Newspaper Page Text
the vindicator.
WuT Kvr tu# SJttmr mtJ Proprietor
v '.I!" 1 P” ll" --g
~ kiacto!i 4ti u7g
Ooi-Harris left Washl tgtoo this morn-
Iwg hetag summoned horns by * dtsp otch
acnrruarlsg tha aariou#, alarming lllaeta
ot Mm. Harris. Tba and riwteh was rarwr
•and yaslarday aad Cut. Harris left by the
aartlMt (suturn buand train. Tts rftr
patch wMaMrpriae a* ha bad aa pre
vious tidings nf hta wife's su-t tai a tae't.
Dr. Tar rati, hta family physidac, urgentiy
ndf taad bta prawmes at boom C-d. Ball,
on of hie colleague* wifi eadosv* to se
tups a pair ir OoL Hsnts during hta ah
moos. Hta Irtondc dce.’ly rmgrA tha ah
moco of Col. Harris 4 ibis Janet art, though
ail Joined to urgiac him to start f>r home
at oow. Du (log hta flrr year* service M
Cougrees Col. It arris has uarcr hut oooa
before bass absent Inm hie aa it ted then
4a waa celled heme a wadi la advtaca ot
tha alwt af tba aas-i >o by tba illness "I
Mrs. Beiu. <
W. T. n.
<-!*• blest ls 4 *kMN*o •#***• fcf *•
Oft* *ltti*sl Mko I* tti* wtiltl* |r*4 i
Jkmtam* titu. *s.sS .w*. s*l . ##M •••<>
Wist**'* ■** m, wise fro#** s*us st*#**.#--
Cur irwl Inn 'f ~ WmGir l" Wm*.
- :s£tosb-ii at Icsgtfe |>pfcr<Ki Y--st*J*y
morning, upon rWi'** e*ily, the
win {mu! euHft to ilia dopth oi un or
twelvo loches with the much praised
“baaulllul mow," locomotion for man
Md beast was tttended with much rirk.
•ad not • man, woman and child that wr.
met rajoxnd to a*o tha dly wrapped lu ita
Mswy mantis. I.#aving tha City Post
Office at night o'cl<ck, thank* to the rough
shoring and elssr footed i>*s* ol our •*<*•!-
tnnt at nail, we made *or usual morning
round without any mtahsp. About ulna
■o'clock tbn anow gavo way to a during
•torn or hall, no that driving ceslwsrd wae
anything but a plaatani aeuiloii. il/pod
Burning a corner Into Mainn A venue a and
risu-toaw struck our rsirlsgo and cam a
near Overturning 11. On Capital Kill tha
wind Waw with a fleiceo*** wa never fell
batora, causing in Irsqiiently to aeek t"p
ipoet to prevent bring jmiwlcsled, ky ita
finer. Whan a school boy wa remember
loading a claaa c atory uf a light bodied
old (Jrnek who bad aolaa of load fitted to
4b sandal* to pievenl ilia wind Irotn over
• Minting him when It blew more strongly
than usual. Ya.Utday It would bare re
quired a twvnlj-flro pound aack ol abot In
•aactl pocket to have eoablnd ua tu nialu
taln our equilibrium anywhere on the Cap
iint aennnda A rnnrrsaeliien who s ight
ad Irom bta chariot at the fool of the (till
and optned Ida riik umbrella to ward oil
•fr.rm bta noble person the |>alttng hull, had
•the frail protection luthlessly 1 wrenched
from bto hands and led st.a lively rule
through tha adjacent gronuda. Wllh an with aenrt
lorfal dignity, fye unenvered M. C made
several trantlc efforts to graap Ida atocond
Ing property. Like the old bird th*i|lurr
tha aqpr school troy from tha vicinity *t
bar hrttdar brood, tba umbrella kept fast
-•ahead nl Ita pursuer for aeretal hundred
yard*, and then taking a sudden atari
lodged again*! the gateway ot tha Capitol
enclosure. Quickening hla atepa, the pant
ing law maker waa tyam tba eve ol graap
lag the sportive login*# when a Ireah
g-L. whipped under tba outspread umbrel
la and bearing it aloft, balloon Ilka, brig'
*4 It securely on tba irou railing of the
Botaukml Garden. Heie It waa dislodged
by your eorrvapondout, haatily cloaed and
wanted IO .tba eloquent opponent ol the
etlw BUl,"wbo, in anything but a BUuU
WMBW.etnd o tan cenU in the demon
■atfamd coin lor aafaly arresting and deliver
lag bta Mat tan dollar umbrella. Wa, aa
cwimly aa tba itlmimUmnT would permit,
informed tba kind hearted and liberal yew.
