Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether bounty Vindicate t
VOL. 6
by wm. t. revilt.,
OA South Ufa ol the Court U 'u* 1
ORDINAKY... ’• A '• 11 ' u>,i I
SHERIFF s - FiouUte |
CIKKK 8. C~ "■ 11 luicl
TAX RECEIVER B. 8. Gemcuts
treasurer u J Aull "““>
SURVEYOR o, F. Matthews
CQHONErt R Jones
R. A. Cbunn, a won Sibley.
C. J- Reeve*, J- E- Bnchsuau,
Alien 11. Walv#,.
hoard of education.
johoVV. Fik, W- J. Bh’i o
Da.ituu li. A- i'aikcr
A- H. Ficcaao, Sec.
61NAT0H Stt'b l fnici, F. M. 1 uoeau
F. J. Williams, C. W. VV ill mu.*
* TIORNEY at raw
* • UtHtWHYUA*-, *■< A
Will practice in Meriwether and tho *4
toiutug coualien.
All busbitts *u'ru*led to hi* • i*' a mod
Bit U> promptly Hii.l lailtißllly.
XUfi. hi. I I'll,
AAr IO UN KY AT firi W
YY ill practice lu Meilili> r and 'tlr*
CvuUl u. Com|e<*iU* **.*' t'.-A. la t'ltetu
A. O. FRO VD, u U S-
J \ OhfafaßVll.l * UA
TetmsOavh. All milk HttHA io.
DEN 118 r,
MitiUlA O*
UA Vlfsti tKeu *itiv*ly engage I in th*
. l’(aUv>/ ol DeuUl Aurgmy tiuiuq,
the ia*t > ).!, 1 ItU U-Ui| Vl ( l l< iO
all kind* o! Dmial wi ik lu Ike my lt d
*ty 1* Cl the Alt, U 0 1 solicit It**' paltou
g ot th* people ol Muw*tb. cwontj,
eaaorlug ail who psUouit* u* that limy
•hall I ave lli iwy best *t)iol ik, aim
Ivr m little a out)' •• n I'Uiii 0* ib*r#< J by
rof txuqeteul L>> utiet lu Use elute. Cot
jeepmuieiice by mall promptly auswena..
DK.K. I thin 1
, F. Kih I>l* l‘lwlw*l"lial teivicee to
\ J tke I'.ibtu. Wall Willi li t lut'ici
Jr J. K. Q. Tijail, *' Ike I ug Blu<e
I It K 11. AMHO*N V,
UFKKKtt Mi I'k at muvJ os Ui
the eIL/enaOi One* v.b* ud w
Iff OMeeat J. <i. Tend) A < v’
thug Blurt
1...1 !■■■ 1...1—1 I
l uk o
•lI LaGisPge, Uenigt*.
I lAh *OW, fttlli Will keep alllft)* CU
J. 1 baud al 111* oil Xauu Kas< ■> e ol
it.* pub.ic square, a good aud
wan. ski KtnKt> *Toi a ov
jLttfcLßY AtiU y AACY GOOD
Coosii.i.g, ol past 01,
§y -HOLD od MiLkKit \A alcl.e*. if
Fun. and Key-*uider*, ol iLe U*t inuh‘
Bgleodi Gold and Filves Watch Chsina.
of til sizes, teaktrt and price*
field Pent and til kind# of boldeia ; Gold
feilvtr A steel Pimctacle* & Eye-Giasaes,
liver Plate Ware
ot til kioot and Myles,
Pocket, Table Cutlery, and JUz- r
by Ik a very reaoww'd makers, Joseph
Rodgers and George Wostenbolm*.
1 am a till rej airing ait goooa in my Him:
Too many ci’dana ot Neriitelber and ad
joining cocaUes Lave tested my woik to
reijCire a wird from me aa tv tbe tharac
ter ol it. I anil, boa ever warrant all my
work, tl pro- erly used, aa I bare always
duce.aad sett ectuhy ark a continual ce ol
tbe patreoagr l bare received from my
trieeda la Meriwether.
Httkeri my at H< wmc.
And can jwu child with Dr. McttatVe Tcethtaa
(Taathaac Penrdwa;. TccOdaa iU*o<U* the
Buaaia aad makes Teethiac a> rr ; Care. Cholna
laastuo aad the Stammer Uaphlata cdchiidnn;
Hull Irayahn fd two; Her.ore* and Prevents
the (owatiea oi Woekri. Do awdiciac ever re
calved aach esthariastic coimraittaa Seas tfeow
who hare and it.
