Newspaper Page Text
i" OJJ 2 MY
o*i.T a rcov
Oily a buy with JtU ooi-e aril fun,
The vrle*tmyicvy nrWr iheaia ;
A iifioiNil cf an! wit and g'e*,
A* < vein human Irma can he.
Anri ns hard to. Manage. at -n.ii I air, me 1
’I is hard t ‘i trII,
V|rt w* love I im well.
Only a boy, wlifeb.* f*.aift;l tra<*,
Whe (.a:;But !a- dirvru, bo'. mutt be led ,
Who Imuhlt# llm utlghboiV (Jug# slid
And tear* mor# ch/tbe* and #p>d! u.ort
L'**ev more lo ( . and f.f!*n and bat#,
Titan vvoul 1 atia.k ant .re
¥ot a >*ir or more.
f)n)y a boy, w ith hi# wiM, vtrue.e ways i
With lila Idle lii/tir on trnay d#y*,
WAhb la fjUßii itinark and hit odd re
B*>roetirn fiaiiWli and nmetlrma wfe,
Often brilliant tot ■ tit of h abet,
Asa meteor hurled
From lira plratatil world.
Only a h'y wb* will he a man,
It nature goca no with hrr flrat greet plan,
t( a mar. ir flro, or *r>;o# tala mar*
C roai'tre not to rob a# of this our heir,
Our bleaain/, our In table, our real, our
Our torment, our |oy,
?>nly hoy,
—-f h r.t'il/l n' Walk.
Be ( U't'lHl Vlihil VOU I'll I Ijt
A hoy returned Iroru achool om: day
with a report that lit* acbniataulp h ot In l
en below the uvual avrag. Well, #ld
hi* father, you liar# tallei b#f< it thia
moi.tb, have you 1 Y> t, elr. How id that
happen f Don’t k iow,elr. The father
knew, If Ids sen did not He hud observed
a hnn,lK-ml ol cheap novel# scaliioed
ahoul the horn#, hut ha had not thought 1>
worth wlilla to *#f any thing until u flt
ting oppoHutiky altoold . ff.-r Ibudf, A
basket ol apples af khl upon Mm floor, and
he a*id ; Empty thoae app*< a,and lake lb*
haaket and bring It to m half full ol chip*.
And now, be contkiiKHl, pnt those *p t ,le#
back Into (he tm*kt. When half the ap.
pica were rotilaced, the son said ; Father
they roll off. I ean’l put In any tnom
Put them In, I fed you. Hut, lallier, I
can’t put them In. Put-thein lu I No; of
enune you can't | lit them In. Do jot. e\
pert lu III! a hmket half lull of chloa ami
•lion All It wkh apples 1 You said you
didn't know why yuo tell lieluml at at ho and
and I WHI tell you. Your mb and la 'lke
that baaket ; it will no* hold mtfrh more
than o much ; awl ben* you hare been
the past month lining it up wl'h rubbish -
worthless, cheap novel*. The boy turned
on hla heel, and cvhisthd, and raid:
Wliaw I I ace the point.