Samma (hat wa warn a bloated bond bolder
nd would alioot tba next man aa tha spot
kba! proponed to par ua od In a debasnl
-currency- Thus, on account o( our pride,
tbe VtHMCAtm ta one dime poorer than
Mrafekt bare beau. t* atm In ttie day, ww
•aw a hlghroOclal’e plug he* cuitlig tao
toatie aapara over the virgin enow, but re
membering our morning exi silence wa
Ibrborw to aid in capturing tba rapidly re
volving ahaiaau. the wind blew
harder oc Ca.ltoi bill than In any other
purttatul tba City, sumo Pl-aaVurwd per
none ware disponed to think mat old Bore-
M WM engaged In tbe vain eflort ot rival;
ling the windy eraton ol the House, aba
(kink their tmrtene* made can they but get
,tbe fioor on n jWd dag and apeak thetr
rty— on tba "state of the Union."
Than la ub old man bare, aa Italian, by
the nemo of Brumldi, who I* engaged at
gbg MM Bf Tcb daUaia per day in painting
.gemma (bat are Intended to Illustrate tha
bhßory of America from It* discovery by
Columbus. 'flmae acenaa are *
tha Inaar ataola of tha great Hotuada af
Tba ctacamtereoca of tha Ho-
OOOgk 'tanbowt fifit *bb ; BrunaUU began
work an tha *nt of Kay last year, and ha.
about 40 teat ot dm work, an
ttaßt 4a wm bn angagßd n thm labar alaoa
aboat |or yean. Tba painting begins
whh tba Oaotata af LWarty and thaaoa
ooma tba tamdtng oi Oalamboa. It ta add
that Ihpttalit t* nl work ca that
pottiaa demand In maumot ba
jLbatt!M < 'aadt4ut Mkeawmef Jed Derm,
ftalhtT-er Staaawail Jackeoo and
R. X. Lot *tw to be Mpnmatad m tiled
with Inre ttd **** ll **dl cmebad
.mob tea baaMTCt tbaOraat Bapibite. It
fteses deossas i a gnaat hlsturtael ptatarr
is twtae. The mry ta gtaaa sate *otd
bars. *'
Yoer reader* will pardon tba ecrarecao
niutu eondaebrn of this *( tatta when ihay
are told that the Witter ha* jam bam. *un>-
rneoad to carry 90,000 erpiea tfa p* *eb,
d,liverc imt week lo tasta t rfjr To
he distributed among the wlmmeg cofisift
seats ot tbs rloquewt Baocouibha
w.t. a
UKMtli A£W
Wtlltam Rogers, who rsceutiy died 1
PuWskl County, was 100 years old.
/oesh.rwh.*s a plow factory turning
out aerenty-flre dally.
(tabhatn-schoota *• l be flourishing
,u ttsadersrl'le.
There was a girl ma'riad in Msdisco
taunty • taw Jey* ago, aged eleven years
end five mo*ihs and Wiiglrt sixty igbi
•owe sei.sstl a was essated ta the Su
perior Court In Bara" neb, say* ‘be Ifmm.
by abrotUroftbe wlta of Tboams ♦•
tick, who was hetag tried bw her murder
tie advanc'd toward tba Judge and de
clared that a wttneta then giving leathe*-
„v waarit Ur. U“ c .wiralttmf; u
jail tor tm dsya.