FiiP** by Of-1- B-fi* TernW A Ud. *
At last two Faintnlieiu blew up,
Aud killed two childieu •melt,
And cne barometer iliol dead
A tutor with iu ball.
Non all day long Ihe K eu s sang
Among the hade** tree* ;
Three new hotel* warped Inside out—
The p<na,<* could ouly wheeze ;
And ripe, old wine, that twenty year*
Had eobwebbed o’er iu vain,
Came spouting through the rottaii aoikf
Like July'* bo(t cl ampsgne.
Th* Wo t reset or locomotive* did
Their trips in halt an hour ;
The Lowell ear* tati trrly mil**
Before th.y checked their power ;
Roll brimstone toon becatn* a drug,
And loco-loco* lell.
All asked ior ire, but every wlitre
Saltpetre w* to eel!.
Plump on not morning* ordered tight*,
But, eie the scorching noon*,
Tlislr candle molds had grown as loose
A'Cw*#oU pantaloons !
The dogs ran mad—men could not tiy
ll watei they would ;
Ah, r,e toll dead he only 101 l
Four red hot, rusty shoe*.
Aud all about the’w alehouse steps
Wei* angiy men lu drove*,
(Taahmg and splintering thioiigh the
To atnasU the patent stoves.
Charleston M. C. News aud Courier.
Am! the sclitlitrntT Is vriime even than
Ids iank<e lie 'ghbor. Clue ul the lattei
i|iuril*|j!y iimar kid. aoon alter the war,
r si a'people whoM'tliel •outdated almost
I liirt hog, am] (lied girctia, and Med
ff'ft, and bli-d j lot* too*, mix) hied chicken,
mid tiled bread, aud tiled tverithing,could
not li J oint I* held ttilcily accountable
lor Ilx wer ol Die ft bcllmu ant tie .aid
trm The writer ol tins bold* In yield re
uunibrat ct llie experience* n| a protons
e l *our two oi three ol the null state*
•IltCe the " hi, In the con tee ol which lie
laid up a ah re ol dyspepsia which he li
in wi quite exhausted, atxl never will, ti
all pit liability, thin aid* ol tlx- byin* pan
which should ji*lk hi* Ja*t lotIIup; p|sc<
the will aufllce, and ab uno tlucr
omtut. At a In atilt ul country houae when
In ataid lor on* uijbt, and whoi* lie waa
•ekrihice.l by a real toulbetn gcntlemar
ol lb* oh) Kb on), and who waa a literary
mat. w Ithai, and where the Icapltalde t
hie waa anriouiided by lab and bewitch
ing gli 1 (they wera a Huh nahow,) theie
appeared on tint lotdly tahl at attp; e ,
a iniglily tiahofutce titled lieef whtoti
ha I h< co tiled into a a< mhUnce ol leather
util which waa p'uUUt o o! wiiliout healla
tioii hy all th'ieu who attl with him at tahlt.
And a* 11 lliii, even thia, were cot eu< u,;h
ilie tried leather waa Dunked hy aimtii i
dilli el Irled gI beer. lint hiacull, tlil k
■ int heavy, alo played a {irotnlnanl part,
and bid we It rb< r. '1 here la no me I.
at, tiitig egfitnat *ueh (ntjudioea and ptac
lleta m* tin* the aiguttieul ha* been f*haul
fid, and the hying pan ha* couic • II con*
tpitror, every liter. H ml.tin litaior have
linn ltl*d to *neh an ix tnl that neithri
hek nor argno.eta can pi aetrate them,and
il t* locit-e* to tay more.
flow John wav or** for Deny.
The law* ol the atet* ol Virginia probik*
H j.air age uepaa It.* parlie* areol lawlul
age, or by llie cotucnl of the pateula.
John N-r—, a well to do farmer in tin
valley ot Vitgi la, - bltaMed wllli every
chut lor) - xcept that Important deal let alum
a wile. Jihucad Ida eyea around, but
ttrisucccwfully, urnil they fell upon tin
lot in ol a certain Deity, daughter ol Joha
-/one*, w ho waa one of tho prettieat girl* In
th country. Altet a coortaldp ot tig
wu-ka, John wa* rendete J happy hy the
content cl the fair Witty.
