Newspaper Page Text
Give L fit mi .
Oh, giraili, tr y S.h>! Wl-Wsey li
A*trrm f rm i t'..h< <n. ■ ! '
Oor halcy.-m and• >* u* i ~t:, m ,
O <1 ipU'l* (1# pf .fit* roar i '[Wilt,
A whlttey govt*. nineit we 4riMil,
Then gN, oh, , re ua b>*.k < on't
Oiv <1 (2* h (tillfife*r j/oven no- > !
Tlife atlliy iu*Culi*U mV ;
More in inter ruil, unnc ii'jiloriiis,
Am! tstik and i-ibe/acea aa-i p*y.
Ttie rule Of'h 'Uhh* n*>, v an!;
Then give, oh, g .vfc a* bii.fa our Giant !
We m-el, vaya Hceui Hobea'a*.,
A gowwiienl that’* strong at ea.
That scatbrs wide the (tophi'# out),
And leave* an amp e ahart lot me.
Gonywetor's rule te what an want;,
Then give, oh, give u bank i/iii Grant!
Give ua, the corporation* try,
The rule el alriugth and !avlal;i.**,
That put* the people id out power,
And lielpa ua uri’eal then and Liras# I
To keep them down is v lint we want;
Then give, oh, give ua hack our 0 ant I
Oh, gl?e Ul, *y the travelled lonia,
A government like tttoau abroad I
It aueh n* we can hold the top,
What do we cere (nr force or Iraud
The rich mau'a rule U what w wan; \
Then glva, oh, giro tia l ack our Grant I
Give ti# # itrouger goimitoaot I
Hpoharrum and ilmiaien nil implore;
With poorer poor, but rnl.oi ih h.
An I whlakcy and cigars agiors.
The rule of mrciiglli and .te#l we wind ;
'I hen give, oh, give ua hark om Giant I
i vni.n nr i.mi.K.
'Litte by lllt>,’ mi ai-mn si l,
A* It slowly **iik in It* bioiwy li*d,
1 am imploring n ty day..
Hidden deep In tbo Biirlli away.
Lltlle l> llttlo each b.y li yrcw,
Little by it tipped lli<i b iv,
Downward it *eni 'itil ti thread-like foot,
Up in ili ai. sprung tiny about,
Day after day and yiai after your,
LlitfeLy lift I® i ti*’ lea via iT ,, l,r .
And the altnder branche* appear far mid
Till the mighty ouk lithe loioit’a pride,
'Little by little,' ash! a thoughtful Imy,
'Moment by I’ll acll employ,
Learning e little rymy day,
And not ■ pending ell my time tn play,
And still tide rule 11 my mind shall Utvidl,
'Whatever I do. I’ll do it well.’
Little by llltm I'll learn to know
The treaeured wisdom ol long ego.
And one ot there day* pt rli*i we'd tee
That t'no world will lie tlie better lor me '
And do yon not think that tine elmplo
Made him a wine and useful men f
backward and forward In her little rock
|ng chair eat Alice Lee, now clasping hor
beautiful waxen doll to her boa. m, and
tinging low, awert billable*, then smooth*
io£ its flexen curie, patting It* r >*y choike
and whltperlng < It'y, I lore you, pretty
dolly, and anon casting wlaliul glance* to
ward her mother, who aat In a bay win
dow, buelly writing. Alter what teemed
to be a very long lin o to the little daugh
ter ,Mrt. Lte pm lied etide the | apere, and
tonkins up, aald piearnntly : I am through
® tor to-day, Alice, you may now make all
ihe nnlio you choose. Hcarci !y aero the
wordt uttered ere Ihe lit do one had flow n
to her and ne-tlc I tier lie id ou bur loving
heart, saying ear neatly :
I'm to glad, 1 wanted lo love you to
much mamma.
Did you, d.'irlbu'f Ami ahe c'uaied
her tenderly. I am do glad toy Alico iovea
me go, but I fancy you were imt very l> ui
ly while I wrote, you and dollie seemed to
be having ft 1 ftppy time together.
