Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator
VOL. fi
rrbushed rvkky riuKAT, J
BY WIL T. REftt^d
at A* l ito JVgsfl* 1
_ == ]
couifff ornoEßi
ORDINAIiT L tfpflr
SUKHlier....... ;.o.'B.T*wwe
CLERK 8 0.. -W. H'KWV-j
TAX CV*MW*vrtt W*
THJUfcI’RRR. 0 WWlm*n*
c0ß0iwa.!..?.. J.X juabk !<**
P. A. Ciiuan, A*rty> Sibley.
C. J Reeves, J E.-B<*h*iett
AU* >1 '
Mk> •* M.CAT*)N,
Job* W Perk.-, 7 nrKW-,%f
- -%r - at, --■ tj . A PaiLai
>■ n r
SXSiATOUU'h Disin .. F.M. i anal
■U I iUMji nr ■
Jul. .. jUM*A*xuto&. 0 *
Wjti p*e4r* to kit *•).,*• u-> the *>’•
jeiulsg coustie*.
* A II KHtf MAN,
4'HMUiUIA.E, lii
A.I ea< rusted to Use t r attend
u to ju-uspilf end Untile !;r
j)"]*’ k KITH,
A attorney at i.wv
**■#" OUBKB VI i I K, ti A
WllJg ranfioe in Melt wet bit sad liu
ivu*!'••. cotiipush.g the C ;ii tf V
A. UjK, OJ D, II O K
I t KBHitNT DtM thl,
JL * <1 tH.IL ' i * k
TitM Ult. Ava i k i
i' . i.iu M.i.,
j Ff K.’S ll iti m ti io
* ) lti* I‘uOm t/tM \%iiU l> Un ri
lt. j. K 0 Imeii, m\ ;•*< l> >ig bU/i*
i h i- it Aii i i,O.N } #
/ s VlUlfib U' i iulpl U •< IVK n lli
\y ii 4MI t* oj tJM 4 i a nii'l H ill I)
Uf 4)fly£r?m\ J. • ft. J v i A 1 *
J>TU* frtfcfti.'
Ui-DJIWKLUi a4.0 KAN* V to lOh K
i-l LsC.sags, Os* fjji
I 1 A" * will h.ti !*>
J 1 btsd *t bis md M‘< -*•'
l* |lb K W t Uir, • go •
JWKi.L Ml Ed Ur kTM h ' I*
J gVA | Lit) AND KiM I
( cu.i I .ti.y, < I j-' :
Uf GOl.iratiU Lit Wi. . ..f* Jf.,
Im uJ Kt) win. eri, .d-*b> lw-i liifcf
•fMilidUuiu ui rut'f " j'u Cl,m.
• f a'l sixes, and
pr* and ill it urly <-! hul't's, G*>l)
fclim A Mi hpwcWe* 4 K *.
Silver Plate Were
i,l *ll xinci* hi <i styles,
packet, Table Cutlery, scd Kfi
by lb* very feoowued makeo, —Joseph
Hodgeis and George Wortetlw a>*.
I MB atiji icj airing an good* in n.y i•■*
Too many ciMx r< o< Merlwdh*' and ad
Jvmiag counties have leated n y work t-.
a w< rd Irotn are m to the ;bara
Mr ul it. I will, however warrant aL my
m ark, it properly ueed, an I bar* alwayr
rt vr.rr'* reepectfully elk a rontlnnar ce ol
tfe* pauosegt I bare received from ay
InmtH us M*rletber.
✓ r 1 . _ .
WEfcT roINT, GA-,
ALSO, a*eota lor
Faibbajks* Sciio, Miami Pjw
pU compabt, James I.emtkm, DtuUe
Jvrbtn 'WaIIM W*IX and agents fa
B-ixedaed (iCA-'OA lc aboil we keep
mi ally leaad is a 6i ci.t* Ilardwiu*
#Tt citiiao of MEHI WETHER sohci
MA a
Atkuuoa 4c Reed.
■IJHa WrtlPrlil, *
i Do y*u lose the Merry mutfa
® bird-song, t .car atoLlbw,
.Jjuneuug you wjsji rJmmEnw ?
