Newspaper Page Text
The-ftferrwether Vindicator
' —rnr^Tm
v< L.n
PI B 1 Wllfcll KVKftY rID*Y,
AT ?? is IE It A> MW. IN A"YAM I
* ■ •!. V ■ • l * ‘
vJst-i * J ~ x L J a* l *
o Vis ..v l! K
A ! Kttffl. S ... " 11 k *
lAX Juti \ fct ... J 5 r.
Tilt t O LAX T K ..JO 111 trl:S
Trta*>C'Jfc..o.-.-...; u J uu “
tt lt\ h\C:t w.t. Mant*-*.-
u *
Ci.-v.NTY M vl^piONbU-i.
E. A. v. VV..H. A '" ■ r sl> '*' ■
J E.,..
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IK-A U 111- El). CATION
J tk . ,\S l 1 **, W. J. B.ri.iw
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g. A o . •* >t F J * '*“
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| \ "iu.rir K d*
Tr n ' k ' An. ii. I • *•
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jri g s lit t'n.lo i<.nl leivici* (*■
V ) \HV fitli u - uih *1 I* b l * totiivi
\*. h It- it ‘t I ’. *■* UIC U It* hi .
" ”** , |*i .. H: i .w.> I ,
, KfiliP 1I" 1 njjifcfei tl .Otj .Ul
* IJE OiV.IV tii'Ui I \k‘w"*
!>• lt Mft*
ki i.
<; V JEW i'A i'.Y KAM V tnoiil
*d l,*C •*, rt‘> g>* •
I * A- SO A, 't i will ’*•,-
11 .4 -. a. *<* la. t <Sw * I
u-e pct-iic Wji'tift-,
W r U. *>.' hO <ll* *■> '• *
Jt.rtiJ.-Ui A-> t OUOu*
4. -*.lng, of port *l,
gjp iiUL.> ii.u .rt .u, t.e.. jl
ru '• >*'•
e,.**.cm t—a - t.t*i rt #itti Cu.m--
JU Jht
t ! fci /,U * ! *‘*o 1 111-**
U*U- Kew -n> kind* M| • Uwi,J
toUi a • **. *tattle* <#
• Ljl • 1j Vr • I < HLt- rt A h
Si.vex F-t Vb are
| „ll aiftt* 0.. U
tV4-, Table Coiry,*nu Ki.t'ifs
1t) it* very ten* wued mMfvfe, Jatfcrb
toad**'* aau *• 1 g“ Wtft!fcN*
1. Jb2 O
1 *u nii ii **> •'> a'BAla ia <f **•
TANARUS a* any ciwi . i Menwctker aixl at- 1 *
IMtii g•> i.iia* t* r l**us<l *•>? , **' , k i
t*,Mn m •>tv iiwii *t.t- *t< '!•* < h*i*t-
I*, |,, l wdi, Unwevtu t.anw-1 B "i
*i*,b property uwi, a* 1 *>•
got,*a*. t-i act. > *y '*•'* ** ‘ I
&z** i yi'°uJ ML* U&"M .feaft, #*
Xi.ii: t i.rnMAif;
t B tllJ
* i m tvi^ra®* •.
Dml<li 13 11.0 H, *fcbL, IloLl/JTV
WjKfc, JN A btWuV Milfc
j;l At, *n I HLLI .lau.
ALO, agent* <ot
fiiwus Scale*. Mum P<*
deb t OxrAl-T, ft*** DtuUi
Jvrtvt M/its t I.U.J- ‘'d
Ota*'*. 1° fcU ” l We ke *-
, Ilf, tea* and to. a Aral cira* Hardware
* U d'iraa at M£nir£lH£tt
Atkinson 4c Reed.
****** WM iTwt w*
filtFJ NVII.I.E, MERIWETHER CORNXt cnCJt&lKfi 2a 18Y8.
Ml nr,
Night came down o’er all I lie earth
And took tit tired Dar.
Vm*l c'*>p and her lightly In tier arma,
Au i biLe tiri ir tn>,
• f no uu uk>. o i e vagi Ughi-hous seen -
F . 1(* in ht> Mi kv Wy;
m .ii u.: uu ta>j,.l>|p tmj harks,
A ii lil> b>Uu l lift ifkj.
