Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County vincLicatbt
C ffceSciHh vie of the Court Fh.—
ORDINARY A >. li*. ton
SHERIFF <3V&. fWenu
CLERK S. C W. U Kelci
TRE.v&URER 0. J Ainli.mj
SURVEYOR <>, F. Matthews
CORONER. Johnß. Junto
R. A. CUutiii, Anon Hbley,
C. J. Reeves, *>• B. Buchanan,
Alien B? W*V'mh
Jobu W. Fork, W.J. lWne
Reeves, H. A- I’arker
A- 11. Freeman, Bee.
SENATOR 86li .District, K. M 1-uneau
K J. Willi un**, C. W. William#
Attorney at law
St ■ ÜBaJUtVIhUt, O A
Will i racth-e In Meriwether sud Hus ad
, /
* nuliig cousins.
A. 11. I- i.E MAN
At turn by a i law, l*A
All Uu.iwf *. toUDated lu Ut *#*e A-teue*
ol to promptly and Uillfl'lUy.
WtUtkAVl.d UO
yy til |'i atuct in. MerE* ether and Hi*
count t* eoi,ijH‘#.aM U.t Cow* ta CitCUl*.
A, w. f , UV 0, If. D. B
i j evident deni .isr
TilUif Ud . AH IVoik warranted-
hb it * 7 —7 7 :- —: —s 4f A
U A VINO been u lively U lb*
Piutuow id Denial ftmgruy
Use leal <*' y <;<•(*, 1 I***l *.W|eliil l*f ■***
all kind* of D> utai wutk in Ik* vWy h* SI
► iyleoi tlie Ait, and l .oiieiUTW
g* uf Ike It o! Atui>wcl.)C count),
a**urltig all bo mo that they
ahU lave ibe it-*/ but a*) .out am
lof little O *m* >a* would bo *.l) algid by
# ,ij ti'iai tin. t Dei. I**l I*. lit state. Col
ceiifbuUeuoe by mail promptly ausw* ten.
DR. L. R. i Elti.EU ,
. PiKublda Pi*de##oal r*i vices In
\ J Ibe l'uluic- Oibte m b lr.s Utne*
Di J. E. li. Tenell a* lUt D u< Bl*e.
DU. E R. *M HON V,
UFKKIiM Ids If b-ab.i a‘ Mlvl * M U
lAt til i* 3<i (Tree . v.l i arid IB init)
tJTO UetalJ. E. Tenell A CL
Dm* Ntere
1 UK
tX LuO: Georgia.
r I AH r t)W, and wlil keep always on
.1 1 hai a at bis oi 4 Uo<) Las; *• e ol
U,e pubik iquare, go* <1 and
iWti I log, ol put 01,
nr gold bod bILYBK Hatches.
Bleu. biid fdy - *index*, ol ike best snake
Bpiendi Gold sod hilver Watch Chaims.
of ell bizts, n.alters and prices
Gold Pens and ail kinds of boldeis ; Gold
tilm A keel Spectacles & Kye-Ulasses,
Silver Plate W are
ol all tines and styler.
Pocket, Table Cutlery, and Raz n
by tU* very renown‘d maker*, —Joseph
Kotigei* and George Wustentaoims.
1 an ttili ruling ah g'rodt m toy line
Too many uti ns ot Meriwether and ad counllea have letted my wo k to
require a werd from roe as to the charac
ter ol H. 1 will, however warrant all u.
wark, k properly used, aa 1 bare always
respectfully atk a continuance of
the patronage I hare received from my
friends in Meriwether.
.Hblheri tiu; nu Hi att,
Aad N jwdr ekSld vita Or. Mofcu'a Trethtes
(Tratatwg Pewdo-F/. Teethloa Aagniatea tee
Scnlt wd all's TeetKo£aa tj ; Cam Cbutnw
lclutws aad the lons CeupUAnta <fchildren;
Heals Xrwpuoi. sad Boras ; Banovas sad
Uw formation ot Worms. Ho matin n ever re
ceire4 *'h eatkasiaaiic comruendatiot ttom tkoee
who hara used it.
For ta eby I>r. J. E. G Temli&Cc.
nit Of W iimi'it.
The rniUitoi women, whit are they ?
The right to laoor, love and pray.
Toe right lo weep when other* w eep,
The right U* wake when other* sleep.
