Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator
OtMSosth sil* ot OijCwnH^
ORDINARY..., A. T. Hinton
8 HIE RIFE 0. S. Florence
CLERK 8 C W. II Kel ei
TREASURER ....G. i- Anthony
SURVEYOR O, F. Matthews
R. A. Cbunu, A iron Sibley,
C. J. Reeves J, & Buchanan,
Allen . Wafcm>.
board of education.
Jobe W. Park, w -1- B * roe
Mtdhoo Reeve*, R- A. PvAet
A. H. Fireman, Sec.
SENATOR 36ili DUirtct, F. M. Duncan
f. J. Wilium*, C. W.tWHltams
Attorney at law
Will practice In Meriwether and 'be ad*
(“jini/fj coUJtic*.
A. 11 KitK -M AN
Attorney at law
UhmkvuXK, Os
All Uus'uts* eu'rusted to hi* care attend
ed to promptly and tsHhlolly.
I>. It. KEITH,
A attorn e\ at Law
Uu&khviu k 0*
Wlll |.ranUee in Met ia ether and th>
eouut at ormpnaitig the Coweta Btociiji.
a. u. floyd. u. u. h.
j v Umiuivimj* Oa
Twins Cash- All work warranted.
HAVING been actively engaged la the
)'i*ttw ol UenUi Surgery ouri*
the ia*t ten years, 1 ln:l competent to i
all kinds of Dmial work la the very b<al
style o! the Art, and i soikeil the patrou
(r ot ili* people ol Meriwether county,
•eaurtug all wln> patronize me that the*
•ball have the very best style ot wo'k, au<i
l*r k* little money n would be charged f>y
•ay coiu(teut De, list It the slate. Cor
respondents by,marl promptly answer*. .
lilt. u. i ivm.bU.,
. FhKlfHld* I’tuli* I' ml *er*cc to
V>/ lav Fulinc- uii.iv wiili Urn
Iji J. K. G, Terrell. at the Dun Kioto.
LUC fc. 1C aN I HON 1,
OVh Kl'.M am ITole-wional aervicc* to
the ciUAcim oi tiiecuvdie arid vn.inity.
lit Office at J. K. 0 T* nul A Oo'
Dri Note
OI LsCtange, Georgia.
HAN NOW, ami will keep aiwayra of)
bai dat aia old alauu Kaai (i.c oi
u politic square, a good nod
(ontLling, o( part 01,
fgf GOLL> and HILYEit Watches,
|>un and key-winder*, ol the bM make
tipleadit-Gold and Mlver Watch Chains.
of all alzea, Makers and pncea
Gold Pena and all kind* of bo Uie, a , Gold
Mirer * aieei Spectacle* A Eye-Olaaaea,
' Silver Plate Ware
oi all kmos and styles,
racket. Table Cattery, end Razor*
by the Wj reaown-d ushers, Joseph
Badgers ud George VeoholiM.
*£,l- -dJ.H ’2VG
I am (till repairing all goods ta my time
Too many dlixi ns o< Meriwether and ad
)*tog counties hare Leafed my work to
require a word trom me uU the charac
ter vt k. I will, however warrant all my
work, ri property need, aa I bare alwayi
donated reapecUwlly aak a eeatiaoance of
the pattonagr I have received from my
Imada in Meriwether.
Beautiful White Sugar, Ten Pounds lor
Owe Dollar.
Robin eon A Ero.
tiri have lost received
W aw apriag alock of
Gents and Boji HATS, la teat atylea ado
at exceedingly low Figures, Call and aee
Rebiaaon A Uto.
Be Curctwl W but You Snjr,
la speaking of a pert o ’* fault,
Pray don't forget your ow n ;
Remember those wills homes of glass
Should seldom throw a alone.
If ire have nothing else to do
But talk ot those who ain,
Ttt better w* c uimeucc at home,
And trout that point begin.
We have ne light to judge a man
Until he's tairly tried J
Should we not like Ida company.
We knqw the world ia wide.** ’ "
Seme mty have faults, and who have
not f
The old aa well aa young ;
Perhaps we may, lor aught we know,
11m* fifty to the* one-
I'll ted you a better plan.