Yea, we had mamma, but t got tired ni
ter a while, ol loviug her.
And why t
t), because *be never lona me back.
And that L why you love me 5
That it one why, mamma, bat not the
flrst one, or 'he bet*.
And what it the flrst aud best t
Why, mamma, do Tt you guess ? an i
the blue eyes grew vcy bright aud earn*
eat. It’s because you loved me w hea 1
waa t#tr tittle to love you back, and that’*
why 1 love yon to.
We love Him because lie flrst love I or,
whispered the mother, and fervently she
thanked Gcd tor the little chiUl-teacher.
Love la* n T*ior llonar,
An ulraoidinary instance of true love
comes lo u* over 'lie hills from the poor
home at Liberty, Indiana. For gome tim •
a woman, aged seveniy year*, lias been
confined there h Employed as a
(aim hrnd, a young uian.aged aliout Ivtcn
tj-six, has been conithctfd with the insii
tution- This young man was iu the habit
cf wiry mg w cod lor the old lady’s fire,
and pajirg ilbcr attentions to her. A lew
days ago the keep er was informed by the
yovug man that it was hr* intention to
mairy the old lady. Not withstanding the
keepci’s pr> testatron* and advice. Ihe a
fair was consummated, and the loving
aouple arc now living together as happy
as two doves In m itiog season.
Jetnie, wbat makes you such a bad
girl T Well, mama. G-al sent you just the
be t children He could find, and if they
don't suit you, 1 can’t help it.
Tilt*, mKt AIIKIVEO,
a iiu in w mum QxatUM.
! From N. O. Democrat, tfith f
j’ It #u shortly after % o'clock, w iile *lu
repoittra were buay at work la-fore M
'♦laagei’a anh-coinmiltee at the St. Charles
j hole.. that One of lotto oolictd the pa-aige
down (he h* way of a a and that )e!v
J looking ■* lunch i ke the row i iruoun M’.
Jniika, that |u<ii*l4n , lell hi* atat and
A i lit in <; ,t*l of hi r. Wailing ill the little
milt -room tie Uuk* [.%r,or t
tuei* at the lady Lutt-If aa (oinpoael aa
if under the gun* <Jf Ben iHutkr. After
shaking hand* wdh her the re|oibr oem
u.tread •
Hep. -Mr>. Jenka, you are bu k ayaiu af
ter jotrr Journey, I ee.
Mo. J Oh yta. Not In the Jeaal hallo
ed, however, l.y the trip.
Hep,—Tl< w did jor feel while before
the committee ? Did it perturb you
Mr*,, J. - Perturbed ? No. You kno*
l aiwaja keep a cool head. Fortunately J
have ihki bappjf quality. Before the corn
nihtee 1 w treated by Gen. Duller much
better than I had anticipated. lie did t
try to bultdi za me fu the least
Hep.—How about Mr. Hotter 1
Mrs. /, -Oh J He, from what I aaw of
him, )• a peifeet gentleman. I!c aru-t
very nicely, I had imagined him a vtt'y
different wan.
Hop.—What la your opinion, Mra. Jnk>,
after what tou have teen and heard ateiut
Mr# J. Think about jtflaitu|,|. gj that'*
r,ao| In *} Now, don't you rrmmher
before I left l.eie i asked yuu if Jol la
llcved a like Hbeimau cou.d
write tn li a letler as that aseiibnd to him,
don't you leniember Ibl* f
The reporter anaweretj her that l,e did.
