The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, August 02, 1878, Image 2

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■ ri'J Propiietor
OftEENVIIXE, FRIDAY, A-if 2. 187 H
-—man ——-
A iit it.* A'firih <>u the
n Lo.*. Sl*) lf| ihr n.iuipg district* I'D
(lie 13 li of Ah uM U lli* l*te*t tlrJ.tuf/
mt% s.
Campbell Mid Coweta (;<jili|l|.f b.V'J Ml
Jetted Bmitb detegaU* l tl.<- Conuwl.up
col var lion , Mail'll *ei>il* Perwua delc
yatra nut Chattahoochee, (lnrru del.-
At JfalibtSMi l**t Bat *r !*y we Unto the
vote* rial at the piiinaiy electron lor T*k
gh and ibpM for HiijiUi urn ait omiiU‘l
fur bin III' Thia 11. ay have to an agreed
upon by tha manipulator* but m bard: f
lair a* to the voter*.
Primus Junes, a* usual, **o'l Ihu first
MW bal* ui cotton Ur market this yer.
IJa ba* taken lli* lead to tli mailer lot
the pari Tour yr.
Hoe. Usury If. Han I* dalivered a at,each
at Hamilton I vat Halurd >y w hich U highly
complimented by ibe ( oluinbii* Tiwite
coi reapondvol. Kveo lb* Cv-‘*
lilcnds w*fe'nf[At*d at M* great poaO
a* no orator.
And Man cllu* Thornton, quail emu, Is
an Indr pendent candidate (■>r emigre** in
aim Atlanta dial reel. Welled ao nco Ia
bird eater In cougis*) M .iculiu* I* ibe
Yfjhi* (cati U*t* made l!s i; -, citeasss -t-
NaW Dlica A HliioV<t|>il, VV.Udi'irg .
.Memphis, Mobile and other i xpo. .1 -point** K runaway. It i) bated tlmt
e.rvfuVliatot'h th* leu Are itiiar end*
Mas. IlLgteifikf icllct ot the l'c Tiiom
as Blalock, Hind at her rt-Mn tn m m
Greenville last fabbeth. The
wa* for a gteet while a worthy ami order
Iy member Ibe Primitive Baptist chui' ii,
bb #o*jlrnl woman amt a*rou* nelgh
inw aft* HU llred '< gimd old age, i.<-
4ng, W* ttptte*A ftbdtd 67 .yeaf* <*!•*.
■ Wi eU.te’e. - "
yno who desire to pslronlte a good
school bp Hire to ***olid! fit* claims ol
Gordon Inalltule, Maruesvllle, fleugi*
This aclfool hte a roptiiatlnn second to
•nor.e in Uih stale. Pro I '. VV.II tVoodel, a
•worthy and toofoMlul teacher in Talbot Vai
ley hrr oMny yean,l* ai* culd with Prof.
LamfafSen. The combination eennot be ex
cello.) In Hi* Stale. Patronise these ac
complis'.iol Ind uctor*.
•on 1 igtej 1
The New T'ttk iNh.Trbll* eMmlivg 10
we a double distilled democrat le paper,
never let* an opptetunlly fiadfol saying a
*eo4 work in beiHtil of Ronoe Oonkilng.
4 may he *yi*d Cook ling’s orgsr..
In Iheee l"Hcf day# some candidate*
aeem l Imagine it to be * qaaimoalimt tor
oa* to porsUUmlly slate thv tftey doslft
place aud paelllon lor the pay sllavho I, or
that some Mi* elsTbs* held the uffioe long
enough. Now, this eort nf tomfoolery
might pas* muter U tha offl :#* were cro
ate I Inf the benefit ol the ofßc lor lu
stendofl r the atlfsaUg* ol ibo people
Thecfitoolery ol some'seeker# lor hfjfh
poslUous l**Mtooihlng when they I. alst
that * tiled public urtrsnl ahall b# turned
tto M-vk* way for them, because, for
gputl., the Incniabhnt has had th* office
long enough. Such pretexts would justify
AJ’foOigato 'b J'M'log '''* ll ‘ t,,pr oul of
the Wiy In orthrr trrcome Into poMMslmt
ol th# famUy eatet*. Itellr f.r Hint an ol
gM akoald remain unfilled, than that it
siiouhl he given, * man who claim he has bet a waiting k ng4luw,t>r, that lie wishea the
place lor Pie Iho Julian belonging
toil. * '
'Tn{TVftnau Herald says:
A Writer In BuhdayVConlluiitoi felvo*
eleven good reasons why Hnrrlr should
not be rt-elevWd to .Con.iwass. id nlwnt
the best ort ’at the whole batch Is, •• that
lie be* beta them long enough.”
