The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, March 29, 1878, Image 2

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    i Jllc vindicatou
• •
VlaT Rtvn.L Editor ami Prnprt-tof
-— 1 eg i j-j
V }UA F I iUAY,MrW. iW?
VimlU<Uvr :
At of eld H was *ke J
to wnadsf, “I*B*lll XM’mfVin*' i pTi r*
SO the people iff rrr bave >* ruceetly ask
jn t if Ben Haftw tk U * m>i; Ihe <Uui'>
cftta. Yoa will feme rvber tint on !h ll
vf quo-lion old Brn separated Iron hit
section arid vote! for lit® ancient drier.
fii> radifla! w* he ti>at ihe Imialed
on dM tgreelag V) the aeua'e tmendiueuis
and declared that bederbcd to force the
Ilian ! Hill, pure and Ample, dots* '-be
throats of tna blotted goidilee. It may b
re-narked, In passing. lht ever sum the
captors Of Now Urlnanu. ft Iren jre (S g'>.
(Jen. Under has d-vel *pJ peculiar food
u lor silver. lie f>k then *** be ®®*bl
lay h >nd upon, n>t .confining himesll lo
the dolUe.but boing w dint < to hike it la any
shape. Bat, Gres'. bpro >• l It oc
curred to sycn the mo*l ardent adVocaW
of paclfleatbm that the veteran Hen) *ml“
airraid he found adrocetlng ti cl.i iai of
a democrat to a seat In the If mee, when
true and trial demaprale frura both North
and Bonlh thtiifc the cOntestaot not entitled
the pi*-*- Haeh a thing. however, the
Hon. 11. K. Hotter,-of MauaehutM , propo
ses tu do In the nonlaiPiJ eiea susl to o,> nest I osalay. There U a rna
Jorlty report declaring the democrat Doan
entitled to the eal now filled by the le
publican yield. A minority reprrt signed
by Osndler of Georgia, and olher i of Iho
cvfuraiUss tavori Field, Handler has
m<le * fine tpe&h in favor of Kivld , Hui
ler ia booked lor a apeecb In advocacy ol
lic-ao’a claim* WUal liai d*t#fH*lßd |tf
MnaaacbiieHia oralor lo Uka llila a’ep la a
mallei of conjecture. ltlllwcauai of Ida
ronvlrtinna ? haa be facetted a fw *'
the manntr of the preacher Ua'lbild T U
h coming -among the dam.* rata, or la he
looking to the lortnelloti of anew parly hi
whn hhaUto be ibn fotnuoal man ? In
the radical aiUmpt Ur 'urn the prowl
demnciatlc and wirkaeper 01, It 1* nnooreO
that Butlar al l lake iho ground that the
present tOcgmlMUt, 001. I‘ <l ‘, baa violated
no law and aboul 1 not bo dettrlred of bla
ofllce. In tba day# of Auif bang Hy..o
Hen waa a t. rilflo dnoiat, having Voted
over 50 lime* la the Ol.atloaUftl fb.moo.utc
roovetdbm I| Jrtl Daviv aa a candMale
l„r prealdftnt. Bit a faw yoara thereafter
llevla aat a prlcv of a thouaand oooHdcrrtc
dollar#, or, tome other auch large u n, n|
the head ol Butler, and now tba ol I
COCk-yed ata'raman la afUHeUeg with the
“aotlif Boath.’’ *• *Mun w>k
florae* Qr*aUy to her *rma, •“'••T ®' l
PIM w ||) b, alto rad to return to bia Jarat
*4 patty, II he dttttta.
tntf thb Writer advlaee that the tailed Calf
hi not huWhatrd )uk now.
