Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator
vciea ■>> "
PlinUftUED kvkhy runiT,
<• Soatb Me ol ihf Opart H
cj jniv urrxoßiis
ORDINARY A. \ Hi .ton
SHERIFF. O- 8. Florence
Ci EKE ,t* W- H Keiet
TAX lIKCfcVVER ...n. 8. dement*
TREASURER c. J. Anthony
SURVEYOR O. F. Matthews
H. A. CUuDt), Aumi bibley,
C. J. Reeves, J E- Buebsuau,
Allen H. WaWvrr.
board of education.
John W. Folk, W. J. Barn#
Reeves. M. A. Parker
A- fi. Fireman, Sec.
SENATOR SCtli Diaaict, F. M. luue*u
F. J. Williams, C. W. William*
i-LtbUNIiS-a OAROi
Will practice in Meriwether uud the ad
I Mu tog con alls*.
Attorney at law
onetcMviUAi, t *
AH buefoto* entrusted Sufok •.>• Ueud
cl to promptly au<l folihluliy. V
ITu. h KITH,
A attorney at law
Oukknvm.i is Oa
Will practice in Merieriir aud tin
buu ete* ct.iitj •.*lne the (!oeta circuit.
a. u Floyd, u. o. s.
JL e Untaavtt.Mi Ua
Tet to* (. aril. Ail wml aarrithied.
x. p7msx w rxa ih ,
Hi. NO! A (JA
HAVING Ijt-eii aAl*!y engaged In th*
. PratiliCv ol Dental Aeigery curing
lb* laid ten yiars, l Had . U.|eU l t l© JO
all kind# ©I l>. Mini *.<rk in tbe eery tael
style *f tbe Art,* "and 1 toueit the t*tfo
** M tbe people <il Mwlailit* oounty,
assuring ail who pslr.n in* m (bat they
•hall l ave Die *e<y best style ol a oik, and
lr a* Rllle money aa would be barged by
aay er*tupetoni DreUat in lb rui*. Cor
re|>ond .<e liy mail prothi tty an-wt reo.
Dll. E 1! i Kill i LL,
I Fr K la* Piutaduwl - awrrtoas .!•
l J („ pub'll utlue wllli bis lalfiet
Dr J. K 0. leu ell, at (be Dug btoie.
/ FKKIiH I.R I'iok-jdi'i ml scivle* to
V_/ ibe ciliAi:!.a ol Oroot.*ll.* and *n toil).
1-0 Oili est J, E. O, Tencil A Co*
Dug Store
i hk
*/l LaG.'aUge, Georgia.
r I AS M)W, *tnl Mill keep always on
JLXka> <t •! Lit vti 'tutta Kaat si e oi
lb public a go> (1 nod
wtu. ktf eciKti *Ttx k or
(oufidii.g, ol part of,
fS COLL aid BlL\Ki< Watches. fr.
Hitn. sod he)-u..,eT*,wl 11. best make
Bpleudt Cold and Hirer Watch Chains.
of all sizes, makers and prices
Cold Fens and all kinds of boldet* , Cold
Hlvtr A atecl Spectacle* A Kyc-'Jlaeecv,
e - LiL-r ILYI l 1 / LLt W AK*
Silver Plate Ware
ul all Kiuoa and at/lee.
Pocket, Table Cutlery, and Hast r*
by the eery renown *-d n.ak'.n, Joseph
Mcdgera and Ow-rge Wortetibelma.
1 am atiii re; aninr all goods in my line
Too n.aay dlix. ns ol Meriwether and ad
it iiiing couctie* lave tested my work to
require a w< rd Worn me u to the chanc
ier of It. I will, bowwrer * arrant all my
wark, it property used, as 1 have always
tea; ectiui.y ark a centinew c* oi
the pautnaat I have received fro® my
trteoda in Meriwether.
Matbet i easy at Haase.
Aa* mo year etiktorth D KoOWl’t TestUss
(TuMitsg Pewter). Teettilas Bcfelate tts
Beweis and mtkte TaeOUec mrj ; Cam Cbotree
lafantsm ltd the Sommer Ctmpbi&u egeiuidsts;
Basis Jt*a{>Ooaaad Bone ; B—ioss ltd Pnrs
ms fnAass *f Worms. Wo rastetas erer re
•w*d such eatc asiat:ic l emmredaUoa boo (hots
who hart aaad it.
