Newspaper Page Text
W*T It a v ill. Editor end Prop* ieurr
OHKKkV LLfc, FItLD V, July?* . I*7B
tifl i ... ■ ■ ■ . ' ■ .1. ■ i.i....
The World’* lor in Ifffft ia to be held
a• ay off ia An-tra u, near!/ oui ol the
world. The distance ia only 10,000 oil Ice ;
let every oi e go thee can.
There are rumor* cf Yellow Fever In
New York Tlila diMote I* very (aui at
Vera Cri.a, Mexico, nd Central Atnerfe*.
The Columbus Enquirer-bun think* that
C-I. hanlord will be retu'uv lhi congreaa
Imm the third Alabama dlatrict. Col. 8.
ia a ion ol ibn II m. W. P. Semlord who
one* practiced late In Greenville and ft*
aided In the county,a few mile* bom town,
at the place now owned by Hugh W.
It uglaa.
Complaint* rf.#rli u Irom every quarter
in regard to the unprecedented b/t weath
er. In Kurland and Europe It i* intensely
bet, while In the United Slate# the roor
i.tliy from wtnatrok* U absolutely leertiil
In Ht> Lnuia l#t Thursday there were IH
•leaibelrtn beet. In Washington the
iharmotnater r** hi Mtn, nearly ell public
nnd private bualnea* l*log suspended. At
Trenton, N. J, mill* end m.uUnt mechan
ic* Hopped work. In Pbi.'ad*d*lila the
mercury roe* e# high m 100.
Now end then rumor* reecti u thel
eotne perty he# *id vomit* h> re that Her
ria ceiioiA eerry Meriwether lor uongrew
Now, w# know bed a vole ‘weu taken tea
Heturdey at the cloae ol the dlecueebm
Uarria would haee distanced Tuggle 50 to
one. Col. Prreos* Irttuly ad>nltt*d that
be ha I not cam* to Greenville to get velcw,
for It wae plainly evident that all were lot
I Her ria.
Yf Oo* lUrrla I* alral l b> mart hi* <>n
■jf iue'it* in a public diaciiMleo, a* bat l*t n
several time* Inllureiert, bn ai:U very
etran ely Wr a Irlgbtennd m*' Saturday
be met 001. Tuggle In Greenville and un
horsed that cellanl knight, amt at
ITalrtmrn be U reporterl u h*v * U, MKI
the eloquent Cal. Peter Smith. He may
be alrald ol tbe boys, but be makes tbe lur
iffy whenever end wherever be doe* make a
fight. W* hP omr iriend* will continue
to lu'low Harris up aad they arc In
etrikinf dlatanoe be sure to bounce him.
We era lorry that Col. Tuggle <ll4 not Join
loro** with Uol. Smith at Falrburn ar.d
thrash Her ria as aoundiy *a they did in
•Greenville leaf 8 durday.
■writ Um
*O.O " 111 the 'MI number of the No *•
even Herald sp•** ee WUo i
“Parker Tludron says b* don 1 Ihlnk If
ike gW*lmiww to "•
u'tMMMlitOtl- U*rrt>. Wo thiol
•tbs seddtlwn. ol Meriwether ought to
bo willing to let Homo body oucli Iht
flfct office cow a little. Judge Wornefbo*
beta tucking until be bee grown gray, Col.
i., Tr sucked tlie good old cow lor lour
yeere, eadthee helied to be kick'd off;
■tastes 001. Harris •beuid be — lor we
think U le time to wean bint."
We beg to iuiortn our Dowels Mend
that otir people never wpport e men lor
ofllae elroply because he le e cltleen ol
Meriwether, but becsuee be le worthy and
wellqnaimed. Judge Wetnor’e lepula
dm and great public services have not
bean ckotuaecribeO- by the nertow 'Unite
.of a single county, but Ike whole etei#
cJaime him ae owe ol her worth leal eonr.