And one that works full well;
I try my owu de ieuta to cure,
Ere I ot others tell
And though 1 sometimes hope to bo
No worse than some I know
My oWo short comings bid me let
The faults oi other* go.
Thou let us all, when we commence
To slander fiieud or toe,
Think of the harm one word may do
To those who little know.
Remember, curse*, sometimes 11 to
Our at home."
Don't speak of other*' taulls until
We have nouc of our own.
I'll be at the wl' dow as be goes by
As be goes by—
He'll lift his bead to look at Hie sky,
The Western sky,
To tee if the sun lias set for fair -
And suddenly there
Against the sky in the golden air
He’ll see a pair
Of familiar eyes ; and 1 slid! see
As he looks at me
A Hidden cmlte led a nod, maybe ,
All this In three
r perhaps In four swift oi.-.titr* then,
Ah ihen,
lu another ji< merit the w orld of men
For him, or, when
The at ect is turned, different fact)
To lake tny plaee,
While I by my window heie retrace
Each Hoe of the face
W h!< h smiled at me at It pasted me by
W itb a glance of the eye
Wlist swept urn iu with the western sky,
The sunset sky,
To-morrow I shall be at the window
Hi- paaarM again ;
He will Miiile ami noil -ami then, ah Iben,
Thu aaina old atoiy over
(again I
| Nora Peiry In Hu nday Al ternnon for
Home mod ha ago a young Kigali wo
man tame to New York It, mapy a young
mao 1o whom alie a* affianced In Eng
land, and who had come to ihia couu try
two year* belore to ergayrr- In busineae.
Khe wat to marry him at the home of a
friend of her mother, wiili whom she wa<
.Hopping. During the time she was mak
ing up her wedding outfit, he came to aee
her one evening when he was Juat ‘lull’
enough to be looliah. Bhe waa rhocked
and ps Ine 1 beyond meaaure. Blie then
learned for the first time that he waa In
the habit of drink log, In ely to erceaa.—
Hire Immonlo'.ely stopped her preparations,
aod told him the could not marry liitu. He
proteated that •‘she would drive him to d
ttrucUoo,’’ promiaed her be would never
drink anolher drop, etc.
No, ahe awld ; 1 dare not trust my future
happloeas with a man who haa lormed
each a beastly habit. I came three tbous
and miiw to marry a man I lured, and
now, ratter than to marry a drunkard, J
will go three thousand mile* back again
And (he Went.
Let all respectable women imitate her
example, and ail men who lore law and
order, and see if the passengers, who are
on the broad road to perdition won’t con
elude to taka soother.
A protninaot carpet bagger told me to
day the true lowardneaa of Matthew a’ re
toaal to teatlfy. It la aot ao macb toahia'.d
bl tear If aa to avoid exposing Hayaa and
convicting bio of poaneaafng a guilty
knowledge at the fraud both before and af
ter ita consummation.
Bet bow about the Senate committee
appointed at tha instance of Matthews
himself ? 1 inquired. How can be avoid
testifying Vo the same think when the
Democrats of the comtaiUae cross-eiaroine
him f
There’s just the point, replied m- infor
mant. T' U will observe that the pream
ble and resolution calling for that comm it
tee ia ao worded that the question oi
Hayes' complicity cannot be inquired into.
In was drawn by Matthews himself, tod ia
rery carefully worded ; and while it aeem -
Ugly courts the lulleat investigation, it is
really so cunningly worded aa to avoid the
mast .important; issue altogether —Delrott
From the Constitution.