A* the article in queetlon was evidently
written by CM W. O.Toggle,olLorange,
mtc think Harris he* been In congress
•Jwt tlx years too long lor the vriltct’a
peace of mind. Trnly, his opponent* arc
aorcly pressed when but ot eleven reasons
against tbt re-election of H urls the l*
he haa hod the ©(Bit long enough. Nj
ihilt tn hla record, extending oter a pc
”tlod of six year* and during an Important
epoch of our kiMOry. No objection to the
wan—no, he must aland aside simply be
came othei parties woof the office. A
meat brilliaut Idea 1 Shade* and
Waabinglon and Moses and Job and
• ’Deuteronomy and other authorities quoted
by brother Tuggle, make at a note of the.
übrel reason.
The Next Cougrcin.
At an evidence of the high estimation in
In which Col. Harris U bold we copy the
following compliment from the Daily New
York Newt:
* We hope our friends throughout Me
United Elites will not overlook the impor
tance©! securing the next House ol Repre
sentatives. The Senate will be Democratic
alter the 4th of March, next, ard the
Home mutt bare a strong working major
ity to co-operate. It I* also rery Impor
tant that the able and experienced mem
brra siall be iwtoracd. We regret to find
jMkin some of the Southern Stxt-s so me
cf tba beet roembeu ol Uapreseat House
ere meeting with oppoeitioa. The South,
|c regain its aucKnt i>ower, must keep itt
g*ila ftr*>;l*te <!. inCooarr* Gana
*l* * e*r< iklly laieredin iu present r|.
uneatenea. We do Ml think one of the
iOMj.bera can he spared, eapeciaily wen
like Harris, Cook and Bell, who, though
without the brilliancy and ahoary qualitß*
ol :**ll and ftet.ben*, hare m /re ftabihty
I ai.T leaffy "more Inffnene*. M . Harris, a.
a a*s*Rljv ml I lie moel in os'nm eruuuit
n-e -ibe Way* nod Me.o1 —leveloped re
inarkab'e ability. HU apt' cii ou Ibe Tar
ill biii wa* one ol 'he a'jta>t delivered in
ibe debate. Hi* talent) and great
ladnaty enabled him lo hand i lbt *i>
jact miih walked and coMf/keou* tiedM
to liiiie.;l and lo hi# aw*fhet.
As tome of ojr t> lend* are quaking <4
hi tiiog on ll.e ieult of the Noveuibtyr
election In UmTib, lire being between
I)r. IM-.on and C<d. (jester,** give ibe dt
tailed vote r.l the la*t ejection In 1876.
Count lee. Dabney. Felton,
8ar10w............62). 2463
Cstooea 523 17#
Chattooga *0;; 4*>4
Cherokee.. *wo (iMMrtMMr 11 Ml
Coi/b .1501 ...1043
Untie, 43 H...., 55
KiojO. 1654 1034
G0rd0n............ 768.......,,,1123
Harralaoo, M't..... ........ 27$
.Murray M't 613
Paulding ....657.62$
1'0ik...... ....... .MAT,............ 1061
Walker I*l6 671
Whitfield Mi 7tr2
Total 10,*#7 TV'lt*
PHtori'a majority, f1.402,
llie Idlic VjKkrhrv In 4irrcn
f 11.
Mr. I hUrr ;
I am amlout t< iftrn*d my
mil Ini toy ftwn *lo, aid - • that I may
l,< (he lull ter ablr to do my duty. • a
ter. tier l , <liUeal moitlnga ought to h<
go at aid) to rtli.ii potion aaa tnywtlt. I
went to the lat one in Greenville, lint I
l.nye doulrla alejut g lig to the n#t 61
1 am a rnodlMt, aenailivn young man
- lor my age—and It ahorka my ne'-
voua ayatcin to liaten U> tlm kind Ol tnlk
which your lb)l two apoakert gaf* u*
them, ll lam to 1m iahjardarl to that
kind of omlory I bad latter not go. In
the ntme < f I'ali lott*m and ol grammar
ami ol decenry I prrdnat galn*l atich
*|w<che*. Our incntlog* ol that kind onglil
t iheaohmda In which W are lrntng
lint we onglil, aa t itUona to know , and—
whiAh nil mil purn ami n ilile lar-u.tiii* are
lielng mado operative aetualltbi*. But thr
iiilonnatlon which (hove two ajieakr t*
gave tta waa poor a*of!.and neither ol tbein
had n elevate 1 tentinvint, on* apidial to
noble, naeifl*h rmntlnn, hut each tacitly
a*attmrd that clflhnea I* the law of Ml
being, ami that It wa a mere (natter ol
conrawdor a mn to want to go to eoegraa
tx c mte It Would lurlhdr hi* .nlflih rmla.
