Newspaper Page Text
TinrvrxTftieATu r j
WK T HkTILL Editor aid PfprtotO
■I -■■■ -—■■■■ I . "
48Ev , iLU6. tr im* is.i*th
——■———— ———
It I* Hated on tl-r *'ii • 'het <fi mm pet
ballad! t ko edrl* tbe ' C'eenhtck Vindi
cator * decline* to nee xny other (ban *
goideti Utip. Atttntu (Jcnutiivlivh
Even Ije*or the f*j* of Ihe i <
Peal the deOjifclcr# of Eve were tot ti of
equity i.| ml 'hi,nW-<unni)lH
-lo difier from or sietrra. If ** anu-i * g
we shoo Id not rd/.ct t > the
meet of e golden beip. -Hi 1 bile <ur tt
plraii n* ere biyli, * ■'coo neenJ to
thing* of lew degree, 14 n" do o i tie pm
the cheeper bet more a efui eiiver.
The Ce4r Town lUairii liu coi fed
bands, brother Weddey tat* <f the “D mg
laavll!# Medium," being now Edit r>end
Proprietor. We (oograluUl* our brother
tm the bendw nw ’get op" of M* papa.i
Md moat eor<itelly fcpmmend it •• •
good eprt/htly. oewv femll* pep*r.
fept, W. T. beams*. ib* city eitomey
ot AiUnt*, he* recently retowd htim
Weehli ft tm, whither be b*d gone to **•
pore mu to* ti* volant*** corps ot Geor ■
glo. Ia ea interview ebb' e conati'.uttoa
report, r be epeeht tboe cl otr Repi**uta
"(Maml lie'll* it • n embei of the no*
nrHltt uh weye end roren*, of twn* tehee
a conspicuous | *rt ra the p* weedi***, * B 'J
very)"*"?* o toostsksl I~e>t|?!.,i*.
The Oitffi* Mem tey* Judge John 1
Hell le epokew of lor Oongv***, in bl* die
trtet. Il bo med# e* good e i*pi**euteil*e
M he He* proven hlweell * J idg* hi* con
rtitueete could and. no belter Iben to rind
bine 10 < 'OBt'c*’.
WMhhtgien |yrir*py4.rr.
Ikar Vtndittt/tr ;
C"f>gr*V I# proceed-ng >e'Vl"Wlr
With the bi*ln*t tiet >f* It B ’lb t r *ur I
ea ere the lowet moving txMtto* ol wbli b
I ever Wad eny knowledge Wi,*n •'
lows du'log It’* hnlßtye the wilt#’ *■
asked II lb* arcotinl pt|twl.#l In tbe Vin
DICATOH before 'lie t'l.rletma* fine* " K
the noise end ortftfulon in the Hon **•
not e fline *"ge;ete’l. Onr fj'teeitonr'
was In'' rmed that h l*r Lott being
otriiliawr ptoliite It toll from h"it ol li e
elect n#!!ty Two week* ng wo bad
Whet l ytyled lo cngtcelonet pdrlenc > •
Held Vay in tin llonrr. On enrh ft *
alnre lb *l' eker ginvely ri n.rli the! no
bueinr eld be Ifen'eoted do lug the day.