The light to dry the falhug tear,
The right to quell the rising fear ,
The light to tmioothfl the brow ol care.
And whisper comfort to despair.
The right to watch the parting breath,
T > soothe and cheer the bed ol death.
The right when earthly hopes all lull,
To point to that wHbinthe vail.
The rLht the wanderer lo reclaim,
And win tue lot m m paths ol shame ,
The right t, comfort and to bless
The widow aud ll*e la i her less.
The right the little on* a to guide,
lu simple (anil to Him who dial;
\Vith earnest love and geuUe praise
To tless and cheer their youthful .lays-
The right to live for those w t love,
The tight to die that love to prove ;
The rigut to brighten earthly homes
With p.e.*sa*,t viuiies aud gen;*e t*mes.
Are these thy rtshts ? then use them well ;
Tuy silent i li ieime u me can tell ;
ii U*ee au- thine why ask lor more
Thou has * nough t * answer lor,
A lii’"DAM> D Dl if-i TAUKM
• Bullkia's wile rushed into Mrs. Clayton’s
mitiiuary l**r an.l pant twenty-five dol
lata caah tor anew stylo spring bonnet
She wore It home U) stirpri e Snllktu*
She di*l when she to and him what she paid
tor P. i! and Stnlly didu’l like it ; so. like a
good loving and obedient w ile, site lei him
tike it back t*> eiotiangc for one that would
pie*aae bbn. lie bought *>■ e lor lour *l*)
lars and hal tweuiy-one returned to him,
and went home wiili his purchase. Mrs
K .ilkitls, With her lae torn out ol shape
with smileal 01 welcome, uwd her eye#
glowing w ith i s|si tll*m like a pair id \\y
verUd now in kjus, rushed out to vboi't
T heie, my dear, is one 1 paid tony dol
lars tor, just to keep oW Mrs. Knickers
bom getting it.
Hire puts it oivy hsik* iu tho milsr lot
five minutes flud tuius lo Mr. H with a
smile, and atilt# i
JK do I look 1 4
Iteuutilui C isr uiug t You look twen
ty yeas *yo ingHi in that thau you did In
the oilier.
But Hi is cost nearly tie as much
the one I iwde* ted, and slie put her arm#
.round Ins tuck and kisiwsi him
Such a kiss he had*.'l got in twrut*
jesis. Hhe woie it to churen Buutlay.
Mhe naked Hnd. when Uiey eame home it
i, n tit ail *il the worn u turning up tin u
noMM as aim want in f
Buify tool tier they woie 'j* u!ona of hc-t
new bonnet, hut be ha# IK* I*7 told her that
it coal Uu*. four dollais uu I that hv ha 21 dollars.
Huilkins, wiien you have rea 1 lids, rush
for a divor* ,or you are a dead mau. Wt
nad to le 1 It.
The Order ollhe Garurr, with which
Beat on'fl Id ha> ju t been inreeUd by tie
(*i ee, is ihe oldest and highest ol the
bnghab orders ol km blboo-l, and one ol
the ihe utosl i Imtrlou# in Europe. It a
bivtjtutcd by Edward 111 about lire hun
dred and tbir'y yetr* ago, anti to become *
member of it has been the highest ambi
tion of British f'aUWnen and wa-riore.
The nu-miierabip Is limited to twenty-five
uoblea ol Great Britain, iu addition to tin
honorary members, who are ol the royal
family ot European sovereigns, and the va
cancy caused by the recent death ol Earl
Kami! enabled the CJ reen at once to be
stow this liigb oiatiuciion u[**n her cl H
representative at Berlin- i'eibaps there b
no aucb brotfieib -od of rank and nobility
in Ibe worid as this narrow circle o!