The Mdflah ride ol onr nature W active
enough and Ihc <iieaker who appeal) to It
only,*r pi'omiiieuUy.doo* great bnrm. The
last of UlO two |d’akcra 1 am alluding t<>,
ret giainmar and good Uaie and, I think
It not MO strong to any, decency at defi*
nnure. Such coar*vne * n< ho exhibited li
Insulting to mi audience, lor ihc man
ypeak) to plcnse sml tlacs coarseness b*
cause be thinks that is what the people
like. Mr. Ilairis' speech was n iiisuly,
cur lies', edifying one—ll appealed to the
good and the noble In us, and ten de l to
niake everybody better, and Mr. Persons'
fow remarks wi re happily conceived and
in very good taste.
Would It be too much for us to expect
lu our public spenkrrs a little feeling oi
mural responsibility 7 Would it uot bo
proper lu mats meeting naeml)!ed, lo re
fuse to liiten to a man when his speech
ten da lo viiiate public bikte and lower ptili
lie morale T
Can you give us any asstrranee, Mr. Ed
itor, that it we go lo your next meeting
the orators on that ncckslou will not as
sume tli.vt we are a vulgar herd wh like
host that kind oflalk which Is popular at
cross reads grog, ho, g. X
A Very Viliwiblc History.
The Pictorial History of the World, em
bracing left and authentic accounts ol ev
rry nation of ancient and modem times,
and including a History of the rise and fall
of the Greek and Roman Empires, the
growth of the nations ol Modern Europe,
the Middle Ages, the Crusades, lh Feudal
System, the Reformation, the discovery
aad settlement ol the New World, ctc„
ct;., hy James D. McCabe. Published by
the National Publishing Cos., rt Philadel
phia, Pa, Chicago, 111., Louis, Mo., and
D>ton, Ohio.
It is a well-known tact that the great
mass ot lh people are compelled to rely,
for their knowledge of history, upon the
outline works intended tor the use of
schools, which by Ihtir very nature are
brief aud only designed for the comprehen
sion ot children. There has long been felt
a genuine want ot a more elaborate Ilisto
tory of the World, covering the whole pe
riod irom the creation to the present day,
and presenting in a tuccinct and entertain
ing form tba history of the various nations
ot the world. This demand we arc happy
to say is beiog met in “The Pictorial Ula-
V'ry ot the World* a work which is des
tiued to take the rank as a Standard His
tory. I* is trout the pen ot J ames IX Mc-
Cabe, a well-known historical writer, who
has devoted years of study and research to,
the production ot this ft eat work. The
book it literally what t proteases to be—
a complete History, of the World—far it
AiVra a otenc wad eamoiaa account of every
osQeo that K* ever flourlrhod open Qie
globe. Thsjuatory of each country is re
lated separately, and in the clearest and
must comprehensive manner, and the
Am lew< all thf greet aeterara (be event*
M anekni end modern Aiettoy ere. brought
bclore tUavasJer sa th* ruewr. vivid aty'e-
Aor ieat hut >ry is rekstad la fu 11, aed the
aceocata of the Middle Aj;e, the Crusades,
sad tb* great ruUaco* oi Biodc-u ttose, are
equally complete and Meresting. There
Is tKji a? y jiave in the book It is as far
ciuaUag as a romamaygxd at the nine tune
out- o the ui j*t alu*bie,.#®,'k ot of ieter
euoe ever (jubJulied. Wo *re coastscliy
csklarl opoii to aiwcos* the great questiue*
oi biUNV, au-1 ihe wart and q'saircls <4
the watt ns of the old world requires u* to
bv co..lUiually reficaUiag our hhi'rricaJ
know etitj*. B < tunny diecoverus have re
teuliy been rua c, I o entry ot the eld
ant have been explmtcl * n, i
shown W ij* men* utvlhs and jegeals, that
