Newspaper Page Text
f " .'.Li i"- UJ ;
to? DM. * Q. >D.AMU.
Heaven i* not reached at * *in4le bound,
But we build Ike ladder by which w<
From ibe iowiy earth to Ihe vaulted
* ablet, '
JU4 W m'Wllt IA the frtiKnn-fft t-r-t-ri +rr
I count thl# thing to be grandly true
That a noble deed i a *t p toward
Liftiog the **>ul from Die cwroomu clod
To ■ purer air ud broader view .
We r!*e by the thing* that are under o*l :
liy what we bnre manured ul good an I
gain ;
By tfle | ride dHpotrd and the ptsahro
And the vanquished Ilia tuat c hourly
We hope, we aspire, we r**olvf, o treat.
When the morning calls * to life and
But our heart* grow weary, so i cm the
Our Uvea are traill <g the eordi-1 duet
i- & '
We hope, w reaoive, w aspire, wo pray,
—And W think that >nr n.wm the .Ti-uiT
Beyond the reo-dl <>l aeraual thlngr*,
While our leal at ill c-Hug t < the h>-vy
Wings for the ang'dt, but P-el for inon I
We may borrow Ihe wing* to Cud the
We may hope, an I resolve, an I •* tre,
•id pray ;
But our feet onit rlar or ' I ill nyaii
Only In dream* la a l>dd<r thrown
From the weary earth t’< I r* K.J.phio
walla ;
But the 4re tin* depart, ant t in vialon
4„d the aleep'rr wa.Un hi* fid ow if
atone. .
Heaven le not reached at a "ingle hodn'l ,
But we build the ladder l y w .rich wo
From the lowly earth to the vault.d
And we mount to It* eummli, found by
Byfacu*e(N TANARUS.) Uulv*r|iy Herald l>
made tip tb( following table ol Piom lent"
and (heir place* of •duoatlnn, aliith 11 < I
Inter Mt.
Washington good English education
hat never '.tu lie 1 thu ancient lan/Uig
A (tarn*- Flnrvnr I
Jnffercnn —William and Mary.
M i'lnof —Pjrlnceton.
Monroe —William no I Mary.
Adtim. J, Q. Ha ry rd.*
Jackson -Limited cdue itimiv
■Van iJuran~Au*'lei>il<: education.
Ilaukinn-Hanipd 'u Hdnay 1
at.rl M vf~
Polk-Univatally ol North Carolina',
Taylor—Sllghtm't rudiment*.
Flllroor*—Not llboori y educated.
Buchanan -DicWsou.
Lincoln—Edhealtoa limited.
Johnson—Belt educated.
Grant—Wet Point.
MOn roe and Harnaon did nut graduate.
Monroe lah college to Join tl revolulioi
tj artsy. Flnaolcal revernr* deprivin'
fhurtson of a full comae. IV Ik was the
oide* wtap: grad, sting, tnrfnj trvrrtjr
three} Taylor, the Jmongcaf, an. iivcu
The majority graduated at twenty, tli
being the average, ago. J -tleraon proba
bly had th* HK*t liberal education and
broadest culture. It is said that Id* range
of knowledge would compare Uv rah y
yfrth that ol Burke. The drill at West
Point may be const lc>e.l cqu *1 to a college
coarse, and In many respects s.tjH'rmr.
In Alcleplfne ad mathematical tra'mi ig, it
ll not equaled by any American college.
Courting General GrmJ, two-Herds of
oar Presidents have neon college nit n.
Mrs. Hardy was the first spiritualistic
snadlum who ltitf.>duccd tlis paraffine
mM Into aeance*. A pall of warm water
•ad some parafflae were pat <>ul of alghi
vndar a table, and presently am >U of a
hand waa tonnd—made by a lamerUli/.ji
spirit, aa he declared. A committer ol
spiritualists lnreaMgated, and übeq '“o"?
published a card In which they declarsj
Mil Hardy a trickle*. Ti.ey tarnNhed
indisputable proof that stir Carried the
ready-made molds to the seances, mi l
cleverly put them Where (hey were sub*<*-
<;neatly found, Mrs. Hsrdy die ! a few
■day* gp, and the Banner of Liglt sty*
tfhe died in the full pßaseeaMU of bar men
tal faculties, quite reconciled t-> death, an 1
neeeeratßC the troth arut genuineness of
Iter medmmtfcip to tha last. She dec'ared
that the maalfestatioo at her aittinta tor
tire production of molds tn paraffine ol
Uadtbieto*helniuwtP t*f*oreiv
utUertaUssd by spirit power, was a gen
t.ine phinm —~ AJoioat her last woid
t her husband wefe,“ishall he srunger
...the ether aide, to help on the goon
w ork bens Ihoeeeoery aaaurence from
iur apicit frieoda that 1 can continue tny
it etiiai inborn oa tbs ether aide with gree*-
*i strength than ever."
ime to money,' i* happiness.