winning iti Outing*- mm,
A Washington in<patch ay: It It learn
ed here bom private source* that ltilonml
Revenue Collector E. M. Bray too, ot South
Carolina, will be the Republican candidate
for Coo*.rets In the 1 bird district of that
Blate. lie haa recently been attempting to
reorganise tlo Republican parly, and ln.a
done It by conniving at outrages which
his deputies have committed ou peacelnl
cilia :u* under the gui-e of eniorc mg thr
rereuua lawn. Hla mulatto deputy, lfngli
Cane, now In Jail tor mtir ter, wa* taken to
Bouth Cumllaa by x-Goveinor Moats,
who employed him n* a procurer. Ill*
other deputies have been ol the same char
ade'. Cane la known to have ridden
through the mountainous reglnua 01 Hourh
Carolina, trying to induce the unruly flaw
ol people to evade the revenue laws. It rty
tou Iran Juni applied to Uorhain ol the Na
tional ContniilWe tor easistauoe in the
campaign, and it ia learned that, while he
dor a not hope to succeed, he c x peels to
make oppltal tor the dove district of the
Mhrtb by instlgeliog some 4lwurbanr?s in
Bouth Caroliua in which the litle clubs
are supposed to take part. This la the
whole motive of the movement
Mixed BaMc*
Some liaw ago tbere n > dancing in
ly glvaa to a ceils In neighborhood iu Te\-
end moil of the ladies present had little
babiaa, whose no lay pervcrsi.y required
too much silent ion to permit the mother*
to sujoy Um dance. A uiimber o( gallaut
young mtn volunteered to wind the young
one* while the parent* indulged in an old
Virginia break-down. No aooncr had the
woman left the babies in charge|of tbc uii*-
chievous defile than they stripped the ba
bies, changed their clothoa, giving the ap
parel of one to another. The deuce over,
it aaa time logo home, and the motben
hurriedly took each a baby iu the dress el
Urr own, and alerted, eouio to their homes
tan or flfteeo mtlca < fl, and were fi ou
their way before daylight. But the day
billowing there war a tremeudoue row in
the settlement; mothers discovered that a
single night bad charged the sex of their
habits, observation disclosed physical phe
nomena, Vtd Uen commenced the tallest
female pedeattianiam ; living mi'es apart,
it required two cr three days to nomix the
babiaa. and aa many months to restore the
women to their sweet dispositions. To
thi* 4ag it k uaaato tor any of the baby
mixers te venture into tne neighbor
hood. - Waco litguUr.
A Ul '*: I'OK LIFK.
Idaho Avalanche J
Andy Baker arrived here on baturday
eveitiog With tba nii ! - lie t rnuhee fer
tber particuiare <-f '.he death of <
ii'-Cov t.a:,, the driver, at the hands ol the
niaifiott# Vfge. When‘he tuw the
hand of Indiana making towards him he
wbeefed round lu an ii.etant and put hi*
fonr hot sea or, (he hi I run In the direction
of Dry Crock. It iui a race lot life. Al
though the horaea were the beat Hock on
the road. It could n<,t !ws y;z;tecle*t that
they would uiafiitaitj the ascendency in
•peed with a h< avy load to poU, and the
savagea purauing them on horseback. li t
toe dtivar and hi* paau-nger, knowing the
fat* that s * In store lor then if they tell
into sav ige har d*, pushed along lor a lew
winctea at a light fling rate. The bullet* or
of the purtuhig ravag-a were wbiv/.mg
nf'/untl them thick and fast, f>ut th*y heed
cl them uol. They were appalled, how
ever, at the la< t that the diatauc# was
gta :ua ly hsacning between the pursuers
an l the puritied, bat in title dire emergen
cy ti etr (.00.i.c * rjt 1 not dvaert them.
Ihe demi.uhtc yells of the *avag<- were
now heanl cloac to their rear, 'l’lna di*-
Unct aped over was about fliiee in Ike, and
then a new phase oi the struggle for
life, D was but the wotk of an Instanf to
driver and passenger to Jump from the
ulnae and cut b,a* the leaders, 'I h a they
did, and each man mounliog a hrwre *p<i
onward, leaving the e'age and the utlm
hoisca ln.hltiU, 'l hey now eeni* J In a
lair way to tS4,np< The savage* kepf
right i/ii llt thcui, a*ein!ng not aatue
fhul with the faroty that bail been left
them. Ah ut two in ilea nnd been u.d*
when an unlock'd lor aceldeut ire* urred.
