Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether Gonnty Vindicator
VH HbrH- -
OHIHNvRY A '• H ton
SHEKIK ' *' -t. mr j
- |
TAX CO ! LEI Tv R ...JO Chilstuip ,
TKK tt-UHEIi. ...U J Antlnnv
SURVEYOR ..! <>. F. Mmtbfa..
CORONER John R. Jmie*
R. A. Chut 11, A.ron Sibler,
C. J. Reeves, J E. B cU*m<>.
Allen H WsV')) ■
John W P it, \V. J. Brn,
Madison lltvr, R. A. Darker
SENATOR 3U Diaiiwi. F. VI uncau
rlpresentatiy f.
F. I. Wi' i )>, C. W. Wtii-r
- ..
JuiiN V\ ( ARK
\ rr A
Vt . i i' Metiuelhei in. 1 fie hi!
lii iug rftuMley- ' •
\ !! 1 I K- MAN,
\ II < KM Y VI I V\V
J \ < MICI NVII !K. <!*
A ! Ini' 1 1 . ei'-ru*!- .1 l*> l,is < are t' 1e .! m . )-I I v hp ‘ f< i . I .) \
D. It I I ill I,
J\ ii met- NVI i ! k 0*
W .11 pf.,‘tll;.‘ in M.-l i * *■) In r n> t ti.r
twilit e- ( : <ui.pnsiin/ the C ‘Vi! tu ii r- i
Aii 1 (til'll OR
I ) ESI DE Nto Mi 1 .
I v <>li vSHI' .■(. llk
Tern i* i H't A vv.-A, A tnt
I'll ■; .I; I Hi’ hi,l,,
, .11 PI S I'j* . ini M-lvUw** t<
' ) t. . 1*,.1i < (lllli w .1. ha lathci
Or. .1 I (i. Ii • el! m> Hu D nr Sunt
t li h U ,i,\ I liO.S Y,
UKhERH hi* | Kliashm a! wivi t. to
ii iili.■ * ol hnti.v.l ■ ami vn in it),
UK Ulli ": in J. 1.. g, 'l'mtii A C-'
D'u* hIIM
7T O j i V. ELLY and FANC Y WHIRL,
> I I.hCihDi;", OungU.
|I A OV,mi l *t.l k.'i.
J 1 M-. Hl* Gl *‘ * '**. ***** *
II , G i ►, '** *H°<l nl
A Jt a.L. IKi L‘ J HU *T‘X * bW
J „v\ u,li I AN j ¥A•< v GOOD--.
rnn t "I I-*'-**• —
[Jf GOLD aid ISiiOt ll V\ icte. t \Jti
fveuianoi>ej- *< *'•.•' L "' l "“**
B, i< Oillii O .ltl t V\*u.n ChAna.
f1 i, I 7.1,*, I! atsffH al*i i riir-n
iTo I
Mlvtr A t* i hjA-ClaCle* A K> •*►*';
i L.L li Y i 'i aRLci v. Aiih
bLver P.ftt** Ware
l an kins* '-k‘ a'jlra,
i'o< a • t, I*Uv lu M), a ini Ha*
by it>* very reu viuml B‘ker, —Joseph
l r-o|tti hikJ Ge fijr \A oil' ) noln.a.
1. jLi Alll a Cf
1 sn. mu re) aisle* al: >b ***>
many tr.u.s -I Meneelber and >
Jr iuitK KikkUu kill U*Unl u y ••"k h
rk.jiiir* a irc irou. i. e . • the chafio
It, oil. I ii, hoaerer - attaU all " )
wk, il | rmj wl> oae i, a I uav* *!*►
tli i.e,.Dd lv*| e* t o > a h a tou'.ii c*
the pau. ia< 1 nave re<xin.d If u* my
Irieoni* in Meiiaeiher.
??Ei?T POINT, G.,
leaera in IRON, ftEEL, 110L Uj*
W.vKt, W iG N &
lilAE.n t LELT.No.
ALBo, *gen' i'*f
Faißsask*, Miaki Po* .