He then cells tome member dedron* ”•
tbe rrrii'ty dlyiloclb n to the c'leto eod
then turn* the "marblne" l""*c. 'I limn wb"
have written eny* | r*perel either '>v
lli*nirlv or libnde the 11 m one * f
ter knottier end ppek tln-ir piece* mticb
after tb* manner if ecbnol boy* l com
mon it hoot rahlbliion. I welched the
House clorely tbo dellrcry ol one "I
of these eet oretloce end dililng en entire
ball hour, by tbe click." I *a not a *1 >•
gin man, women rr rhi'd paying the eligb
teat attention to tbe epeekrr. Negt week
your coircepoudent ,rsw 10,COO piloted
copies ol tbii vpctc.b, rarb ropy neatly
folded an 1 placed In an enve'ope reedv lor
tnalPng. Them are lor home eoneump
tlon. Eet.b member cl the llm’*i‘ eml Bro
ate ha* a c >py placed In hi* lex *' ‘be
Poet Office, while Ihe Odgir.sionsl Rec
ord, euppHed bee to meuibure, be* l'**
eemn epercb clreily prin'.cd Ib It* p;r
You we twllnve In pi oUn *
isk, and ww*l they mey lor tb'e same Ink
baa made greet men out nl some rcry
common tneltn't'. Your rceders might
Imeylre tbet tbe B*n*;r, etippoeed to be
composed ol ebier and more ffifolfietd,
learned and veuctab’e men,* phsfFnted a
diflereut aud mole imp< slog *i ect to tliet
ef tba d.aouler'y Hou-e. In re.diiy,howev
er there la net much dlflcrrocr, e;ce, t tbet
Ibe whispering* of .eoator* ere e li.Ke
more subdued then tboee nl repmen'A
tlvea. Laat Wednesday, bearing that
Judge Thurman wa* to ineke a ep*cli oa
tb* silver question we concluded to go
round and bey %lm. Reaching the senate
chamber, wa Lib d that Judge Tburuen
bad jaet concluded a short ibeu*ilve and
naanswerablc argument, and that senator
Chrtatlaacy,- be who want l# the Treasu
ry, yon rvmemoer, m t Ilka thousaoda do
to filch gold, but to etas Ia wife,—had tba
fioor. Mow Chrtottoiicy, In addition to be
ing credited with tbe go. A sense ci many
lag a poor but pretty and Intelligent young
wlto ia an old lawger, for m*ny years one
of tbe Judges ol '.ha supreme court ot Mich
■gen.and wm sent to tbe aenate on account
ot kto great legal Uarnlag and cl aincaa in
Oi|weaalng lilt oplnlona. Standing behind
a polished roahegeny desk, on which were
piled fllteen or twenty huge vohimrs, lie
wm reading a speech to which a* one was
1 tat ruing. Gathered in little knots the
gram ‘•conscript lather." wer*
cracking Jokes or tpinlog yaroa. On the
democratic aide we saw a group compoveil
of Voorheea, G*n. Renaom, Jones ol Fior
ds and B'.alne. These were enjoying a ec
ctolchot aa pleasantly at if Blaine had
tt)cl hoard ot the bo>rora of Auderaon
ville or knew that Ransom bad aided in
consigning R> bloody graves hundred* ol
Union brave*. Just across the aisle were
aaaambted Conkllag, Ben Butter, who had
m alkod in from the Hoose,and two or three
iMHr radical I‘ghts, all seeming lobe en
joying some merry joke tkat old Ben wm
nUling. Near Cbrivtiancy eat Barndde,
the doughty hero of tke Frederickaburg
elaughu*. quietly r adiag a newspaper,
while bard by eet Heoatbal Hamlin, once
viace president, soundly doubt
tailed to real by tbe eoioreut and moooto
oowas tones ot tbe Michigander. Nothin*
danmed, the old mow 41. t ku-aixz a :1k
spoke oo anti he reached llie list sheet of
! oiecutcrij l and lieu tame wearied senator
, souvui s erij urouixaU And Ik'S "it the
j f * on why ti.e bovine** ot the pufrHc i*
trensafled so tardily. Hu', w hat (n oor
M. > '.'a cer ; ‘.cay <:i wTEHI A “-P 1 di**
an J Can thu afl >fd l" make pro /
i n+#chti to beh tin on iUno md ail c >
t uo! oi.e in * l.uiiiiicl >-*<;’ rrt.t!.
j Ti"- *i!-t H.TI ti.. he.‘n tto,'e t'. l ; Its
' *u-vver eiyce C Jiiatme* and e.*ry aco. -
f-tor tiae a 1 ilia- lier-'iieJ h' ln wi.‘ r
vote, yet lh: v le ia (' ( ■ <ud oetii *tt
eenaiia wb • * oe to an tu .ke
ea elut tl*e loan *r ol the one ah >v ■ nu' f
ikroed. Kirrn* mty (ail. the pe pie me;-
still' r, dweeter thc-aleo ell, hot the ai.‘
•nuot wall until •!) tbeae H'tu bariugoe
s e reaii, \*rU>tt * dacieioa i retched !
pl*guc,ey we,on >1! aucti legUieti n. 1.
10-,ka mote like chi I tivb play Uieo 'be *c
lion ol eenedile me .
