Newspaper Page Text
THe]Nw f.bwrch !>•■ trine.
bt wn.r, r.<f?l.■
There’* Citne * *!n fc ’lar doctrine, Sue,
into our chuwb i <!y ;
These ear'ur world* are wti.U the s'
Yeung preacher* had to y ;
That literal jm-rlaMlo' Of*
W a* raoesiy in am eye ;
That sinners devLM they Jc*ire,
Can get another try ;
Ji* J nibbed U a warmer clime
Tho th it World <**& he pro fed ;
To* little snip ! f*r some ti.ii
Ur’liget 111*; -loads removed
lee watcho Imy duly, straight an' true.
And tried to do it well ;
of Ui llnia kept l.eavcti In flew,
At' part oieerad clear o' hel.' ,
And u#W hall ol tut* work is naught,
II I Hitil list v> idm,
A n* Hi la ‘era devil J have fought
Was only juft a whim ;
Vain are the dauber# I hava braved,
fpaffhe sacrifice they cost ,
ForwSet luoTri* Wtarsarrt,
li no on* e!ae la duet f
Jut think ! *um>o*, when co<e I view
_ Tba haavao I ft toiiJ to win,
A lot of*unsaved nMnir*, too,
Comet wantin' jfattdly in !
And’ acta to home, aatti* an tl th*y
' • lit! r*;:d tlielr IHica clear,
An’ look* at me, a*-if t ®y,
•Wife* prtad to a** y*t>< Ihhs I"
Aa If la aay. " While you b** baan
Ho fest to ice Dm mark,
Wa walled till It rained, at>' then
(iot ticket* lor the ark ! ’
Yst there would he me In that crowd
rdf; Jlher like to M e ,
' ThN wa* ini woiß< ; *ffi'o •fWfe- * *-
I've alsvaya lelt somewhat to 1, on",
In several iliflarcnt wye
That he lay down on thorn* ol ihame
To end hi" tioyliood’a day* ;
And I'd h* willing 1° endure,
It that Iha lird thought leal,
A mlanti 'a quit* to-t temperature.
To f'h*p him to n>r l.roatt
Old d*| tarn Hunt on wu i-vil'a
With heltn<i"*y i iam r.r * ,
l Tim 1 to think heV he Ihe on .
JtJJ any utr* wa* darn no I ;
Hill, wlmn I mw a I'd o' poor.
That lie had clulhnljuul led.
Cry deriolntely round hi* door
A* oon a* he waadcad
Thera came a thought I couldn't <• irilroi,
Thai In noniH noulral land,
J'd like to meet 111 it scorched-up <*!,
And alinhe It hy the hand.
Poor Jennie Willi®, with a ery
Ol hopeless, and distress,
; Hank midden itown, one night, tc die,
All In her liall runn dress ,
Hb had n prr loti* little while
TANARUS pork up an’ away ;
Hire even left her sweet good smite
‘Twas on hi* lace nest liny ;
Her soul went off uncloth’d by oven
" vine niton of saving grvie,
How could she hope to go to heaven.
Arid’ start from inch a place f
but ooeo when I lay shvk u’ weak
She cam*, ami begged to slay ;
Hire kissed my laded, wrinkled cheek
Bha southed my pnin away ;
She brought me swett boquet* ol doner*
Aa Ireah a* her young heart—
TH rough many I eng and ladloua hour*
She played a Chrlalla i pr rt
And era long will stand around
The htntng saint* auunux.
I’ll try to take aonro water down,
To coot floor Jewaw’a longue.
But tear* can never quench my creed,
Nor amooth O id's righteous fVown,
Though all the preacher* learn to raid
Their Bible* upside down,
I bold mine right side up with Cro
To shield my eye* from sin,
An’ coax >jo L rd, with daily prayer,
To call poor wanderer* in ;
But if the tinner* wont draw nigh,
And take salvation's plan.
I’ll hare to Hand aV see ’em try
To dodge hell it they cau.
