Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator
OSm ilt •I'W of Ui Otar: lm
SHERIFF., O. S. Florence
CLERK 8. C WH K el><
TAX RECEIVER. B. 8. Clement*
TA* COLLECTOR J. O. Christian
SURVEYOR O. K. Matthews
CORONER Johu R. Jones
R. A. Chuoii, Atrou Sibley,
O. J. Reeves, J. E. Buchsusa,
Alien H. Walvm.
Johu W. Park, W. J. Brne
IkvTM, t:. A- i'a.Sv,
A. il. Firemen, See.
SENATOR Stiih District, F. M. Duncau
F. J. WiuUun, C. W.| Will mm*
Attorney at law
Will practice la .Meriwether *ud the ed
folding mustier.
Ali. FUR :a AN 1
Attohnky at law
All buiua* entrusted to bis caie stuiid
U to aud UiiuijUy
. D. H. K KITH,
A atjukjsly at uw
W ill | r*i tics In r aud lb*
(i iiut'o -..r |KUll.u 11,1 . ■ V• t CIIOUH.
A. U, f'LOYU. U. D. H.
J t dhxanvij.ik Ga
TmaxCnh. All woik marrauted.
KKNOIA • • • - - GA.
HAVING been actively Siigagod In tba
. I’raciKV of Denial Aurgvry during
thr lest let; yeaia, I furl competent to lo
all kind* of Denial woik in tbe very bet
*>.i -a 1 Mbs* s@r.
Mauling all who paUulw! nt that the;
•hail have the teiy beat style ol woik, and
lor aa little mousy aa would be Charged by
my competent Dentist In lb* atate. Cor
loapondenO* by .wail promptly auw#re..
lilt. k. U. 'JKHLLi.L,
OKKEHB Ilia l'role**l<sl >*tioe t"
tin PuWw- Ulbce "fib ***** latl.ei
l*r J. K. U. 'let** I ** 'l'" U° z
OVKEHB Lb Ptofeuttotel ucrv !•**• to
Uta cilisens ol Grsci.vllto ''! u> toil).
Office at J. K. G. Terrell A <to'
Diu( Hate
lm ' ii i "II
Ol LeCr age, Georgia.
HAS NOW, and will keep *1 ways on
band at bia old aland East at :e Of
the public square, a good and
ConaLting, ol part of,
HT GOLD and NiLVKK Watctoa, Jg*
f*tun and Kejr*wtoders, ol the beat make
Bpler did Gold and Kllver Watch CLina
©f all aizct, maker* ukJ price*
CoU Pcm and * kind* of boidei*; Gold
lw * *j*d Bpeetncle* * BywOkwrm,
Silver Plate Were
* til kind* *ad eyle*.
racket, TlUt Gallery, and Bacon
by the tmj reeowwd make**, —Joeepb
Badger* and George , vteohnlwa.
jrf. pAngina
1 re* HW repairing *ll good* to my line
Teo toady efton* t Meriwether tnd ad
joining eacotle* here letted my week V>
reqoir* t word from me t* t* (be chtrte
ter of It- I will, bowerer wtrrtnt til my
work, rt properly need, m I here tlwty*
respectfully t*k • eeetinatnee of
the patrons* r I here received from my
frMnd* to Meriwether.
Beautiful Whte Bagtr >t Ten Pound* for
RoMneon A Ero.
The Cold Spring MU with 200 ten* of
'Mod wil hr letted far t tens of year*
Pay mem to he made In reptim on Mill.
1. L. MC6TIAN, Agt.,
Warm Spring*, Oe.
mrs. wrrsnss jnyKs soars lvio
a soya.
Air— Captiin Jcnkt of the Hone Marin**.
I’m Mrs. Jcnki ol the “Anderson Greens."
I’ve come to be w itness Irotn New Or-
Ail Butler’s knaves I’ll trump with queens
As I bother the Potter army :
I’ll tesch my sex how to swear, liotf to
sweer, how to swear,
To bother the Potter army.
Yes, the committee of lawyers, half calf,
you know, out of the library, have be<n
kind enough to cross-examine me. I al
ways divide tsirly—so I took the examin
ing, and lett them to bear the croa*. Au
datsou, did you ray ? Yes, my Joe John
I’ve heard of him. Weber,'. ? Certain
ly—her Orel name was Lisa -alve taught
me this rant)ratine walk—thus. One in
the land ol ahadowe—the other, In the
land ol shad I And a night editor, too.