We *re laid that it t* better to te • door
keeper m the bouee of the Lord thee dwell
in the tenia of x kwlnrea ; Hot • deor
kcepi ruf ibe iluntedu V rnff, eeemr to
b bveet by ell eort* ol ml*! mtiric. Is the
ioet II use, the Si at over which the demo
crat* eiereteed control lor. * peil 4 *
twenty /ran, the party Joetrd it wipe liewt
to get rtd of the Tbthutf*. ttt
ply beceuee be felled to appoint ei! bW
li lends to < IJlce and wrote HirweHt down
ee e “biger man ben Greet." Tbe p , we*
-eul doorkeeper, (hi. Polk, I* unde-gotuf
to ietf*Ug*!i"ti at tbe liiator ce ol eoroe
* .redded /rtend* ~ lletvew the
word Irian.:, - Whom b Ultad la iawtai; im
g<), let üBUm At I'mg ta Polk kept
them It ..ffloe k* wtt t pttilH, t *;ho!er
tnd a g* .Uetaan; bet wbee they l-l Ue f
placet end n > longer be*r 1 the rouatral J.*-
gle ol ihe golden doetla * they Ml Into
Ihrlr oeletut' bed benda. *ll nt #*> Pxk
U'cema a acaaandiel end unworthy ef con*
lhe# dt* iiUr'-d <l
-ficial* bled <hero to tb rot cl* *> and re
| veaia.l ihe deep riittlny ol lhlr lorme
lithnd *• and <!cn"crtle tico'her. A h>i<
• a theac pork minded men, t/ft.rjtn; t*
I their own atnry, ahar.d i ,m prefl'e tiCj
a*w rioiliing wrong, hui * lo*t ol piece
f..lia. and a **cl ai|ge 1.. com- over 'll* eyirlt ol
Ibcir (Ireiirna " The r.irnmlllc ,* m)-wlty
of whom an. democrat*, will mtke t fb'>r
ougli and eetrcblng inva Igtihiu, "J,
h Here, do natrdtt aeve wbtl to Jor’le* tp
jicilaln* Polk belong* to the old blalofh;
family of the ua-prreldent, and doubt,
Innoc nt ot l r charge* prelerted ega n* 1
l’a**lnu Ui* f”"m it M*. Mepben* tb*
other oltlit * r.' ni luded to naif '>n the la
muu* IR i rgin eud eii'i'itr* el’ff hie
We found him in bl* filling rli*i’ end no*
usually cheatlul. Tu ur Inquiiy be ewbi
Ilia! Id' In ddi wm bolter during Ur*
pa*t I*" y oars' 110 be* a remarkabt# lac
tlby ot vrritkir>w *ll te* I *y In tile O'Mltpw*
try and l'* *n Inflrrlt* lund f ÜB'flh
n-nre *n 1 atrenlot# upon wliich be drw*
lergrly enforro and il'U-lfele hi* arguiitem -
arid oplnlup*’ Ha is at, tor i *
tlonal eld itt ther constflH’t on ol the 8 ut'r
erii F’ltifli railroad and think* eur.'i a ri ed
would do for the eo,ult wl,ei the but ding
ol tlm title rued did f>r Ctrerokee Georgia
in 1536 he predicted Ihe luture gie.lne**
ol Allanle end Irefure * cabin we* erected
upou lie preeenl site he tooi * weyetd#
lunch Under a stately nek that .tnod where
the magnificent Kimball House ha* vinca
liecn erected end proplrcded to bi* travel
ing companion* Ihet where tlrey then stood
would one day arise a mighty and oputoal
city. He ththks Ihe Gate city la destined
to he the large., t Interior town Of the no
ilrc south. N wo, *ays lie, give oa the
great Southern I’aciflc and our ('resent ch
rid will hr In 111 up and new one* spring
lido iX'*t nr r In Irvball ol the ent#rpri*e
Mr. Stephen* Is Imluvtriuualy working and
much may Iw expected itoin hi* adV.rcr cy
of the meauire.
As Mr. Stephrn* wa* born on the ttih of
Ftbruery, 1813,-he will be efxtj-sia year*
old ta a lew days. K*en though eo greet
an in valid, he is one of the most aoticea
ehle men in the House. He oike at the en
trance to the main aisle immediately in
front of tl< speaker’* desk, havl.ig been
allowed th* great privilege ot selecting hi*
owe seat bebrra the drawing took place.