One hundred ad flfly <*♦ ‘h pr.enl**
chixens ol Derlrrw c-.iinly here signs t a
caJl l favor ol the r*. #*l**4lo* -#t w‘v*r
an I oj.povad to the enl-eoel resumption
of apse Is pay :n enls, to lm bld at Cariev
.rgta-rmtbs Wf.b taai. Tha -pcepta •a*
Oro'gls are wx*aklng out la loud tones,
and ll Henat -i U. If Hill dWi bear tharu
It is a)t ‘heir fault. .
' The Orf'lusrv of flawton county ta urd
twenty uisflaae licences in lew than -i.e
weak. ll# dees not ei act ibis Iblug to
last long—but siys hs is harking out for
HfVA- i.s 1 lie bed latter look out for s
cracked skull ! K*
During the '*t teiinof H iiiso.n
ur Court, s u Hun.* returoad tiu suiqcoo*
with lbs <i tarauiasai, "Mr. Jag, y<Mi sr*
doing wrong to swum-m win ; I rt. w‘i now
nothing about ihtit case, end hsv# my own
blsitif*# ti< P lui ta,”- K* .
In I'ulsskl county, Mt Wllllvm Itoanr#
remotly died, who, at I'm tlu*" <A hi
daalh, wav one hundred sort nlytitoen
years old. Up l<> a short time talom ITS
daalh h* wa* vrry ar-tlva snd ooold ita al
■uota any kind ol l.l>ov. A I the at*
ol one hundred and eight lie *hh>gl*d a
h ua* and performed other act* which are
surprising lb rrrti tr*. Wo have th?** into#*
mntlon Irom a reliable lent'eman. [ tfoa/a
Very Bsd. ll I* herd to dktinguWh
sonrij (Iliristlan chiirnltes from amateur
theatrical asaoriatlont now vday*. It l
.taynnd Ik* power ol a mtcroecope, mag I
Cyra** toe* . tUwwsensri tlsssnm tv altew Ut tte
where lisa World end* and the church hr
gin#. tCe. •
fißvoTiso a tcritA r
Mr. T. R. Brandy, of Orn'*na c ointy
and (’ape Unit, (Col )of this place, had a
shooting nl ay on Thuxstay night, nesr
the Kxptess (Ifllce, In which Mr- II re
calved a flesh wound in the I'll almutdrr*
aad the negro one in the right arm and
another in the lell bieata, tram which he
’died on Wvdne.dsy eveuing.
/tai (A nf Dr. Mortland.
Dr. Jobs Ktatohet M>mland died yaater
day atlernonn, Jsnuaiy SO It, about 11 v,
o’clock, al the residence of bta son-h law.
Major Id N. Hywwr.
Ttsc pity of Peaim vwtera.
Tbe houre committee on postofll •# and
postroada have agreed to rep*rt Mr. Wad
dcll’t hill to ri-gulaln tbe oompensiou o>
poatmaatera. It divide# post masters in'o
lour slaeens. Tbn first clasaav# to receive
tf1,090 and apwartl ; Uia tecu id lex* than and not la* than $3,000 ; tba third
das* from ft,ooo to ffI.OOO. and the fourth
lem than gl,ooo. It provides that classes
one, two, and three shall he appointed by
the president, and the fourth ct os by the
postmaster genera). Tbs three high* r
classes are to receive annual saiarie#, to be
aacertaioei! Irom their respect] in quarterly
rteumn to tbe postofflee depaitment. The
cmnipeMMtti not pu*iuiaatera of the fourth
clam Shall be tbe,whole of the bax rents
coUectwd, at their offices and commissioaa
on paid letters, postage collected, cr
amount* received Irom waale paper, dead
neaspapc.s, printed matter, and twine
sold, ate. Their commissions are regulated
by tbe amount of receipts tmm these sour
ce*. Oa the fret |lO9 it to fIQ par cent
and on ait ever |9OO per quarter 40 per.
cent It provide* that when tbta commit
rim aad box rente amount tu over SIOO
tie poaUaastet general shall ds a salary.
la n case Is there to be allowed to aqy
postmaster of tha fourth class a greater
compensation than 9330 In any sue quar
ter, exclusive ol twouey-order dominions.
