The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, July 05, 1878, Image 3
THE VINDICATOR. FtmU&U&D EVKKY FRIDAY, BY WM. T. REVILT., AT fAW I*EU ANNUM. IN ADVANCE o*So* * mth i\X of th C nrt B **i * l(.*li;:i i' \ll '<* The l< Blowing Dtho Church Directory o C evnvilk lot ltd 7. METHODIST ■i4 hik! -tUi ortuoaui!- u <-<,cu month. I'jviwr. Rev. J- AN BAPTIST Ist Sabbath it:; each .month j.oor Rev. A R CALLAWAY , PRESBYTERIAN ' til Sabbath iu each month. I'a-tor'... Ho. Mt. MMI KID Ml |'U i; ro TMli •* BI.H' Altai this .late, ail legal advertisement.*- or the county ot Metiwether, wilt lc put- Gscdt-i the Coe*tv \ • omit A.J HUSTON, O.diuary. O S. FLORENCE, Sheriff W. H KELLER Jaa. Ith, 187S. Ch'ik Sup’r Court. J local topics GREENVILLE. FRIDAY', J<nys IST b - die ne v legal notiert ol tbu S nM.t! au.l Ordtuarv. Tijit.i v aUuweie coaUi ... to visit ah portium. ol Hie c u ty, >uc eniln ImUc larmer say* lie e*u av-c aid he r hi* CO I t gum mg Mi J M. C. Robertson, Jr., h a ""O' fin* lieUt ol toll m > u the Nevruati road jwat uorlti t>( the town. Mack looks attei tit* la 1 m t > te.y ami wilt; *k a suiu . tt iui immer. He hiiaclioraii a noioe pio- Iti-tloD arid deserve* tu. >1 - Mil l UHl're.■•. T o Hfoeiver.ileuie* luto uaie that he w ill rt reive doiii g t!.< m il on day* at 1.l home the tftuiti* ol taxable prosily li.vt ha* not yet Ixtti given te i to* 2 < , Ok- last opj.numty. E< PM). -An Otni-ielia m I * k*'d "p |jot Tuesday on to* Nolth 'd. -I Ihe u|eie, wliKh Ibeovuiti .an h ve hy |y ingtwo dollars t- the ViMMCA i'oK to July 4(h IH7. V ll'lilikt, Hie Jtriu'l aOntTitimy ol the DaeDiatfon ol Irnh'p. l* •*< • p**o off quietly,vet y lew p*ro.ia being iu town. Wi, Inn *>*-w u lvt'i •> it In lli* 1* „<* of tutcrect to tjftiwer*. Till Lind " Icy Nui x-i n li#v' ablUUi-d a high re •'tattoo and aie the oldest in the bootn, 4,11 wlw< •-*♦*• fd • .nt'.n i. liuil tf-'f wuuUt tlo -vi II t.> bo 'ice ili < unl nl Mr. I,swuc’. Jt’i ok Ifitnm Wsrowr ohm I Mis* Hal U> JJit) leached home bn! Mnlhl.lV *ft* I tt‘. absence <>t seveis! weeks. Tiny b*va vLI f,,| M Blni : 'nn New York, Bl'oX, N ' Wl*l '••‘*l 'll 111*: it I' l "• I on: st I' !>' Inuni 111 till' Niiiilmiii sn<i tZutln u slat'*. J ud„t Warner spun h!iM' lime *t' tht limit*- tin youth In ’ U* old Itiiy hlnii Who fah intsi rums t Mr l. .1 Ml ism, ol Joi cn M ill*, <*thl h* * '• i <-t in 1M, grown this )sai,"t''litoj ICj ouuc *. K.orti llltor t.l pig* Mi. Mjl*m wkctw) two, wliidi *m Inin' wt -jl.i.J kinked Un- Iftn 1 , * rii hi 45 (•* unit*. ’he iilln'l fit 40 p und*. II any ol "Ui fneud* <;.in beat tlii* '*: fli'iuM I**: |)ieUoJ In tin- r ff*itn thorn. —• ♦ Wb'ie at llio Cba>ybeue Hpiiug* Isri 'I uesday ve trot? shown * In) 1 gtown c*.; 100 troll that wa* 'afceu tifrm a twenty me p*<ck Ilia* on" Itil*j. rnant rtalej w the mn*t (iiotnihhr? fitM ol c.