the eOt/je. t ot lij.tnry May be r od to b* a •
most entirely new, asd he .who *• well
latenued twenty yeaieago rii fimi him-
M i unable to di,course teuil.gibly ujou
h rb.lkal subj.k.u SUV tsn.etl Ur U* te(t
Up svilb the sdvaiict: <4 !<e*(Ch
Tire inechautcal execelhm ot the book
laliy auaUit * lb* high y*poi*< ou of Uie
publisher*. It contain* (gfiO Uri
iloubU-u.iumu page*, sod over 660 hoe
engraving*,iiJ*<fUngJhe eveais record
Cd in the narrative. * hauies ami
other hutoiu *1 aceni-s; portrait* of the
great turn ot ancient and tcadera tun<-*,
ami view* of the principai cite* oi the
wot Id. Tk Cugraviug) in this boo* arc
geiJliM.* WOlk* Ot art, and were made at a
1 os! ol over •26 .(MM! The giaat uoro
her and high ciiaracter of th**e
li.aha IhW the o.oat valuable ait iol|e
Uoa ol the century. A pr<jlocui katii/i
ol iW work Is a tali liiatory of the Ute
W.t Indwren ltu/wU and Turkey
'f his la |i.e a. at Complete and valuable
ilUioiy rtt 'jj: World ever jubu bed, and
(tv price b wj h/w riiat every ,"e can al
ford Ur putchMC a copy, ft I* sol I by
SuiMcrlpthrii only, and Mr. f A t. AI(Ml
OH Aj£t v wh i the autb'.*<? ior
this aCCtIUO, 1* ll <w can Kgs* hrg lot H
.Mr. J.,t,n C. ItsMiitii.n, a sou <4 A 1. st
i!cr Ilatfeil'ou, gives to a oorresja u :< at ol
ihu Phlladvfphia Times fit>• (albetk
im iib r.t of b fulbrr , My l#tl.ri‘ resi
dence was in ll#c',toward ibe ii-rti
o! New York Itisnd fti# law < flb l th*
Cty was ralbcr a shabby affair To* day
before the dwei I w*s sitting fo s l'.'i.,
when, at a slight m< le. I tgrnstl around
and saw ny failrvr In lit* doe/way, stand
lug mfently Ibon' and lot.k ug si ins with
a roost swn l *nd hestitUul elpte* <mi <4
ceuulensuir. It wa. lull of leaderns.and
* lihout sny **f the buflu**) ptw ctipatluu
lie soinctlmca had. J.ibu, he Mid ,*b 11 1
had discovered him, 'won't you com* and
sh*j with me to-night 7 Hi* voico was
frsnk ,as ll he had beau my brother instead
of my lather. T. at night 1 went to bis
tied, aid 111 >be morning very early he
■ sikiiuii u.v, mhl itSixs ixjr hand* In bi*
palms, ail lour hand* i.Xteodeil, be said,
and told no lo rsp*t, tba lord's prayer
tkvciity-llve year* lies* sinew [*s*d ovrr
rny head, and 1 have I rgoiicn many
things,but not that (under • aprrs-i m when
be stood lu.iokl.ig at me in llj* door . nor
ihc prayer t rna! logeliier the murui-.g
t clorc Uie Jus).
Mrs. S therh.—Tbiabloody damn i
f*■!* ited to-tie very aeu amd l*;pv in iKnite.itUry quarters, end get* * >ng
on nh'Ut hslf the work kbe wmld bn re
quired to do at br>n
Ner, according to a letter publi'hcd in
tti Havsimeh Nuws,written by the famous
Ksta herself, in hc ever. require! t > wear
the usual striped garvuc i U ol a con
With her hnsbiml cloae st hand, and
drawing i>etter pay than he ever earned in
his life lieforc, the worn in slayer seetm by
no meins te Ik an object o! sympathy or
The Old Capital say it has bom sug
geilnd that Kate's htwliaod, R>b * Hot hern,
lease her blmself and carry her hark home,
but it is probable that Kate wouldn't lis
ten to surli a proposal.
This is a bad showing for the convict
lease system. It may save the Stvte some
thing and pr >ve highly profitable to the
lessees, but as a puuisbment for crime tba
eipeiiment is wdl nigh worthless. M>d
etate work, Khh good rations under the
tree vault of heaven, and doctors bid and
all expenses paid, mi* lit well be regarded
as a Godsend by the avenge tramp and
vagabond. Where, save in the mem par
tial dureas, is the pnn’shment ?—[Macon
i— e^^a——— ■
Grant's Advice to Bsiuurck.