It further provides that 'k* salaries ot tbe
first, second, aad third classes shall bs
read)mtnd every two jeers. No postman
tor to t* rajrive eßcredteg #4,000 except In
tba eity of Naw York, which salary shall
remain aa now flxsc by Uy. Discretiona
ry power ta given to tba postmaster gener
al to withhold oommtassooo oa returns
whenever ha ta mttadnd that a postmaster
has mode a talas return. Tbe penalty ol
a violation ot the provisions of the bill in
making return* to a flea of not leas than
#3O nor mors than—Cbastifafsss.
firm Abb, E. Jobmalom for Cas^
Haw Tort, Feb I—A disoatch from
Richmond, Vs, a#ys Goo. Joo. £. Jobn
•ton baa conasoted to run for Congress
tramtkadistrict now occupied by Hon.
UUbertG. Walker.
Mr. Muhard ta ta Kim He has base rwc
ogntaed by tba MrfxUltaa Gweemasmta hat
tba Ansartaaa Wsaatrwdnrad ta racaga'as
him.. Tha mmM ta Ha Bvwru has wtahded
hta ana mlatatm Mata Me taatafsas are
few, ta We, aitbaogh Mr. fliiitard is on
toe grossed.
Tha ewtas Committee by the toU ot
bsaator Matthews aad tba Demos-e
mew hers, has again lapotmd faeWahj --
BMtioatios. Tbta brings Mr.jHrtti.ri’*
Hinsia ariitar gbadueeta
m •oiler to these that mesmi daring the
special srasfnri Tha rtaosie.fb** ail -wad
Iha repost to la :<ae by tba e*jh ration ol
the srsstoa RTtsat It a ill gw s* to the
present report ta aot plain to tbs wsyfarsr
Tba mdwi itatratioa want.* a taiaisier at
Kto, aa lmportsnt ewamsrflsl quaitir
relaUag to au rXlssilsa at mm trade are
grading, but ta wiU m* wt hdraw Mr. ii>-
itard's nansa. Tbe Maw. Tusk *
Washingten aarruspnadukt saye: With
tbta report lhafe w tlUie deuMet Mr. Hii-
Uard*s aanflrmatiaw. Tba JMta Ossua *
corraapoud< atsrsye, It ta wedtagtoad stint
alt tba Ds saver at- win My hag- u Ctwta
tiamsy ms I aesaral tahsta ityrotageM
vote la laror of llitltar U, w4ta wttß ta
tarebia qmdr nstieu Otbar aorrespot#
■lswSe sey thu aßUhas peny hUstarows rt
ooodrwsnttas. The netova of the result Is
in the log.— AUanta fmmtvtio*
■tatt* r* Ictur Ihmt flittalta
A tier *ll, tt*u butler'* i Hetttaw, m U
st-ted It is hlsestno. .pe*'t, -*SS WJSh
lieiler the•> the ptsns ot n-m uf ttie Or**'
metis a Hr asU th# Interest aa the Ui
-ts-l ftastes trui-ia siw .unted ti* irtJti
seunnHy. sod ihs ruum iesk.l* 1 * fl*.-
000 (Ml if- ouM co tict 14per ce-i i ui
U.s • uspim dn’kes Is gntil s4 44 per cent.