-Ator h- ever eat. at till* scan*! nt the ye ir. The cot ton wilt Average watst high. ;ll auy one has h'-cii any fl ier cotton than Mil* let him report *t these li*>a<tq arler*. C —A taint: iu tbe eighth uitrkt Btyl IjM CfOp I* M good M il M UtlliJ jcat* ago t Urn neaaoo of the year, *h<tt the land* were b'b ml fertile. A Itieod near Wopdbl / ay* he liw 'he best rret, tlißt be NU *'ea to tbe cm*ity >iace IWS Fanner* lu the neighborhood of the Ob*' lybeate Spring* iepoit good '••op*. Jn short, from H tcciioae of Men wether cornea the staleuteut 'hat crop, are ’ good u tbe land ran produce. ■ ■ '■ ■ - On* ns plk have practiced ti fiil econ omjr till* year ; but l!U)eeou> aod bacon ban beau purchased and ho|im are en tertained that a brighter fuune fa joal be fore ua. Let the leatoee if economy tltai tbe Hard Tiiwi bare i net lied into tbe ntinda of our hieed* be practiced, oar tut ploe crop prudently managed, onr debts promptly Hqaitfated ami prosperity plenty and eootent will bits* our homes and ace tic*. W* mere pieear-J to welcome illo our sanctum, ‘sat Wednesday morning, that veteran foot nahst, Major O. A. Miller. The Major for a long t ; e*e was coonecied with ‘be Cos lam bo* | reae and baa coutrfl: ute 1 m*ny abie at'i cie to tbe leading pa per* of tbia and tbe adjoining Mate*. Be fore remori eg to Georgia he wae a ptotn - ■eat mebabei ml the legieiatu e of Kottb Caroling, bi* native state. Major M. Ira* school in tbi* county near tbe Chalybeate He ia ricn in remi niscences and anecdotes of Wadiog atata> Sen dtlhe pa-' Fink Colt.—Mr. Byrd Lovett uad or, exbllklhn tu Git-env'dle lad Saturday one ol (he colts \i e ever saw. He was si ed by K retiail JacU*.on and Is only lw.) months and a Pali old, and t> now at large *s fdi. ary colts of twice that age. His lim is faultier.- i.uj syu.nuiik.Mi, renleHmj the litt'e animal an olijevt t perfect l-*utv. Though so young lie is as gentle as any chi Vfftugh-Uonc flileen \uus old, suhmits to be halteicd without o( position and stands quietly ai the hitcUinc jsist. In movc meut, appearance, development and good qualities he D ur.eq tilled. In rtsp< use to our quCit.ou, Mi. Lovttt raid if 150 cotiki u.k buy his pet. W|teeial Antler, l’o-T Office, Grecnvillo, Oa. duly Ist, ’7B, I til fulbt-r notice, the Hogan.villa mail wiliclosed .il* a. 5 o’clock .v. m Everybody vtiil govern themselves accor dingly. D- C. GRKSHAM, F. M. Tmekk was a very large ctowd >u at tcuduuca af tlte exhiUUhvn givtn last Fti day i veiling by Mr. Cliue’a pupils. The ladle* were out in such large uumbara that most nt the gentlemen were forced to give up their acaia Us order that llic lair tax. might be •ccumtnodt*l. Two got; tlcinen from the coutitiy tetiring from tin hall concluded to cool off, Mid for Hint purimse strelchid Ujem*etvi on the green sward beneath ouc of the aide-spreading oiV.s that a.ioru the college campus. Fan ned by the eooling nig lit hrer s-saud lit II •il by the hum i vo.ces ot that plTiTibn—ri the audience occupying the porch and sttv roundiug laiqgies, out latlgu<Kl country men !e ’ into a q Hel, proiougo) slumber, never a .taking until the sun next day came peeling through tha waving boitei.s overhead and shone lull into the upturned fao4> ol the alcepera. St.iriiad ..t the unit fiial quiet, Ilia tw ai . lei e t. 11l ilu n da no couch, rubtk'd tlieii eyis and spued ala lit ilijtiu in mingled as!in is!,nu i.i .and mq ii*e, li> raj saying he thought they hail n l ' tiHCk to the day Imlolc, wl.ih. M y>r ittni aniuntcced Ins film