!)• jra dimoi
Of the river •
Te? wUaprrraj fl _kyPW w *T t *
Thl nß*r, t:M**alee*) f • -
‘T f r-m. , #■• jjii aw I -N
* arose it* t
feobi Aorfllr. WJ2i\bvU r wltich Uh&
i‘Wt*4' < r IOO , k y j . , Y lr ifS ‘ tt, “ l r f
ter iwt sm.nsl c'.i.arly 4rm>ae.
i isdltt* Ihv ONMTIN Ahifo r •'*
criaiJTo'tl to Ike to lake a free. They Uafil
lit>iip4 |o'as anti flmu-baakHS as ttiSJ? nei
whose branches c.uiii l>c ieached.
both leaped, caught a b:such, aaii twi'A) 1
up out o' r*ak a* U>e panting aniinh!
ilahcd at On it het‘l<.
Here was a iyeyeigi ttu* uniurby Csfc
ei m*ii. Of course if was a bear. Wlikt
else wotthi lta*e |iur*fte'i tbeiu a>
But v. oulii Ihtt bmie oiuub the lu* ?, They
had liaaj J (>1 ttenrs
tn I axriuua I >‘.l bit' -- ' liity
could iltuiy iliM'ti u I lie hits* 1 brute v\s|i.
ilit; *b. ut the tier, eY.denUy aoiraideri*ij4
wi ether to climb it or r.ot.
Our herons were in rouMcrnsti *a. But
l it was toe U'st p'ati ' stay wiiero they
weie, l.ll'em Aiti. dye l hv ti|nirt. y l In ir
TiWtli C'-aßerrii with oohl atij I at. Khiii! y
j: hr iu iiini lay -WammUp iJhm* p
| U/< > Ci Ul.l itl f u *J ul! Umt ih uiy
j U.< :w:.u> dung to thenr j*** Is m %
; !irt i I If U it'll, Mild iiitMH Ulfell lIU.I M* Ift I
i•i i h wll * U. On tc (life* •UUKlll to fciji't)
] !* !h glO l lit] hint itf rl it>\H V , 1>)1 ih*
te rul UtC) Sj'llM.d, U<’ t*. 11 it J it* Ij< k
I :;■. i: t rVihu wh il, üb*l tU• y gave? up U
j r .Jtlt- .
Kin II) tlui tinwn Uy;ttij to Npps*r,
ti t! ihoy < <>u)4 ; tl <‘ir l< < , iuiil iiui^fii
i.c'f’ii J a luMj t>t bu*U< * u U a pn<‘*a
tb t, ILe l.fchi gu \ biighb r, unij ih#y
1 *<' v> tf > t(J yd iMf llUlill^r
H<ii! Hk ini . < v\v 11* * y i iiii il h** ib#
| Mil' kr s •*t<olng tiu tla* chummy ul u
isiua h % It ihny i-uulii HB*u:h liiHt U:y
n uutd bt liff.
T<g ti.< i llity l*oj pci <JuAt) to tii#
ground *i and I>#*i n to mUhU away \vh ii n
■ o*l iff J a In: li|sh<* 1 lunii to lkc to
i ( rir ! j • whlimit |i>il\ltnjt i>eliii.*l, I'll c v
1 }tl 14' 1 till. \ 1114 441111)1*;, 4411*14 l4Ull(Jt’)i
ly )‘i.k id I * mu; l.liig, uinl lln 14 Ui tyii.
|nl * i 1.141' i'< H"tuei li.
1 Aul. *ti uc k, Ibr U)lug wiul uvi r bln. i
l. n | >UIW41:1 i,| ltd. Gullitliiiyr
1 1 n. ii 'mi, • Inn iv, he yv I fie
1.1 *1 ' J '.! II jt nl' in k Itce 111 lfi I4T 111! 11
| w lln n t J'lii lliljj. Fluk' lilgtil pml
! . rn>4 ' 1(1,1 ujir ’ttlliiu*. Hi* ltiii(ii
I ' *1 Inif In ill Ii hi Jii in i-4r i lie im n^
* ii/. - :! ui an tr. 4 tiaca ruu tbs beat Ibwl
[l.iil ' i *l4-1 liim sit nig lit. ' lui.gli | light
•ii I ih* r ini, Ini, haying bi;c'Oiuplialieil
(lit leu! ol < rilng ten a!i,i !j iul huulnfl
bull to ’.mi'll , mi I tin n bulling llitni |i. Ik :
off hfU'l. be took a ' , Hi,;)il to u i t*t for
the lioua* ihey bad men.
'I be !<oy Hied I.ahl to kei |j Iben *Jvi n- |
iul*: a uet.rel, but it e't 4- < J out, and fnr K
loog time Lit ' Iriyotia utad 'v taugb
(betr •A| au-e.
AUVI ll riMW,
'f be Kvenitg HtHetin, of Ila!flnrie>rt,jiii* !