JVeir Fork Time*
• —w.—i.i. —gi^—■ 9
There Is, In thir country, a foolish prej
udice against the t*nn hrervant’ \N hy T
What hi the true meaning of the word 7
A glare 1 No. An luferloi T Not neccs-
BStily* The definition is very simple:
(>ne who aerve* or labors tor aaolher.
What is there degrading in that T Every
one la or should lie laboring for or serviug
other*. That there are different degrees of
serf Itude do one will deny. Ihe rank or
position of each one who server must de
pend largely on the ability of the servitor,
and the quality and character of the work
he ofleit to hta employer. The President
is the ‘servant ot the people ;’ the lawyer
othts client, the physician, of his patient,
th* clergyman, ol bis church and congre
gation. the mechanic, ol those needing hi*
special service*, the laboring man, ot the
tarmer, and the cook, ol the mistress of the
house. Each receive* compensation in ac
cor dance with the importance ol the sc r -
Tlce* rendered, and the terms mutually
■greed w>.—Metre* ftvm artuU m Home
Oe* Bin*, h Mrt ***"l Ward IttetA^r
It apeak# for iuetf; i* what a lad/ said
of Dr. Bull’s Coogb Byrup the other day
tor a tingle bottle cured my child ol a
most dreadln! couth.
I. rttun BA, B. H.
Mr. Waterman —l detiro w exf.res* ray
tfraoks lo you lot tbe simple justice >Ou
iiiare done me 7 Being at* boaorabte mgu
|">o /'3e.‘J l you Jmve ittta tuoMy wmgu pf"
! H ji fit you CO€iC*rj V* to
j <e* from tat! on the Si ver questi-B, wit)--
i out ÜB.-tai irlng > y |e rijal intc/rdy fc
official fl-Jeli*:- - ll all eiit-Jiv were tq aEy
,j Ji ad tru.iifiii, the pft-*a wcui r be
1, twini —stirusa :-.d levs ■ tiesmtiifki
itur 'i'* J!/ a liftVC
a wn.i /|u .h . i <lO .... j -ad .i I *
‘apprec ale ad iu dr, •.j !.• '.i *
ajaatty whog* pwpfe havoK-mp* sue .on
ger, nn i know'/ufc t>e ter than an/ peopJt
i on rtd* earth, sr/tl vour iu*adr xsdi' ta h*vs
! fund the warned piac* in my tusar!.
: Wt'Snever U.a pa q,> ftMipr tt-ntt ty,
alratl ary • t!<at lacy
I neve that l have !*; or can be W-flu-
I enewd l>y a loeicenary uf net ci iwttyve m
i tue die. itaryc <4 my puJiiMt det<**, ot by
i any oower o'.bsr thao lb* loon <4 itm -1
< -rott. tior.r. 1 aba I bow u*> goad acU u -
! tire troin public ~10 T/ae tact tbat tbOte
i who have known h*s
| liavi: never Warsi i in tbeai cootidrswe* to
u;r, and 'bai to*., in u,a%a of th matt fry
trig ordeals of political an 1 pcraoaat biato
ry, K to me a aour<c ui anatoii which tio
office or place eobt give. These who
! iMi mt have Mtu shsadwrel we. Tfibas
I who do rot know me often a’atiffsr tea-
I with a sea i.iog rlih vquated mly oy
their Ignrra-.rr '. I h ar, t>. who ht* l "
t-roateff u.B -bare iti
tn the on4,Jtti4 ttetttt sh all *JC.
But ils jni really iMsi ekk m#sw pi
sllvr-rqmwtl.m f Y m think tiwrHy )*bi j
do. f think, wilt, i .ol)de, yoll Jr not.
ttorj I y.-iitorf tkf* | redo bon saw U*al Is. J
Ira than two ye-.r* Iroai tbta dote “fttov j
reiiti 1" ot il.e [e.,;,tc ..f ri.woj'ta will *j4T‘" I
a Hit Ilit; ' ’ 1 I
, - ,:-cc >* s> j.*.i fienbsc.ieeeo. *yj
r.*us-ftbip * hI. more dtftt wit • t e<in. '
W . u ■' '<*-1 .o-fr 0- {
j/re|,i nvl 1i... - .