heoi‘l h. y had Mitnthow lumped ! maid n i!;n oi l'> . Until agieed tt.nt the aelio >1 i xeiei-es Pad moat at.angel,y clo*ed,• >l,l hut while Hie am! i> n. e had ijteli diaitil-aed a portion had unaccouiilfttily been icii peliind Kceli g tiif about ihc joniU, By rd said In- cnee Maw a |>lay ill Oiltlii tiled Hip \ I Wle | Me, it) an old iinin .bayed .11 hi Hie i. lUkio uiomilaio* aid i)li.if> as eep slilm lieiml tlnougU twenty lo K yearn, nn.l on hi* iHum limit! Ininni til* *ii( head aid the cbildliu grown In Ire in* n mid women. Now, he !>:il.l It wotihl In n nil a niute nl 1 .lie It they too lihi) -hieu' Ash ep nil IlnoiigU Vhiallon ami loth mam.! the p-ashes, nw'oils and other hulls In which he ekptrlel to revel during die dog day*. J mi prnp'ocd that they adjourn lo lh<- old Held ne.u ny nod lind out il Ihe hint*.her ~ c. op hml and h.t[i|>e ii' II- > il.l thill would show whether or not they had sluuibuitd a* long a* Uyi I lemed, end I' ahirhlxu i ir* o il! hu ig pendent from the liiiei - lin y crulj gather a h and lail *,iloce, which J David Ivlin woiiid readily pinch ie. |*ijing them enough hi procure a {amml ol i m hem and alm ol (atdiner ll -.i < v.Tiug .mu a pa* ,J g dinkey Ural they I,lid only been asleep night, they 1111 l t<* til courage to reiill II to the ll' telf erh ij*rel< nig all oath In keep Hi* night'* ndv ..luilS a '■<.O',a"l, ah<o e all Hong* m prove at in in;, un'. *d '.ln ir lid*li*|> fioin app* ling in Hie (olmiiu* ol the VltuieA- Ton Moivi -It i* heilei l-.* emlme the pr*a of the multitude in ro o vded Hall thru lo i |eep all night oir damp Iteimuda, ami ■ wat.*‘ hi. I*l. mat day wdb (he iheuma tia.n ei ' the niiaginalion di* uihed IrJT viv id thouphUol Hip Van Winkle and hla lengi Irecc-J aleep. To lire < lirtlytii: nr- k|i<iig* To M J.rr Malrry ol LiOraug*) we are iodebted lor the roc pleasure o' a ni*it dt lightlul ride to the Chalybeate Bpiiuya I la*'Mondry. and lo Major Allen ol the Hfri ing w nre tied* r obligations lor play in— the l ind ho*' and i* dering our I*y Under hi* hospitable roof *n event mug to Ire re r < mheicd. irO' tty ar* have paved *io<C la*t we virile*! Ih : Ciralylreale, and we we.c not pieparej >o ex|lC/• , . aK.-b a lovely retreat lor the pleasure seeker, and so deligh.lal a riu*e for the tuflering lo valid, Tlie ext* naive g'ound* a*e densely shaded by an abundant growth e! unlive Ibreat risk*, *nd Untehrlly laid out. Tiie walk* and drive* are shady, c ail and beam tflul. Tire ari-mirmodai n/n* lor visiiora •re ample, and combine tire coin lofts ol liotne with lire delights of a well ordered public bouse, lie moms beieg large, clean aed ai y. l ire se> vauts are well trained, polite aed atuutivs ; the tables loaded with tbe choicest dainties the count / r<- fords,served up in the most (is atable styie. The main spring is strong hut pleasant lasted CUalyhea'e water, whHe springt possessing .other mi >ern! propel tics arc found c'oae by. Hot or cold iratns as the visitor prefers can be enjoy* at a roo meut * notice. M you desi** to spend a few weeks pleassrpty, pack up aud hie away to tlie-e Spriug*. T’n*e is oo need o 1 goiog beyond the iini't* ol your own ceuu ty, a*, no