Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Arinchcatat
■ ~ i Mil i j. , ± . -.—
VOL. 5.
rruiuanitD kvkky fjudat,
o*c Snath site o( the Ooarl Houee
Hum *>f ArtvrrtUlni:.
Space |1 wk 4 wks 3 moTrt mo , 1 vai
l Inch 100 850 4 50: 700‘ !2 I*o
S inches I 50' * W 6SO 110.00 | IS 00
3 inches 200 W 10.00 1 1S.OO ; 25 <*
4*d I S fIU 10 00 20. M 95.00i 85 00
4 col 7 00 13 00 $5.001 35.00 60 oO
l col 11AM 90 00 iBS 00 | 60.00' 4 IDO
QJT A liberal deduction mvio to Uw#tc
advertising bv the mouth or .ear
ORDINARY.... A. J Hinton
SHERIFF O 8 Flore no*
CLERK 8. C W. 11 Kcllui
SURVEY OR . O-F. Matht fc*
CORONER Joint U. J one*.
R. A- Otraan, Aaror* BMdeyf
S J. Hi eves, J. E. Buchanan,
Allen 11. Wa’aoa
Board OF education.
John W. Park, W. J. Raratta,
Madlaou UmHM, EXfutker,
A. IL J?i<‘t iuan ( Sec. .
BENATDB dCtli Dlstrl.l,l' R Brew aka
John B. Roper. James W l ft\ lor
; - 1 1 1 .4
unwTNßsg CARD >
\ rroUNEY AT law,
/\ tiliVßNVtt t,K, (Is
Will practice 'n ilanwothe i m.d the ad
jotntr>K Bounties
t iltr I N V 111 I , ( i A.
AM huatiiess et trusted i<> his um attend
1> II KEI I'll,
J \ Oner NVil.l.ic, Ga.
WIM |>aeiie in MeHwither and Mu
counties coin posing the Cow eta r itcviit.
A 11. KMV I>, O i> H.
I L (ilthKMvtu.r, (Ja
Term* Cud). All work VVati,i*=4 v
HU. ii. 11. TEIIKKI I,
(vFKKllSbia ’.'roiosiotntl v vices- t.<-
/ tLt** Fubllc Otl!<>- null id* hither
l)r. J. K. Cl. Tettcß. i,< tin 1) tij( Hlote.
r\ FKEHH 111* I'ro|e#tliel advice* to the
rrlllti i'i of (litmivlHc amt vicinity.
gr Office at O. J. Anthony -V. IV* Dm#
Htore. m 10
Cheny Pectoral
i #or I> tseoses tat Ul*
Throat and i-oust*.
•ub ui Coughs,
Cold*, Whooping
Gough. Bronehltle,
Astbras, *n<J Con
The reputation It ha* attained, la
COQffeqtMDcc <j/ tjie rrinrvi lion* '-or* * It
baa prdfJmrod during Our last hair cen
tury, la a sufficient MMfMM to tha
public that It will continue to realiie
tb* bappleat result* that can Ik- desired.
la ahsMot every section of country
Uire are person*, publicly known, who
bate been restored from alarming and
even desperate disease* of the lung*,
by Ita oar All who have tried it ac
knowledge It* superiority; and where
Ha TiftHt are know*, no one he* I tile
a* to what medicine to employ to re
here the distress and suffering peculiar
to pulmonary affection#. Chuukr l*e/>
ToaaL at way* afford* tnaUrrt relief, and
perform* rapid care* of the rnllder va
rieties of bronchial ilUonhr, a* well ta
the uftrfC formidable diseases of tha
Am a safeguard to children, amid
the QMfeostxg dis da* re which beaet
the Throat aad Cboat of Childhood. it
U invaluable; for, by lta timely *e,
maltitudea are rescued and restored to
every trial, as the cores It Is constantly
producing are too remarkable to Ira
forgotten. No family should be with-
Eminent Physicians throughout tha
country prescribe it, and Clergymen
often recommend it from their knowl
edge of Its effects.
rasraazo trr
Br. J. C. AYER It CO., LoweH, Mass.,
r; Paper
All Sites and W eights
Addftf* JAft Pr*pnft
|Stf ttftit imea* • :i{wc*fln o! t nji
yipacf •' (U.)