With bat and gloves on ha rolta to and too
lo his wheel chair eod le avwr an attentive
listener when bueinee* of importance ie oo
head. He ditve* to ilie eap toi in a cleee
carriage, trout whence be is carried in a
chair by two offiong men to the speatm'e
room Whore be remain* until the opening
Of the daily an*loo. Leading men of both
parties are ccuetaatly found ol hit desk
aad *ll hare great cooAdenoe in has judge
Improvements are going oa her* ell the
time notwithstanding the financial strin
gency. Since Christmas a very fine eques
trian statue of Geo. Greene ha* been pieced
in position alone of the meet prominent
places io the city. A similar statue ot
Gen. Thomas, the reeegrade Virginian
wbo gave hi* (word to Uaa North in the
late struggle, is being erected near tbe
White House. A Urge and coatly soldier*
and sailor* moaßaaeot is ia process ol c >m
pletion fust at ihe toot of eapitoi hill. This
srili be th* torgent monument in tba city,
and will cost many thousand* of dollar*.
Tbe capitol grounds, which comprise fif.y
scree have been greatly improved ainoe
I Drat aaw them ia OCober laaC Jfot
wlthatanding Ail ihto there am thousands
people out of employment and the mild
winter has been a great hleseuag to .nil ot
them. They are ciamorout for wogk and
are daily besieging members of congreea to
vote money to carry oa pnbiia works fa
order that laborer* may dad employment.
Take it all in all the poor man stand* n
much better chance to gain a living ia far
ming in Georgia than making his fortnue
in Wasbiugton-
-——-~ I ,■ * ■
C STI s UEu FkOM l*> PAGE.
>e keep those wlro phtilith them ashamed
tor a gcaentturn Ur cote
-ft ie’m'pwbtic oeltMky that to Mtav
too t mm- even la Cj great -will raebiy
■ ..■a.i,.l ll.amiae i Ui t aaeruurt- hffefy
on*y t*prolcaat objec', bip,
;ir real object. Sfvcy who < commit
lliCrti*l>* tiave not the ne'Ve t r# * *
‘'fiit-r sieprC If Wra- Uce* tiffc Igad beam
a* weir a ode's’oo lat fteeiel gi cow, 1
to no*, hclia ve it Cmtrf eoaunt and ee-ca a
<*aj-e€t-'le vote la ektf hwet*- Aed "Wt
id' the et'crept t* pare thh> hill—v>- plea*f
ole at fiml view—a p-wper bfi might b*v
wen pa eed long at tee.
Hot par<lob me. 1 apt "at >o wrl'e t pri
vata letter of (beat* hi yoa for your J r*t
aofJa la y behalf. Ia >W hrv* wrlt'ca
tnach Ihe* l r you ehouawyen iney leecrt
it in ti e Hepciier to that my Meed* c*
all read I*. W><k title jrtew 1 will add a
w wide;
1 be public mm beta may be diabdwd te
rn tbrae rta.vee oa the ea .aacy qaa.tVa
1. Thoaa who befkma ia Ihe gold *t*ad
ejd ee lhaoaly aUadnrd, who would be**
a at'vec tfdPar, eead aaly ireotrmai cflver
a* a Ktruaty tkaw c rfaajm
I T'.om who twPeieffceha iltl Me an
mr-Ptc cat .eaay. a* ,edW. 1 atthar
gold or • *ve, lee. mho Upek wa ebaeht
dare eu'y ea l'ed*eaanle paper esaaey
tebairn** ha 'the gove-ameat whi-m
they ee*! eh o!i-e aeoaey. Three ‘mwe
ib mb the* aH the esp*Wee oft ha prw h
* fie, od tbe Idea >f •tetit'tc ttawiard *e
*aj' < "mam r*wi
itvdara'oml ibe aneraocy 't*Pbw esti!
