Newspaper Page Text
Vindicate r
Attek _/ 1/ £_^_lX.l-J—■ ..V fci. ■■ Ii ||" ———■>■————
.mww- visweAfoß;
AT ♦*.
OODVIf dteMpcM
:oafotK*kKfh* ~xm*mh
llffrlr **.*rs Wte®
%mfeßtCE 1 ***“' A
* *. a.
U J. Hawte*, iX C^iuu*o.
*•!■*. Fwk,
Reaves, H A I’m kef
A- IL Finfn, §•£•
M4TOIS 3<Lt y*u -•*, F. *. :hhwu
JOHN W . I’AltU.
•" ' .-/• •
Uftt,esvl 1.8, liA .
WlU4*r*cUo in Mc*i <*Uiei *ud Urn ad
}*tnillg COuSt.eifa
* 7" A u MAN,
(iHKKhVILI.t ('A
All true!new eifuteJ to hrs caie alttud
mi tu pramptly aud Ii Ulully•
ll it. LEITH,
Will practice in Merieelher and the
saoawtA* cotopoßioir the Coweta cl ten h.
A. 0 Fl.OYl), 1). L.ti
Uartavihi.K U
Tar on* ( ml. A. work Uartarilo!
" i7i<. l. h. ieurell,
OTfaE'bafaui I’ruleubiMl setviron to
lkl*l’ub'L Oliit* wilb hi* lather
Pi. J A 0. Iri .*•!!. *’ til® I).Ug BUi-.
Lit. ii. it am mill Y.
UFFJtKH ),) I'tiiil-IMiLQtI Mitt! ea lo
tue * ii u'l.k ol tiirftuViL* and ve Mol) •
|£r OUl< utj. I , 6. Ter ten A Lo*
* t'U# N*M .
rsrrrr ** ■*
ijl.Lt JEWELRY and KAM r. HIUM.
Vf I,*Vi*Pg, Oforg’.S.
Uah row, sad iti k**p *iwr ■i‘
kt<4 M lii* l I *•"" ‘dc ut
IM psbtte good nd
nr*i.L nci.itn'Ko *To* s • f
(, of {nut at,
If- UOU< >•! MIAEiI VV aicbc, _j*i
Afn wd Kay winders, of the bal mkt
•plaadtd ©old snd Hlvar Watch Cbsias.
rf all s.res, makers > r **3 P>W*k
fold P<*i* *d ah kind* of b- i J ; Wo and
fell TO A Sleet t-pei.UCie* A By c > iswen,
AOLIJJ lLVfclt 1 AliLt VIA lit
Silver Plate W*r
U ail hinds tu.l style*,
pochd, Table Cutlery, and Kuzors
by U, vary. >e*]gbwl maksi', —Joseph
M|M sswt WtHteoßiams.
Imb still raj airing an g‘*jds i my H#*
Tbu many u'Jt tt ol Meiweihsr and sd-
Joining cxruidle* have vested my work t/,
faquirs a wrd Ireoi iue aa le Iba ebarat
|4tU I will, however wairaut all my
stark, U prupetly uaad, aa 1 have always
raspssUuly a.k a continuance of
—•(■ J bay* received from my
baasAa hi Marissstker.
atblh&on & beed
WfcfeT roINT, UA-,
twjet* in fliON, UILLL, HOLLOW
WfiL J* -* &***
pIAL uid bELTiNO.
Scalm, Miami Pow.
WA**V*n- L iul <“*• *•
&T*FbAfe> OfIAJfOA- * Mipil keep
•j jrrßKYTmiui
#** * *
u^yr-r I.* 1 .* •*
p£.'l RONA.O-JS
■9l*r ' r * , .
citizen of MLRIWKIUiiK solici-
Mi '.
Atkinson & Reed.
IM6-4n Wl *
■jr Wfjri#-* otatid.
4k irsnomwAll jacksok.
a —zr -*=
HP* T<|tk|ynfl jllmljl Ii nrt- gone,
TuV&:Vklau4 JjA§!umlr lios,
The titglHrtHl Tnce urdvea f*n,
The o’er tfae *K s <fit;
But liem wynwfifty eye* hath flown,
And® !. uiolUj thoughts arts*.