■v. ri lilt
rtisvt me in some darturt.
ii v. i wound tWHvdgh iwi b’eke-
A gl.air.i ;r band >*f p*"rl
l ;,,*,d th • UK Sow iHb <M oa *.
Ijik# A tnw t.-inlirob
* *tU*pAtth bow •! tin
! OAt
A law, Util tub.
bn TCr B TpT7¥TR^n*E
A viMim wiid .>ut w*el
C uie t<> ■* i t lit luli**i Joy.
b.t iuiCl > il i4.mi‘l*te, >
t> co bn itremn I why .tilt 1 k
1.. Emili p >ut Uil .Ir !
(W ** itko sWfiout Jtjf ;
Tim coil *tt\ vUwti.
Tw - iKiUlf Ul UtA> l b*J ji*d
Hot.-vi * it ivetetnw,
1 .v. I* 'i>r tr to f iep foe •' •
!U>n u !i> sky * • blue,
1 1...U .1 '•■ Ui louk Amy
>*•*■•• lit to twl.o* ;
1 ' Site m lu.t > I'.hWtUl i'tin
A W'-Ut-tl Utiilt tifvj emi t-o*-
Tu nvi i t ill l! *nv rfhuriog nn ■,
. ne tints -.<re Ju*i a* brtghl
A* ■> Ul a• vn t* II C
llisi e.till! S'.m!*r right,
i i.e s i'c v V *• Isi nf am cha gei.
O Oils fcu aenry y
i wt ii H >t l ba.l '4<ul ihe night
ii,- •.M >b .-■ w*v.
i ' t iti r.Hiiii -.I * iii.a**!.
f 'llAHi ii( S I , M*rC. 2 18-H ,
In...ini.i ii v>... nc*lvi:il lim tbit >*i,
•nj ill aaitUiial wlik'ii !<tl l ti***iljf inj
t'!*y c. >.n i ft c !<•* t im in iji 11l cli* ii
( Mil Blue lU.l*i, In lhr wcstrin |mit ul
( a Hmi liUa A M. Ciay i. tin
Hi ul tin* I*l. ll*ii.. iiclinlii Mi'CU) ( li>>
no* 'enl(li) *ll.l lumi'i) IttllUrr Un 1
jiiillil. imi ni Ilit i.uiil) jiit H i
I* i wfnU -I >*.i flf *t I ', li<.*iiilliil, f>*
rti.rrt, **i *r<*.iilip!l l|i I. 81m wn* i .ini'll
it- 1 t * ¥i- 1 a *ry i I-mi-e'i ii, K i ti^v
,tnm '
lit!' Alin- 1 *U>: ui*<J ni tiul ni Hu
V till* ftiilpliiu Biirlug, WVgi Vlr|initL,n i
• v lain; ■ llikl |i | ul laliti<u.i<*l - l**"M
r.iiy * iitnuvr #(* *. It *it'in I|M( y**r
In*) *(Km** *i tli* r.- • Mi. ll p Thl li.liM •, * 111!ini*..HI* and Jlhtliilf
• *ujtlii an f l •>-*)* Ti- '.>u<*lr
-ii tali ve ; uii**i|i and that
m OHm/u* l )!• uv! in Neh* OrUani
-it.ii lid vla.U"!) M .* 41. ( l*> only tli>• * t
I -ui tini#* ai tiai b-.iua in otjr o*iinty, l>ui
iia*l *• i il|t*a t**nUr <•/pnin **Br Hi
Ud n*rt iwi. iwr u u*n monlli) until Uti
MoB lay.wii* * li* eaiua to In C I lii* |>l *l*t
u i v/tii. Tin and) atl *• *• n* i*t alni
Tfcay wi*MiduJy muid,Ui(i
on pt la I <nroi**iy laiiug c-aca at tunui,.
Ti* fi.*miAi<y In alli-ndain*, *■ nt ialgi
nut 11 was ♦"(♦ttiiil an I nrUlnCfidk*.
Tl,* |i>ii.ooii and nvrnii * *ra |i 1
ii Kfddlii* li*l|¥lit-. 1 *od It wi* a I*lr
.opr alian Ibe bUl* and groom miliail.