While wa ate pleated to data him ee a
Meriwether men we should appreciate
him noon the leee warr he a laaWaat ol
tO>e*a. OaL Peavy repr*teto.i. not
Meriwether, but the Mth dtatrlct well and
acceptably, and Inetead cl being ‘ kkeked
a 8? voluntarily retired at the rnd ol bte
letur yean land euppartert a worthy Oowe
ta men aa hi* auccee or. Il 001. Ilarrla
haa mr l * a feitbful representative, and
non*charge that h* bae net, le It exactly
right that be shield be *• kicked of! ’ sim
ply because be halle Item Mrrlwethet
Mawnan hae bad the Judge ol '.Me circuit
fbr about a dnxen years, aud yet we would
tm far Iroet vedag against Ju 'ga Bochen-
Judge. and
hlmeelf were all horn Coweta. Yea. w Ith
w roTT .. the aw i wi'bout merit
ur*aw-ct not*#. ■“* *>* r b *
Mm aor who be Ig.
mniT immt.
fb coritspondaul of tbs Columbus
THneslo bis' report of tba mooting to
Greenville Jrt Poturdsy y :
•I* private conversation whh Mr- Hot
e*W bewould abide any nctlm that
mmtmr. bat would doi tori hlmaell bound
to aoy uoftur steps takta by that body.
Wu ora et e toes to dcclda who l* to no
the ampin in this cam”
Now, oar uaderattndlng f them alter la
tint tbe correspondent hod no pritaU coc-
Temti.a with Mr. Hama ou the subject.
Tb i ly mention mod* o! anything like
It, aae at tbe tealdmce of Mr. Harr* and
toalaud of thing private waa bad la tbe
of a doaen other gentleman. Mr.
lltolM' hteedi moo him at toy log that
be would WlHtagly ebWe a tor somlno
tlos god that hia Idea of a fair nomination
by B o weens msent km mm nomine,
ttoa ; that rny gwtleman lalrly pat teeth
f Would receive hie earnest and cordial aar
port He added that We thaacht Mr.
Stephens area gtsitty of a mistake to an.
nounctag beforehand shat be ahoald tc
nrd the members df the Thomeoa con
tenttoo ea ringeten end tricksters should
they Haternaitie to art him (Stephen*) aide
on amount . f t.'a coorae iu regard to the
Potter read orion*. Sbooli parties go to
hie Convention withtbe avowed detenu t
nation, openly ad puhlkly made, that
they wou'd prefer the con vendee break
tni en In a row raibcr than A. or B.
' ahould be nominated, that would be man’-
te-ily untah. Should eaid par
ries make open and undUgulaed war upon
A- r r It. .imply because vuch individual
frw'l to Ire the preference ol a ma|*tpy
••I the delegate* preauiit, aa well ae choice
of tn greater jwnlon of Dm people of Die
<Ji*t;ict, Midi action would be unjuet and
unfair. Tim umpire in each erne* would
Im tbe fair minded public; no uian being
vo great a* to aart blmtell up aa Urn people
aeri aoveieign arbiter oi uufsirnea*.
Such, w* underatend l* have Uses Urn
gwt ol the opinion* expressed by Mr. lint,
ria iu i*ply t# a question tr im the Mine*
re-prew ntat’ve, aaid reply not privately
‘given buteiprceard Iu Mr. Hama’ porch
uid Iu preeenc* ol a number ol gentlemen
MoriwHbrr Umwlim m lev
Early taat (Saturday morning Lb* peep's
began to come in from th* country, and
try II o'clock quite a crowd bad aaaotnUad.
Delegation* from Coweta, Irowp td Hai
ria counile* alao pul in an appearance, and
tbe number being greater than could he
accommodated in tim court iron**, the can
didalea decided to aimak in lb* open a.r,
and the people th<-relor* repelred to lb*
grove near Dm liaptlat Church. Ail Ur*
openly avowed cardldatan lor oongreaa,
Mo mm Smith, Tuggle, Peraoua and llairla,
were on tire ground, and a lively Horn we*
e a periled.