Kepcttl of llic Bimkrtipi Law.
Ainooe other important measures which
will attract Xhe attention of the present
Congress, the repeal of the bankrupt law .
oa-'.aed eievm vc* ..wilLliw Ufcwly -In
take prominence. A hid to this • (feet hr a,
tiv uo*nt*.nisoo**enr, lwen *tr. -dueed k
to the Senate by Bet -r McCreary, art
Kentucky, nd it will, r dnobi, be acted
u|M>n without it nvee-s rv bpfny.
We notice that this move is i reel >(■
* ith eonsiderat'e a‘itsetl n IhYongh'*!
the country, and the matter i not agdlstfd
now lor the firs t time A bid for repeal,
ing this law passe i the Honse nearly two
years sjfo, but was hurie l in a committee
of the Senate amt i a mass of unfinished 1
buiuet. 1! ia now elatm and that tvmtirtu
ed e*teiieuc has more completely than
ever tbowm the present law to lie Iraitghi
with iniquity ; and the senti oooi tor its
peja-ai t almost unanimous, e)H*claliy in
ebs* large mul-r—tn-O-ua erHes ** the Nor.ii,
w kich do tiusimd on an extended scale
throughout the country
3be law was originally passed through
motive* ol human tty towards the debtor
clauses. Experience troves, however, th.U
its provisions wyre too liiw ral, and di.bon
cat and uiiscrupuion* .urn largely took and
vantage ol them. It is stated bv Northern
met, liniili that iP.'.ilUCudea of men would
contract debts recklessly, and then at the
first opportunity evade them nndr the
protection ot this law, which only nperaLx
as a premium t> awludkrs. At present i
mail ntay run mui arm ■>. in. e.i .... .
letit ol Ida eiedtt even though he is pen
lectly aware he will bo unable to py
When, by ie. KU • trading or eattuva
gance in living, lie tlmls himsc ! unahlo to
un-el Ins obligate us, ail lie lias to do is to
lake advantage ol this bankrupt act, tinVr
Ida debts all caneelied, ad tw* loft w ilti h
surpioa on band lies to start aireali in hi;
search tor vtootl.a. Hunrt it is Mint we j
lisve ol bile years lin.rd ot so mmy (ai
urea w IMi lull poclmi a, and m *ur so many'
iiiatancea ol men lulling nttmly in Ini'diim*
one day, only to sUi t op ihe next tiny in
g mlci style ihan ever. It J# minlGet
’ hat law w I mil will permit this In veil
demon, bring iti it nature, art-1 especially
*o in tluvr ilugenerats -Uvi, when (IMioii
>)y ha* so alien Irt-cn deCorate-l W illi a
badge ot dwtiiu- touitv Ui.HHt holding
pieces in our Nallonii! (tovcrMine it.
Hueli a ought tiy *ll mentis to be
repealed, and lit It* Mi-ad one adopted
which will benefit the Imnert del l i, ainl
not work so much lota t> the confining
eedtlo- II men know thst they ire bound
to f-uflet set ulus loss toon reckless rvlrrv
agsree. -i tl bmdne*# mv ininn-i
liu lit, they * til lie yry cttrelul bow they
it'd. They w ill (liedelete lull live stud) a
last hie, ns m-riv rnlg'it be otherwise l e
< Urn and to, blit they w ill live w lildr; tiled
meaiit, make a* niueti ledtestly ns lin y do
Mow, *tel have uiot e money snd I*l**'
j credit in Ho e and Any I w which i.cnur
|at r* dishorn rty, or eppre-ut-s one cH** lot
i ibe I win fit of soolht -, mine b'- dmnogurg
sli S' and n it duly nil ' ig'd flunking met.