Mr*, J -Th* Idas rd Weber g tug on
lhe aland and awenflng dial he de<
troyed It. JOrjiwhijr eaeiteri J Why, 1
wouldn't d<> Uch a thing h r f 'O.bOb.W)
That'* not inr He has actually **n m
murdcule I hlmidf. Toe ib I.-. 0, I in,
not of Uial kind, i tell y/ n ((#; ping In t
faiv-nery iuily Hn the paint of the right
hand). V m liemocrsts wuul.l have had a
harder lime Until y<ni dfd lii 'uiileifjfur
i‘ai kard it I had had my wn; Do you
think 1 would have #! passively arid al
lowed mymdl to be dflv n bom my p ,*|-
tion v Ini wa from the h ab 11 me by
you t No, never I I would have pn red
giape and canlater do vn tluun atreel* >,i>-
nti my opfeinenta, and il they blew be
walla ol Uio ttrafi Ifo i;o af>ml my cars I
would alnk beneath them ratbo (hail give
up, and 1 *umli! then leave a name that
weald deserve Irttnnitallt■ What were
we? We were the ahlp rd Htate when those
plrntia— til* McVeigh*Ha lan sfivtaainen
boarded n You were the foreign port
Tligjf got uu board ourlvearel, put n in
Irons, and then sailed our ship of ftlale In
to yours, the foreign port, and de ne c l
ue over Into bondage ; that they dl I.
Hep, -The alavery 1* not unpleasant ?-
Mrs. J.—No it'i cot that; but lo ■ e
those who have claimed lo be men mi l
lender# act In so cowardly a manner, i be
lieve l will become a Democrat now.
Hep. —Do o ; i ll put yonr detuncia
inento In tha morning's paper.
Mrs. J. —Oh no ; don't do that, i tnink
1 II go to the Wert mid establish ate
kingdom. Hut who will be my filer.ncr
linveelt T Will you ?
Hep. I will Krtabliih lie'. Hut now,
talking seriously, arc you going into the
tec to re field t
Mir. J (laughlnr) —They ma>le me of
fers of that kind in Washington. 1 le
ceived a.tnimler of letters to that ellect.
I would accept willingly lither would get
tlio members ol the Putter committee to
•It on the platform. You know t couldn't
get op the divlue r flhius Jftu ut they
we # there. You tee, without tham I'd
feel but, and there would be ni sti.nens.
1 conldu’t have anything to elevate mu to
tny subject.
Rep—You retained here much eailier
Mrs. J.~Yex, I came back tou soon. j
now negre'. that I didn’t wall until Kel
logg had given his testimony (stnilinc). I
w isli I had been there when he tea'iAtvl
lle'a a nice inau (patting her little tor t im
patiently.} Ido wish I had remained lon-
Srr. /
Hep. Tou have become quite generally
knows now, tor 1 notified your picture in
several papers. LMd you see them I
-J. Yes, and they Took like his 8
tanic majevty, I think. 1 had some pic
tures taken by Btady, of New York, that
are quite good. However, changing the
•object, I learn will lie buav
before the committee ior some time-
WLeudoyou think the committee will
adjourn tc-day 7
Upon being informed that it might be
some time yet she resumed her aea*.
Rsp. How were you treated by the
member* ot the press in Washington ?
ilre. J. Weil, at first 1 rend much Oj
what they wrote, but in a short time 1
didn't, aud therefore it was passed idly by.
There is one thing 1 want to tell y ou,how
ever. Quite a youth, some reporter, came
to see me to Interview me, and alter blush
ing a good deal and asking a number ot
questions, without gaining jpiuch knowl
edge, 1 assute bowed himself but. 1
beard altei wards be had got quite soft
aodspoonyabout me,aud the next day wrote
to me tor my phoiogrspb. In Older to
gratify ihe little boy 1 sent It, (laughing).
The Buq has also became poetical over
rue, aud I receive atmost daily a aoanet or
poem about myself. It s quite retreehing
lam going, bow, excuse me. Good day.
And ahe went.
1 aGbasob, Ga.,3OU, April 1579.
Vm. T. H. UndtAbi -The ftoflarar’a b*.ui Dr.
limrd prttert t4 tor uy Bale siia h<- • 'ni
fsriag vsry sneb trom "potaoc Oak" *av spea l/
Xsii a^yUMI|P cattsU tow. Xftn. Sc.
C. L. bSMBt.
Prejrared by T- 8, &edti dd, La'Jraoge
Gs, For sale by J. £. G- Terrell At Cos.
