Newspaper Page Text
J'llue vi n dilator
WmT likvux Editor and Proprietor
‘iiWHnrr lt.p. rum % v July * ***? *
sir ii ii. i
Tli* friendl <4 II nt. Henry K. Harrto
from *ll (raits ol the dMrid are lni*tiog
that .their tun- and I lied represent live
Kith’j beret nit.* Ito (Tongue*. No teller
m8 n ce>> I*e |.,nad He line both the abil
Uy and ePpeiiunte to enable him to tin*
charge the dc.tie* of the poeltlon, InUlli
gently, feaileraly and boneatly. Wjixuul
to hit reerrd with pride and < halier g* hi*
opponent# to to a rin> t U ruietakc
urßrmiltod by him Outing five yea * hi
▼lce In the Ffotme. II he he ha* done no
wrot,g, been uvwr takhtul sad •• hi* |o*t
mhf eliotild he let set i.lde lor a. new
and **( i kneed man ? Why ' -
Metar* Fannin and Toggle ol Troop,
Pel*W# oI Talbot am) Huiith of Coweta
ha ben announced a* candidate* for
congreea lo tble dintrlel.
Mh Stephen# U aanl U> have purch*#ed
anew carriage aad lit*dnom< p*to ol hort
•a |.- ■• ’ e perpr/ae ol making UiotmgU
-tan a * ol hi* <Ji*Uk;l.
K M, E."of LnGrsnge, write* to the
Atie-ita Conntftutlon that none ol the
Georgia detegatkm aftgtihl be ml timed to
congreea, except lion. W. E. Smith, on :u
count ol Ibeir vote* on the Electoral Com
mlMi a Hill. The aa. objection would
apply to the nentliin’l'in lor president of
11, ,*• atuinch democrat*, Bayard amt
Thurman, than whom no nhh r. beer or
mere teeth-** *int*iii*n can he h ind in
deintoialie rai<k. The ofijgctto* ol “h i
M. L “wan'd dllvc Gordon omtl.e Men ill
Indeed, it muy lie that the c< mi in <l ideation j
<4 “f Sit. I u ijjymtod to pave tli way j
for the defeat f Gmi. Gordon tor hi In. i
tlon lid* fall. H the LaG'i'tige. roneapon
dent I* friendly toward', O <rdo he I* tat
mg rather a curious way ol allowing hli
Irlciubhip. II he l bunting o’tier game let
him lake caic (lint Id* blhndcrlni** I* not
pointed In Uic direction ol tin b<' men In
Ihe democrat l p rty.
H Hie majority ol the Georgia dclega
lion cried in voting lot Ihe Klectoral Com
miMlon, an exant'o Hon nl the vote w ill
aliow Unit a very large majority of the
tmated lendir* id the democratic pnrty urn
In the an me ualoitunate predicament, none
ol whom have ayi t mmj>r acknowledg
ed their mutUke. Examine the Id#, M
y m, L., and you will ear that you are
Jilting your baud again*!.atMitu ol the <e*.
enf, aW’*f and pm eel men of J •'** party,
iou may l>e Irctlcr In lot mod than they
are, hut uidv* yi bring Inward clear
tiitd eooviuclug |>* ol the wnfctnm ol
your po*Hion, plain, unsophisticated
crvU may prefer l < stand by B >yrtl, 1 btir
man, Gordon, Ransom
of following you la your ciusnde aEior
tho Georgia du o* ilion.
r oiivciitloii In Hi*. iilMricl.
From tli® oflicml report of tho proceed
tajr® ol the Kaocutlvo committee published
in another column.'t *HI I* eeto that a
convention lo nominate a candhUt® lor
con jit'** lor till* district has Im-co called
to n>®t in Cdumbue on the Slit of Au
|it. U| n tho assembling ol the com
niMtW a disposmou to b ive n > convent! n
was msolfwted ou the part ol some ol the
member*. A minority, however, voted to
meluteln party organlxa'lon nr and discipline.
The selection ol a place for holding too
convention gave rlae to lengthy debate.
Columbus waa first pot In nomination It
wa* at once proposed lo substitute New
■Ut aa being more accessible slid central.