j will lavor its iepe-1 Congress could prole
j r.tny do no more popular art t r -*o to litid*
ill t; i pie-, nl bankrupt law Awe ,Vcir
*li. Ility-a nail t tell Si t vice
~ JQrltn in,
A single bat h - I Kfftntivo noiuiila
lion* M itt t tin. Si.tale on Wednesday nl
lords vi ty Irixtruc iye commeotsiy on
the.r Ivll K-r Vo eti f-ir.ii pi vie ,lions o| Ml
llaye*. Am ug tha meu lor w hom h*
v.ks |n pirivhle ctJ lifoftsbitf [ lacns j! Ho
fiultlle er|K-nse Sli; the lo'lowing Pot
Minister to Prann-, hd *ln P. Noyes, to
w h Hi 11 tye* ow'-s an old pollilcal debt,
and wbo mor*- n-i-utly went to Florida
and wotked in Un i Iciest and tb*' electoral
fisnd ; (or M tee t- r lo llakynfi, 1* (uist
<loinly, Ha)es* pr* nal uleml nn-l organ
grinder ; for (Jo Ml Ooriorat at Frankfort,
A Ire •Jt I* l , <Otoiar/y Hpyigi' ; riva:
re-aijr and esmpsigo tactotuin ; for (' m
iiilsdoner of Agnctlltnrg, Willlsm 0
Doc, ftcnemal trbnd ol the rhetor leal lb*-
gers ; lor Juatlec of the (itipfi-me Court ol
New Mexico, Hamtrel 15 M' Lin, <he •>
the retnfolbg b srd thieve* who stole bn
If aye* (lie elector*! vote ol Ktornl* ; tor
Uu ted Stabs Marshal ip Lotlttiana, tbe
| notoriou* Ja k Wbufiojt, who is In I*l*-
se-sioil ol el dm id- ol tlie imrgain Iretwi an
John ‘Jherman and the Lopl'laua re(urn
ing t*ird, axid wbv*e ritoulU most 1*
cl-used ; l-ir Co’b.ctor t Pensacola. Fret 1
Jlumphrcys, a rnau whose ctmrar
t-r is notoriously had, but whose vote, a*
ope of the Plot id# elector*, made Hyl
the fiAudj'dot Privi-Jcnt; lot Ahl^ai*er at
Paffiaml, huljry prrtwtar,
vcl tfie if in* convention pi
endorse Hayes policy ; sn<! for Odlectpr
ol iDternsi Kevenue io Ohio, Claik Waj--
t-oi er, an Ml tot wrtio cDluwt*) have beoti
the fi st p> nom tiiate MAyue for PkesMeat.
fn Poione of theie oomtes'Hnw Hoe# fit
tiewt lor the office reernoroewd the aomfc-op. i
luvery name is presented eHhor for flemo t
’kt Veasfifis w lijch Oilflif fs (isfe nb weigii
wKli an sdminMralleo of rebwmeni,-or lo
tiaymaot Kir knd M most oases lor
disreputable .howices renHerod to Mr.
<tnc (Jay’i I
work kr felonnatioo of the c\y\\ wr
r Bwn.
Mr. Jarue* Unn, Denliet, so Kaßimore,
write ?Ihufe Hied Vt. iJmiYCotigli Hyr
p pcvsoeaHy atd! in fey lam'fr for two 6' 1
three ye ir, and 1 am prepared t-> say tlikt
ilas a rent
edy for Coughs, Colas, etc.
Wmitcd to set on ilie Jury.
Virginia City!*.')
Presently the stillness ol the court-room
was ictiriuptrd by the eutrauce oI a nmv
w ho * ante in with a aJiulioig, u iear.y step,
and w iUi Ins hat iu his hand. .Nobody
byik Uta Ciglitcst notice of him, how evf i-
At last.he took coumg ■a :d spoke :
Is the J i !gf in ?
The c'.erk immedute’y awoke his J Hoi-,
or. __ i • i
Well, what do you want 1
I’m luoki g ui a J di. your Homjr.— a’te
hem looking fhr m‘ uk over a monflc
Tbere’s authlrig foryott here.