BUM t (iHFikT, J AMU l.hrtr IX
iirOre Viali* Y i.ifcL ar.d agei.U h
hTA>CIAHLI GCAS'iI- Jh Ahoit < k i
K 11 y tcccd In a firai ctaaa Hardwar.
of Le ciiizea of MEBIWEI HER aolki
Atkinson A Reed.
cb-M-Sai Weet Poiat, (>a
Hon. Alexauitri' H. M> pliena
The L sv.rrveruindt’jjce Irom t'.r
|V aL k T* F, 1> VH t .
lor itaeif, a sliovins the el'initi vn in
wtneb nur wuualiotii iinjneni‘iitHl ■ ve.- I v
minored “Sot Liberty Hail* it heM .by
the inti entiil a id ciiHiaated cSaamh ot
-si le o| Ge -rgia.
A til Stephens t!etitn and ns.-lalutew sr,-
so unieersaKy aik oiv’e iged, that our Cm
cre*it>al District, me 4 It will lion>r it-
He It, by lionoriiis Bta esavai, withs re
nocnin Ivu, f r the nevl Congrew
A 'oiiipltm*-i>t iieni tlts* I ml.
den* of t'oluiu la Colleje
Air di.yj as-., Hon. .ilex H S ephert*
i rec-ived a letter from P esi t# t liarntrd,
I .1 C > umbia C llega, New Y'ok, comp i
I nu n ng linn on bis m en! speech in ao- *p ■ i toe Caipenler painting. Hoi-.
Be J Wilson, i-l Wot Virginia, bavins
i eei ti e letter, nut the tollnwtry uote to
M . Ilkruar l, a-aiut ptimission to give the
. n n t,, lilt* ItllhlMv
Waibbik-lpn City D )
Februsi v.TS ps7H t
Awainl y I P Barnard, I L I). Prtt
d'Ht Co’.mhtHa i'oirg**
Dr a i bin 1 was in Mr. Steiibrna’-room
' e -'ny uiii iim.- when lie received too
tier 1.4*1 li - lohrsspeei II on the i-r.ent
' r
t o sn-t ri-eaplioii ot the Carpenter pn'-
bnv l.tncoln. Having mnl li by lia
per ) ISSton, 1 asked lililt to give it to Ilia
n! I , Inch tie deed is lto do I-r liie
Ii - if ft 'w r, •* oi vaf rt letter. I lher
;i 1 v ' lt- to hmi whetln* y. Il have no
j t-yvaroor, to its xnitiilcanon . Il lssmU all
!iv - < ii ix pi css ion - lui tti in .sa.idel
! i v ateo lu. ;nig. a. and u compliment so we I
I deserved by him, that it should ceituiu y
j lie lend bt the people. H Would n llri i
! n j.-. upon b voj.
\ c* Jr ft sj octluUy youm,
In r[*onc. Mi \\ i!on nociytil Uu*
i ltr*ry k!lri- :
1' liMi’Cii ('<)! ft/r, N* *Y *K )
I* pmiJi i’* i< oni, It h. !H;h. i
! Huh H <>) il l Uon ;
i>pAt Mit If you fhHk flirit the puMI
• h and n •! ili r* I<' a vs only in which 1 rtnl*.*v,
m r<l to cx * tin rx< |t ti in *u+
> OID {‘fMihrti tilt* IDORI happily tor
“ ivt ti nut! tu \ pa upt << li t| Mi
>!**|)li’iu . i). tli• • oteaxiotj *•! pit' u cciH
prt * nfnt iot) to tlit* Nation of t r hit*-
ol I. Hit'ofn rnu two! ft cy kij v ir** In proniot
tg th- * i it >' t’rtiniony )>ar pr
plo, of *ft i ! my g'ntiflcHtion to.I
i liUfct, 1 1 ;♦'!#* #f tiiftu)) dr|)o ruterl *hi h|
)Ur vi?a* VoM fti illx rty to t*,nkc fci.uli
j.iu i-!er, n'way* pruVt.lvd much nl mil
,-rub tc 1 Ur- a to tis nlm-)t without p*r*l
Tin- reri n' h i |ira to which f h*v- ref
erre t i- in p<il •< t liaiamiy with Bus r-l.*i j
. ter ami tt !)* tueii r*d with grailft *•
tlon by ml Ilona of "l countryftlen.
