .b/Uid Hot be giauted oa the
fos! Monday In NoTecuOef i.eit
—tfiYcmiTCuer my hand and ofttial 'I hi* Ijepl I'Vh, 1*77.
-- o il t.l.
li tOKUIA -Merlwether County.
WliMc**. Mi>. Martha P, Mtrtio a* A '
>n nidi atria /* UeUnnnntn un *r "o ' '
i.-eiate.ot WjsJrnmt). Mar io, U'e o. an 1
,m i.‘->*• ■J.i.iaving by he - ' B l*
titioc applied to me for leave >■ t~ lu<
, land* belonging to #fJ e#f.aM which * e .
aimate In Hit 1 -ver ikti, di#flct of a*,
county. .
Tbia i* tbe/el uj to eite a l a-J a o
a, 1 pe-rw*i* toi.ceimai 10 *‘.u* a*c B *oy
ti*ay bans, why an or-iet ant)-or z g ihe
•ale U nd iB e#UI UMUki not ! * *rbt
m’. ye# tU Bft Monday
riivew iunier isy b*#d itf ltliftkl e*vi-a
Ute, till* Odeflld, 1W
<7 M <T
GT>.Jli<ilA' Mm. aeii.< / Comity.
Wner W , W. tf, Ke:rer a? Admiiilf-ra
n r ./a W* non on the e‘/o ' <.'*••' *
.J. Alii-b bate 'zf i*iit'y, ilKtißmaf bav
ii.g by l.i* wruteii ia tuu<o aoplleel to r
bif l<a<e to rr.ii a. of low (* eai*K of l
u t.,erefor- to t ce gern/o* to
i ii> 1 to )io a it aoy mey b*- ,
why a. order wilh/iiz • .*: -’**• 'd •* !
la. • a>al< atim/PI i.t tee l 'd Oe
lira! M i lay if. N . w>r WV
l> ye*, oo.ip'e my band m l tb* la) *
tuo-. 'I I. 1 . <b.i 11, l 7?
O M i
Ii M./il*>l A ,V|.nwei ,rr < t* /
W|.-rr . J i’h|a ( . Nvf‘* *# * 5
tratot it tl.o eMate ot < |,ift' lla.t
Utonfsabl noubty, dnfeamal, fe*b/g
1..* written f ell ion appi-ed u. nav for I* l
In *;IJ all ol the real <-att* ol *i I ‘h " >*
Tbla i* tbyfeia toV “• * I pwtam* •
em id Pi show Can* .dart .
aby kb nr.ter *iph .t;7r'lg di ■ i‘e -it 1.
re.! .'v'ate a|).n|b] not be g.a .t-ei on t 1
Hi t Mofiihtr In N if* uvbar m at
11 am toi lv>r my ban I and ' d*l * : ; v
hifi |i I 11' i', dolb, 1877
A J MIN ru.t.
y m c.
Ilrldiic IhoOeea.
-s ' ■ * " *
W Italy he ll out to ti” •" '>* ' '"' cJ
on the Ain Ma’ilfday in Atovcnd • t
bridge si ill* doataii Allen's on Ml •
OuK t iea-k. Oct. *t 1H77.
I'liOn.iliM t Wlllta M iiiiama. J ■* 1
M>Ci*r> ud A. Hibley.
\ YTiT.T. Tie TeTdo the T#er bidder >rV
VV the art rtalurilay in Novcinl r
tn 77, al Uc l.rwlge, repsinug *>’ I
korping in g'*>d onkr Mteven ysrs, lb*
Cieck al Jam- " <air
1 hi. !*, 1^77.
(Vmmnniv! : -dsa. Brows, Wm. Much
ett nnd J K flnriisnan.
iif J; I, h- U i t" tii.' dowosi id I3r' oi*
\\ i.. lira fmnrrtat 1 1 N ui f
,ts 77, a- 'he brldg-, the re Jlrtng an i k*< fb
:mg in gm>,| order for seven years d,v
| tiridge on Cane Greek at J M B'<n'al'
j Mid. Oct. Ist, 1877.