1 , .>' tare a bad cold r cough, use Dr
rind’' Cough Kjrrup, It will rttre you.
f’.icr, 99 cents
A Itr uilnlwenM < Ihi' War,
I A remarkable jiluatratioc of the influ
ence wromrtrt by music wo* .d.ted by
> fieir. J. I*. Nuekoh, who, rjf a conversation
I U.III. yr.-.r i. ;.,lln lA on li wf
j happened on the ‘bloody field <d Shiloh.’
! tienera! NuekoU was a gad rant end di.
j tlognlsbed off! :e'i of the -odh.-rn w uy.
| arid now carries more lead iu bis body as
reminder* of fey bloo y struggle f|,sr> a>j)
[other Confederate hero that we hi; w
i of,
Ai.iorjtnf t re soldiers ol the Fourth Kerr
j itjrUy Infantry, Conletlera'e -rate# Army,
| vus* or e Heritor liirtrifl. a
b towny, blue eye !, brave fellow, a Tftarr
In etrengtb,eathoaiaatic in hie devotion to
i tie H u'h, and yet, with *1! hi* .reck re
courage, he <r* Jjifrufii a actor.! boy,
and loved inoeie and fun nrxt to |ghvdrg.
Jt wa </D the p’aia* bt fltilOb, (he r v> shut
of the lant dry of the btulc, an 1 the Err
tticky Ifrigitde, which had r.ivred
ly wai <; >vt*rioy the retreat of the (,m.! :d
erat< army. Mj .r Moo roe bad beet kid
el, Captain Motw had lrea iou iy
Wo aided, (Jiptahi i am Adair btdly ahot,
and the c imcnaod ol the leyimen' had I *1
leu U[t*tu firroe/al No It il, wh wu hlib
nrttsevrrriy wound.-J nrfd WTnr frmn h*
of blmad The fi-gruo iat, bred, wnr.u ou*.
and fe,ifully -i-pr©* !, n4re*Clng ftriir- iy
nnd slowly, as a wounded bear not taller
find with bin ri.<.ont rtn-othder, waa ha._ie-f
to receive and repel a tl)(el‘Bn
M'fhe cm rny, nod Up; men Were lyi p Be*
le #ly about on ihe ground. S-rdde .ly *n
volley ol rh >t tud ahell f<) u a Yaufc
bat’er w. )i o'e 1 nr o tbetr m !•!, 'H
t}i d‘elgrr of th'o * ing til# nw V t?i*h dr . i
der preparatory to eh I rid ng nun a tu-itj
w ith Inisb!ry A* the a'ltil* 'like an, .rl*|
of death apri-ad U.tlr w'oge oa t:tr,
ftull rrj, who n'a .ding no I < to.o' I .u
--|iijf t hr- 11 rry, .van ten tto fait b‘ ng
nur ■'< Ii . li.i I aad b. tl.r . ■ >e . > ,
i *.i]"d'd tn enii-. All loait- lot' lh<- Hid
uituil stood still, (of tl.*’ * e.*l ll .*i.i * ti • I,
f.iil, env* red w<viiti bo >d a *l. who bs’ol
llThnflrSlid liluuc ti a ciirl, they * il-itnai
r I 111.11 ntlii :.'I I airu/td • in what i.irv
Mjiptisri I Wniiiw di# till a/ .fi r It i i t'lo
the I'l.dci al ltd miry In uniform rid i.l
iiiitttokim blue, <*l b tileatiiln;; tin*, on I
ll*i* l In iMifit ! H utdnidy Hirton 'igg' l
U I to Ilia (mot, sU-iflwd biniwM.l' * k< | Uitii
da*/ <1 eyei and , ’ !!•• 1 * /lit at tli a
pm ii liiti • I’nn ny, a.I, rmi tig Idmaell
wit Ira dauntlen mil altn>>‘t ti. e liuma *
rffi.rt, r| mil and 'll*' I. r rl b 'lll Till In* . b /
e I Ids g .ip-Un* I liu cap Mgii lu tli** ills,
an t,Willi a voice like • war trip'.pel.broke
nllt in till cliOMlt id tlc K''lit It Ul i It's til'
lie a** tg, 'Hurt di I tillinlt I lor tlic holgtiln
bTUrf flag‘that Inara a slngln mar' Uhe
men sprang into c lu*n i as -.l aly a* II on
I lire*** parade The rh *rus ring along (lie*
