Newspaper Page Text
The u VindicaMiL
|tu< FRIDAY,
BT.VK. X- *JKVU- T .
O Ho* ’iootk of Cart Uw* 4
ORDINARY V'- lll,h> “
SHERIFF s - P it,r ‘ " <<
CLERK 0- C w 11 K, i *■'
TAX RECEIVER B- ?■ -*<*>“■
TREASURER 0 J Aliitiouy
SURVEYOR L F. Matthew*
CORONER Jultoß Jne
It A. dittan, Aiiou Sibley,
(A J. Hve, J. K Busbauan,
Alien H- Wkl-eu
Jobe W. Fork, W J. Burn#
Ma iisou Rsevt*, It. A. i’aikrr
* A. 11. Fieeman, Bee.
SENATOR SC'li Dtoliic., F. M. ! untHii
F. J. William*. c W.IW iHiau *
Attorney at law
VNIU I it rlii c In Meiivtll’tl II and itH ad
COO St fa*.
A 11. F.tK 'IV.N
Attorney at la \v
tiUKKNVU.I.K, l'i
AH budot-s. e i‘rule 1 to tm * •
,l lo promptly and lailhlolly.
A ALIOR.MA aTi.V\? ■■■■*'■<■ ''**
GlkJUthVll.l 1. Ua
Will practice lu Meliwetbir and tin
rouut'ea <xmqk"Sk<ie tin: Cow* la > neui'.
A. 0. Kt OV J), 1/ l> B.
I C Mil NVII.I K t'A
Tallin C 'li mod.
HEN 11ST ,
I I A VINO been actively engaged in lb*
J J •i! fturgety during
the la*l tn yen's, I liel • .n| t i-t to ••
ail kinds of D.tiial wotk in the vety b**l
si) Is nl tl.t Alt, anti 1 SOHCU b patroo
i|i (ii ii, |imi{4i itl MailwetUer Maimii
assuring all who pstroalte me dial Hie)
•bail l ave the icy best iHjiet/t ink, am
(or a> Utile it om y a* w*>lHd lie tbargi and *>
ay c* itq eten I J>ei t'*t l tb* Hale Cor
• n mail promptly answerm.
HR. n. TEhi ELL,
, Ki EtH Id* Pinle* i'oi'd reivices b*
( J tW€ Put/'ie- OUk# Willi Ilia laltie'
Dr J. K. 0. T eitell, at tbe I* on Hlme
/ vKKEIiS hi* I’iußvabii al seivl e* In
tb* cttiie’j* ot irfoonvitie and uomly
Ifg- otttoc at J. L. O. 'I enell A t o
■ 1 Mr t
,Ol LaCiavge,
U AS MOW, and wid keep *!> ' “
band at bia W H*m* Eaa. i ■
lb* public square, a and
wau. fcLtc-i*D rroea ur
l ousi luxg, of part Of,
gff UOLD and BUx\Eit W*icbe#,.iA.
Stun and k)-*lii(iMl,iil ibe l*e*t mak*
Splendid Ovid and BiIYW Watcb CUauu.
of all tizea, n-aaen. tod puce*
Wultl Pen* and all ktuO* "1 kuUi tuld
MNr * H** BprclaeU* * Eye-Uhw,
e. L)l>' ILVkU lAbLt V> A
Silver Plate W are
ul all kino* * d
f’veket, Tatle.Cwlery, and Baton
by the mj reavw.- and makers,-Joseph
ltodgeri mod (ioorge taakolma
hepaik zva
lam (till repairing all goods 10 rny lint
Too many cnia oa ot Men wether and ad
|omiag eoonUea Imre tested my work t>■
fcqtnte a wcrd town tee as t the charac
ter td K. 1 *lll, borrerer warrant ail u.y
trsrk, li properly need, a* 1 bare always
reaped (ally ark a continuance of
iw painnac* I bare reoeired from my
trienda in Meriwraber.
Baaotilnl IFbUe Sugar, Ten Pounds tor
Om Dollar. n & Bro.