ittelr advent le the wartd. Tb e all eap
poT tba ttUod f*vrc fcßt, bc*aaa taay he
I'tv* that bid a ill d'iv** all tt* aotd freai
h* co>ot.y, amt rhat • i tre I1 eo raileve
Ihed -.ft iof thr C ; I s meaCidr
vlouiut* rnonry (i-rc l.ewtahfe pepe-j wt.l
h vt aib >< af t 'up ‘e-”,-
a. Tho * who deelre both gold end sa
ve a* tb b't ei wna cy, ed w> 4<
. f in Si the l*J rs value* of the two
m* t i'*, ea to put ae l kei> h tl la l
c **ll4ll, and •*•* to bv*e * good a*u pa
p*' eir ir ry that *b* it* 'j is to gold or
, '*tr Tt ta etplbet >*■'mu t y *t
hW i (•• errpa all and tb-a® • rmtefeu rto
ry la t-i. > ula’iot logr***r. and that e a*"#
i *’i c.’i M ** it #i H i* tM|tit:
i ilu (.milailie, p*t|riry *il| rw< *re P>
l> 1 eop’e,and rbet the eayrie ii nl cur
r* iry unec -r, l .at #e #>. I.k# an a m*
o' fliea, bi rs *g 11 "ifb tba eoav'r a I
|ju owe lHe tri , dertyrd money
loe.lltl'ro, wflf tixfllie Biem il ei tloa lo
Uf .1 by to b-red tb**, *l will |** away
w , of’ lu.erer
t> op ,ifl) i. fiid. 1 beking to thie third
c'af*. f)u y- u fwltjnj tv either <1 'be <th
e* I Thl* ellvcf Pftil hot • eki*nti4h
The g tl a'rugg'e la lieli'od and will be
fought ,b. l a ecu <b Mi ned end third dee
ea, w o’l f it n the Mlier *>t whirb *ere>y
m -'I ihf}4 go W cit r lit in* m* i Joined
I rviifcot hnibt fleet /td , i f ibe
|v oo eof Gw-wl*l be Joet eraclty
where 1 #rd M the edv*. doitar. the gelt
do'iar an I ttin p'her dollar, an arranged
mil CHII et)wtt be*(va( 1 the ether, ewl
el’m cl ciiJalHt twgwtli*- With high rr
gi de, I tm ymi'e veiy lir'r,
. Hear ff Hit'.
LtO'on j Ifi/iorltr )
Ihe Fape’* Drnik.
Baltimore, Fl> B.—This niOf* ! ng AccJi
Vh4W Gihi'one nnl'lW th* UtH'>!io hit
rtw that al u’u* O ' !<m a he htd te an offi
dally Inhumed of the Holy F.thet's draih
am) bad w*n reqnvi'e't to communicate
the earn* IntetHgeec* to (be other Are>>-
It ia suin' that Cmgrtes e very ter be
h'nd wilh tbe rnuiin* boemeav of the eew
km. Tbe first week of February ha* pea.
ad, and nos a single epp'opristtoo bid baa
ya gea throegh th* House. Other toipor
-1.4 t billa ere at id ds'ayad le committee,
and promise to remain tba* for aoise time
l/e"'icg member* prophesy that tb* aeso
ten will leal li i August. NotwMhelaadtng
this, n cmbeia couimu* to imrodne* Mila
olaaoet witliout limit. The total asm her
iii 'm.eced thus far ia tour thousand seven
hundred sod tea. By another month this
wiUeacaea five thoueand. Two-third*
a c privale bill*, w bkh properly belong be
tore some judicial tribuoai or eommtesion,
and which should net burden the commit
>cee of Coaginv-fea JFrwa
JO 15 a. sum & 0 0
Dry Goods, ciotkiae. Boots
Shoos. Hsta A Croekegy
We have aided to our general W.r*
Gouac and rcery Rooms a n*
next door to oar old stand and will keep
on hand a large and complete stock of tb*
above. We have alao in store th* celebra
Wagooa, nod t fine tot of BUOOIKB from
the beet Mannfectory ia the North. W*
are agents tor the beat 01 US sod J* MSS
ES and tbe well known
HbUmbl u 4 EUwsb Coß^ssi.
W* mil the kigheet grade ot rERTILI
ZEHB, asd hv* them now la store, ready
aw'iMexxming agaer n. Wa pay the hi ch
est market price tor cotton, and make Jib
end advance* on cotton ringed ia oor
WAREHOUSE. W* bay ear good* di
rect from tbe manufacturer* and ha each
qaautltie* aa le enable us to sell them oa
lew a* th* loweat, and we propose to give
oor patron* th* benefit ol car porch seen.
Coll and are oa.
J. R. SCOTT 4k Oa
Went Point, Sept. 38th, 1877.
e; Ac.*,
f* ,
c. ti . , ■ ’
Boots k Sh**,
Garden Beecin,
\ • *e ■•■*'■■■■••• ■?- rj
Plow FixtttTM,
Oardun Tool*
wtre Ik® Urgrat we
ll* ee f*r ifede .6 ooe yen.
FOR 18Tb .
vt k nor* TO maii them
SUM Larger.
il! Wk full n tbo jf-ar ouml
•nd will t* Jijp !owett
Cash Prices.