Heard Cos., Ga , M*y l*r, 187 b
bu. T * KradfleM ; Dear Mr -I savi tkt Bcf-
Isvrr’s Hairs 1 bought from you recently, a, an an
UWa lot be* rungs w;tn luineUlelv relief. I
waul fou V> put at*, epaa quart Sat fium!/ use-
K. r : *V!fni/y. iOUS ADAtt*.
I'repured hy TANARUS, S. Dndfitld, LuGra .ge,
Ga. Fur sale by J, K. G. Tnrell A Cos.
LO U 3A lJn *
A few maieealve* Jersey tirade at |IQ to
flt> per head.
be facet Lambs ui the French Merleo
aiock Hail Blood at 19 each. aL O, son#*
Bhepberd Duga, Block, Drove-,
p |5 each.;
Auy per atm and tiring u> improve tbelr
fct rck Ate., ttom fine FCirSd at low
tan do ao by ap. lying to in* at Luthsr-
Vide, <>*.
SgokiT Shofo mom
I at! lea Mh** tieut# ar.d IV/y#bb'a
prices to suit the More* at,
Fob r*f i T■ 1874, nt HOt f n!) - i
r!m Court, Htat* r,t (Jeorgts
If appearing to the G irt tbst A D
fh m e and ftb liar I 11. Marks, Eta* uU*r of
lh Witt t>( JtMiard TANARUS, Malga, <l<s**'-d,
ih<: dutendauta In this cat*, do not it a- hi
aald county < I Met I sat her by th retime
of the H eflrt, an 1 it lunher appearing that
they tin not reside in . i Blatu. It h
ordere i that aeid Brace and
lff liar** li- Marks b and > i>t>** ! tk*
mst term of thla Court to abow raise I
any they have why they ho*d l **■ -r f<e
rnmle pertwa defandanta as Le*r* aP f
said. <l that *evhe t, alf m ted by pu’d*
cathm of tbl* *ide In the VlsPtosT >* a
pilhilc. gazette, pubdshel In sail V
I r fo.if uotrtii n**l ptw. e<itng be rei
rihlbM iyurt. ■ ' ■'*'* *
Ily th< thu t. *
j. a c. v c
tier,. I, I’mtrjt and /
.la# M M >hiry, .
I'ialatiff's Atlys. )
1 hereby ttilify that ihc alcv* 1 true
Pltlßct horn Use SHt'inl** 1 MertweUnW
Superior Com I. This Ap'd Idth, H7B.
W. 11. K KLLF.iI,
11 B C.
v, WHITKUALL and W* ffIIDAD hs
Atlanta, f*
Dml forget to atop at the aimve naoi.u
llaua*' when you go Ur Atlanta. ! goal sl
ice sstiaf p don lo every reason side peram #
mi l cb#rge only
Ait lull tu l u >er
Atlsxta Gr ikoia.
ALL Sis os aud Weights
Addrest JAB. UHM'IND, I’rwi.nefor.
Refer to this i#sue as a Strcciuisn of h t
ai r
The Oigim ttr—A 100 Ib.whot
If auy insults your cr mm< n sense
hy oflei log a first claa 9 Htop Organ lor
SBS, **t*boot him on the spot.” All necea
si.y for buying such Itrfertor Organs ia lor
ever done away with. SIOO, Cash, or sllO
on Easy Terms, now buya a magnificent
Mason Hamlin Parbywii Üburcb Organ
with Fbur Sett He nit and Tn Shpt in Ele
gant New Style Case itli Illuminated
/Uaeia.--Uaud*orai'a’ Style of Case ever
produced.—Speeial Olftr to introduce this
new Style.—Sent on trial.—Guaranteed
for a life time.—Rented until paid for.—
Other new atyles jnsi out. —Illns*rated c*t
logm*a free.—Address LUDDEN A
BATES, Savannaii, Ga , Manufacturer ’a
W boieaale Ageau lor the South.
SmM't Worn Oil,
Athens, Ga., Dec. 8, 1877.