Tue next day J hu whb a friend wen)
to town toget the uete aary document*
with the fornix of procuring which he wn
most lamentably ignoraub Being direct
ed to the clerk’s offi jk, John, with a goo
deal of herlution,informed the urbane Mr.
Drown that he waa going to get married to
Betty June*, and wanted to know what ha
must Jo to cutopaaa that detirable con
auminatioD. Mr. B.owu, with a bland
■rode, Informal him that after being fatte
ned that no legal impediment prevcnlad
the ceramony, he would lor the sum and
wiofideration of 13 grant him th e license
John, much relieved, handed nut Die nec
essary fund*. * . .
Allow me, satJ Mr. Brown, to ask y*_ a
lew questioot. You are 21 year* of age, I
•uppoae, MrfN T
Yea, eaii John,
Do yoa aoktnnly *wear that Dotty J me*,
vpinster, U ol lawful age (made and enact
ed hy the legislature of Virginia) to take
the marriege row ?
Wbat’a that ? said JohD.
Mr. B. repeated.
Well, eaid John, I want to get married,
hut I Joined the church at the last revival,
and 1 wouldn’t swear lor a hundred dol
Then, air, yen taint get married.
Can’t get married 1 Good gracious, Mr-
Cletk, they’ll turn me out of chnrcb, if 1
•wear. Don't lafuae m*. M-. Ulqgk, lor
he ivea’* sake, l’li give you $lO It you
w ill tel tnc 11 from aweariog.
Can’t do it. Mi 1
Hold ou, Mr Cleik, I'll swear I 1 would
not give up Betty tor all the churches- J'l;
* ear : May l be d—d It ahe In't 18 years
old—give mo ihe lirrnae. §H< *
Alter the clerk had burned a let UiUton*
Ml Li* rest he gianted the licoixe.
t’hentleinens, lie laid, looking affection
ately at a Mule m.iuse-colored donkey not
much laiger than a Kansaa grasihppper,
and having a gentle look in it* soft brown
eye*. “If you vant a mule. Tone d<M you
can drust bcaaer dan you cau cou t otv tier
ratlurc ot dcr beach crop every ya*£ Joi
vas der der mule you vas lookin' wider.
He va* a go and. client!* mule, and he don't
ge t some bad habkb vot mahet tiiiW run
away mil himaef* und smash der vfte l
otid ol of, ry dings. and brok* yout vile
uud grand fnnutisi-ii'-'aw,* gollar Tone
Nod much be don’d vas bin dot it|a@ ol
a clo**-pin ( he ahuat goc* along
und pailentiy, lookeu earn ot hi* Owppls
nest. Now, chentlemens, val |. o i |d me
ler dot mule t .Forty-live tollar* I
He locked around the crowd, ami ** no
cue made on offer lie went on.
You no gll loity-flle tollar* f Oblrljliiy,
you vas a big loolr. Vy dot mui* yas
.out &e seventy-ft as*p tvy. clisn.Uv
men's.look at der motul dralulht dot
mule haf got ; ho vaa do brol criv ol u
breaciicr dre yesi* uud a liafo, usd iic
uar'd to go tiy der Sunday echuppl roll del
■itHe hreachcr poys, uud den L haf* him
by my family seven .wars, ami he duu'd
li aru some brofan* ach wear in' or ahto|.a
In Iroi.t older anloons vat you habotlisv
ion your vile vaa di lien Mm ; uud jtil i
ash lor dal vis lltlrly-lile esutf. My
triemta, ol you got dot amount of gutfency
you can lisle dcr Ihtsi Khacksou* mult vot
you eler Inlet an your eyes.
It wssevident that the aultnrj diJn't
suit ol ihere was no! thirty-five dollars In
ilie crow and, for hia i Her was not accepted
and presently Ini comlnilod ;
Veil, Vi 11, dot makea me weep my eyea
udt sorrow und grid dot my lee',l# y*n
•ob vo Ft prii g tldiiy.flfe lollars end n
hull . C.iuotlcmen's you dou'd bin tble a
goot mule rea you saw him; dot male
va, round iu clary barihular, und Ik iJooM
vaa pen veiy old aotnedlme*, 001. four
yean laai Chanuary, by der dime.label.