Messrs. Mabry Revill and nhacklelord vot
ed lor Newnan, against Newnan were
Messrs. On, Harris, Willis, Blount and
Grimes, repri sent lug aevcu votes. Mr.
tw representing Newnan c ist the vote r I
w Newnan mao ngsbist the selectten ol
rUW oeatral' | oint. Hamilton was next
voted on,tne vote being the same aa alsivc,
Major Blount et Hamilton voting against
hi* own low ii. LhGiwngc nai next pro
posal In lieu ol Oolumhur. Revill, Ma
bry and Slmkelford, 4. voice, cast their
vov* for LaGrange ; Harris, Blount, Wil
lie, Grimes aad Butt, 6 votes, against La-
Grange- Con of LaOranae uttdtog two
fcMa was in the chair temporarily and
thut lulled to vote ngahut Ids own town.
The vote tccnniug on the original propo-
lo select fftlumbu* it w as carried by
a sou ol 4to 0, The minority ob)ected to
Columbus on tbc "round that It was In the
extreme southern po thru ol the district;
tbirt a majority ot tnc couni ice and de'r
gatea were above the nmuntain and hence
HITM ntoveti nver.lviii lo the r chdt dis
trict, that 10 delegates from 5 count'ce
would be selected below the mountains,
wMle 83 delegates from 7 counties were to
H chaata shove the mountain.
In iegard to tm time, the minority only
m toiuc -late covering neatly the
CMC nertrrd at Ural in whkh similar cou-
lxeu held lu former years
slmuhl be selected, ti * msjority demand
ing thirl TANARUS“ eaillar da'.* than usual should
be.TUW uiron- The wrifer proposed
the’lCth of September, this bei.ig tho time
oT hutting nearly every convention since
\he war ; Mr. Blouut of Harris suggested
tl.c ®t day ol August. Altera protraci
ed contest the filet ut August was agree,!
poD. The vote lor the 10th of Septem-
Wr elood Mabry, Revill and Shackelford,4
votes, for, and Blount, Cox, Herris, Grime®
and Wlllto, 7 votes, opposod. Major
Blount desired the first ol August that sn
early nomination might present indepen
dents from entering the field. Mr. Revill
thought the committee should be cautious,
in making anew departure lest a plausible
pretext ahculd be given Independent* lor
r jjr* mt
entering 'be lf, aleo. that {..ricpeolMte
woM’dlhoet probate -wait tl*e reen l of a
nomination before eudtng lo make s
race. Il wa slvi conte* ted that lirii be
ing aa oil year, ample time thou Id lie giv
en Ums ieople lo -jut Mi* iwtal eti w ae
tocting a cnidi 'idr, them (wing no caching
iaaue* before tire cr-untry, <ir cltlz-na
would he in ’ haate to inaugural* the
coogreaaion<l campaign. Mr. Mhac'udlord
held that t would suit *he lariner* Cette/
to attend die eonvrrctlon in M.-ptcorher
tlrau In and that a protracted wl
tlug to CoPimtm* dotieg the day*
would an I | tli*pe w>w Ie
am da ol i:lneB among teruiy ol th ae it at-
The lime treiug a.; ret i upon let nu U
county w lect U w r-evt am) moat prudent
m< ua* delegates, to Uic end that every
tliiug may be done decently, orderly and
harmoui /ualy.
.Mrrilng el liar Kxrrattler t'uH
According to tire ]*iblWW! notice o', the
i haiiutan ol lire Gommit' the Ucmncr*/
U- Kxscutlve Ootemlttec e 4tb dialrh’*
met at the Chalybeate g on t .e S id
at July aiui wa rallerl order by th>
On motion ol Col.<V f>Ti* W. T
MevHl was ctroaeu aecretary.
A call ol the eourrii** e • o.g the
dhrtilet *luew<H> tlrat 'hoy were r.-:--
ft* follow*:
Mm |oii, \V 11. Ilutt, <>halrmn .
(,'h*'Ubiwl re, tV ."Grime*, ( l‘
MuwsOgftC, T ’.V
Talbot, J 'I Willie;
I fan In, .1 'l'. Il’oqnt ;
.Meriwether, (V. T- , ie*ill ;
I rottp, A ll t ■ it ,
Cos ■ c'a. A 11. Or*. (IV>*yJ
Heard, M M luckhdonl ;
w M'-'y. i-‘“*y s
Carroll; t 4 W Han I* ;
Itoiigl n*, rV. T. Itevill, (I’lOly)
M. T W. trrlme* ol Muncage*, anhtnll
tcrl ihe follow log revolution.