•me. Tin* Van kmr lifa i t ire* f. Ho* art , tin ii
nliri low. It ally. ahu, (lie ' roS'c i oit 1) e
••■nil iat I from Nip k'dt The > oii y
halted; Hnlr liccs setc lip. ken. '('liir.e
bayonets !’ a ;aiu came quit k and i >sr
Iron the gallant NiiU• I*. Tin: e .eiiifV
liunt no lon.'i r fired tli ■ boys i t giay.Tl*l,
was the la t charge va b* upon our a>itig
at SI. I. *b, says (J .cal Ni U >.. a Ii
was repul ed by the mug ol II- Mur'OnJ
Ii in ideally n Ids *. <' ip al i It ntmi now
!| ca in one in the S tntbcm St ile. Il *
a lineal des eiulanf oj Slum i K<• rij. * *, atol
WVi o nid thu bravest so Piers to tl e
iS nitliern (*i*nfi*dcricy. General N* ■CI .
us lssiell known, la now the very iftlenn'
tgosrlotm i -ter General i,il Kenttp ky, and
will dualitiesi be quite sutprUed • • see llii*
Inci 'ml ii joint, as to* w.H j'd illV o a
Warn, al tho Uai.i lie narta'el it, flat he
was r- nversing with a snrlbhl< r.
•• • •
grlsctl by ti Bcvll FHIi.
V K ltilt lohio'a Tllltli 1 IMI Kit Tt N r VR
AM F.t.Kl) IS HkM, I,IF
From the Vi. tnrl* Coloniil.J
Kirlv las'. August a party of Gape Via'—
trry nr M ikaw Indians, r.uioilag fro n a
visit to their friend* (thn Hutgis i of Vio
lo la), encamped the fl st ifler <) m out Ol
the beautiful Bay ol Metchnscn, V I Tht*
w ather beini very flue, tn >t of the pvrty
went bitldug, and among the 'number a
in aid ot perhaps eighteen summers, w' a
had accompanied h* r granfa'.lier on the
trip. Desiring s clus'on, -di * went I s
jioiut away Irvim the leathers, and
known ns bold swimmer i* sun posed to tal<
t*u a header into deep water. Ii >wever
laki n it proved to hava been a plunge into
the arms ot death, lor when tbn,. Awira me ' ,
reassembled around Uie .'aiuo lire thgggl
was mijayd, rnd, not withstanding a. ‘Qv-’•
gent search that evenvug, enubf nut tie
found, Tbe tuilonaiuii mortiinq VMt|f sa4.
uggrla tla party faff f but vary soo/‘ those
in the"7of(bnw*t oauoe ou rouadreg the first
point saw the water betug cairn and clear
a human body as if seated the -sndy <ea
tHittoui, with what aeeme.f like f our tugs
immediately behind it. Toe tvttive* knew
what this meant. As soon as the canoe*
got together, two of the most ictive young
men managed with (laggars so to dtkable
the uionstctCor it was a gignntic devil lisli
that' the oct pus with i‘.s victim wa*
brought to tffe surlace. The toreg dug
tacts have been communicated to our in
(onaant by an intelligent snd respectable
hall-breed witnan from Melcliosen who
law the body ot the drowned girl with
•o ltd of the prehensities ot the mo'uski
stid adhering to it. She compared the
Octopn* in ain site to that of a fifty pound
lour saek, full ; and said that the tentacles
wete twelve in num'ier. of different six s
and the largea’. ab at the cuxnmtercnce ot
1 a man’* arm.
Onty ftrabeftn t bot it brighteaei the
lovely $f wee*, fteve a fre*!i*r hue tu the
grip's, and it rayu bap* the dark
ii,g- nl poverty, carry-ag—g ■i
t. the heayta of their isrnetg*.