Vey Mill eo-ly yuitv,
K A I* Barnard.
ibe I-14 wing leiicr wliicli r esident
Barnard ne l to M'. Htepheu* - 1
Co!-.mb C liege 1
No Yo k.F.b 10 I7 f
; 7 i Hon A, 11 Me/r.Vns :
vr Dzxitt-in : 1 want to )h*nk yon
iilli h : I l.ia t t'ii jriur wry bc-autilul |udt
1 . ion* and p altlotic a M.. * OU tue • Cesi'iu
1 ilic | re*ei tstioa aid iti* r. rpt.on ol
t i (!*t, eider ; n-lore of Lin* i/lu.
1* .a I ..It* i a marvelous tn ng h i’er
l,el pi .Util O-ii o.ii.lluuio to (nainta.ll .
if n b)e |u* rniiueuce ill *tate.nHriShi|i
..n I in moral dign *y , an-l s’lil more mi -
veluu* (ter nap* tlial one wbo ha* If' n so
■ .I. p cuoua in the cornu its “t li i: Na) on
f.>rr li.c war, n I also during t | r .g
--i-sol iha jiai.iful ai-uggie had b <ri I.Jen
i ,fj and with i qua! prouilnenr* with Ibe
Boullreto cvuwv. Ktum .l •■oi.linue tiller all
to command equally N rtli and B-m'li *
homage, a re*j*ct and a coofld' ftce which
i* awarded by *he jie-iple to hardly sny
other. It i* beautiful and a nuble triho'e
to a character aiwaj* con-iatently dbttiP
auiabed lor una fldi dev . ion t • ; rrirl, i<
nid lo a tone ol iwiilinit.ul trj far elevaUfd
■ leive the bnae and iiicen pafsion wkic‘
doflg urc o touch ot ..UI pub ic life, a* lo
le ainm-l v iikiut ■ | m*l*l. 'I he 'tec. ut
todie s o wrih ti 1 have retened i* io pei
t-ctha-nxny wnh ttds chafifli 'r, and it.
ha* teen lead wit. ueep gralifi'.aliou by
mil lion* of youi countrymen.
Very Mucereiy your*,
’ F- A. P. Bamard.-
Tux Fikvt Sn.vxii U'Llab*— The
W**hiugUj Biar *ay* the S-cretary ol the
Tre*ury baa d-termtoed that tue Out li
ver dollar* U> be i-aued will be u*eJ only
m •x< hange, at par, ior gold c-un, or lor
tue purr haoe <>l stiver bullion at maikei
price. Be doe* not leei at liberty to os
f hem to pay f-rr current or.,
ti. the am- uut c dnad ia sufiicieut to fur
nish ad alike, without dust mu* mail on ; nor
de* Jie Ueen it expekieot al preKnt to
change them for United Males notes, or u>
ae them in the payment of interest on
the public debt until the amount coined ia
lent to enable him lo do so loipartial-
I y. \ berrfore tbe> *ili at present be use.,
for the puichate of siiver hollhm at m*rke.
,ales, ibe si.ver ceitifica’ee wiif soon be
leody for i*oe, and are ot the t r os or
bank notes, an* raved in the beat manner
and printec on trank cote fibre pa pel.
Corn is soiling w H.w kinsville at 90 cU
peg boahel eaab and flt 26 on time.
e fnihltiu IWtra.
Hang OctuWF Fl\h
Anew bou ut la called the Marie de
Mt-1 ti, and lias the front shined on
wires. , .
A hewJ C-Vftfi'i and bilk k tirf only fl -
lali upon the edge of tlie handsome polo
The new bow# ol ribbon warn on the
left side < f the waist ara calldvl chatelaine
b>ws. , c .." ti rica
A nong the ne v onismenta 5n silver and
g ihi t.:agree arc large gadflies with .jewels
lor eyes.