For sale by Dr. J. E. G. Terrell A Cos.
Marty year* ago tbeie wa* in the east.
rn pan ol Massachusetts a worthy old
doctor ot divinity *ho, although aw emi
nently benevolent and good a tan and true
Christian, yet loved a Joke aa well as tbe
mod inveterate Joke*. It was befort
church organs acre ha nse. and it so liap-
I retie i that tbe choir cf tbechurcb bad re
cently purchased a double bass viotin { Net
far Iron the church wu a pasture, and hi
it a large to an bull. One hot Sabbath in
the summer he got ant of bis pasture and
came bellowing rp the strict. About the
church there wae plenty ot untrodden
grass, green and good, and Mr. Bull ate{-
ped tc try tha quality—perclisnee to aacei
tain w bether its location had improved Its
fltvor. At any rata tba reverent doctor
war in the midst ol his sermon, when
800, woo, woo, want tba bul'. Ttie do -
tor paused, ImAed up at the Singing neats,
ami with a grave Inca said ;
I would thank the musicians not to tune
their ioMrumeuta during urviee lime ; it
annoys me very =iuc .
The |ieoplc stared, stuiled,and the par
sou went on—
Uo. woo, woo, went tha bull again ; as
hr |>asßod another gum spot.
Tbe i aistm paused again aud addressed
the choir
1 ieal ; y with the tiugets would not lone
itieir mat.umi'Uis while I am preaching,
A I rentalked before, It annoys me very
The people uow lairly tittered, lor they
kue * that he kucw as we'l as any one
wh*t the cause rvally was. Thu tniuiaUu
went on a ihlrit 'Jure with Ida discourse,
but hail not proceeded lat be lore-
Il'X'i, woo, woo, came agaiu Irom .M’
The pa son panst il once mure,uud sen in
each, lined :
I have twice alieady requested the mu
su tHi s in the gallery not to tuna l in
atrumcota duiiug serinm-Uuie. 1 now
irariicutarly risquest M . L— to desUt
Hum tuning Ids big fiddle wldV ] am
preaching. '
This was u>o tuurb. I.— got up, 100
much a*rhali<l at the Idea ot ’speaking out
in meet lug, and alaininered out;
It is nut me, Parson H—-j U’s that
oonloui dcd town bull I
It L medlean, wo presume, to add that
ills *’big fl ldie“ was no; again beard In
Uiat churcn.
Rise eaily ;I* absieoMotit; be frugal ,
attend to )<>tir uwu liualneta and n< v*r
trust it to another , be n h a rah! to work
with y*or own hands •- dlllgentlyj tr at
every one with civility and report good
mar oet* will Insuio success ; accoinplLh
a bat you undo lake , decide, then |.-iae
r< re; diligeno* and ioduatry over no inn
ad dtfttcu tiis, never !*• mean, rather giro
tlian take the mhl shll'inr, never po tp< tv
till the morrow can I e dorto to-itny
never anlli.tpats wea'Ui Iroin at.y enure
but labor, h ins ty I* not only the beat pol
icy but the only |w>llcy, oomimn at the
D at and keep climbing, make your word
a good at yooi bond, seek ku.wl.-.tpe to
plan and enlei prise to ex- etj'e, honesty to
guvirn all, never trade lieyond your rock,
never give too large ciedit time it money,
make lew pruts lew, keep your secrets, lire
within your Income, subtlety above all
th ug* ; lock la a word ibat dree not apn y
pj a aucceaa'ul man, uot too much caution
—slow b and sere It the thing, the highre
monument* are tiulll piece by piece, step
by a tap we mount the pyramid*, be bold
sod resolute when the clouds gather, dlffl
cuiiiee are su-tuonoted by opporUon, tail
reliino* la your capital, yaur comcwoos i*
the b et moult'*-, never; be over
but don’t underrate your own abl'llies.
don’t be discouraged. ninety-nine may say
no, Uta hundredth yea ; lake *0 your coat,
roll op your sleeves, don’t be alrald ol
manual labor.