1 thought you occasionally gave j'tr)'-
meu a jo l .-. 1 don’t rea I newspapers >')’,
and bvin’ a stranger in town I haven't got
any prejudice agio anybody. A paid <d
mine wrote down to mo at Kano last wetgc
and said that the jury business up here
was )nl#k, <1 U would |wy W> tsMim up
As I'm a stranger to von, and a little hard
up, I'll ftaM in an I serve a case or two 1 ir
It ilf , rice, and y U can See what 1 can
d' - .
What arid j our main ipedirtMtionv f '
My strong suit is making a Jury ngifc-
L’o jury eurgris tiuog it Put on ’em. I
just lay low till tiiey take the first ImlMt.
n.en 1 Jinr Iffe mn 1 n'lti Hint illgUC the rest
intoTt I can show 'em points they never
limit) lid to lief in . Hum linns 1' have to
use 1- rco ,bi t seldom. Once, dow’ii M
Trtii keg, in a minder case, there was a
c,u;ii i.l Kltcai Mandill' 011 l agill liallg
mg, a!:t! alt; ! signing tun,mill and gciiiU
manly as 1 con hi hr over aipiaitei of an
hour, I went Ini ’em w ilh cliaira, and by
Mf time 1 (hi ted hau n <V*M pterea ot
(iirntittre over 'em liter was glad t) OtinlC
in with an r.I in of in dim Ural
degree,' and llic lellow no lot )g li *t long
slllWi.ld- I til l .Ilisllee's limits 1
can get., u a jury, and H you’ll jii't gif'
me a wiob as to bow you Maul Mm ense l
g‘>, PM guainutcc to tot til in tin! \erj|t
you want or not t ike s een*.
l i e nan was told to drop ai mm 1 again
in a day or tn and they ivuuld Irv and
make a vacancy .lot him. In oiler lo do
It, liowi Ver, some rigulnr (mi man will
probably have to be dbchargvd.
'loo \%A*ll |*|OVt'l.
A )?i 'yc r )ih<l ii i’hm' on tlio hi
vv It.rli, u < **K tho ‘Hh hr
lo prove that hi* i l ieit Itml no momiy. Ami
to llifw i-inl lie ‘nms fXtuniiicl no ol iljt
OppOlieilVo \\ ItlH lsM * UN lull OWN J
Von Mak’l my lh-i.l I<m imtu* y, lHi you
nt K
Well yt*, Htr
Amvw. i prnM'ft/, *tv lod u* hv.- no
hesitation. n-V'-u askattl hint- lur in utsy—
, w-i'ist was hi - aunul f
I d> n't known a- I can tell you.
JJlit a rely you runui libel 1
V* e, air. **
f£he oil wnh it.
I’d iii.lji r nut I' 11.
Hu I U< ! y .uHicon tb and tiai v ,aic yopf
You w on’t toil f
lu-r not, ttff
li il I should latln-r yon would I Sir, sit,
and you doji't aimwci my ijuealiuu* prompt-,
;y nil I lluthfnlly I’ll Orfll 'ill Ul Court til
ivim-nd yoa lei c-Hit< tnpt.
W<-il, il I must lafl Isles put ol school
hunt you have it ! nske-i him y> *trdy
il lie i inti lit Ii * l lend me a ball u dollar, slid
he told me In- could mil.
Ail yon lielieved him, did you not?
Y‘-a, *b ; lor In- aiii'l you had robbtd
hmi ul i-vi-ry cent ol Ida icmfy moui-y, and
il he 'didn’t g'-t out of your hand* pretty
soon, his wil<; and lillln on'* would Coßic
lo v. aid.