..n.t II 1,0 I:, ft.> fi .am i*! q ..-nTen
if bi.titl to undent md than • • i r*f*my|
I ifl,l. in And I*l them •* no qo.-*ti'e,! marry r e .|r* tfdr.fc fbey * > In B
nii.leraiaiid. I uniwented, c* ty
11. e o > fl(r", t'. pobllr- III" I k ffe •
t’.|. flnstiti tl i**u< * w ould require my vr-b ,
a.,.1 ll* time mid < lli*r and Ur* have |Hr>tU<- j
1 f have emp!j >• I my best * . • t -
w HI. 1 i.m- !:)!' tl.i Hurt l.oin *1 1 .-npevv* :
Ir. r-<• inyrtdt* n I tlx-m. I have n ’v*me.'|
|• It 111 (T.i'lgfl t l , *i* I.', * itltr I 1(1 kt'**
lit 1 1.- hrglrinteg ad l.ow- 111111 i. I I five yl
10 loftl tl
Nv, let • C"i.*’der * little till* silver
H,t..... An- y• ><■ in I *v• > r 'd r imonsliA
|ng sdver ? Y'>n nre We'l, *0 am I ,
warmly and e*ieri'ly is tuvxf id it t*. 1.
on tlin main pood we p-r'er'ly .?•''•
Why d-' yon fivor tlx reni inetlv.u'l ia n)
*,lvrt 1 v 111 will Bay hem i*e l!, 11 piSpii
111-11 l ilke it ami need it. T. ad this, 01l
to . very re t* *rt you ran a**t=‘H nr sup <ort
of lIII*. I also Inti, tig v-e. H*, wr g.r*
lixtli up,ill llie tin l mid the >e ,*nni (or II 1
fa t.
We am no-v In (he -r-ndit n of Iw -
fi it-nOw >vUo a. n r t. tat-' a Journey, or to
.losnk{tca iu aB t>>' r*
mi l why 'ujy oirght t® tjike lit" Jonuev- r
-it do . given act. But tliagiiat trdubl#
h- >#t tiehirt I. Wlnih Iff thl ietff 1 • tile- U r
the j ’iirtiey * Width i* the shortest and
fed*' from oh- rirti-x-vT " hal r n th
hest ipeaiia i>J wbii-h u.oet 1 tw
the agihi lid 7IV lid il li" uiA'dv
liotmrah’s, or an avpUwr-e r f -goxl sr.n*e
lot clihei to di n-iuiiO* 'he other a* tool
or a kr *ve hee. stisn lie might differ *.* la
the hr't way to go, or ttie bc’t nieuav t**
i- ■niiplith the act This I* precisely ihe’
nay I h ivo liemi treated by *nme of til ed
Itn-'I ■oP44wr,Hg‘is.-
mil that cither one of tli >*o editor* no icr
stands the subject better than I drq but
not one ol them is more lionrst than I am
ard 1 am sure I shxuhl not ho mean
euotuh to tie constantly brawling thit
[hey are oppose 1 to d-dtlg the tiling at all,
because they may differ with me as to the
beat way of doing lb
Now tht’ii, let us come to tho question
el the manner at remo&etisiog silver, aud
see it you and I differ on the manner.
Would you agree to remonetize silver ia
a way or by a bill, which jo 1 believed wi
pregnant with a private jib to enrich a
tew individuals out ot the pock, ts ol the
I cople *t the expense ol the govf rntnent f
Would vou agree to lemonattxoeilver 10
a way that you honestly believed would
practically demonetize geld t
Would you, under pretense of remone
tizing silver to relieve the people iu tueir
distresses, vote lor a bill wbieh you hon- *
esily believed would really incrcsso those
duitrcs*e T , j
Ido not think you would. Yet all these
objections in in y sincere judgment, apply
with full force to what ia called the Bland
silver bill aa it came Iron) the House, and
I w ill be torn to pieces by wild beas’a be
fore I will vote tor it, unless it be cured ot
these faults by amendments.