Birch bark earn si srr the nawast flower
tid'd rs. 1 Ivy era aitapfeialFtl iu ft* wlit
d o.y by brig lit oofoted ribbon.
Evening dicsset are given an antupie
appealantv by abort, bigli puftid aleeTcs,
or Me.iicl hli is, in the armhole and arouud
the neck.
Chenille and s'lk {f.ingea are the most
la.hlonahle trimmings al present. The
uiup i u** id tun, uut tl continue*
pqpa .1 10.- dresses sad clonk*.
<>ne of the i rsttiest ol lbe new tdm.
u-i igs L-f'-ugiit out ilvlr season is the nines
limit Ii b;>u,tnadeof woven swan’s dot u,
a c mie. In all cel‘T< and aliades, and lu
pine white
The new si wedding aig made
o coi ded t *- *rl white silks tiimm. l with
p.sitings *ol E.iglish crt-jie. Fni( iently
* eevea o| ciai'c take tliu place ol silk
Anew American indi strv tor women
is ilii- majiutacture AflsAe with the aid ot
il u- m-wI ig luaehine. Mae:amine lace u
; las- gaining luvot and i* taking n proml
| mnt place among Iv.s*. >.
Basque wish overskirt sillOlntbillS Sre
mui-h ' emande l by young ladiu* just at
presold, tbl lotm ol dress being well adap
ted t-i Hie figured gauges, etc., which are
worn uvei liglit silk*.
b.d tvinlng lolli la rich an! heavy la
tnb . life gen raliy used, hsiug adapted lo
ihe straight amt classic lines uf Orapsry
now adopted, or corsage ol hr uvy goods la
worn with li hi, rilayliano >* materlsl.
For dttvsy din not tutloto vvaistcoats, oi
tbei emiiroh.cied In the Louit XV. style or
riehly mkrrd in gold, are very Isshiolia
•Ho, ami by their btilllaiq-y Uje cnnlrsst
well with the (i.,inbrt) i nrttiifl Yrvirk rtf the
r ‘ it
l diet.
I’Uite l an-l belted haaque* are great la
vori'es, and are worn with ovi-reklrla made
H til long plait* ill the back, and not loop,
id at al'. All basques and waists have
collars nf .inn kind, either rapists saib l
collars or deep pointed ones.
H Alltl AlVft
A Hull Aiu-cHolc.
Recollect ions ol Ocneial Hrlsbln.
Wade one day re|illtl to Toombs, ol
Geotgi. sod to all a|ptr*iig* o**d lan
gus.-e wliicli wniild compel Toombs In
challenge him H veral fiind wrnt lo
Wale sud begged lilui l') .ilst, Gut tha
old iiiau grew more and more, violent, un
til Toombs indl ated his intention ol call
tn - Wade lo ai count lor Rio language be
was using, when Wad-quietly sal down,
seemingly having accomplished Jil* ohjacl.
in* nouiitgra men kUM al
each other in aurjuise, and
it was manliest to aR that Wade had
do ihi.rnie y sought a quarr- l with I'.ininhs.
Tba> ulgitl a Irieod dl the koutheru Sena
t- resiled on Mr. Wail* To know II I*
Would retract the nftenstYY language he
hail used.
No, I won’t 'aks tan k a word, was
A tide’* emphatic reply.
Tutu, said the lileud ol Mr. T'combe, It
whl tie riWMisevry I r B ristol Toombs to
challenge you to mortal combat.
'li.*- i* }n.t w oat I want, ate* *r might
have got to point without all thia pa
aier, Ssld Wadf t ; .k
You saraly cat not lu; In carneat, Mr.
t s 'c. askd the southerner.
Wny, ot eouise I am. Yog see, we
ooritieru men don’t like to right. Now,
i aid oppo-ed lo the co .s, and ao ara my
coostilut rile, bit you li llowa have broke s nexO, and • MMiet apqvk up
little, or you wut break at) our heats. T he
•uorlest way lo end the uutUer in to kill
vlt a lew ot you, ami I have picke t upon
old Toeiube as u>y ruau; he will
nave to challenge uut,
T eh, li course, . 2 noli Jksve tW
eiioice ut weapons, and 1 will take my old
rifle and n.e if I don't bring him
down at the first crack.