A. touching incident ol the siege of Paris
Irtold by • correspondent of the C >oiem
porary Review. A group e< men, women
•fid boy* were drawn up te be ibot by tbe
soldiers from Versatile*. One ol them, e
led of footletn, pleedwd with the comman
der of Ue shoodsg squad, “My mother
will not know whet bee become ol me.
Let me go into that porter'* lodge end
•end her my welch. 1 girt you my word
•1 honor 1 wiU co.rie beck.” The officer
greeted the rr quest—probably mtsodiog
end expecting that the led woo Id escape.
But, in • motneui, be we* beck and declar
ed hunseti ready. The officer hustled him
out of the condemned reak with an etc
nation in French equivalent 'o‘be off wj'h
yon.' The led escaped while bit comrade
Tbi* is s boy* coiDpoaiiioo os girl'. He
ji : Girt* are the only lolk* that has
their own way ereryttme. Oiri* i* el sev
eral thouaaad kinds, and aoraeunee one
eirl can be like several thooaar -t other git I*
if (be want* to do anything. This it ail I
Mow about giil*, aad tether aay* tbe lee*
I know about them the better off I rm.
A ViefcSbarg negro toll from tbe deck ol
a a learn heat tbe ot-or day, we* (Coked un
der a roe I barge, c* me up in time to catch
hi* breath beior* be slid under* rail a mite
tong, aad fioall y scrambled ashore down
at War-eoton, (even miles below, with tbe
remark: ‘No use tryio,’ ‘ye kaiot drown
e deep-water Baptist P
1 Hill ' . JK ', .
AbwHt Snnstrob**.
A reporter ot the Evening Post io'er
\iewed the health oOi ers ot New Yotk
the other day m regard to suustrokea,
with the fi llowing result;
What's the first aensation, doctor, uf In-
Hpient sunstroke f
Headache or dizziuess, or a leeling
up or rend loess to drop. Some person!
simply ieei very hot.
In such cases what la to be done ?
S.op work, go Into a cool place,lie down,
or sit down, until yon toe I boner.
VVhat neat ?
Put cool riolha oq your bead, and drink
cool drinks—cool w.ter tor example, or
cool tea.
Kat anything f
Probably won't want it— it exhausted
.taka a stimulant.
Is ene always warned heioro a suu
troke f
U-ually one Is; bul 1 reaiember ene
man, said Jane way, who told me alter*
ward that lie lolt as if Ue had been struck a
blow on the back ol the neck, domettmes
a person leels t-xbauaied tor two or Hires
days be hue an attack, has 10l sleep,
|>ti haps, ani is working hard in the sun.
All ol a sudden bs aud becomes
VVTiou is sunstroke most likely to occurf
When the system ie debilitated , the lies!
lute nse, and the atmnstdiera muggy, la a
muggy atmosphere tbe evapoiaH m ol the
peispiraltou is diminished , aud without
evaporathvo you don't get the cooling oi
led of the ireispirmtuu. ('uses arw meru
trequ ut also on the sec "id or third day and
a hcHted term.
What are t ie aymptopu f
Irtsri-r.iss.i hei’i/> the body, aud luuha’Mt
UUOOB i iousr ess, con vulaiunt or delirium.
A pott mo.lrm examiuatlcn would show
gieal congestion ol the brsln and luncs.
I have seen the longs, said Dr. Janewi.y,
gorged with bloo 1.