WE bare yuat waited
Mr apring stock of
Gasta and Boys HATS, latent stylet aad
at exoedmgly to* Picnics, Call and tee
Robinson A Bro.
Parn'Anu+ifor Farm and Ibme.,
NlTrifttt AROUND,
Tbcv are sitting around
Upon tmrrels and cliairs,
DiaeU'Mng tbeir o*u and
Tlitfir neighbor's
Ad the Ido i of content
Tbal“* seen on each lace
Bocim to say i have lound
My appropriate place
Bitting around.
i:t Ui-ru ms and
Groceiics calmly the) s-'C
And SUft Tit ly clu'iv
Bor.oavcd tobacco and spit.
While the stories they tell
And the jokes they crack,
Show their heaits have grown
Hard and dirty and black
While silt ng around. W
Tbcse ’sitters’ ar.mud me (
Mew f no great mean#, „
And their lces wouldn’t
Pass lot a quail of white bonus,
Yet thoy somehow or other
Conti ive to exi>t,
Alid are fr<q lenlly seen
With a diink in their fins,
J ust ►ittuig around.
These loafers they toil not,
Nor yi t do tin y spin,
Unless it tie yarn.
\V Idle et’jdyii g their gill ;
They are ‘(le;.l’ of leasure.
And vit, olten ’tia true,
TJley Ikmat cl tip Willk
They art iyii tiding to do,
J ust sitting u l ound.
liny la‘k veiy 1 had i
(Rlier men's daugliteis and Wives,
A- hey whittle up ' tr
With tin it horn lianiUpd knives ;
Id . v .H .yis'Vwatot • 'j c
in whatever town you go
You hi.l find (hem in gn ups,
Or a!! strung out ill a row,
Just silting around.
A .s l/.t/r/'./AIF/;.’A
Adolphus Fi /.mc o x wa* a“sm>ut young
twin, it was Ids firm conviction that with
the opposite •* wu iricsStlbtoV Oxxo
mefdng b* - wi* at th# Oi'cra, slid in nu nd
jklllilng box he o ptod a beauflmi young In
dy wit licit a male attendant; Un‘nodded
lo his eoinpaiiliNlt nud remsraed that be
must make a ioi (pxyl.
Ho is'o ilie adjuii.lng lux* he mafia bi
way, and urn ei eur-nionaly-ci aled lilMO' II
by tlie yoniig aide. She lobked Up
tn turpi hn Adolphwa amlled awoetlf and
begged pal doll ; In) must Ixav# been - inls
takeix ; lie had tli "jght h recognized in
bei an a<
Hi 111, ventured Adolphus, I hope i do
not i nltilde.
The lady made no reply, but turned her
attention to Hi# tlngo, w here a scene wa*
! a ispiring in which rhe wa* much Intel
efi< .
At length Adolphus a Mnaar-d her again
'l'm nl g qoii kly, rlu said r
Y .u annoy me,*i' ; and In i bright <')i:s
Bless met rtled Adolplxus, drawriug
har k w i'h moi k turoi', D n’t e t me.
'Die lady smiled a sweet, bound g smlh
a* she i eplied :
He i ot alarmed, sir , 1 am a J< we, and
an 1 my n tigion lot bids me t • eat pork
Uoloitonately ior Adolphus, Ids Iriund*
baa'd tbc-lejolouer, and be is not likely
oeiii to lo ar llielmlloi In* passage with
the beautxtul Jesesa- ManctittUr (Kny.)