I'eter K Hmitli, E<|., l N*wtto, wade
the opening mesh. While the rprekii
,i lx leltntd any dealre or tutoultoo 1 at
tuning llanU, or Ida reco.d, he attempted
to ih, tacellofii at ttfsl gentleman's expenm
Im-csomi lie Had •ent bU court intents ell
Hie seeds end document* to which Ifaey
were eutltlirf '1 hie wen the only minerr
hie point praeenle<l In llerrie’ c>agree*)n
--•I earner, nud Col. Hmtlk •emu<l to ee
rUuty Irer that Hie icmhl termers ol Hie
(Halt let weie It. gre..t danger ol tiring
bought up lu e body by llrria wllh tb
MHxle rent out Irotn Hie Agricultural Ot
pariruent el Washington- Hi etrongly dhl
llile Idea lake pm mm ton ol the hpeaker
that be propoeed to deetroy the influence
ol llarne with the people by agterlng that
If tbev would lurh Heiris out and put him
In that he would eeud them morn eed than
llerrie bad ever ra*‘kd then’ Thinkbg
he had • trong point ha ibouted at the
top of bit voice that he would rend all
aorta el eeed, pitaiv ei eeed, mwe eatd,
seed every day and rvoty waek. Oh, eaW
ltd, lam rfeore ew Ibe eeed queetkm- On
thH mtdft platform, rumpled with the pa
thetic declaration that he weak te go to
c agree*, be aeeme to be etaofllng lor ewe
gross. Mle atyle I* feivhl, hie gesticulation
vi’be meet, and hi aeeme to be la dead ear
neat In w onltig to gw to rcmgreas. II thle
be a qualification there are aeome of pe
lt tote all through the laud that would
make floe M. Ob Ae n epeeker end e
genial gentleman Mr. Bml >h made a Ibeor
ahle impression upon nor oil lame.
U being 001. Tuggle’a appointment be
next add reeved the people. From wbal
eur people had real ol tbla geoilemeß it*
lbe papers they expected to bear a real
Boanerges, a veritable eoa of fe under. Oa
the preeeol aneaaleo, however, be Ml ba
ht* tba expectation* el all aud lolled u
mourn a particle ol that eatfcutdaem that
Me admirer* ctaba he never tail* *e
excite. From tba commencement he seam
ed to labor awdor eosee great weight aad
to aotlciphto that he wwe Icatng ground la
attempttaf to make a epeecb- Apparent
ly be bad batnwed bat Httle thoaght r
prrparatlo* apon bte address, aa, iaatead
ol a logical , compact, eeaaMMfenal erga
mant, ha delivered a heeee, dhjeinted,
fragmentary speech. Be etartod oat by
telling an aid anecdote that cannot ba re
peated in a newepaper, ,thea he aaid Mr.
Hilliard bad compared him to Bataem*
long cared animal, next that the pay of a
conercaemaa waa gUJMO a yaer aad “gawd
opportaa liiae,” that hr wee bora a farmer
and waa prdaert to talk pollticr. Fetch
ing a compose, he laid Georgia bet pad to
frame the ledaral ooaatttuttoa, aad that
then Wen uHOTlteoa with Washington et
Vslley Forge, eddtng the* Tildee wee
Ikraart preglisot sod tapped the greed
climax by informing Mi hearers tint he
bed been very desirous of going to con
gress during the port si* yean.