I lie* H<: linrni- CU c**i iJ that hi t lai>
tnl •* ti wetnte. He ilireaiennd to kill
Ue> in I.H l.etusy. and ahiy dealrto l on tua
i o>.dlii<iii Uiat *ite w<>otd revi-al tao uarao
<•) her ne.’tirer. 'I Ida *t:i; r-luM*U l*i • u *t
fl*rt, kui timUjf t**Ki ii*i Mmmjn>ni r.fioa
ui >dk the uiftn- Jf* I i*ad aaj da Jag tu
Mot-lay i/i*n*k>*, *(*d racc% itndaaloti
t oae ,4 the iir VKifltiia. Ha w
ni j tfi yoara of agu, bat bad Uia r**|>ol
ii**# id bail** (aliaut, and at lie Wbrto
ftniy-ltot but ati-AHtar wata Javtwito with
ti. beflot. Bbelboioe’* brida dedar-d tb*t
it la gay L>yntfiu, bad bi
nos f uitnifca a*% an-J ibat aha bad
i*ib naacr to 'a-tray bnn. lie aiaiiad
'be boaaa like An ttutoate friend, an J Uat
oigbi be w• owe and ibe g*y>at of the gay
at Ibe tealal '*oiri.
At! o'clock 111* lurking SiwlSjttfll*
a.rm< and l.imaeli wiib a h übl- -barreled aboi ,
tun, an I wem to F>.rreat*l'* buror. Tb<
ymi'it b Ide loft' wed, kefeamfni en'f* b<-
oecßioc Ui4i lu about ber gaetroyer,
that b had (<gi*eo tint. Botßl.o.Swrae
determined. lie areuaad tbe Vwnr,~
ter fatuity, eor.aia'iog of two it three *-
ten ard lit* Ui jUttr, aad caberi 1./r fire
goity bmm. M r rawer feigued aurpfwe
*beo be laced Buelterst. Bed dgWfod
fcaowing aayUMW a*ent the tody** wbeoie.
Ooly an* yeWttoTtotied, *n eel|,r.i
dU< barged a **<l of 'joet-dM min the
.boulder or bn ejirm?, who iad no wenr-
is . f Selenw. Tbe wfrumied man exdl.fcn
*4: flora atiied. wad tmteenal *ll-r
Tit* a*a-o-d jai *a* out flaodf to* ftwal
burnt UpakiMf Umf*b 4**i* toWto fd
*, trto *f?( T *rfo
lai .teJ. Tt.e murderer took a bone trow
the rtkble of Mr*. McCtay, and fled tbe
e-oeiry, gtoog A* dlaacOn* o# Teona*
lae*. i it? neoe <4 lb* t'agony mo* apr.*d
Special Um.iai.te Uo.iey g* titered a
ui otec and a cut io poraall, lie excite
atei.t in tb* tt-i* .borbuod waa ioieote
Lr. tieatber waa aetmtemefl to attend tbe
j uytog raan. Hm wound* irate flrwit,
! bat iiitto boye* ate rawnataod ef hia re-
C ivery. To .id wo llic sdWtultl, the;
9 tea birth in • few hoars tiler ihu trt^tvly
to it
A Jew*.l vt : Wife.
rShtv wtt one ol theme women you ormUin
tjuttrib wU, She irtsnhjt *?ree*b! th*
tibtr Aw e4.’ and tried t.
oate a row for a change. He befall b ;
chuck the thiuga about at dinner time, ai t .