A Fart IVuilli Know my,
bet ■ pitcher of ice water in u room in
habited and in a few hours it will have
tint <rbed near y all ltin peisplrnliori gu<,<
of tin; rooiu, the air of which will In com
purer, but the water ntlei.y filthy. Tbl*
defiends upon the fact that wnler ba* Hie
faculty of condensing and thereby absorb
ing nearly all the gaac'. Al ordinary tem
perature, a pint of water will contain a
pmt of ammonia. This capacity is nearly
doubled by reducing ' j that of ie. (fence
water kept in a room awhile U always on
fir Pr * ; and should lie often remov'd
whether it baa become warm or not. And
'or the same reason the water in a pump
should lie pumped out in the morning lie
ore any ia use'. That which has stood in
a pit' her over night is rot fit lor coffee wa
ter in the morning. Impure water is as
injurious to health as impure air, and ev
ery person should provide tuc means of
obtaining f esb pure water lor our domes
tic use
ii i . i— • -
Kirniit Bartlett, OL Jingimh * on.o:. T w ho
started in the harutas business in New
York acme twenty years ago orr a ca, ital
of $175 snd built up au enormous trade,
employing at one time as many as a hun
dred men, died in that city on Thursday.
When at her best sbe weighed but eignty
iour pounds, and was commonly known as
little Mias Bartlett."
Mr. Win. Alien Holier, the New York
lawyer,best known s Ibe author of “Noth
ing to Wear," lost $-00,000 worth railroad
bonds on' of bis rafe- yter tof
robbery was discovered bit confidential
clerk, named Bafhnefl, fftveppeted ; and it
then turned out 'hat be bait take if* au
bonds, hypothecated them aud rpent the
money is stock gambling.
TMe ******* *arl ow Vc4 1
* MtiTw M tJMn I
TiMoWatou* iu JoUy,sr nvwJ
gcattoSMß were eaguged, m to MMfJ
reigembcted in N Uchez. Oil, J ts. Rj%*;!' a
thu ft rue u* lightcf aud
Untie which tour*Li* uamg, ucd U>
a great deal of hi* time in lialchejb .
He was challenged hy genikuiau from
Alexaudiia, La., mhoe friend*, to
number of twenty aud
him to Matches m*w fair play, knowing
that Row to was a deape rale itiau id dri.'
trunda alKOit him. All parties ume upm
tho Held, The c nubvUnU l.i,yji thei{ plat
es iu tho ceutie, separated fiom tbeir
Ir iinds iu the tear, fat aupugU not to cu
da;.gar them with ll eii IVhold the
battle iu ray Urns *. Yvvudy 'tu med. Loinsi
anlaos* (Uty yarda behind champion
and hi* second and antgeou, and opposiie
ihr in, as Kt behind Uowie and his second
and suigeou, twenty armed Mississippi vus.
llliUohl thq heights of Natcims thronged
with spectators, and a steamer in iho river
roan 1 to, iu deck black with passengers,
watching with iYep interest (he scene.
The p an ot hybl was to exthaugC sh ts
twice with pi-toia, and to close w'tti
knives, Rowie being armed with his owe.
terrible weapon. At the first lire both par
ties escaped. At the • cond the Louiaiau
isn was foo qoh k aud took advantage o!
Howie, win, waited the word. At this
HowieY second cried "l -ul play I” and
shot the Lonismi lull dead The second ol
the latter instaully killed tire slayer of Ids
principal. Howie riiov, lus knife into tills
Tho surge ns now ct- S'C.) blade*, while
with luud battle ctics came on tlifl two par
ties ul friends, tlie light ol the battle iu
their eyes, lu a ujotnei l tho wl ole uuin-
Irer were engaged in A~Teat!e,s conflict.
Dirks, pistols, inT"knives were used wlDi
lutn 1 i fleet, until one paity drove the other
vjwn.t uo> fh Mr It i> .* km w-u-fwW'Jirs:#
were killeo and wounded in ail, but it ws*
>t dtcadlul aiaughter. Howie (ought like a
ion, but Sell covered witii wounds. For
months he lingered a\ the Mansion Mouse’
lielore lie fully lecoveted.
Mir *4new llr Itigliis,
The passengers in a sleeping couch lit
Delaware were Just dosing off when some*
thing Imwlod out:
ow wow—wow l
Great dragons, tin r; a young one
aboard I growled a fat tuau from his un
iter berth, i'll bet a bundre t dollars none
ol ill get a wink ol Bleep to night.