0 -1/ a h:uj wnrd } but it curufurte J the
bro. ea bruut aad mtittd tint * r-japing
ipirit It eccofiJihiMeiraa Miig ocj to
* JJc o-.rjK more in lb* ol virtut.
Only an aegry word I perhaps it *a*
•pf.;s ri th'ihghUcwly, bt' it cairiei ru.d
;o (...roe heart tlready dr* by ua
ktn dut-M.
Ouiy Jibl • child ! but it tcay beu-aic
i g'X).l iiud and oobia man or *' ‘V‘ v-o *-r
an Idle, uae'eat tnernber of o -O'. 1'
r.ty influence other* lor gun i, vir r let
the Havior, braad the Ctrargbt ud i*a;r .*
way,” or walk the “Broad ro el t:.:
>0 df UO|. .”'
Only ag!.aa-of wme ! but it dragged a
uoV.e, hi'euU-d boy |g t. in**.-.-'- den 1 -e
of poverty aad rain, ft broke a iwviuy
m rtbef* heart, and hr .up.l a f*Uiet t gr-.j
halm fu aerrow to the
O .Iy a IHrle grace f huf St coataina a:
that i* mw lerfl of a uiutihr’* cus.rfbed
el an 1 a tl'h-r’r pfi J*_j . ) ■$ ■/. fi it*t <
U4t if i'4 tit#
bright eye-J pet of a *t(MM<e om Jea au
nr.rj * i-f,
Or.l/a lift!# I Uhkif waaUef every (J--/
Tn hji/ aea* )t Will *OOH arnt to a g<a'
di-gi%f pfibfl* a Ar, r t7 * !■■ if
*yi>l ii'uagf ri M<lf or iiU’e BOt* ol him
it wi 1 bring peace and hau(i'>.e
Op y a file fit It *h-rrt and fleeting b-i
( f , out In wfeaWirMwa wo- hr.r-yas at*-
mfy ol mt-e-rfared w*re tf jsnwfcl n> d
mg g/>'*i If *1 l f.u Inl the Sjgi'iuJ- -• o
II I a'trtwgl liter of h%:4 o*'**- -™-
.1/ C f/f and 4
I iibultt HIV
j. i 4,.eg** t- i*-l -,* O.U- ■-> U p-’W O fk-i
bd imkf*g 1 • ’>itmg i*e the
lun. *1) crgl’t utPct t?t,4 ♦*t.tinlabi‘, * s
1 -1. p‘i!it, i iii'iui. .1 kiU I.*
tfii . i ia, ii t'.e ),ii w ■•<*u c i ic
ed c- U, '■ tU *. ~i ■■■jr. . a'i*: < >
*tbe rv.a. wlii ,c s-Cn '■ '.itba' i
ft l *urk io <“i *<• *l i " lu roTo- '
Ii IIISIM *> *t( ■!>*•. I' ' ■ • ot ' e
a* so rti* , ‘rrettr , e/( | ir* . . l.u
jre* I|- t i !I . ; *' ! 1 b j *•' '
spji -site a ■ *■ ‘ ' > \g**i v**
i i.iua ii ii*cj-!4i.‘ ovc: 14. i**-. ■* '**
c *-'k at iv®, tijr w ilfbdh* *ta *i * 1 (1 a
i/! i es'de td. ml.h* ••t ■; •' I* *•*
rliid od will O'lt (wrradi >g toe h u.t Ibfsr
luge Indus* aie alaay* i.,italtl, *‘l
o a tnry ia g ' klleimn l> ur
r-r. - Mttratifrom nrn-'e in llmr
ft -'t **y Xtr tfc-r/b ' •
,r itr p;
; %v,v. '.utX ,v:„
r .'}-4 i-. -p .- tl. n,u!. A .latJ *■ and j
, r 11, • lb tnnit <lltrt" , I'Cl'O *l*l.
Irnitke*Bd“**M**W*. m 4 .hi•T.les It
firnr tn Hijif sulst rfU at nl*:'* J ' iT v v
L|M,Mt - petrel. It ti.ass •- --afc stun.-
fr” U •rcrUllf rr- ? <1 *' f
cbVldr*u. /
What others soy about
TutVß Expectorant,
Had Aslhma Thirty Years.
r*?*arr j. !*/.
*• T Hat# Athm* n**f lomt 1
a *4ktn. H.d V:*W;n. Ch.,„
A Child’s Idea of MeriU,
Nsw Osljuis*, Ar.r.— ii, i-^A.