Ho.tie ixsople callmate the ability of a
'ie**|Mt|Hir and latoni ol il* editor by the
quantity ut original n a’ler It is confrere*
lively mi easy U>k ioi a Irulby edi or lo
,our mit dally * column ol words—words
Ul on any snd all suhjri U. Ills Ideas may
(low in one wuak,washy, evSrlsstlug flood,
sud the command of iris laiigusj'e may en
able klm to airing Ibriu together Ilk*
bunches el on tons, and yet hi* paper may
be a meager and poor concern. Indeed
ihe mere wilting part of editing a | eper ia
hut amall ftorilon ol the wo>k. The care,
the lime employed In sek-ctlng Is for morn
important, sud lire tact ol a good ndi'or Is
Irr.trr rlnmn hy the selection*. Ilian sny
ilring else ; snd that, we know, is hall (he
hallle i)o',tt*w<! said, sir editor
ouglit to he cVjm.Vcd by the geuer .1 rnr
dnet ot hi* pajwr.lU toue,>ta unlloin, ceixb
lent cruise, |t* aims, insnliurws, ill dignity
aud its propriety. To preserve th:e ••
they ahoidd be pieaeived is enough to oc
cupy folly the ai<Milou <>| any torn, if to
this be a< ded lire grneial supervision of
lh uewspauer etUblisbuiSiil, whlcli most
(dlur.slnv to encounter, (lie wonder Is
hw ibey Hud time to write at all. —Hx
eh an j*
Coupreamnan Ciierlew K-wnir lulorma an
Interviewer that Ohio Republicans will al
low their Htate ticket to go by dctvull anil
make the fl-lit in the Congrt-aaional <ll*-
trict- He think* nothing hto bo gained
by denouncing the Potter h vedlgsllon,
pior ounce* Mr. Hayes a good kind of a
man and doing flrt rale, re mi to civil aei
vice reform tv a qinor thing anyhow, and
decline* that the policy o| non interference
with the Hootn culd net have beeu put
<0 much longer In any event bald Mr.
KueUrr, II correctly reported :
Anybody with a particle of loie Iglit
iiius' see that the while r it b- uo I
to become the dom'nuit one In potties a*
well as society In the 8 uith. This 1* inev
itable. The lime ha* already passed when
these Htatea could be kept under the tule
of the army, and the only tblrg to be don*
was to give them their government*, lu
the hop* and belief that tbe tight would
prevail. You might aa well talk about en
f wclog etrict remperaoce law* la a com*
m mlty ol Oetmao* as to try to keep the
wb ; tes born asautaiog the lead io the
bouthern State*.
An nepiriog coined geottemao of Q'.-ot
i-ia wiote not loug eg* to the President
that be bad labored hard to obtain lor
him a ‘piniiali ties’ ol ble precinct, and
asking him tor a ‘local situation or a peti
ion among your Cabinet advisers.’ lie in
formed tbe President that be could otHsin
‘strict recommendation*, * that he bad al
ien led Use Univendy of but* for three
/ear*, and that he i* a ‘whole fouled Re
publican.’ He cloaca with tbe request;
Give me your ideas upon ysur circumstan
ces of ibis eakiog. His ca * was referred
t* one of the departments, and after con
•■illation with tbe diciiooaiy. he add rested
the Secreury In a ktfer tedoraed on tbe
outside by himielf in which be aays: ‘i
take tbo antboritlea ol tbe most humblest
humilities and earnestly ask tor a position
ander your provisions. He thank* the
Secretary In advance ‘kindly and loving,’
and add*, ’please send me your future ex
pectations. I tbiak you tbe greatest in
tbe world to put it upon ti e.’ He con
clades : ‘I will awaits your reply,’ and the
probability fa that be is fill ‘awaiteiug. *—
Watkwfim Star.
Tern faltare In Ocsriia.
In 1851 Dr. A* L. Acee, near Bellevue,
received froua Senator Iverson, at Wash,
iiigton, two d.ftW tea piaAts, oi
which lived sad develops J into vigor oas
hushes. Mr. T. J- Aces Inform* us ths
shrabs art new tan teet high aud twstvs
last ia diameter, and produce an annual
yield ol about seventy-five pounds ot tew
to a bush. Ths IflglaAl eighteen havs ln
e’saved to fifty, hd are now thriving bear
an; hut, swing to imperfect methods ol
cailug the leaves, comparatively little o|
this valuable product ia util feed. Mr. T.
J. Aoee baa kinJty iurnitltsd ns tb* above
facta, wbtofa, wt think, should attraot the
a Use lien of thou jl our population who
ate likely to dsv*jii a fondness (or tea
cnlUire. Tb* obttacle preaeutsd in curing
tb* leave* can not* be readily nvwouuae,
and eartaialy a Mreat advantage will ac
crue irons this cjstar W i.inbaud. j tt onr
people will give |H such small Indotuiet
iutalligsnt cullute aud pertlstonl enter
prise Tbe cultur* requite* but little la
bor, a* the plaalfl grow aud flourish on
most any kdid of* >ll, and under teeaiing
iy lUitavorablo condition*. It i* worth a
trial a; tbe h*udl ol tboce who bav* both
iea laaia and eapaoitr lor such things.—
(TallKit.en RegHt r.