Wuwt-wow I whiued the. child.
There be goes again I growled tbu 1 A
man. f never travel but whet I run across
someone's offspring.
Who's Hist ts'king ? ssk< and ti e mother
of the child in s loud vote .
Me, answered the fat man. Why didu't
y-.u either leave that child at Ito me or slay
at honn yoarsi 11 1
Aie you talking to mi ? dvtlian h-d (lie
Yes, ina'tiiir, i sin. Isiyit is a shame
to bring sick child in a sleep! g-cal to
didurb twenty five or tlility people.
Are you a father ? site aaked-
No, I ba’iit.
Not a ruollier.
Well, sir, she said,as she |iok( and her head
out between Hie curtain*, ‘when you ye
been the mother of iwveu children, moved
("Hy iigut litn..e and lived In nine differ
cut stales, you'll begin to think you know
your business, 1 think f know mine ; and
II linn baby wauls V> howl he is going to
do it,il 1 have to come over there and kick
a ton aud a hull ol conceit out oi you,"
Physicians are well agreed tnst the use
of tobacco by growing leiyß Is full of dan
ger. Ifecont investigations, especially ii
France, have demonstrated tbat a wliole
liain ol u< r vou diseases ate lo bo traced
to this practice! II you waul to stop
growiu,, if you want to have a aet ol
neives (hut are like tb'ise of au invalid old
lady, il you wish lo grow feeble and tbm,
ii you wish to look aailow and puny—l do
not know any better way thin to smoke
tobacco. It will make a drain on yout
nervous system which will be sure to tel
alter awhile. Let us hope that If a thous
au 1 bo)s read this some ol them will be
eased from ioiuing a Ulty babil which
most men regret.
KiJiU/ri : You will confer a
great fsvjr on many readers ol your val
uable journal ii you will explain the route
and termini ol ibe difltteot Tacific raii
roada-aow fiui-hed and in contemplation
We hear oi the Union, Northern, Central,
ouluern aud Texas, and ere afraid of get
ling them “mixed."
The Union Pacific and Central Pacific,
tocether, make up the read from Omaha
to b.nKrancisco. The Northern Pacific is
Jay Cooke's. Hhr rwaended to ron Irom
Ealoth to Oregon. The Texas Pacific is
to run trom Forth Woitb Texas: (or Mem
phi*, ii you choose.) to Ban Diego. The
Southern Pacific ia Huntington's rival to
theTexae Pacific. It i uns from San
Fraocfsco sootbwarde through California,
and then in till* direction .—Ilithmond
; LwpstcA' ,
• ;4 tor
vm-wps Whim a vmhl ciitomi
wfKiWm i .:ir, tc hi* b t,m t ate[v- j
l>e<i til #*ißiirra. •nwker’s sfiop on Ami
tos.greM)y astonlahed to
ehmr year* old play ing
•‘wljlt ’reaver, #tto tbo .hi slnem.iker
;mi fIiHW ,v,ifrs#ti|s poga aa coMientedly
at if Colonel 0 ; il| hail never existed.
I, that rObbtokNeaidal ? ask*! the ciih
tomor, a* he lic*tti**o4 ntioat silting down.
Taaa, I ’*pAiwp!tod the old man,
but JolsStry awfllflß'i hurt his nice old
grandlathof, •bt|4 yn, Johnny t
Neap, byfeflfßua ersxl the boy, as he
poked n stick ItiWltw ir usr.lo of tho Wcap
Rut he may *to|Sl me 1 txalaim and the
ciftomer, bncki^Lmt.
Oh, lib,lie WoiMiiiidc J ,bnny wouldn’t
slioot the gentleman, wouU he f
Mosp, wa* tho nqr'y, as Urn by
bif'v down the m&oaic.
I’m lit* graiKTfaiher, rcmaikcd (ho old, a* the slianger at down ou the edge
nl a chair and slowly pulled at his bout.