When Toourbv heard of wpsf Wash:
satd, he replieand :
100 he will kill me. Il ap,tears that
I ooSihs and A ode had been out togethei
auootiog with a rifle several limes, and.
won* Ti/outua could shoot esafl with spis
tol, he was a poor rifle shot. Wade was
an old at agya(k,-,oa Of a iktM
died yards, could hit s dollar almost every
Mr. Wade a'terwsrd said to the writer ;
It old T omb, rn cbMtngsft *4 .HM
awe, es 1 expected be would, 1 would
nave mode him put a mate* sir bis coat
the size ol a dollar on bis heart, and the
old fellow would Ittie fsf Angidralized
when be saw me drawing a bead on it*
and miesed fta 'At
wouldn't have cut the patch f Not oaly
din "toomtm ret use to chaliaoge Wade, bat
no southern member could ever be Induced
to tend him a chaliaoge, ao matter what
bo might aoj.
■ - at. *-T • ' . /
1 ftffJ|i*Ja**y, af Tbomml Cui
tt, WwtMf'the aonftm
dißTva’.or.*ajST Thare are iwo smaTT
•JttlWfrmik **'. Tills year (WT)
oie nelgbboYpimtd b>br acres ot corn, on
wLIMFi ti< (fcfmer buikat* al CviEan seed
tq Ilia oiber ptantad tw >
qrk*fif (S/rtrTja wlri b l>q ased ten bushel#
ojeotteu saodkrTfceaCr. I planted six
rifn’.and need slxry bushels nt
eqlbvu sftifjirtmpi'srtel whh lot scraping*
hnMltfuifled ‘founds ferttflrer to the
wore. KaoU cr ip had the name working*
ngd WJe%lftio’4irti*, and sit had sever
wreHN dffdftUß, dfeleh did much ln|ury.
Af ittMM kNMffchoHsrrgely tent I load R hat*
a Very istere'water last.' My arn stood
the Bevy TadW tar beßev than that ol ei.
tber af mf iiftpiliflri. One neighbor plant
rd ix by Uf 4)M. and the other a* by
cmr by tw*jft. t#o stalM to Mm hHI.
R*nlt—lfe-kus* kewa ireSgh t>sr made (wen
tysonw baftmM of earn o his Mur acres,
ami half a< aftsfk of fodder. Tfm other,
wfU twoMFf#nMa tv cn ty—one bosh vie
if core aadftklf eefsek of MWer. BhflF
tegethr,4r|ft ai X acres, made forty-eight’l
bifvi’cls of unriv and one stack of puttier.
My >* sCeft made three hundred an'i*
uiaetMevftf bushels id corn and S.FiS
tui idles wfladder.
in a i.Aif(er ytir, r-tr.tlnne* Mr. lfsHt
wiy, I ptartie-1 onn acre ut com. amt uss i
tee I fines Sum fertilix-rs thso did a nelgh
iior, snj pMwted tn ttmdv as much con.
•m the oue acre. I trade one hundred and
of corn, and Ini made
twelve b<tfcel*. The tame aeannns that
wit! profit** eqnsdfy ns dm- a crop on Und
containing teu limes the quantity ot m 9
il aetm by these experiments
that fb*|dretto aystem ol fanning has fu
rn|tslrl;ped every oilier. The same expeo
i iicnfstfh easily made by eiety farmer,
tof ho Arno cannot Intensely manure even
one acre flinld manure a half, fourih, or
even of an acre. Surely uis horae
tut cosrt, hi# hogs, his cot ion tee t and hi*
ranch nitUk would nit')!.! n m to in in ire
intensely enfi lghtof an acre. That would
loiutsh the facts, about which
tbara |s ao jmuch diversity ot opinion, and
each cap proVe the system lor hnnvell.