,iiih‘. ) tl.e Indoau'g tnit ctnooi of Idrer
L Ail men in Wutlnea* m mt adyerllae In
rme way Ail utt.’t in but)net* do advtr
tike, komeltow
11. Newapapert afl- r<J ibe general mtdi
u. ilia *
111. Tbe object of adtetti iog ia ai riply
to bring buyer and ae’.kr 'ogelber—au
ceuklu) tMlveitiamg iftut,tberelvr'-, do tinea
tblnga :
A. Be intelligible aud OgpllcH a* to tbe
tbiugk on aate.
B. It inu*i rtaeli tbe c ! a iilteiy t<l buy.
C. It ntual p<rmade tUem that it wm W
to tbeir advantage to come and boy.
IV. Toe iuleieklt of aeller, boyar aud
advartiaiog ttieliupt aie muipal.
V. Belierr, buyer* aud Mw;>ay*re are
al] ibree iutereaUd bi auttaising
tbi* mutMUi relation
VL Tbe ooatmoo eoUoe of patronage
at regarda L laliacioul. A
- peraoaa are buyera, all abould t*
adTerfiaere. A nearty ad per#oo are aein
err, a i buyers kbooid lake nawapapera in
botb caaee lor tbeir own t.ake, im.l tbe
Dewepnper'a take.
VII. Tbe proSW of well
papers are a measure <d Ibr Luamesa proa
perity o! a comaiun.ty. We ait thrive to
getber by coutnboiing to the aupport ol
oj* erotuer.-
Tlia U truth in a nutatteii, and naede
bot a line or two to maka it perfect, to-wiu
Nearly every aocceaafol buaineM man in
tbe country wbo bus made a large fortune
a tiade baa bean a liberal adrertuar iu tbe
Ailvtiimtrcs in Hie Aror Heme,
A ta-v lyra. ruili*^.
ha l ma.iHkle-ftee*JJl‘wA iNusrl toTW
tad had Terjr naturally put up at the As
tor House, were eitiniaing the hotel with
surprise aod delight. They went ;>
suns and down kfMi-s t k*oke I into the!
h eakleast iful tPufuf moms, the parlors,
the ofllce, the saloou, the barber shop]
aud many word* it Jc-.miueudatum |,.f
At .ast, wauderine eloßg the cotriduxe,
ose i t then) espied tte> <4eiru<#, tie Aert
til which weic i pen. 1.0 .k here Joe, saij
he to ii, triend. i his is a idee little, rootm,
hut there's uo ixsd iu it. 1 wonder whifl
it's fir. . (j
Joe's fuUutiiy lisik>hiM< so lie ste •
ped iuto the otevalor, and tie aud Ins eoft -
pmtou sat down oil one Jot the cushioue !
teau. Tuts is nice, rcutaiked Joe, but TANARUS,
\ht it ia tor. Do yon Bill I j
% oiks‘Any were trying U tind c4k
Jtiutithe akh lit'fat rotu\ wet itttfln lßd .Afcs
they sew to their MtonWh'ncui and lernir
that it was going up. } t
Hadul cneil Jiye , wTul dK this mesit,
it - *PL t (,
wu'ia I
ISSod Tu i. SVdp'uCl, s in\ui'cd i> ii Bril, uft-,
deavoruig tooliiiib out at the lop- liai^;-
thc ialt-iiiai going to blow cfis.
Oet ,WJ*tiV'* itou’flitJm*,], Ald
they bath bedsit to climb up the side, bju.
Wt-is unable to e.scapo
Ooulnutid the lucli, t liia i* wooden big,
|o'ill we’ve got Into it RiP. U's ,■ K'K
'ftd 3fu.J|th4i:Bjio-* an 1 ,if (
When it r cia i.u tp Oi Uni hours, Ift's
j 'tp t'U* mui l*i <tv Si our ~v •. Lh.^
w itch now lu l our cliauoe, old tn>y, or we'-
to |M i ia
tifill the slevatrtf a'ca<ii-d, ili tfn
bumpkuie >.wl sun witn pam ia<-es tin I cdi;,
pr.’s-i and tips, us It they wi re sppfOai'it |isg
ttitan) Is ut Nttigiu it an op'-n ti-m,
1 luiy i vhUioUy aiui- ipaltd a death el.’Ug
gle, and wen preiiii -d lor it.. . ■
In t lew none st-iAuds tile rlrvatol slAp
pel I hoy wen- abmit to step ou 1 , w lion
iloan it went, l-i the lo w astonishment i>4
tin- unu. T #..they p> lloßuf
iso't-•. up P>r lost ; ind w-tvhT Hi , elcvabM
roulinl tin- It si It sir, .oi l tlisy m m nk
ed by otic ol the sen van a I! liiey wislotd to
*u up ague*, tfityini!fi wv> f jt .0 1 mn
dm iu UiungliHo yns 1 Wti|ho I out ol I6< ii
What tis deuce Is that tiling f hopih* I
It’ the In li'valor, re; ! , . | till' < ! VlAAjr
man, linjt/emg fc. igltkli, tut I axpifnll nl ol
cMi; k:. -- t v •
Writ, i thought Huge mu*t U'.’ u klud. oL
inti ii'aiui and. Nit i tia.' P. trip;bum mm.
