The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, July 05, 1878, Image 4

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At last tite t/>Bir!Cimt>*lfed d*y* are over,
Anil airs >A noon *r rut.. 1 i # as ll
Iti'otu ;
The b'>m ar* \ttr> aq upon the reedlog
clover j
And brawn the allk* that plum* the ri
pening com,
All sound* sre km.hi and of reaidug ami <>t
mowing ;
The wind* are low, the water* Jim im
Nor Ibtetle-dowo nor go#*ariif i flowing,
Ho lull'd in languid indolence the work).
And vineyard* wkls and lrrn along the
Atra aaote amid the vintage to I the
Sate round the ham* the rtoitc ol route
and tally
Am< ng the ten au t masons <>( the cate*.
Alar the upland glade* are flecked In dap
By Aock* of lamb* a gambol lr<nn the
And orchard* bend In Heath tlnte weight
of apples,
And grove* we bright In scarlet bad to
But hark, 1 hear the pheasant's tin Wed
The turtle'* murmur from a distant del!,
A drowty bee m many tangle* humming,
The fair, faint, tinkling tenor Of a bell.
Arid now, In m yonder beech-trunk sheer
and sterile
The rat-tat ol the yellow hauimere’ bill,
The (harp etaccalo barking ol the squirrel,
A (Mapping. Sbl, arvi again h ill
Her I brier for Novemlier.
When the cloud la In the sky,
And the wind im the ware,
When the alortn Is hurtling by,
Aud the tempest* fiercely lave -
Then upon the earth ami airy,
Faloto the coaard heart witK-.te**. ...
Then (he Inllhle** only *cc
Danger, death,'and ruin m ar.
But Ike braver, all ot laliti,
letok beyond the cloud ami storm, -
Look and see a proiwfat-bow
Arching with majestic form.
Mown tho cloud will pass away,
Boon the tempest cense to rave;
(tod la ever In the sky,
On the laud, and on the wave.
Ho along the sea ot time,
Where the satis of 111 * am spread,
towards, lacking faith sublime,
Wairli the clouds with taw and dread ■,
Itut the braver, a\ r the storm
Bee the tov* ot prom ha bright,
Ever walfhtog, Hi rough tbo oloiids,
Vor the coming of Hie light.
ABmt.-lnOhlll them It an elderly
former who l passlonslc’y loml <>l ‘•port
especially Hilling and hunting and be
liM a ou who ii a chip ot the old block ill
that as well a* hi other letpecfo.
t>ue day last eumnier llio old gentleman
left home, but factor* going set Ills faoy at a
job Uo n anxious to bare done. Return
ing aooner than h* was expected, ho found
that the boy was missing.
Wbcro’a Tom T he growlod, as he enter
ed the kitchen.
Gone fishing, said the girl.
fishing I the rascal; I'll flah him m lien
1 catch him.
And aw ay the anxry old follow went lor
the brook. Coming within hailing ills
tancs ot hi* hopeful *on, who wa bend
ing eagerly oyer the stream, tho lather
Tom I you scoundrel, Tom I
There was a depreciating movement of
one bead on tke part ot the boy, wh r did
al,how#Ter,tnru hla head. Still morn
amgry' the avenging parent came nearer
and bawled out—
I’ll learn you to stay at home and work
Bli I sh I ah ! lather, said young Isaac
Walton. I've got a bile.
The old Mtew’a passion perceptibly
cooled at that announcement, and, luckily
tor the boy, the letter Just then hauled op
a handsome perek. This was too much
for dad, who sprang forward *f>d helped
unhook the fish, eud the* -
Tom, have yon get Mother hook T
Victory perched on the bey’i fish line.
Washington Poet.} ,
You mj that 'that the tste of rbeodosl*.
daughter pf Aaron Burr, end wMe of Jo
eeph Afston, of Booth Caro'lna,be always
been a mystery, Tne vessel In which Mr.
Alston embarked for New York probably
foundered at sea. Nowall this may be
tine ; and yet more than flity year* ago
my mother,Who was acquainted with The
odosia, told me again and agaia that the
vessel In which Mrs. Alaton embarked for
New York waa taken by pirates, the pns
geuners rfebbed aad the vessel sunk, and
thet one of those pirates, who waa alter
trarda otavicted and executed tor some
crime ©oßfesaed that he was one of thoee
who took that ressei end sent the passen
geia overboard, and that he could never
forget the look of db tress in Mrs. Alston’s
countenance aa they compelled her to
•*sik na a U*a t* wean. The
remember ol that afinir.