The only poial urged with corn lain esc
why be ehoeM inparssdo Benia in eoe
giese wes the letterV vote oo tbe elecKnl
bill. He tailed to oeosure Thurman, Dny
ard, Gordon, HUI and other Georgian* tor
voting tor the *ame bill, bet did think
Harris should be left oat la the cold tor >o
doing. He sold be bad written e letter to
lame fellow io Nee York and did aot
advocate the Mil. Tbe date of thin letter
woo to advance of any mcotioa et the
doctoral commimtott and ea do meuttoe
bad thee been made oi such a meaeun, ot
course.tbe Hon. gentleman could act have
either advocated or appwed t. He failed
to awntton eey boom otteraocc* agamat
this MU, eud toft tlm broach ot hie subject
with tbe iiupreeatoo oa tbe minds of Me
bearer* that bad be boss in cougraas,
Thurman, Bayard, RonSJtn, Gordon and
Rardnfeh Tucker woul 1 l ave bed bat lit
tle to .ear fro* the opposition at that tlato
ot the Hoc. W. olYuggie. to the ei ectornl
coromimlon measure.- This bring tbe eo
| lj daw the gentleman eoaid Had in Harris
* corgmsiooal meord be seemed loth to
1 toave It, and dwU oe tha theme until he
were it tbiwaJ- bane. Be also, comple aed
Ural Karri* ‘bad beee i'artruinesta
“* gating re fef lor two radical euaetitn
*b, dob* M. Ward, of Vel Point, aad
J udge Jotnaon, ot Cvlawbua, lie (abed
to show the QrrwuHaac under which
Dri# retfct wae obtained and seemed to
bold that a judge ahould ant allow a man
of oppneite yobtheal opinions to have jne
tice or right betore at* tribunal. Me om
plain* i mat congreaa had wertod the time
of the tael eceeion ia Urn Potter feveatiga
tfeo bill, eot knowing, or t/rget'ing, that
the only delay ha the paecege el
Out bill waa because of the refund of tbe
radicate to vote, and he neglected to a*T
tfaat thi* deadlock did net continue ever *
week and that the ieveefigHion had ail
been made by e committee without at di
interfering with the labor* of camgrtw
Shutting oaV* area whMe Mr. Tagg <* waa
tienouucin % the democrat* tw their ebon
coming*, it could wanly be mraglTOri that
you were Uefeaing to a apeeeb from 0V
fieid or room eovtbere radical, a® motto
alike are the atunaau. Hard freeaal
to net a man be, whew to eeaaura a demo
crat, be moat employ the eeme ides* aad
language thet eur eeeuilea ft tb* Woody
sbbt earnpaign* ue* art gi<Gy-
Peeeiug from thw tuple the tpeeker nest
attacked the actio* at the dcMuctsti* ea
rn olive committee of Merlwethev m agree
tng that morning, that deleft’ w to the
copgreeeioeai convention eft*ld be tela*
ad, a a mm by a maa* maetiog oath#
party, At the *eme thne be ferbore to
rueutloM the Ihtle test that only a low
hwura oetif# ha deatred to pertkVfaUe ia
the defiberathMie of thie coeambtaeaad bo
•tract them how they time id manage the
huaioeee entraeted to their charge, Ae a
candidate lor r. wigrawjte thought the mm
miitee ahouid allow him to ariggeet the
lieat method tor teleetiag daegatae. W*
uelicve it bet fair to aay that <t only ev>
ery member ol ike committee reaented line
unoaunl effort at dleUUoo, but aery ettp
trn woe feted at ’he Hon. gaoih-mae'l
lar k ui lar i In attemptfeg N and hi* after
imprudence la attacking publlefy the com
tritium Inf not ri-apeciing hie rery mudrW
rnrjurat to be *ll >w* i hi teaek tkem their
duly. Nothing aiAl>y the apmkai at a>-
r .r> <‘ bla andUmce agaiaet Mr. Teygle a*
tld> (Juliette attempt to bold er ooaualt
tre up to ceoeur* f r doing they duty with
<>ut consulting him. It le tnitjuet to stole
tl at, although the other cendMtirt were
til In ten, n<>ue ol them, with the excep
tion ol 001. Toggle, expressed eny letira
to l>eve ilieoouioiltlee portue aey pertlc
uler plan In the selection ol detogeto
Cl. Tuggle tehl lertbrr that wee the
"(Jod'e iruth’* ihet be desired to go to
enngreae, that he wealed tba piers lor the
git 000, Hut be wanted U for e eapport--
an.wt excollnnt raes< ae truly, hie heart s
•earned to think, hum the cool manner in
which they rare Wed hie emphatic ewweto,
In Hie oouiee ol fclerembll age ba aald be
waeep|iee<i to the revenue law sod
Iniquitous proVWoar.