Mnaahiug ti e plat • Rut she only amih
ike an angel, and nii "Law . Atnku. jMy'
i iucky t didn't pul to* beat rm 'P j
day." And the neat day ihe did put fhf
brat act vice on, aid he leu ehtberevi it coa*
u.m righieeu <utu"aa, and he diduT card
to ipoti the Ml. Then be |4oh t* Mopping
•nit late and eomiaa.bbhte drutlk ,bu: whet)
he atuggefed up ataira the always wclcmi.s
el hint w itb a unite, and hint id
her aruta aud ktaawd him, and said “l woul
4V'Wf. wbaUtcFa been spin oq
ytiUT cAat\ k ante la like tpirila,” Now;
this aa enough to make any tnan wtldl
Ho one arming be astd to her quietly, "laii
-.e mv luvah. I'm toabicated 1" “Are ymr
John f aho aiuny eti ; *‘t|hy yitu oh|
•lesr, l almulAtti base balte*d itJ: Add
then she gave him a sweet sutlle that
made him *o mad be rihln t know what to
do. But he wiin't going to be outdone .g
i-e t'aiermte 1 he wvuhl hare a row sonie
hoe or *, M one i.ifht when the
wouhlu’i bohere he was drualt but kept
n kitting bun and railing him au old dear'
he just let out tune etrorii language and
hit her on the beau elm the Hr-iroua. She
MiHedfbitt Min didn’t saw anything iu par ]
’.ii-ular. She tvaik him by the bund iu an
artecdonaternianne, aid led him
*!ai e nun the atieel, ajiil biased him, au
h n leg him lam ,‘o \ p And elm
mt dbwn to the eouti Diaecrt tworiiing
aid gai Inn, m months in so. Ii u pielij'
sgreenble wsy, (lie re,x>rtcrs lull quite ln s
lore wilb lull. And when htt was going
awy she lea 1 t u>ei Ik" dock and' kissed
him. ands tld, “Take (isle ol yuuiseil,
duck) ,T I base nice dinner lor son tin
it. you c: nti- oiil.” Aud lbs iaal thiug Ini
•aw as In; went dawn the atupi was hi'
aniiaulr "He ktssmg hV im- and to him au I
.tolling away • * 1 e. lly at sve'.
Tlif IMy.tfiy ol ll.lliiiig
'lhe . rVI lit *‘o hoi iiiiW-rilvid
'b* myl*r:f i>! a i.c vjn,'n*r ; an I, a* in
l a nanli, thn baiul* ilia' are inm ar lim
jmaslv" in*nndiiii* of Uki ajirlnga, wlildit
an M *rti*, m in a iiew|i(a r, 111*
irui'd worthy I'ttimru *d km prnajKWil) are "I
Ji - i* Tie*t *nui.* ki
lt <tiu (he iiUnrinbe, ilia vigil’ißch, and tin'
ti< idol fidelity ai lb# puliliabert Wh
jiaiiw* In b *w m>*i ti n| tiiu |*l**ui
r* ailing U iji lired from the ala ill and can
ni the primer t W Inal tbo bltiuiebeH "I
print 1..*, il liter i ant, but nilduiu ob*rrv
i lie excel mi h r.
We eat ol a.JtiaM|jj dn rot
tnink ul ibe farmer tliat ral-et the mate
rial* the t * ok lhat piejiare* them
wuk icfioiio p*‘hi* and aklll, but a e*k el
vi>elnh.e, meat, parity and Iniinlte bou
b*M, ha* a par*diii;*l i.flim; in tmlipari
ain ailn an editor. Jiehna hliß paaaaa all
the exchange nektpnperr H I* In kuoar
all ihet* cnu'cut*, t Hja k fyr other eye*
.toe natter (Uat ftriuiei aUettllot!. Hi*
a l aor are to tie aleit, an 1 clip wl'h iu
c aaaut ah lb* IJule Uan.a Utai te
net i r form to h fge ait ftile'raat In Ilia d
fpartißeot. Jio paaea in teelew, eacli
a eak, L-tery atiie Je tp yahaa (beuugh
inrifciM *n&r. ni I'Kilca icro* Wi
ocean *ud ae*-* *tran*e land", and, follow
ing the aim, toe MardM* all around in*
word F*r mateiUl.—lt i* will r* ( lira but
me aecood i*ir ibe reader to take m wbyt
two bom* *e*rcli produced. By him are
tead tba ruanoaurifru Ibat a warm ilia ul
lice like Die* m July. It I* bl frown tbal
ijonmi Uieur. It bi band cemdeuaea a
whole page tab* • Hoe. Ill* ilia allacreet
-(ernera 'bat real!icta aenUmeutal obitua
ries, that giver poet* a twig oil wbicb to
ait and ting tbeir Aral lay*.