//ceurntf, i'y thv In mot r a tic Ksecuttve
Comm lure > I the -ft It Congre*'lounl rtla-
Irlct ol 'looreia, that a convention of the
Democratic parly n| auhl and alrlcl Ire call, it
to meet at -on ihn day of to lake
Into conridoration the nommntlon of a
candidate tor congreaa, and Hie chairman
ol tli l.nrmUvn eouruiUtee *1 each county
In the dlvtrict Ire r nue*toit to calf the pai
ty In their respective eon nth *, tregetlicr to
"elect county delegate* to tael convention.
Mr. Co* moved to Inaert a.U'r the word
emigre** In Hie 7th line the word. ‘Vrovhr
e I that the convention olionl I darkle Hint
a nomination alionld Iw made’’ The
mnemlment w.t* I Ml.
Mr. Mabry moved lo amend the remlu
tim by atrlkt'tg out in the slli line the
word* “Vi i#lu> m conthleratkui Mia n'linl
-11 at lon ni a candidate” amt Inaert to Hen
tbereoi the word*, “to nominate a cee tl
date fog ijongi***,” The autendmeul waa
agtend 10.
The reroluilor 1, amended was then
tiaoactl to.
Mr. Wiliin moved to fill the fir t blank
In <hr resolui i j by inverting Colttnibu •’
Mi . Mabry moved to aubniitutc New nan
The lubaiiture ol New nan a* pro>e>e<l by
Mr. Mahr v. lot, Mr. Hliacklflnrd
moved to tnteri Hamilton instead ol Cos
luuibits , Mils amemlmeßt wa* re|iie ( |.
Mi Levin pipo*cd LaGrange. Th* *tib
ol Bute irl Mr. Vtcvill wa* voted down. Toe
volt was then lakvu upon llic original rao
liuu ol Mr. Willi*, end Hie first blank filled
M' Miachlefnd moved to till tbesccind
bbmk with the ti st Wednesday in Hjp
tombt'i ; Mr. liiouot proposed ihe ftrsi
Tbutsday in Aor net; Mr. Cox the second
Wednesday in August; Mr. Itevill the
10:ts of September. After a j retracted dU
cussion a vote was demanded on the first
Weelnesday in August. Mr. itevill raised
point of ordci that the longest lime should
be put first, which point was sustained by
Use chair. The 10th of September was
voted down. Mr. Mabiy proposed We.lues
day t|e 38,1i ol August ; lost.
Mr. Revill proposed the third Wednesday
in August, whichj prevai’ed.
Ou motion ol Mr Hsu is it was recom
mended that the basis ol representation in
Use nomiuaUog convcjtion be the same as
iu preceding conventions, each county le
ing eulitlid to two votes for each represen
tative In the state legislature.
Mr. linn is proposed that the thanks oi
the cornu iltee he teturned Messrs. Alien
A Thompson tor tee use ol the cou>modi
ous llwll so kindly luroished ; also, the
chairman and secret®!y. Adopted,
On motiou of Mr. Matty the Secretary
was directed Vo turuiah each democratic
paper in the district a eopy af she proceed
ings oi the committee.
On motion ot Mr. Mabry the convention
adjourned sins d*.
■ Sec.
Tire Oigptn War —A I#A lb. Shot
If any man insults your common sense
by offering a first class 9 Stop Organ tor
**t>hool biui on the spot." AB oecee
si.y for buying such inferior Organa is for
ever done away with. $ 100, Cash, or |llO
on Easy Terms, now buys a magnificent
Mason AHaniliu Parlor or Church Organ
with f\mr Sett Hetdt and Ta Stop* in Ele
gant New Styie Case w ith IBumuuUtd
/\*aM*.—Handeomes'. Style of Case ever
produced.—Special Offer to introduce this
new Style.—Sent on trial.—Gnaianieeil
for a life time.—Rented until paid lor.—
Oiher new styles just out.—lllustrated cat
logues free—Address LCDDEN A
BATES, Savannah, Ga., Maoutaciurer'i
Wholesale Agents for the Seuth.
Umrgla Mew*.