! siivet sod greenlraeks. Ha would pey
the rmtixsi) In gold. Ttie more gold m
rtrms nled and u*e l ti< r ttie m-rre <d H
sill cows lo ititacoui try and leswalnflaid
floes Inta l .osr aowhtrtea itist k. Ilui
s rtieatwr eumney, ■/ levied up" the pea r
pie, 4rlv*S <-ol Itie puMf. Mo-lw * pUn is
Ur tier thse ihst ol Jt,*..<J‘s *i oltist*. **
ttie pr ior q>le <tist the .st <sf * h*d ising
Out Ist Iter . lot tnStam.w. itist oum !#*(•■>
lut of mud tu a cap oi to* would hs pir
tel.bis to two tnnspoontaul. provsde I >ou
svrv- loves I to donti lbs tsti-ibrt/W
linsririth* *M *4|V.r
Mr Opyani tba Gwd4is ( slf
Hap. Than. A Umdrtarahss writtaa
#il-v In irl.tion to the hlvaf q<m*lM*s, ta
Wi-hh tie sry* be tti.nk* ihst stirev m> ssry
should lie restored, Ike pledge nl IMO ot
psymr nt la cun, and lbs assur c# In th*
act of l#7k, ol psyuest ta b*la nt thr th-o
slandsrrt vslue, wuald #in tu .nfh'-v *r
simsns ta* wapsi*s, •’••AtßfT* "*‘ti ‘tie
contract. It en>.ot tic aWsSab ot publk
(sit.*.. U*r cuna'fy is a Nttfjb pvaaducer
divsr. Tue qoaJHy nf ntodsy tohapovtas;
to tu val'ia. I Uddk fltnt whra rsstamd
slim will approach, snd perltap* f*< h
gold In value, but *h*K.ld *|*rie(K# pfnva
that It must ittusia below gpld haceims ul
it* greuti r prnductloo. congvese bee mp*
posers to provide sgsmst / svil* ike y
to tin low.
jaan a. rf o a
Dry Good-.. Clotkla< Boot*
Hmta A CrocVry
Wa have a idml to our general Wre
Goutc tod i otry Booms ans
naxt door to nor old sfknd and will keep
oa hand a large aed ermptata stock of lb*
stow*. Wn bavn also to stern tba cotabr*-
Wagons, aod t floe lot ofdWW/W (ri#B
tbe beat Mauf*< tory In th* North. W*
are agetita fvr tba best trl A 3 and PS SA
KS and tha wall boowe
* * t
Sitliaal uml Ethraa fmptL
Wa sell tba highest grads ot r iCRTILI
ZEHB, and h*va them now In store, ready
or tbn criming sanern. Wa pqy tbn btob
est market price tor eottoo, and make lib
eral adsßuccs on cotton stored Ik oor
WAREHoUbX W buy aer good* di
rect Irom tba manufacturers aad ht such
quantities aa to eeabla us to tall them aa
low aa the to want, aad w* pragmas to give
our patroos the benefit ot oar purchasers.
Cell and see us.
J. R. SCOTT A 00.
Weri Totet, 0* n Sept. 38th, 1577.
NbM M* b bassre atari Crest iter n
GEORGlA—Meriwather County.
All pcrwaoi having claims against the
Estate of Knfns M. Waldrop, deceased, are
hereby notiflod to i reseat
ly aelbeoUcnted .according to tow. AII
parses a indebted to said crista are also no
tified to make taomndiats parment.
- Admr.
Mb-tee PsMire mw4 fltaeSMxeg
GEORGlA—Xcrisrstlwi County.
All pence* indebted to the oatatn ot
John S. Graft, incensed, are hereby noti
fied to make hr medtaM payment and all
persons having claims against said estate
are notified ta present thorn as the taw di
rects. TbtaJau.lßtb.lSn.
ft X- EUOti’ COLUMN.
Boots 4 Shots,
- . •*
‘j- RAIS
Garden Boede,
, B . a--* * >'> ■ • - •tawi•■=* i••
Plow Fixtures,
Garden T sola
roif •
‘TMb Year IHT%
mrt lli Lrfffil •
it. -r la '/os y*ar
EOU iai
agnurd To make hiem
'Vi.i •.srpour sJOk ti tali Si Iti* *#*r mvv-xI
sn l will *s!|* lowest
Casl i l J i‘icx'K*
"ILI Ol’gJl Ngxr WEEK.
Our Third Lot
This Winter
<Fir #tdwr uf which
’ to
"7A* Assl 1 r*rr Wort."
** 4 *
aed tkeo
Tire largest portion of
[ from first hands,
h&port*ri 4 Maufaetnrars;
f I-.
s ~*
It Sells the Easiest and always Satisfies.
AGENTS we ask yon to try it, and offer you special
Inducements. Send for Circular A Prices to
Wm 9mmr&9i Si* f CMmAumU^’
t 4 nut hkrT
Crwssptwu * futperts! Sosp i tti* Best
CrmotpUM * 1-cperisl So *+> is ttie itoot
Cramptoti** lispatal goa p U tba Best.