The Baltimore Gssstte says : The in
dustries B >swell who toadies around
Europe at the heels of Grant and reports
bu goings up and comings down for the
New York Herald, tells ot s thrilling inter
view between Bismarck and oar own
great Roman. The Prince dwelt upon
the ki mines* and tender-heartedness ot the
good old Emperor W illiaui end the malev
olence of the S rdalistf who bad Just at
tempted to dept ive him ot his 111*. Ail
you con do with such people, said Grs ot in
a quiet way, is to kill them. We can fan
cy him scratching a match on bis boot sole
and lighting a cigar In a nonchalant way
after this pleasant remark. Kill them,
says Ulyssoi- Perhaps a plank embody
ing this attractive policy will be inserted
in the platform in 1890.
out OKXiiKrPO# BQQ7B M fSDOEft
top. I Ilk PALL A.ND WINTKff
l llfcllt KA< 'fOlt h A I 111 ItK Uir
rkltt.Hl t IMl’f f Y ItfltKl.
tlir *ol*l 1f J 4 ..a* fhv!r by tkrru are
Daft. i-.J o#. 1.. li.. up,.*,4 aid,
re, *.I- r ...’ ja f ..a o’rtsu. ja- and hr addrej
ue i ! , an lemma- tessf to >•.
1 heir W.ak tr C.u B.t* tty f. . . oo- er>(!e.t
S8 ‘Mifig not ofely m Out 11. ■ iil y p.
Ordinary I *)**<f red, m.l tot aa <> te
fen laiil.* I < lfe sum, y to Ot* f*mt
•/ (ko UttU vn. 1
Will *l*o coiiiifiue to hav ma.fa to <>n
order 1 bore fine ciaas a*wed Shoe* f>*r la
dira,which kava given a>j much aatiahsclim
lor two y*ar peM
Belling rigidly for CASH r kn>p onr
sum k, at all Ibwa. full of asrasWr prwrfs
and UOj>e by corriTf rnjrrrnrnVtt on of in -
11 .lisle vaine <d what *e 1 tier Ur riirrrt a
large l-crea c of bust!) •.
July lllh 1878.
11. N. ELLIS.
State oi OKOBOIA- \ To the Boaorir
M Mwethc: Ceu.-itj. f ble Superior Court
of said ceawty e
The petition ol Nat Teagle, James U.
Croley, Ifllflam H Albright, Dsvfd M
LaaMler and ethers rcvpeciJttliy shoWeth
that your petitioners desire to b* mcrrpj
rated under the name and sty le of “The
L itlKTsvilte Stock Companywith him
bund red doilors stock, paid tu with p'ivi
iegf; is i.'iciea*: it to teu u. juuiJ thM la is.
The ot jocl ol your .* the slrury
and raiaog skick. lor which purpose }Our
peUiioaws pray tuat they may bt
tc-d to exercise In their corporate capacity
thr privilege of having and using a com
mon sea!, to contract aud ire contntcted
with, to sue and be rued, to answer aud be
answered unto, in any and all the tsouitw
of law and equity or this shale, to appriot
such . giters a they may dee u ue Wf),
to make rttch ruies aad regulations as they
may think psroper for their own govern
tuetit, hj j nicisaar, take, hold, receive and
enjoy, such teat state and iwr# nsl f>rop
erty a® may tie necessary to enable said
corporative to carr* into efloct the objects
ot thru taoerpoiatiou , and to have, pus
a.-ss and enjoy, all th; i.ghta piitil r™ ad
tastniiai’tea, incident Ui coip.rat iol oi . ia
Character and deaeri.dion j and your pe
titioners j rsy that Uti ihew jjelHKrti may
he made the order and judgment oi the
c-.rni ■ lid recorded, at. J your paketloner*
a* in duty hound will ever pray. July 26,
Nat f kcui.k,
J ll i-K.iu, Pw#.
tIEOHfJIA r Ordi iy’* Ofli.,* County j July 24iU, 187“
P. H JuSflas lias applied i *; * xcnqi 10
ul liemo sity a 4 Ia i.l jsup ‘U tfi*
tviji at irt . 'cl-<ik A. M uu lL* 14 h Jay
ol A. a lit tit* 1 (l*.hi at, my tin
O M C.