The above brie! tketclt hi lilt mm pie
oi the Iragthy bertngur of tXd. Tuggle
and not aw bit aaajrgaratod. My it be
gained wot a elagle bleed, bat fact ell tym
l athy Hist was I*lore Ml tor him. Better
tor him bad be not spoken al all was Ibe
universal verdle* He lettoiwly fell lar be
low any ol ble tor mar eflorts, aad cloeed
with tba faiataet attempt at applause, on
the pm tel a lew, that ever i beared the
heart ol a retiring oeator.
At the doe# al Col TaygleY add rear
loud o< fee of Hearts, Ilarrla, renown do I on
all ebtoe. la reeponee Owl. Harris epoke
aa boar whb that el">|ue*>ee, beaaHfu, dic
tion and grace that chs racist ism al' hie ei
forte. Twwabtagly he elluded to the pee*
end the chaagee ume had moapht since
Bret be became e VOP r He had asset bed
eay political embttloa. nag aa tar Asm
seeking uae he bad ratoead bwtove the
war to becemi a caedkiam p alx years eg
kk friaada aad neighbor* without any sag
gearisa horn him,in a ooaaijr maw lag pro
seated hie aaam aa a aaadldato tor eon
grace. Three times be has hern elected to
that high pee Whin. Now, be wee ready
aad willing to respond ta the wakes ol
the people; II they desired him to serve
them agate he woeld do sc; if theypreterred
another he woeld rheerlally stead aside.
Political Me Hie had po special aUraclkae
lor bfcßAad he would willingly lay aeidr
'trearea tad hardens whoa the aapla ex
pressed a detire that be el ealdloaa. He
felt no iacbaeUoa to stand aside at few bo
hmteol self appointed awd antataped eo
mand and he Would unheeUaOegty obey,
la regard to the charges that ha had work
ed fur fee relief ol repaMbmaa fee *****
that ail the leading sad baxtnam ama at
West Feint, daasoermU end good aeon well
acquainted with all the hete had see! a pe
tition to him asking relief for Ward- Thai
so long ee he held a seat in ooogrem the
humblest dUnen ha the district should en
joy the right o € petition, a right denied no
one—end should hare his rights passed
apon by congress. The good people o, |
West Point had asked relief lor tbla maa
from congress, he presented tbe petition
and was willing to be lodged by Umms
facts. Judge Jobosoo, while collector el
Savannah, tod tool #II,OBO through tbs
dwbooesty el ne ottrial sot appointed by
Johnson, bat by the prmMant of tha Doi
ted Stems, end as Johnson eoetd net con
trol the appointment, nod waa In. no way
responsible for she tom of thn snooty, the
oungress had reieamd Mm and hia escort
tin* trom ImhUky. Tha proposed rebel re
ceived the aeswtmm seectton to the
House, oi tbe committee en tbe jnitomry
on which are found some ot the beet meu
In tbe demeoaatte party. Ho sold be bed
unitormly orpoeod the whole raveuac syo
tom M kb spmchei sad votes would show.
Foiling to abottoh the system be kad advo
oated a reduction ol usee upon the indu
trim of fke cooniry- Both coamtUee
room and on the Boor tbi* had beva hit<
eoume Hs bad U aeadooJW
redu:e Dm tax *o wbiakey aad !sUa.