CtWiAa't 1 ifienei b >*p i* the Bee?.
Cratnptoa’s latpertul ii >sp t* th# !i>, -i
Crereptoe's Imperial hoxp is the B i
i ■*■ .p.<#u • 1 Kpensl ?i./*p is u> |ht
C'srtifrtws s nei Soap ta ttie ft#t
Cv .spto*#' l*(tiV>sl <i rsosp ■ !t, U -si.
Onwrptvti t Iwpertiti j*j, is lit* B t
TtiM ts msaufsr-itirsd >.m per*
matirlsto , ar.rt s* it u uislsw a
Isrgs jvrui.'sg* ol Vvgstias
. Or, I* *srt*f.s*d iutlf
rq'ial lo in* tarsi im-
S#* led < ,s(H*
hiwp aed
si tbe
■ sms
U<* !><*#•
tsis* nil th*
wssti-ng a rtawn
• ; juwrn** ol u>s
(i*l#rl*4 (tipnssti sod
Kieoch l.xunjry tVMpa. II ta
tti#r-t-K tr .<nos# a >*d I•■ s# •■■
ta#* Laundry, Kiu ti* *. i fUu# U•• <u
snd hf (*■.#*l ti ,••*>, .I I .##• ■ . elv •
tor Printer*, (’#■ **•, Kog!
*#**■■ S'.d Mwtitev U, *
it Wilt rrro' re •{.* ,
of fi*k, (f**s*.
T#-, ti.'fvti l
I tail.
fi'-a tti* hstiJ*.
V lit’ f sft'irrA vn~f '-V
.Mm 1,45( ml 10, M'i'g#' Ptsrv *
It". 3#l < <i itii 4fl r** H rr N*r f .r>
Kf>f Ht* n*
OEOfi WA - J Ordi-lory's Off *■.
Meriwether Cwr,ty. J •
Wh reax C. C Bri'tsta as Adm sintrs
tor r n lbs rslate of l ew Is B sswl* tio-g
dec a**d. re,>/* >li ti# tha court Utst he
ba* tuiiy —r-'-yi u#a astsss oi sold 4-
.Titred.and sppiir-s Tirdt'. tri of diiiMiiaitorr'
from hit true*. * said AilrnioxUator.
This is Uieretor* to cits and admoctob
ail cone* rued to ita their ohjcciteoa. if sr.j
they have, on or before The first M shy
in Felouary 1818, to show ca*s why satd
Admintotra'-nr stow'd rot receive letter,
of dtso itsioo Irom said tront.
Given under mv bead an i ofitoU! eigne
are. ThU Oct, 31m, 1877.
~0 M c.
I will keep on hind all during the sea
son several standard bread ot fertiflxrrv
iDeluding PENDLETON’S and ZKLLrt
There PciTiuzn; have beeo thoroughly
tested to tbis snetino tbe past rear by oar
bret Fakmkxs mod they bare grewo per
fect reinfection. I will handle largely, but
can only sell to parties, who barn paid up
Ur the past year. -
GEORGIA— I Ordinary's Office
Meriwether County, j J aa. Sod, 1878
Whereas the esute of John F. Puller,
late of said county, date read. Is onrepre
sealed (by reason of tbe desUh ct Are Ros
ser, late administrator of said estate.) and
said estate not being likely to be represen
ted ; These are theretose to cits aad so
boo wh afl parties interested whether tiin
irad or [creditors, to slmw came If any
they bare, on cr by lbs first Monday io
February next, why thu udministreriOß of
raid estate should not be vested ia the
Clerk ol Superior Court o t said Const
and fatten of administration de bom* non
be granted him.
Given under my haod and official signa
ture, this January find 1878.
CbewiM Mam
awmrAmd rsjkgM Mg at CkaMMihl PkpoaJtWt. C#
A * *<•**. gf g tWitam aa*4 amodh—a g tod dbr
■+**• ’/ db *d /Ummrtrng Tbs bawl kltaMt
•au ceaMhv Aa msav Uu* mrtp trade muU to tUmtkf
i tsetfiS
(so* eg I A JmAam A Ua. Mfn, Patmbmx^4
j .
