Newspaper Page Text
The County Vindicator
.... ... K £*„£.• i ‘** T . .. ii ~ - -
, unf ht.-tT""
wywmjlt* WMWVLK Y
*t ** t-nr ashtok, enadv ahot
m4ht4*Hk ill
•WMHiatT A. . Htew*
tfILNHK W-ATw, •%.*• *•••• -FT. W T.el •*
- jSSmSSm..!. . J. tr. Suite
oorohjhl . Jobe *l jom*
7 fte -ansL.
Alien H. WU*.
fKlyfcffl* or SPUCATIOM.
j*k. W. Puk, W.j. lUteea.
Ifiarse. ;s 8. A. Ptffccr
A- A F *■**, Sec. —■
SENATORAfrh District, F. M. Mm.
“ nMfmniri itt rr
JT; J. WUHtmt, PJW. Williwi
Joan w. paait.
A TTO ’ m,Tvr
Will practice to MerlusiVw anJ the *4
isUiif ooattlM.
i”*"** ** •
PnmnsivtM*, Pa
i'l"W* l "r.* u *A ht# rare attend
od f peeccptiy tte totthlully.
A iTTOmTiTL i2—<•*
wi | II Wirt— la MeriweSber ate toe
uMuwit.tA a* *
■Pf j. Jk O. Tsawtl. otto* Drag ftor*.
OVthtttH Ids Prolsadnsat Mvwtoas
lbs eitizcm ol Greenville ad vnclolty.
tST Office *t J ■ V. f Terrell * Oft
Drag Ware
till 1 ' ■’
Of LaCr*g, Georgia
Ha* NOW, and HIM krep alwavs* on
ba-.d at hlv oil rtM' &i<t °
tba pcbhc square, a foil *ed
Coca) .ting. of. PWI af,
PF GOLD *ud BILVBH Wal> br, JB>
(^ tT r . A |i*y-tndcts,oMhe beat brake
IplmrtrT Uold Mid Hi)v*r Watch Chain*.-
•f all ***, makers and prices*
••Id Pena and ail kind* of bolder* ; Gold
Silver * •*' >V* U ‘**
Silver Plmt W *r
,A all kind* and *ty Tea.
Focket. Table Cutlery, and lto^rr
bv Ike very **ker, —JoMfk
■Udetra Mid George WoetoobaUwu.
1 am (itll repairing all *’*"* in “*7
T*. many cti* H ol Meriwether and ad
ro otle* harr testod iny Uj
rauai* a word Iron. me a. t. the cbwrac-
I will, however warraut all n j pr>q erlj used, m 1 hare always
done, and ark ■
Ue I hat* received from my
tnaada to Meil" ether.
f y>T FOIST, Oj-,
D*k i. >*OK. Biuo,
yg A p,ii, VA(iO> * lilOoY MiiJl
*XSO, tftßO h* _
F*uuujr* Bcxum, Miami Pow-
M. cowi-ab*. Jx- LmaL
,„**,**•!** M.uu. aud •*•• *"
Goa***- ‘ w " t ” *“"*
mi _t* citixea of Mfcßl WETHEH aolici-
Atkuuon ic Reed.
iHM Wee Powt e*
-feentvTmrrg; StepiwHftfitSihtftiNrY ga., apkil s tszs.
-wtlw KEt-
udf rsssmar
L -• jogmcira j-’.'
lneftaaerahle Stories rf M fltgit jabi
atpum aUijpww. Doris w tas mV
Wl Vito frttoydfiooth V* writes*
mil tew***^#**'
special aupervJriow. ted liW Hite* ia,i
made ter daysmans Mmodtatoly alter
■ tgfcitek, wbau Ooi. V. F. Wm >
teemed tie* • nafgebotlag riitetfs Witt (be
report Shot • Med of tM buteite end fitty
. t * u e. #|\, -igtt gtratir aa
MMSAnM W Nlm \UlFpf7
dkd.*itbTtklteMn wi H—tet V H*rw,
waatoctergsotbtebtey *• * •
Uimtef waa lying VMMeed etw
•purred, ebeit, t little tiler dejrbMtk, Ibe
titm wetfireu tbet Ibe wee eUefc
ed. SsriutiAflo Ut Mt jnd
out elite tent, be eew t ewee, MM Ite
ettauer to tttedt tte tawteete ne V
plertoe Mette tte tea# Ited dtegr efto
traiasd tnLUiii inti am ittMtlAT MUMlftii
tod fMrßlitl< te te tofcMNetd Mat. Dek
Mwe tete ttld, tte Itotedeal toOVte'
,dr Mly dneued.