Now * hoiiilnn.<oi* who vaums to f ' m<
dwciity-eight tollar* fir dot vour y’gsild
goit. vat va* sou no sa a wblaMil and
tin * a lamb
How il l you make It out that ho I# ot .
ly lour years old f hdkcl a bystander,
wtih a gilc. The preicher had him three
year* and and a half, timl you had him *ev
•o , wouldn’t that mike Urn leu and a
hall f
k*, but l'-t tra* In Chermany j he vas
til) vour yearn old In de United Bute*
lond’t you hale an undetstanding. Do
rou dluka I rant U> *chwlndl* you by dot
oule { J)o you rant me to gif you dot
mule lor nodding*, mid dr.iwr In a groin > t
I dink* you do; hut of you don't dink*,
lot mu * t* odeutle, must look vcnce how
lie lofee me.
Tho standing In* cbme proalmlly t
the niMl* I eird something thlx 1 and
when they picked otir German friend out
of the mud he murmur id ;
Oheutlemaru, he don’d lole me iota a
more ,of you v*ut liitii .Jake him for Die
t"Uark.' r
Origin of (lie Name! of mate*.
Maine take* lu same from Die J'rovince
and Maine, in France, and wae so called in
compliment to tin of Oharlc-s 1.,
Uenrletta, its owner.
New Hmphire -rirvt called Laconia—
f om Hampshire, England.
Vermont, from th(Gieeu Mountain*
(Frt rich, nerd tru>n(.)
Mas*achu>etti,irorn the Indian language
signifying the country about the great
h Hie.
ID,oil* Island gel* j(* name from the
landed resemblance ol the Bleed to that
of Rhode* In the ancient Levant.
Connecticut’* wu Moliegan, spelled
originally Q ioa-cb-U-cut, signifying “a
long river.”
New York was *o named *• a compli
ment to the Duke ol York, whose brother,
Charles IT., granted him that ten Doty.
New Jersey wae named by one of ila
original proprietors, Sir George Carieret.
alter the Island of Jersey, in the Brili.b
Channel, of which be w Goveinoi.
Pennsylvania, as is generally known,
take* h* name from William Penn, and
the word ‘*.'"ll*nR I , ' meaning wooes,
dative* it* name from Thomas
West, Lord De la Ware, Governor of Vir
Msryitnd receives Us name from the
Qoeen oi Charles 1., HeorieUe Mari*.
Virginia got it* aame from Queen Blit
a hath, on married, or Vi/iln Queen.
The CaroHnae were named in honor ot
Charles 1, and Georgia in honor ol Char lev
Florid* get* it* aame from Kaequ*a do
F<or, or “Feaft of the Flower*.”
Alabama cornea from a Creek word sig
nifying ‘the land of re*t.’
Louisiana wa* in named in honor ot
MiaaUaippi derived il* name from that
of ‘he great river, which k, is the Krebel
torgue, “The Father ot lYxter*"
Arkansas la derived Iroin the Indian
word K au‘, famuiky iva'ers,’ with the
Freacb prafii 1 1 ark “—a bow.
Tcnmssee it an Indian namb, meaning
Jb c river wlih the big l ard.
Kentucky also is an Indian nama,
Kaln-tuck-ae, slgulflyui; at the head id the
Oldn Is the Bhawnee name f r The
beautiful river.
Miehigsn’s name la detlvcd lr< m the
lake, tha Indian name lot fishwtlr, or trap
which the shape ol the lake suggested.
Indiana'* name came lYom that ol tho
Illim la’ name I* deilrcd Iroin the Indian
word 'l,Hai' - men— and the Fiench atllx
*oi*.’ making ‘Tribe ot men.’
Wisconain’a name laaaid to bq the In
dian name lor a wild, mailing clisune),
Missouri I* also an ludiao same for
muddy, having reference to the muddinesa
of the Miaaou i river.
Kansas la an ludtan word for % noky
lowa slgßifica, in t'l e Indian Inngunge,
•The drowsy ones,' and Miuneaola, 'A
cloudy waitr. ’
HEOHEI 10 UAlTlfiJititi.