l grin or u liilciiiui iiikchiiii’, in on* o|
! ;lii.M* l keh i ipt'di.- Iv 01 1 ii i 'oil no
imndi oh
I In; kiiLV.tiil eudi ttVOii.d to eXpliili)* What
414 I I 4..1"l Ik , hilt 111- 111 1 1 ,4k
ly #s lb*' rcboiiluuiaUi *]> 1 w(n sudewvui -
.din i viditia wtiAi eftnilit i
It'll mu Hi I’lMl .fll il (.unit II
Tin Now V'.iik Trtbun* puhllitlie* hi; c*.
I* mi' ul Hit! (Joloradn ktone irHii whigh
in* h eti on exhibition lu fiautern c iidi U
-'•iio pL'UibtJ jmmu.j ol a Uhiiiau bulug ol
..ei.. el/.r. Tub luA : sS luA>hi iu Lig
uid, i4 nit tinl4kiitou* town hi Nnilheiii
rommylvanjii. I*y
non (i-t'd if gmuiid atone, ground houos,
i In) , i .ii'-'rr, bjood, egg t 'tod other unto '
ball, wbleb *r* la-'ilded bit.*' i roprir
-liiil *■ and IniKi'ii in a kilo. |i In knid Fl'f!
i'l Him irbcinetj
I’limi r. f. Ilnruum, the ahowman, fife*
rani ■ intoiealod in the plot, and tbo, inirn
wn firn-d add f< him Ht lirtd.ypOrt’.
1 * It wap marked line machinery, jflnf
num derided tint liu; ImagwalktMiiilbf tak
en I . Ci/ora-lo to he di .eoirerr I, iin j Vtuti
put hi charge oi II ji), 4vh i oecapKil ffit
wer-Kkltl lAlryTng' iC Tlrtlfia, hiiie* ifel
other kuiuli game weie moulded out *jl the
aaine materlwia m ♦•.* gla and and buried
neur him, ao lhl to* ehock of i,ia dincovtr
y might Ur eoltaye l, aa it war*. Owe Con
t, wii wai eeleetf"! to bw the diwover
rr got a [roaition aa statiou agent rto tlia
bantu I‘ KailrAad, *0 a U> Mwoi to imve
aonie excuse lor being in the nelgbb'vh<rod
lu Augnet Baruoiri w*.,t to C dormlo. ot
wuiainty to I'e.k after his ifietk lurqi amf ‘eri;,erair.e, ho inlyto be o >
|id|3 wjiej , t a- H . :'? r l iri!i < l>t"
made. 'J'hla waa ijorr accord'" v i ' tf.e
pi* *iranged p . ,a' and Ita: ;j piOmptly
oflerd S3O.<fKC or the find. WlMru tbe i
creduloua* pcop.* lirgari v. laugh, ll.uomi
oji-red t IG/JCb of any ’or e who coniL
prove ifia'i *lt<- gta.n was ritade by chisel ■
lie had toeui there, ihe r came the acirn
etr'ilic tea*. I’rol. Taylor bo eij in the
r oi lb giant, and ii tali, baring learns ;
that a certain kind ot cryatial khould he
ititimi try eteigUt ot han't, chauged 'he one
he had for the cluol the horiug
"oplwm-ot, wbieb war firel banded bint hy
tbe Frofeaaor. Ba uum had tbe atone
usui hi ought M, .4% huJ bt
tAryttitndWn. TLig if he.d td be one ot
bit moat ttupaodoua humbug*.
Dr. John M. luawrence and Ida wif* ]{*-
rbel. One itaughtdr of Preaident Jackwro’it
ailopleid aon, Andrew iackaon, hare Just
ceitor*te4 ir aifv*r wedding. Thjey
wore tbe cnetmnea 10 wbicti tbejr were
manied and tbeir niue children were Lbcu
attendant*. Tbe celebration took r r .co af
tba hermitage, where tbe 'venerable Mra.