C jmmillec :—A. If. Watstm. ■}. M
tlrivoks aud G. W. Fowiir.
' -MU '
By virtue ot an order farm the e'<irt ol
Ordinary ol Meriwether coßnty, Gs.," wi : '
lie sold before the court hot** door In the
town ot Greenville of <siit foonty, on the
first Tuesday in November next, wraiiu
the legal lumrs ot sale, tli#ltiiiowing tract?
of land beiouging to the estate of Freeman
McClendon, late oi s*td county, dfceased ,
ti>wlt; hita oi land Nv ti hundrsd and
sixty -iix, one hundred aad eigb*y-sc*M.
■me hnndreo aad es.t Usif -ot
lot N >. or e hundred and übiety - even w est
half of lot No. one bumired and *ixtv ,Ive
and all ol lot No. o suitrev| jnd rim ty
eight excoj't last pom-mj, „ 's_
of the Greeeville and Ho^A,title road;
all ef said iota and part# of lots lying iu
the dtb district ot said county and cor -
taiuiug ona Utouaand acco. more <>r less.
Also, alt ot^lfitKo. two buudred and flfry
t*o wkiott hea oe the west and smith west
ride ot the Greeavillg aad ilogauavide road
in district of sard county and co&
taiuiag ooe hundred ami fifty.acres of land
mors nr less ; all flLJut jtO.. twelve and
that portion of lot No. thirteen which iie
JKtLyiflnmiate %y..ik*foiU^ nr ’* d .
except atxtv-Uvc acre* ofl the north end ol
said portion of No, tbutegn and sixteen
acres ofLnurtb cast corner oHot No. etrT
eu ; arid No*. U, li and k4,w the 7th dfe
Xricl ot sard cm sty. - Alan, ell that
oilotaNTo. two haadred wad forty-cirht
and two hundmd and forrr-swie in the
lQth district ot said county, wliich lies
north ol little Usd Oak c*V. and the east
halt t lot ounaber oa* huodfb and sixty
la the Bth dial r let of aaM CDenty, aad con
tanring is ill focT ImodrM acres, thorc or
lea*. All of said tracts of laad told for
benefit of creditor*. - This
Oct- fct v 18T7. A. a Funax,
C. £. UcCludus, Exry.
Admiafatriiiferg SaUs
GEORGIA. Meriwether County.
By virloe of an order from the honora
btejgtcwKt of Urdtaary * and tor Mthi couu
ty, vrTllie fe/li to the tTgbe*tbWd before
the court iiooae (k->r in the town oi Greets,
v.a berwfefc ti.e legal b'xtfb tfitit co
Uie first Tueadry ia Noveuil/er next, all
; the ltpd% beloaging :> the eiaie of M -*e
I'aL lAcdued. * : tour taucditi a.ic-e
| moie <w .‘-ae, wbereoi. ihe deceased re-}'
*i ihe lime of Ukdeath. VV.i! be &> ■'
\7~ t- t* '>f JJiifC ’;a , -'J t:
kUJWii l\6 ill*: li Said
•i J,e known V* (Ik Ward P*te, dTVI ie: by
.-a rauning On** —me —Use- known e'
be Terrectiu# 1-fci.d -jrr a terta.ii gate
l liitniwrn inißg trei? i' **•* the botunn
: and ftrtV.og ike ka .wu as tbe C.c
Hri'i-e geld the a r-wiiina with the east
, leoce of Inc Gin fl- use field unul it ainkcs
; the i#d of Mr* Nwee.- Vi e*.*t of said and e
1 to the Wa J Be*, aad ail west
*to the l! *ase Piste <i wid i iipruye iieuis
I nr. (I*- 11< ~</ | , l.i- Coo 1 cabin* n l; e
. Af*rd Poo*. Ao ** **>* stace ot eu'iiv..