A QUEEN’ Kwgngetweait.
We bare read several newspaper ac
count* ol how Princess Victoria brought
Prince Albert to tii popping point. Ihe
lollo* ng f the latest sketch of that deii
ea’oatiai'. It i*-S*y Ig&ataa, a writer lor
ti e London Fmgo:
Ceitomly the young Queen thought lest
• <>( England than o', ro-.mage. The minis
(era would tain have made her in rriage a
s,rtcf internalloual treaty. Bey Bd at!
doubt Victoria was the finest mate*) In the
world. 1 lit Queen, howevvr, u roll of *
host of iittle project* ever shitting and
changing (ike the little project, ever rhill
mg and changing like the iiftle heap* of
sai.d the children raise In the gar ban ol
(he Eoaemborg. Hhc tokl not mother ahe
Should wed with no one she did not love.
‘The dociie** f Kent rtyxirtwi the kjxsech
to the If lootei*, who thought It r*v#te>-
Itonary In the extreme. Coronation day
car on, and the next day the hall al Wind
sor. Am rug tin: dai eer* wa* a tali, band-
verm a, slender student from iVs University
oS Bonn -her cousin—a cobourg, like her
•ell. The Queen noticed him, and Pi Inc*
A’bert did not return to Mono. Even had
ha hot loved, he would have stayed ; an I
he loved. But til* cousin Wa* the Queen I
Here the woman had to make the advance.
Victoria deeply touched a* she was hy
llda love (which wa* never m<nt to brave
her)could not easily conquer the maidenly
timidity doe to her*- v*re rd'atf>>n. N*v
erthchsa the More lug came. And 1 a*
turn you 1 Invent nothing. Although the
Queen ima not consented hi r*late these d<
lighttul incidents, Pi luce Albert hat kAI
thorn to hi* Irjeinls.
Novertholc**, then a morning came.
They were riding together, ha end ;k
down the front avenue ot Oak* *1 Wind
sor. Three wets younger then, but old
enough already. Aflif a gallop they
found I hern reives eform We, know how
dangi-rou* It I* hit torn and woman to
ride together. Huddenly Hi* Queen took a
sprig ol honeysuckle fiorn her honour, and,
■looping, offered it to f'riuca Allwrt. Jlim 1 -
lug to roach it, hlr Up* touched the tip* ol
XS"'r.rfli(MMV Perhaps 'lsa* tin
fntiir ol iiui horse* TU wood* ot K'ig
land and Krnnds ltiiow well how many
love* fhvse noble brute* have been the
cauo of A silence followed, im ra sweet
than anything *vr song fo the he irt ol
Mu* art.
Nest rnnrtilng I’ luce A licri still were
the honcysiiikls In his button-lode. It*-
kept it even when It had laded. A tort
night after that lido tho ph nipotentlary
mlid-Ur handed King I<eo|Ki and ot Itstgl'im
a tiny, letter,closed by an enormous anal,
though it had a mighty secret at slake
l'. began "My fear Uncle," and War sign
ed "Victoria."
A month taler th Quean mentioned lo r
intention .in marry Prlnr-e Allien of Kasr
<'onhurg-Uota lo her mliilsior*. Rho ask
rd their connt! but w ith a pretty air ot
decision which causeJ them to reply with
a unanimous ‘'Yes." The wedding took
place on the tenth ol February, 1840. The
Queen ol Kiigfoml married lor loye—like a
buurgooisc, marry but lib te for love now,
hourgi oise, 1 was going to say, but the
I.ord Melbourne was rignt worn he tolu
Knglnml that the Qnroti's marriage w>s
the Queen's Komsnce.