Andrew Jacaaon now lives with b*r aoty
yurviviaf ana. ,
|boul nrmtry.
it i- “
Bfron’e |Ssfciiiness and versvtillty i*>
meiaury egt^ttd Us wonder of ai wh
knew hufilMb. lie seemed to have a
uiu.'tilude ji autiiors. and to liave laid m>
in htt he hrunght out cm the ivosf
sudden lb* best part o( whaf
they had j
Thomas Mmr* and! I n.f appear (o have
1 fitMikfW* itOteiy lor such a we! -reai
jg**n, fpotl, on the? coitraiy
was .tilt'd in this respect, am
began lu V-J[ liuod —bt>'oro he w
wupjftttn uSLuc ig—to tuknlulo Ida mf u ,
, “Mfiver nh4 A.J *>}'' tlie olii.border ballads
which wetw tUtpesied to him at bis 'grs-iT
and the hletour
aivi *taet r tp tiim by his sutii,
hstors hf iatijK l W* 1 ph Abet.
♦ W!>h3 *eeh t ap
*MRhiipwWi{>k. pnyvc**i
yearn of old, * *Mf '
f r P.lfetA Bp!"i m^St ** r *.
hJmT.w A 'pP
i^>i^s|^A>tjitirl pthcr, titnirtibjc
to lo Uortcto, €'i wbftt^rtr
mkt-i w*Uhpr ( tiifc VlfS "V" and
ug iwi ifi tkeJitriyTan ol el-iW t
By the time “>M. h>vnh>n •
Sbiisto tokto ry '
Uc wmjtld go with A fitp.T m s roAifiijg
tumieiou, e both i *rc aclo olmViSr,
and (Uet hfa death the survivor, lUen an
uhigt-OitlsJO*b pwmed John Irving, reWttd
how, though fts/pad with the ieatet i‘a
pUity, in**lo,c*yh)l hi? eyes ofer t|o
(,ngc, Hcott wa master ol it all week* and' uioStUs utltewai if. Thpmis {)•
t.V Piec, of HJowfelPt'p* of * riigUidi
‘Aiisiu-L%tu*, * man <! g'eui gtintu*, s
a insn n*#nl ami varied iearulug, wo
'orUuiaMiin tUs atip**sh>n ol a very re
toobvs and uaglul,memory, upon which he
i owki ißaw, and largely did dntw, at an
noth nr. , ~
AtmuMld* lw 'Harely do things
t*risb trom my metu ny Unit arc vvoltli i
vnetnbnring. Ku'.ibtdi peiisln-s inslnut y.
(tonou it is that tA-H*ges lu J.atln and Knr.
lull po. is, wbioli lunvct could have tend
hut .inwlui Hint |kht)' yswaago), often
begin tn blitea >|ii sttow whou I am lying
ti v nUo on b'o to eWi'p.
Uevnvuig Uoy>.
, s j, 1
W ilk* l>oys wlii try to hlp tin maelvea.
Every one ougiit tp ha friendly to them
1 lie boys ‘>l oncogy and nm'dtlon, who
muse a hijmlv eflort to do something lor
thcnuicTyia, ai* t’if Impo ol 'li cointri.
1,1 their a * *nt* always catch won)*
.id *‘Si.'*Uto*i*>‘ai and eiiuer, t-ir aunh
woi H, |ko tnv ii• Ip, brn /.U? to l't sail* <d
a si.lp, help to le u' Un-tit loiWnfd to 111*
• loatiustloit they vec'*.
It ig not ai"ay*-as sh-iul I b- In Htl
u spot. M-iuy :i In ut io.v been btolen,
many s\o ill -, imt-' ol itidn dry, animated
by bonorsble ”iu':-1 ~ bus Inn flisPutl*.
sp.i-d by the sour w ids, 'bp han li mid Un
]nat retrialka ol some unleeliug employer,
oi si roe nd'itivi- who ahould nave acted
tim | not to a B iur.!. I'Jie-. it nIL inking. dL
lid oOSsUler the Wtigiil With will'll such
fflirwlt* smo times Jsll upon a smisiMve
s.ilrll, and how they may bruit* and bnuk
11 you e nuut do anything to aid and
assist young men, you ought to uijstutri
-nun Miurw-log any übsUtoloa iu llitii way.