But 1 know the time of c ay.
Pm Captain now oi the “Anderson
Pray serve me up the “Ways and Means,"
Fur I’ve finished the Potter army I
The visiting slalesmeu wanted to run;
But 1 bade them slay end enjoy lue fun,
A bile ! euchred Weber and Anderson,
At 1 euchre the Potter army ;
Wbcu 1 left home, mamma, the cried
inamute, she cried, mamma, she
“Beware ol that Potter army."
1 said, Now, my dear mamma, pray do
joal look at my figure and lun 1 Do 1 look
like a person who doe* not know I. ov to
pose and say ‘iorsooth’ and 'pryUiec,' .uid
and keep eveu Butler's eyes straight on
He and play him like e Cascepedie sal
mon with a silver doctor f Oh, y-, mam
ma, I’ll he a dutiful witnevs, and yet—Mr.
Butler’s yours truly.
And tesch ell my aex how to swear, how
to swear, how to swear,
When subt a- mod by Potter'a army
Tiro veiy first day I sale In the < hair
Did text prepare ;
1 picked up ad Vbc points while dressing
my hair,
If.rF les**-* <e*gp *s• M-•**•* ••-#
- . il dUI ehopt and trout
Ti ted to take me in and natch me out,
But 1 knew 100 welt what I waa about,
To he tripped by Pottei'a army.
1 said, Gentlemen, job put me out iu
my evidence f Not much: Avery good
joke that, scushla meebree. which ts Lou
isians French tor Nut II 1 know It I 1 un
derstand my letters perfectly well. Ihsuk
you. Whet doe* F-b -r m-t-u epell, do
you o*k f Why, Conklmg, ol coutee. Any
fool oao sec that. So, with ptofouu and rccl
procily ol feeling, my osfeemeJ Ocueral
Butler, you wilt ever find me yours truly.
Iu vain you shout lo put me eul.
This poor lillfe women knows whet she’s
Much more than Die Potter army
We York World
Ttieie is uo greater, sweeter virtue than
cheerlulcest. Thle quality lo a man
among men, Is like the sunshin* to a day,
or geotle renewing moisture of parched
herbs. The light ot a choerlul lace diflu*
s It sell, and oommuiucates the hsppy pß
>t that Inepirea tt. Bourest tempers must
sweeten In the aUaavphere ol continuous
good humor. At welt might In, ao>t
eload and vapor hop* to cling to the sue
tlluminsted landscape, as the hlnee and
moroseoets to eombat with Jovial opeech
aad exbilareUng laughter. Be cheerful ah
a eye. There-is no peth but whl be easier
treveled, no load bat will be lighter, no
shadow ob heart or brain hot will lilt eooo
er, iu the presence of a determined vbeer
Truth will never die; tbe store will
grow dim, tbe inn will pale Ka glory, but
troth will em be yoeng. Intggrify, np
tiebtoem, boo<-aty, love, •goodness, these
sip all iroperfatpUe. No grave cao eves
entomb them immortal principles. They
have been in prison, bat they have been
treer than before ; those who have en
shrined them in tfaefr hearts bare been
burned at tbe stake, but out of their asbsa
other witnesses have ariaoo. No aea can
drown, uO storm can wreck, no abyat can
•wallow up tbe evertattmg truth. You
cannot kiU goodness and iat%ritr, and
rigbteouaoeH ; the way that k consistent
with these most be a tray everlasting.
An ongaUeut contemporary thus write*:
The modern women, when tbe bee a nail
to drive, doesn’t waft for tbe husband to
come borne Bbe catcher bold of tbe nail
aa ebe would the hair of a recreant eon,
swings the hammer over her bead and
plunges downward- Then she tie* up her
fingers at we’l as aba can, pole on ber best
bonnet, and goes right over to ber no oth
er's, has s good cry, am. U r lee.
The mar. who ttied to sweeten his tea
with on ol his wile's smiles has fallen
b iok cm sugar.
Singular as it may seem a St. Lamia wo
mau ha*, been sent to Jail because she
would uot talk.
In Racine there la a hotel called the
Hnggan house. It W a greet tee> rt for
young married [ample.
A Danbuty J >nn, woman was so triglil
ene.l at a spider that she k icked her hna
b.tnd down stairs.—AkcAunpe.