Them atateaMsts would be eoriohorateJ
by turning to a speech made by btm May
fib, 1575, 4 iM> ufcpir* of whick were prin
ted aad scattered through th* diatrfet He
had aiao eoogbt a reductioii or ad anlarie*,
iadu iing hir owj a ad ail other offi ter* of
ike goveramcaf.
Mr. Htniaaaidh* we* wiiitng to be
judged by hi* votes, to ataod or tali by
tbeJt. In reply to Col. Toggle's ceusor*
ol hie vote oo tbe electoral tih he aaid h
imard no this; bum ike genffeinao in #p
position to it whim it wae oader diactmai <
Why did be aot call upon tbe people lo
oppoae aad deanosca H thee t Not a
murmur came. Gordeu mad Uampum ad
vocated it* paaaag*. Here Mr. Harris
paid a glowing, etoqueol uitaua to the**
tw* trim and troated eouthers leader# It
he* twee raid '-hat out leader* and coo
gretstueu were afraid. When did ibe
cheek of Uocdoo ever Waech i* praaauce
oi aa aoeauy or Urn heart ot ilauiifon tail
through fear oi tbe lo* f W* miy have I at
fMdca by thi* bill, but what have w# gai—
•u f War ww* averted, taiuiram* and
tSooth CWodu* * **wl from bayouet role
am) lb* cry of ibe bloody shirt forever rob
tmd of tie power by the cotmervaiire action
ol ike ffeoaoc atk party. Ob, but aay*
Col. Tuggle, it wa* uncooatrtutiooal.
Twarmea aaid a was aot. tfandolpk Tuck
er egrewd that it wae >t. Tb* op h. ton aot
Mtch pi otwo ad const ivutvioei lawyer* are
acutisd Pi weight. Ourduo and Hill voted
lor ft, aad the great Ueorgian,. Mr, Rfepb
eca.—Tbe vpewker jiaid a toeatiUiui tribute
u> tStejiheuv- Mr. Karris added that thta
bad been made a tmt queeifes oowbere
ekm, Is ai other diatrtc'. Where could a
presidential candidate be ot*ai#d that did
not favor this measure t How eomplimee
taiy K aa to yervlr* that Mr. Tuggle
could no* cut • 8 lb luaf ol IJa/ru wltk
mt at the seme t*m- b* 1 eadtng Ike great
ms*e ol ti>* democratic tally. .alter
ceußaellirig day and night P* week* in*
elaret ami m at ti-wted !*)*.•• • I to# pwr-
|y M.ulU Ami Hu otfMrr ■MUvd <4 tWl|rl•
*mww um* ike par i! that thr *awnea U*
couutri. lhl Mr rtsggle the-, or I.a hr
since, auggeapd a better ieioe-ly t ll* atone In bia teoMtre, he Me Cos
lombua'/love* efeiae all e e Imw ahm# ot
all the Georgia pre#*, # lar a* I remember,
opposed life pwaeagn .4 ike bill, deprecate'
tbe making Diet qa wthii. an unmm le tba
•ppveurbmg canvas
Mr Harris spoke ol ibe urllt and bk el
torts U> reduce the hu duos of uiy * ,
said he formed the same curroncy tor the
government and the people end had tried
to make green'oeckn a legal tomb r tor
debt* to the government.
* But wo here not the epaoe to I'ltow not
iwwiwunao Inf' her le ate able aw I ttow
, -mghty not storing ergtuaeo’ That the
*audtones was In toll eyaqathy akb the
•peaks' wee proves by tbs treqavns berate
of hearty epptewes that gro-toJ the table;
points and by the prolonged cheering tbet
toltowfti Ae sheer el W>e eyw.-c*, Bed e
role been lekeu we venture every Mart
wether vole weald here been cast tor iter
rtab The Irtenis <d
•earned eetoaiehwd el the groat popularity
of Col. Barrie aad omened that Col, Tug
gfe divrtope.l eo tiule encagth. The toy
was e ptifet t, a eomplcU triumph lor CeL
! Harris and wee quietly er joyed by all.