The Locniiinilrc vs. biiporatt-
Wlien Hie Nicholas Railway was built,
in 1818, Irion fll. Petersburg to M*cow,
the work was done under contracts with
American engineers, and the cars and en
gines w ere supplied trom Baltimore by the
tamous establishment of the Williams
ill-other*. The l<u*is:s priests opposed
every modern innovation and, ct course,
they wer* "down" on the railway. When
Hie rood was opened, they determine.! to
stop H.and so they w. nt in force to a point
on the road and Fet up a tu-ly picture to
stop th* work ot the devil. The train
came slowly along, nod the engineer, see
ing the picture on the track, thought there
must be a man behind it, and so came to a
halt. The assembled multitude tailed a
shout and the piksts called out that the
saint was all-powerful and would prcva:i
against wickedness. The officer in charge
ol the train came out and took a survey ol
the situation. Then he told the engineer
to run back a quarter of a mile snd bring
the train to a halt. The shouting was re
doubted and the priests were <n the moat
rapturona delight. Bnt their rxullaticn
was aoon changed to grief as the master of
ceremonies told the engineer, "Put on all
steam go-ahead without regurd to conse
quences." The engine went attend and
down tell the holy picture, torn a*d crush
ed by the wheels ol an American locomo
tive. Modern civilization was trinmphai.t,
and the priests and their followers no lon
ger shouted lu triumph.
Washington’s lemale lawyer, Mrs. Belva
A. Lockwoo-', who by her persistent
knocking at the doors rvi Congress for ad- 1
ni.-loii to the Supreme Court has become
somewhat tamow,has two important cases
pending before that covert, which she is de
barred fiom pieadiog on account of her
sex. One is a Cherokee Indian ciaira, In
volving three million dollars. Mrs. Lock
wood is now in the filth year o! her prac-'
tlce, and has ali tise business she cm at
tend to. W hen she began her property
of a lew icet at real estate in e
cemetery ; now is worth twenty thous
and dollars, and her practice bring* her a
yeaity income about fiv* times as large aa
the salary ol a clerk io the Treasury De
partment. She is a widow, nearly fifty,
yean ot ego aad very attractive.
Conrad, the Empnto r of (term*oy, wa*
remarkable for hi* unspariog pontebrn'oi
of all who crowed b! purpjee. A quaint
but true 1 agent recite* that a certain Count
LurmW.jrbo waa one of them tearing
death, fled into a remote forest, aud lived
in e hut with bU wda. It happened that
the Emperor, while hosting came to the
•pot, and pasted the Bight aitb them.
That sight the coonl's a ile became tbe
mother of a non. and tbe Emperor di carol
lhai the child then born would b hi* heir.
A* the name dream recurred thrice, Ue w as
greatly teosbled ; and the nrxt morolsy
be commanded two of bis servant* Jo kill
the child. 7h*y took it *wy ; but being
moved to compassion by its smiles, they
placed it under a tree and brought beck a
hare* heart hr the Emperor.
A certata dake, paaaisg by soon slur,
bread the child, and took It heme to hi>
wile, an 1 adopted it aa bis own. Altar
ward the Emperor being with Ibis du*e,
and besrisg him relate, a* a forest adven
ture, the history ot this boy who waa then
present, began to suspect that the victim
ha<i escaped. Being cocflrmel m his opin
ion he look him in hi* service aa a page,
and then tent hbu with a tetter to tbe Em
prase in which ha charged bar under pain
of In* dtapteaanie, to bays the bearer put
io deaib. Tb youth sat out, and after
(raveling seven day t, came to a certain
prieat'a house,who received hun With great
tinapitality. Thte piteH wa* struck by nU
comely air, and by hi* traveling ao far.
While he slept be looked at hi* hlter and
discovered the bnrrihla late that awate- and
him ; *e, tra ing the willing, ha suberttu
ted for ft tbeaa word* ;
Thl* U lbs youth Whom t hive chosen
fur tbe huabaud of our daughter. I charge
you to give tier to him qukkty
. Adieu, dear I*o*4. ■
The priest replied •
Iten.fti.tx r me when you are Emperor.
The by only laughed eetecmlog It a jest*
*o he depadeil. <) arriving at At* la Chap
cite, he de!!.rd hM letter, and ao w*ll
did.the atraiagrm aucieed, that when ih*
Kmpefnr wrote, *oott after, to a*k IJ hi*
rde*# hae teen obeyed, UM Kmprraa as-
Mire>’ him that the nup'lala had hum orh
li*ted wdh ereal relerHy, a* be had iWSf -
id. The Eui,>*ri>r hardly heilvrd hi* eye*
when he iei| her letter. M tinting hi*
iinrse, he rods off train eriletxty *nd w tth
great speed to At*-la Chapelts. Ort td
arrival, the Empress presented th *lr daogk
ter and aou-in-law. For a long time the
Emperor saemet loat In astonishment, *S4
imc fialn wl-at to do. At le gtb nature
prevailed, and he esclahnel :
The will of heaven even t he feafo*
cd I
Then.he compelled the two squlr*-* to
reveal whsl they had done, and Ihe count
to foul© from the Ttlek Forest,and rerriVr
back hie son ; With peace from the Emir
inr who foil him a* heir, and who eucsecd
ed him as Henry 11,
Atlauta Guoboia
ALL Sis or and Weight#-
Address JAS. ORMOND. Pr-'priet >r.