But cun you riot do soim-tluug hi help
thsin lor ward f You ciiu at least say (B li
st eel to them, and you can i*y it leell.'ig
ly bom your heart. You nuie know ol
now- rnncti Benefit 10-boy* sml young, itoeu
i-nconrlrjlflng eon rim), given flUy sod well
njmf in. iy M -, end la tbs great (lay of
StWftrArift, stlttf words addrevsed to lh*at- in
n*Al‘of tflhrii, you may find recsoiKil
amoftg y 6br good deeds.
Ttih*". Help Hie h<iye wlio try to help
tlteuieftlvow. You esn essity recall s-mplc
ftoids 61 kindness sddre-aed to yourke’l in
youy child hood and yotiib, aad you yvotild
now llte to kir* the lips thut *|>oko tlieiu,
IbsAgb they ntny long since bars iredri
si-aled with tbe sflnncu of death, and lev
eled with the clods of the valley.
Tl.n I tor An tseUe* ,l<■ wsr and which so much
attention )< rmwdirected, lairly teems wilh
historic m and portoc fuel* or In
tion ws*. first attempted by the Arjonaut*.
jjf)t\cr Jjtso'i.lii iMnoicii lor the Uoldeii
W**: ‘ M KMo<, x*r**i HfVf tu to
ut .1)4 Itrt*l(£- of Hist* for the invasion ol
/nw , not itoWie lore* of
If. and I/*nder became v/erld renown
ed. Lender, who lived at Abydos. <n
the Asiatic shore, was In love with Hero,
the 'react ilnl pritstc** of V- utis, at Settoi,
sad r**ii ilsiiy swam the strait to uieot Ills
mistiest- One dark and rtormy rii<hl he
mile I to ppear, sod when the lucltlcs*
H< ro visited the rbnre .the uelt moruirik
the waver had washed the dead body < i
her lover upoo the tandt. Overcome by
her loss, tiie plunged into the tea, and the
spot bw.ttne ever after sacred to tnrii
memory. On the Ad f liar ah, 1910, Lord
Kyroo swam Ibe Dardanelles at ths Mine
teiint in tevoty mlnatet. lie was socou, -
paints'! by a LneuUs'iiot Akenhead, whose
name has been handed down to posledt y
In thiaiine;
“Which Leander, Mr. AJu ahead, and 1
TUatwim irons Aoydo# to Beams is atili
repented yearly by Byrdndaoi trad tocrlsfe
and wl'i probably conliooe'to be aa long
a* the glamour of poetry and t/adnloo
n*a|s rotw J the spot -[cue, i
fieosgla's Tcuuiars,
i Messrs (Jordon and llill are reporli-d t *
tiavc made rtm-iras on tiir passage o! ill*
Ma'lliews' rcsnlul on tlia other day In the
Senate. Thry look occasion to detiue
-HM?tv-poiitoi*Mte*s -tollows-on Ura suver
queMion: ;
6 ionic’s vistvs.^
Mr Gordon, oi (.’eoryia, said he migtii
have s metbUtg to hay vvlirn the sdve- h i|
should come before tlin Bennto. He would
vote (or the pVeamble find resolution ot
the Senator Itotr. Ohio, becaiise he hellev
e i the teclisl ol tacts coii'alae-l therein
was Hue, ami Hie lertointimi suggested a
policy wlij;h lie believed to he
and J it- There was one thing, however.
Im. desiied to say, and that was lie leariai
tite cou.dty wssbeinjt fed to e*iH-cl too
much limn the noimn tiiatio i ot silver,
tie cautioned Ibe i>eople ot tiie country
against hu -h expectation-*, becfttieo they
would bo flis vppuinled It vest right to
cento tel tv si'ter, brtt it e-.ruM not give tin
rellr* expected. The eifi under which
tiro cottn’ry now suffered, In hl-t Jnilgmaut,
reiUTed Trotn a loflg series ot enWctmenis
Ettd a UJwj ii>ajrc)g! *ystrut.
thfi reinonctixttiuti o( silvef would give
i ■iiisf- by- • l>r*j*>.iptiu(*
system ol contraction whtoli h-Vserer, su ■
wilit aina's, destroy the prosport'y of suy
cnuuiryb T'tiWre was audlhor grwvi rv ssom
for tliu remonetization ol sfiver. It would
give the distryiweii people of the coubu )
suine hope, add time wns uo smell nmtt -r
tu him. It wfin'd eno itirngc the |s? p's to
beljove fhltt at last their vepns-utisllves
lie:o hud Jt-tgnnliuk, to call a halt in lire
system ol U-glilatlort which pmvided lor
uissHCH sum ivol- fov -the tnatscs.