That m 111 po, tb V-ui ran rlep dovkn_
-iff fhc vliutd
A Ni w You a bCAWiiAf- llicie lid*
In in an unriieassui scan Ul up in the
ii ighlmrhood i+Ti-eth avenue snd the
Park. About* year aid a hall ago a
ynoflg man, a dniumier fur a comtlfrrclal
tv-own, made Ilia appearance In York,
coining Irotn (Ihlcago, become Vtpmll td
with a pretty young woman, paid cob ft U>
her snd married her. They lived together
happny til! lat child Isting boln
lo tin-m ; then tlie husband, under plea of
busine-*, which would occupy him all
to miner, ret out lo* Atlanta, Os Borffc
idiyM <•>• Siler the wile rewvsd new*
Iroiu cijccegniug U or aba ril lord
wlii- U aUtUotl hgr, fha msylu *ii*qu*rio*,
and was not long in finding out that, he
bad leU f .*Uh wJ < hiW whan
lie caiifirolMront and mifriwl Her, and that
; revlotis to that be dpaerltd ft least
oy*j w ilt- io lowa. Further rim-arch show
ed that ho had rnarrh-d a lourili wile to At
lanta witti whom he was living 'a the h<i
ey moon. A W'jtlA reporter, hearing (if
the complication, so ght out the betray ad
pftr||for|J Stile *ff>d- fefftMtc'hlfliOh/#hc
r gropu*sd Ukwg j
pgnhh thy dhceiver, r.rd w.,s aombwfat’
surprised V> lesrn that she intended to take
no action whatever. O, said the reamer,
in astonishment, the old lover—with *ll
his faults you lose him still- that is, you
a brisk I mm- the pubis*/- Not A ail,
said the"bcerwyeff Woman eafndy, but sit
,otbes geotlMßM i ty atk,
and„thinks X m yoa will
oblige me by pobliaLing nothing about tlse
/ [
Divine says
Tii (pit are worth their
weight ihjfptfl.
I>R. Tl't’lfc—Dear Sit". Ffir ten yeah 1 bt\\r .ifini
MfiWUrtyTtO U oaAU|MttM>n, and i**<?►. ljist
snnntfvour i>Tll.n wery recommended to me ; I, tisa-d
th*4a (oat #th ItUlo faith). lam now a wtrtl man,
goods litc, tii^.n-;ian perirct, regular ooU,
ril><*s gftiff, WW 1 have jained ftVty ivamtlh feolM flrah
Thejf aje fWrth Ihwv wtj(Kt in tfold-
RW* R. L, LouiaviUc, Ky %
L>r. Tutt hat ht;*;n 4n
in the practice .n
mrdk-ine thirty years. .Mi l
(bra long lime waademtHia
afmtor m anatomy in the
Madicat u't>l vjc cvf ©<-t>r
ta. henua peraoiu Ufcinrf
i* ruU have the f^uanin•
tc t)at Uey arc iod
on hcientinc print'}>•■,
anti ara free from all
anccrgiicTS Ir\
DSinbiniQK In them the
Pc ret oj ore antanmuttn
ffiintfeJi™' 0 n '**f* r '
■ h
fctT is to increase the a|>
pctita the ft**)
to i>rapcriy asaimii Jtt .
Thua the system f* nour>
katrod, and by thetr tonh
action on btivv or
Rauf*, regular and health \
ayacualions arcpnHluf cm tfith wlii h
frr*Vi rmif • ffr>\
while under the influn#
Of tbA nilla, i4 itself i t
dicatas tlicir adantulniiu
to nourish the un
hence their etlu iu y in m r
big nervous debility, me I- I
anrholy.dy|j*fMH*, wn-<
ifif( of the muscles, tht
irishneas of the Hvri
chronic omautmtion, ano
ottki MOwtk
cixjk* oofg4x
cima r|jpi arc
owun Bium oouc
oou > tfflN. °**
cum* toMm uvu
imparting and strength to the ayateni. Sold
rvtiyw hrrV* Ofllt*, )<; Mtwray Slrrrt, New Ynrf
Orff Hair c*u he clisngtd tu a ■
rt-itterNWßb by* ieals *p()UiUin eg I
r)i.TgTT'sU*up It srlslik*anigic, ■
andtsNrsrcinitrit ** hsrmlcn a* watrr. ■
What is Queen’S Delight?