! "Titti'.Fp-<-t .-mrit ii tauuiiti my hgi*.
rv wits think* II tt>* best l.(ttrtn* is t)M (MM,
and r.s i !*iMrrh MV !t WTr k?l 1- n m inci
Md,MOAM WOOOWARO, 101 N f>oydr. *t.
“Six, and all CroupY.'’
•'t m ’h iso*h.r cf •!* cMldrvn ; *ll of tk.mhsv.
Pnn cri|W. WMkM TwtV Rf<s *rrl, t d**a t
think Ih.ftmdil have sciwl M.I o las *tl*rk..
tt it * raclhsf’t Mw*isg."
MARY iTEVEN*. (rwilifert, Ky.
A Doctor’s Advice.
•• In hit prsetics,* alt famni.. to k.*, Tntl*.
Kapsctorant, In redds* cmr%cu,.ca, i-j c*ugha
rroup, diphtharta,’****”
H T. P, tl-Ut, M. 0., Nawark, N i
§,14 tw all 'lrttgglMi*. rrb- SI.OO, o£lm
M jrer*V Arret,’ Vm Terfc.
“Tatt*Pills are srorth their weight In gold.''
S MV. I. R. SIMPSON. Utosvtlto, ICy.
•' Tatfe Wilt ere jpooSTbloMin* of ihs alnt
saanthceatury/'—REVjPvR. OBGOOO, New York.
.*• I hsee k 4 Tuitts Wills lor t 'rpar of the Hw.
Thee are superior to any ffle.iicuia foe biliary d.e*
oeiere reer o>" 9
I. P. CARR, AHeraejUt Law, Augusta. Oa.
M t haee uaed Tutl*eTTOnfea rears Iw nty hails.
Thor us uaegoated fosceatteenes. and bilioae ' 1 ”
F. R. WILSON. Qaaroatowa. Tasaa.
•1 hare need ThtnrfHW!?mlrwi;H great beneftt."*
•there.**—BAVflE A CO , CarSars.itta, Oa.
"Tutt’a PUle be tried to eatabliaS
Si. Sir merita. Ther work like magic.**
W. H. BARRON, St Summer L, Baatau.
JOB. BRUMMEL, Richmond, Virginia.
Md Bp fr asylift. M eessfa • taa. OgUu
<1 Jtswrwn atrweS, AVer t er*.
rmut tux rtcifn jocxtt.iL.
which restores yoothfSl lean tv to the hair.
That esolaent ctsawlst baa precede.! fu
prodecteg a Hair Dye wfci.-h Ir.-.ijalea
•aaire to perfection. ufd bachelor* way
Sow rejoice. fe
JYf<v 9100. o,l tew 35 WVr-rwu S.,
.Veto lor*. Sold by art dragyWs.
WKb->Wrectsl-:ug tbe igc*!l*nce of tb*
past, the publishers of Bcnboer’s M.(..a'.biy
acßuu&ce, for She ycay to ertut, the Jo
drag lup*tt: *■ f r “ i "’ C
ICAN' FAjIM LIFE.— Ta.s subjevt
•jt dmated .1. aerie* of C#fl&rhte
og-nged from writers who *sarsJ m tut
[root rink among Aoteiicaps, Uitb ;o
qualitleu of atyie and 'n I r f-rj ict-ghc --f o>-
rrx; * r if. E ttddm*o, Kiaar ofT . r
Vhifhi psra-i on “F *.•''• n't .< •• N* .
E in the hiiiuiry ~j rep
revnt 1 sat evefinn w, P :* eeiw:*. J tot.
Burro ‘*, arbor* |M>|M.ra o ,'topice
nate tMceu a niytiiy p.ftj and fe.pu ar
ea .re of -ciihoei a*ii w-i'.c of Farm L :
to New Yotk, ‘ Miirrce ' ' •
’p-*‘ sa*-:ra';*t, uii! tfc* rib* r e < -
‘rjyo *l* fVc-to-ra farm]- g o! Wtp-u ‘ait |
tittle l>a been *rman. li u ei .-c' 4 t.v
I 'he ii '--'at-'.-./ of mi* Mtfiea ui be- a
ttnef -i c islao-rl, t-OXu.tafe
rale w . b tb* euhj'Cl-u.*iUf, it . tuougbl
ht 00 paper t.-l txiit* -A paper • ye! asaurei
o Mrrtbti-cr ai.J i. y tc. r.- u.a •**>
rtir.l d* i'e of the rrugi*. * tu kjnet .-a* - t
f e ret*. *n J, both il) teil a : allainnu* :
t-i o'.farn q .aflt) rather than ouetidty, nnu.