Mr. Edilur This is a most blessed land
where everything growa that man Is
> bleeped to have, and a power of good
thin,s tbrowd in just to minister to hit
pleasure. The summer sun is how ripen
ing the fruits of tho earth, and when I se>
"hildren and grand-children nefows ano
ureses rejoicing in thur waidertnt over
'.R fields w>id uiclitiin, ivArfin me back
to the b'essed days of childhood. The old
field plums aod the wild strawberries and
cherries, mulberries and blackbetrics were
worth more then than gold, and it niada
uo difference who was priest or president,
or how ib*li was Astor or Gitard or any of
tho uabots or whether Hal Jacksons bon
net was puttier than Melyaun Thompson's
or not What a glorious luxury it trsa to
go barefooted and wade in the braoeh and
go a saining and climb trees aod bunt
birds nests aod carry the corn to mill in I
leave it, just to get to run hose races home
again. 1 know now that those days wore
the happiest, and so 1 v ont rob my pos
terity of tb? same sort, if I can help it. 1
want tut to love the old homestoad, and 1
waul children's children to gather abouljit
and cberi.h Its memory.—What burlesque
on chilheoo'a joy it must tie to visit grand
ma ami grandpa iu a crowded city, penn
ed up in brick walls with tew sick flow
ers in front and a g**deri iu tue I'ekr Hbtft
as big as a wagon sheet. Uul tliau. the
way the thing is driving. Them oalcula
-lin yankess have tong ago done away with
the 'old back log' sud the blszui hearth
at'me and substituted a furnace iu the base
ment aud a few iron pipes running around
the walls and a hole in the floor to let the
final lu. All that may be ecooomy, but In
iiy opinion a uian cant raise good stock in
uosmh away. i bey'll ho picayuuish
and nice and sharp featured and gtmlety,
but Hoy woul de to tret on liko them elitl
drrn 'bats been brut up round a fire place
on a bundled acre laiin aud had plenty ol
fro-'i a lr aud la'liude.
Mr. Kditu .pleasing the children is about
all the majority of mankind am living for.
though they clout know it; and If they
woul dent scklowrdgo It. It to emphail.
cully the great business ol tile. We look
ou with wonder aod amazement at tin.
busy crowds in a great city that are tv r
going to and frow like a fiddles elbow
aud eight out of leu of oni are workin
and please and maintain Ihe children. Its
ihc excuse for nil Hie inal rush ol biulnees
trial harries mankind through Ru> world.—
lu the apolojy for nearly ell tho clreatla
sod stealing aud lyin In the laud, ami, lu a
heap of such c .set I have llmuglr. Hie
good angels would drop tears cuul on the
big book to blot cm out forever. l'bc
trouble is Mr. Edilur, that most iwoplu are
always iivin ou s strain,tryi ig to do a little
too much lor their cblldruu, and scuffling
against wind aud II Je lu git Just a llltle
ahead of tbeir naVus. Horn •of cm wont
let a ten )eat old boy go to uicelin or to
Holiday school :f bo cant fix up ns flue a
other buys,—They won' let him go bate
fno ed mr wi nr n (latrli br-bind nor before
nor ride hniscback nor go dirty, aud so
Hie domestic pressure, for finery becomes
tremendous. Jesso with bonneu sud psr
asois sml kid gloves and sdk dre-ses and
ebony ware and carpets aud winder tut
talus—and a tbousaud tilings Hist coal
money and run up the oulgo a he <p bigger
and the ncu n.
Generally spea'rin this horns pressure
Sint a noisy oue, but, on the contrary, and
very aiient and sad— m> (bat a body would
think there was suiuhody dead in the
house, and so alter awhile sum bow or
turnbow eise the finery comet ami ibut
lor awhile all la screen. Hut the collapse
l< shore to cum sooner or liter, and the
children aint to blame lor it. Humtimee
when I ruminate upou the meunness ol
mankind I wish the children never got
grown lor they wont get mean or foolteb
until they do. Just think what a sweet
time ot it old mother Eve and Mrs. Com
modore Noah and aunt Methusekr had
with 30 or 40 of cm wtarln bibs aod spur.,
until they were 90 years uid, hoggin along
alter their daddies, until they were a bun-
dred,—l dont think old Fatter Woodruff
could have stood that. When a man who
amt no yearllA gits married, and ten or a
dozen of etn corn right strait along in a
row, and by the tijne ba gels on the piazza
tired and grouty, they begiu to climb sli
over him and under him and betwixt him
and on the back of bia chair sod the lop of
his bead, Its a little more than bia venera
ble oatur can stand. On such occasion*,il
amt to be wondered at that be gently
shakes tiimsei! aloose and exoiuims, ‘Lord
have mercy upon me-’ But then, the like
of this moat be endured- Ita a part qi the
bargfa, implied if not expressed, aa tbs
lawyers say, and no man ought to dodge
1L Humor am, play boas and frolic with
am, sod undress am, tali era stories about
Jack and the bean stalk, and what you
done when you was a little boy, otch
their backs and pot cm to bed, and if they
cant sleep, get up with eta away in the
night, and nod around in your night gown
until they can. Let em trot after you a
heap in wash day and ail day of a Sunday,
and dont try to sfafrh off ihe trouble aad
the lespooaioiiity on the good woman who
bore em. go otnin Says ’Children} are
the chief end of a mat., aad the glory of |
bit deolinle year*,’ and the raisin of am ia
the hisgeat Mamma 1 k> *of in this life,
and the meet reapoaaible In the Hie to
come. Yours,
Bill Art.