1 1 b*VL) d*u Uug vie,
I ‘ffikittr f-'V Lie h*th bh'Ut,
rMh - son,
, JS k*m umbeta etyltiy Rentle bre4'L
WW (nil *ivi lone,
.i)liiss'll.ltii'r reef
‘;4A and 4W > il|tl'* ■
To her wlm* e ? e u w 4>
-I*o ttekher. w (ft 1 jhe loubiv d&r,
I #k* he*ilVA LeMAj met
ttaii y
T#tr,V6ne ifiOneela belorv Thy ihrona,
Oh tneh her, Huler 61 tli* sties,
That, nhjli'iy Tky fckeiAlklA.-
EertU's mightiest powers fall or i ifee,
No tear L wept to Ttiee unkuowa,
that thou caii st stay the .ruth If#*. bAud*
Ot dark di.'ease, au l * >6tii* is j.ajfi ;
l'ljat ouly by Thy commamla
’The bailie's lo t, the sol.Uara slam ;
Thai Iroui the distant s*.a or laud
TtloU b: iiig'kt the wsmle er home asaiu
Ahd wlii u u|hiu lioi pillow lime
Her tear aet cheek is sadly i re sand,
May h'lDplet Visi iris beaur upuu
The brigUlenlngs currcut ot her breast.
No frowning look iior a.i pry tuae '£.
Disturb the .“sMiatli ol her rest,
Whatever Utetheau (onus may show,
'Loved wiih a passion aunost wild,
lly day, by night, tu joy or woe,
Hy luma ufi|Weaed or hoj e treguiittl.
Hfom i vury danger, every loe,
t) Uod, j toted my wife and child!
. HMIItPti liflSfrtrfr
Oiaak UtceWM arc htfge aud lo ia.
t’ire'e Clonks ate growing iu lav r,
'I he'dress all in one piece guiws ii*fio).‘
Ife'mirt* rt kid nnd Velvd air c ms|.lr
<l the iiiost etyiisii.
Ii a k velvet boots are inlrod.u vfi to
weal with the new shell and esses lor la
The gypsy 'hiif a lib the Jewel embed
led lu gold I* Hie engagement ling "I llie
iiiO'iiAlH' •
The !ate ! I’arts novelty hi shoes are
in we which l ave II e high heels shnido i
W 111 l small eirel still .
Jet o a aments ri main lu I. Vor, an I me
alwys dealiable, as they cau be worn with
alt "St a ') (Mil
Ho.*c* (Mi raudtti Wrap) ar.' worn ovei
biighl eo'iiled sU>’kings lot liooae mid SV
~mg den i toilets:
lmdiui> ry rile* ■■, <v Ill’ll_l In;y mi> build
tm*<y mule a ltd tMiiJiix- i, ho 1 worn to
i vrnicg |.hitl. ni r {> Ii <:t'iln,Ub>ut ■ !!*■
1 lo xiii In tpisyr and In luii<* ,
>b; isng garlands have ben used hi luibh
pr'l'ialin) I list Un"¥ ere |r>iln ; livin'.
Tiii' !>• ii* i •! I’muian style nt |>r*ja*ot i*
iiifcli <li bn I lira, narrow Hack*, long waists
firiij akii (H tisd buck lg a
pnhdill v*tfT.
‘ Tbe fssJiiontdde style of pair dressing i
very low on the nxi k, Tux rftwa of pdfls
one* wwo outside Hip front of lit*: bonnet
ire no 101 l ft r In vouge.
Loeket* andjwn<Bkt greiliU UnhioOfc
bie, though iwkliro and goij chalk*
h ivp tip*n Superseded aornewbat by v*l
Yet fmo la wtih ywail or diamond <;Ufi
liiarfc irb drwiap* are made very hare,
tome tor eptiotie liy bavfnj; tlieveii if
itdn<]KifPrit laie or of jo! or !*; lii t>
irlrmned arilli point or oilier wfii'e !■ .ji
ibc cufl*, tlie square cut bodice, and jddt*
ol f•• irttlr'
Ctienille Ua< populai- that bnnrietn r
The tno** green cf enllle. In
aAtKHi aewrai aiisilm 're intro luced, era
liar>.iotn<-t, rtiern ara navy blue cbe-l
iile aJU> cl-trlllo ftega on tbi
trout bairn, and cbeuille airing*.
!i<-*d* f'irna filidin tig fur all kind*of drcta
eee ; pearl trimmings are tot light ai.k ;
rainbow fx;ad, cfair delune, &nd tili gold
fieads, trim black and c dored dretsea, and
j< t tveadr, with alee! gray are pal an black
Plaited and belted beat) ea are jircut {a
Tri e, and are worn with uverkirt* made
with long paua in ttie back and not look
ed at all. Ail , beams* aad bar*
ckleseof •*< klo'd. either squire sailor
collars ur deep pel Ud one*.