1 Col. For roue being called lor,waa neatly
introduced to oar #tix *n* by Cot. Uarrw
end be a tow eloquent end w!l timed
rematks made, by hie maiden s|ecb
frlends of ah our ritleeos. The Cub
ww!d wear the ceagttmtoaal bowu.e with
credit to himself aad boner to tbe district.
•He said be wee certain from what ba bad
..area that Meriwether was solid for Hartk.
Thus passed the day, a rropettlul hear
ing being accorded every speaker, and all
the gcod to lags aald by them being thor
oughly eujejed We hope to meet afl ga a
and w* each enjoy the honors he de
lagsotoes Boa Naltj
■ ,
A web-known Bncrsmsntan who had
bona not with -the boys” ootil three oVlxk
in the morning, felt e trifle uneasy as to
whad hie wtte would my apse the subject,
and tmermtaed to odor* a Uttbn pm of
•trWtogy. Mo isttmad tot hows mcriotsly,
made hto way to their hed-roma. Ms was
eat ao ehfnettoated hot that he knew it
woaM be dengamoa to get into hod, so af
ter disrobing, he took op a pssittoe by tbe
mde ot *e tahyt cradle end began rock
Ipg (thin a Iter. Hw wde, areaaed by
tbe samp dfenmted him, m b wet, port of
bit deop htf scheme, that obe sboeld, sod
celled out r Why, wbot on earth ere you
doing (berwT Doing t be replied, keeping
tbe kioks not of hto tongue by on almost
taper bemen effort. Doing? I’m trying
to get tbto—beby asteep I Shs’t been cry
mg half an hour and you’ve slept through
it aR I Fh air of righteous indignation
was well pat on, but it wouldn’t do—lock
sms ngainet hiss. What do you moan ?
bis better bait sternly responded. I here
get toe toby to bed here with me, end she
assn’s cried to-night I When did yon oome
f kstoee** Mssot mat Forget
Be. MeattfT—ttom (Tmaim rww4am) ww
ntmtoe Bowsis seO mebeaTaoimi soar- Tse
Ca—otstati et (Mtos. Usata Brapttaes amt sms
For sale by J E G TKRKELL A CO
Tb* K* of Mfi era made by tb*m ar*
'taimad on to the upper* with Urea*
•crew*, kurwwj in (not driveo) and braddtd
no inside, ,rer warranted not u rip
Tketr work i> confide Dy rec-nmnciofe.!
abeing aot only auperfer in durablllly t,.
ordleary peggrel wit, hot far more &m
--iortabi# to the wearer, mprmailp l* Um Jbft
*/ Ute b/SfeeiM*
cr the bay wtatb. make or
Will also ermtlou# to here lands to > ei
flor those floe else* sevvrd Hbe* 1.0 Is
4toe,wbloli have givenw etoybeeiklwrii ti
(nr twe ynn peel
Selling ripWly far r/tftff we keep °or
etoch, es afl Mns, fell of weamnitr peude
end heps by mrrtrt npmtnht w ..| in
triaeie n!ae of whet we offer to merit e
large 1 arenas ol hwera as
July 11th 19TS.
• . *
In order to make a change m ary D U( .
ae** 1 will tell my stock of Boots, Shoe*
Hate and Clothing at ACTUAL
COST tor Ibe next M days at Ife
N> w ia ike time to secure Bargain*
Of all kmdt ana 81 YUM, Children * Hand
Sewed Canfield'* Gaiters and Low Cut
Shoes from fid.24 a padr to #.7b.
HbUJ Hat! txaU
lor everybody at COST. Do net wait but
com# at once and secure BA HU AIM*.