The secret to happiness is to mnku the
moatol everything ; no matter w lnrt hap
pont to annoy, let it glido along ns cably,
aid with a lew wards ot complaint and
fault finding as pcssiblc,
Little iuconvcniencics will In trade U|ion
the most lortiiuatu people, so the only way
lu lie muster ol oviry situation I* to make
up ycur mind not to notice small annoy si
ces. People may keep themselves in con
stant broil over what nmounts lo nothing,
and, without a compllhlili.g the least good
may ruin the peace and quiet ol a bouie
huh'. *Ve cannot have cvuiythiug Just as
we want it In this world and the sooner a
person undetstands that laet, the sonnet
tie ntsy have a l<ue bunts lor Itappi cna. It
Is the gientsst hilly to a. I the litntl ttp< n
unceitsmtles, and such il disappointed re
less to be cODtlorled or reyoncilei'.
Do the very be t you can, and then take
things as they come, ll a man stlives
lylth his Iks4 knowledge, uiy and un
tiring lalmr to sriotnpllsh a certain object,
WWking with ak 11 and patterne, lie Is s
success whether the scheme lai.'s or suc
ceeds, an I he ought to rocont ll* himself
to fnllnro il ll was incvllabie. It his la
bora have hem ol hutln or hand, lie la the
billet lit led lo succeed In other uud'-rUk
A Biiil Uniiiinsi'.
llie drterudnallon ol Gen. She .Ban'*
sen, Thomaa Kwlng Hheimau, In hicotnt
• pik-t rcvlv*-a the romantic slnty ol Die
Ills Mini lovr of one ol Qnn. Be H'm duiigh
lere. A* tho klury gees, till* ilaugltler fell
deeply In love with a member of oue ol
the fnrvign legation*. Tho atisclimnul
was reciprocated, but the match wn* so
iiittnrly opfioeed by 3 the old hero of Lnti
dy's l.aue that It was broker* of). Mho
cared nothing lor thn wotld alter Dial, and
very toon was received as a nun In the
Georgetowi Convent. Her lovei • return
ed to bis native country, and w-ta anon ct -
rolled tti Iho priceihood of tho Catholic
In auhsetpionl years lie wa* ordered to
G* >l'get' wn College, and took his turn in
licaring the cnqfvealnna of the nuns at the
conve .L <>u one of these occaaiona Miss
Mcott ki till In the confessional to Iter lor
msrf lover, vnd under such rlicmnr.t me. a a
rncognllloii took place. Mho fainted, went
Into a rapid dec one, and ro >n alb r died,
at<d he lelt the country never again th re
turn. Boa Washlnvton goaalp declare*.
■ a mm* m i— H
Thera Is *ouitliiug peculiarly and tuf
f rmgty euggeative in the word Bolls.
Many suffer with DtU exhibition ol iinpiirt
blood which dirflgurca the (>er n and an
noy* attendant* aud a**.>ciMlwa, when lit -y
cotlld be made clean and their blood kept
pure by using Dr. Bull’* Blood Mix
Twenty Fiona From Nw.
Billy Boat, a temperance lecturer at
l{i tl>ille,lti., waa preaching to tbeyoung
on bit favorite llietne. flu aaid :
flow, boya, wban I aak you a question,
you dium’l be afraid tv apeak right eu*
and answer me. Winn jou lick round
and aee all time floe booses, famm and
cattle, do you errr think who owiia them
your iatbora, do they not ?
Ysa, air, shouted a hundred Voice*.
Well, where will your,fatbera be, twen
ty years from sow ?
Dead I abouiad the boys.
That’* tight. And wbo will own this
property then f
Ue boya I abouted tbe urchin*.
Right, No v tell me, did you evor, In
going along the attests notice the drunk
ard* lounging around the saloon doors,
waiting (nr somebody to treat them T
Yea,air; lota ol them.
Well where util they be twenty years
from now T
Dead 1 exclaimed tbe boya.
And who will ba the drunkard* then f
Ua boya 1 * *
Billy wastbaodersttock for a moment,
but, recovering himself, tried to tell tbe
bo]* bow to escape such a fare.
Girls wboee opinion about such (bilge
k always valuable, says that there’s too
macb abiil collar nod too little young man
la tbe protest Vty to wit Ler ta*tc.
A Nu-r Eli tic Sto y.