>.od th powet I>*-bliid the throne, in
*iewpa|iei a* i*. ht/tee plaeaa, it re.-nfi
gimM i'uymrtaul a* tlie'brone i'-aelf. U**i
reeponaeuta, oca>eeal or roguiar ataml
1 1 awa at tba tnlent power which ha* the
iaai giaeca at aa auiic*a, o*l may aeod li
forth in glory or humility. And, to abort,
m <ba body upon a good digaati in, air ibe
lijlb 0 %paw*papar depemia U|**rj Ibat
▼HtArona dlgadUn laiijch gee* on by laeaoa
i-f me editor,
<>nght they not to l>e honored f And
eii'ce little tame altauda them, ibey abnuld
tki laat hajpe their creature pnnX-rt* uiulli
jplred. Kfoni tgif dark and w¥ *ieu
yendence Uie** are *•! len-'th traaa'ated-
Ttktle of m C tMMirjr IXuore.
Editing a | aper it a nice bnafnew. If
we I'uMjafc.tyfa |ea.p* V.**ra rat'le
fiknt, thty* Mfy we
are oIJ I‘WAils Jf. w
toaUer, ibbjr \iitAc i U ft>r Übt wrilie?
Ur * Jtoxifay l
notice, fulka will ta/ne are jealouf. It
*e o Bet cater to tb wUTte* of the ladto*
Ibe paper la cct & tv tic op * parcel or
•r.ake Into a bJWfc. *OW toeebtaaio in our
oflke and at lend tj our '.tut ear, loika
W. are.icb pk4t fettfjj**ittt b%- >
OWA. Uwe go oot, they aay we oerer at
taod to our boa loan, it we wear poor
clot bra, loika aay btuineae U bad. It we
wear pood dot be*, they my w* never pud
lor them.
■ jrßw rfHJr ® w s n W by bolh ITpuaea
in IN JM&CIVf the sl’iTcr hill orsr his
<d, without the bare cSmhlimenta ot
viiiitlnf qtjMcuaatnj fijst docomeut. Tbs
•realdantfoed rqjJ&l lualic* in the sum
teat' Ordinary iaoua *eld fall t<4 do
n. fMWnwnt n| thsesle.hf GnwgeaM
i n—i *l—s* -hkewglnnns and insnß.
u, -in Hangs want> xwithettk (weoedetH
NnfMnMt !**<*• pwrlted h. Tha **
idwtdlesfrsftjas dhteip ken.pnr
W W JS* MiTaai aMNPMwV]
tfaoet Jro MuMB ha Aiataniad. fbi
Pn-sldsithsrtha triglj eAntHtw teazle *<
should calHbw.
is shared W p*N
m twtjMrtMtostt Wf 1??^.;
him dowtn (s'aa tfmnitfv* b*
the snoitnw nn par*
ty ia Cofflffeir. wd toot Tiai frae IWehd
there fof him. tT \,
a plftsW^^lSW'7i>rbl!n, kill uiftctmnate
Ibr tha ntfloh thyt he U le*tHdVs ol all )) -
ir|lesf abiergenCy.
One may not admire Mr. Hayes-may
ito* jttuUuuui'
on Thiirstpy Mill lad oompaseiuu
fur him. lib tfoak ransack— H (t Is a dtafg*
to Baud htMtstama)Warns onarte. brutal,
and tor. Nut wo do not
agree UJathmie whw woeTI have eiolud
ad it troaisthe GtnmmutonctUitisrd. There
it belenct **d Shere H ft. Mr. MaCook
the only SMuther who called Mr.• (bn to
order, andl the Rfwßker, who thought rhai
•'it oughtaml to go tale the Bmtri," warn
unslde te keep It not Thera It will aland
lorv*er,ee a Snfeaa el the extreme te wkioli
I’resideßUnt tftipntwice hat MU it In these
deye. PgtuawagedAisArtn Woe Jar wheth'
er ell daraN*d4r*J({*kik, who heard that
remath.egMdteaoavl In us justice. Any*
way, it* quiet Meeptlou Han evidence ul
tlm raor*:topt(iti>a of many in tb (iarty
to which Mr. flayn* nominally belong*,
*ii>f!a*h*&o| fia Mi to the
I‘reaideut'a oJßqg, yft dafamJ it* appe tr
ance in lira Httord, liecauae tliat ought to
be a literal tran*cript of all atM on both
Awr*. Wneh ft eeaiea to Ire tfirthfol and
a-cnMa*AwJeirlt fa liable in lie emaacuU
ted at tha wlll ef tk*j Bpeakur, nr of Con
ere ltae*—lt than Ware* It* rahn* Hie
fault i* it'd In prlo'iug what I* a*i4. liut Tn'
‘ .' log - iu*’* , *ri|w(tM**' to vrlo*. w’*ali.n**(tye*r mini' llf ’ l IK *uct •¥
ni* irairoua je i*> e *n*rt few wavering
Huualora to tli *ui>poil of (tli veto. Tliey
•<y that It Mr. (Main*, ar *o'iie oilier
‘taUr*m*n'’"t'lit# calibre, hid hern l*icr
ideiit, ha would have stopped the stiver
trill malt * law off) a* or pr unite* of pa'.-
ronage. P-rbapt to. lint thl* kind nl
meddling with lagiafatlne—•• favorite w'th
•Mime lormar President*, while tienr‘flri*i
IB laotwiad ease*, fe wry bad *• * iy*tem
ha ••(< reement of "my iwdlcy" with
Inib’.w to Oregfeaaman Item llie eiei.aifvr.,
hat d.itie more tiarm than goon in it* day.