eleto eltot *WVwe* ewr hto eteeMUt
% mujipi "*-> " W| * M j
• ernitrite tom i\r\ f—fi *
to* fctob ih— tonuto-
Mae. Davie atao directed * Roast* wntt
#fee w htmkhk to tok*a wtofttor h ■■•*
mo accompany bus fa the direction of the
spring, bla horse, an llr* atfeAr •• ol the
camp. bring cut off frotn arctaa by the le
tarpo|itoti Ol the agaallanU.
lie had advanced only a few •'*[># from
the door ol tha lent when he ttaa challeng
ed by a mounted aoldier, who preeented
bla cMbine and ordered him to surrender.
Tba auewer aa : I never surrender to a
liand of ibietM. Tha uwhlca war atlll pre
Mu,ted, but the mart refrained from Cling—
H U bul lair to presume from an unwilling
uraa u kill hl adteraary—while tha I'rvsi
dent continued to advance. Thla w* not
Irom desperation or lOul Uardy reckless, but ol deliberate purpose. • * *
Observing that tin mao, who waa finely
mounted, was so near a* to Ire considers-
Mjr above him, he bad liule apprehension
ol being bit, and believed that by taking
advantage ol tha aicllemeot of the abot, he
might easily lip him from tha saddle and
get poaseaaioa ol hia borre. I'hr feasibility
of this design waa not ta be tvated, bowav
er, lor at ihl* moment Mr*. T)a*la, seeing
only hi* danger, and at.lmaud by a Char
acteristic and heroic determination to Khars
it, ran ferward and threw her artna around
hia neck, wilh Impaaaioned exclamation,
which probably none of the jrvrtlee preaer.t
would be able to repeat correctly. The on
ly hope of evcape bad depended U[rou
bringing the matter to ao immediate Ueue,
and, seeing that thia wi now lott, the
President i imply aald, God’* will be done,
as he quietly turned back sod seated hnn
•ell upon a fallen trse, near which a camp
Art was horning.
A letter written by Celonel William
Preston Johnson, late side to Mr. Davis, to
the writer of the article, (Major Walthai,
contirms this itaietiieot:
Lexlngtoo, Va., I
July 14-h, 1*177. S
jfttpr r. W. RWt/mf, Mebt.e, Ala
Mr Dsab Bib—Your Idler has Just
com* to band, end 1 reply l once. Wil
tori'* roonogiupb U written with,* very
strung animus, Del to My Tiro*. It U n
no teote historic*!. It bears upoo its tsce
*i! lb* msrkf ol spcciil plMding. IK
states u matters oi tact nutriber!*** rtreom
r.aoces which cosid cot be ot iris own
Knowledge, sod wbi:b he must hare pick
ed op m rumor or mere gossip, Single er
rors of this sort are blemishes ; but when
they are grouped and used as tact and ai
gomeat, they become, what you *ruiy call
them, u otnay.
For instance,Mrs. Dari* is represented as
tearing Richmond with the President. My
recollection Is that she left some weeks be'
lereband. Breckinridge hit oo horseback
aod went to General Lee, rejoining Mr.
Daria at Daoritl*. Ido not doom that att
the account of preparation* for flight is
purely fictitious. Hi# statement of ths
conditions of tb* armistice is incorrect.
• • • • • a *
Ton will bars tb* facta ot oer ret toot
and capture from many source*. My best
plan is te tell yen only what I know and
Imw myself- The testimony is chiefly neg
atirs, but in to far M It som wit) nrohebl*
ikb J mAM j nitiidAfit
<jMtMMd 4% a*.
•Midi u4t|Mi litf l
*• **Nb mtp h.
djfarf a* s*rry!l2S&6a& Urn
<*tw ttiia miMlitt %k ek I
>yiyt Mid
iMUrtMt aiifAti not wMLjbuhr.Mt son-
WlejAtemWe* teVtew* oeet* we
■were mtee to reecU Tcue tettly
In wa ISI> I’ alao
>gwt 2u?2 li£
no W.
leer tte bln i ate, e U>td t* I )**•
dM contrasted, I free well CdtWtl to; 4
tbu tftd t 6 iuvfe. i coaltetl did net btf
greet topee til reeape, Utuugh aU ep#re
tetetot at tte tiute ol Ctpture, ft pr
•eonte, tea picked oten, were
ne redfrtlt wart seer tte tb%t pi- kou
wtrteut. Botfe of tbeet wera Ou
the eight eftba {HU I waa tarjr toucU were
eri wltb tmtll ted wtioblug, tte lay
#ou at the loot ol t pine tree to alecp.