TbU bill was rushed through the Hens*
under the opeiatione of the previous ques
tions without an opportunity to amend it.*
If the previous question had existe-Hn the
Senate it might have been rushed through
here in the same way. Until withig a few
days the projectors of that bib would listen
to no proposition to aoten 1. They would
have that bill aa it stood or not-a. Dis
cussion ‘and reflect) n are impressing raa- y
who were swept away by ttie tide at first.
1 now begin tJ hope we shall suocced in
making several amendments in the Senate
aud l even hope that it will be parged ot
its odious features. It so 1 shall support it
w) th pleasure. What ia a public mtb
wonh i! he has not o outage to stand up
tuid i’lriit, mil nxUy that a right thiPif snail
. <Ujjm„o cUtiH jt ahait Joe in the
why t
Quo ot the most remarkable featurei of
ievUMW kr>
ful men caa uee a popular ae'-ta ■ and or a
—req.-i :ntr.‘jre, te psoraotw
•o t V.X.ul*tik\ ofpi ff< <*
rcprcienialiv* h* watchfulues* eaouga to
:i*cver up j >j, and m oppus - it b* • *
ii:!f, kn Ia bon ire 1 *t!i/ oewpaOo-rB can
'■ er.i.atcd to rail w, tuns as unlt'tiifui \o
i we fwte.-sjMuf tue pan-. ts/mm ’Vibe-'ic. '■
1 to " e*’.i .;w r— iac *r*a<B-r ol re
r o.on.'*-i£ xS v" be* eoShiaf 00 c-.rtt
| earth K flks <* 1< pwjo.g u* j.*. •
; Hmv gold ot *ii* sr, *sr butt* u.gei
f years fn eomc. Tfe* *emf iw (atd !* -* -J
| .../teb) wh. would out for a lraid
a.d aaitiAi*. as w* beliyve fUv origiuai ail
vwtbb'ob*. butaytw w *o-.i cot U*
ustdbi euaeA ar*luf io4uft io.> > u>d t
t )relent* of re!iekte(J tb p<o,,i, a f v .a-o
iUbed a i over lUe country a* **bou by
boa tool lers, 1 ; kuS l out to rntmey ktug*
•*in l*tut ft e ’Huh tot poor.’’ and
a ti.r’isSas-d like ttaawu ih*l alerß-ugh
* . " ■■ ■ J 1 1 *"■■■ -i—-
to IN f lfvt t> on dot PA*>K
ft W< *j|| * <*
VrrKtl about
TutV* £xj>ectorant,
Had Asthmfr ffiiriy Years.
Rivinea *—" | i*/
•*!).* ka-t A< -*.li.irt/yaw*,!•■<*•
m ;,*• ll**t l.**t aaak a aSjrtsf >wo
w. r, UoCAh, ow.l*. t
a chncr^®a o I4 eril
•'Tu'f'*' }■ *nfu fa*ner
M r ■l* thlnka M k In* Si-MM 1* iw ,
1 x'l r* ‘ t&AWvirffi r) W A nr,. iot w’vspHw *-
“Six, and at! Crouny.’'
••I *):,wofw'vf •*€■ ah*f'**i • "•
)...,..wnVn* I%ir* r*jo*i -. 1 *
1 k ?yv \ < rv4)(| b•* **f t*4 +-■-**
".•““''"‘•'•MAn/.ytvtN*. r,..kNrt, r,
A DooCaFi Advice.