Now boya, 1 will tell you how wo can
have mna kiu.said Charlie to hi* compan
ion*,* ho bad assembled one bright moon
light evening tor sliding, snow balling aud
Uiu gor erall).
What Is it f asked several at once.
Who'a go: a wood saw ,
1 have l so have 1, replied three of the
Get them, aod you and Freddie aud Na
thaa get aa axe, aud I wjll gel a shovel.
Let’s be back iu fifteen minute*.
The boys reparated to go ou tbeir sever
al errands, each wondering of what use
wood sawr, axes aod abovela could be In
tbs play. Rut Ohurlie was a favorite with
them all, and they fully believed in his
promises, and were soou assembled again.
Now, said be, Widow Maude, iu yonder
cottage, baa gone to a neighbor's to sit up
with a siok child. A roan hauled her
some wood to-day and I heard her tell
him that union* *h got someone to saw it
to-night, aLe would have nothing to make
a fire ol in the morniug. Now we could
saw and split that pile of wood just as cc
sy as we could make a i now man ou her
door step, aud when Mis. Maudes comes
home she will be most agreeably surprls
•df • • > v
Due or two of the boys objected, but the
majority of llictu began to appreciate his
fiiu, sud to experience that Inward satis
faction and joy that always results from
well doing.
It wss not a long and wearisome Job for
sewn robust and healthy boys U> saw,split
ami plic up the widow's lie If cord of wood
and to tbovel a path. Aud wheu
they had done this, st great w* their
pleasure and sails taction, that one ol them
who objected at first, proposed that they
should go to a neighboring ceipcuter's
shop where plenty ol shaving* could be
bad for carrying them away and each
Intiig an sunlui. The pioposltiou was
readily accepted, and this done they re
paired to their several homes, more than
satisfied with the "tun of the evening."
And the next morning when tho weary
wtdow returned from watching hy the
sick bed and saw wliut was done, the was
pleasantly surprised, and alteiwaids when
a neighbor (who find umdiecrved witness
ed tho labors ot the boyr) told hei bow It
was done her leivmt invocation, “God
bless Ihe boys I was, ol iuell, if they could
have beard it, abuudaut reward tor their
Key to niici'm,
A few years sgo, says a New York pa
per, a large firm In Hits city advertised lot
a troy. The next day llio store was throng
ed with applicants, and among them n
queer looking folio or, accompanied by hiv
aunt, iu lieu of faibless parents by whom
lie bad been abandoned.
Looking at ihl little waif, the merchant
In this store promptly said : "Can't take
him ( places all lull. lie,ides he's 100
1 know lie's small, says tha woman, but
he is willing and lalthful.
There waa a twinkle In the hoy’* eye*
which made the merchant think again. A
paiUier In the firm voluntroied the remark
that he did not aeo what they v.smed ol
suclt a by; he wnan’t bigger than a pint
of cider. Hut alter consultation, the hoy
waa set to work.