other coonty io ihe univeme poa se*'e* oticb a wealth -f mi.seral apring* a* o:d Meriwether. Asa host Major A'- len is unexcelled, hi* rates are low and bis visit/m elegant and refined ladle* and gentlemen. Yon cannot visit bis Springs and come away rick Or in an ill humor. Try it- !Wr, ilimS IxlilbiliOM Wu regret that our lailure to obtain a programme prevent* a detailed notice ol the above mentionetl exercises. Friday ;uo"; iug was dtvoted to reritatHm aud speeches by the boys andsmaller cbikheu, and comp, sitions from Hie larger girls. The exercises wrre*- ir>ters|iered with 1 st.ain.ol music from the lhui.l, w hile Mrs. Heavy and lier.puplls delighted the audience H. hanuiltul tvinga and wed tendeieil instil mental mimic Irony the Piano. The Welcome fi.ini 7 very small hoys and gtris was well received. Willie Yaibtough and Bobbie delivei ed their sjweches well. Charlie Findley spake the ”S >ng af the Wmkingineu" with line rffik-t. O.nriey Folk's tendering ol tl a “Conquered Haniur" cannot he exeell i‘ I. AH were moved by his eloquent and feeling manner ami pitboa. The Band mi nek np Dixie most appropriately after the little orator had thrilled the an.ttettce with Full er Ryan's U-aulitul p ern. An nie Tti ell ireited very beautifully “Pass tiuder the rod." Mery Butuea sweetly tatigl t us all to “Mind our ow n Concerns." Emma Keller inspired us with bet “Never give up," Oscar Florence gave ns Un •Hiirl with a Calico Due," very handsome* jv. Jimmie Cline in Hamlet's famous So* lib qtty ard the paraphrase ol the same "To many or not to many" by Render Terrell reflected credit upon ,Hie youthful speaker- . Lee Partridge'a‘‘Spat tacus to the Cladialors” spoke forcibly and with grace ami emphasis. "New’a chimes" t.y uiue little girls was prettily and lault lessly pel formed. Ueorge Sims apnko his uu.,d lively id) til the "OirU" to Hie amusenicnt ot all. J.mtuic Hanning taught m> w hat nukes a true man The n o>nlng exercises weie closed by very fine eom> o i 1 ions from Hut lolluwmg U laiyiH pit's : Misses Emile llndd'e-l m, Nellie Heavy. Minnie llttvil), Hinkle tstro* /. ei, Belle 11 ill, NclMe Hevill, Loienti ilm i.<ii, Maty Ha k and lulls Jackson, The l enut .ol rendition of T .11 y,oil's Pi ink by Mies Maude Gales deaet res spec ial met Hon. • Tin 1• cotnpo.itions would have fil'd cl <d credit upon the undergraduates ol any ton ale college tu ili leo.l They were illtllncl'y amt delightu ! all who heard ll'em. Al iiljJd Hit* Hull was aruwdH with U ilics i*i 'h (Milci whs ncalik* lo got a Veit hnido oi even get in iar shot ol Hie ►in' o, Yroll) othei* wv learn that I he ex oclai*, consisting cf Music, bongs, T,h leans, Cuatadr* and Dinloguos, w ere m.>i en'eitalubig ki-epbig the audience quid aud ninthed until near inidiil{ht A duct by little Missn Nettie Hsiinlug and JMiu y I n.iici wrs prettily I'erioinied. “Fllrtrtig in Ihe Him ii;ld," a song by M(**•* Fh 1.1 Floyd, Nellie llmnltip, Katie f'.ouy and Annie Davidson wa. well rireived. “The Ueggnr/' by Mi*s Imiena II In ton \va*ui g with tooehlug pathos. ’'Flower flirt" w.ia aweei'y *ung by Mt*j Annie D.ivldson, "Wlien ilu: Hand tiegins In P.ay” by Mis* Katie Petv y, th c Huu il