Read the Answer
It th ii pl*fct that grow* In the WfWith, and Is np
iUlly to thut urVuf h.*<niMii <4 ihut cUumtc.
Kutcriuv Ht nu t into thv t>lool, mI) •< rol
iiliMih, by jilulil It, Hint i lit ti 111 sit it uflrt tlntu. Al*nr,
it it h M*im hinu HltAirutivf, but wlun < uinl)iiu *J witli
S.ti sAparlilji, WDoW Dim k, Hf><l mlier lirrf.ff, h Irm
Dr. Tutt's Sarsaparilla
and Queen's Delight,
T hr rmmQ rtul Iklyod pmiftrr Him>wi tu nirdiffn)
Iriuj# ft* the t idc >f old lij< erH ( dihcaM tl joInU, !)ol
<liwh:r,;ia from (J(c ATff unit liortlllff, ikm
diMoibctit, (tropn), KiJiiry (iiiiplalitt. evil U t
o tu Bij-kU, rjd Um,i |fl(Uf#|p-.Jt* U*
A* un nrlMotf*'to yp!nHtl* pfiUon it
nr ..oioiffixtrJ. I Jnnii<U of kM.k ol iUv wont tyj
li.iy v fir* u ra)i<itllv curnf l>y It JMnff jiun ly v-|f
t ifflile )tff(ufititiuA<l uc ’"ill do no fettriri. Th 4 bwat
timtUltAkr u in nlr* •Ullliiur linil lull 4 HD'I
tintrii<f tit ffrtmHv, liflihi'ha, frvmr nd Nffnr, yon
•v||| i- !|-iy |<...• I lunlr y 111 liy (ill '(lu^UlNtn.
t’tpr.Qi in Ollitt ,|i Miufiiy SirffH, New Yink.
tlllflbi (li-orgU,
DusUr In ijVocc" ns, L’foyjsiooi ni) < • j>!•-
DUV 'i '<)!> b
Tliatthful t-i the pi- ii l*‘ ol Mvtlwethm
I ir their 1 1 he rat pat one-e.
1 agitl'i ofb r t’l-'-m a u.iU-ielM I >cU id
all goods In my U , i' , , ni I\v m un// inarxi t
in the state,
1 liave red'u <d eat* nous tmuit tlie limes,
Kiel can o()e- good* ill Jilopiilhou lo tin
present low prices ol (Jetton,
ZJ lb (Tagging 14--, N>-iv Tut Id to Flic,
Hall (jcrTsaclt, *~K augur lap:, Klo
(’ullee fffl lo ah :, New srrotv Inis, ta.lo
to |2 ,(10 per. htmrli, rip I iced arrow tloa,
12.00 good u new, Cnoii-i- Fimitv Flout,
■ffifiAii kriri, ewe 4-iWieu, go-et arttnke AOc.
is," Tha above pi Ice# lot leading good".
W a (sir at Hritgc* of tlie price* of mtt geoct
at stuck.
Call un l see ns.
1m J. C, KINO.
J. A. JirihM. G. If.|(.
Fire-Proof Warehouse.
' GHTTFIN, (ii.oßfJlA.
Our Mr WIf,HON In returning t
chaige ofthe'Hrick Warehouse respftclfni
ly *kv a renewal of the liberal patronage
given him, pledging htinacll by lair anil
honest dieting Ul iqciit, and hope* to re
ceive your pVionayc again,
Mr. T n. WNfURT Having rrturhed to
the Brick WardliTiW -*tlf he glad to serve
lil* Irtend*. '
(Jar esH’ourxer* will be provided with
ei*("ftiib!e quarters in one wing ol the
■***house. li ol eliargn H#pt. ifo,fh77
. JUABI2. .. j.