[it t#y bfht Iff % I mJi UtMti.AA l< k T •**♦
I-t > .*m, r*
A..U h„ nit -frt.*(/#*•. Aetaa $i t>. Agrw
M Aanwa Mr—4. M— t~rk
" the Twt is anna bt its fmit.-
“Tutt'.Pilta SMI wmvh th.lf w-igkt Jn
J BEV. : a, (MMPBO-.. WrvMly. k,
"Tint’s W# Sika WWKrmrni** cf tk* *'
1.-nlh ' *nli.y "".mtJjLJA Oat-000. Haw Yfk.
I ',*■ .r A TaU'nmSiov VP" f Ik* V*
T'.-y ir. .. n arWr craaf —StH-W trv
-'"ty&ffl* HefaeyM law. A,„.<.V
. , ....
which fwrthM Vtr tr b*i r .
That pnilnd’nt rhrtUMt h* l * #orc#*wfcp.J |t
prod’tc! g h Hair IHO
Bator. 1. wdMUaWsa. WM kli.lurr ait,
bow m
9Htm if .ee.* fMSra SS Vr-r, St.,
OEt> tOlA— 1 Ordinary’* ftffice,
Meriwether Oounty. J Jan. Slat, 1878
Woereaa tho estate of Benj. E. Oafee,
lake ot su’d o unly, deceased, ia uarepre
sented, (by rens- n of the removal of the
t >rmer rvpres.uta'.ivedf said estate) sid
s*id cat ile.not lei g likely lo be rtpre
"eoted ; Th< se arc. iheitlore, to che ad
uionUU aTT pfTv tf@S tn termed, whether
kiadHad or ere,iitors, Id show causa, i t*n v
they have, on, or by the first Monday in
March next, why the administration of
said estate ho utd not be veatcJ in the .
Clerk ot lh Superiov Court aaid county,
aed teltaraof A imirlstration eum Utfamen
to annexe be granted him.
Gfven nn.Jer my hand and official sign#
tare this Nar.tTth, 1877.
0. M. C*
- —.
Application his been made to open a
public road from Le W*tn Springs Ic
Bethel church, and the court will paaa
an the same permanently on Monday, the
4ib day ol March, 187S All geraone inter
g ted will lake duq notice and govern
thcriiaelfee accociifiyty. This Feb. 4th,
j. E. Btjchasas, C. J. Rgsm
Cerk, Chrmn,
Withbui recalling the excellence ot rtit
pas’, the puMtskera ,of Hcnboer'a Monthly
aeßopsce„lor the year to come, the fot
lowing papers :
ITA‘; t’AttM LlVß.—Xbia anfilcct fft’i
be treated ta a series ot sepa/ote paper*
•gaged (eons writer* who aland, m the
tr-Dt r .ok antwug Anericab*, both ia
quajStles r-f style and in kees teerght vt •*•
urc. Mr. R. E RobiniOß. aettror of • de-
-Fox-Huutiug in New
E'-g’an-l*' tw the Jiawry ouastaer, sviiiwp
.t-tLi rbe ►•■u.e Mrti n fc tbi* *erJ ca
n, ?*f..•"*;*, papers 01 atmlHr tupK-a
ive m-eo a pi ii*si aid popular
swtuwa al catibesu *Ui w.JUj of Farm L>!
,a New Y!* Mivioe •
,pu .l-ea—ralivt, wi'! deeerfhu the charac
'e'Wtraeof kntera fwaii' g.ot which bat
t.ule Lm Ve*-o vrrlner, It rs eipeetni k*t
ibe fi'u.vt. t.oo A riii jar. :, will t* *! 1
tiUne-i hud tyflcsl character roew- >■•.
rate ilh the sut J. et-matter It f* tb-rnght
-.bkt to rajer or erie* of paper* vet ta<h
b )C i'.i.t.- nil! so tul.y rcatz*. *•* co>
*U.t .i* ire of the mgazb to te/ out o<
the rut;, and, tn tb in text am? iliurratiees
to otuie q ikiily father than quuetitf. and
1o i r ot iieb. t'.'-ocg ki-d defeat* work
rbW 4/< tgifaki SUUI*<.