knighthood, and tor the grandson ol s
Jewish trader to have won his way ini'
ecta a sock!/ is one of the moat remarka
ble achievements ol our age. The people of
England are ready to bestow wealth, office
and title upon whosoever does the nation
good service, but tbe Osrter is an lio*o/
hitherto reserved from the common prizes
ol ambition. It m oolf when Biilish grat
ifude becomes (wcuiiarly effusive and seeks
the most extravagant method ol expieas
ing its satieiacli' n thst ibe Garter is given
Bam iel W illiamsyiithe time ol bis death
the ohles* printer ia the Btate of New
York, duxl at Kondont, on June 28d, aged
ligfitj-nioe years. Tbortow Weed was
a journeyman prlnler in 1815 on the A’.-
i/any Argus witii Mr. Williams, who was
t got 4 workman, industrious, tewf-erste,
and, what is too rare among printers now,
as it was then, he was saving- Fifty years
ago Mr. Williams rear rved to Dialer Coun
ty, and waa ©eg P ,stmaster at Koudout
He was an inumata friend of Mr. Weed,
sod although they rarely met each other,
they, since 1815, kept up a frccdly corres
pondence. He was ao enthusiast in tbe
business. When it was proposed in 187*
that each printer in tbe Btate of New York
should do a set amount ol composing at
the case as a coLtnbutioß to a monument
tor II < race Greeiy’s tomb in Greenwood
Cemetery, Mr. Wil iama put on an apron
*d went to work, completing the full
an.o.unt stipulate-’
Atlanta Coustiunion J
h'Aitjr* ibntitution ; The air is liot and
dry. Tlie blanches are getting low. ’ The
cuu U eurlinjt in the blades. The njilU
gii id a attic In tlie morning and then wait
■or the ponds D flit. The locust is tingin’
p ircliln’tune. Summer dies k ep the
wagtails busy, and a ! na'.wrc gtirea sia
1 a coinin’ drought. I don't like this, but
oil trym’ to tie resigned. IL tore I tu-no l
l inner tmeh weather didu’t concern me
much il I could find a cool retreat,hut u**w
1 leslue how dependent mankind ir upoi
itm farm, and the farmer upon Vrnvldence
The truth fa, Its a precai wus business uli
round, and t sometimes Catch myself s
w ishm’l was rich or had sorter ot side
allow to my circus
A sorry tarmcr on a sorry fsrm Is a sor
ry s|iee.tacte. A good farmer on poor laud
and a |kj r hiroicr on good land are ptirly
well tislauceil, and can scratch along if thr
a a sons tiit ; hut I reckon a smart and dll'*
gent man, with go*nl laud to back him U
ab ut * secure against tho shifiln' peri s
oi this Hie as anybody can l*e , and thou it
a man could luve beside* a low thousand
dollais invested in stocks ami draw the In
terest t a ice n year, he ought to be as hap
py as subloonary things can make blut.
Tiieo you see ho could send oil his chi’,
d.en to sell ml, and visit his Ills, and go to
Atlinia, aud keep a cook mid a top buggy,
a id lay in so no chancy ware aud a caipel
lor the old woman ami a now bonnet and
uni ear rings lor the girls, and have a Hitin
missionary money 1011. 11 tlie drought or
thoaimy worm or tho caterpillar cortie
along In would have somethin.! ,R 1 lull
hack on end make him always.-T el calm
in *1 < recti. I think 1 would like that
wi uldeiit you, a *1 1 iccio u theie ainl no
haiui in prayiii tordt >*s Agor did when he
said 'give mo twTtl er poverty or riche'.”
Most every a plrln man I knew ol lu
tlie town's end cltms Is lookia lurwaid to
ibis bl'M’.e I statu. Tmjy w ik and loti
• nit twist amt dodge iu and dodge out
aiddo a thousand liitle Rungs they are
sutler aaltsme ot, with a view at the lat
ol settling d*>Wii on some g*Kid (arm with
creeks and springs sod meadows and
mills and tine cattle, and windiu up a
per pin lii lilc iu peare with mankind and
Communion with honest nature. No am
bitions man becomes lost to such pleasant
hope* 4s (hew, ami the moiu liouh’e lio
ha* (he mure he longs tor li, for its iilhiul
the iUUinol way 1 know ol to gut time to
repent and make pi operation lor shtifßiig
•-If (hf> morlal coll. Bit to a l l such the
nitaUu liivestment I* hiligly nocesaary.