joining ihe choru*. w*s *eo of th.i feaiu'o ol tha evening. *'THden toi l Ifaycs" by MiSHS Nellie I'envy and Nora Banning bioi*ht down the house. NoUle II inning, meiry, lulglit, Utile aprlic, was raptuously ajiplnodml In her smig, "It H Funny when you feel that wny," Among the diioiiaHc l ifoirnances. The W, man's C./i.venllom My H ater’s Husband, Tne, I,idle Bed HI tin ; Mood and Aunt M**hetsbel wen cmigpicnous and nnc I with sptrb end proper empliMi*. Mi* I’eavy on the I’.uuo and 'he Hreenvllle lUnd dlscouislng ► w<e! music at Intel va's, wiiti dueis and ■ o,o* and km gs lom the cldldieit dr ti e rnwihrd su.Hence and kept t em pad nt during the long home an I under aweiteiing heal. The ulinol cxercls o'over, our trleutud friend, tiooige J. Mmin, leliv oid acharle, ornate and ap prnpDate addi-st selling forth Hie advin iitges o| MuntalOulture and Aiinhig High. Jt I* sufficient praise I i ray th it although •he audience hat ait for over live hour* in a hot *nd crowded room, the rao*t patient and earnest attention was paid Mr. Martin from Hie Imglrnilu'* the end ol hi* elo quent and practical oration. Thu* p eased a in'is' dcdighlful fx;easlon, Hie la'ge audience dejmrtlng well pleased, the children delighted that the ordeal w* over, the parent* satisfied with their teach er and Mr. tlllue, we try with the exhaust ing work of the session am) the itierit dr'lMng ol tiie* p**t thrie weeks happy in the thought ol 4 week* <| recreation. A MIUtS WOM* OIL Athaks, Ua., Fku. '42, 1878- Sib My ehlUl, Sri: years 04, had aymiitom* o* worm*. I tried ralom*! and the worn Mcdinnes, but isllad M expsl tny worm*. Bering Mr. Bala* eertlfleate, 1 got* vial of Worm Oil, and tbs Br>t dkme brough forty worm* and Ike aeoond do> so many ware paa*ed J did not coaot them. 8 U. ADA MB. l're|>arc<J by E'd Smith Lymlon, Athena Georgia. Fur Hale by J. E. 0. Terrel A Oi fhnWit Worm Oil, Ath-nB, Oa., Dm. 8, 1877. A few night* allies, I gave my na on# doee of the Worm Oil, sad nexl dsy b* passed atstssa rg worms. At the asms time I gave oas dose to ray UUIe girl four ysrt old, sod ib- passad in worm* from i IS inebs* long, W.F. PHXLUPB. Prepared by Dr. K’d HmlUi f.yndon, A hens, Georgia. For Hale by J. K. O TEBBKLI, A CO. - ■ iw m m Bridge Ifoticr. The bridge over Flint Ifver at Hulivan A Edges Mil) will fie let out to the lowest bidder, at the bridge, on the eecond Saturday in July, with the printer* of na ing the old bridge. This May 9tb, 1878. Alien H. Watson, I It. A. Ghana, f Cum- Vtstl to Milpltur Springs. Our purty, consist lug of several ge th - man, left Qreeuvltic last Sabbath uinroing en route tor the So’phur Bprioes,w'iern we had been requested to aid in orxaidaing a Y. M. C. Association. A gentie shower having fallen the preceding night, the a r was balmy, the cooiiug breset rendering our Uilve a usjst deUghlhtl one. tVe reached the Springs In time to hea the commencement sermon lieforo tin ,sebool presided over by Plot. Palmer The theme aetec ed by the pieae.her. Rev J S. Bryan, was "Man’s labor an i ha re sults.'’ Tli* topic was elaborately disc its. cd, the ki 1 mon living most tipprej riate to the occasion and deliveren with much force and emphasis. . After the sermon, invitations to dius et were showered upon ns thick and fa t. All of these we could not accept but the aump tuout mml we enjoy is I at the hospitable home of Mir. IcniHc Tigner was every thing that old Epicurus could wish. In tlie at'.emoou a large audience assem bled to aid lit and witness the organisation of i> Christian Association. The navoiing was called to order by J. A. Robinson, president ol the Greenville Association. Atlor stating the object of the meeting Mr. KohiuMiu deliverud a short hut appropriate addrsus up *u “The neevadty of Working Young Mum” Dr. B. li. Anthony to'iow rd In aft excellent s|>eecli on “Curistiam ty." Alter film Mr. R, N. Ellis spoke ol lh “Association of ChiUliuu Young Men.” An association was then organized with the lollowiij officers : W. L. Puli mer, Resident; It* F. Tigner, Vive Presi ded ; \V- T. Magruder, B.‘crctry l 1 ami A. P. Lamp, Trearmrrr. The exercises ended, we set out tor Givvtivillo, h iplug 1 1 nn very di tanl tlay to have an opportunity of repeating %tir pleasant trip to the Spring*. ('top* on the road h .tween hero and l lie tiprlii js are as fine as the heml ol ijihii could desire. f M. L. 10,000 ■ .CV*. EOUNES W A. IST T h: 13. BRIGHT DRIED PEACHES For which CASH or GOODS will he paid by * FRANK BANNING. 7 Y(U. erieldervit The aftvtfltt for drying* fruit I* cl■ ate at lintjd, and I will nnnnnoM to the people ol MLItl VVETHER that I wish o buy in O large q iantltle*. 1 w ill give you the very Highest Market (•rite In ClAn or th*i>k lor pealed or rough dlhal peactiea* Drier* should lake pains and diy tlielt fruit tlioionghly la-fore hiiug fng It, U market er it will bring a much heller price mid will sell readily. Ri'mein lK*r Hi it black peeled Iruit la worth noth ing. You must tx -ct good puces only fry at; Prince Fruit. lU-specttully, HUGH ROBINSON, 'log nsvi'le, Ga. J'ifi.’m. Looal & Business Notloes Trmt-n • - - - - ■ Hibbous. A liaiidsmiic lino ol (Jros 'Jrainc Hib bons, ah shades, rrceivisl tins week at MOIiiNtMJN & imO’B. THe Celebrated MiI.LViL.LK ATMOKFUBMO FRUIT JARS For ale at BOUINHON A, BBO'H. Save M ohey I leading our advertisemeuts and buying your goods at the Chimp Bash Htnre of itobion A Ilrj. Hemlock Sole eat her at 28c pound at HOBINH >N &, KKO. TO M AKE MONEY Ptaaaantly and fast, agents should ad and eas,, fiAitvar & U *. Atlanta, Oa. QCOHUIA f Ordinanr’s Office. Merlwelker County, f July Ist 1878. Wheiea* Julius C. Norris ss Adtniois trator of Iho estate of Charles C. Harris, deceased, i -prescnU to the court that he has laity adm’’aisrc<ed the eatato of rail deceased and applies far letters oi distal*- sion Irotn bis trust as said Administrator. Tbl* Is therefor* to dt* and adnionUh al! concerned to file their objections, if auy they have, on or I efore the first Monday in October next lo ahow eauw v. by said Administrator should not receive letters oi uisinissioß from his trust ss Adtnial tra tur aforeaai I. Given under my imnd and official signa ture. This, inly 1*1,1878. a. j. Hirfro*; OM-fr OLOBGIA I Heriwether C uoty. j Ord'usry'a Office. On lb* Cist lioaday In August next, 1 will apply to tbe Honorable Coart of Or diaery In and for anid County for tear* t* aell all tha land* belonging to tbe aetata of Jobnans Freeman, decease J. This July Ist 1878. R. F. HALL, Adrn *r. £j~ dairy yutir Iruit to !!