Among the newly lrnjo:led street wrap*
it one o! (itat beauty in ,Jaii fitting M<)u
ni.apc, (pile long, and made <d iigwt gray,
vdt ibitji came baur, tririuapr. with black
velvet, cedar and cuflt embroidered by
hand with (Ik of the color of the fabric-
A lace aosrf worn a bent the tbrat white
oo a piwnnaJe, i* considered a tewbioae
h.e ditm huiaktr. Jlua matte la bceum
ingto siioosl teryoz.e.
Mason Le r, one of the m M notorious
gambler* of the Wwt, hating repented ef
hu evil way* and retired from (be wro
bvnkmg buaicer*-, was baptized into the
Baptist church at Foit Wayne not io ug
aince, in the presence oi a large number of
saloon-keeper* and other gamblers, whp
had assemble! to see him “Uk water" lor
about the ttr*t JtafJS-maay yearspsnTlo
fci'j a ivcweil to hit favorite ol the
sjiortstuan’s mecage le—“the tiger.’’
mpnfwr f
* v *■ aoin M
1 )• ~J
Wti eopjr.lh# lollowii.g from tlit
York J&ttn ol Tlmr* lay last. It IT'
altv’ln'fr a I mev *1 wy,
for Hie ghirilliviti in ol a N irtVrt Mf> Tel
g *nt.emati, and the disparagement *%l ‘tlte
“piantatina maunera'* of the South !
O.y Mr. Mori isscy’s arrival iu
h a that hrflnghjvj* the Pn
i*ski House, an old and somewhat j fhmouf
resort tor Southern cfahMlry. Ho bait H 6.
particular aeiptahitanoai in that city, ‘ttfep,
walked up to the clerk’s de-!t uiij ifWB
hit uijueiii’d'i the
trarClCr' * The 'proprietor* assigned ' lftin
line rooms, aud did their best t.\
him comfortable. The new* ol hlwarrlVaT
*as announced la the daily
much iu'jsreo*. TinurJif WAT
TibTTCJirveTn Tira demeanor, he sjiunued
publicity, but was afl tble aud iourt*ou!i to
all who made UL acquaintance. u took
hi* meals at a table tetueved iroui jSuertd
kml tja ,cjnyi|:i|. Te
'ladifas fyWl tfliiPtbrncfe tint t 4 lOUtly,
U was siv-rtiy iio uz/Ct by a’T, Inti li yillid
this ou ud ; w Vh?ft ’w<aiii.?
had him to *ii|i|io be was imm Jt more
thih,4',ikkj interi t.
floe ilaf^liotvcvi-r, tlie traditfrmal Oeoi
,i ilk ss iit upimnieJ at the hole!. Re
came hom up Country, near th Mu*Cog(fe
district, aud was on his au rial spreoi ill)
Wits lugh, wa ll built, tvid la liis
’fa .-HiSffliPjf Was a mau ol Cfiusldcrubic
c >usCipt-lice, A way tio.u ho n ■ In atliaic
U and genCiol attention oy the hii dnysa ol
his voice, the violence ol liL sell ns, au l
lit* Olid ncptajifface. lie hiiard till) guelts
oV the )t.> v k diiiiiit utiii;' on Sr i •lor M*r
ri'Hi*y, •n i un i intii in tl h * u\\a lUW
wtii cflipiK'tl by the um i>irU'lvt* xcnlkmii'.i
jrour Nov\ \ i ini Muv
ui;ul “ no rfl irt H (‘tr.t c: il tU t
r>r.!<‘! in !I ha roil iit oV.I tLr
nn i nHtcutßtj b ijit>ly hin? 4f 'hi
ihw lul to’ parlor. All in vain. No one
gV i ii m the slightest i'i>iisidoii!.l.‘>u, | l)iv
npj><aatad arid •\atj4RwiuM, l>u cuter>.|J the
dining hall and sat hiwu at a prointnei t
lable, upper nl t dt trr niiv <i to eueftte a.
si usult'iu, ttwykor M.'rgtycy.ivas q jic’Ty
ealffljjyii fit III mi uliliuftlaee. 'tire
(ieorgian, TcoognlaUtg an ai i|Ualnt| u< fa
aeross tli 1 loom, began a i oiVvrslltoo
with htm, “crackei” laahlon, in a loud
v u The talk tlriluid n|UKa (adltics,, the
leiMit elccUu.U In New Yolk a lying os
i ivot. ]
Ni w Y< rk city, an id the M'lacoree klofr
sopi, !s IJae *l.llll hpi i | piilijieialie. No
i pe. fiilife p Mou'i nil ho! i nlllcn 111' tv.