Before dlantlaatog Bailer K may to* re
marked that b* haa oa ol tb flneet, If sot
tlu Bn*a, private reel '*nce In Wellington
It itand within a atone’a throw of tho cap
tnl ami la cnoatructad ot beaut If* I blue
granite brought from the abut* tof MaWft
obuaetta. It ia laid that the tranaportdlon of
material COet the oiroar nething, a* h*
managed to Uave It brought upon govern
moot vo*aaU aa billavt, A portion of the
mamndo h ranted hy the govern mam, Sm-
ator Jonea, of Nevada, renU a portion,pay
ing fheretor fOO0 par annum, while *)
another portion t occupied by Butler hitn
aeU,hla fUeghtur, wbo*e bu-band waa
en< * tb* ourpet-V** governor ol MiUir-
V-t, toeing mUtiaaa ol bar lalher'a boutkacp
lag all >ira Jett acroaa U:e atreot from
HoHev’e ta the femoua Bamleraoi Ilatue,
where tblrety conyraarace wet tbolr wbh-
Itee after an unuaualty dty apeecb. Upon
a bright apring day, or an ugly Much
morwUMh w • avenlu g the tide
aela prettr atrong to the direction o! “Bn
-daraon’a." Whether paopl* go that wy to
DkVe a fUK er edtalr# hit
•tyltah maoalon, or to taka a peap at the
depart rooaav of the Hotel, or to aee the
“Irule Brown Jigy," thU vrraciona chronl
cler kaoweth a*
Too Aave haatd h° w ‘ h *‘ **• s *** u *° l
oa • bender the night * wt P "* h “•
Stiver Bill, hot U a member o 1 U IL’O*
Ijever alllictod with a stammering toegu*
or oondoat Amitor to that of the Sooato 00
th# might ia quaAiea, It to bnmro at once
that be has been to SandaraouV Many*
timid itdWin who thought It impossible
to air hie eloquence in the Himes bee bed
bie courage acre wed to the atiokloa point
by an exhilarating draught Irom around
t>e corner at Sanderaou'*. Measure* have
bea,i lost taeCsnee ahaeeteaa were “engac
e(j M pauilorann’i Mo modern tourist
oooaidere th*t be bae awe Washington nu
tU be vigite baadenoo’e ‘he writer
haa never yet entered the lemon* precinct*
of thUt oongremlonal reeort, yoor reader*
#m underauud that there are many thing*
intbwcHy heheanoty**# 4 *. Thrt •
congreaaman piUooiae 9euden*a to not
lru% butthe aeinr ** ehoalo occasional
ly expoaa the ebeautaaa* Bronzy aa to
baap them at their pasta
Tbrs altractloaa *°
(trong that bofWr Mi re-
lingaiati them. Maay men who loea lucra
tive noAttous linker around the eepitol for
TBirt traHfwf r ’‘admitting to tarn up."
AeVieted lea tower pert of Ihto epistle,
there bee been eome ‘elk of turning out
Um present doorkeeper, end eooree of tbeee
embryo oendßUte* fiar the piece.
Kearv mail bring* totter* from aoxioua b
-aent onea who toer tbel their claim. wUI
be overlooked rf Polk .. OiamtowA It to
hurowrrttoty eeti that there era 1 eppll-
w'th 8 ate'ea erd
one territory yet to hear from. Heariog
! that one of ystfr GrecartUe merchants
! would pass tbniegl th# city, ea rale la
New Tort, last Tuesday. the writer was
' lookioc over tee register at eeeef ike ilo
■ 'eie early VYtdneaday WOVttlag ISI rtllag
tor the merehaai’a ■enea, whoa Ute desk
‘ laughingly remartsa *dMf wars Css ne*
i arrivals trim QBurgle laOtalgh*.all, I Sts
j tome. caadMUaee tor doorkeeper." The
; only Georgia asms tommi, be we aw. was
that of Hod. O. I, Ort, our wormy seals
| school r xnrtiteeionsf. If fa bul dse EuR.
Uir to add that he ass assured as that hr
| H here alone Uj all is eacurisg the passage
| of a bill giving la Georgia s pro rata share
of the proceeds <*! the trubflo Isads, lor ed
uced *r*al ptupr mt* II Hr of. Orr auccemia
it aHI be jierbaps $190,000 added to the
stats oduaaiional fund.