The hmaes acre aliil Carrying all their hai -
liens, and being ridden by the driver stum
lord and lei 1 , lie dhl uot drag the olh<V
horse duwu with him, the boiaes
wi ic sail fci hnnetcJ with the harness a*
w hen auachfl lto the wagon. Tt> h roe
iUdoii hy young Hamilton detached him*
soil, and he was left lo Uo|> up Ihe
ahum l’ ~r M tfutchan had not tlmo h>
get h>s horse up and lie urrl him. To
..a;ci were iliendy uparr him, and t~
itu diMely boy an limit htiltl and lor’urlng
work, k ddug him fry aluw prrwawa aruf mu '
lilsling hia Scaly, One ol his crus aa
gouged out. The flenda t- hi* watch,
tilled Ids p<a;kt. and hit lira rleft ured
ho ly neat hy. The mail rack* on the
nt4o worn aiibscrpinntly cut open, and
their onnrenla rl*her r .printed nr <1
rlrnyed. Hamilton sm pm sued a atuxt
distance, but the chare was given <i| . lit
ran his horn, scvrral miles further, taikh.g
pi 11. sagi—ln n-h. A han—opine Un—Li- s
IJiOck the sank from e*bwullon
ilau.llton inado M# way on loot to Dry
(jicek ft etlon.
What hideous days llimui wmer when
pli.nt.ition manner* ruled the lions* ol
llepiesauiaitvus nod slave urivcri hectored
In Hie Her ate I Con. reaa wa an aiaenal ot
kuivoa, tevolvcrv, and loaded r:ne\e.d Ihr
pursuit ol politics wav a I matt sa dangerous
an a Booth American revolution. The type
of a Democratic aUtoaiuaii was a long
haired lellow dentally wearing and drink
.ng, cursing Northern mud- il’a, and row
ing that he would cut lb liver out of any
body wbo said ho was not a gentleman.
At home he dispensed a lavish and barbar
ic hospitality in a house very ranch out ol
repair, mrrottndcd by squalid slave evidn*
and approached by ruinous roads. fUs
crops wi ra always mortgaged to his lec
tors ; lie sold a U'ggcr now and then when
he must have ready cash ; an-l he da raced
every creditor who asked him to pay hi
debt--. He was uneducated; he cared
nothing lor looks ; lie knew nothing ot tin
world ireyood his own botia -n ; Its re id
nothing except some fire-eating newspa
per like the Charls-ton Mrrrury, in vrlrhh
"Publius Agric da" and other ted I oria per
sons dl-oiiaaed (ndiiic* and atta ked poll
ticiau. In aasvrak imitation of the style o!
Junius. From the mi let of hla dog* *n ’
IroracK and slave-driver*, he went to vr asl
iugton with the air of a ruffianly harm,and
so, fighting duels, and diinking brandy, he
sw aggcied through Iris noisy career, unril
suddeuiy the war came, the count-y woke
up, ard the rightmare was over.— A. F.
Yee, bul lie didn’t steal, nor lie, nor
swindle the government, nor perjure bin -
self. He didn't set up ail night contriving
plana to rob the treasury, and when caught
on dear Or to lie out ot it. He didn’t get op
rinye, and plots, and plana to fill hie pock
ets in the name ol religion, and morality
and troedom. He administered the govern
ment lor seventy year* with honor to him
self, to the advancement of ail its interests,
and made it leered sud respected wherever
the flag floated. He gave tt up to your
crowd rich, honored urd lree. What you
have made it Uto world knows and jpathes.
History will balance the nooks impartially,
and decide whether Southern swearing
and drluking, or Radical praying, stealing
and lying hare most smirched the national
lame and dishonored the American people.
—Macjn TcUgraph.
That the sun’s rays are > apable of Wind
ing fires which sometimes destroy raige
•mount* ef property waa fully demofcstra
ted a few daya aince In a town in Vermont.
A bouts was aet on fire by the rays ot the
sun tailing upon several new milk cans io
the yard and beta? reflected upon the
clapboards of the house. An experiment
eras afterward made with the cans,.by al
lowing the rays of the sun to be refected
oa pieces of doth. The result was the:
the cloth was burned to ashes in a abort
J.afraasoK, April le7fS.