I( mo.g liis voice i W hy, on man ran be
elected to tin l.egnlu'iire Iroui Nov Y’ork
city unless he It A thief or u gmhl< i
I lie "liji l't 111 i 1:1 MM.ll It i Wat * J itjlll
lil that every •yn was tir.e I mini Ml.
Morris ev. The *i’iviV*i' di I i"t rai-o hla
eye., hut IlilLhcd ll meal U tliough t
lai ly Uli'luiiH'd'iU* ol the e nv I 'li'/il. 'lu
f eooed tty Ills rlkmce', (lie MuC gCH t'JsMC-
Hom lieeano HO in ide i.i usrtm*
tlml acveral Isdo ali lt the ..tiling ro( U*
Afl i 'l - ■ t lli. Mon use v Sil’l <Vtt (..
llie office and lighted a < Igar. (>,ic i 1 fin
pr'.prn-toi. ol tin: li'dei.b galld >Jipol g y.e
i ll 4he tfl.e fl. Uu .Ifcblg Df'liiJ* 101 l thy
■ natcii iutcrrupl'd’him by aaying: I* in’t
g. vc y oi|isell 'be aligfai"* (.uueg Jvieaa. You
'/•rtfriclv are not re'ponaltile ioi thu driyei
,iI a blackguard, and i hope that you will
oay nrghmg uj.** ft. , 4
i Wbiln the H*.i>n?i was —tcrcnrrg sgai sst
Hie cigar stand, ifaq geutUupmi from Mus*
c'iii'k' cat* eWrfl ler and paw
l.osely hruslidl agltiust Ill'll ill paeii|g
Mr. Morrieo-y t*pp< and hua mi tfiAklkLh yf,
ailing, I i*eg your pardon, ail ; but I o**l*
hoard ymr remarks at the diuqvr taiile
e./i.eeiniug Now York’ anil New Y.ukefn.
Probably you were not aware that I atn
I ini NW iYoik city.
Ob, yes, I reek on I was. said the MuacC-j
get bl<UtaolU. ' "
Then, con(inurd B‘tistor Moriießey,
when calling tbe city dieuiUers of Hit
New York Legislature tlriercs and gm
blci'. you wi re not aware that I was our
of those idßcials. *
On, ye, 1 reckon I was, repeated tbe
M iscogxe bliee un very anooircerneiily.
Probably you know wbo I am,ano your
feinaik* a! the talile ware mean lor ma,
som with refreshb'g lu*o.'euc.t They we/d
meant for you and no one eUe.
He stood whb hut fiugert lo h. pistol
pocket. M xtt*wy tievi heads.
Kor tw|i the Hktislor Wcttiaiui d<
motion 1 1* a a statue, and then the Mu.,
cogee hloasijfii fell to the fl' or bleeding
and ne iwdens, a flower without a atjtik.
The Senator had ueeu one h! the tricks of
his early days, bud due, Lit.
lighti.usJJJttk'aJ UktrM '
the akuli of the Georgian, s/id the latter
dropped like a yd; <ff lead. tl<; waa carried
to his loom iu ano for kouxa il
wh> qugljotr of Idteor ht
hi* doctors toid Mr. Morrissey that the in
jured man could not BrCt wen ty-four hours.
i congratulate the cUi.:.j* Georgia, he
sepliei. iX tMr* ifiMfrSri* the doctor
fuel the Senator and said ,Moh Jigr - mun
Wobld Sttjprdh. 1 eondo.4--aifli the ■Ati-
Zenr of Georgia, was the response. 1 shell
so to Jacksonville withio a lew days ; but
■ 1 am wanted a telegraphic cispatch—srUT
iaxizayrfotiip-IXltSnmV f
. Tr.ejuixl e J l l e^l
flje shown to hia table
by the head waiter. The table was a bed
gift *t'
*PI UpW bf Ui*fti Iflaktor wmr
VilHwV. * L ftTd<tp**K'
Ik- -n
4 V iVs itfuT New
leder iila otb&r thp Mj)c
iljiiU'itbMcna ru.fiWpk'tif.'andV.tibwKy lo
a pt; lure ol (i\l|yn J
fw Tk’ fat!.'.. <q. wa.w....
Weill KowMMMtMvrltHP
lw!f #*' i.’*it
! * ftaettbvMMiarvd wMngteo laid fr/mi loch* a
TtrUw wWtther wlilwkkW-W 'WjAitw..WM
4inrfaei and Avwpodnda of •MogU-toiila
i#.Mm thiu*.
nwwa oidiuß fcwwiog 4*
<widethai! the maiktr *t aqware tvel of
suffiace to be covered, because ot Itiy lap in
the siding and the matching ol the floor.