* ——
Dr. Felice ha* Htootxtced that he wfl!
be an indepeedmat canu idate tor Coogm*
Ifoaatbe Sever, lit Piatric'.
Mr. Ilenry Hill, of Wbke* coonty, who
werk* twcuty-five convict a, la* juftt bar
▼c*te<J ie oat crop of 8.000 baabehs.
Cos ki Mimu *m brOMgiit here ' Tbrira
dy under arraat far th*> mar.ier a< Lvm
b-rt. He waived bit trial and was eairred
to jail to await hit trial at the September
t riu. -Oeda o*ru Hwyxd.
Toe D.ui jeratr of th: i IMiM
wi 1 hold their Cougreeu mal C tuvcuitou
1 a C mllta ou Ihe Sc'i ol September I’h*
iiidlcatloo* all alroogjy pornl V> t.* easy
re-com I uat ion cl C Smith.
A letter Irom fhtchauac, Po k county, to
the Cedartowo llotmd re|*/iU a oouphier*
trie rln* in the price e real pfoparty, btwad
*u the laoepcct of the e/kvnacu. ol tie.
Honk a id .'*oiiib Htiiroa J .
The negro, George Uaeute* 1 , who wa
charge! with an awn it with attempt to
kill Hon. Jblin O Stewart, of GrifSa,piati
guilty and w* *> ateueed to 'eo year* in
Urn penitent* c
Thu Allan la ounoapoodutd ot the Savan
nah New* antw that K*Ut tfothern w>ll
i'4 Ire jrftrdoned Mg Gtj. Coitpidl, but wBJ
>i: left to work oof her arnUmc* a* com
[ muted. '
I 'Ph* kfariatta Jaomaj taaut kmi a
■rkabie eff.rct of light ir>% on the am
‘>l Df Elliott In <wlrb County , It HtmM a
del l of 104 or to i ad kiltel all of it that
. . • -ving ou a piece of gomnd one
lr.ii.di‘ I fe*rt hmg and forty foot wide. Tor
coatjgtwu* c*ik>m m ihrlity ami growtag
Tv, # young *—■*** <f Baldwin and
the other of Ifcrtlen county -at* anaugi.ig
krf an * race at Alapb* <r the 4h ol Ju
ly. Th* oaUauta are uatrahamg imd will
Ire rkbren on tfeil < cea*km by their r **.•*
live owner* Betting {rfotaiae* to l>a If**-
sy will* rnaeib
<lo. Gordon wa in Ab/any tymim*
day nlg’rt, and *w riii**l by th* <drr
imj* Hn'ul to whk-h b* r**)*tied Na dioii
;terch, Th* New* *y* Geo. O , Ua*
lrolight l.bflf) aesw* ol lan I in Worth oi
ty, U|ran wlrtc'i he will |l*i:c * large flock
of heap nmltr th* chare ol one trf In*
Activi ir in vb \V'a M*h arr Tu
hoavlaat dayl receipt* ul el at tUwk
lutvdlc thl* araoon wer* oa 1 netMlay , 3 rib
inrt. The receipt* were iweatj five trai<*,
or ab >Ol flft**n tlorUMlud |erind—Hr* *'
•-rage weight being over fl*n bui dovl
trotiud* Tl* greater paH <d Ure wmrl w..
brought up by *r. ff V. Ifrwmn.ot l(,mc
(b*k. Ricado. f din V leiwi* b (;o.m<l
a Irk! of twcnty-liva ccnl* per (round,whir*
la n.i advance of onr-foUilh to one hail a
emit over laat w-ck'a price*.
I he receipt* < f wrMrl at HuwkiruVlKe, to
the IV h Inal., were alenu owc hrorth great
rr titan !a*t *•;•• or to th* *nu tl .t
Mr.Jameu Owen*. '•! W|Vc i* c-uniy
atrhl hi* wool here on Tuteday h>r twen
t) live ceul* per |rou tl.
M . Mary A. (lewdiiua, inollier o| Mr,
flcory If. QuotCbiw, of toe Columbu*
fiinr*, U dead. .
It U ttnUeratood th .1 ih H.i •- P .tipliar
Pcagreen will attmU ihd lug i. lat ure
i.i a lw> ly.
II Geoigia editor* aro .vine limy will la
gin to adviHate a b*g la v right now .
get the ruuuiug atari of tire Hon Put I
The Savann >h Record.r U in favor o!