ATOM f.stktr “Tue ttauesf SettaK*
u a*V,, 'Ac }, Tbi* uet tw*ct wilt doubt
tv ee*f f. . cat iij abet wa*
'‘bed t Jfovemhwr. Tlscw* uo natt
rerd It t* **■*./lgaCecW* It* a* hi b
wrrjCt. Ihe swwt kiiikiog wuo marab'e
, •JB'mAvv l
,rv.;r*rd TJJ- . rswr Pf fi* ablest ! lb*
fOtii f t Amerhat. patetera- Mr M kl>er
• i,.t. * , !’r*siilbt UT he A.m*r*s A:t |
A.,.# , lob “
aml i:/ trou rt* Ym --i t *
tninrt uuvei eotvrtstei' gof t-.''** I- * |
gwra •< yl Uj it** *v { • * b
*4b>PiU Wtai, !•* >1 •-’ ;
*k* lafMo i aed < *.,*!•
- l . ■ - - - •
i ijwf fniigi.., a- ti-ai ", Yr *av U m. A
i ttiii <tW>t*iia ix t ‘ a.) afkfc-v* V It’-- '. t>
•m Tra apti.g,'‘(.ampo.g v--., * .'kUl;*. -
lOf rt* #,
AIU 111 IK Tllit OK i Ihm \h
| Uitbrnti F... t ' * if ot
*rj*iu*4J \y. U*o*4*tfel hr u ■ *jU l f*.
tt rt* Mitt ,h *tmy -VKi vl re is
' >;i4 iff
1 ILK A.vniti- ° • '*•>■■* a*
K, Wnir.y, >'!* whrew tf. tier.* >.<:h <
< -x-f*. -.-. r a.e I or. tar*l |
Vl*ilr* tw* it)•Stri.trd aviiC f. <• t'x*
SXZZ KtM,* -New w-rx > r it,-
taiJ uAf Wit ( f wj.'t he gfvru ft: rally t lift.
twwr’.-f fh'v4vy.*ieftoiil*.#- , vtik *•
Ke<i Stockings.” to aj-pe*r In Jao ■*>)
Ttri* ‘ff veff--*.*' eMNmti- * ao r',*i ! <■
Hr kite W*f fir th* I nl
- lOiirHAir*
limy ew-at laid, t-ol lily ' fi* ' ! f*>" t’.<** 1
e nliient ot our b*.l ‘ • iti.gßai
*d K .p' ■■ -,,*i ■! t-i, i’ •'*>
r) EogU*h r ! *r*ry Jli.t ry, ;1! -o’ltfi 1 ,
.♦■tf a txmdifr <>' t*tr t " t‘* f,
ig W ac rfK< at , li >y . k! r i! wt.i’ v
M-dtE oj.u LBrrr/tH. n, i>? u
Alatktuz e, - I 'he i’hiiadeiytii.
HyBEBT D.M.B < ’VFN Tt.v issi
•v rk f tt.ii remarkable man's lit- w* u*
vote 1 to a yertea ot p-off-ci rswi .isc**..
wfiHm in* s. rthnri M rant My
OLD MA-TK ?S,-fy C'arec*.
i Cook ta ithof • f ‘The 1 loose B a 'tiirti j.
will CXU.dU of a series of papr*' i superbly
| - ••. ated, f-c Leooarrto da Vine', Kapha
et, Michae; Angelo, ttc.
UIB INHEUi r.YNCE.— By Adel s*
rit.>kn Wall b go n in t tie ki lam -
j > i-lay nddndl“, eitl be court i tvx! n-ar
|n| increasing JfnVercat to the very end.