One tlious Mid l.Wr* will com seyeuty
y aid* el surface, and elnveu pctmds of lath
rail* will pil them ou,
EighHrnheirYjf ’hne.iiu.f n bush
Ms rf ffttm tnd nte Smaller oi hair will
ipake.p,6neb,!sr tyy'iwAtßr. 100 senate
' vartfA ‘ *
A eoW ol al.iitpa, three bushels ol Urn*
and a cubic yard ol sand will lay LO cubic
uwjmd wad,
Fire C'urse of lirlck w ill lay one font In
height ou a chimney. Nine bricks in a
rtoiWfu will make a flue right inches wide
and twenty inches long, and right litli .a
lu • .nurse w il! make a flic eight incites
wide nd tivtcen inches long.
A’aivCt inches by 10 Inches tfpiafe,
and 28 inches deep will contain a baric!
A box JS incliss by 15 1 -5 inch- * sqmiio
and eight ititibea dorp, will contain a busti
•i, • “ -*' ;
A box 18 ln< he* by 11| Inches sqimiu,
aad eias iacbeadeep, will ceutain u hail
Ah* 8 inches by 8 inches square, and
night deep, will contain a peck.
A bo* 8 incite* by 8 inches aj tare, aud
*| incli,.* d't’P, < otiuin pn.i gallon.
A’ h'.x 4 f •tutes liy 4 Inches sipiaro, and
Ij lin li. * itj'inl.
Mule f 4 aliir.
Iter l.illict wiih sent to llie house of cm
jrcViuu tor habitual (Iruiikeiiiicvv. Her
molhci.u U aid- Work mg wuims*). and nt'io
iy sUlnib.' l m lie* th, ui inapi l t> provide
md aud tUkihnUeisell and L'lUo until
J lUI cspl'i U .I..4ai' a**—H— * 111 "H* l **
Lottie, r%o # fears old, was ul, alone in II u
. house wlieu. il*i uiothel ili'id. TirO event
ocunrred at list t. an iat mIJ I, lit Lniirc
wa. I*r'.*ld ntnglng hi the diilkmas. A p>
ilestriaii t* ko w u'[,iiuiii* t.y beard her
sty, Mvth<J . Wo'iT.p'* wake mill 11,dd ibe
lamp V Jfput . iiwi I Hug ro. >c m.n
•biSpcctlr.g Wl.nt in I , lied '
maw ol the if L.lilim s , tin a*-they we t
tu the< e illu .it lu ' III" dal knee: 4 , licde trig
nei motlurr c lid hand, mi l ringing :
The L r.l will le*.| a litlio child,
Ar.fliCti h tnu 1.0. v to play.
A dark mom, d< Ph on llie hi and, poveft.,
hunger, an I col Il i in iko her bitoutiou
rtrore tie ml,!*., mid yet she was allsld.
HhejeU, a long while to hi
noiTfi-nHeep, Then I *nug all my t.ongr
1 1 k< ep a aJre. lieu I Iqykcii out ol
did fit inove, so drat the
angel* would not Ire ulra 1 to come and
mlk Pi her aad mak* her iirt lie I I wl-h
th id li.ulm*s!o more daylight lor poor
•461k*. Kt
bleo/gUlt U'ld'oibtudiy the nott rapro-
Huii il ytaif (in llit* person of Jnlin li. Oat
ion) ol any spite in tbu union. I'. baa befcu
,aiu tuat iiii.c lb' gi.iH'ral lias lie*in aeua
b*, tbe sliiiiou* duty ol re|>reaeullug two
aisles, Uaorgia and JdoutU Cuolion, ban
iliivolsed upon blm. Be that as it in y, lie
nan T"; T"f r'. “ '* mate )gpAMt ,'ir
fi iiibra upon bim. Hueli men as Oofdita
a<e mieiled in the uatioii’a capi'ot, and ’ll*
a pity iliem's not more 01 fliem. Brave,
patriotic and wi*, lie knows bis duty an i
dare* U> do it* Tlie maUs legislature tint
is t elect bis succeseof ran do no mort
bvinjaomer Ibing ttiun lolel bin* awied
iiitoaelb No leart are atiUrtaioad tbst he
will meet with in Mil opiawltloa, at the,
aiuse time in our bnuibli oplubm b
a if.ld bare noma OtUrUmn Htfrtttn.