The leason why womeu’a tee h decay
earlier than men's la nut because ol the
friction ol the tougue on them. It Is the
sweetness ol their lips I
A young lady ol our acquaintance aay*
it's disgusting to turn around to are what
another girl Laa got on and fiod her stor
ing at you.
Why a<e the ladies the higgttsi thieves
iu existence t— Because they steel their
‘peitieoats, hone their stays, ctlb their ba
bies, and hook their dresses.
The last question that has Doubled men
tal philosophers is this;
Which causes a girl the most pleasure to
hear hersell praised, or another girl run
down f
My son in paying yout addresses to a
youag lady you abould always nonsuit her
l>a<eots first—therefore be lore you imp the
question you aboutd question, the [top.
When he was a young man bo malted
iuto a burutng building and ga'lanlly drag
ged her out by the hair ol the he ui. They
were married (he next winter, and now
site rusher in and drags him out by the
hair ol the head whenever she leel* ltko It.
Buck it true love.
What do you mean by cat-and-dog lit.- r
e .Id a b -abend to Ida angry wile. Loo kat
Carlo and Kitty aaleep on the rug ; I wish
men lived half that gracefully with tlrelr
wives. Htop, said the lady j tie them to
gether and see bosv they wtU agtee.
The evidence shows that he get up with
hei night alter night, and they sqoeesed
herds end talked soil, and 1 think she
ought to have about twenty-three dollar*
damages, was e charge of a Kauees Judge
to a Jury In a breach ol promise case.
Doctor, said e lady I waul you to pre
set llte lor me. .Tliero is nothing the mat
ter, *<w WOW
iter pulae : You only moo rest, wow one
tor Just look at toy brogue, she persisted ;
Just lo *k el t-Ju*t look at It I Now say
what does that need f 1 think II need* rest
100, replied the doctor,
In lHß7,wh*u CetnpneiiV MioslrcU wore
at Mold e, Dan Kuutiet, one ol the uiew
l>. iol the company, heard the uegroee
■lug an air and chorus while rolling collou
on the levee. Ho thonglpt ,l K oot, > tw by a
little alteration be arranged it Into what le
'■ailed a’walk around,'wliiHi alwaya wiuda
op the entertainment ol an Ethiopian om>-
cer*. It waa a sucows. In the apilug ol
lljfll, when the war broke oul, Mr*. John
\V ood came to New Orl*u* to play an
engagement at tha old Varletlea ThoaUe.
Wit produced I'oeabo .la*. Near the cloae
ol the second act there U a zouave march
by the ladies ol the ‘corpa de ballelte. At
Uia rebearaal of the piece, the leader ol the
orchevtra waa in a quandary to lo what
wuaic Uiey would have. Carlo Haiti eon Id
not select anything that would foil the
aUire managnr, T. B. McDonough, aud the
couaeqatC' e waa Ibe rebearaal eawe to a
At length Patti (truck up 'Dixie.' It
■lilted and waa adopted and played wiih a
chorea to the tame air. ‘Dixie’ look the
town by etorm the piano* rang with it,
the boyi aang Hand the uegroee whittled
It A musician by 'he name ol Homeo
Mioera arranged it lor a march tor the
Waablngtoe Artillery Bakery,aud Irom that
bout all Boutbaiu men awl women balled
It with delight. Gold roust be (be Poulb*
em Mart that doee net glow with delight
at the round ol our dear ‘ Dixie. ’ But the
conipoter, Daa Emmet, wbat ol him I
Wby, be cau be found to a very common
variety aaloon to Cbicgg'e'now, pteying on
ki4 Idle (or a rnfire pittance, eking otft e
mlaercblc ertateoo/by playing ‘Dixie* to
aa admiring crowd ol ne wepaper boya,
Yougba and beerjerkers.
Pat'* Due am. —A eon ol the Emerald
laie waa obeerved one morning to took
very blank and perplexed and a triend
asked wbat ailed bim, Pet, mid be, 1 bad
a dream. ▲ good or bad one t inquired
hie hiend, Pet aatwered it waa a little ol
both.—Faith PU tell ye. I dreamed I wee
wtd (be Pope, who wee aa graet a Jiutdas
man ae any in the distnrict, and he aaked
me would I drink t Falx would a dock
•win t And teeing the craylbur end the
lemon and the augar on the tide board 1
told him I did not care H I tnk a wee drop
of punch.