MU Ull.t.'s UJts.
M . H.l ! , ol Ui-'Wgia, said lie c>u'd not
vote lot th resolution because it ulUiiuod
that the ilelits ol Ihp Uitili- i Hiatus to-day
i?fbe p* aide in silver dulists when theiu
were mi silver dulls/*. They luvs bm*n
and. tioyinl by film gUMiiimtu l ami how
cOuld sllvci and dials (iu paid tvhvu liro debt
ors tiad stitekiu them from Hmj coinage ol
(lie com try wai another question, lie be
lieved that tlm proper teutmiolizition ol
stiver would li a a pro it a Ivan
taps to jlto people at Umi country ut thb,
time. An impr'per resUnatloit at tho sti
ver dollar to the coinage *1 Ihe country
would result in evil. It would absolutely
hnpoVvriah tiro alias ly poor slid hunger
Ui already starving II tin; silver dolls!
could tie lomnuuuzsd in any way to diake
It equal to the gold and <ll tr, a good thing
would I.u 'kmii for the. Qountry. ifn he
leyel silver cmrlil bo made equal in vulm
to K**l I in threu way* t Hist, by Increasing
its weight ; second,by limiting itn coinage,
an I llitfil, by limiting ll* legal tender pow
er. lie behaved it would bo one ol tlm
tp-rntest iin-tiPiea i,v i matin by tire Amer
ican Cmigrcse to pass tlm pending silver
bill. He wouid not Void to uoiu a silver
dollar and again throw upon the country a
depreciated dollar that cheated nvaiy thing
thut touched it.
The OU o*]iii*t loam* that William and ,
un J Thompson Breen, ol Baldwin Jcouniy
age ie|-c'ivly ll and (l!l years, gaibct'id
this year, us tin- ir-(iilt ol tfiefr own labor,
0 hairs ol chiton, ii'H) bushel* ol corn, B,
OU) pounds of fo'ldcr, IOC bustiels ol p >tu
tors, 81 bueimki of grounu pea* and 10
boshols ol rl-r. They sio raised miu kill
ed tno gh meat lor amd|i*r j our. Thu
extra labor |biicd coat, them <OO. ll the
above i true, they deserve praiso and
'infieli [ raise.
Colonel C*ry W. Hlyle*, of IliO (JiUDM
vllie Eagle, ssys that a Ind 0| gojij tvoith
(iOO,OOO toft he* been discovered in
Halt county.
WILL bn sriid betwren the legal lioora
of sale fi the brat Twwidsy in
Mureli next, Ijeforo the Lourl bouso door
ifl the town ol Greenville, the luilowlng
prai-eriy 10-wH: Ail that trad ol Mud
known aa the Kerry place, Containing four
hundred acres mote or lase.lbe same being
in Ihe 3rd district of origlaallly T f*>up now
Meriwidbor County and bouuded as fol
lows ' on tbe Kuat by lands ol J. O. Cbrts
tl ia, Agl. Ac., and W. (i Bray, North by
tba Cheti-lxur* place. IVesf by land* df K
3. btfickiand, H. VA . Hheplicrd and Jfatdjf,
and bourn by isndi of K. L Dunlap, lev
tad on ks the prrypcity ol K. V. limy trns
tee tor bioibera and kLtera to rulitly two
fat b la’s aae lor tbe yaar lb7B and one
lai iba year 1*177, said U la lor 1b76 issued
try W. G, Post, the one lor 1377 issued by
J O. Christian.
at tbe lame lime aud place will be sold
one bouse and lot and oip; grocery bouse,
raid properly aitoated in the village ol
Woodbury iu Ihe lower tub district ol
originally Trout' now Meiiwelhw county,
■>ad Ixiuodcd a* MUwa : on the Kail by
laud* ol Mr. C'Caiu, Booth by Hail's Kerry
Hoad, Weal by a road ruouiog between
said uouae and tbe on - in which Dr. But
tod ia now doing business, and on the
North by W. P. Wbeelet*, tba aame Irelng
p .rt ot lot of land No. Vi in eaid district of
Meriwethsr coun'y, Ivcvted oa as lire
properly of Worthy A Justice lo satisfy a
Tax Hfa loathe year 1870. Baid (1 fa issu
ed by W. G. Post, T. C. Property point
ed out. 0. B. FLORENCE, •
S. M. C.
• NO. 9*
.. Atlanta, Us.
i) m’t torget to stop at the abort named
House wkes you go u> Alleata. 1 guatan
u-e as us lam ii>a* to .every lee/umlile penon,
aid charge only
1878. TUS 1878.
Atlanta Constitution!