Tilt' (ai'lftjcu Preai lvuu arcjcuu ly m o el
i tbelr op'io'o* on the co-cducali' ti
of tlie ttases. Praaidenl Ibwcmn of tbe
Uolrtrsfty ol' Wicoudi nrguea toy fi.e,
niiiiug ol boya and girls, as in W. iustitu-
Po*. Ha says tkiv Waw*>tfl isapWe i tls:i
arises from tUo btct Unit Use girls stood
lagiier in scboi*rslip, tgojcd foakea the
boys jealous. Tbagira sbsn J iUidy t-quai
ly wed. , •
Frautiele people are.beginning to think
met the tKeio*O< tae eou 1 ! can be Setter
ihnat: tedrwwd owsplnyed than In sntagn
riiting! IbedaterWMt of the po<>ple of the
outti; end that the Hick*, the Baileys,
*r* H^tiyes,Merrpuohf
wiTl otliers, who reepect the wishes and
value the plaudits of tbeir own tfcjpte
Core titan they do 'be fwhwme flttterlea of
tie**, which a little mfUthfOtoeiis may at
Ht time very cheaply purchase, ■fe detl 6-
y <noi% ueehil than the Hills and Ltmiri,
rtwi tofEgarA-MuyafflTfy*srtbe lis
- iuTflva characterMtc of genius, which
i bey must srorwarily display even st the
i xpewsa ptiJie tiioet Important iutereats of
thei' rtstei and section. Oonspicuoug
nees u not alwaysgreaUieas, by any tnta .* i
JhQozfiils Tribune. •
f The wile of an eoruntrie Ym kia4RS
, c he f
| !oo mITC uotica r.l her. fl
w Lb, said *tm, that I wa* a bt*h 4 , >rd'
K*mA*houW wjqf Woiwwf Vou* eotp M
iwi■*aSyV•***.’"WfdM* (h&
..h'frfh -h*A*A loid*w4*fe
luvau—tor tboqT eitould change you Weiy
J**A ,t ~. -, ■ ■ - •** '' •
Ho* lor is it to i'ke ! a ciuntiy
'nika whd was wadting fxaetlv* thn wrong
way to reach that Vn vn, Abmi* l wciity -
feiUT Uiotifratrd Wildes, was Ihe reply, ll you
go the way you are vbug wow ; y you
UariautUvrl about, a ratio.
A' Tankeo t )ld a s.oi Y a flick * rtH
erdd s t|nec pi ifitf o Ul<4 yhw
fa* Habu*V
m#B*TC Wall, -hid the'
Twrratm, jou'iaT ti gtranger* aud I don’t
Tnnt lo tpaaricll wltli yoty, .ao, to
you, I’lMatt* pU a .piitUe oi ,u tuiro 1 b ta*
thinnest pail.
- " — m 4p '
The loilowing little novel In a u .Uhel:
lis luiuialtrd by a Msiritrexcbange : A Util-'
Oclm and aiil hsa just get a hnebutpi jy
v.isnnsul tier giudunt on essay. It was
pultliabrd in ooa of the paper* ol that city,
and mi extract fiiitn it in which the young
ludy daclari'd her intsiilion ol eaiuiO); her
O'V it living wut widuly copied and tnt the
eye ol a CinciunaU iron mercUaat, who
an so much Ukuu with il that lie s iifbltt
thg autlior’a name mi l atldgss*. A cot+cs
pouilonco eusutid, ami thv youug in ly was
ptusuitded to übandou the deturminatfon
nun uum! l . her u-suy.
The set ol 1878 did not demnnetiv* sii
ver ; it tumply stopped tho coinage ot lire
silver dmiari Tbla wtts'dnmT without rid
hale, Irul the act ol demoiMitltiliou was
stenltliier -til’. This came afebul liy * som
Ii >0 ol th* revDod slatutus adApted ID *374
ifidcii das smuggled lu hy the oomutis
riOMir*. wlio marie Hie tevisimi
and who ha not Ilia
sliglrlest warrant h>r their action, and.
wluoii wa* adopted iu n lump with the nth.
ui woi k ol the revisory commission with
oil being lead in the senate, anti Without
the bundle o| pu, rs liclng even united in
inu clink's olU.e. For lliose lacts wo *ie
indeh e.l lo Benaior Turman. —.Lfeinfei
Never decclvj lor tire nisko ol a {owlish
|. >*t, or to excite tiro laughter ot a law
'■' ipbHldj"- ***• "X nKurk
Re when you rulstn anything tu
tell ii J ini as it "Cimimil.-w Neicr vary in
llie Jcait deg,''.’. Thu leasoii why ei.r
i-u.'x ure so often r i'u r j hy TTdn rcjioris is
h cause people Ie telling lei.l Ihi tigs *.ld ll
llltle lo till Ul, and ll* they pits* tillOUgli ll
m /in iit on 1 1* u the, oi igioat stoiics ure liiru
*"l l it.i Homcthlug cnliitily ddli'. irt, Bo
vie ii youjUem|il to tell uuylhiug tkai
v'i il have sorii wdl| y. ui own eyes, (olalp
It cel c tly in,( Very piilll. uliu, gnd a* yotf>
will i up 'he a Ha, tijgi s.