S wiic graiidlnthe s don't like children, hut
t can’t get al mg without ’em. lie’s a no
li o youth, that boy is, and l don't hclieva,
yo*i could hire him lo shoot mo for filly
dollars ; n cash—cou and he, Johuu) V
Noap, whispered Uiu boy, who was now
'aj ing cut all bis strdlglh in an efloii to
cock the weapon
Tue old tnnu pul a piece ..ol lea: her to
souk and had fust rnersiyed the boot.wliou
bang I went the revolver, and thu white
wash fl.-w from the ceiling above.
(Jive me that bool I give me that Loot I
yelled the man as lie grabbed il,Untied ioi
the door.
ll whh nothing' nobody hurl—come
back I called (he old man, following xiilJi.
You ought lo tux horse-whipped lor al
low pig such a thing I shouted Ui* man a*
>t sgk—'-'jir-ir v .t.jsd- d\- xajwi ijeto
nl) Ina bo it.
No, 1 bailn't—no, I lxadu't, proltvled
r raiidlnlhni, rl ll lollnw mg. Johnny aahi
he kwauld'ixl hull you,aud he didn’t: Hc'au
ixuhla youth, that boy is, aud you cau de
pend on wbal he says. Conic iu -there’s
nu dangur.
J .huity appeared at thu riool at that mo
ment, wiping the smoke out of the huml
will) bis wet linear, and the old mau up
pe dingly said :
Johnny, tell this guitleuiuu that you
won't accidentally shoot iilui 1 You
wonldu’t hurt him lor all U# euu y in
town, would you V
Noap, aollly lepllud Hie lad an lie hauled
out bis Huge aud wiped the gilm on hi*
lut#*, but ibq.Uk*a .lUabUki oU a* tout as he
could go. Some men aiojust that ob
d In ate.
'■ lie I lull- Joker.
Hartford Times |
lo Florida, tie 'Utile Jokin' was around.
The county cletk ot Leon comity, U. If.
Kilwards, says he ‘ ad heard ol Hie praps
'ra'iou ol lunso 'little Jokcts’ before Hit
drction, aud believes they were in the
hands of C< ngnsMnan Turman, 'flute
Jokeia were liitle Him |i|ier slips, piloted
witli the names ol the ifepubllcan t: *inli
ilstes b<r electors, and folded nr placed
loosely inside ol the regular Hepublicau
hallola, so Hiat in > in|i|)ing llie box they
would become sepalaled. il was an un
derstood tiica among the Hi publican man
sgtrs. One Joseph Bowes, a Florida He
publican who, ties since been rewar leu
with fflro In Washington, cliui kingly
fold JCdweids— ‘I have got 111 seventy -three
or seventy-four little Joker*.’ That was
supposed to be all tight according to the ethics in political rnora ily.nud
llie only troublesome lldng all ill it it tl is
Ir, Hating Democratic Inquisition a Inch i
now going on. ‘Oh, I’ll see to it,’ said a
lawyer in answer to a cumpliiut from I,is
horse -•tailing client, ’they shan’t crowd
you in (hat wny ; i’ll see that you have
justice and that the fiihts shal' be shown.'
'That's just wbat's Hie matter,' quoth the
client, ‘lt’* the and fact* I'm alraid of,’
Of Ibe seven Hr uatort who are to invev
tigste Btanlcy Matthews, two AHDir ol
lows, and fugs’)* of R.nsaa—were the
tellers on the (tart of the Seriate at the
miscouut of the Electoral votes in Join
convention. Two othors -Kdmnn Is ol
Vermont, the chairman, sn I flosr ol
%acfius< tu—were member* of the uncon
stitutional amt infamous eight to seven
commission. No wonder that Matthews
prefers to take hi* chances with this com
mittee, lather than with one of which Gen
eral Butler is a member Col. Tim,.