POK 1878
Wilt maintain the reputatims it haaalrtadj
wen a* the leading southern datif. She
pa.-iicuiar leeutaa tsava lira U a
po|*jTarity that tnqft-t“tmoet be termed,
special, will u q only be cimtmfied, bat
such ivement* made as vdll ad
ditional toil vlv ifity and brilliancy to ite
Culun.n*. !o
TUU K1)IT K!*L WtrAllTmitT
all tlin topics ot the tlmo win candidly,
esiclucly and (Itoroughly lie discussed,'Sot
Bov y> iuu rxiont oi ledi6it*n*. Tha p
iliptl ‘• cajer’’ will lie b*ppfTj'reffi?ed bjr
-jvtq 'a6V ps-r ytjp'ffii&r.
lent event*. B**
I lie eu'erpn-w wi the t oManruiPrst ia
g .thenugnito iliac mg belorc Jts leaders
ilia luU st aud beshu*l ft out. all
l>irt* ot the,world, which hue. been fre
!<l<i<tuiljr rilusirsle 1 ol late on streniai aopa
uloiis, wlu n events of absorbing public Jo
hn “l wore traa*Uing. aud which haa
Iveu made the uht!"-T, of
c unnimil by both pies* and pooplu, will
suffer eo abatement. Tha naturala.lxaa-
Ugon vt tiio locaiuru oi the (huisHluilon at
the, com m ore 111 enter of (he
!?l ir, together with the special
that ait- tlm outgrowth ol energy, eipe
iienee an I aiiqdu reroute#*, will sll be util
ized for Hi# iienefft ol it* ton Jura. Its dis
I niche* are superior to iboStfuf any ißl'y
m-WHpupur south ol Nashville,and its now*
It fuller and feedior. In tb’>s inspect the
(Jolistilnlion bus uo rival iu 'Juorgis,
It writ la-tlin aim ol lire ullt rr* iu fu
lure, as it has been in tlm past, to make
ilieii paper In every respect reflex ot
Georgia’s prograss and Georgia’s great
ness, ands Isilhlul, vigorous aud uuswerv
mg-Gha upion ol Georgia's iulnrusts.
No effort or axpeusa will lie sfixrud to
nial.ii ilm (JunsiituUoii indispeoiabls to
the I nwyur, Merchant, Parmer and politi
cian, and to leuJur it equally welcome ia
the Counting-room and ai the fliuside.
“Old Hi' wiii continue lo utr Uls quaint
philosophy Ihi ougb Its columns aud “Un
tin Kanins" w ill occasionally wsrbJs one
ol Ids plautaliori sour,’i. The Supremo
Court d't-isi ns, utetiers lieiUli/iagto the
Exsnutivo bnsuivsa of tlm Hi ate, end tbo
prowedtngs ol tiie Legislature wifi all find
Unrir amplest him! earliest rtoo/U in the
Tim Weekly Coodltuiiou will Ire In ev
ery respect as newsy and ni entertaining
us Ilm daily. K w ill comprise svery lea
luin ol inieiest Hint experisne# can possi
bly -a carelnily edited resume of
Hie laic.ii news bom all parts o| His .world
and matters of political, literary, sciiuliflc,
ugiitultouii aud emmordai mortient will
find in its columns theircompietcst eotbotl
. intent.
TKIf.VIS : The linns of JsubstrlpVHm
are us follows : Daily Coniitltiitfori one
year, 10.00; six months, |AOO. Weekly
Co/istitutlmi ouu year, (JO ; six oioutba,
Always pnyahle in ndvonce. Address,
Tnit CoMSTrrtrrroiv, ‘
Atlanta, Os.
#eit uad] Cbeapetit Weekly
New KEATtiHEa Ann c tiwm Hrour.
- i*s f
I f J * J
in additina to it*
General News, Literaly and Agrlultural
With the issue ol JANUARY 9)h wa
—of the— f “
Volunteer Militaiy of the Btlte I
Ernliraclng a history ol each orgapization
comptlad Irom Um arebivaa ot tbe Htale
aud the contrlbutione ol promuicnt officer*
The DUtnlicr lor JANUARY Mtb will coo
tain Ihe Initial chapter* of tbe
Lluitv Binplair:
Bubacription $9 a year, 5 cents a copy.
Address f
jaii2Mf Bay unnab, (ia