W ild, be sold between the legal It mrs
id salo mi tlie first Toe day in
M m Ii ii* xt, In-torn the Court bouse dour
'm ll.e lo ii ot YTreeiivilb*, t|pj. p 4 low trig
properly to-.vft :A I illut‘true! oi laud
i nown a < the Deny p’aiv', c nil.lining lour
huiidfe l uctes more or less,ilia suinu being
In the 3rd di'tdi l ol origin ill y I roup now
Meriwether fl ntnty ami liouuiJsh! as fed
to as ' on Lhc 2at liy lands 'dJ, O. CUD*-
tim, Apt Ac., anti ’A C. ftniy| Nnr:b by
'hat Ii sii. Iters
H. t*tr'ck''Ml"fi N epln'i J aud Hardy,
•tel Ann th liy binds 61 It. I . Duylup, Jev
ted on as the prop, ity ol It Y. Hiay trus
ieo I* r brothei* ad isters to railily two
tux Ir in'* oue loi tfae year 1873 aijJ oae
lor *h year 13Y7, said li la lor Ih7o i,.,tiucd
h/ Y. <J, Uic one for 1877 igsued ly
J. ti. Christian.
at the rant lime ai.d placo will be sold
one It itise urn) lof and one grocery liouae,
otld property situated In the vdluge ol
Woodtwiry In the lower !) h JlsUdct df
originally Troup now Meriwether county,
and bounded a* follow a ; on the Kmt by
lands of Mr. LV.'ulu, Ho' In by llail’n Kerry
Hoad, Wcet by a road I'lPoing between
Swiil bouse tt l the <tu in which Ur. Hut
ton I* now d'trig boatni ya, uiwl o/i the
Nmili by if. P. M beeli*., the smic being;
Prt ol fordt lar.d N•. Oi \ t L'
Meriwether coimiy. vied on u* Urn
property of Worthy & Ji* Jce to satlaly a
Tn* II fa fur tlo yiar IH7Q. riaid fl Is i ‘su
ed by W. U. Put, T C. I’ri'pP't/ poi'd
eduut. 0. b. PL9KE.NLL,
b. M (l.
GLOiUii A— f Owtißary’e • Ulioe, *
Meriwelber (Jounly ) J*, Hat, h*7S.
Wucfca* thcyistahu of lfonj. la. (sales,
ate of said county, <h evaaed, Is unreprt
ai nted, (by rcaruiu ol the ceiaorai <l the
firmer rej resratslive of said <Matefan4
said estate,nut being Ukeiy to bw rej/rt
•ented ; These are, then lore t to CU ad.
imwieh ail paitiea interested, whether
kindred nr creditors, te eherw cause I lent
they here, on. or by the 4r*t ka
March next, why Ihw pdministraikm of
laid estate *ho uld not be v>sted- m the
.( tlrtrfjajdifior/Court of mid county,
*( and letter* of Adptip iatrataon cum tetUmm o
L riurpzf be grsuted hitt.
| Uireu under my hand aujf pflcisleigUk
lure thl* Nov, 37tli, lf#T7-
Kef 4-all A0 2m ’•*
• „ -!•
TANARUS) nil iiirget to atop at thp, alyyye oa nsd
;f >iif whe'i you go is* Atlanta, J guataa
tee salisfnotluinu vvyijt Mkaoaalgje person,.
ml ch.rgtf only.
OBT£ DOLIaAB. per day
win mat .tain the fffflfk already
as Himltiodlu; soutlierrv siatiy. Tub
parTiculur feSniti whichJiave given ll a
i v.ifWhMl v*tlnAAß^gWr iffinoat bo tennad.
foetal, wAA fcila<i*vwbe-umnwe I, l:u
such I nproveineiili made WWill give a<J
diiiocftl r.-it: rtv .rtfj and to iu
column.;, 1. _" . - T^y
rua KUtyotygjb .dai'xhtwwwt
a!! .TiVi loplcii si die
ckivjfellly and tlmro ighfy ue but
not id the extant ol Uiduiufl)***.. The P'r-
will bo happily relieved by
oi<] tint ptti iigrapliicaloo utaentvjUV J " cnr
tent even's,
TUB unfix NSws.