Cwi, W, T. Thciupwii for congiesa, and
agice* wltli ui that be b* dmic more for
the (rarty Miao any ten politicians.—Cbw.
The Colaaslrue ttuquner say a (ieorgia
liar cxircmled, ainc* the war, sl,3oO,tttO
in educating children at the Nuith, and
i hat there are now lti.> boy* anl girls, at
school in that Hctioc
Itoscoe Colliding it eudeav >ring to en
list tin aid ol Tammany to return hon to
the Senate. Itosane i a politic*! corpse.
Hie body 1* in **plcl fi;,’* set! *H! lie dis
sected dorlnr 'he next campaign In New
Yo;k.— Cliicn tt Kn<v
N urßeries,
I E-tabliSbed A. D 18W.
We take this method, to talortn Uie ciu
xeos ol Meriwetlier, Talbot and adjoining
counties, that our agentr, having certifi
cate of agency, will visit you during the
months of July, Aog. and Sept, to solicit
your orders for truit trees, vines, Ac., for
the tall delivery ot 1F We request yoo
to reserve your order* until you can ee
our plates representing our varieties, and
gst such information as our agents are pre
pared to give yoo. WE GUARANTEE
Our senior JOSHUA UNDLBY has,
lor the past fifty yean, eogaged iu collect
ing, nroving end selecting fraita ; aad we
have oow every variety of su.'orio* kinds
in the world, mod those beta adapted tor
the south and Its different localities.
Don’t be hnmougged b f tree peddler* bet
come to headquarters for good troita.
Those doubling the merits of the Ltad
ley Nurseries can hare such doubts re
moved by interring lo John B. Williams
of Lutherville, Judge Ounoingbam of At
lanta Editor ol VnuHCATuB, J. H. Parnell
Wed Point, and hundred* of others wf >
have tested our truiia to perlect aatisfoc
uon. Tusnkiuc you for past patronage
we *sk a continuauce of same.
Very Respectfully,
Live energetic men wanted es agents.
Liberal commission gives. Address
J. A. Sloan, geu. agi., Newnan, Ga.
L. L. LAWRENCE, Newnao, Ga.
oun siock
la E vary Lin**
Abb thnWUile.
1!. N. iOLI.IS.
Do T/u Want to lncrmm Ttnr
trade, or BaiUt Up* >** Bumuaeef
To Lot People ant. * what you |gvc to.sti;
How that can be done at lire least coat i
worth asking about.
News; apers reach a'.ort people at a it
expewse dian uy other mean* of ©ol*lll.o
- iicatior Keoce an advetiWuue; that
, can be given the nn>t circulati-vt l*r th
I morey in ford (apera M the auiesl way U.
develop your B.ukue*a
To try tor such
it reward
Seod for a copy ocr standard list and
learu wlurt au in.ureuse rircuiatton you
can gtl tor a omaU .'eutn.
GEG. P. RO W ELL A GO , 10 Sprac*
Ist., K. T.
-V H — Oh earg Older far o*m it* <** tttU
jiee gau veer Half a MU. ten OutnUUjn u*
oiAer ftapart m Taint e Surge.
a • tu+mi k£L* prim m t'mum rial **>**** ■Jm
tf MkMSknAi •*>*4 kgkkMflf dto&r
**r +*4 fUm>n %*■+ TW ImmM lUlllH
•* •**4* k vmd keinue *ny li lni —b
mm mm tkgl Ju rkwaw** HhaM b
H **'J |4*f baa 4ty m* Nm. 4 IW flMirii 1
M c A J *,*•*** 4 t 4 . Mf*.
PiANo^ a^TS u ‘r l ; ORGAN
8435. Ho pert Grand Square Piano*, coat
11 KAi, truly *7l Elegant U|>right P*a
aoa,Orel 800 only fi >5. Near style up
right ; lottos 81(3 sb. Organ* SAV (Jrgau*
Is atupa, 8?0-40 Ghurch Organ* 14 sbrpe
ct oaly 8114 f togitrl |:J7O M u
UK T-'p Organ* only | IUS Tn-fltetidoue
•acuifice to ckwe cart pmseut eto -k New
■Sa-atil "Wif.4ff tenia (li tir eiode.' New*
(rap*** with uiucb tifor iirai>•> ah-c.t Co*'
r*f Plane* and Organ#, sent her I'eat*
vliitmt Dotiiai F iieatty, VR wP.iugtnu, N
1 Aflirrliking l^dkt
r.aa rnwft an o4*wHamm at 111 oar list I
t eoly , nT.VNDAKD VEKIUfI Hi.
ten dotlara a It* without cnettc-y.