Cold or hot T aaked the Pope. Hot yer
boltofae, I replied,and with that he etep*
ped down into the kitchen tor the bftin wa
tber, but before be got back 1 woke up;
and now it it diethreeetog me that I didn’t
take ft eowld.
A Humorous . Id Story.
How rkn fuhtlk e t an wire.
The my climax oi ugliness was Ben
Purlle. Ue was red haired, and each hair
stood at If it cherished the supreiuest con
tempt lor its oext neighbor. Hie lace we*
Ireckled as the most turkey egg.
Hia boro supported at the bridge a large
lump, while at the end turned viciously to
me aide. Hia mouth had evety shape but
a pretty shape. Hte form was a* uncout't
as hia late waa ugly. The very climax of
uglineat waa Ben Purlle. What was more
still, Bee bed a bouncing .handsome,bloom
Ing wile—such as can only be grown upon
a country form.
How the deuce, said I to Ben one day,
did you ever gel such a wile, you unceuth,
misshapen, quintessence ot utotistroei
ty r , |
Ben pm uot at ell offended at the im
twßlnttJpJgl n* ywaadee. and forthwith
began to s five the question thus :
Well op*, gate what'a sensible ain't
CJtched |y none of your purty and hifalu
tin xira. I've seen that trioJ more’u once,
kou know Kate woe oonslderod the puni
est girl to litese parte, and all the youag
tellers in the neigh hot hood used to try to
oatcb her. Well, I used to go over to old
Siiumyfttoe, Just to fcludei look eo, you
know, Mi ceat sheep'a eyes st Kate. But
mercy takes Ii had eo more thought that
I could (at Kate than a Jerusalem cricket
could hide In the hair that warn't ou old
hammyV bald head—no airroe. But still, 1
oulda’t Mp folu' and my heart would
ektuder Butter and my eye* would burn all
over,' whenever 1 would go to talk with
Kate, And one day when Kato sorter
made tog ot me Uke, it almost killed me,
vure, 1 wont home with something like a
rock jnetllug about In uiy breast, and de
clared that I'd hang mytcll witu the first
. plow-linn I found.
No , daddy bltaeti out at me tor not Uk
ing old Ball to the pasture Iu the morning
sud scared ms so that I forgot il.
Uo ou, fold I, seeing lieu pause with p
-parettt recolleciio r that he bed not execu
ted his vow.
Wed,soon on Buuday morning— I reok
on il WSS a year allot that hanging scrape,
I got upend scraped my (aoe with daddys
old raw*, end put on my new copperas
breeches end anew lli.eey oust mammy
had dyad with easealac bark and went over
to uncld’Beininy'a Now, I'd got to toviu'
Kale llll| ail creation, but uever cheeped
lo anybody about my lent mrs. But I
fol****"> •*■ *• •*' *fobt <*lde ol tlio old
Wei! now, ain't It queer, continued Bon,
how a teller will leel sometimes 7 , botuo
thlr.g setmed to eey, as I went along, lieu
Pintle,thlv Is a great day lor you. And
then my heart would (hitter like a Jay bird
In a trap. And when I got thnr am) send
Kale with her new checked homespun
(rook oil, 1 really thought I'd take the
blind staggers, anyhow.
Ben paused again to brush tin- fog Irom
bieya, sud then continued ;
Wall. 1 found the order ol the day we*
to go muscadine hunting. Joe Sharp end
his two rlsteis end Jim Howie* was that,
id kuow'U e ioug lime that Sharp wns af
ter Kate, and 1 huted him worse than a
bog bate* to find die way out ol a latei
patch ; hut I didn't let ou. Bbarp had on
while britches and fine shoe*, and broad
cloth overcoat, hut everybody kuowed Ire
wasn’t worth * red cent. He welkediwlth
Kate and you ought to have seen the sirs
he put ob. It was Mite Lute this, and
Mlsa Kate that, all slcli nonsense. Altci
a whi e we come to e slough whar we had
to moss on a log, and Ida notion to pitch
the saaejr good toi-uotblug scamp lot o the
Why didu’t you T 1 askt and.
Slop, never mind. *ald Ben, giving me a
nudge, Providence done that all up brown.
Nothing muel do but Joe Slurp roual lead
Rate aoroav fuat. if* lumped on the log
and took Kates band, and they put ofl.
dual ** they got hail way aero#*, a tarna
tion big bull frog jumped in the watui.