It la Inturestteg lb note the uumbur ol
imiwrtant invention* due In the ingenuity
of pereous wiMMe iccupulhm la/ entirely
cutot the line ol mechanical pursuit*,
Whitney, wb* invented the cuttoo gl
was a school U.chor aud Fulton ol team-
Ivsst fame wa! an artist painter, ns ws* al
so Rsinuel P. % Morse, dlcov*ier of tl e
telegraph. Brindley, the greatest civil en
gineer In K’lfhtad before the. present cen
tury wa* totally deficient Id scientific
training. Arkwright, the Inventor o( tbe
•ptnuiug machine, was a barber; and
Cartwright, the inventor ol the power
loom, wra* A Clergy mao, who had never
even sewn a Weaver at wotk. Roebuck,
(he oiigtnetor of the modern iron mauufac
tuie o( England, was a physician at lilr
mlogliam—gud so the list might liu much
•steaded. ;
A Vkry Foolteh 4|i*o*tloii,
Nulivllls Ameiksn.]
Colonel Q , i.f Bowling Grcvn, Ky.
nude • heavy play against a laro bank
where fin# lunohs* were set st all the
houses, and dumprd over a thousand dol-
Isrs, wlilph completely wa’him out. 11*
rcluc antly laid aside his u etie-piper'' and
lead iwndfi ahd called lor hi* uleak and
oaee. Ihe coloied a lendant hroiiglit tin
required a lkie*, ud, wh ; ls adjusting the
c>ak, politely remarked : ‘Lunch it Just
eady, Colonsl, won I you juay and have
•on a(' ‘’Lunch I” rwaie'd the Colonel,
gilu ting his Uodi and taking a firm glp
on Ida walking stick, Mo you think yo i
fool, that I can eat eleven hundred dollaie
worth of ham and got even V
Not <li Carolina kpant,
Raleigh Lr-t.fir to I’biladsphia Tuner.]
An loiitieuke umber of nuhllc speech. •
a * now beiog urude dally all over to*
B.ate. I went out to'the speaking” >n>-
lerday at Cary's, in .hie, the Uietinpo'l an
vou.dy ol Wake. There weis bat.e'a ol
wliiahv sod liogaheada ol sweat Mu less
than alatveu wen made talk*, short and
long. Tuese weie all caiididalo* lr office.
A light or two in tbe ta of the
th oDg enlivened tbe proceedings, liut
New Ltgbl, where the ’’discurkiuo will
take place so Tbv.aday, is the pet ar< oa
fur oa‘icnfl*. Ooughig is one ol the styles
ol wsriJie lu that locality. When V
aid Beale aimke .bs.e In 1070, eyea weie
*ald to be strewn about the giouod like
‘ rap* hul'e In lha Hcu i|H-rnong aeaaun.
A Detroit girl picked up anew beau the
otuer evraing at churth, an 1 when they
■ cached her Istltet’a gate he accepted her
invitation to go h>. He waa perfumed to
kill, and It wasn’t loug befers tbe musk
reached the beck room la which the old
folk* an;. Tbe old man waa beard (tub
bing siouad, molted.ig and growling, and
presently be opened tbe door and passed
out and walked around the bouse. He
cam* bar k a.ter *ooffing around lor a few
miauloa and pounding oa tbe parlor door,
be euquited, * range! Ids, where’s the piece
of candle 1
I den’t know, lather 7 she Inquired in
There’s a skunk or romethiog or other
under the addition,and I’ve got to bant
him out, or we can’t live here over night’
Tbe young mas didn’t May long after
Commenting upon the Ulk In some tri
be-Republican Journals that tbe n mina-
Uoa ei Giant lor a Iblid turn would be e
noiice i o tbe Boulb to “to* tbe mark,” the
New York Herald aay*: finch language Is
overhearing aad insulting. Tbe Sooth baa
lately shown a patience, composure end
•eU-dJselpline which add a truer glory to
its sacrifice and fortitude In a bad earns ;
and tbe Radical* will make a grave mis
take In policy and la taste If they do not
d**ut Irom each ungenerous inuueodoe*.