" J DL'l ATE YOt?K lto Gill ARM
Nal. v lie, Turin.
I \*t WARD* ft •KMIN ABY A first
-1 /. - tciaVia-. afe i ciUsblialjrd
sanoot, loe ftegwii so- the Hastk and
luortti Hi !t.r t H 42 giaduatos t'ds Jurie;
18 Uacbn* . S Musk it*, tor a , 2S piano)
organ, harp aod guUa , V re nab rfu keti ;
. a Ighmlrrlilll daily m new bah , h<-*!tii
thr Or.l .te~“ wok) !* tores by V*t>di
blit I'r. A IkSKtil 4 I itr, ti <-
. botaiM?® *o<! <• ENIALCI.IM ATK Gra*i
:. ur .lory building). 5 M.ateiale charges
1 Kjan* Wa ILb year N jd. 2 F and calategie
a.)drea Dr WE. WAIHA
FZg&TUzrjz 'jasstjvsr+z
aaMtew #/ rsaMe-Lg 0 4 TV* Wte
wer mm4# 4-9 wse Mma efMgi || ***omlr
******* m mAvc.w ■--rede s*e J * nlw t ' Bm* m
00 *~mr f>*o *•* Iwa mMw.
•fW* •• ( 4 %M AOr . ■/', r~t~TTti *m| *>
$42% hu, erb O-an,. Kqnare P a-.o), coat
|1 JO6, 'ml) t2**i fbgar.! Cprfgbt PVa
sn,efsW, rmt* fl‘4 N* w stile tip
riebl I laooa fll2 3’>. Orpan* fp.l, O-jrac*
12 aloyw, gTIAf) OiUfcti Organ*, T<s stop*
rost fOTO only 7115 I V?*r t f37S Mir-
TOT T(rtJVgsS oritt flTfi. TANARUS" mi n im.)
•aerifi- *to ctear on* ar.u'k. N’ w
Steam F.dory M*tn to *#• crerfed Near
paper with mneh informatbin sb'. -t rr>ir’
of Pl>*) and Organ*, arnt l<or. Pie .>
address Danir! F*y, W * N
JerPsaetdaei sUn* Os. SAxrcsq, Matt YHt>
LjlyA DAY t.’ Agent* canrassnr to
*D I the Fireside Visit->r, T>r* ar.d
Outfit Free. Addreaa P. O. VICEE V.
Ancuata Maine.
Forßusiceas Puriewes, ours
excei all others in clearness and
vl?volume ot lone, liiue. circular
and tea imurdai* tor % eta. Address 3. H.
HOLCOMB, Ms,leu Creek, Ohio.
The celebrated Merck Truss is the best,
and mat easily adjusted. The prtteure
wm be regulated by the wearer. Bend for
testimonial- from physicians and patients
All interested are invited to call and see
this Trus-s or order one by mail or express.
Address Dr. W. G. Brown f%H Whitehall
at., Atlanta, Ga.
-CLnAUY DISEASES will be seat free
I all applicant--. Address OSCAR G- MgS-
I ES, 18 Cortlaadt Street, New York.
Athens, Ga., Feb. 22,1878-
Sta : My child, five yean o and, hod symptom* ot;
worms. I tried calomel aad the worm leiidaA,
bat tailed tv expo! may worms. Beatac Mr. Bern*
certificate, I got a malaf Wvma UU. aad the firt
doat broagh forty warms aad the samad Sosa
•o maay ware pome* Ididaatcoqat them.
8- H- ADAMS.
Prepared by Ed S nith Lyndon, Athena
Georgia. For Sale by J. E. G. Terrel & C
[ MONEY pleasantly and fast, address Fi*-
I et, Hastet & C ) , Ailaat*. G a
Li ••Tiler U> make a • hange iu my Bur
ners 1 will ,-eli uiy stock (4 Biews, fthne
tlat* and Clothing at ACTUAL
C OUT lor the uext 60 Jays at K 1
Now is Ibo uutc li secure Btrgtia,.
of all kinds ami vi IYLES, ChiWraus If mJ
Sewed Canfie.d’s Gait.ta aud Ls>w Cu
>hoc*s from f.4.5<5 a pair tu $6 75.