A few nights since, I gate my son one doee of
the Word 08, s#d next day he pessed sixteen
huee worms. At the seme time 1 giu on* doee tc
my Utile girl font year* old, and she paasxd St
worms from 4 IS Inches long.
Prepared by Dr. EM Smith Lyndon.
Athens. Gecnpta. For Skle by J. E. G
Meiiwether County.) Ori’nary’a Office.
On the first Monday la August next, I
will apply to the Honorable Court of Or
dinary to and for said Coeoty for leave to
sell all the lands belonging lo the estate ot,
JoLneon Freeman, deceased, This July
Ist 1878-
Of great importance to every one think
mg oi.purchaahing a Fumo or an
t Org*S
Ft Manufacturer’* ISictA
And save cututu wadc-tt*. We are now ae
ng Fiaeos end direct !-■ p*.nebaatr:
U(*oo the NO AGENT 1 NO COMMI--
Sl<;No P. a at Manufacturer's Fa toil
Frica, Urenby giving to {-uA-haaers it<
large ;<* a U'veUrWre paid Agent*
lor * dug. From Juvilli u i: i1 . i
saved id the I'uitbaet oi an. iastuaieut ul
der thw ur W ir*e tor LlusiraicU
CtUl gue# aud tub penicutara
See These Price* s
Art 1 aliwrir-k -teaewwjd, 7 Oetava. ||*U
niffW cam# h< Ai la.pMl‘ r ’
*iita, l~*i Kel t, <v, aui # iota! ■<l bar*,
PI I ai.aKUWABT.-teowwourU * *> a>lii
tv. L*a*e! mat. •la-v**' 4 '
grw vohuaa ot tot*, tram ilxUabM Itukeiw.
repot*iion. Ferteci iu Too* aud Actior*
Guard for a li'etime of at lust service.
ft! Anil And Cot Jt wsh each, and full)
g araut*A JFru’‘. Ihmk these i'utu**a art
.1. en f WU*; *o eftarap. Wu rj .‘t
etiv* puichasert by jaeteudiug that they
are ‘ ®tW vtd 7€o i> atrumcLle,Tin
Beat Male, *tc , but wt d* way that nt
out vkccpU ru, <Lay art OOOli aud KELI 1
ABIE, aui FXTfiEMLf. Y LllKAl'
0. | aan |l* * fct, ar kforte tktur Hitr !
Iu Handerion Cant*.
4 Octavaa, only
4 Mtnjw, <-nly ~ '**
0 St- pa, * ty 87
2 Bfn( a, ruty W
5 Sti’jH, only 4#
13 i*b>pa, only 7^
EI.EGA NT NEW ft t 1 LK *,
9 Bt*p, 119
All lustromenla ae awfl arr If m rdd sr, I
reliable maktrs, who e reputation is a
ynarstite*' el their r*re!!en*'@. i’Ufihas
er hive a choice from ***n of the le t
makers known Kve-y Intmmrnt fal'v
guaranieed. No tom bog or rrdsre r wen.
tataon—fair ami ftqtJARE DEAITNO.
BE NOT DKCEIVKD by the swindling
a iverihemenL* of Northern Pretendd
Manufacturers, offering 6*>o (iollar l’;n<>
for 175 and liars, and S7O dollar Organs I r
A5 dollars. We asy openly, that SUCH
etrumeutr are not w* rth one-thi*d the
price. We, or any rentable dealer, can
sell aa goo*J, cr better,for the same mor
est in the end, and there i# no economy in
their ynr c' ase. Pay a fair price, and g
something go*>d—that will ia#t a liletim
and grow bi tier ever. year.
and Organs sent on trial for fifteen days
We pey freight both ways if they are not
perfectly satisfactory,
OUR LAST WORD—Before ecndiug
North for Instruments, write us for OUK
SPECIAL OFFERS and Circulars, Ui
poaing Frau Is an.) Imp isitwn, practiced
by Northern pretended Manufacturers and
unscrupulous Dealers.
r avannah, Ga.
s*yrr~inot easily earned In these
| | j tim 8, but k can be made in
three months by any one of either si, in
dny perl of tbe country who is widing to
work steadily at the employment that *e
tqrcieb. 6*> per week in your own town.