Let the past bury the past, aad tbe present
will care lor Itself.
It your coast Hetios Is broken down, or
you find it necessary to purify sad cleanse
tbe blood, me Dr. Bull’* Blood Mixture.
Engtnfid's Fewer It* the IHedii
Nashville American.
Tbe advantageous position of Kuglsod
wiili reference to the Madllterranesn, and
to her trade in Europe and the East and
to het Eastern Empire, ia one ol the moat
woudr rlu! monument* the geniu* ol a great
poople ever erected. While Russia, Irani
ihe days oI Peter the Great, has recogoix
ed (be importance nl the Medliterraneau.
wliils statesmen, philosophical historian*,
have poluted out (bo influence ol Medi
terranean nation* upou the woild’s hiatar)
the pioductivcuew, populousncaa, powei
and wealth the peoples bordering on
that great Inland tea, and while Napoleot
aid France have recognized the impor
tance oi Egypt and 0 nataojlnople, Eng
land hat quietly, lor a ceattEy | ast, made
btieeli completely master of the M -diter
rsbeas. With the lot tret* of Uibrsltar
tbe commands (be entrance, with Malta
Blxty mile* irom Italy and one hundred
miles irom A*rfoa, tbe hs* s distributing
p dot for ship* and troops in tbe very cen
tre ot the Mcditleiraneer, Bhe possessed
s urge pscuntery Interest In the Buez Ca
ns! and ths poit ol Aden, another Gibral
tar near tbs louthsrn extremity of ths Red
Res, thus completely commandfog that tea
aud practically the Bus Canal leading in
fo it. Now, tbe establishes anew point ot
rooceo.raUoD, where she can mass Indian
troops train tiie East, while she may use
Malta as a point ul oouccnlratlou ol En
glish troops. From Cypres she commands
tha sou*hern and lower western const of
Akla Minor, end lie* within en*y reach ol
the Hues Cansi. From the mainland she
i* rcrafpfoysftMd* to the valley of the Eu
phrates and down to the Peislan Uuil, ere
•ting anew and nearer route to ludit.
Cyprus is several hundred miles irjm the
mouth of tbs Dardanelles, but her groat
uavy ud her cl relation* with Uiseco
cnahls her to command that outlet against
any power for m my yean t* come. Thus,
with her powerful navy, gras*, rroourco* o|
men and rnouey aud bsr vast comuierotul
mailne, England Is, In a maritime, com
mercial aud military point ol view, com
plete maaier of the McJiierraueau nnd ot
lu eveiy outlet, while lu Aria Jiluor she
its* become a formidable rival aud barrhr
aga|i.t Russian aggrtrsloe. il is ne wun
der tb wt murmur* arise from ths grsst
Msditsiraresu nation*, Italy and Frsvcu,
on account ol their oommsteial aud tullita
iy luteresU, bul II will bs s matter ol insre
wonder If II amount* to mute "rsu •-
Apeaklrif of the appropriation of tho
rieiiato efflnea by tho ii coming Domocrat
io Hmmte, the Washington coriea|tondaat
of tlie Baltimore Buu say*:
lu regard to the office ol Hecratary ol
■ha Heiiale It was staled to-day by tbe ol Mr. Henry M. WaUerkon, of tk*
Loultvlllo Courier-Journal, that he li a
candidate for tbe |iosltl<in, wnd has already
re e'vad such asauianco* from tbe Demo
erailc Henatoia a* to leave uo doubt ol hi*
election. It Ik general ly understood that
Mr. John H. Thoiiijamii, the preeent Her mt of the If..use of Representa
tives, nor! n warm peraonal friend ol Bcua
tor Thurman, will lw tho eucca*..r ol Mr.
Fiench as t.'ergoanl-at-Arms of the Bonate.
A Oiietiecilcul level, young and enlhu
llaalic, who emg and played for nearly
two huma befuru the houae ol hot la.ty-iove
the oilier cveuii-g. was < lecliia..-j—that la,
slincked—almr a tboit pause, bv a cordial
"Thank you” gracefully pronounced by
the “other ledow,” who ap|>eaiid at the
drawiag-rtenn wilt low.