Juat tl gray dean Mr. Dttrle' aervam
Jtm ewekaoaa me. Ueetid, Colonel, de
you bear maturing? t tprttg up tte tafci,
Utiotte tte ttepteteaet. Uedtd to
BWMrtaj| toatlng at I pulled ou ay bogie,
r wtlkte to tie ctutp Aie, eume flltp or
pt Kept tte tetedAte note a Ate*
iwMtot ttWtbtn. Attble notMtt i tiw
mi ittu cbygltg down tte tted
tewerd tot. 1 thought they ware guerllUe
to lUuMdi Um ibxi. Imiit An
teddle, where 1 bad alept, ttd tegeu te
tetorttg tlwteteer to gat out reeetotr,
hut they wte Vra utlch tor we- TAtoe
attf lode tp tte dutottdtd mf fletol
dreaaed la Ci a(td*bl ‘totte* Tte
wee’s} u£*’M , r*usrii
captor* ordered me to the camp Are and
•tood goard over in*. 1 *oon became aware
that they were Fedsrul*.
In the weanlloir the filing went an. Af
tvr about teu unnuirv, mayhc more, my
guard !ell me, and I w alked over lo Mr
Davis' tent, about Ally yards oil. Mr*. Da
vla was lu great dishes*. I said to the
President, who war sitting outside on a
camp stool, Tula is a b-td hiulnesa, air. lie
replied, *uppot.lng I kaaw airout tha cir
cumstance* ol hi* capture, 1 would bavk
heaved the scoundrel oft UU horse a* h*
came up, but she caught in# around the
arms, I understood what he meant, how
Ibal ha hail proposed Pi dismount the
cooper and get his horse,.or be had laugbl
ore the trick' 1 merely replied, U would
have been useless.
Mr. Davis waa d|M*ed aa usual. H* had
on a kuit woolen vlaor, which ha always
wore at night lor neuralgia. He wore
cavalry lxrot*. He complained ol obilli
neu and said they had Uken away hiv
“Haglan.” I believe <bey were *o oabad, a
light aquaMtututn or spring overcoat, torn*
times called a ‘watorprool.’ iU ) one ex
actly similar, except lu color. I went to
took for 11, and either I, or someone at my
Imlance, found It, and he wore it after
ward. ill* own was not restored.
As Iwu looking for liis roßt, the firing
still continuing, I met a mounted ofll'sr,
why. it I atn net ruisUken, was a Captain
Hudson. deling that the cause was lost,
aod not wishing useless bloodshed, 1 a*ld
to him, Captain,your mao are fighting each
other orer yonder, lie answer'd rery
positiraly. You hsr# *u armed ew art. I
replied. You hare oor whole camp ; I
know your men are fighting each other
We bare nobody on that side of the slough
He then rode ofl- Colonel Lubbock had a
conversation nearly identical whh Colonel
Pritchard, wbo was not polite I beliete.
You can learn horn Colonel Lubbock
about it
Mot ieog after wards, seeing Mr. Duel*
in slteruntloo with an effleer—Colonel
Pritchard—l went op. Mr. Darla was de
nunciatory la bis remarks. Tbe account
giren by Wllaon is fabulous, except so fsr
as Mr. Dsrls’remark is concerned, tbst
their conduct was not <hal of geullemen,
but ruffinoi, Pritchard diJ not mak* tbs
reply attributed to him , I could swear to
that My recollection is that h Mid in
substance, aod Ig an ufiensir* maaaar.that 1
be (Darisj was a prisoner and could afford
to talk so, aad walked sway. Colonel
Hamden’s manner wm eongillatory, if be
wm tbe other officer. Ulan not mistak
en, ■he first ofleoM wm *dd'Seiog Mr.