•o irfiot tfeeti, ifiOl.g and dctaar* w*t |
>4n o fg J ::s? t'.urrtJ.
ROXY zaL Ed rbfc
' itToS f>• aOr ot “The f{. rir
:ea*be *
i#' >4 t>* yetr T. • ffF.t . • u'nf m 1
1 ji-.b it bed in N ve<Vr 1;. ->- who a *it j
• 14--| ll* Odd- riarc i: If !u U j
.... ;.e ir. .i !fIS I an- r* *-_wn-|
e- )-y Hif '..ii-itiw . ; i|
4rf!'.;tfS by m.e of li-e an a* '
e,ag. I AUieltrali 'jslr 'efc ' A' er j
•to a*. I'm feat of “1 h* Atr;*i .tmu A- 1 I
As*o> a*t 45 “
AMb ,l- AN. H* /It fW hi.-.e ! tba
i.*<: aS-l ri.tcftal : 1 *.f l c ,-c
j, ra ir* y* ttn ;* car 'b# m o b* f !
si l mti e *• *■ r*-i k?..*l t • .1 s. 4
.Viktfl, v. a Irnglvfid an i t'aca.'a.
'-I t- t* IMF, U " t f J
■: , ~ ■, I tt*.
, •. . . . k * • , i•- li .
. li'.inp. .g.' 't.vs.ii.n *d.* a ci l idi4
Vflt 111 iT* I liHif i' f.t M>h D,
It,, M Hi W*l W'll S'.'t tli!|*l* f
'* . *' / ; •'■* 1 “ 1 * ’ ' ,
*, *T,i ~ c ti-f i.Ki y; r *(l*s,
~b •
TrDTS\rDT, ,( .
j. iten.jg, ii Ii lick rtfllent *, k
.... • e.fli ■ir rrs-T' are fanti ‘af, i t.
i , ~ia Inn ibiiiiia.le'J r ' n t.(
tlllf* -
N vXI. il'lijdll ".'<* by lb
. p w i‘,f nl iis v tv* c, c.ny thu
. . ,; rune .ir.t, giic.ii, i wily "J ** II '• ‘
-it,“T ---ypi fig ,_** TANARUS., *,.[. ti J. *
I ,i. i, -bc,t rh -mi ’ . ay ', . cl *
I, Mf,* I 1'.,.
Id tk' Alt Y I <'U IbAl ift i ■’
lb*..iv Ht,--’d cl. not.* n’y <*'> <*f tb* <t ’
auJurc, o.| -ul jsi-t*, frit cu *ri * rrj; ntb
. fc-f bis ktjo sic ’gn <IK i, i c* a*. •*
KtigiiaU Htrbff • stwrY. w " aw,in*
t mtifm of lut'.f, jl, * . , ,
ij k .1 r I K* at , ‘ .1! \ ■ h ,
S, • t n >(■'* -• 111 *. *1 " h- I*l.;*;,!*
H a,. -
lloHKfir DA t "WfY T ■ t
> , k I 1 t Ota • .be , ■ 1 ■•.*. I
v *i ■! to inr.. t it.*! * . •* :
M -itTwcT Yf-rr* ?v
> • >it, t*. l' Hit H 5 ** -Hr < ■
i ■ k!i ■ i r of *r. ii * is* natt .1 i.'n
\ • . !,•**• of • eerie* of pup* s supe-t- .
'•tfalcd, co !,• oniril" da V n** , l-.aph*.
11, M " : A* g* o, • tc.
ins 15iUWtir.\Nt K It. A i •
* 4* ,i. ii v • i{•) n tn* M j.uc n*'.