Our Third Lot
Tkl* Winter
oar eedar wf which
m 7At iml tier w*rt."
and l bee
Tb* largest portion of
Importers k Mtnnfacturers;
, B. N. ELLIS.
•,U K SsthiaE 6
1 A Burns
It Selli the Eatieet and always Satisfies.
AGENTS we nak yon to try it, hied offer you Racial
Inducement*. Send for Circular A Price* to
Iff Wa VWtt Meg ClMtmMli. fg
JL. C. JrmmtJrtiEK, Atmmmger.
**H WE Vtm ■
m Tint ntntr
Ccamptou’* lm er'.ai Suep fc the lira!,
( fa|iti'a lm;>eci*i fwwap ta the He*.
.('wpum’t lai*>l: S'bap ' tbe licet
CrampMi'i 1 i- -ta* b *.p ?* 'he ileel
Cramptwa’a Impecbai b -ap ie'lb* lic-r
C'raaiytoe’a ’ia.;*f:a. bv-p *a ;4* Ho'.
Cieuipt tm a I j*rl buep le tue Ho-'
Cremplob s boap la '■* H-4
( ramp! j'e tuisw'i'i ' v, *|i <* in. li it-
Cia<epti‘a Imp*! lal Sssap * tk Ibrt
fbla lke;> i* t.e ,fai N.rrd u-wn jeirr
ma'.cftwla . end aa It <, Oeo-a a
ieige [^rs; ’ag* ol .V grl e
Ot*, it * aftat-'c! lu"v
4;<|<tel tu loe Lia-a! Im
{wnled < e.tiie
HMp end
at ibe
loi.* r * -
tsibe ail tt.
w*al.-Bg *i 'rjv
a,( ntoarrtie* cel It*
cet.beeicj tifiwte a 1
F cnrh l,a* dry it la
tfei trUi • l.Kunnii'ft ,*,! 1 . 01. in
Ibe Lie dry, Klblieli ami It.'U H us
end tor g*-- **i t*o.i i*M iwsf;.
|r I' lO'er*. I'e'fl n. , En,-
awa and Uvbinni', e<
it a 111 fcfov ep,
ef I .it, r, -.*
Te-. O l,ettd
from ihe bend'
.H i/.-<r*4 >. 'y bp
i RA!ilKr*'N liHOIUTIIA,
Jli>a 2 t r, n ~ ) 10 It t*ge a f‘ a> *
Sn. n,! 1", .l.f! >* J* r **. >'■ wf n
For '\ : v
i:*tHiv-*N A Rltryt
fiH) t O —J tb-dnery's <>m •
Merle*’he* *.*••• 'y i
Wbeme <*. C Rr Um A )mini'' f 4
lor m the <‘V- of lc*i< It ao i*'t i-g
decceeed. ** >r t; . r>e court that h
b*< fully *. mini-'e" I ’He * a’e r.laaw 1 da
Ccaeed.aitd epp’ii* lt * •tea ot dienii* n
IfbwTSe lr ;* a* Tstr A -ttntntjtrwor
Tbit ka therefore to cit* ebd ad mo lab
ell cooccrecd h fi < their objecieeM, U any
they have, on or before ’be ft ret M ■* ’ey
In Febftjexy 1 STS, to show caoae why eaid
Adminietrator aU -Q’d nut receive letter,
ol dsemi**too from aaid iroet.
Given under my band an ’ offl Ul eigna
ure. Tbit
I viil keep oa hind ail during Use •-5
eon eereral standard brend ot Hni’d* ca.
including PENDLETON’S end ZELLB
These fivnuitt- have been Iborougbty
tested hi ibts eectioo tbe pwet year by owr
beat Panmaand they have given per
fect trti-facti n. I will bacd> hryely, bit
can only sell to parties, who have paid up
fur ibe past year.
GEORGIA— i Ord mary 0(Bc*
Meriwether County. , g Jao.Sod, 187®
Whereas tbe estate of John F. Fu! er,
iste ot said county, deceased, it unrepre
sented (by reason of tbe death ot A. a Ros
ter, lato admiaistret r of said estate.) and
said estate not being likely to be represen
ted ; These are ’.herelore to cite eod aa
monish all parties interested whether kin
bad or (creditor?, to show canoe if any
they have, oa or by tbe first Monday in
February aext, why the administration ot
raid estate should not be rested in the
Ciok of Superior Court o f raid Ccuni
and letters ol administration dr beet* non
be grontod him.