You need not be awsy botite over
night. Y n can give your whole time to
tbewotk,or ouly your spare moments.
We have agents who ire making uver *2O
per day. Ail who engage at once *can
make money last At the present time
money cannot be made so easily and rap
idly at any other business. and 5
1 Outfit FREE. Address at once,
H. Ballet & Cm,
Portland, Mai n
Cigars? smoking and
Chewing Tobacco Call at
! '
TSTewnan, Gra.
Read the Z [I j Frioes below t
Butut iihf suiu sfioo
Iha.'.tu. Fuh Mturb.e B-au Sun $55-00 and 90.00
Bttut ml Q'iarier Marble Bureau Suita $35.00 ad (40 00
Be*-'.;-. Well u! Suiutuo eurtiu • $30.00 and $35.00
BeMtttuLFuli Mai b e Burta>a (Waiinti s£o.oo. $95*00 at-dsßo 00
Caaa B* Uob> Chalrv—per set (AOO and upward
l Caiv li**!t,m Rocker a—each $2-00 and upward
Fancy Walnut TL es $1 00 wad upward
Waf-ut BcdaUmi* * $7.00, 8.00, SIOOO and upward
S, Ur - il Spring fit-da uu y $6 Otk
fipitudfcl Wovtti W tic M -ttfe*#. # $13.00
Wardrcb afr an v ° SIO,OO to $30.00
Balt# , $4.90, 5 00. 8.00 and SIO.OO
KaP uti a Tat Its sllO per foul
Cu.mmuo Uiiaiia ;e act $4.90 asd upward
Fancy W a nut t.'hair. I'at- *•* ou--y SI.OO
li k ftue.vis i 0 Tv net Casts 155 rath. fkrrt Chrtxnoa s>r 25 *n . Wat
i'. it s, iifa- ktie i-.-i* aud o I'.t'mnw, aud Future Fratnee on baud tul made
luui.itfa’ !■ a ;a 1-jt.s.
t t - Now la tbe tten ' '•? FtifIUTCRX. sad IttOMPBDN MOTSEHB
>i. # * - , Gi . ’ Uu* G .. .* a*.d Nitiata DeaUug.
M< *(illl i<• aii<l Wood Hurial
K t. , . i: Uidoa ‘i r . fflo# atiei.dal to at any l* ur, day or iigh
Mwah 15 is,** - TUoMFWiN HKtrTHEttB.
It Sells the Easiest and always Satisfies.
AfiKNTK wr< n*k you in try it. anti offer you vpeciel
Irvluft-mcfiik. tv-rid for Circular Ac I’ricea to
277 W. I'ourlk bi 9 C’inclmll, ft
M*. f . aXKBiJTVXM, .nannfer. f
TI i li* FALL TiiHM
BameHville, Oa.i
W I open on Monday, September 3rd, 1877, with a foil corps ol earoea. aoece.#’ii
teachers determined to keep up the widespread and deserved rep jtaltoo of Ibis jj -v
cekbrate-i school. . .
Gordon Initiate c.fle-s superior inducement# to paroota desiring t© educate the:
cd (*. It las all the modem aprliaDces.ariraratn* tod 1 urn ite re, an darter r*
nor successful leaching unparalleled in 'i -Slate. Its music department con
bv Prot. Gul’enberger, who has no supc i r and but tew equals in b proiesaion.
3srrc*vilie is th-most enurpris ng ci t on the Mscon and Weetern "f'JT”'
has justly the reputation of having the n* it moral, liberal and enlightened commcm y
in Georgian .
ruiiion f 11.50 to *l9 50 per. Term. art *lO 00 to 15 00 per month.
For catalogue containing full informa c n iddrew _
or T. JR. MEANS, Pxc.,
g_24. jy Borne# vide, Georgia,
eof Jordan k liowd. with Cox k Hill
11 O tv A RD.WOOD4C O
A-lan.ta, Georsia