Milw A Bun‘a Iff thread Cloth Gaiter* *t
•3 00. Zeigler Bra.'a Pebble Goat Shi**
At Phil'ipw' Shoe Store,
Eaat Sid* Public Sq uare,
WILL be Bold before lb* court Yuma*
door m tbe o| UfwrßU
Men wether County, (i*., the legal
iiwura ol sale, on tbe fir.t l uewday in Au
gu*t. Iff7B, tbe following property to-wit
•me house andilet ia the towe oi Onto
•ill*. !n*aidcw,nty.||i**naw Lmog th.
house and i. t lormerty • word by Aimer
U. Cel law* v, and conveyed ly km i*
Adam U. Floyd, end situated oti th* Weal
*td* of the pudtk iquare ia said towe of
u.mmviife, *wd houadeff aa fellow*': o B
ibe North, by tbeuOee fef *f Mwii k (fe
IWy i on tk. South, by fife More bow**
ol J >Uii A. fUnuMitns, do aaewd, and
J dio W'. Ifeyd ; aed on th# Wa-st, by Iff#
hotel loi at M. Wtuel iw, ioriber!y G. Of
Howard , safe lot (ranting about hi feet
and rw ung back about 3i (esh Lavfed
•m a* ti e j rojwny ol A* G, Ptoyd en* of
the dehodaura ;.a!w, one uod.vtded third
internet m a ffer* or grocery huuee and lot
aim bfetbemlth aiiop th<ww>u ia the fnwa
.4 Urwwwviile, knoWß<as town fete NoWMi
aad At , and that porti o ot town fet No, %
Inaod tewwiAaadeJfeid.L Uaenbig by
E. naoefew, eneapt, a etvfp- rtumfeg Base
*al Wwvtefghtaww tache* w ide t. naid “ua
dfekd*) woetho.l Inter eat hfeied mm (k
pmwrt, of II ft. ntahMfb, ewe of ilw A*
Iredmia All of (he above *i*Apeep*. ,
ty levied ew feeatMyeff fa It saw Meri
.feher fftgnvkir •nm la Itrtu ol W, U.
ll<r r-ett, v* A. II Fend, L IL Bieioek
viyd 11. P Hfeiuck, Wiu-y H. Bhnttie*
tranefevrr Properly polar*.) o#t by aaid
ir.neferro and pwitie* iu poaaemi m nr U
fie 1 aa ibe law direrU. This July tni
OB iR'.IA 1 Ordtnauy‘e oflfew.
Mertwrtbef C< unly £ Jutjr let |g7|.
Wherea* AillueU. Morris ae
Uetor of ibe emate rt Charles C. Herr!.,
dereeeed. rvq roem>. to tbe sweat that be
bee lolly adaetaksered fee aetnSe ol sold
.toceaeed and appliee tor letters of diaak
eioo tcom bis t'as* as aaid Adroimetrator.
Thk w therefore to idle aad admewkh
ell w wearned to Me their otyeetfooc, U any
they base ,en or letore the flrot Monday
ta October next to show cause why aald
Adm lets*refer shoo’d not receive lottore Of
djemUee-n from hk trmi as Admini tra
,tor sluemmi.l.
Given under my hind awd offlcial signe
luro. Tin*, duly Ht.lglg
I O.M.#>
My Wool Cards we bow newly el otto*
and in tom ooodWkm and I think I can
solely my that lam prepared to do good
work. I desire those who favor me with
patronage to wash tbK wool at ones trtf
bring it in early an that! may omtf and
have it randy when you woo* it. Dagft
watt tall laU when I may to crowded sod
n-H bare lime to do tbe week prompt;?
feryoe. 1 guarantee good toils wheat
good wool i brought is.
lam alsu Carding Cotton end making
nice Rolls. Seed and get same sad tty
Wool Cording lhcuper lb. oft
furnished, or i the wool.
Cotton Cording Sets per lb. or
tha Cj-u-
I will mil
Wool Roils at ..40 rts lb.
Cot 100 RoUsat. eto H*
My b’lHi alas ia goad order and mi does
ever sk< rt ot water.
Give me a trial.
Yours toe.,
Juno Um,
and ees, Fiblbt, Haora* to