MW • •‘■•Sv. W sfslae sdi
, WtMu jilrukkl h> faafiuocat u Uni poo
pie of Mcrhretfw whip me fav-.rotyr
unpreaved with Bunesyille as a mark'd,
that we offer special inducements In
Clothing and Shoos
ami would tie gt*d to toe you when you
coma to our to* n, and will endeavor to
make eur- aequeisdanc* uuiuahy {*oflth
kl and pleasant.
BuM.UOOMAs 00.,
The CHe thing 4- Sinoe Htoro,
- iiauk Mullding,
. ~ ,ii i t Harnesville, Ga.,
i'H-3ai. i
111 Vr, KANlillS A LASAIt.
_ j
no. 11 NiiKTu I'uvoit irritßur .vrt.X't rt a.v
k*tiers to increliants an 1 iloalcM * Urge
ami well HKkorttd etiik ot rctiabio
Ou most kvoraWo terms,
W are
lor fib Louis Strictly White Lcrnl
and Pure Llnsw't t )|f.
ami olliei Pi ili|i*iiig Chemicals. Call on
nr send your nnier to
Np. 11 Ninth i’ryoi St, Alim in, On.
nirli 2 >!m.
Family Kalttins; Machine
A moil Useful ami Wuudmlul Invention
Now at{oieilug ptiiveiHal siiitntiiiii by It*
atfunishing pci formaneer, nil I itu gtoul
pnietlc tl value fur every dav linnlly live.
it i* Sim pin Durable and
Chi tap - l!l nejly kept in repair, and
It will knit evety puaaihle vathdy ul plain
aid fancy wn-k
mid tar latter than ilcan be done by hand
or any other machine. A I kl-l ls ol gar
mehu sis peilsclly lortDSd and *u|iau by
ilie mat liine Hoeli.reiplltiug liu cultlng Of
making up. A good o|iraUtr will knit a
loan’s vock, with heel snd toe Complate. la
from Jive lo Un minute* / and front twenty
o lolly pairs ol reck# in a do;/,
Kfiuy landly —e*|id*lly e.vory l*rnii-r's
laiully—alitnild have a Blokfon)
Knlttor- It wIB bn lotiarl equally ar
uaritil ks the Hawing Macldne, and even
more profitable.
IJvury Machiae W AUIIAN Ci-Ll ptfileck
i. ml to do jo at ve/uU ■,i* rqrreunUtL
The Mtulsford Machine if tha ovi.y
oniWATA tiyliudrlcal Knitting Mrithipn In
< sixiaaco. All utliers, not licunaed by ce,
ure clear nojjhpalpiihlt lufrlpgtinents on uur
pttUQtl, and we rliall hold ail par'.lf-s who
mauulacLurs, sell, buy er urc tuuij lulling
ug machiiiLS, to a > trict legal accouoiabill
An Infraction Hook, containing com
plele snd minute direMiuns lo the opera
tot, accotupanie# each mafhlna.
No. 1, Family Macldue, 1 cylinder.
73 needles, ( t : W
No. 3, Family Machine, 1 cylinder,
73* IkO needles $lO
A **’"pl* nuichtM wjll be K-ot to any
part ol the LittFd Htafe* or CaOsda
(. here we have oo ageala,} oryrt** charge*
jire-jnid, on receipt of the price.
AnHim wanted In every Htste, (Jaunty
City gup Town, to whom very'liberal £dl
counts will be mada.— .._
j For (crilnd TdorAk *
JfNjTTino Mach ijur. >IVd, 'tlo
—— ■dks.f. . . ...
A. *■ IJ>WU. - Prof. VS. YIHAM
kdsfer Atlanta ami Weat Point Pa ***uz*ir Ddipot.)
fcOWE A .WELLS r Pros.
"in ;ov-r-r,,
i The b**t attention given to Rio comfort
,of gotsU. FeiiU Hortv* *t every train.
Ter lnl’Jffd per Day.
ratroaufes Sollctied
IT- LtOoK LortK jS
t . .
'*-/ f
’ I wsH *-s piam issd la s—nAa-^tich
work iu the lui AtjM Uua ia my tl<>p
a* ...