Oat of our congressmen, I-enoard of
l/Otil.iana, went to Cube a weeks ago- to
tee a Hpauith swc<tbesrt of his aad died,
it i* thought by (fceuy, from being poison
ed The parents of the dart syai Span -
rard looked unfavorably upon ber Atueri
can suitor snd conveyed ber from Weak'
Ingtoa to the country Is Oehe so as to con
eeai ber irna tbs tearch of Leonard. As
lie went prying afiout la the lead of the
tropt * for irtf tmaorwa irtr fIPcW the
old folks put a epf ier fa his domplleg. Al
any vate he fa dead. Tbs pspars ttptn
thst he Jisri of Vllew Fever, wheel it Is
known that (here has been oo csss of this
fey in €>!> lor several month*, Ueo
sid was kaowo hi Wssktagtoa as a gay
fellow and inttMdal peHIIMM. At M he
wee one of the judges el the Auprome
court ol L rulilioa, and inamber of con
gre? liefors he was f .rty. He was the on
ly ratloal from ble wate and will llkety bn
sucrxvde! hy a democrat.
The delightful epilog weather continues,
tbs oldest .uhahUant declaring that he has
known nothing like It slurs 1945.
W t. M
TT>c Finite mmA Organ latlaeii
The pfrSe tu I tour.try are being flooded
now-i-deyi with prapoetlloue from Huftb
r ra piano and organ deeleia, pretending to
rnske Immense dir counts and “rpertal of
fers” on Ibelr iositemebt*. in snaoet try.
eiy iutlenee these | roposillotre are §rae>
and tpilobs, end the deohte get every 4oT
I st el the <*oi lb of their later lor goods, and
oUsle a great dual u( a>JTer'!eiag, loi
which they pay no coMiderathm Upon
all sm b, we are glad to wte, that M*eers
Lnddeti A Bitee, af the H*mtbera Mwelc
House, at Aavannmb, bare made war, and
iliclr t ip* sures are sesllilng. The work
could have fallen Into no Iwttrr or wore
competent bande, lor ll rt well kromn that
there ia no more extensive end reliable
inttslc houee In ihe Amth—a rvjmratlon
tiared allka upon thecherasier el the pro
p-ktore, the reltaWllty rd the teetrumeoie
they eeii (which ere only el the $eA adh
ere), aad the lowueec * their prkr*. Beta
direct talee, wßlidul Uw l.;leriedi#tioa tf
Woarogtal to ata'.r that thla great
houva will aablbil at our Bum fair, a
which they will alao aall a beautiful wng
lately puWiabeil by them.-“Whiapar
Tou'll t>e Mine, Lore."-(Cul. K- T. Clark#
In the Prcapcclua, Atlanta Ua.
Wa can add our hearty endowment to
lit* deserved compliment paid Mnaara. L'k)
dan A Bate* U. tba atn ve paragraph. By
fair dialing, anterpriae aa 1 liberally they
have eatabliahed a boWneM which le pr -At
able to Ihrmaclvtw aad a bouea that hr a
credit to our aectiim. Partita wtoa hart
daallnga with thaai will fnd tbetr rep re
•entail.til of good* are correct aad their
pricer rea'oatble.— [Savannah Morning
Mrs. Jffferaon Pavia la deacrlVd aa be
ing nt preaent a very aUul.very irtetdgeet.
and very aioleblfHaoklng mam an. Her
face la round, abe has a large aad tspraa
alva mouth, and black hair streaked with
gray, bhe li kind-hearted, aad la mid by
a conerpondent of Bm Ttmea of Cb|c>go
to be much llhefl ha Mem phi*, etpechldly
by young people. Mr. Davia la very thla,
and looki very did and hrakao.- Taelr
el deaf daughter, • gentle aad graceful
voting woman, la married end ffvea la
Mump bia They have two other children,
oae a girl oi alateea bow at achool (a Oat
many, wblther Mrv Davia took her laat
fummer, and the other a young mao bow
In M'tnpUia, Jrfienoa Davia, Jr. Ho is
about twoaty-t wo year* at age. He haa
large, but not lead terse face, aad M aa
awkward, lorjuteioa*, good-aatured aort of
aa overgrows hoy. The Dvla family A
comparatively poor now, aad Mrv. Davia
hrequeatly allude lo our poverty is a pecu
liar wey.