<t* ns- Al*r titty acre* /ft >/* if /. 7A known
i# . Pu.ey Alt lying and t.eibi;
j ill the lfttb itt-o.e*. .< <!* C ‘rufity v tir*f
Itociy Mo c’. .V two tots of wild
f and being a * iariol. t laty
I <>*.| Vir • N'< Wi .a t..e fltb diatiicH and
'*sh /erj; acres., and N 108, v.b
at. 4 IPb tm fews* Trl*% pe
tilßß. Tkewtai 4P ir#i! e*h. the trCier
NUr iwya-b:/ 1 * ''fuc/l/i’;* r 187'., *t 1 ! '
e—t- nifn-et-tr-mr da c wwtr • wttrr*
a; f r"Ve ! at t? 1 l.b <>• t. lrt, l*t7T j
Admr ft h r..* wt\
i.C ! /liCI.V Mn. • elne* ' ooitiy
Uy Vi.’ •>■ ol ao ..filer f/mu U.e 11' ’• e*
o.vC-> >it nt <zr.ii. ait i-i *u*l tor twit im
I iy, I wdi *Ct ’o She I.ijtl l U ider before |
l.e l oort II ><. v e .'.Hot lit toe to well tM
•'. e# i ' * t*Bfwe***l he egl y.t'tila .4 it.'
irn ‘i;e fi/*i iWivy in ? m : *’•
::.r. to O'. V >*tto#gl#g t I l ie ••
U'r Ig J bn W, ItiAHVf, def .a- 5, V z
t#||Wx a!el cm- l e.rti acre* > 3 t.i i<4 .No
14 c>u lit# Jiufllt' **ft cornet ol ai4 * *,
t - <4 *o ‘J. v'l yi4 *• * h
d\ii. lot* 41 i * moo H by: ,
•i'MU 1. ;/•>.* # I 111 '4' i ' W' t • !
.*‘.4.14. o wv**4 enatn-y an . .* ./ - . ' '
J *r 'l**, tH t tfiabcre ! V-'-it -b"ii
It ff ,n.‘e* *1! H ";t' | ' 'lf* A
; t tin. lit go Is' vi- .1 ■ nilvatb.B ti'f WM‘.
4 .iflffl f KHM *Oie i• ! tt *j. | <
t uif ! r t*V, d#y r.rj* v-etidn-' Sn’.H
|'u*: •# g’v.l whyf;*:t | * r' !d i
: I ' 1 *1 ' . WI
. iti. *pl fi-vid m ntify ~ . *•' for Uvt
,I*lll.lll, ihia 0- ndoir 1! and
aU.I-N II v. A IN4/N.
A<lni ’i ’
i> i till il a 1 f>i : •v' ->f **,
* i s>'.. rl < jiiut) |
I wd: apply w* tb
ft nsiiibis Cn-irt of Otdina'v in s> and t 1
.>| M ~.0 i Mon |, |a fl ■-
*r next (.if so of'Ur t>. r!‘ tli* ip Is b"
-' ii ro< ’ -" '•
Fuller, (f rmerlr Mdam.f m ii'if
snd orplisns ol H**t >li '! sru, .to our
consisting <■( Oil* l.'.'i .'I err: rtf'y
more or i> . >.ug and |>e eg In Uw i.d *
tuir: .district of mud couety. Itm <:t
i-o 18-7?
'I oar*;
I'liat|a**fi Mtrftff Siltr,
♦iß'/ROIiV iler .wetb'f 1 'miclr.
U r ILL DE add I* fore the G<>nt H <•*
dtM to lot U*n oi tiiw'i. !** of
ejfitf 1 >1 *a>,
■ Bn first' Tii(*s.f,y in 'Move'niwr next,
tb we irac'S or par m$ of tm,)situate, lying
sfid Seiof la tlte d"! dtsttk t <-l said twenty
cm s'Wadpg Tm isfemi <*s *■ id ky Wm. B.