Gcotge H. Butler was nrlgned in Ibe
Police Court, at Wasbiogion, Friday, lot
I* ceny ol a suit of clothe*, found gul iy, sentenced to a flue of |5, or in de
fault, ct a aboil term in Jail. Up-m appeal
bail could not be raised, aud But'ar was
committed. Ibe a hole affair is tbe result
ol a spue. Duller is a nephew ol Goo
Bsu ’*.
s •sMßowwnffi|gnmMoM
A teacher In (truggllng to make a tough
brained boy urdeteUnd wbat conscience
was, finally ssked: Whet makes you lex 1
bid after you have done wrong f My dad*
dy’e big leather strap, loellugly replied >bs
•°y- _
Tbs latest yam shout lasi railroad Aim*
is to tbs effect that on a certain road •
voang man pat bis bead out ot ibe car
Wiodow to kiss bis girl goodby, when tbe
train pulled out so rapidly tbsi be klsned
an old Africsu lemale at tbe next statUn-
Tbe pufled-up egotist who says a wo
man esnuot do anything so well as a mao
oas never teen ber peck a trunk.
A week solution of ammonia it one of
tbe best lovigoraton of all kinds of
IVwther*a Must net Forget
Dr. NoOrtTs Twtdtlas (Tfothiae Powders) ragu
brtss tb* Bowsl* sod makes Tsssfctsg mmr- to
bias Oats* Ctiolres-lotMlew aad tbs Itssu
.OMspiaMs ot ChlUaso, Ilssi* grupt'eos aad sots
■esaovss sad provsnt* to* formation of Worm*.
No mutter mould bo MOurnt H,
For sale by J. F. Q-TgRRELL A QO
Pleasantly as * fast, agents should ad
d-ert. Fix it, Hakvxt * Uo.
Atlanta, Gs.
Nbw (tools.
it • are glad to inform tbs people o
Meriwether that we ore vow receiving our
Spring Stock of
Whisk will bom b*
completed in every department. Our mot
to will lm aa heretofore Quick Bale* aad
Short Profit*.
All w* atk la for you to giv* si a trial aad
we will gsarai tee you will fa* pfoaead with
<>ur goods and prices. DON’T FAIL to
give us a coll wires you ooms to La
The White
priced MohiMA.
Tkle Is • ssrv Itesiteut watte.** HJa •waN> m&i&z
pouMted* IttiV*ikMekaa^kwP*tew peaCsem
afte a**) aw* nketlt and set tpan MWtM
Do not Bnj Any othor Uten tij
lng tho WSZT&
Prices ani Terns laiß ftiUtet m
Whitm MufiAllll Od*
Ww frvv* Mwvvvrey wrwvp
Established A. D. 1018.
We take ibis method to Inform the -
mm of Moriwotbnr, Tsfbot and adjoining
coosties, that oar agants, having aartifl
caU of agency, will visit you during tho
months of July, Aug. and BtpC to soliait
your orders for trait truss, vines, for
tbe toll delivery of 1878. We request fan
to reserve your order* until yen sen sue
oar pistes representing oar varieties, and
git such Information as oar agent* are pro*
pored to give yoo. Wit GUARANTEE
Our senior JOSHUA LIMDLKY ha.,
l**r tb past fifty years, eegeged in ooiisct
log, proving end selecting fruits; sod ton
bate cow every variety of superior kinds
In tbe world, aud those beet adapted for
tbe south and its different localities.
Don’t be hnmbugged by tree peddlers hat
con e to headquarter* for good fruits.
Those doubting the merits of the Liad
ley Nurseries can bava such doubts ks
oroved by reterrlng to John U. Williams
ot Luibtrvilie, Judge Cunningham ot Al
euts Editor ot VranicATon, J. M. Parnell
Wet Point, and hundreds ot others who.
bans tasted oat trail* to per feet mttofon
lion. Tbankimr Jyou for put patronage
we esk e continuance of setae.
Very Reepectfolly,
Live energetic mea wanted as agents
ibeml eoeamiasiOß gtvae. Address
J. A. Wo in, Nswaao, Gs
L. L. LAWRENCE, Ncwsaa, G*.