Even Beeecher CuulJaut gut along wltli
otil It - for tliure am a thousand iltllu leaks
pi inrinlfi that a man without experience
- ant stop ami without capital c>ui remedy,
V by. only this morn In one of my hoys
was -lilvin across a b i lge an 1 the mole
J; pot uio < red 'it hi* kliadow ami shoved
l out over on the hand rail and It broke,
and he lull in the creek and dragged J m
*|th him and I lie waggon t"o and bloke
the longue ail tc pieces, mid tiio houu’i and
the 'isiuis and the liarness and the driver,
-mil both the mule* set into klckhi with
he front end ol the waggon on top of em
ntt'i tilt: hied end Up on the biidge and
you "mid have beard the reck'd for two
miles without a telephone, arid the gills
ran and screamed and the old omati lain -
ed every step ol tbe w-<y, for Uu said aim
knoweil f'aul was killed as he tell, and
kick'd to deth by the mules and drowned
afterwards, and It b*ok two hours to clear
die wieck and restore tbe wounded aud
jiasDily ihe women and gel everything once
more cairn aud seroca. Now you sue, Mr,
Eli’.ur, there’s some uuloreaeeu damages
to pty aud notiody to pay cm, and all we
can do is to charge it up to the mule I
dp think that we tanners ought to bav e
some protection agin the like of this, and
I waul Luster Vo introduce a bill the next
•es*lon, lor they’ve been proVacllu nmtfi
em manufactures for 75 years snd ueg-
J< cling agriculture, which is the very sub
sile of s cation’s pros(>erity. Wlrar sur—
wbar would the nation Ire If til we farm
ers was to strike io< higher wage* and do
nothin tor a single year ! Echo answers
wharf We mud have be’ter prices for
•ur truck, calico has crime down sbout
rl(,ht, but sugar and coffee and rice and to
bacco and shoes and taxes aud woikiu tbe
roads is in tbe lime old boles purty moch,
and we can’t keep ereujwitb cotttn at 8
cents and coin at 30, and no market at all
potatoes and beaus sno horse apples and
tomattces and tkb- 1 woodtr if our law
maker* who can save a Bute eomUn’t fix
■ip an arranginent that would give every
body a guodprwe tor what they bad to sell
and put everything down low that we bad
to hay, and then abolish taxes an 1
work tbe roads with the chain gang, and
let the bell punch run tbe government,
ouch a law would give universal satiaUc,
tieo and immortalize IU author. 11 any.
bod/ can fix it up 1 know that Luster can.
We want it lor thb Congressional district
anyhow, for we are now Ukic’ silver at
par aad spend iu’ it at Vi cents in the doi
iajymd nobody knows who done it or how
it come so. There’s somethin’ wrong about
that silver bill shore, aad Luster must tec
tily it next December, i know ha can do
H. 1 thought the/ was a braggin’ that
ibe/ bad made silver as good as gold, but
iu worse than greenbacks, tod when I
bear mea boasting that the/ done more
Dan anybody elaa to pats it, 1 think they
ought to come toi ward and pay the d
co uu* Don’t you? Bilftr has been the
s andard et@f since the Queen ol Sheba |
t adi and with Solomon, and it oughtenl to t
b ■ di-honarsd oaw ju>t lo please a lew)
bankers amEespiUlisU who are gatin' to |
much ol it they have to htul it about In
wagons Mid pay freight an I damag*. Wo
iaimeis can tote shout all we gel hold ol
without incntmniciicu, and it!, oks a lio*p
more like good money than greenbacks
which re csmtluual reminders of tlie wa
debt and Tdtoliw.s to yankce soldiers an
nou-tasaWa led* and the shoddy aristoc
racy who |y! rich oil ol our misfortunes.
Whoa wegh c a Remocia'io Congress, 1
want the whole gieen concern abolished,
ami it the CfoVernmetU Issues any p iper
money at att We’ll start auow wiili Couted
crate grey. Yours,
Bii.t, Aup.^"
- m ■
Udlrl fongriMialomtl Pios
Interview with Congressman F.Btor lu
Cleveland Herald.]
What a'..out the o<)ngreesiimt,l districts f
(Mr. Kovter’s podthm on the Republican
Congressional Committee makes him woil
Inloimcd on this point.)
In Ohio wa me sur of only six, .Rut we
shall probably cariy eight. Of those coun
ted on by the Democrats e shall contest,
with fail proejHscls ul success, the two Cin
cinnati districts, tlifrAibeue district, Tom
Ewing’s liialricL an I .McKinley’s.
Have we a chance for the next House 1
Oh, yet. We hope to gain a member ii.