You know they alway* bothy. Snaked I
eermmed the tool, an J knocked Kate ofl
up to her Mint hi the nasty black, muddy
water. And what d’ye think he done ?
Why, ran backward* and forreda and bob
lei in for a pole to help Kale ouun the wa
ter. Kate looked at me, and I couldn’t
aland H any longer. Keicbnr lIK ten feet
how the beak at the fuel jump, and had
Kale oaten ’her it no time. And d’ye
think the *c*mp didn't eoiae up artcr we’d
got out, tod raid, Are you hurt, Mia*
My dander we* up; 1 could aot at and It
1 colclj him kjr-tbe Ml el hit britches and
bte roat oeiier nodgtn him a tow. Maybe
be didn’t go eiear under when he hit the
water. I didn't aee him out. Me end
Kate put for lA* bourn. Wbcu *e started
ofl Kate raid, Ren, jeer let too bold on to
your arm, I kinder Awl toner weak.
Great dlmminy I I foil ao queer when
the took hold. I tried to eey tomelbing
nice, but my dratted mouth wouldu’t go
off, no how. Bat I fell ae atrou* aa an
elephant, and helped Kate along. Bime
by Kate mid:
Ben,that Joe Sharp'* a good for-notblug
aaeakiag.eoweediy nobodr ; if he vei
put* hie Mad iarfd* our house agio, I’ll
row* him wkb dwh wrier rare.
1 tried to my aomrtning agin, but hang
the lurk, I couldn’t my notbiog, but
tqueezed Kate’e band and rigbed like a
cracky bellows.
We had go', clean out ol sight of the
others, an I K\t*t say* :
Ben, I feel that you are my protector,
and I believe deddy’s right when he says
you're worth all the rest ol tlie b ys in
the nahorlto hI
Ben Puttie, thinks I lliis I* t great day
tor you, nud I made a tremendous etl rt to
get my mouth ell gain, and out it pounc
ed acre enough.
Kate, aayt I, trembling all over. I’ve
,Icved you to distraction, and no mistake.
I’v loved you long and hard. My heart's
been almost broken for year* ; and I want
you to say right straight tip and down
whether you’re going to have me or not T
Kale hung down her head and didu't
aay nothing,hut I tell encouraged, lor she
kinder sighed. S tye I, Kate, ei you’re
gwiae to 1 ae me, aay so, and el you dont
tike to aay so, Just squeeae my baud.
Well, she eqiuAu n.y hsud right away,
ktrdy how I did leel. I felt as U a stream
of warm water, or aastafac tea, sweetened
with molasses, waa running through my
hones I I jets cotch her iu my arms and
kissed her and the never tried the lirt
time (o git loose.
Ben was so overcome with this narrative
ol courtship, that a pause tor breath waa
How long alter that, says I, before you
were married f
Old Bammy waa mighty proud and an
was the old woman, about the thing, and
we were married the next tall alter the
muscadine scrape.
IV by, lordy, she thinks I’m the putties!
nd lest tellur in tho word, I tell you. sir,
it's no use talking -, hifa'.uiiu airs and qu t'-
Ity dressing, ain't gwlne to go down with
sensible gats, sure,
Queen Victoria has requested that so mu
ol her Ittdleu troops be brought over to
England, so that alto may review them. It
Parliament sanctions the neocssary outlay
It will be the event ol the year. It la
thought poaalble that If a certain number
ol officers and men Irntu (lie difteieni regi
mets are brought over trout Malle they
might ’oaven the whole of the ludiaa ar
my, auJ that the uxpetlmeut may prove a
capital policy.
It is thought that Bull r's Change et
tactics to as to Inquire Into the workings ot
the McVeugh commission, is inleudod to
get evidence from the unwilling Wltnevees
who will net heeltate to testify in beliell of
Packard. Packard la ouo of the martyrs
sud those who sympathize with him will
be reedy to ssuilflcn Ilayea, If thereby they
i -I- <1..1.
We asked a gin •** i*t *!••> _ .
and she said, ‘a lover.’
We asked a wife whet she waulod most
and she ssid,'kind word* from my bus
hand and children lo bear Ida name.'
We asked a hoy wiial he wanted, and
he said,' sweetheart an Ia happy homo.’
We akrd a m'aer what he wauled and
he replied, ‘gold, more gold.'
We asked a gadding w miaii wiial ale
waited and she replied, 'dress and more
news to tell my neighbors.'