Da. 1 A HnOSiM -TV Mater** Helm bt
lluarA prescribed for my UUieaUrer wtsi was sal
lvne.% v*r/ loach from "Potson Oak" sa epody
relief. Two ippUeafioea earadd ker. Tuan, Ac
* c. u RiJias-
Prepared by T. ft. IVaAfkid, LaOrange
f>a. For Mie by J. B. O- Terrell <fc Cos.
Heard Cos., Ga, ti*f U), lets
ha T. 8. ffrauftsuf i fraar B*(—f an* tc u(
fern's fhthu I hungiit trow yvti retMUbJ, tot as an
tlUoU tor Ire* Wings with hnsevllata rsiief. I
want jot i to pat uoytt *<an let twillf aao
lUtiMtlohj iOUK AD A me.
Piejiared by T. H. Hr&dfield, UOrtafV,
'da. For sale by i. iL G, Tctrell A Cos.
A few w.aie cwe* ittvsy Grade at fHi to
|IA jier head.
be vers I Lariitn of the French Merino
•tuck Hall Burod at ffi each. aL O, too.e
Hhepherd Doga, Htock , Engiiab Drorer,
prior: !•> eacrn
Any |<er#oo to bn prove their
sb/ck Ac., from Cue lUtrod at low figures
ran ao so by sp, lying la at U Button
Jum7 sa.
ftlfOF.ft HlffrßA bHOEb
(,wih-s Mi-s.-r Cent# ar.<! fbiyt bhoea
price* t o an It the tfn,e at,
f throaty I. u< fH7fi, <1 Mnlwetlter ft..p*
r lot tfonrt, that* of (>< orgia,
11 ap| mart eg to the Coort tht A. D
Hi m e ami K hard H. Mark#, gne tiloraof
the Wilt et HltUafd T. Marks, dw tased,
ibn rfte*deiite in this c*a do act rc*i4 in
said cr.naty i‘| MeHwatber by lb rtlorn*
of the Howrtrt, and it to ihm app*.arli.g that
lli'.y do nut reside m said Plate, If I
ihnf le w'tnied anid tir-Cr and
IliCbard M- Marks be aiul ' Ppcaf at lire
in at Uim oi tbi# eou.t to tbow cam* I
any tttcy have why they ah 00.4 ■< he
tnmle |i th-a debudalit* a Kr*r* ator.
hl, and that wstvt;■ tin effected by pilbii
calf'.* of tin* order fo the Visirn;at-.. *
pohllo gaMtte, puWtsbe i b> said noun y
Ii lour mouths mat p.-ci•• lh>g ho n**t
term if U4* -ourc
Hy the C ui t.
IlUdll toUCIUMA?*.
j.y. a a c.
Oco. f, fVavy an 1
f.s Vt \\ ’Uley, l
t’talotifl’i Attya )
! hereby certify that th* aboVo U a Ifte
egtiaci front the mhiiites ol M rlwelher
bupct'oi Conn. This .tp*il 10th, IS7H.
—W. H. K KI.I.KH.
O ft O.
Atlanta, (J*.
Don’t target to atop at the strove nature
Han*.' when yon gu to Atlanta. 1 guaran
tee avlisfaciloti to every reasonable persons
and chitra only
OWE DOLLAR per day
Atlanta Fauor
** Atlanta Übomia.
ALL Siiea and Weights
Address JAB- ORMOND, Proprietor.
Keler to IhU issue as a Specimen of h s
a per
The Or gnu %T*sr.—A 144 Ib.hhet
If any man insults your cnam. n sense
by oflei tag a first class 8 Stop Organ tor
|65, "Shoot hkn on Jbe spot," All necea
i.y fur baying such inferior Organa for
ever dune away with. SIOO, Cash, or sllO
on Easy Terms, now buys a magnilWnt
Ms* on Hamlia Parlor or Church Organ
with Four Set* Retd* and Ha Mbps hi Kle
gantNew Style Case * ith iUmmut&d
Panel* Handaouua*. Style of Ones ever
produced.—Special Offer te iat rod nee this
new Style.—Sent on trial—Guaranteed
for a life lime.—Rented until paid for.—
Other new style* brat out—l.taetratod cat
logut** free.—Address LDQfjtEN A
BATES, Bavannab, Oa., Maotuacturer'a
Wholesale Ageoia for the booth.