The enlerprlse of ilia Cet*XXtOT >K (n
g ilheiing and placing b!o: o it* petdtr*
the lull at aud Ircsliaiit tiiUiUigeuee from all
pirt* of the world, which haa Bryn fro
•pieutly illustrated ul Ujsi ou special occa
slotijp, when events ul absorbing public In
ti'.e.l were tranj|>lyug, aud wMuh ha*
lieu made liiu subject ol fPqgrfriT’lutory
coinnu'irt hy both press, and paopjp, will no shalc' in'ut, {’tjtt nxW'ni pTvac- -
la (ri of tlic Ideation ot the CoiMtikotioa at
ih" pidftieif, (" center of tho
rtt te, togelber will) the special Lgrililiea
th it uie die outgrowth ol entirgy,.. e*|t
ilcp 'o atil ample rvsoitrcet, vlii all be util
l/t'if I u tliu tß'lli'lit "I |ts jgiklerA jq dls
pHti'iies arc s'lp .rlor to ihotKj gf. auy daily
noWapfrpor nomHi nl N isbviljkljupj ik* new*
I* luller aud frother. Iu thU lospeat the
f/6im(tution has no rival in Uuorgis,
It wrifl l*o tlie aim ol the ejlhra iu fn
litre, n* Itliia been lit thu j>ast, to make
their piper Jrl every repv t a re/lax ot
(leorgta’s progreas frn-1 Oeorgl*’* grea
ness, and a Inhliful, vigorod* aad unawerv.
.#*4 h- wptmroi U#crgia’TDtella
No effort or expense will be |>red lo
ms' ii tlie C"iHi I union Indispensable to
H e l.nw/cr, Merchaut, Farmer an 1 polltl
cfmr, uiitHo lender it equally welcome la
ile (’oiiiilliig room and at the llreside.
“()l I .Si - ’ will dontinuo to air his qutiut
hliiloiopliy ihi uig'j lu oolumus and “Un
cli! Hem us” will occmdonnliy werUe one
I lhls I lapUtiou songs. The Muprsnu
Hoijii d< cisi .ns, msltvr* peiUiuiog U* the
f-lxa ;ull. e business ol tho {Pale, anti the
'I fiit' o dog* id Uie legislature wil all fl id
■oTi amjilett uud esi'icyl record iu the
flic ivi'chly f.'oflstltuilou Will be in ev -
ory ro-fieet it) iiewsy aud as faUtCiUiuing
a* i He dail). It a ill comprise svpry lea
tnm nfTnfeieff that ctpcriuuce can pussi
ti'y suggest -a carelully reautne of
ibe latest news from all parte ol ills world
and m tbrsof pollilcul, literary, gpjeoliflc,
agrlcnitnral and commercial moment will
Hud In its cothurni llieircoinjdeliist qmbod
mei.t.' -—l— ssr r-v
'I KI(3MH term* ol
are as fr Hows : T)ily (Jooslibitiou tins
year, ff 0.90 , '!* mouil)*, flfl.Oft Weekly
Oonaijiuilon ope yegr, |y at# .uawuUts,
*I.OO. , ■ k - .
Alwav* payable hi advance. Ad toes
'I nnt CoHsTtftJ^lo^
Atlaobi, Or.
Rekt and Cbeapt Twtaklj
Naur F sxTCKg* a mm a NSW" HltNtr.
‘•t • *
• •V;l, 7 f< and * •
In addition to Me
General Mews, LMereiy hod Agrlet^tnrsV.
Features, ’*• 1
With the fw"'S ol
—of the— _ -
Volunteer Ullitary of the ftUU I
fcmbraelnf a Wetqry of cash ergaai—(low
compiled Iron the archive*.of the 4MMW
aud Ihc contribuiioDsol peerßSwehbeMeaM
, ' tryi ’ ■*? t-tS t'.i ae i\..*
The nomher for /ANTJAHT *thwmewm
Hhv the hiHW hhspteit of Us* 5 *
second > v i
Harry Sinclair t
—(MS- _- :-r.TT?cri
BT P. A- BUT Iff,’ '
. f
C Y MIDOLMALOXO* Ae . 4| # ,
Jfc- . a*- "*■■ ■ -a .4 <E at!
BhbeeHpiWo f e ysef, 6 cents topT*
Jac2s-U Bavaansh, 0*