Dari* m ‘Jeff or some tuck rude laoiiliar
ity. But this yon caa eerily. I triad jest
afterword te icancfis Mr. Daris to IL*
Oo tbe route to Macon, three days after
ward, Mrs. Darts complained to a* with
great bills rases that bar trunks bad base
ransacksd, the contents taken out aad lam
bled back with the Imre* sticking to than
l• • * Ineswrhawrrf If- r>—
aDegteKtognb, until I eaw St In a New
'VtolJtißKMjlba dep- 1 r*l to Fnrt D*ie
wwt% 1 wee eatonlaSraU an 1 renounced It
w a fbtefcood. Tte text day l waa p)eee.i
* ******* u remained there
I dW tomaUete tt poeallila thti tbeee m
dept Mpi toeteP- been petted with our
taptMt wMieut tn alluaien to k it it bed
eet teem an alte -thought or aomeihlag to
he kept fro* ua.
Veqr tiaoerely years,
'- Wyixuu Pm Caron JawtaroM.
ValTtmtUui Clcmrljr fiqplaleed
• 'pp- ''
The teitowisg tinea wera wriUee March
t, 1871 , by Thomaa Huilb, eu eld ditoea
m tow adi’SDing county ot Moarw, a abort
ttaee betel hia death. Ha entitled H ae
aWe s i
.‘Judea waa.nol a wretch abhorred,
Or .tor I-V orisaae accurate;
He hjr e eord ett-went hie Lord,
got to hearen ftiab
Qa tab, tehjfc l—j.J - . ■-
wHA n nw eww -Wicwwu cuufuiniw t
When tied bid Lot retire,
Tfdnt in A trice, to Parediaa,
Ou ligp wluge ol firm
Tbue Pheroah etd bit mighty boat,
Had Gad-Tike honor, given—
A ptetaant braeae brought him with aaaa.
By water, up to heaven. ,
And when the wicked Cenaanilea
To Jeahuah eword were glrea,
Tke aua etoud etlll that he might kUI,
And pack than up to heaven.*’
Vila Limou,
Fair paople knew tha value ol lemon
juica. A piece ol temon bound upon f~
ooru will cure It In a lew day* ; It ebofcld
be reaevmd eight and morning. A brae
uaa of legkon sugar will alway* relieve a
oaagh. Met people feel poorly In the
•prtog of the year, and ao take medicine
lor retleF| hot li they would eat a lemon
bofme Mmaklket every day for e woek—
Wither f Ithout mmt a* they lika-tbey
would And It Miiw than medicine. Lemon
topupAW tofUhttl MM to* MR f then
*. fJE* wS iiH* * ... a * * * • •
add sugar to y*w taste, end dtlok In th!i
way nee one doirn Ivtuons e day. il they
cause pain, or loosen the bowel* too much
lessen the quantity, end us* only Aye or
fix e day until you a'c batter, and theu be
gin with dotcu a day. After using Are or
six dozen the patient will begin to gain
Arab and enjoy food. Hold on to the lem
ons, and still use them seyertl weeks ruora
Anothet use lor lemons is tor a rehashing
drink hi summer,or in slckners at any time
Pitparo as directed sl*ore, and add water
and sugar. But In order to hive this keep
well, oiler boiling the lemon squeeze them
aud strain carefully ; then to evory hall
pint of Juica add one pound ol loaf or
crushed sugar, boll and stir a lew minutes
more until the sugar Is dissolved , skim
carelully and bottle. You will yet more
Juice Irom 111* leinous by boiling thcm.aud
the prepaiattou keep* belter.
Touching Dentil Bed keene,
Willie, n bright little daughter ol Cept.
T. W. Wafluri, died at bar lather’s reel
deuoe, near Ibranoke.ou the 14tb of Janu
ary, In the seventh year of her sge. Little
Willi* had baen sick a long lime, yet she
bore her affliction with si, the pstionce
aud fortitude of on# much olderOn the
day ol her daalb she called her little broth
er* sod daters around her and divided
among thou her toys, telling lb'in she
was going lo dle,aad tor them not lo quar
rel over Ur* toys. Mho requested hen la
ther to remain with her during tha day,
iulormlog him that sba would not liv# to
saa another. Bbe lingered until sawn
o'clock In tha craning, without the I asst
apparent change. In a perfectly couaclouv
condition talking to thoea arouod bar. Bbe
counted the etrokas as It tolled •even, and
when II Anishsd tbs turned to her lather
and vald ; Pa, I will never bear tba clock
strike again ; give ms an apple. Tbo ap
ple was given her, and, alter eating it, abe
began talking of dying, axpre'ialiig a great
avvrston lo being put under the ground af
ter death. Bbe waa auurod that only her
body waa bu-led —that tha spirit led the
body and went to bearen. This seemed
to gire her greet relief, and agalu address
ing her lather sbe Mid :is ins watching
tor me f aud on being assured she was sha
said : Turn me orer then, and Ist me die-
Sbe was tenderly turned en her side, an I
in another moment the spirit of Utile Wil
li* had flowa tJ< in Its dear mama orer
the rirer. Tbe dock tolled eight all tb*
mom, but Huie WUlie nerer beard it—she
wm dead.—Howard Cos. Adaertmr.