I'lie C'Uintry d*>* not wl<h to nee It re*lv-
ed, thewgb for the want of ft we may ocoa
-tonal*y suffer trmn ignorant and head
rtfohg OMfrMMr*, tt". H*yea leiaitr that
;he ha* ‘no |*ol icy’ to improve up-n Oon
‘grata, and MM acta confirm the ataiement.
Thl*, thowgli't negatlv# virrue, la to be
hommendod. But at would that the
Pritiddnt Mag a togKlmatw Influence at tb*
oaf.ltol —auail aa eminent ability might
win, atlled with the higtKNt purity of cbnr
icter tad tfuaul devotion to the b >t inter
•wlk oMlaa whole aountry. Wo do not
krarewedtaadt ttaaa* firtua*. if o .m'llna l in
Mr. ilyei, woo'd aeeura for him Ibe ro
apect and COuidanee which might 'nr giy
ea to a Freeh lent more regularly ami law
f.’by aUrtod Mr, Hyea will ai*ay* la
'e<t uadar the mlelor tune of a clouded tl
tie, By Bo atat gao he gain the r.ympitfiy
amt euppoff, ir**r out af Con great, which
bit petaonal merits may and aarva. This la
t*i be greatly deplored, bat it caer.ot ba
M*rul.~ Th# Saoculive branch of tbia
government can bo mode most efT.rcdve lor
go*et only when ibe ablest, the ffimeat and
the Inwt men are Pnrtldeot*, and
have aftelnad £e gr m U am* ways
id hr anch mean* that no Coogreweman
can aland up and brand them “Fraud*’'
with the Indulgence off i*.but on* ot bit
A Lera Adreniure.
A iw rfmthilii lit M*vm *tre*t
barinf long admired a colored widow fir
fng <o tltossm bN;k abore, fast being
ff>id to cwn ant boldly and declare bit
pawlen, went to a white mao ol bia ac
r|iiaintano# tin otlror day etkiag bin to
write Le I*iy * fetter Mrlng ber band io
marriage. Tba friend wrote, telling tbe
woman in a few brief linee that tbe alu of feet wae tbe talk of Ik* neighborhood,
t u* fbc-m
down a little. Tba name of tbe colored
man waa aignrd. and be waa to call on ber
BaUrday atsbi.*w * anawtr.—Yeelaxd*/
U* writer H tho Jotter met tbe negro ump*
m( along the atieot and raked blot what
tu widow raid . Tbe man (Lowed bun a
bl <PV|t bjg toM,nf*>t e
leg and a -pot on the tcaip where a baud
fui ul rVlcuiiy j*s<ea eut.
and *oAw#ra.l ld a wltno Pro# : “Hte
(Jidti'f ray colflal an, I didn't atey mor'a a
Deuagers el Bthrr.