Refer Uitnii.Uaue as a Spoeimi of h
spe „
Ladies Ml-set Gents sail Boys Shoe*
prices to suit the times at,
'—| w-
February Term 1878, ot Meriwether Sepe
riot Court, State of Otorgis.
It appearing to the Court that A. D.
Btuce and Richard H. Marks, Executors ot
the wilt Of Richard T. Marks, deceased,
the defendant* in this case do not reside in
said county ot Meriwether by the return*
of the SUerifi, and it farther appearing that
they do not reside in said State. It is
thefore ordered that aaid Bruce and
Richard H. Marks Jjc and rppear at tbo
next term ot this court to show cause I
any they have why they should not be
made parties defendants as Extra. afore
said, and that service be effected by pnbli
cation of this order in the Vindicator a
pabtlc gazette, published In said county
tor tour months next precceding the next
term of this court.
By the Court.
Geo. L. Peavy and )
Jta. Ji. Mobley, {• . |
Plaintiff* Attys. )
" I hereby certify that the above is a true
extract from the minutes ot Meriwether
Superior Court. Thi* April 10th, 187$.
C.S C.
MONEY pleasantly and fast, address Flx
lxt, Haxtvsv A Co s, Atlanta, Ga-
6f gnat importance fo every one thick
mg ol ptttchaehisg a Piano or aa
Pitaw k OrgwS
At Manufacturer"! Price*.
AjUDDEN 6c BA'l r ES,
And save comaiiasioar. We art now e
og f'iam.a aod Organ* direct to pt rehaaers
opoo iUe NO AO ENT I NO
BIONo Pis at Manulacturer’* Facinj
Prices, thereby giving to purchasers tbe
l&rge comfci*e : oo* b< (>aid Agent* 1
(or Mil log. Prom 50 fold! it ten ? \
saved iu the purebaae of an Ictiumc: I un
der list* new syttem. Wipe for Illustrated
Catalogue* ard lull particular*.
Bve The*e Prices :
|| * aAfit |, ISI*-koaewxxxj, 1 Oet*v, *|*U
I U.IU9 Cwfe L***. Alt imirti/ve-W *■—
mMh. Vm*, *vt ton*, sod gaaraati* J>%r
PI I C|ggbiA>t--Buavwu<t.? * Oe*f|
flLv'l? un. Urvwt u
gnat vatiua* at To at. from Uctmtte Mavm.
PlAMo*“”™f ,Sr'Ji*~-.4250
repo latino. Perfect in Tone aod Actio*.
tJoo-1 for a ii’etirn* of ar tua] service
Htrnd and Cora with each, aod fully
guaranteed. Doe's think these Ptan -s are
mleri r because so cheap. We don't de
ceive puicbawis hy pretending that they
are “ fit) U n and ?C<J Instruments," Tbe
Beat Made, etc , foil we dr* say tbal • itb
</ul ettcepU'W, ifcey *re <P>OD and HELI
Buy them sad fear not, tee ktusrut their mcr-
Id Handsome Case*.
4 Octaves, only 40
4 Stops, only 55
0 Btoi'S, only 5-7
3 Btopa, only s(i
8 Hfiipu, only fiP
13 Stops, only v 75
7 Btnpa, 100
0 Btps, 110
All Inttruments e sell are tr ra o!d snd
reliable makers, -a hose reputation is
guarantee si their excellence. Purcha*
ers have a choice Irom seven of the be*!
maker* known. Evey Instrument ll?>
guaranteed. No humbug or nrnreprewc
tation—lair and SQUARE ('EALING.