Aiid new, If Mr. Hardaway's success in
yieldfh Uut ivsult ol the msnuring, as at or -
ed by *ig) why may not rvciy farmer
practloeWas well ss he f Is It not tattler
to eoM&iitrate tho latmr and manure upon
stew acre* than to scatter them wtds upon
maef wtiara tiro yield would be the
lo li.ah.Hitiv Uii.At.ww 1 Jwv. ‘•ijiitdlp j
rla i fcorn on afle acre by using ten ttm*
tb quantity of fertll'zers. titan to cultivate
ion serve, Us'ag the same quantity ol ma
n-ife ? Mr. Hardaway Is not alone In these
X; ernnauU. Many other tanuura in
Thomas county, and in oilier couutles all
over the flute, have rep -rte I similar yields
from (be same tnß'isgemeut. in corn, iot
ton, oafs, wheat, potatoes, and many oth
er things. They til prove Rial Georgia
tamie.-Y have ft In their power to make a
groat ilea) more than tlo-y do on lo s than
one-third of the laud they cultivated, and
with mfleh less labor and expmise. XI these
ate real truths, are tlisy nut worthy <>l the
vary high '-si consideration among larincrel
Wit ih ink they are I, (J li. of IKomat
(la, in HautnnaU Amt*.
fTiAMFt in Koo Eaten. A lew days
ago a |*arty of young gentlemen lu this
pl .ee, ih order to ge( up somt amusemerti,
propoaflfl to buy two dozen egge lor a cer
tain leifow It he won Id agree to suck them.
lie said lie would endeavor to amuac them,
a* it nad been several days suico be had
had a aqnsre mea! ef eggs. The boys set
Yin up end the agg sucker buckled down
to his task. Attar be had disposed ol two
or the* eggs, someone rs.naiksii that one
<>f llashatlacooui.imj a bul Calais, but it
didd'tbaf* guy aft-el on the sucker, and
he ooftUnued So dispose of tbs eggs until
he sgekad Uia two dozeo, and thau took in
two eggs more to make up lor that which
he had UP sticking on the i sloe of tne
swaotj-ii* la all. that he
sucittd. The boys say that tha champion
rgg kucacr's atomaeh and on't seem to turn
at ufl and they are coufldent thst hv could
have devoured two or three dozen more if
they coul. have mustared up tt* nickels
So set 'em up.
Tar axd CaeT Do iT.-UanT do it
sticks in the mud. but Try soon drags the
crt out ot Ibe rut. The fox said Try, aud
be get away from the hounds when they
bad eltnoat snapiwd him in. The met
said Try, end turned flowers Into honey.
The squirrel said Try, up he want to the
top ol a beech (fy. Tha snowdrop sai l
Ivy, and bloomed in tne cold anowt ol
W hilar. Ihe aun said Try .and the Hpring
aou threw Jack Froat out of the sadd'*-
Tha yoong lark aard Try, and be (bend
that bkt kew wknga took bias over hedges
and flifehea-aw* p wbeSrt bis father wa*
aMing. Tha os aaid Try .and pio wed the
fleid frees and to aad. No bill 100 steep
tor IVy to climb, no clay too (US for Try
to plow, no flaks too wakfor 'fry so drat.,,
no hols too bjg fee Try to a*#afl.
Moa sauosoiti, ute satiy wba recently
Icreatod wtcu oooasgsMt ia Edfaborgk by
Mtrii g her boraa boJ with gold, aaJ who
wso Afterward beard of U Barcelona,
flpah■casteflag gotd -coin asoong the
Strea teggnrv, boa bean placed ia a 1 astatic
A H. Hvphrns
NsOwMsaktodhtg hit phvsmat iaabilitlaa
ah* IhsJWkl ftlasdvwasam arising u**r-
Irata, A lax. D. Stephi-r.s Is now greatly R -
maaaiag binnathseai repcUtUns aa a true
patriot, able atauwinan, and a mao übnve
portyiam ami prvjmrto*. He ia worthy ol
Ik# admiral!.at ot ML (leinglAns, and is an
honor to oqr State. Speaking ot this wot -
•tkrlol man, the Augiula Ohnnielt says :
Mr. Stephens u a phrnoiuauon. Nevei
hehwa ia his palmy y oung days in Con
great, has be bald so promlneat and envia
ble a piece in the public wind. Il it o
C natdered wonderlui, years ago, thst so
frail a body should contain so vast an iu
tallani and so lofty a soul, w ith aneb.enor
mous capacities ior real hard w<uk amt
downright drudgery, what a miracle U is
that, bi these talker years, he should ar
tually sawew the tHumphs of Xrm youth,
and, like tha sun along Moreau hills,
'Slow aink, more loTely ere his rsce b
ran. 1
In the present session nf Congress Mr.