A lew day* later, a call waa made on
the boys In the Here lot some cne to stay
ail night, Tin piompi iespoo*c ol the Ul
us fellow coaliasted well with the tt'luc
lance of the others, in the middle ol the
ulgul, the merchant looked In to see If all
was right in the shire, and presently dis
covered hie youlhiul pto’.ege busy reinsur
ing labels.
1 did not ieil you to work at night I said
the merchant.
i know you did not toil me to ; but I
thought 1 might at well be doing some
In the morning, the cashier got order*
to doubla that boy's wages, 'lor be was
willing.” Onty-a lew weeks elapsed before
a show of wild navels passed through the
•treat?, and very naturally ad hand* in the
store rushed to wines* the spectacle. A
thief saw bis opportunity, and entered In
ibe rear door to seize something, but i.i a
twinkle found htmsall clutched by the di
minutive clerk aforeiaid,and alter a severe
struggle, captured. Not only wa jobbery
prevented, but valuable srtic'cs* stolen
trom other stores were discover*!. When
asked by tbe merchant wby be stayed be
hind to watch whan all the others quit
tbeii wotk tbe reply was, “You 101 l roe
never .to leave the store whan others were
abeeot, and I thought I'd stay.”
* Double that boy’s wages, he i* willing
and faithful." In 1860, that boy was re
ctivmg a salary'ol twrnty-bve hundred'
dollars, and. In 1810 had become a partner
in tbe establish mao t.
Tbe moral of this bisloiy fe, ''Where
there's affrftt, there’s a way." The key to
success is “witling aad faithful.” There m
/ a vacant placs lor alt each b>ys as the |he-
I to of this tale.
A Cure for Sl.ussier.
Tbs billowing very homely but siogol r
-ly instructive lesson Is by Puilip N ri.
A lady presented hcraelt to him oue day,
accusing herself of being given t ■ sluidar.
Do you frequently (all into this I mil?
inquired the saint.
Yes father, very often, replied the peni
My dear child, said the saint your fault
Is great, but the mercy ol God 'a greater;
lor your |ieuaoce, do as follows; go to the
nearest market, purchase a chicken just
killed and still covered with leather* , you
will then walk to a certain distance, pluck
ing the bird at you go along ; yMr walk
finished you will return to me.
Grant was the astnutohinuiit oi the lady
in receiving no strange a penance, but si
lencing all human reasoning, she replied,
1 will obey, Father, I will obey. Accord
ingly she repaired to the market, bought
the iowl and sat out ou her journey ptuck
in* It a she weut vlous, aa bo had been
Iu a aboil time the returned anxious to
tell ofi her exactuesa in accomplishing her
peuance and desirous to receive some ex
planation of one so singular.
Ah I said the gelnt you havo been very
tailhlui to the first part ol my orders ; now
to the second part aud you will be cured.
Retrace your steps, pass through all the
places you havo already traversed, and
gather up oue by one all Uic tcailieia you
have scattered.
'S*' Jfatlicr tire poor woman,
that to lui|>o**ihle. i cast tho foaihcrs care
lessly on every sldu the wind carried them
iu ditleienl directions; how cau 1 now ru
cover them.
Well my child replied tho saint so it ta
witli your words of slnndrr like the feath
ers which Hie wind hath scattered, they
have been wafted in many directions ; cull
them back now it you can. Go nud sill uo
History docs not tali if the lady was con
vetted, but it is very probsble. ft requir
ed a saint to give Hie lesson oue should be
a tool, not to profit by It.
Did you over sec a man who grew rich
by fraud, continue successful through life,
aud leave a fortune at Jcutli ?
This question was pq£ to a gentleman
wlio bad belli! in business lolly years. Af
ter reflecting awhile, lie roolisd :
Not oue, 1 have seen tunny mou become
rich as if by magic, and will golden oplu
opinion* wheu some llltle thing led to an
exposure ol lliulr fraud and they have lid'-
en into disgrace and ruin. Arson, perju
ry, murder ami suicide arc common crimes
with Hiom wlio make haste to be rich, re
gsrdliai ot the means.