Tbtllmst*mr>r>s .1 ttie Magwk' e. fu v
riety Imd esemrtnee ( f sCfatgn sr i in ti
ii ".graphical ex elution, win omlinue to b"
a advance of ot ar.y Otbir ,>opo ar
iayviths at h owe or at re aff. #
Hotec/ifAi a price, §4 Oda year, i i'
in actyance ie ua or lo any b- og-.e.iw
N > ciub rates -r other OucounU to sub
acribcrv. Ihe Msgatioe is worth ah it
,oats, and it* eitcntalkn ia iocreaaing in a
on-rtaiit nndwßaiy ratio u a year to
Scribm*r Sc Co-..
.44 Bifia-twaj l . New York.
Vr Looli LooK "
I wiU *ocn te prepared to exeenta meh
work in tae patiung hot in my shop
Making FRAMES,
I wit also coethiae contracting for house
and sign
Iv spent the past year ia GreeoviUe
and am prepared to give safa’actory refer
TEED CaU an or agdm-K
Greenville, Ua.
THE fall term
' - .or ' s,
&oit and o n insri iur e,
~ .. ..
■ " ‘" j ■— -
[ k '
Will o'; <r. 1 n Moeday. Seyiewher 8-d, 1077, with a Alii corps of rrse*t. tnurniu
ran-hers • 'r.a>,>.ed t k-.p the w roa,.. 4 and .ewer VeU rep *UtU*a of Uit Justiy
CrirtKWSd rcturL
Uruih nl, ta*.* .te s ink u e n-nls to pre”t* de irtair foe local* their woss
Id iikiiiubx- li ■.. k' *c* n.o-trrc ap- ran em,apt-aratu aad lur.Here, a#J a record
I. reo iv-t-'u! tec; .ng ‘ afai rct B be >iitr. to. utuaic Ut;. Iskt'Ul it c >Bduesed
b Prut. Hi' ecl*r'ger, wr.o -to u|-r,>>r aod b ticW .q .x b.s p '--'r-aiok.
Barn<;vr;ve H Oir B.wl aitlpai.; u t s M*<~ m and tVeairr* ftailrwd. aaU
:,at just.y repuiai.ol! oft •.;# ul iZbwT ‘w.'W, litteia: and et.:iguuiai*z CflHHHKtty
•u Go igia.
Punioo |H.Wt to fIS M per,Term Beard |lO 00 to 13 VO j*-r |totik.
Fol.Caia.-.a .* Id* * ' - - • treat
orT A tUiKs.rsc,
t . * . Biraearttla, Geergm
a s.WAki' THoa a uuD vv fO*r*L
!*■#( Jvrsa a UeaaiU Ut* • u lot Kki
li (> W A K D, W O O 1) k c o.
T‘ f:.\< ICO CIO A I.S l-.TO
NO 3Kb I Bibb' *>>>
A (Inn t a,
■ r
.'Jb.W/. Gu -*'t M NJCROLkt
r c. IBS
rHKI'I kAI Hituilitk l.
Ofi’t 1* • -• !- • t ~*• V
i, -• r ; *PJ It* *!t %f : /f aI r c-res,’ ti lie
: r*| At- f- * lA3 r J*f *
1 m" I- !*!' i, f. e* - * fn.n* llt ,<n l. I >
* sf* .- - I'V If .-I if V It.
• l.- itgf* mtAY - i.m f;• * H'vatit .
J fir.e trxbef ;<> ■ xj!>* xbxdsi-it .fc. ert at lh
(!( ly (~* "A Him-.
sr.J s st-- il rf *-v iH* el * A
! n 11 hJ- tlw-t f a M w fu v at> • >
-Wa.*’ Msfi-V I". I)-}. by Fran* K
in .Wt •. v Tb I*-'il’ a' fa,.rates' hr
1 | Atm V tl> %.• • w t. ,y. by Jr
i J (). f xdtane •re' a ■**. o*t**<a
! ;be manix-rs*! *•*<• !■ iti in i M tin.r >
;md n*Skoda*A k 7 ‘<m U."-*i -w.