m f ■ ,
A Peri* correepwnient aeya t A* a ou
-tion to iae.Rci4uisj4; l mutt give an luc i
daf at Ike pesi taw days although iv it ul
tlie meet psiniul nature Imaginable. A
SMUMM lady uU**glT., rdtr arkubiy Iwau‘l
- teU.aging to a (kaiily ol tich raerdhaut
at Uyoea, had to undergo surgical aper
titm. The surgeon snid that It was cates -
aary to gi*e her ether. The sank wee pin
pared, &ud the young laily bad been achal
ing it (ot a moment, wheu a tight w.*a
hmught near i|ie pattern. Iu au insUnt
the ether was igc.uo.aud the sack ea. lad
ed, The doctor was hiwsslt serio-u y
bnrtmii, but the young lady was in a 1-
maotable condition. Uer nose waa taken
completely, and one side ol tbe upper
4*W ea* ialAStar*- It la ueedleaa to say
►lt* l iNti* 4frrdjly dWgttfea tor tile, No
4ga ppnW dmcaßw the despair ol Iks IhaW.
MA Si 4 pahapa.H wuuhd have beat bettet
k*'l the poof girl died from the effects ef
tbU dtesdiul anohjent. It u rumored tha*
(hat the doctor has ooininiued suicide.
A TnW Lin*
Ou a raiiway'liur, recently, a passenger
stopped the conductor ami a asked: Why
does cot the train run laa'-ei t
It goes (aal enough to suit us. It you
don’t like the rate o( speed, gat oil and
wslk, waa Ike rejoinder. I would, replied
the pasaeugor, tlulug back into his sa(>
but iuy fi lendetwould put rutno lor me until
the train comet in, and I don’t want to tw
Wklllpg areuud Hie itHtion two or ihre<
11 there were office* enough So go round
the chaiuplou*, per t irellcnce, ol “the pei
ple" would ha (ewer iu number. Yuui
model patriot never ta-eoint* ihorough
and loud-mouthed uutll.he ha. aband(>ne i
pretty much all hope of promotion through
the inetruineulalUy el paity. IlCtotar lieu
installed the lean tnd hungry Catrltis In a
g>ed lat place hu wi uld t ot have been run
ntng round o’nlgbt, hatching concpirtcii-a
and agoniaing uvr the wrongs and oj
preaaiuus ol the oomuii'ii sreelih.
Mi* .Bellow, ol America*, baa two cow*
which ylalu dally Ihlriy gallons ul milk
*ud.s6lt> per Ilia product oi the
butler. Kuch now receive* four gallon* ol
wheat b* an per Ulcm, ahoui a buabel ol
raw cow pa* in the hud, hr much rough
hod A* ft will eat, and, bet idea they an
both led with heller* to green rye patch
'and a'lowed to yryzri Un-re dining the <i*>.
Ui* j* e wail outU*d and <viu.lorihU ala
That long, "Ton'll Never Mini the Wa
ter It I ibn Well run* Dry, "-la well enough
id lit way, hut It la not applicable to nil
people, for there are t'lou* nidi hero and
eiaaw horn who will never tula* the water
whether thn well run.i dry or not, for they
and iu'l lake any' In Uuilt*.
Ju*(giiia*.tH are pilipared for acniiima,
t ipta lor the bai k ol loot*, ud evaila*!
pu-iiabiuHiil for him who puyalli not loi
hi* nvw|Mipr.
A *<i uiiuxlt-d for thi It, when takcu be
(oil) the iinikltliulu ami asked what hi* oc
cupation wa*, Ira/ikly anawriuti, Hteailut.
Your c*.dor aatouUbea me I tall the
J jdge.
I thought it would, repli*d the lad, bor
ing how many Idg on** Iberu'* iu the but!
net* a* it asbaturd to own it I
la Uullitul, Verm out, according to an
UM(ern etcliatige, the Congregati >nlii*
leltlac to partaka ol the holy aacrauieni
If.mi the asm* cup with their color* I
brother* and titter*.
Pa, what it a L*gt!atur t A L*giU
iura, my ta, is a body elected by the aov
• igu peopbi. But what W* I<gWlatura lor,
o* f Ok, my boy, it’* to kil. Urn#—only to
kill time.
It is nuiinpotiaiit wbatbi r or uot wa be
lieve in an emtlate bell; the proper thing
hi do la to ao llvi that should there hap
pen to be such a place we may eacap* IL
How lung can a man iiv* wltuuut brains?
atkad a proleaeoi oi a ruatic. 1 don’t
know, said the lat'er, How old erj you ?