A celebrated actress, whose fresli smile
and aiiver voice favored the deception, al
ways callcf helse 11 'sweet sisU-ei / H.e
gisted tier age as sixteen in comt as e wi'-
Deas. Her eon was directly afterward*
celled op ecd asked how old he was. blx
mouths older then mother, was the honest
Nkah Nei<jhmob.—— Your Houor, seid
the counsel, the plaintiff and defendant
sMfietgbbere, residing within sixty-five
miles ol soak other. This was <a Colora
They met, that i* she wenUo the store,
And made W •> tom his department oe'r
1 ill he VXnlshed behiud the goods, end
She .pleasantly laid she would call again.
uni.K rnrxas.
Jack Hrinly one dny rush' and into the
lionse screaming and weeping, whh h
hand cove’mg one t* e. lie (airly t em
hhal with pain hs ho told his mo'hot tlni'
lie hid something in Ids eye. The kid
in'‘thfi looked si the p >or b >y’s eyo.wtiich
was red anil watery, and alter awhile aa.v
a verv * nail bhi k ?[>eok, which ill *o< n
removed wilt a handkeichlef ll was
a very lillic thing—a >wo small that it was
difll nit to find i(, hut it cave Jack a great
deal ol pain, and lie fell very much reliev
ed when lb was taken out.
Jack * molhui had often trial to teach
him the Itijpmtauco ol lb tie things Only
a tew days heave the aecl lent to his eye
lie Imd uPcred an uuklinl \Vor I which had
hurt the feeling* of hn sister. When his
mother spoke to him about it he m< rely
a ikl “dklu’l sou how jHi one wid con I I
make so much trouble. Fail needn't
oisk-J such a hiss )K>ul It.
But Fan tlid make a “fuss*about ll ncV
erthelo-s, and it required all the tuolhei's
skill and a itliorlly fo h.lng a recon
ciliation. Si, after Jack’s eye ceased lo
pain him, his mother thought it |would Ire
a good opportunity to impress upon him
the lesson she had ao Open tiled lo teach
She reminded him o( tho one word which
had so dei ly wonATed his sister,ui and tli n
siid lo him, “A speck ol dust is very a nail,
hut you know how much pai iit causes f
it gets into tho eye. Think ol this the
next time you feet like saying a naughty
woid. It may give as much pain to the
soul ss the dual did to ymir eye.
In cboosing an occupation loi ’ hie, ltd
low yntit own Inclination, II possible. II a
boy ir intent on being a preacher, a lawyer
a doctor or a tin rchant, it is osl* ! i‘ to nt
tipnot ts> iy-uk-y i- jito,l".' r 1 - u 1 W -A' Vv'slVvr
go. Thu Instincts ol ilia nature teach him
Ins positL nin life. A close view of the
world, liowcvc, will soon convince any
one tlml many have mialaken their calling
No matter u that. The mail who lias
lalied in hlk first love would not have been
happy had he been thwarted by others ear
ly in Ids choice. To him labor would have
been a burden and life, a servitu 10. t-on
sult lend oily with the promising hoy—set
before him, but not in 100 highly council
pk lures, the advantages mol ohjtcll ms to
Hie various vim alio, sol iite, theu lit him
carefully select his choice. Hut imprcs>
upon him the Impoilauce "f living houeat
ly, iiidiutriously, lint to nim higher, whh
u ilutermiuation lo il.e above all comiwli
lors iu the quality ol hie work, aud lu tin
Integrity, rectitude and virtue of bis life.
Having do ie so much, leave the rest to
In Europe a eongree* prevents wsr. In
Aiueiics, accenting to the organs, a con
giess pisdpitatcs revolutl in. —Oun.
HMlllifi WORM OH..
Atiiknm, (Ia . Kkh. ill!, 1818-
Hut; M> ctnld, flva J'uarsVtt, had sjinpUmi* ot
worm*. I trttril and the worm Mrtlti-fnfeff,
but to any worm*. Mr. Itahm
f t rlllUmU*, I |<ota vial of Worm oil, and Mia Or t
d'.Nu forty worm* hm<J tho auooiid <lou
mo lUAny wore jiunmol 1 <l4 not count thou.
H 11. AMAMH.