Geo. Bracg be* lotrodscvd le the Howee
e new bill, for the pay of the army, which
la backed by the Military Committee in
Conference. The new compromiae bill
regulate* and Hurita the pay of officer* t
intantrr aa followa: General twelve thowe
aed doll.tra a year ; Lieutenant General,
eight tbowaaad dot 1 are; UeoeraJ,
all thoumnd Joilara ; Brigadier General,
hve tbonaend deliaie; Qntoael, three thww
Hd dollars; Lieutenant Colon*l, three
thoeeaed dollars; Major. two thousand
and Ax hundred duller*. The bill pra>
sides lor the peymeet of onah smhMm
ad oficer below the reek of Ma|ur ten per
cook of iba'r sene* yearly pay. for each
term of fre years of meric*, provided that
the total aaeonat ot each increase Mail in
DO CBM exceed dh per cent, of the yearly
pay of the grwiean provided hy law. The
bill further provides that m |vf ems wher
there ere wo public quartan commutation
may be paid tbirefer by the pay depart
ment to ofßoan entitled to the seme, at a|
rate not to exceed aka dollars per rooee
per mouth. * The bill if passed wit', take
efiect June 90 b, 187*. .
A CfAwwr WoAdhag.
IsH sight was tb* *wen|i| ICh issiwt
mrynl the hhHrtagtßd Bern. mM .J|K J
W letter md hhimth Cfa ifw.-
_ da. ,1 At.., g, - -A.-S #
wasMsrrad;aßdataegh ll ir dTrmy
f snflerme ertwhe wore pagaMilad. Mr. and
Mm. Aw trey ond la She mUatcf the coca
paay.aetf la the m at twine men led, aad
Bee. M*. Hatsdla, their padCf, addreneed
to the uccsatoa. The nrcnelna wee a hap
py cae thrnughoal. licew's hoping they
may live to cslefbiraie theft golden wedding
a< happily.—istOroap* Agpseirr.
Mr. Stephens aaesns to be ac fell of sag
gaaiHwe and resources ee he over wee. On
Thursday be onggamad the hones that a
coas plate lades ol the j minele of (he hones
troiu the kmmUlim of the gaveraesrr.i
Aton'd he prepared. Thieleae eseeUent
tdea-ooe that woeil'itm a gnat euay
people ejgrewt deal of leher. We hope the
house win at dee the ptepaeartee el Ate
juri *-{C^sStfilß(MNl.
St. Mbrtolae bee aeneh ga*rta*eteg
flow Iltty was led la a A* mar ,
Vm e Little Story j MnsSer ie •twnteey ;
Hick ffardta ewer at Cshnnf i 4 Fall Aon
(/■ider the U hue-chapter If , The
dwallow , The Wild MaAaag j AgwCe ♦
keeat, A TMI la a Londea Deg show ,
dteieg Ilimaelf as Others ilea Has-, The
Tkree Bom rhene. ieut ia-thn-Pulpit,
The fitter ftes. The BtddtNfer sd
msay othnm.
\\rtLlj be sold before tbs no-irl house
VV door la ibntoeraed UrcaartUe, on
ike Ant Titeedsy la Mey,batsman the legal
beam of aaickthe unewlag land, i*w
frute of land aaashms, Cftr-aao, anreaiy
eight, earth ball of M Wo. sightyibr.s,
north bnifef lot Meaewvat) ols end Morth
halt of lot Wo. eeeenty anene.aH fylog is
the lOib dietrlrt of Martwether couaiy.
Georgia, end cnsUlslng nm|bandrwi
acres, awwe • lent Fatd inad levied an
by vWtne of e fl Is. honed Cwi Martwetb
or Iwtnrhie Unart la Meet ad Wat. T. Wfl
Items, pfff, and A- B. Andrew , IM*ihs>>
ve. John Meioom iurrlv*ne padaer Ac., ss
tbs property ed the told We Msleesi u>
sethfy the sold C la. This Mseah **. fVT*
(. . nRKCK. *>
Km MM I will aewtl *V matl,
at your Poet CMHca. ery oe# el the Mlow
log cltaK tkma ef plants, ail 4%Mmcl mru
<v, ami etroeg ptaa • atUided lar —m
III'- Ml) lug !—■
a JCveiMoomiag Maathly Baaaa.
H HahaUeyai. m -
l Tethaaa, aaw amt ma m 4 *"
S Hef-ealaa, i rwarlag, aad haWWaiam hr
Mage, aorta
IS dimmer Bewertag Itoka,
n urraaluma (loaWa), er • * ern e Oeraal
ante, newer tod beautiful ktma.