Smith'* Worm OU,
Athens, Oa., Dec. $, 1877.
A few Bight* slats, I save my ssa eea 4oat of
the Worn OU, aad aazt day ha paaMd Wxtaee
larxe vutru. At Um aaaaa time I Zava one deae to
my tit:te girl lodt yearn old, aad aka ward Ft
warms from 413 tacbea long,
W, V. KILUn.
Prepared by Dr. E’d Her lib Lyndon.
Athens, Georgia. For Sale by J. E. G
Meriwether County, j Ord : uary's Office.
On the first Monde) la Asgnat next, I
will apply to the Honorable Court of Or
dinary In and for said County far leave to
stil til the lands belonging to Ike estate of
Jobnaoo Freeman, deoeased, This July
Ist 1878.
Of great sruportaoce to every one
jug c: parchaeliing a Piano or an
Piaaw L OrgaS
At Manufacturer* Price*.
And save comm iwicns. We are now awl
og Pianua and Organa direct to purchaser a
ftl.ONa f'*n at Macnfactirer*i Facto*y
Piker, then fry gi*'mg to porebaaera the
large ojwnmiaeioct beretofore paid Agent#
fur • dog. From V) Vi 10f h aqtutliy
Mrel in the purr base of an ioaturaeot an
<Utt this ur* *yetem. Wrtf* for Uiaontef
Catalogue* and foil partjc'sfwa.
See These Prices :
|*|t aaVVINE -thsHcwoud, 7 Octovc, AlOtt
riltlvu . art-a fwy* AH lSs*i*t#* * *
OmttU r-n. **:! t roM. sad (Uiwld Cm
groal vetasMi ■ n>*- Fr< i fusvabt* lb Kara.
Df AWfHtablMUtu dims. lua*. *AIA
riAJnU® u-esu rum Msksrs
reputafiun. Perfect in Tune and Action
Ooud for a Hfetiare of a tuaf aervlce
fttoui aid Cov.r with each, ami fully
giiaranimwi. Lh/n ; think the** Plan <# are
Inlanor treesUM *w cbep. We iiuu*t <it
cstv# putUiasef* hy jdtuendlug thst they
are “&JD end 3Wi D.sirumci.U, 1 ' Th*
HelS Mail*, e'C , but ws do aay with
out t':*-;d|-d., they are GO*rf> sad I'.LLi
Huy then* amt lea# nut, m* harm (Mr met
tu Handsome Canes.
-t-**cfava, only 4<*
4 Hlitpi, <1)1/ M
9 Slop*, • iy 97
> Steps, only 90
9 Mfopv, only 80
19 Stops. only 73
7 Stop*. 100
5 Stop*, 110
All InvttumrnU we sell are Ir -m oU and
reliable maker*, who e reputation m a
guarantee el their e xrel’crce, porcha*
cr have a choice from seven n! the le*t (
makera known. Kvevy Instrument fuiiy
g taran'eed. No humbug or misre rwaen
utlion—fair and SQUARE DEALING.
BE NOT DF.CKIVKD by the swindtiag
e ivfrtlsements of Northers Pretended
Manufacturers, offering 430 dollar Pianos
for 173 dollars, and 970 dollar Organs for
to Jollar*. We say openly, that SUCH
struments are set wrt!i one-third the
l>rioe. We, or any reputable dealer, can
sell as good, or better, for the seme mon
cst in the end, end there is no economy hi
tbeir par chase- Pay a fair price, and g
something aood—that will last a iitetim
and grow better every year.
and Organs sent on trial for fifteen days
We pay freight both weys if they are not
perfectly satisfactory.