I*iej>Hr<*<l by K’tl 8 uitb Lyiilon, nMmoiw
(j<* ri i K*r *hl* by J K. O. TANARUS i**l & C
hmUft h Worm <) L,
AH t (in., De'C. M, 1877.
A t* w night* luc, I Kve my non oiia /f
th Worm Oil, ftix! uv** day ba pawl *l*t* l *‘*i
laru* worm*. Al tliu Mfuc Mm* I gnrr cm* do*• to
my Itttlft j(irl four y< r* obi, and *b pn** id XI
worm* from 4 15 Im ho* lon#,
W. r nilLUl’H.
Trepsied by ))r KM Hiuilli Lymlon.
Athens.'ic-’lgia. K->r H tie l*y J. L. (f
TKHHKLL <k < <).
Fudge Notice
'I he bridge over Flint Hiver at Huliv-iii
A, Kdgc s Mill w ill lie let nut to t c In -v st
bidder, at thti brldco, on 1 lie ftcmid
Kdmdav In July, wiib the privilege ot us
ing llie old In idge. This May sth, 187 H.
Allen 11. Watson, I
H. A. t/'hunn, t G *m.
A_tla.nta- a)er
A’II.ANTA liEoltOfA.
ALL Sizos and Weights*
Address JAB- UUMOND, Proprietor,
iteter lo Uiie'lasue ss s Bpmiini i of h
Ladies Misses Gents snd Boys Shoe*
pricer lo tolt the times at,
Meriwether County.
We call the special attention ot th* La
dii *lo tl.e lact, that wo have purclMMAd
the exclusive right to sell ••McUauslaod'n
Latent Fluting, Plaiting and Polishing
Iron,” in Meriwether 0 unity. \Fb wd
keep a st >ck ol lr ms constuiiltv on hand.
It is a nickel plated case Iron, with Ftoi
lug and P,all'iig door and revolving han
die. kept hot by two iron plug* alternately
used, ti is idwt;s ole in, smooth and
hilgld. TliousaflifsoYfheae Iron* are In
use aml tliulr high appreciation Is ahoirn
by Urn tact that SIOO,OOO wo, lk .if territo
ry has been soft! and Iho domand la In
creasing, aseuch new gale advertises its
nierila, ns all pralso who iiso 11. Our ageo!
will canvass the county at an early day.
tXT (ii\e him your orders.
New Goods.
a , ' ■ . t r: fx-vtr ■*- ‘. ■■■■
\ e tile glad lo 1 form Ihu people n
Mini wither that wo aie now receiving our
Spring Stock of
Which wilt soon Iks
completed iu every department. Our mot
to will liu ua lierctoioiu Stiff autl
Short Frofiti.
AP we ark i* for you to give ns a trial and
we will gunrai Ice you will bo pleased with
our gooda and prices. DON’T FAIL to
viva u a cull when you come to lus
The White
It* lefrodectlon tad WerM-reaeamefi
reputatloe waa the deatb-Maw te high
priced autobiaaa.
This Ii a vest Important status, a# It H
Irnonn and undltguf.d tset that manj el ithe •-
died Irit-otaM maehls.. ahleh ere edend sa
cheap noa-a-tfays ara tsoaa that have Mas ro
poataatad (thaf la. takas bsek tram coatomar.
attar uu) and retold and put epee tto marks)
Dl tT* W L ORgiAI*HIP IS UttStMtFfiSdtO.
Do not Buy ny oth#r boforo try
ing the WHITE.
Priest ail TANARUS Mala AtMarr
Whits Hewing MacMns Co*
IttaiNn'i Mud not Forget
Dr. MuOaU'a Taettabm (Teetlnu* Powders) regu
tales the Binals and make. TaeUusg aae j. Ta e
tkiaa Caraa Cboirem-laiantani tod the hammer
Complain* ot Oil Id ran. Uamla Eruptions and aorse
Removea and prevail', ttw fhimation of Wetma.
Ho mother abnitld he eiitsait It.
Fur sale h> J. f. O.TKRHKLHA (X).