BE NOT DECEIVED by the swiodline
a-tverifoement* of Northern Pretended
Manufacturers, offering 650 dollar Piano*
for 175 dollars, and 370 dollar Organs f
65 dollars. We say openly, that BUCii
struments are not worth one-third the
price. We, or any reputable dealer, can
•ell as good, i t belter, for the same roon
est in the end, and there is no economy in
t heir purchase. Pay * fair price, an 1 g
something ao-.J—lht Wilt last a litetim
and grow better every year.
and Organs sent on trial for fiSteen days
We pny freight both ways If they arc not
perfectly patiatac'ory. *
OUR LABT WORD.—Before sending
North for Instruments, write us for OCR
SPECIAL OFFERS snd Circulars, Ex
posing Frauds ana I npositlon, practiced
by Northern prtitnded M tnufacturers and
unscrupulous Dealers.
Fav&nnab, Ga.
1.*.-*, W -
(IsfTlypTi* no 4 easily earned in these
tp 4 | ( times, bat it can be made in
three months by any one of either sex, in
any part ot the country who is willing to
work steadily at the employment that we
njrnish. 66 per week tu your own town.
Yon need not be sway from borne oyer
night. You can give your whole time to
the work, or only your spare moments.
We have agents who sre making over S2O
per day. AH who engage at once can
make money fast. At the present time
money cannot be made so easily and rap
idly at any other business. Terms and 5
Outfit. FUßß. Address at once,
H. Halxkt A Cos.,
Portland, Maine.
Last Call,
I will be in Greenville on the first Mon
day sad Tuesday in July for the purpose
receiving tax returns tor 1878. This
will positively b* my last call June 7th,
Tax Receiver.
TP T 7 H IST IT 13 R JE !
Newnaii) Gra.
R.ect.d ]7 j j Price: belows
Ife-auiitei Drtvsing-Case suits - fTO 00
Beautiful Full Marble Boao Huit f55.t)0 and <50.00
Beautiful Quarter Marble Bureau SuHn a <3 fgl'OO
Beautiful Wall ut Suits <bo marble) * gdtLOO aud #35.00
Beautiful Full Marble Bureau* (Walnut) #20.00, #25.00 and#3od)o
Cane Ife tiutn Chairs— per set #9.00 and upward
Cane Bottom Hocketa- each #2.00 and upward
Fancy Walnut Table* #I.OO and upward
Waiuut Bedsteads #7.00, ft 00 #IOOO sad upward
Sj lendiJ hpiir.g Bed*.only #5 00
splendid Woven Wire Mattressi* f 13.00
Wardrobs to. iu *> #IO.OO to #3O 00
Bes * #•), 500, and #IAOO
Extension Tables v > . #l.lO per fo
Common Chau*—per set #4 00 and upward
Fancy Wal apt Chain Tables only #I.OO
Book bbe re* 1 00. Toilet Coats 1,55 >a*h. Three Cbrosnus few 35 *n a. tf t |
PadMH, Brackets (side and (HHfl Pictures, and Pa ture Flume* os hand a*d made
tnuideva*. !c* price*.
U* Kuw ttk feiit u. •.*> FLiiMI L l i; s md T tIOMPT'ON COLE A CO
Nawaaai, O* , the place. Huneat O'.xxla and fetjuare Dealing.
M<3talic iiiK 1 Wood Jturiul- cas<3s
Kept cinataady ou hand. Order* fur ( ofßns attended to at try Liur, day ar aigk
, yffHL m
% i en
It Sells the Easiest and always Satisfies.
AGENTS wo ask you to try it, an<l offer you special
Inducement*. Send for Circular A Trices to
Iff W Vfiirth St., OUetmuM, f*
L C. JYF.Bi.XVER, Jflnmafer.
Baraerville, Chut
Will open on Monday, September 3rd, 1877, with a full ecvps of
teachers determined to keep up the widespread and deserved repate toon ot saw jusuy
cefobrater) school. , . ..w.i,....
Gordon Institute ofiers superior inducements te parents desiring toed scale taetr **
r.U daughters. It has all the modern appliances .apparatus and furniture, aU a
nor successful leaching unparalleled in * State. Its music department It conaocteo
by Prof. Gottenberger, who has eo snpc i T and but tew equatste me m ,
Barcaaville it the most entssprising ct t on the Macon and Wertwwilisnrooa.
has justly the reputation of having the n> tt moral, liberal and enltgnWova com
in Georgia. . o
Tuition fIIAO to *IBSO per;Term. ' ar< flO MMo 15.00 per aw*-
For extaiogoe containing uil>forms w n •ddree* -
T.A MEANS, rtjc,
8-34-ly BarnseviUe, Oeor^a.
.h’SSKSL—. Y w*SK™
Atlanta, * Qoorsia