Given under my hand and official signa
ture, this January Sod 1878.
O. M a
- - --ZZ2* fflPfflßSO
■■■" ■
Qetinj ihplgi Totot
*■ w**4md pew ft alßMtol !■> sfilrn tm
4*~fc.g |mtkm u. Way Uta*
r/.na iyrAMiy ft, taM
'••' ■“• Am m~j Wa. mnf a*4 —r* tm iHatt
mm 'J.M .>4, m, (Sal ' Jw. M
i'L'Z’rt '"-lIV *“ "Ik
or YOUR own
'JI ,; i. !-.! i>eJ ... Ame ie* Acree
i 1.,,’r i N ' btmsi. , on tbe line ot the
Ine I*4,ilit flail i*j now lor !#. JO
*t '. 'li-' icivrti, ‘tiUttgijpoly 6 per ecu’
f hi *'4 ;u,c t,n*y leu!, for sale on the
1" f'hl- t, r.I II .i, 'a*il, ' b*- tV'Wjd**
* *"■ >d Im The New l*i<n**r,”
' 4.'. - (>,•' lif Ibo** ,-4*kin* new
**,-r pni-loin-d. Full it.iunoaiMMi,
th it *t4 i.i Fat*. IT K. DAVIH,
I-, A. 't.' t I* If. It.. O ha. Neb
I > " !l - (’ ' ryiM 1 In a
I daVjW NCHFIUI |i I* tin uiaie tree
Age* '• " ,"<■! It ,t* • b*nt. Ald test A.
’’ M >MT’N , A'i-I*. Ga
I f | / *bi [XI r I’..'uf llj k If im,
I > I " I My pi .n l>eai, Bi •„ nike
“ *'• * I-' 1. iM-.t, and pay* yoi flu
* s DaVIIi f t (HiK.t 'hl ago. I*L
work: ron all
’■ th* a> n- i !-*, r*-iva*i'ig I>r tb#
V*i r ("I'ergi-dJ W*rkly end
Uofilhiy Paper to the World,
-iitii M ,ri m-nl, i noHii, y<r. It'C Coto
'*> t A ‘I fn* end thilfit
Ire*. A drr., I* O. Viehcry, Augueia
M <w
Ja 1 Fine Nitad <>rd*. win,
/ mu. !■) t '., pod pid. La JONK9
♦ i'll, N. * . N V.
| > I \ \T /v (J Betult fi** |#
I I, V i> UH -oiy *2OO Air
i:T .i . ll4O, inly SSV P*per
" It ¥ lt*-iUy. Wi>*!ilfg!-.n. N. J.
id.)| it j PKH MONTH made eelllng
V— ' *tH* 'Jyyww/>p* or Planetary
I ■< Hi k<yx S tioi ary Package Magic
Pen ( o ink reij'ji'ed). Cali logo <; ol Aeent
Cinciaavti, f>.
rxri.mon a tor couetuaptpvn. A*k your dnig
gi’ tr I’. CPcnisrv tree. AddreM
O. 0. M'*. 18 Cr-tlend Ht. New York.
at ti e It' Mb. Piano and Oryao Wat ova
Lt’DD’f.N A HA'i'Et bold tbe field. 1000
choke iostfumen't from right reflebt* ma
kers at fact wy ra’ea I om*n*e bargains.
Ageau' commieeioe given parefaaears.
Ne* Pisno* $135., $l5O, 170 ; Hew Or
gens 40. 50, W. Mr ye*rs guarantee.
Sent oo 15 day* trial- No bumbog. Ho
mierepreaentaikm. Head toy BButrated
caieiogoe. Bpead offer and draalar ea
povtng irupoehioas of P.ani * Organ trade
LUDDEX & BATES, Seraonab, Oa.,
Wb lesa'e Piano and Organ Deaton
a. j. ui*i. pro f. wa iui
Seer Atiaata and Weal Potnt PuMagw Itopet.l
The bust attention gives to the cum tori
ol guests. Polite Porters at every train.
Term* ISA* pet Day.
PatreMea lelMod
AtlantfcL !Paper
Artourra OwnmatA.
ALL Sixes and V^kti-
Addrcs* JAS. ORMOND, Proprietor.
Refer to this near as a Specimen of h.