*>l it- i, innV. to Joe! 'V L> *\ do<ul., on 1 to
jrhich-M in. B fillxw, d j Bw* 1 -iv— — hW*
lifod and hail reeottfe 1 in Die Clerk's Gifl-'*
of lh dupetiTf < upi <*t comity s deed
to f*arab A T,** .1 ?wnr nml*r $ *fir,|
■it the Greta. One of said parceia (known
a pr.rt of toe While Sulphur Btwings
tract). Ceataxnio* 3 acres, mure or lev.
being s’Ltint pr.tcel of land wbicti was
eonvmHM bf-H. T. Markkf'Wm.B.O ivsr
in the z. 5 March l-tiSA, snd wbicti is pa:
Metifarly dascr>fd iy metes and bounds,in
the fieri ot said Mark: tostlrt fiiffver, re
corded in the C eik’i Offlc* of the SSuperior
Con rt of said county iu B-ok "K.” pages
63J and 6-73, And equal right*
svad m am] to the streets lat - ofl
IrotidirglVe arid, (what wss) tail
’Offvei’* dwelliqgjjouis'', exce(it that por
-*• id aatd tract which tire -m tli# West
j.x*e ot the Coiuinbua road, aad also except
that portK>e ot mid tract cm which the
Groteataot McUtodlat Gbosch slaoda. ao far
*slko same fa deaded to P. by
*#PJ Otiver. Another of mid parcels being
a oncthml Me reel tb an undivided fopr
•erw, Upon which the Sulphur Springs are
situated ; arid another ot salrt parcels being
a smatr strip of land lying on the east side
of the Coluiabu* road .said strip containing
two acres, more or less, and its metes and
"bound* partkuiai ly qescribed in Deed from
dl. J. Baldwin to said W®. a GHver.decd.
made itU September ISST, aad recorded
m the Clert’a Office of the Sopari.*r G-otr
of said .-Ouiity on page C 99 ot Book “N."
Tae above premises at the time ot ih
Tcvy acre ia foe iwcapan-y a-trtr. A.i->
Admrx. ot Joel IV. iss, deed., aforesaid.
Propcity pointed out by PUT* AUv-aad lev
ie* eh h> satisfy fi la in favor at Wra. B.
Oliver, Ear, Ac .ajfonst aaM Sarah A.
Lee, Admix, wt ftjd W. Lee, deed., lor the
purchase money. No ice given to tenant
as required by law. S*ld above described
laad hae bceto claimed by Sarah A.Lee and
sis© hr Johw-W-. -iee, hot -same foond
acbfodl le said fiU above mated. This
OCt. 4fh. T 7.
6. M. C.
[ .-f'' - -
Barnesvilie, 6a-
.Wili opra on Moiday, JwrteiutKr 3rd, 1577. wh a full corps ol earnest. inccMtftri
'.eae-her* Jeierujiued t K •a. the w .eejnead and duiervad rep Halloo of this Juatiy
ceii orated vpimvl. ./>
<e d<*a hilt Utte ty£*> ;v ettpC-Hof to ‘vtce-cwotts Ur pa" ,U Jesifthg tO tf lud*te thkif Wit#
ai.U uw jgu n. it i.i an ib* u.oclvrn ap au i-.e; (wvialua sikl Uruttur#, and a rec-ird
.- Vene tog uCi[W*ia.-‘dcd übe Va’;' It* in . c d-*: >artmeut t* Conducted
oIV ' C i'. e .hei cei. wboti,* no s ipen r ami bl Iw <J :is in hir prc.fea*ioi>.
Bc.-uvo n !.. - cuUrpria j -n: •• Mtc n titi-.i VV esiertt Rdlf vad, and
nae. , uti* tiM .e'Kita' •• i, ) bautig Me most Bora’.