ONLY Xi\E IKf .LMtta.
l ull AN Al. HE
Ol the brat lend tu Aute'lcs ’JOU.Qdti Jbcrea
"> E*tsru Ni-ltfiiska, oa U*fl .ius of th#
jI .u IVsti. ftsirueJ now tor sale. !•
vf .r* i rudit given, mietvrt only (1 pel oettt
Turn are U.e ou y III) ll U,i sale an tbs
litie uf tbta Orel Hvlirosd, itie Worid'e
lilghwsy. BsHtii lor Ttie New “Pumeev,'*
ttie tart p#!r lot those erektiig arw
tiouirs evei |.uh!ik)jet), Kud a.lsi tusitsn,
.th u.*|, srut E•! O. K DAVIS,
Ita- <l Ati-ni U I* It. ll N <) ostia, Jfr-h
L| .uo • > O.pui I'tivini " lim-nv l Is a
■ls, I Jtt* Kit Al, ll PiitlinlSl* Irvu
Agn. te W ui*<) tier* chsivns, Address A.
< M‘>HTON Au i*. j.
m/ * f4 !•*.• lli.ti frrv.
.*1 My pin. tt ■ uli ro- aittis
••■'* !• *y, i. ■!■ t, si J esy* yen $lO
isr DaVIDI mmiK.IMosJI, PL
wuiir run all.
btti*i'*'>, k •1., •*’ v.i'ip | r tu#
i ifr.i.l#. Vit f, {rnlsr-ru*, Wn ti y end
'tonlti v l^r£ t .,( J*, in u.. vVorid,
■'i? M.o rou-ti l.iii -twi Km*i Big Coo,-
! nlsriun, to Agr-r.-r T-rpit Slid dlflt
I If* A~d-v l‘ •, V ilff, Augusta
j Mvme.
1i i J-tns Ali*<ml C*rrts, wtth
' *“*, lb ct*. pot p*)o. L. JON Ka
| \ < • , ft same. N. L
I> J \ V] i ) O Itr-toW rrVtffltfWta
I I . V .>yj o uttty |2OO /‘or
Ur Orr/.n,* ( ..r, - p,40 only gpi Psper
ir.r It p Bntlj, W*.i,irel-rn, M. J
* PAR MONTH mage set ng
’Tiw'./ ,‘iliv 'ijrtirujK ur i'ieaetsry
i 1 Bo' hr/* SU!ni.*iy Package. J^gk
l‘‘.- > I '•> i;ik req ii edj Lstsl<a|ue of Avast
#•►)* tree. BU l£Yr. NOVELTY OO
f'.'-ip.P tLiA—.—— •
lor co-.rnmpUoa. A*k fuar drjg
*• lor H. Crrcainr* frtar. AddreM
6. y. 1 ©ertlnnd & , New York.
NOT A.l*>M*aß -AVftO liTijTYI Nil
*i the Nut . Piano and On. an Wt arm
LUDOEN * BATES told ibe field. MOO
choPe loKMimm s !ro dgbt reWnMe mo
ke mat laetory rate*. Immense bargain*.
Agent*' coinumaioa gireo porch atari.
Nea Piano* $135 $l5O, 179 ; New Or
gana 40. 50. 78. Hx ye*ra guarantee.
Sent et> 15 'lay* trial- No hnmbng. %o
naiareprtaKuta'ioo. Heod lor lUlMlrnßil
catalogue. Special oiler and circular ex
posing hupoaitiooa of Piaa i * Organ ttfefle
HIDDEN St BATES, B.raonab, On.,
VYti lew e Piano and Organ Honiara.
a. J. lowe rrrf irn nn a
smt itiut. ■! Wm Potit D^.)
ur —- *•' t~
Tbe best stteorion gives toyßesfct
of goest*. Polite Porters train.
Terms lM*
Atlanta* Paper
Ati-asta Ue- boia.
ALL Sixes and Weights
Address JAN. ORVfo.N'D, Proprietor.
Reier to thii iaMeSs *t—'-*Ty •* t
N*per. ,