8 derail tuuta Imwated), o* • ley leaved dm
tl Colaua, or 8 Laataaea
8 Kuchalaa, of I Hardy Phloiaa.
18 U wdlolua (bttlhai, ef • DaeMa IVaalua.
18 riaeat Striped aad BMehed Pataoiaa.
18 Paaataa, <s S Uhrymathaama
8 Tuberoaaa (Pearl, aawj, aa II Dcobla
8 Dab:tea, or 8 Hardy Border Pla uta.
18 Baahet PlaoU.or* Tkhh,w • Kama.
5 Paaaiua Plow at Plaatt.or I keg bad Ueh
18 Salvia BpUtadaaa (Scarlet Bagel
108 Straw berry Paste, aa aad large
am la.
at by BXPHJCBB (hegar tapey rh
8 ooUeciloaafar |S, 8 lar #8,9 ler fh
18 few #B,IB tor $3,80 far 10.
bTKAVHHUUUSB—Owr Mai e< aaw
and aUadard kinde ol Strawbarrtaa will ha
•eat fm to alb Somathtog wary anew
berry grower ahould have.
K. H PHtRSOM. Klarlat,
148 A 181 Barn Praam,
A.tlantu Paner
Arutrrra (Hwwa
AIX IteM mad Wl*kto
ornc*. bhoad r, atlamva
hddreaa IAS. OKMOHD, PHfdtM.
Rater to thto toewe as a Specimen af h.
P*P- _
A.i. IOWE. nstVX.MUI
laOWB h WEZaIaS, Pros
Tbejbmt ettentlou gfvanMo the comfort
uf guests. Polite Fdvtera at every train.
Term** HM P *My.
fatreest < MUctted
i ~ „
Boot* ft SkoMi
Harden Seeds,
Plow FiltOTM,
Oariaa Taala
fo i s
Thai ▼•aurttSTT
wvrt Ike l*r|4 *•
Base ewrt made be eaa yen*.
BUB Laffer.
Will heap mar alaek kdi aB W* yea* rmaf
and wtU aaS a Sw tew eat
Cash Price*.
Our Third Lot
eer •:der ef whiah
“7*a*m /rear WW
• •^
A !
• 11
Tbn Mgmt portion ef
bwwtan * Bsantortsmij
VCttiot to
COIN n, OOrfON i
Egyptian Tap Root Corn?
Grout the River Nila
rrtHldCOßK pmimen any advaa
L tagea over our cummon owe. It drought much bePer— Ukng eucb
deep root ta the groood. It vW mstore
'.rose fire to six weeks eariiei, and yte and ai
• east Buc-thhd kaa work—gtowth so rapid
.si needs but twe ploagbiogs. R makm
■anal almost < qua! to Sour.
See * list boas who bavw irks! it *\y .
C level aad, Taos, Oct ?. 187?
Hetog largely engaged in plaotiog.l bate
lasted 'be merits ol this corn', sod cuod Jer
Ue introducHoo fortunate So’ Houtuern !sr
mera I hsve rawed is/gi,lull ears ad core
ie sixty-five days Irnm the day it wjfn
ted, and partme n Gewgis who trie i is,
tell me u wifi maturs there as early, ij not
earlier, as a hot climate suit* it best.
fl G. WlL' 1*
Grantvilk, On., Oct, Id. HT74.
Mr 0. M. rOhs ;
fttr- I hsve planted the Ksyptiui Tsp
K'>t Cora, and aw nvucb (.Irax.s| i<h it
1 cat iseowssci-1 k—ihiuk our !uiu>,
vt.ouid Uy Tt Kin Mures much •trill rl our uioiai t-a corn, stsu s drought
better, sod isOes leas wwl, ut growth is
ss rapid. Tours reopi'y ,
JLh. G, W. flTACunea.
m‘ icyftk *
Oat poond, 88 ossp. Oan peck, a.
flail Bushel, A Oae Bjshrl 8. Found
pocksgea sent by msjl, absa m price is
mptm.meted whit 10 tu nay pusssge.
—Larger tfusattUas seat by jfix{>rem or
height, asdtreetssl.