1. . tl4 to tls 50 per Teim. 11-.ard 1W UO to 15 011 month-
For eat .1 rare .’.a; . .g fu.. tniormai.on a ijm,.
• *IAH..EM V. LA MUIR'S, Piut.rr..
or 1 AL MK v.N \ 'Be-.
g it, i.t- ink
—a ... •.'* .' trucm M. w ..up “ V.-.V TXTW'tL
I> v/ J-vtcii*Xs A La ; .c *U Hoi
C.. '
11 o W A H i). W o 0 D 4 G O.
\VHuI l .-•Al.l. DLAI.KK' IN
TOHAi :<;<) ( it iA RS ETO
l a UhPl HLK 15 L* kK 4
At bin i a, - Oeorizift
r . . S'-4#
k l; h \ l TjU u ih.
' e ?,-'* • r 1 : ■ A ' ’ - ‘*"V ‘
Parlor uii<l (_ ii:i nii < i* Suits
1 I 'M V fit ■ t ! . :! . :r ’I I 1n • nortipi 4<
]i!.N!.NG UM>t( AMU Utt V . K. KNiTL'HK P ALL KIN IM
j'j ;<.# U *}' ** Mr* jl' *c‘ 4 in-* 'i In■ .**• a thr i^t
li. S. KKNDKICK aS*. CO.,
'A\ Miirleltß wtr* t. Atlunt# On,
c , ng. | .o. |cn .> i- t <.4 i’ <f ii ;„ ! ij.
u . H. Ml Ill'll K* & < i)
If Aft V \ ti., 1., GA,
fit X -I—.: r— —
Jr) (tends, Koofa nnd Miofa, (.rorrrltn, Prtdtir*,
Htanrtsxrd F rtili**rß,
HA ftf'-V A HR, li'HA, Pf A n.V a., j FA UMI AG IMflktJre^r3
l*r *■ ' * A jr: u( ;■ p..ft ,t... -uatiutiwy -Uh-b K .•-*~*. 'I ..rwttjrr*,
~~ ’ *’* '. r -■ f t'*u (*■ li'. V- ’ *; v -v'.i,. * iii’iu in,..;'
jt~ Itl'li* i XII -.-- I jp
iH TV (. , it* , * ' , or fto p-xit ... wie* r-oUtiu
u luW; *-r ri.gbf l;r ,and ba-ge
1IK! in
B'i’iLWliLL KKIT! f,
JJrv (iooflis, Jrlttts, C/ajxs
Boots aad Shoes, Gent* Furnishing Goods &0.,
A Etrgt Assortoen; ■;! fix’,!, *h..,b we p.*j ew St- *ei as cheap aa u*e aaaaa caa
be tioagbt to in>j M ,r,e.
lteurntug *r U<wuka for (mat Iv.roosgewe so kit our MerlwetM*
Lrnuiia and i ,, * j-, w aut dx i-, our (in* to mviimc
uur atocsiab j price and SAVE JW-tNEY
2d Hi i M„ Gi.tha
05-3 r
C.i I’iiJin, Oa.,
Keep the beat, cheapest an i rao-t own etc axsortaeut uf Bx,ts, Shoe* and LfiatU
erefaoy Htmae in Mwdie Gewgia. •• —f M U
tW Will pay ’.tie bigritart Market price, for Hide*, Tw^ww,Beeswax and Wool,
C. . sfotTUN, D. D „P£i>iJN
SLtJLTON Sr I*El>l3N f
W^arei louse,
Griffin Georgia.
■ * 4 .
From the above card it will be seen that Cap*. Podea hat “eh w*?ed bis base'’ taxa
the BRICK to the PLANTERB Ware-house, w.,ere he w.h be pleased to sea bis maav
Meriwether friends. J
-He goarauleee the same arevnev in his business for-tbc fature for wiiieta hr tm* bee 1
noted in the past.
I W~ Free camping will be iurr.ishoJ customer* y