Stepheas bas Oome to the trout in rbam
ptonhig two great otansurea, tha Tesa*
Faelfle Railway am! the Silver Bill.
T.-t him how bring hi* great powers in
trowr In lavor ot the icjieal ol ttie* resump
tion act.
Wh:it to do with Sli-p-kllllMj|
An Ohio stieep gruwer.givet ht*r method
in the following ;
When ahenp are killed by doga, say
nothing. Skin thsin, ami !ef them lay In
the aame plhce. The first night atu-r kill-
Ing, tho doga will not come, but the second
night they will be un hand. Cut font or
five gvdice lu the shoulder ol tho dead
sheep, put a small amount ol first-clas*
strychnine in the gashes and the next
morning you will he sure to havo them
Bomellmea I hive kiilo.t lour and gs'm one
night. It H well to keep the mouth shut
Any dog that will cheat) sheep wl eu oir
alone,]wlll aco- er or laßr kill them. A
gierni dog will so r.ot hues kill a sleep in
the day time, till tills seldom happen-.
N.arly all llie #hee| -’illllng t ( y ,|,>gv Udm e
in the night ; they are vury cunning about
it, olteu going long dUtancea front home
when there are plenty of sheep cloau by.
Cautl. |i must he lie t. One mori ln ( I
lound a a nail yearling killed, with n sum I
round hole eaten out of his lor •ho I del.
It | lizzie I roe. i knew it 11*. not n eiuii
iiion dog. I toUl my neighbor* lo shut up
tnvlr dogs. 'I he see .i.d night alter killln
I jot In the strychnine, and the next morn
- ‘ **.o -a.son rgll | , ynr
rritn... __
Hunlrtrd Ky., March .I. A Tornado
tour hundred yards wide, swept through
(?*Sy county, on Meturdsy. The family
of Novcent Wcsloy, near Keep HHI, cm
-•Isllng of himscll and wl'e, two grown
dimybteie, a hoy named Sloan,• !• nephew,
and Mr. Taylor, n neighbor stopping at
Ills house, were killed outllght. Mis.Wes
loy’s body was blown 400 yards her cloth
ing entirely stripped of). Tho two daugh
ter* were carried DO yards and found lock
ed in each other* arm. The taHier and
nephew were leertully mangled, am] all
must have been kill® I by the flist lore* ol
the leinpsd. The dwelling, stable mi I
outhousos weie blown entirely away. The
hearth and foundation slniift were blown
Irom their t-lecev.
A New I’aasiuK .TiAt, Elect.ox I’lan.
—Mr BotPhaid, ol Ohio, has iulv-Nloccd "
proposed amendment lo the Cntitutlon
to lie deslgua'ed as article 10. It provide*
that the exvcutiva power shall tie vested
and hereafter ■* ministered by three Presi
dents couetltating a Bupreme Executive
Council ol Three, to be elected bv the rpial
tiled elector* of each and all of the Slat- s
sad to be taken Irom o! the three sev
eral t rominent otetions of the Ifiilteo
fltata* known ar the We*tcru Hiatos, the
Biate n and Middle Kta'r-a, and Bouihem
Bta ee, and no two of whom ahull ‘>e citi
zena of the same e tiou or. I* ric* of the
C'DJOtry. The te in ol ufflee sliall be six
year*, sod no I'reslJent having served a
full term shall tro eligible h r a second
term, and at the flrat eYc I m under thl*
srtiole lb- President Irom tiro western <to
trict shall tie elected for a fractional term
of two years, and the pi e Irom Hn eastern
and middle district for a full term of si*
y*ars, and after the flist election oue l'rosl
liut shall be clecte I from < ne ol the three
seter*l every line ■ yere. In
stead of the Yloa-Pre-ident now |.iovidod,
lr,e Beuste shell, every four ye*rs, elect a
President of the Benali-.wlm is nil ami m
her o that body, and who, ae the pr slu
ing ofllter, shall bare and exercise all the
authority heretofore c-mier.e<l #m Vice)
Pietideot. The Wl furllHt provides tbai
each of tha Pistoled* shall receive a coai
peosatiou not exceed ng |>er year.