Old John Berry, that used to live up
Lax# Champlain, liked to tell a big story.
Oo* evening, sluing la the rillsge
Mid be ones dress a hone serenty-two
miles in one day oa the Ice, when the lea
wm so thin that tbs water spurted up
through the holm eat through it by the
bone’s corks. Os# of ths by-(Banders re
marked that aerenty-twQ miles wm b
pretty good dries tor awe day. Yes, Mid
Uoda John, but tt wm a Jong day to
The IrllagiM Butte.
Oi . Cutli Lee hae woe the tout petal
tn ra and the main one. Judge
Hughee decided that the title wee Involv
ed to the question ot the Jarl jdlctinn ol the
United Statee Court, and that In ble rpin*
lea.tbeOouTt bad It, and tkia milled Um
mailer which is yet to come up on Uie
mein laeue.
The Arlington estate is leeeted la Vir
ginia, oppoeita Waablngton City. The
mamioß overlooks tbu Natloiial Oapitil,
end looks handsome from Pennsylvania
Avaunt. George Washington, by hie wU,
bequeathed AUiugtnn to George Washing
ton Parke Cuetie and bit heirs forever.
Cast is wee the adopted ana oi Gaaeiui
Weehiogt m. He died to 1188, end by hie
will lull the property to bw daughter and
only child, Mary Randolph, who became
ton wife ot Hubert E. Leu, and alter her
death he provided that all the pro party
should go to her eldest sou, George Wash
iugtou Oustis Lee, and to bis heir* ftrever.
The slavas were to be manumitted to five
years alter his death. When Eobert E.
La* joined the Seutb be took these gtavee
with him, foul at the time specified he man
omitted every one of them ate sent them
beyond the Con federate line* Noah. After
the departure ot the Lee family lor the
Confederacy the estate waa seised by the
Government and used as national cemetery
In 1884, under Congress moil enactments
toi’leonecttag takes la seceding States, the
property—consisting of 1,100 sens of lend
sod ell the Improvement* thereoo—waa
sold to pay a laY’ol M3 07, and hid la by
the United States. InJeouary, 1878, atom
the death ef her husband, Mrs. Lae
tioned Congress lor s reasonable prIoJHB
Arlington, offerli.c to quit-claim and Vf
laare her ini*, aa did also bar eon, the
plaintiff hi the pretest suit. No action
wee takes in the matter. In 1874, after
the death of hi* mother. General Georg*
Wesbtngton Ouitii Lee preeented s elan
ler petition, hot with equally poor eoco***,
A ebort lime line* he aued tor hit right* to
the State court*, wbictrauU was transfar
radtethe Fsdaral court at Aloxaadrta.
lit# suit H an ojactment again*! Frederloh
Kaufman, United Bute* superintendent of
Arlington, and some 200 flrsadmtn and
•♦bare, who occupy the land at Arlington
by the license of the United Btatv*. The
Attorney General of tb* United But**, ap
gfKttr mM*'i‘vairam'ihA'tl,i nr
ted Btatee is lo |>o**velou of Arlington
through It* officers and agent*,an llt using
It In rsvcultoti ol it* Countltutton and ov
eicbtu (rower* a* a u atonal camelery, etc.,
under* raoord title. He thercii>re asked
that, •• the full war, In fact, again, t the
M>vrlgnly of which th* court formed a
part, the proceeding* (Irould bo dlimiMcd.
Tni* point he* been decided agalust the
Tire *U te cou*i*tv ol eurne eleven hun
dred aciea of land, two btimired acre* 3
which, Including the historic intrusion, are
embraced to the Arlington Nat lon* I Oerir-
Hery. The uuiuher ol Interments In It In
I*l7l wa 10 1140, as follow* : United Blair*
officers, AC j Uriltod Ktatce soldiers (while),
11,7A1 | United Stale* soldier* (colored),
BAI i contnliau'l*, 11,701 ; Coulederale of
rtcer*, 18 ; (JoniaJorate loldlera, 110. Siuca
1073 man/ bodies Irsve been removed.
The remainder ol lha property it occuplrd
by what i called the Kreedinvn’v village*.