11. . A ii., C * ’ :
wci* tn *e- * *
t increasing interest to the verv • *1
1 11** H uttrnttoes .A tin* Mvg i/i r, ii *•
*u i uju.l 1., t.i e-uf !.**.n and in t -
■igl - tl‘ t<* t
rt *nv*si V (if ttnAsfc of any I*li.i*r ,>i;c.kir
iig./ .eii ii Wl •'f'w -r *i l.
ri itK'ipti *n |<nte, fl ‘ki.a year. *
ii aijjtaust, q '.s to t< any
Hkicniiv raM-i tKother disc . inis to soil
a. uhi's. The Mwgaxme nr wotth a ; n
i lists, and. iu circuistimi ;• increasing in a
ionstattt ittiu *tcttd) ratio in.ui ycai
v*r. * ’■ •
Scribntr Sc Cos
•kd Jocguiway, Ar Aork.
W LooK 1-ooK
I will toco le prepared to r vecute *uch
work in tk r*i'.t:O e - line io my tbop j
- —**
• 1 V.iirsrsiiiNG,
Making FRAMES,
im n I— r*
' f*C /.
I wi!,a’se coctmua ctThtnuting for house
god tlgu
INespeM the peat year hr Greenville
and am ptepsred to give satisfactory reter
TEFD Call on or addre ?.
l’H lb KAf.L TRliNt^
a * and -i ■ '
T i 1* . X - 4*. ff ¥ jl
JW " • - • J ' '•* : *
r- ■ •< 7
BP 3 *-
Ai. ;#* Monday, rwpfember grd, with a full cor?.* i t i*rnft, imeoeaehß
1 - : •' e,i m-.tjt- acp Ui iie:'ue* ta .and at*. rVu.i fep r ahOU uf this j-iutif
U 1 11 |f| 1 -• ■ . ■
thierbifi l-e --i *ft ,**a ip : , ii-r*i- la to t4'*stf de-*etng toe locate tben aoa*
*u I i.igk . t-. U I *.* a ! •NrA- t> ,(/, ~*n r-,^, ( ..rtilirs and fumiturr, ee>l a record
-r • anyJ*. _.yr _ -Kig tt*purat'*fr I ! -Ue-fc-T-tc-: nr * :ig*at-ar~gtWidVfCtgd
.dJ '*• G Hteaberger, *i*o has w ut>cn -r >-tlwtq * in hi* ur.U*eion.
aerne*vtfe a tfie ruoa . ..Urpria kg t*f'.y Mtotae ¥ and VVc-tcra Ratlmd, and
ksejn*4.y fee rc;'.:!r;.tn nfbtTiug t4M Kinat .afai, irtwaai and WitctSteoeU Ws.jany
-ite f yfjofeia. e
Fuuiou fj .40 tn gie Mr .w.Tnt Board fib .Ob to J 5 00 per uioaik.
_ * e’ 1, m* arutesw* i-ireew-. — —
- ■ ... :vhZ-Li..'- fe. LiM-BiM-Nv Pitg.T',*
■ ' W T. *£ U E.VhS, MfOa
tf 84 ly _—i— I!**vi;l*, Uerrgra
* h ri; * e wOi.u wu rowit
had * . a i, se . U tig* a has
li U VN Ali I), W (y O O t( o (J.
iigj.KfAEi- b&JkIMM la
-- J . —d,. 4- • - '
T> BAI ' si,- !-. ir ■
c\ 111 IJ 1 fl,
r • • •.
lit y l ittMt t * i.invit
W f!' tf. - * - f,A
- . t MtTO rlf in • .■ r. m
i !!ta ' , <fi* v*> u. ' * g* j
■ , , r
—IiHC-r-n '
v gldi INK.-t.
i ,111,1 AT-**
til.A H
it . f
1 fiov* Ji, r*F? *** t *
~A • •
* f, . t* T P , V*,' !
* p ■ '
A I ,S* i
' *!• - T.VII) I'd'.' a
v,rit.ArK. I’uTAr-H,
r.d clhet FtrtJi zing Ghcrbital*. Cat r,
r seed j,.ur t-n>r to
N ll Kor’h I rjor >t A Hat ia, <a.
i would must raapatilttliY *H th* at
rstton f tba good meple <f Jieri n ttb*
to the magnificent alack of tA'AICHIiB
PUX’K** jewburv. s lver-wark,
Ml SIC4I. INnTKL MB . I '. t-FIX f \ -
CL£ Ac., which I am jest re;i.ißg
rom New York, and wbch'l expert to
veh at pticea to and the tines 1 bare
oea_ht goo.}* hrwertiris talk tbm I tew*
at ar,y tiure sitsce the wsf. and 1 aai g< tng
to give my tfnstortier* the becefit of rt, a
► (a-ktsfor them to e >me and examine
<y*l.iv and price tor them*eh*n I m*nn
w hat I ear, and all I ass ia a trial. Efery
article aoki will be
‘4- •<, . l.yl_
•* h
as repireserfrtl, and I! the wfiiVi not
prove as represented al! the cuit.xner bar
to do la to return it an l get bit tuourj
H ivfbg the experience ol t arei ty year
in the REFAIRING 6f watches Jewelry
if lam fully prepared to do any and £
kind; wt work rn. did-' 'ice w th neatness
aed dispatch. ETKT > 1 wir.-a utvi to
give -wtisfactijn.