Theme a4writer's b < want to o'riat i the
tree*. Mid t*f ,;***. cict u all u poaetb.c a Itb
out ' ipewdn.g I'.au irom f.iO to 8100
toto and arblrsoeO p. UuW fcl.L A Cd., 10
lt|iiw ktrort N* York
S~y A DAY U'
( 'he Flfeatde Vi*tr. T. r.iM aad
i)* { |t Free. AdiliM P. O ViCKKMY
A us nets Maine.
” flinch whi l ooT”-
loVi ale ! jtdi< .owary in Hurck* pfjktou
or p:vihfgt*t i a *U foal to rapid tor
tune. Pull detoi'* arrd (ltt >*l BVadi K*-
chauge report# fee Address T f*GrTEIf
WRIGHT d*CG. ite-ikcr 1. .* W. •' t..
He w Y’.sk.
My VVf rl Cnl rc rv newly cl .Ul,-l
and In fine Ortodi'hro ,ud 1 lh 'k I ' *:r
-alcly .*y thet l a • jwp*r 1 'u d-> gl
w jrk I ,!! edm c win firnr in* w, h
lo * .*h *U l" woo; *.t i. e *r.,l
bring rt in early o -tiai i itiy 'aid rn>,
have it m* 'y ci . o w-o' * I>>.‘i
wait till 'alt wht n I k rui el ani
nut have lime <o and * the w< rk prnnt.'t-y
for von. I gn*ran*ir #"Oil rod* .• <
g'sxl Wfjoi i- hfxi*'i ! n.
lam alii Cording Cutton and met-! g
nice Rsito. Send and gel Home and try
Wool Carding 10 cl* per lb. oil
funnthed, or j the wool.
CoUoa Carrhug. ... .. ..8 C'J ;• r lb. -r
t the Cotton.
I wit! *ell
Wrroi KoU# at 40 < t Hr
Cotton Rods at 15 ct - H*.
My mill U aleu in good order and w-ldon.
ever sh -rt of water.
Give tne a trial,
Y'.ior# Ac..
Lutherville, Go.
. June 7-Soio.
Shoes S Shoes ! Sh ret' Plk<ss ! Sh<ys
Hats! lists! lists ili; II Ut ‘Jo'li
ing ! Ciothing st sctosl oust kit, lor
sixty days st A R. Phillip's oboe Store
sC?ni?e, Os.
Milville Fruit Jars
June 14Ut 4t.
Coats* Thread ’***• p •**>•
* It Beats Muslins.
Gent.- G*u* UnJeraairU st 75 pal .
A few male caves Jersey Grsde st |lO to
|ls per hesj.
Several Lambs of the French Merioo
sleek Halt Blood st f > each. ALSC, some
Shepherd Dugs, Stock, Ecjlisb Drover,
price $5 esch.J
Any person desiring to improve their
stuck Ac., trotn fine Blood st low figures
can do so by applying to me st Lubei
viile, Gs.
June-7-5 jj
Ia order to make a shauge iu niy litis!-
nr*s I w ill *ei ! my vluck of Oool*. Shoer,
Hale ami Ciwlbicg af ACTUAL
COST h?f the text 00 day* at Re
N*-w is the tin e tu aecire B irgain*.
of all kiad* auu Sl YU£S, Gmldreii * If .ud
Sewed Canfield's Gaiter# and Low Gul
Shoos from BG'dr a pair Ur Bd-74.
Hats! Hats 1 ! hats
lor everybody at COST. Dj not wait hut
ouuae at once aud sectUu UARGAI S.