—■> i am—i mm • "
li you ar* a goo 1 eonrar*il maliat it i*
no raaaau why you akowH ruouwpoliitn all
the c nreiaation. An 'xe**!'<aal ll*i*nrr U
•ometiutra a more agraaabl* companion
than *o inoa-aaot talker.
Oo Nortn, BfoUn, Butt * r Wert, and you
will find cough* and cold* at tbli *e*s<m ot
ibe year. A remedy which never fall* to
give eetlefsciloii Ii Dr.B'iU'* Cough Syrup,
price. 7ti cent*.
Tbe bridge at Do ilas' Mill will be let
not to tbe lowest bidder, at tb* bridge, on
tbo third Saturday In April, at A (/clock p.
m. wnb prlrllrae of catng tbe old bridge.
Tkta Mar. 99 18T9.
C. J. Rsbyu,
OEOWOA */- j OrdfnaryMOffl-e
Meriwether County, f March 18th, 1870.
Peter ll*;rar baa applied lor < xeuiptioo
of paaaonaUy,ami tatting apart and raJua
tM.ii oi liotnea iMd, and i Will para upon
the MOW at-18 o’clock M. ou lb# Sri day
of April, 1878, at my Office.
A- J. UiN TON,
O It- V
NO. \tf
or huoharobinson:^
I have new In sure tied t# aiitve In
day or two.
BUO bushels while core,
13000 lbs C. R sides
5009 “ ehvihlden. m£ mtfwJ
3000 * eared hams,
I6 bbls t'hoice N. <>. syrup,
10 " Ciieioe N O mo'aaees
1000 >bs Ctioloe Liaf Lwd,
6cM tlr vu ls oi Flour,
A large tat ol Tobaeen,
Xcomplete aaeertmeet ef tfavdshtfe,
U las® war©.
1 car I* ad **lt|la whit* eenaburg saakr.
I buy all of '.ha aouve cta*a oi (iooda di
tael through commercial Broker* and aa
pfcparml to gir* botirm figure*.
Thejaasorttneat la wyiDry Oocdt dapwiV
maul I* al wnya oumplete.
I am npaning up m day a larg* lot ot
j iui In Hlli kllAa .il U ATM. and l uru-
I am agent for the Lalebrated ZrJla.JOu
anu, wbloU i* eecond to none that 1 wll
•ell to the K.rmeia of Merlwetbar at rea
konable tiguie**
Call and in me,
11U0H HUB IN sour,
)arW-9m Ua-
Dry Goods. Clothing,Boot!
Shoes* Heta Sc Crookcry
We ha* aided to our ganaral W*rw
fiouacaad rcery Hoorn* anew
next dooi to mir ohl stand and will heap
on band a larg* and c unplat# aiook of Ike
Jtbovr. We bare also In •tore the calebra
VVng"ii, mid a lino l't <>f U(JQtJIItH (rum
llmlieet Maoul i. lory la the North. Wa
are agents for tli* Uh\B tm&JPMBB
KN ami the well knowu
Nilfwil aad Etlwui CwfMt.
We *ell the highest grade ol rV.KTiLt
ZKHH, hii I b-ve them now in afore, ready
or in* coming *e***m. We pay the kivk
e*t luwiket price for cotton, and make lib
eral advance* oo cotton Blond ia our
WAItEHOUhE. We buy oar goods di
rect tram the manufsetarert mod ia auck
quantities as to eaatda ut to well tkece as
low a* tka loweal, and wa prepeaa to (It*
our patron* tb# benefit oi cur purchaser*.
Call and ace us.
Weal Point, O*., Kept. JSth, IfTC.
lc dm.
Cheap Eaoocb!
From tliU da’e 1 will aboo buna* all
around, fnrnfthlng ahora and nail*, for
FIFTY CSNTB CASH, and will lay
pb.wt for Fli TE!f CESTiJ EACH
CJtBII. 1 aill continue to work lor
prtinpi paying cuetomera at rcaaoaabl*
rate* as time.
Pets 15ib, 1878 (If.)
W* WniTEfIALL and 02# BROAD St’#
Atlanta, O*.
Don't forget to aurp at tbe abort named
Heuati whe . ynti gu to Atlanta. 1 goat an.
uw utiafacfloß to every leaaoncbi* pensa
and charge only
OJW£ DOLLAR per dap.