OMha alrry elemew', the bfiyfctet H>s
lure i* the beciening r d tb* m* w rial by
| Mi-w Atc<4t ei.ti'.Vd Coder ihe Lr a-s.
I with tl'.uMiwti-ms by Mary Ma.iock Fo rte
I The Cbrwdm** Number rr-fttaics aio
i the opening of anew Sells' Ht- r> for Vrt*.
| a Uie ct tropica! life by Gusuvu* F*nk;_
I enstcir), entitled ‘T>er-Mountain, * mtr
ably iilustrated by the artists Manus awi
Keliy; A Puaixah cd,M at Alcott, with a
sketch < f bet life ; aeveral peem* by Twn
LI ttie American Girls; a Play, and a
ChiistmaaCarol (set to ran-leg an ' half a
a- xen complete short at iriea, hrhciit.tuDny,
exciting and pattre'ie. Ac., &■
The N, w Cover|* by the Enrli*h Artist,
W Tlar Crane;,—the tarno-w deatgoer ol
‘The Baby's Opera.’
St. Mchfiliis fr l*W.
Beaidea Miss Aicott’a serial fi r Girts, and
ihe three serials tar Boys, to follow each
ether in rapid soccersi -o. wiil contain a
short setial Story by the Author of ’Th-.
SchonbergcoUa Family,’ and anticie,
’Around the World ia a Yacht, Boy* f hat
been pvxmised by a bnlliaat writer, now
on the actual tour of the world in his own
yacht. There wilt be oontrrbeifoea by a
Daughter of the Famees Peter Parky
Letter to YouDg Americans hy George
The four bound volumes of St Nichols*
already pebifebedare the most woaderfnl,
bcantifnl and attractive Christmas Presents
for Y. UGg People. ®ach volume is com
plete in itoeK. Yd. 1 and 9, |3.CO each ;
vote. 3 cad 4, $4 00 each.
Subscription Price, (3 a year, i-ostage
paid. Siagde copies, 25 cents each.
Sold by all Book Softer* A Newe-Dealera.
Tl* Breedway. S. Y
(J rorein
lit VI MANIA!* a UXAtt
** n<u, khali
- I ! not iu i hyok rt'Kitirr mT* o*
I -9m ! (nit •• J dr * large
*r.i *.•! ta>- t#<i l*. tOf tettaUiS
*EDI< iNEd,
t ,U.Wi< At H,
lit,A *.
In EsTCPr*.
ir, r, llll'l 1 **ie/ti
W* ,<
1 t / • h kl f Pur# Will# L*%4
& J 1‘ L j ? * Oli
dissolved h/mi
fertilizing malt peter,
nd o!bet Fmiiixiog Chemicals. Call •
r tend yew order Vo
No. li NerU Dryer Si. Attatva. Ga.
1 I would a or. reepectUHf eall M at
fuiio and of the good oeopln of Mari we Us
i to the magnificent stock of WATLHM
CLES A*- which I am Jost rMairing
rom New York, end which I expert to
sell at prices to an it the lime*. I hare
bought good* lower tht* Ml, thaw I have
it any 'hoe iac* Uat w*r, and lam going
! to gire my cuitomers the benefit of it, ali
I a-k-r> for tbesa to coma and examine
quality and price for tbemaalTCA I "*eaa
what I av, affd R l sab is a trial. Every
article sold win be
a* represented, and il the articles does net
prove at rep meaSeS ail the tostomer has
to do )to return It aod get hi* money
Hiring the experience ot t weety mid year
in the REPAIRING nf watches Jewelry
Ac. Imb UWy pwperwd to do cayandsfl
i kinds rt work hi UR tine wiU neatness
aod d?stch. BVET ua wir-a sted to
f give satisfaettoo.
fy Call at the sign oi the big Watch
and s,*ctselw Oesnes *f Jacksoa and Par
eytt itrceta, ttaraesvtiia 6*.
Most Reap*—
oil 5a -