About jm* hundred colored funiilleu reside
thsrv sad pay rent try performing inch
year a certain amount of work under the
direction of the commandant af tba
When (fan. Lae regain* possession, and
it I* row thought he undoubtedly will, he
l*t* be will offer tb* cemetery to the
Government on reasonable terms and will
uot disturb it in the least.
Gan. l.aa haa the warm congratulation*
of tire ftouth tor his suctasa thus far.
A ISM Unset* *-.
Tbst Ismou* SBO,OOO cow which was ri
much talked about lit tbls country a lew
year* ago, ha* foand a rirai In jKilut ol
proportionate pecuniary worth In a SBO2
chicken. The Knjlu’t Agricultural Qa
utU sera tbst a game c-x:k was recently
•old lor the shore cicessie* price, nnd sug
gests that in ths future tb* raising of such
thickestwould pros* a rerr luc-ralirs
*u|SWof Income. Tbe saute Journal, we
nolle#, saya that orer SIB,OOO 000 worth ol
eggs wete Imported Into England In 1876,
and yet the supply was short ef tb* de
maud. Her I* an opening lor poullry
mn, and wider flcM for In seniors of *gg|
preserving process*-< and egg-carrying de
rtcaa.—HeUnliflc American.
Ao Obis schoolmssUir marked a pretty
gir! pupil nlu* to examination ol chemis
try, although bar real grade wm six, and
wanted her to kiss him m'a recompenM
Sbe told bar mother and now tbe school
master is to trouble.
▲ little girl, wkoM papa wm recently
under the tofieeeee of Moody and Bsnkey,
wanted a second tan at sapper and wm
rtfused it. Papa, aba Mid, aprapMy. ‘why
da you sing Feed me till I want no mare I
rib* got tbe tail.
A dlaaar wm giren to Warreaton, V*.
to twalro aid lad 1m whoa* aggrogata ages
... erv*
NO. 16
I have new to stars,and to, nsitvujn
day ar two.
k BUO bushels white aura,
18000 lbs V. H. sides,
8000 * shoulders, seek wired.
3000 " eared hams,
10 bbte Choice N. O. ayrup,
10 " Cbulee N. O. mu'aecea, **
1000 fba Choice Late Lwd,
Beat Brands oi Flour,
A large let of Tobaone,
A complete wmortmanv of Hardware,
1 buy all uf Um atoms class ef flutes 4b
tact thruugh oommJbel Brokers and aaa
prepared to give hot urn figures.
dry goods
TtnUsaortaeultto myfDryJOeede depurv
meet te always uomplato.
HOOTS, SHOES and HATS, and I pre
poc to shade any body's prices.
1 era Sftunl for the Celebrated ZellsJOu
ann, which ta'seoond to uone that I veil
tel,t<> the Formers of MsrlweUiar at ns
Cell and see me,
jsn3B-3in Oa-
Dry Goods. Clothing.Boota
Shoen. Hats Sc Crockery
Wu have added to oty general Wot*
Gou *e nod rcery I looms e new
next door P> our old etand and will keep
on hand n large and complete stock of the
above. Wo have also in store the celebra
Wagons, and a flno lot of HIJGOIXjB hum
the best Manuf< lory is the North. We
are agent* fur the b xt (JlNti and
EH and the well kuowu
NaUtigl an 4 CUwaa CMiptiL
We veil the highest grade ot tnCBTILI
ZEKH, suJ h*ve them now In etore, ready
or tbs coming seaw n. We pay the high
est market price tor cotton, and make Tib
erel edveno-a on cotton stored to our
WARKIIOUBK. We buy oar good* di
rect from the manufacturer* and ia such
quantities a* to enable us to sell them aa
tow a* the lowest, sud jw* propose to give
our patron* tLe baaefit ol our purchasers.
Gall and tee ua.
West Point, O*., Kept-28th, 1877.
tc #tn.
GKOfKJA - j Ordinary’s Office
MerJ wether County. < March lsth, 1878.
Peter Terser has applied for exemption
ol personalty, and setting apart end ralus
lion ol Ilumestosd, and I will peas npou
the same at 12 o'clock M. eo Uta trd day
of April, 1878. at my Office.
O.H.C. -
Atlanta, Oa.
Don’t forget to Stop at ths
fI ease wb*a you go to At^; :jJ ' y
IM satisfaction to *rer* flw , ( p lUr< -,
and charge only Xlt, r*.