Ail orders mustfbe accan>{aeixi by ihs
1 guarsetss every ;>nek age sold by ms
U, lw genuine kgyirtUx Tsp Hull Curs.
l ‘latit-4 shout same time so other cars
* 5 vs soeordiug ku stisuglh of loud
Order at ooee.lM the suj.ply ie I untied
and the d< os tad great
Address all or dor* to
bpfti(a, (is.
ul'iNup r\ A XI C\ GUANO
GCANoV/lllVlN U Ut'AN.*
* S. S b S
We ar# Agvote st H gsosvliu le* t. .
well hnowa and \ |*u mi Guano s N> u
Ms Fac.Ae, lhaJlry's Amwr-ataUKi I>,
sola>| IP ae, Bradley'a Flteal K ttaw Fa
iUaer, Cbsmpaaaa, K Fr.a. os ssi
CuashorUad hapesyhiMf -U
Wbaeh W* oflet lo Sal •> a inw pnava
ns eaa be bad la say "tlwr saatkr' I*
CAU KOTK > 4~a M X Web u>
lea ay iu u at
15 ('r
per th a and wilt *e ptoawd U> lr.-ot.ii at
gawd oed pwaetaa) pylug men. fl
ether aerd a t jdy.
Ustssnilb, U* I YltAfl It *OKJ,
ja*> nn twra f 1C eMI fit.
1> 1 A Vi \ O ’LHvM .wtaw f* *
J Jo * T*>
hr Orfamr, prn, | M ew.f 84 Kta*'
tiaw I>. r wr.-hioei w. v J.
~n I’TSIO V A \Z
ftUw.pup. IdwriMaa Smeau.
frame N. T Tlmw ItaMJlag • N. 10
roc* B>,
Orv wrra tub Tancat Rfrua <,
VOL LMI NOW READY. 888 page*.
Price 80 reata. Free by mad. <J* ataio.
the aama* aad ciicelateioa el all w.iy
pma, aad ar Oamttaar xt Thr TswwrTt
which,they art pebiiaha '. Aldrcwa OKA),
t. HOWELL* OQ„ M Spaaaa Strata,
lfew Twt
* >yL pi * Cnia r
Sewing Machine to the seats* seilto* and
heat mttofyrng is *a Marhaf It has a
vary large ahattte ; mahae the tech-rtAeb ;
to Ample Is ueaeSratllse ; very rea
ract roMpefitina wkh the Warm Aguat*
WamSaA Apply for law* to White ftw
eg Machine Cb n Ctovafaad, O.
A A Extra ftos Mixed Garde, wtth
'ivy name, IS cm. past paid UJQMia
A COl, Maama. M. T.
Otaal lavswttou by se who waedaaf iur
M years. Sswd stamp lor partiraUia
fan. Gormoaa, Lock Box 80, Madtoaa, lad
Or. Oraaae’s lit Care will mep the wont
eaae uf n* horn the fimt days nae. It has
toOit The meat waadertnl asattefae ever
pnparad f Only |3 tor e bottle holding
needy sprat Bead at oaoe for it, aed fail
particulars. All kttecs proraptly aa*war
ed. Aadrset Dr*, dtoeeaa; Liediey A
Bealiej, Propueture, Gbuloue, S. C-
us 188 BUST.
Crtuiplan's Imperial Soap h the Beet.
CrampU o's Imperial Soap is the Beal.
OaaipU'ii's Imperial Soap h the Beet.
Crompton's 1 n(w>nal tvosp is the Beet.
Crsmptoe’s lin,<erUl b tap is the Beel
Cram Eton's Imperial Soap is the BeA.
Cramptou’s ij,|wrlai thrsp is the Bee*,
tramp loo’s imperial hoop is the Bask.
Crsmp’.ou's Imj.rris. Hoop is the Ante
Crompton t luipetml Sssy b hsjlhtl
TWie Hoop w uisnufactured ttnm pnm
ntairrials , si.d os it contains a
large prrccu'age ot V- gst ss
WV'-h—warranted fully
equal 10 th* best im
peded asi lie
bap aad
al th#
time to*
tains all ,tk*
wasb>ag a cisa
proprrtjee of the
relebroted tirrmso aad
Flench l.suudry .Soaps, it |*
therefore recommrttdrd h>r use ia
the L sundry, If lichen and Hart ffusnu
and M getmral houewhal t |Mjrposo* , also
l* F. luterr, Folnters, Kugi
>•, aad Macbiatab* as
it Will remove spots
of Ink, Gmaae.
hrmi tbe-ksnd*.