•>. snr v die void sell it to Hugh Robin* >0 lie will give you all it is worth. ti 2a-i;n. wieaTr^Wheat! Wo will puy ONE DOLLAR per bushel or VYli EAT iu Haile. R HIINSON & IIRO. *35,000 POUNDS DRIED FRUIT WAN I'KD. 1 wit! pay the highest mat ket pi ice for it. Hindi Robinson, Hog uiavilhs, 6-‘JB-9m. CHOICE NEW ORLEANS SYRUP ROBIN'S! iN A BltO'S. Dry all the I uit you possibly can aud you cun buy any thing you wau! with it ai lltigli Rotji nso i's, Hogatievllle Ga. (5-3 m. TO REN E The Cold Sprlnj Mill w ith 2t)o acras ol land will In* lurnicd lor u term of yeata I'aj incut to he made in repairs on Mill. .1. L. MUaTI VN, Agt*. Warm Spring*, Ga. BEST PRIN rs *ou yd. a KOIHNSON A BltO’S. GENUINE ITALIAN VIOLIN STRINGS *1 HO HINSON A BLq. UALL LIKE THEM “MeCans’ami's Ihnent Ki lting, PUitmg and I’ol iviiiug Iron#.' Fot alo by ROBINSON A BltO MEAL! Mt nl, 8&c bushol Robiuaou At Bro* CENTS C vLF U UTE.HS, just tcceiv ed ai, ROBINSON A RUG’S. SAVE MONEY By buying your Kino Dress Good# at ROJJINSON A BltO’S ANOITIER LG I G. SI'AND AUD PriutM fsets yard. I"> "'. -ivcd „ 1) ROBINSON A BRO. iJmbrellas* We olh t Bargain* in a lot ‘d Umhicllas boiiiiUl nt tudl jiiUi'. ROBINS iN A bro. II you waul to buy Goods go to BoJiINBON A BUG'S FINK DRESS liOODS Just received at it HiINSGN A BltO'S. Ladtc* Silk Handkerchief* for 2Bcts. rtl Robin won Sc. Bro’s. April l*2ih. LA VIES HA IS. Triininml aed Untrlmmed, tlu> IU:U ttijh.a, al reasonable pi !<■*, Robinnon Sc Bin PABASOLS A lot ol Hilk I'iMftSols nl 75 els and *1 (K), in,rlh tO,vUr. Uu mwri ey. Bl HOIiINHON * imo’H. DreMN Goods! Dress Goods! From 10 eta to 11.00 pel )d. I*f)PLINH, OIIKNaDI NKH, KNIOK Kit BOCK KHH. nU:-, Jual received at HOIiI.NHON & BBO’H. CLOJHIJSIC*, II you want a nice suit of clotliiujj Cheap cal! >vt I.OIU N. J ON & HUOd IF YOU WANT Cigars, smoking and Chewing lobacco Call at HOBINHON A Bl>. ladies’ LEGBOIIN ELAIS AT BOUINHON A BHO Wc are selling Columbus Plow Ho cks at Factory Prices, Cali and aecure a oar gain- itnbicson A Urn. Notions, Notions,' .Notion*, in all ’,lls htkel iwtelUee at Hobinsou & Bro. Celebrated Ha-imaa's Uuiveisnl J. Plow block fbi $2.25 at Holmisoo Bro. Ifiouaantio buy a Orat clat* Cooking Wove Cheap — Call on, W.O. ROBINHON. KKNKHAW Fl/lUIt $4 00 oslm ROBINSON A BRO 8. ROBINSON tc RTO’S COLUMN. V 3 • FRESH A UIIL VALS. NEW Goodb NEW Goods ! AT ROBINSON ic BRO. A LARGE LOT OF STANDARD PR IN IS SO. YD. tW' We iWirc to c *li Mpecinl dtlealion (o our HANDSOME LINE t)K ' SUMMER ' GOODS. SILKS, I, II 0 I I N,' DIM B, MOHAIRS, l'ol’LlNH, MKLaNGK, DEB KGB, I’KiUK, PERCALES. PLAID & STRIPED LINENS, Etc. \\ HITE LONDON CORDS 8c yd. LADIES SILK TIES, - LADIES LACE SETTS, LADIES KM BED Collars A CulD, LA DIES KI I) G LOVES 75 ;ti pair Ham) ket chi la, Fan s utc,-(& new n v iu\ iiml I'Jieit]/) • ANOTHER IiAROB LOT OF LA DI ES HATS HKCKIVKI) THIS WKEK, CALL AND —EXAMlNK— i*jtic£:a. ABF. LOW Kit TUAN F.VEtt. CALL At , , ROBINSON lb BRO. VlllJil' VABII BTOBK IF YOU WANT BARGAINS. . May 24th, 1878