GILDING „ -rrm**
Making Fit AM LH.
BRACK E IS. t ■■
Tab eh,
DESKS, * ■ •
I wi! alsi continue enqtri'iyng for fioura
and. sjgrp;_____ r ._i— J
PAINTING, f-....
.. roi. riiioa
I’vo spent tiro !. year in Greanville
and am preparoH to give sat isfaclpry rpler
low ami satisfaction gla ran
1 KKI) Call uu in m.dro .
Gruoovdf*!, Ga.
GEORG.A-Moilwfthcr C’otiDiy,
■fhirty days aitcr date upuu tbe Qr*l
Monday In Novcmlu r nexl,l,ij)| ain>ly to
the Honorable Couit ,i( Ordinary I* anil
lor said Coy Illy |„ r l uftvu U) iu y , 1)0
iamls bulongliig m thu estate ol W*. A
t liuim, duecaac 1. Puts, Supiuntbar luth
John L Dixou,
e. Adotfr.
Ame.iiiLheM iikia..
Moihaf* who D- 1--' thaii D.nlmg* with
'liimlie puigath c incur n luiti lul MMponal
hiii'y. T'h gentle, mode ata (ynl cffieaMvd )
laxative, oJUjii,i i vu, aud nqii-bl'iutw opara-
Unu c| Tnir-iut’s hhrlt/ur A|er4eit psoilU*'-
ly adapts Ik tu lliu disurdm* ol children.
fr'DolUrs to OOtflikr* per ffy T at
*) ul I home. Hatnplea worth
♦5 free. Hntpioia 9s 00., PortUrtfl, Maine.
For Reading Clubs, fur Aiiiatpnr Tb
atricals, sTemperance f’laye. Drawing
Room T’laya, Fnby Flays, KHilonDu Play a
Qtilde Rnnks, Hpeakcrs P/intu(iiCi<ls, Tab
leaux I.iglila, Mngiieamui Llgldo, Cdlnred
Fljfl, tJurnl Folk, Thektrlcsl Face Prejjai
rnlpms, .Tarlcy'a Wax
and Mouafsclics at lednced price*, (is
iiiiio a, Hccnery", (JliaieSeh. New cstaloguo
aitiil lieu cmduiulug luff dioti;lJptii)fi and
price*. tAMT, FltliNCfl ’A jHON, Tt2
Nsanail Hi., New York,
\ "wMßwlifi /
■ .C-.
/s /i Dollars a week. iay*er ska 4wwn .
UU Term* and Iff ouUU free
ii JiAM-FT 4 CO., PoUJffnd, Maine.
sjiYi>rM* 7_
A run; Qiye lor Torplti Uver sod all (tie
vises wising therefrom. LmK,
Hpl/ie. JJ sillier, Womb, ami k Ttposle
DUeasca, (JIILLH AND Qos|Jve
mws, Dyrpejntla, lluadacluv ,
J-tingw and Ague, ?iul. I?. T nd
ue*s. $3. We cnd them by milll, Jwk.' ,n
(hcvipl hi irU c. A-ldress
A< o..buei’irou.o. ,
work: £*o>r all
fn ‘fticjr on u loc-illHca. < aiivaning lor the
wllli ManunoU i CUioth'ii Fit*. Dig Cipt
.... ±_ . -.mat tu ■- -fc
X ‘(Sit M*d, tgWßf;.„/(r
jßUfefft CD,AugyaU. ,
A f\ E*fr Fine jfrlKtf C#rddl*Hfit
4fcU tnme, 10eta , porPftMJL.'<iO!VKB
CO.,'Nsri*u, N. Y. j twwifi • dt
AO K.N ’[r> Aj'l Tt LM i^o-
HUM il loan-t wear. Addrero - fas: sew
circulars, A. J. UOI.iIAN AlCtt, MO
’Arch S<ct, Pudsdelphis. - t t
, : . • '>’- v J#*cout
, . k . /.awt j. i j