Col Park W AruwUl,ot Faimeilo, Ga
rejoices ia Iba po*aesama f SISJWO, being
juai oue-halt of the capital prize of
UOO recently drawn io lira Louisiana Bone
Lot ery. ivich a good fortune could not
Uav* Geeo c interred upon s more iioerai,
free hearted geotieman.
Tim report ol tue Adjutant Ueueral ol
Texee shows tbara are over (bur tbonssnd
fugitives from (be justice of the Lone Star
State, and forty counties te bear from.
nr HDomßOßiNSorjn
1 hive new In i(‘ax.d te' arrive ke
day or two.
B*lo burheis white corn.
15000 Ib* U. H. shies,
500 U “ shimlder#. vstf eartd.
2000 “ cured li uns,
10 hb'.s Cliulce N. O. syrup,
10 “ Choice N.O mo' easts,
1000 lb* Choice L-sf Lud,
Best Brands ot Flour,
A large lot ot Tobacco,
A com piste esaorVrosat of Uardwar*.
O lassware#
i car Ii ad salt in whits osnaburg taekr.
1 buy all ui ihe auuvs class ol Goods di
ui'l through commercial Broken aad ana
prepared to give Uiltjiu figure*.
riiiqn*Hortmo-it lu iny(Dry Good* dsparV
msnt la always complete.
I am opening up m day a large lot af
sheetings aiiirtjncm, mna-
I •'. I’ltlN l't, FAOI'OUY THREAD,
00l .u, HIDES a >,) HATH, n-l L pro
pun- t i shade any body'* prices.
1 am agent for tho Celeb raft) I Still# GU
an i, which >s aecorid to none that I wll
sell to the K .rmeis ot Meriwether at rsa-
)*. 25-3 in a
-isa-i ■ a. in -TMman—
Dry Ooodi. Clotliinfe Bootfl
Shoos. Hats Sc Crookrr jr-
Wn have a :dedr to our general Wra
Go use and icery Rooms a u-v
next door to our old hliiikl sud will keep
m baud a large and c mp'ele slock of tha
above. NV have lo in atore tl*e celebra
ted WttfTtiWATER and T*-N LESSEE
Wagon*, ami a Hurt lot of BUGUIBB from
Ihe tievt Ma mfai tory in tbo North. Wa
ire agent* I >r th* b nt (11S3 and PUSS
KH sud the wed known
National and Etlwan fonpMt*
We *ull the higheal grade ol fIiUTILi
ZEIiH, an I li-ve them now lu store, ready
or the con.lng ocaar-n. We pay ilia blyb
eat market price tor cotiou, and make lib
• ral udvaiiC'S <i cotton stored la our
•VAREIB>L>E. We buy our goods di
rect Irom the iniinului turr-.r* aud in auob
quantities tin lo enahln u* to sell them ss
uw u* the lowest, aud.wc propose lo give
our patron* (he benefit ol cur purcbsaarVL
all *nd see us.
Wert I' lint, G )., S#pt. V9'.h, 1877.
From this date I will shoe b r*es all
• round, (mutubing shoes and ntils, fur
CASH. I will continue to work lor
prompt paying customers at reasonable
rates ou time.
Fsb. 15 b, 1878 (tf.)
85( WHITEHALL end 92* BROAD St’s
Atlanta, Ge.
D-in't torgei to atop at the above named
Reuse when you go to Atienta. I guaran
tee *slMfacitoa to every rexa-mthle person
and chsrge only
ONE DOLLAR par day