Call at the sign ef the big ff atch
an ! apectacle Corner of Jacks .a and F>r
?yth streets, ttaraesvi le G.
li st Re*, 't—
oi* 6m -
t-m www.. 44 awe rr.-jmm
i, * l ‘I MR IR)LA b
* roil rut
mtiai n ts Hiti.ium
U j 23 C*U* a G +y.
no t , . .0 ~ l. m t i.iua 1 fit uii ia tba
< mU-IHAtti 14->AV NtifHK <
:i ; *v k. 11 ! •b) UW.tKMJ cap *a
• te i ■■ ■ * , . * ic - Dm
i- ■ ■ ' .1
,f. > , A 1 n, Hijanl ; a
. ■■ lirri vl lk*f
Ixi'i* I1 ■ '(*,' Wiulhrop ,
-- * • ! U IT V) ill fc lt,yr r j “A *
• *.'■ .1 r,F f,l*v v ry,
*.m W-tj ■. !• i'jr.'Yieek H.
1 , Uj* I '' s LkM sin, bv
. , !! .* , a, ■ a *:. ii k!i* b|* f)r.
IS ii 1 "J, t* a <oui|ihnua ij^W*wn
•••<• ty -i g hiika ia ld ttfiae
* , ■ a, Ly <.sii Ilaad ton.
*v 0, r flVlT’***; 4 , K,a brtgVev* fca
, , ■■ , b-.d *l 111- nw * rill by
Mf- Ati M •r ti*. *d Rader tke Id 'a.’ rnWration* by Maty Ha,leek Kyoto.
T Snrutier coa'jfia* ala*
ly. .| . mrg of anew pxriat Story for txrya,
a 'ale hi to*; i-a! life by Gutav*t Ktaak* ed T >we -Vfimotai*.’ admtr
*[„, ...j-iratci <>y mat ru*ts Muratn and
e! j ; A P,i rut of. Mss A.cotr, w.U a
-ketcii f ber iis , sved joen* by Two
laliie Arrie.icm Gir’a; a Play, and a
■ iirftai .* Carol (-ct to mu icy and ht! a
and aee abort at >ria, tarichtjamay,
e*ti mg a; i pathetic. Ac , A.
Tby N m Corel 1* by the Eaglisa A'tlif,
tVslt.-r Crane,—the tmota designer ol
•The O er I.’
At. lichsfita ft.r IS)K.
Beslf*. Mi AlcoU’* air!*! f< r Oir.#, stul
he IhrtC Neffa!* fr ISfm, to f olio* each
.♦her :n -tip- i locee sin, *i.l cnaUß-S
-h ,rt rdiil -t rrtir the A itlior of ‘Th?
Schncberpc /tta Family ,* to 1 antfcld,
•A . and the World In a Yacht. Boy* V baa
•wen r r mbed hri’Jjftr t sryjer, now
m U.e ntfuai ioor of the ifegdj
j<c'■■ There wiil be oenrjgjjj Ny
Dv tr of the IVayjad
* IjcvS r ' Y by Geetge
M .cDfl vrT ~
c . .
Tii four bo jU ol b*. Ntchoiws
.Irtmiy wdSderiu!,
bcautif'fl a-'d a’lractire C'instma* i’fuMhta
tit Y’ *rg Pmpfnr* list S's tume f* com
rkie in it- II Vo’. 1 aod 9. |B.W each ;
v_.-. Aija4-t, |IOO each.
nrbaC'.pii'.a Fric., a year, p mtagn
paiJ. Brngle u'pt*r, SSI’eBHtS eacT.. - .
S- IJ by ail 800 . Sellers Si Nr>-Dealer*.
* J ’ 4 tCKtßXtiiAfa,
T4B Broadway, N. Y