Boys slick u pin hero. You will soon
lie men, and begin to act with those who
make money. Write HiD good man’s tes
timony lu your uilnd,and with it put ibis
word of God : Hu that haiteucth to lie rich
ludli au evil eye, and considered! not that
p ivc.ty Hindi come up in bl n.
L t these words lead you to nsdve to
make baste slowly, when you go into bus
iness lit Hie mailer ol inuking money.
High living cannot be indulged in with
out .liras reeablc cnuaequunCi S. tl you
feel that your blood to out ol order use Dr.
Bull's Blood Mixture.
Turkiih hatha foi horses I* the latest ye
tetiuary nevulty in New York. Tin
hones are placed In a close sweat-box oi
•<all, brick laid and cemented, with ventil
ators in the ceiling, and thu heat is coin
uiuidculod through an oven wbh’h la plac
ed against the b-'I. The tcuiiieraturo la
gradually run up to MO or 140 degrees,
that is until the horse begins t-r perspire.
The heads are kept wet all the time, ttr and
as much cold water is given the animals us
they cau drink. Then as they begin
to sweat they arjs vigorously rubbed, and
idler ward* they are tooled oil by degree ,
ending titb a shower. This process is
claimed to he good in all sickness and In
all dtaoaaea.
■i. ... -a— i
tie sol him down on the ste|r*-lbat
had boon newly |iaiuted—arid when he riz
to travel home—that gal of bts—she faint
ed. .<*
You uie iiuecr atm ilmg peilume, said an
Klbartoa lady to a young man ine oil er
night. Air I hu exclaimed, and what doc.
it su> II like ? Like whlrkuy, she repli ed,
and be wilted litre a sweet potato vlue af
ter a frost.
when a georgu man Km urns (from T. x
•S wIMi ho shoes on except the strings and
but one suspender U> guard a cal
amity to bit fl ibby dautaloorn it u sale to
ismuie that he b a been Meslcan zed Jo
well at Texicsnun and
Atlanta, Os.
Don’t forget to slop at tbe above named
House when you go to Atlanta, I guaran
tee sstiafaetton to every reasonable persons
and charge only
ONE DOLXAR per day
! TO -
the ladies
ffleriwethdr County.
We rail the special attention ol lbs La
dles to the fact, that we have poschaeed
the exclusive right to tell "McCaual end's
I‘atont Fluting, Plaiting and Polish log
Iron," in Meriwether County. We wtt
keep a stock of Irons constantly oa hand.
It is a nickel plated cate Iron, with Flut
ing and PlalUng door and rendfksg baa
die. kepi bot by two iron plage alternately
uteri. It la alwaye clean, smooth aa4
bright. Thousands of these Irone are ia
use and their high appreciation is shows
by Hie lact that •100,000 of territo
ry has been void and the demand is in
creating, a* each new sale advertises its
merits, as all pralso who use if. Our ageal
will canvas* the county a. an early dgy.
IW Hive him your orders.
!• - ....
New Goode.
lean glad 'o inform the people of
Meriwether that we are now receiving our
Spring Btock of
Which wilt soon be
< ompletod iu every depaitmont. Our mot -
to will li as lieratuloru Quick Brief and
.Short Proflta.
All wn sik is for you to give us a trial aud
we will guarantee you will be pleased with
our goods sud prices. DON'T FAIL to
give us a call wlica you come to La
The White
Its latroduatlek aad Werte rwwif
repatalioa was tha dpathMear ta high
priced aachlaet.
wtrwM (Ha?*isaws
altar at*) and raSaHt aad pat apse tea makat
Do not Bar any otlur Mbro try
l&f tho wszn.
Ms ul ten lih Mkhcttrr
White Sewing. Machine Cos,,
ffarhei’* Ikiut mai Fargen
Dr. Moffett'. Tsethiss (Teetbla* Powders) Mg
lates th- Bevels and ssakaa Tasduag sear. Tss
bios Carc4Uilf*s4skat*ai sad tha Beams,
Conplslat. 9* Ctiildran, Meals grapdene sad soma
Rmofti end prevents lbs foiasttoa of Worm..
No mother iknsld te wtihou* it#
For. sale by J. E. O TEUt.F.LL ACO *