Jtnle June in U Itiinwe Ameticntv]
Appropns ol an item ot news which
comes all the way from Hvly, ami i# to the
eflect that Mr*. J ho L<>rt imer ti ahani,
wife, now widow ot oir lor.ner consul l <
Florence, is about to •carry her firs; Inn
bind's Italian secretary, there is n littH
ilory. Mra Lot rimer was be torn hei mat
riage Mias J sephlne Oirt'cr, dairghte< ol
Urn milUonaire proprietor o( mini r <us
great c< tton iininufnctoiiea. Mr Uiahain
belongail lo a good family, bul had no f<tr
lunes, and was occupying Ihe position ‘t
contldenual c ork ;u Mr. Ustuei’s < ith
wheu he married hia dau-hlev. Al Ihe
tune of i. business ciisis about 18>V7, when
uo man lell a U‘, Mr. Damer, as a prreau
ilonary measure, placed SIOO,OOO in his
sonMn-law’t |'Oa|>lng, now as a gift, but in
truat against t<gtibia contiugencWo T'iosc
poaaibllllles became rcalim *. Mi. Hauler
(ailed, bol rel!el on his reserve land to he-*
gin life anew. H-‘ applied to h>s son-ln '
law for l lie money, but Mr. John Lori liner
(Unham decline Ito relinquish i‘. lie had
It, and he was determined to keep t.
Vttv well, remarked Mr. Gamer, 1 have
as much energy, ns much pluck, ns much
petaevorauce as ever 1 h o’. I shall go in
to business again ; l slndl make money
but remember you have got nil you will
ever get fr<nn me, lie kept his wsird. lie
did go into liuiliics* again, lie mice nded
So as to I "*Vfl when ho died, a* t * yours
ago, a fortune ot several mlUlmm behind
him. Oio mlllio iof dollars Ith a nusj
ey was loft to his daughter Josephine after
her husband's death. B, lore that event
the could not touch It. i
Mr. and Mrs. Graham livod abroad, and
entortalmid inivgulllouutly on the interest
ol the SIOO,OOO and the i'.Tfgelrt.'autsaboy
of a Unit'll States consul. G<e year ago
Hr. Gralia n die t, aud It's tyl a 'v v: im In
for her mil lo ■, which is now being shared
by the ha idsornn and gentlemanly iec:eta
ry ol her Into husband.
Ilisst oit ysr l< iiHi'i.
I don’t often put on glaaret to examine
llnty's wi rk ; but uno morning, not lung
since, I did to upon entering a rotm rite
lia l boon swou|iing.
Did you lorgot t> open tho wlndova
when you swept, Kaly '( Ibnpiiiol. T ils
room is vwiy duaiy.
1 tlilnU lltare U dual on your uy -glasso a
inu’i.ii), ahe, modestly. And sure
eu ugh, the eye glasses wet* al faint, and
not Katy. I rubbed them oil, and every
thing looked bright and clem, Uiu carpet
like new, ad Italy’* lace *ald, I’m glad it
was the glassca, and not mo, this Dote.
Till* lias lutifpit mo a goo I lesson, I slid
to myself, upon luavtug tho ru >m, aud on >t
Ia Dial] remember through life.
That evening K* V came to ntr wllli
antin' kitchen trouble. To* no tk Itud <1 tr.c
so aud so, Slid she had said so and s• .
When Iter story vvus llmthod, 1 said, s ml
in.', Tlxwe Is dust 00 your glasses, Kit v ;
tub them oil, you will keo butte’'. Bhe
understood me, and lelt the ro out.
I told D e loci lent lo the children, an I It
L quite common to hear them say to ate It
oilier, O, there's dust on your glasms.
Hometim** lam referred 11, M mis, II >rry
has dust on hla glaatei; can’t ho tub them
on r
When 1 bear ti crltlcl/.lna an tilt
er, condemning, perhaps, aco ir e of ac
tl< n ho knows nothing about, drawing In
fluence* prejudicial lu the tor soli or pet
r.ons, 1 think light away, Tuero’s dust on
your glasses ; rub it oil. The truth Is,
everybody wcare-liicso veiy same lns*s ;
only the dus'. is a little thicker on some
than on others, un I needs hinder nibbing
to get )t oil.