OUR LAST WORD.—Before sending
North for losirumenie, write us for OUR
BPSGiAL OFFERS eed Circulars, Ex
posing Frauds ana Imposition, practiced
by Northern priend*d Mannfactnrere aad
unscrupulous Dealers.
r-avannah, Go.
m-risnot easily earned in these
I times, but it can be made in
three months by any oaa of either sex, in
any part oi the country who is willing to
work steadily l the esppkiymeat that we
nyroi st M per week-fn your own town.
You need not be awey from borne over
night. Y(-u can give your whole time to
the work, or only your spare moment*.
We have agent* who rre making ower S2O
per day. Ail who engage at once can
make money fast. At the present time
money cannot be made so easily sad rap
idly at any other business. Term* and S
oatfit > i’7?A£ Address at once,
H. Ballet A
< P®r Band, Main
Cigars? racking and
Chewing Tobacco Call at
| FT R N I T XJ R JB !
or jk
Nownan, Cxa*
Head j Q J Prices below :
Bow ii' tl Mils (5 00 igf
Beautiful Full Mai b.e Huau Suit 155.00 and OfiuOft
Heautitui Quarmi Marble Bureau Bull# $35.00 a< and S4O 00
Beautiful Walnut Suita (nc marble) %AoXlil and M 9.00
BeanUtul Full Marb'e Bureaus (Walnut) $20.00, $254)0 audsso.6s
Cane B. tWat Cbaira— per set * f 6.00 and upward
Cau* Bottom Kockeia—ends $24)0 and upward
Fancy Wain at TaLln* SIOO and upward
Walnut Bedstead* $74)0, (LOG, slo4>o ar.d upward
ft'ilecdW Spring Beds.only $3 CO
Splendid Woven Wire Mai!rmat a $12.00
Wardrub al' in SIO.W) to sßo4*o
B*l r# fiOO, 5 00, 800 and sl*.oo
LUi-'iii'w I'n.k* v fl 10 per foot
Cuaam Cnairv—per act <4.00 and upward
Fancy Vt ainut Chain Table* on.y fl.o#
Hook Ste ve* 1 of. Tuilet Cam* I M each, Tl.rve for *9 •'!. Wal
IV acta UkacAcU (side and corner>. pjeurea, and Picture Flame* on band and mad#
touidcva! fow price*. '
la. Som m tot tiM to boy FUK HI TUBE, and IHOHPBO-N BKOTHKHH
• *..
Nr w*k, O* , tke place. )!• e*i Good# aid Frpiare Dealing.
Metallic nnd Wood Jdurinl cases
K-p* c. mat aaiiy oa baed. fyrdcra foe atfoadwd tn fft any hour day or nigb
March 15. 1878. THOMPftOM HKoTHF.Kft.
ISmßifcil j-y ifettiif w
It Sells the Easiest and always Satisfies.
AGENTS we auk yon to try it, and oflVr yon *p*rial
Indncr>m*>nt. Boml for Circular & Priced to
ITT W. Frth Si#| Olmlbmllj #•
I*. C . JrEBIJYGEM, *VMfer.
BaniMTilla, Gtd
c lebrated school.
Cordon InatUate often superior inducements to parents desiring to educate tMr ton a
cd daughter*. It baa at! the Modern app ISO IBlitße, and a fecor**
m ancoeesfiri teaching coparallded tat T Mata Its music department to
W Prof- Of bargee, vrfe bee no —pc t r aad but tew equate in hla gr fwMaa
Barneavilta ia the naoet OBterprWwg ci ea tbeXacoo aad Weaten Batoned. ajd
To it ion til AO to $19.50 per,Term. • t art f10.00.t0 15 00 per month.
For catalog** containing fall inlarma i> n >ddr*w a
8-24-ly Ewri.esvide, JjCrp*.
*. BoWABO. . WOOD, * WM. POW|£t
eof Jordm ft Howwd. wltaCoxkUUl
K' '
A.lanta, G<ortt ia