Mi to* A Son'* lfi thread Cloth fJaiter* at
Zjiglex iki’ Pebbie Goa’. Sins
At Ptiil'tj*. s*h<ru Store,
Last Sue Public Hi laic,
UI ILL be aunt hetort lire court house
throe to the tuwii ol Greieuvi!!*,
Met:actuer County, tia., withiu the legal
hirer* ol tale, ou the fii*l 1 uraiay iu Au
gu*t, 1378, the tollowiug property tu wit :
<>**• hou*e ai.d lot Iu the town ol Green
ville. *n aid *>ji niy, the name treiug the
t formerly owned by Alm*r
W CaUaivay, and conveyed by him 10
A datu G. Floyd, and aitnatai ou the West
aide ol the puoil', iq tare to aUI tow u of
Gicenvtlie, end trouuded a* follow a . on
Ik* -'.th, by Ike office Url ul Uoorge L.
I'eavy ; on the Smi'h, by lh* /lore ho ne
hit of J'bn A SitnonUto, dooosaed, and
J.'lrC W Itojd , ami <u I tu.' VVcaC by tin*
fwul h 4 <d L. Wiuvl-iw, loiuier'y (i (i
Howard ; sari hr* limiting about 31 i™t
and ru UTig track about 31 feet, levied
on a the irr.| erty of A G Eluyd one or
the dchwlerit ; alao, oun oo<luiJeiJ llurd
In'erewt in a atom or groerty lentv au<l lot
wHu blatkauiith al.op theremi m the town
■il Uieavtite. known • town lois .No’* :*i
and kl . and fhalportl u rtf town l it No. ,
la a *l*l Ur a, de'-dt l to J . L. ihtuuing by
E. U"h,* 'iw. t*" pt, a *trtji - uniting E**l
an t Wl •ighteen fncteet whir , said uu
Uithfv*! une-tirird Hrtereat lem-d n a* tie
j in, ertv of H P fflaiuck, one of the ilc
fem'ai.U. A of ihe above eanted prujai
ty V%fed t> hr *M*lv afi a bum M<n
wubet *u|t- ijni C iirrt m taym of tV. H
ll.r mit, re. A c Ei.rjd. L. It IHaiock
and I P-IHaea-I . Wiley H. Slrlitt'.C*
tfeoalcii-* Poq-crty printel *Mit fry
Ual llcfrt and po Ip |.i t*w f.rn n< tl
re il.i "b w dim la. Thi* July 30l
H M.C.
*. J *>• **. t- <•' w u wi.ii
l<w Ui*U arvt Weal I‘uMt* t'.B/>v (/■,.** i
The 'rest attention jjivcfl trt the Comfort
ol gueeta P.riite Poilere at CTery train
• tuna k'J.VV per Dug
Flit rMi*n e
a .
Mafber’o Miiynt Home,
And ran year rkUe with Dr. i Teetnln#
(Toetkiwg PuwUw*J. Teetßina Regoiato* ‘h*
Bowrela sad mahra TarrAta* * J : Csr* ( “ ,r ** -
IsSntnt sad 'b Hammer Complaint* of ci.ilraE;
Hast* Erapuoc sad 9or~ ; Baowre* and
U>*tonuti'n of Worsn No madiesn* m r-.
cei <id •octa s:ha*iaatSr.coemei>datJow tmm those
who here used it.
For sp!e by Dr. J. E- G. Terreli A Cos
April 187*.
Ds T. S. BrsdSeid --The Pefcrefs 8 ® I*-
lissrS prcsrrVd far my Male *is>* who *n tat
IcriSK wry swh (ran • ‘Faison Osh" t>"
relief Two api>iic*{.oas earedd h. Ton.'*.*'"-.
Prepared by T. S B sdfi Id, LaOrsnge
Gtu For sale by J E. G- Tirrell & Cos.
Heard o,oa, Nay ’st, 1879
DsT I BrsdSetd ; Dai *r—l eaed the osf
farsr'r Bala I bowgfct trasa jam recsoW as so as
tidots tar has atmgs with I mated iais relief. I
want yoe to rot aae spa a ?s*rt for timi'j =**-
Pictured by T. 9. Bradfidd, LsGrsnzf,
tta. Fur sale hr J. E. Q. Terrell & Co
hutacr is Debtors asd trcdliori
Ait persons baring demands against
Johnson Freeman, deceased, are hereby
notified U present them, properly attested
to the niidersi aed within the time pr*
scribed by law. And HI persons indebted
to said deceased, are hereby to
make immediate payment to the under
signed • Hay 9it 1878.
. JDF. R. F. HALL,