Mltufmlnrttl h k by
(it vCn*r >b RRorngHfl,
H V I % - *h*i 10 IhitOii Fioow and
fi J*l r*. ■ r e*. Ns# Turk
y *1 'id) hr
Hull! .* h j* a itHrru,
flit It: KK Tals
Wl,l. tu add beta#*.) the legal boars
ul -• I* Ut A> *( I Ur,dsy Is
*Aptl*c , hshwe ihn UeA bouse door
• I * hits of Gfurxvule. the hiliowing
er> >I, I -Mi IGA tfrm -fl the sasf able
•and ot .*1 load tl<>. IQO, ts,i ft ty-otM acres
■ U. swiii >• ! ,orowr .*l Is of laud He.
187, ah m ttw tft h dl>t a i ef.BeriWWthos
hw**f. Cs, L< rewj <a a* Ute property of
J-d aA 0 ,"*l Vs id •to he
|<l >• sw M*ea e of and J-<h A. Ok,bu
ofl m as.l4 Get j tee*4 .w to satiety afl (a
ff.-m Aaiiasch. , thsps-lw Cmrf Ie Invar
m W II I'ertoset, wf it A (GUI; b
ea and lan I 'wing to* pie.* . h-iaoa the aeld
Gd —• liens.
t ti la •*. 'l •an I p!>* will be aeld
U* • la kali —f .iH w iotif .N ia. 7ib
ItauM .and i*tigla-n/ Traap ew Mertweth
-i cimm li, btaiklol i N >rte by laud# *f
fame* It'ter *rl I or# I noelagiiam, a*
IU aaat bj iaari ta M • Jane Porch, m
•be tawk t>< Urua of Hm. Wataea aad
•a tl>e w -t by land* nI Jeba A. Paffrtdge
aad Da-f.! Ter cB. Levied oe aa the pro
twily af Kbiloo Rowe Ua aaltafy two fl lav
r m J .a’iaa todrt 71J O M , ana la lavor
<.f David H k w Ktotr>o Howe, Haa ethm
ta la Vi* ef John W, BaHbawa va. LMaa
ifovea , levied ee aad to b- paid aubyacl W>
> UoraereeJ of giaiua Heaa, aa laid
.. ■ ’-irfl I■ —T —iltrrd —— 4
.. me by W. U. How ibt, L. C.
A’ ibe aaam time aad pioea will ha aatd
e Vrwly-wlne acaes of lead, mure er leaa, ofl
and let • f laud Mu M, laal aad diarlo
i a abed aa the lioleioaa Bill place. tA4d
race) tal aa 38 a. tea el aaad lead; bawaded
oe the ■orlb by 1.4 Be 48, wed by led
M. IS; Mid lead levied os aa fbe proper
ly of Ma Or not to vatiafy four 8 (aa from
Jat lice eoa tf the fISI district, 0 M„ all
la lavar of Tk ma i Leakart aad Heary
Rtt Mo, Arlodnldrdora ua tba aat alt at
rburst' a Uolemao. doeeaaed, v*. joke
Cot. Is tj made aad rctaiaad to aa toy
W. O. Me It Uhaata, I* C.
TH* AtUirU Comtitstlni.
Mithie the eearse ef a saeath me shall
bagia the pubiiraiiaa af a alary at South
ern Wa aad cbaractes, aatitiud
from fbe ptn ot Mr. S. C. Harris, author of
Uacie Item a* Revival the moat
popular writer m parhapa, ail the South.
Hie abundant hnmor and graphic deserip
tioo* ere we!! kaosrn te Georgia. The aew
rtory will ba bto mrat aaaMUoas cSort, aad
The Cuoatitattoa eoufidcatty psamless ft*
patron a rare literary treat The etory
will appear in The Weekly OeanUtatsoa
ai),ead will nra threepAaouwol mswtbs ■
Globe aboskl he made ap or Aegis *ab
aaiption arat in wHLoat delay by all who
desire to reed this story ot Georgia’s iapor
ito humorist
The prise of tbs WEEKLY to |3 a year,
postage tree.
Atlanta, Oe.