Hats! Hats! hats
tr everybody *r UOsjT. Iti ou* wait but
©>me at ouco amhascuie UAROAf 'B
Miles A Son's 18 ihieskl Cloth Gaiter* at
SVOU Z.-Igter lire's Pebble Go**. B’cies
*8 tip
At Puil lj**’ Slid* tHore,
Kat Bide Public Bq 1a e,
WILL be aoitl buinre the court ho >a
d.iur in the I *ll ot GrouavilU
Mi-i, .• s CsaaW)*, ‘ <a., ithm tha legal
to r- ■ ! Ml!. ,1 li Uie 111 -t Imu lay 111 A*'"'"
gbst, 187$, the following )iroi>erty to wit
one hoosi and lot lit the town ot Hrren
vide, msaid coi tpy, tin same being tit*
hoi se an tl>t t- rumiy owned by Al.ner
It■ C away, and ronveyad lie him >
A Sm G. Eloyd, an.) aiMeind . Uie Wot
side of Uie pttbffe tquaie In said towu ol
Cr.onvllt#, sad U>uiuUd a) follow* : <u
'be Noitfi, tjy tlm offll e lot ol George f.
Peavy ; <• ti.e Imidili, by the Wore bowse
lot ol J, 1111 X. hfenontun,, sail
Johw w ihjysj , and <>u the West, by the
hotel lot ol £ Winvliw, tunuerly (1 U)
I low aid , said lot I rmitlng atxnit 81 feme
and iu i.irig back about 81 let Levied
■ o * U<- j.ruj erty of A G. JCnyU m e ot
Ibo .'il nd oils ; tlso, one undivided Unr, •
In tercet in e store or grocery bouse and lot
wMe bhstketnirb IlHoeon in Mi* lowa
•>i Vi.;*, known * town let* Re's *0
n 31 ; and Hiat /or )• <4 town bd No. 7
!• t di' U> *n, Ut-*k.l to J . I. Hwtiulisg by
K. It it s ow, rxtscpl, a vtiip running Amt
and It **t r ightiwm inwtiea td* j said nw
•‘.lvtdod SJfee-lAb't il*te*i IriMlou as tha
!•, et ot >f. P. fflitjotk. one ol Iks *
't ndants. All of tbv above nmaed propei
IV! on to entisfy a A ia Immm Meri
ttii taptkir C erl lahfw of W. 11.
II rr i rtt, s*. A. G fvijd, 1,. U. Blalock
•od 11. P ItferiMik, Wiley M. bua'tlee
traJM'naC. Pioprrly pulatei nut by eaid
iranelrree and pw tie* la i.m n< ti-
Sed ** th* law directs. This July fed
. M. C.
UEtiffUlA I D diiisiy * t"*pe
Mcriw liver C< mdi j July 1| 187 jj.
Wlirvp*. J iHu* C, Norris nn A mial*
tr tor of rhu •?!! r>f Charles C. Harris,
dtti awd, || resent* hr the court that bn
has Sully * m r.bored the estate ol va <1
deceased sod aj.jiiies for letters of •liar.i.-
sioo Imm bis t uet a* said Admmiatrator
I bl* ii tb'-refor* to cits and airnooi.h
*ll c- nceiiKd to C.c thcii objections, II say
bey have, • o or lel ue th* first Monday
In Gctobei next to show <sow why said
Aduilaistrstor should not receive letter* of
distni-ss-Q from bit tr'j*i at Adoiini trs
tor aforeaat 1.
Given umier rny hand aud official signs
lure. Tl.rt, July 1d,1V.8.
O M. 0-
My Wool Cards are now newly clothed
and in fine condition and 1 tb:nk I can
*alely ray that I am prepared to do good
work. I desire" those who favor me with
patronage to wash their wool at one* and
bring it io early ao that I may card and
have it ready when you want it. Don’t
wait utl late when 1 may he crowded and
not have time to do the work promptly
for you. 1 guarantee good rails when
good wool U brought in.
1 nip alii Carding Cotton and making
nicefß -Hv- Bend aad get some and ir J
tin m-
Wool Carding ..lOcupgr Jb. oil
lur* tsked, or J Iks wooE
Cotu n Carding... • >.. eta per th. or
the CjU -
I will sail
S&Ztoo Rolls at 1* cte lb.
Jffy mil! is slsu in good order and seldom
ever th' rt ot water.
Give me a trial,
Yocrs Asr..
LatherviUe, Go.
June 7-3 no.
TO MIKE money
Pleasantly ah ’ hit, agents should od
d-s, Fiv *x, Haevit * t>
* Atlanta. G*