Tin; latist ld*n to in euro of < !ec
ti.Mi* waa cutiled out recently In the W'm,
and proved ty lie a peifcct failure. The
ballot-le x wai conrtructod ot thick g l iar,
and wa* seven left square, eo a to admit
of two ucn la it g Inwrtei! in it llirougli u
door In the aide. Tim idea wat that limy
should sit the e all ilsy, and tolly* every
vole cast, with a view to prevent sriy
atufthuu ol tbe btige tsox by Into .}■ t *d par
liea. They got along pretty well till noon,
one lining of couisa a red-hot Democrat
and the o'hat avl dent Republican, when
the glass became clouded ttnougti the ex
halations of tbelr breath. Tills prevented
the hystandi ra from observing the action
oi Ibe Imprisoned politicians, but It served
tbe pu:p'*o ol Hie scrutineer Of the Kilt
cal party to a turn, ae when the box waa
opened at tundown It w* loun I that he
bad eaten last one hundred end elgldyj
tbiee Democratic votes, tbe exact number
t eemsary t tecure a victory lor hie patty.
Ue looked very pvipy aa he left the
Ing-plaC'', but lie told a friend afterward
that jo tbe cause ol right and justice lie
ibought bs could bavo masticated eleven
uiora Uckct*. 'I be only way to insure an
Incorrupt election would *c*m to tie the
piloting ol tickets on sheet-iron plates,nnd
gagging the scrutineer.
Few people ate a ware ol tbe immense
Immigration Into the Bute of Texas dur
ing tbe past lew years. Congressman UiC
dioge,ot that Hla te, said a sbott time since
that immigtatloo into Texas tbe past year
exceeded 800,000 which inciesae oi
population during the decade ending la,
1860, will be sufficient to entitle that but*
to increase of ten tnr-mbera ol Congress.
This large and rapid .Increase In popula
tion It without a parallel in the history vl
any State or Territory in the t.. ion. 1
New Goods*
' e ir- glad to i. torm the people of
Memo tlo-i tied we aie row receiving our
Bprmg Stock ol
Oi.orillN .
11 vTH,
Which w ill soon be
cwmpleb "1 la every department.' Ot r mot
to will Im as heretofore Q tick Bi'er and
Short Profits.
All we a k is for you to give us a trial and
we will guaiai ten you will ho ploaaoil wlll
our goods and pi ice*. DdN’l' FAIL to
give u< a call, when to Ist,
(1 range. -
The White
It* Introduction **d WrM-rmMrmd
reputation wa* lit* death-blow tk W|h*
priced machines.
This lo a vrrvlmportant msttsr,•* Ht* await*
known and umlltpuUil la*t lk*t la**! *f the **•
calls* first clast mschlnst which sr* ***rt* *0
chtip now-a-cay* ara thaaa that has* fcaae *•
possssss* (that Is.
■ Iter uit) and rsliulll and put apaa th# aurktl
“*THtWHiri IS THE PEE* Of AMT •"*
lo not Bny any other boforc try
ing th* WHITE.
rices ail Terms Kale SatisMnr -
Wtite Hewing Machine Cos.,
IST urseriee*,
KsUhliahed A. D. IHIH
We Inki' this method to Inform the
/.•■ns ol V riwt tbor, Talbot and a; joining
couiitk’S, itiol our agent*, hiving c itifl
cste ol agency, will visit you di ling the
monthw'd fitly < Aug, go# Ha (it. to solicit
your orders fir Iruit tree*, vines, An., for
the f#l? rt' l very ol t*-78. We rq ic t you
to reserve y< ur or lers until you can aee
our plate* representing our vrtriellea, and
get such information as our aueuli are pre
pared to give yo l '. Wki <iU IH4NTKK
Our senior JO-lICA J IN’LEY baa,
I r th> past titty year*, engaged in collect
ing, i roving slid select'ii’ frui'.a ; and we
lime now every variety ol su, or lor kind*
in the world, and those best adapted lot
jlic m tti ut;d Its different loi a lilies.
Don’t le h mtiugged by tri e peddlers but
to ; >: t- h< ahquarters for good fruits.
'I Imre .be merits ol the Lind
i< y Nur’-ctli-s can have such doubts i
ii)'vi dhy ith rring to John 11, Wi'lianM'
of L th ivillc, Judge Cunningham of At*
acta Editor ot ViXCKATiB, J. 11. Parnell
We-t Point, and hundieda of others wbo.
have tested our Iruits to perfect astiafae*
thin. Tlr.nkhiir you fr putt pain Mge
we aak a roiitiiiusnce of tame.
Very IteapticUniiy.
Live tucigctic oiett wanted aa agenle
iberai commla-ioo given. A ldreaa
J A. Moac, Newnao, t> t
L L. LA WHENCE, Newcan, Ga.
NO 82