Wa asked a mother what she wanted,
and she said,'my darlings to love me.’
Lend, lilumiHli nwl Zinc n e linmamel)
tivlnl li. the loduatilvl art*; and na hu
mcMKcly InJ'irioua when applied to the akin
to toautiff It or to remove I’implea.Blotch
ea, eic., Irom It Dr. Hull'* Blond Mixture
D tlio gre'il purifying agent "I the blood,
giving clcamcaa ol complexion aud remov
ing I’bnplca, etc.
A five year oi l daughter ol • German
town faro I'y ihn other day aloud wa'clnng
her buby biotbei who wna uieklng a greet
luaa over having hla fase wa hwJ. The
little tnlea ih< u loat her patience, aud
(lamping her liny Iret, aald, You think
you bava lota ol trouble, but yon don't
know anything about It. Walt 111 you’re
old em ugh to gtt a llcklu aud then you'll
*ee—wont he mamma f
Aci uel bur band (ay a ilia', if there fa
au> thing he particularly dealrw hi* wile lo
remtaiber he 't rite* It down and gums it
ou the looking gka.
There aie people who iiv* hebiud 'lie
bill, Id an Old |irov*rb. which means that,
there are ntlie- lolka m Ihe worhl beside*
yourstil. although you ntay not we them.
Two It lends, |ust men tod, v ere dltcuu
ing repturoua-y $i they eengretuiaUid each
other, Ihd merits aud ebarw.a *! their : p t.*
see. Bald one, My wile has got the loveli
est bead of hair I war jaw, even ou (be
hair ranovator labels. Whan ehe let* tor
hair down lire aeds I II to the floor. Tbat’r
oothing, replieJ the other, whan my wi'e
lets her heir down H ell falls to tbe floor.
US 15
001 WHITEHALL and m BROAD Bt’.
Atlanta, Ga.
Don't lorget to atop at tbe above niin< and
Heuee when you go to Atlanta. I guaran
tee aeliefacitoo lo every reasonable |ier*on
and charge only
ONE DOLLAR per day
T< J
Meriwether County.
We call the spea-ia) attention ol the La
di*s to the tact, that we have purchased
the exclusive right to sell “McOausland’e
Patent Fluting, Plaiting and Polishing
Iron," in Meriwether O-mnty. We wit
keep a etck ol Iran* constantly on head.
Illa a nickel plated case Iron, with Flut
ing and Plaiting door and revolving hau
die, kept hot by two Iron plugs alternately
used.. It It a) way* clean, smooth and
bright, Thonoamls of these Irons are lo
use and their high appreciation Is shown
by tho Isct that SIOO,OOO worth nf territo
ry has becu void and Ute demand la lo
c rearing, a* each new sale advertises its
merits, as all praise who use It. Our agent
will canvass 'he comity a*, an early day.
cr Give him your orders.
1 * >■" , 0. ,■>
New Goods.
i "Nn" ■;■ y* *' iqrwiW-wpw ••• -
" a are glad to Inform the people of
MeiiwetUer that we are now receiving our
Bprlug Block ot
A 0., t
Which will soon be
romp died In every department. Our mot
to will he as heretofore Quick Bilet and
Short Fro At.
All we atk Is for you to give ui a trial ami
we will guaraiiteo you will he pleated with
our good* and prh us. DON’T FAIL to
give us a call when you Oorne to La
The White
* !&*"
Its latredaotlos aad WerW-reaewasd
reputatlse was the fiitk Hear ti hifh
pricitf Mffiltfftf
,k&: rSKSir
>= siSSSSjaiiSi
its coMiaueiMw u uirtA. costnvt ana
its woßKaanwite is uasuefsestn.
Do not Buy *ny other before try
ing the WHIT*.
Pries ut Tmt Ktli Stfittkctarr
Aosirrs wAsms
White Bet Ping Machine
NoiMei’a Mu.l net flarget
In. ttoOoU'i TMUm (Turning Powdtrr) rogu-
Ute* U> Hoad, and iiute Teething way. Taa
blna Uarer.CVUrw-Intabtua aa4 tha tmaii
CuapUlat* ot CM Una. Uek IrnpUwu tag anra*
Kemorca u 4* Uu forma', tea ot Tea*
No mother *hoa!d b without It.
t\.r * ,: t by J. • - G TKIItfEX.L A (X>.
NO 30