Now 'Hampshire, one iu Massachusetts,
one In CoancUout, three in Now York,two
In Pennsylvania, one or two In Illinois,
and one In Colorado. Wo shall love five
or sis in Ohio, ami pnaHhly one or two in
Indiana, lu the South we expect to do
better than wsa thought poss:hie u while
ago. Wo limit elect two mcmlmis in South
Carolina anti 1 think two lu Louisiana.
Roth Weils and A doraon oxpeci to run In
Louisians, and * xptcl to win. The iad**-
pemlonl imiveaieut* tlm aon the IWmio
cra'a u ith tlie loss ol members in Viiglniu,
Tennessee. North Uurnlin* and Arkansav,
aud the National# ate making inroads on
them iu Misvooil. ll Independents hi
elected In the Boutli ihslr hostility to the
Democrats will naturally incline litem lo
co-operate with us in orgsuikiug tlie
, I loose.
‘i UK 7 WO F.l ltr>
Twenty years ago two yoivig farmers
Grught o ie-hundred acre fnrin* ml) lining,
that were alike us loganls anil and Im
provement, or ru arlv o. Boih wera paid
for. end each tanner had about the same
cash capital, Tlu se men were named A
amt B, aud 1 will show how they c<>n
duct< and their bulnos, „nd the condition o(
the two farms In 1H77. A was energetic,
lock several agricultural paper#, woikm)
i ally aud laic, ai ayv said, ‘come, hoys,’
to Ills hired h< Ip, he taking lead spent no
(lino iu iieo.lh-e* ta'kfng while at work,
provided In advance work |>r ruiny days,
bought the Inst firm iiupkimcids that
could he obtalrved, secured f!'*l-class llv<-
stock ol all kinds, built commodious out
huildingaas the profiis ol his (arm admit
ted, set fruit and ornamental (tecs a run ml
his dwelling, made good gravel
walk, built flue silt statpial fences around
Ids horse and outbuildings; and to-day
he has one of tin must beautiful and pro
ducilvs (arms iu the Hiale, withs me flO -1
•XJO at interest.
Now, B was a different mam He ha-1 no
energy ol character, took things-ea*y, suli
scriUsl for no agricuitural pa|>ers, was op-
Itoaeil to’book farmi ~s*ll In his hired
help, go boys, Idi be along by-and-hy, was
and istantly on the watch f'ir somolrody to
talk to, whfle his work was delayed, never
had any work ready for rainy weather,
considered the new-fangled Implement# a
humbug was opposed to blooded stock, set
■ ut no trees around hi* dwelling, consider
ed the old out-buildings and fences good
enough, be didn't tbiulc that paint was of
any benefit on anything.
B spent a good share of hi* time in the
village talking politics ; and now bit larm
is worn out, the lences are out ot re(>air.
hit boast is so leaky that it is danyerou*
to lire in it, bit barn an 1 .bed are tumb
ling down, and tbe saddest of all la, the
sheriff has advertised tbe phoe tor sale.
Farmers, it pay* wall to attend to you r
business energetically and thoroughly.
— warn U
A Good fctorr.
The following story t* represenled U us
a*.true,snd wc believe It has never appear
ed id print l
In tbe olden times, when convicts wen
kept in the penitentiary at Milledgeville,
Key, Mr. Brantley, a Methodist minister,
was appointed chaplain to tbe penitentia
ry. Boon after bis appointment be w*
walking about tn tbe penitentiary, ming
ling with bia new parishioner*. Oe o
uiem waa >nclioed to be quite talkative,
and to tbe conrertaiion this dialogue oc
curred :
You art Mr. Brantly, 1 befiere, our new
Yea sir, said Mr B.
And they tell mo you .are a Methodist
Mr. Brantly.
Yea I am a Methodist.
Well lam so glad to hear h. 1 am a
Methodist myself, and there are a good
many Methodists In here- In tact moat of
u* arc Methodists.
Mr. Branily walked off wrapt in medita
tion. ~
Wa*.lllusion II Kplrlliiid Hclli'li
P< evidence J in os’.]
If the absurd ido* **( rrmoving !ho na
tional capild to St Louis It **l not ahuidv
bee.i cxpKaled ,lt Would have melted dowi
in tiie recent heated term, duri ig win I
that city has more than sustained its rep
utallon as the hottest lu the count*y ; an
.ol only the most uncomfortable, bill th
most dangerously and lalaily h *t. Tin
pto]ecl ol ciiubllshttig the Executive *U
paitmeuts, and ol Congtcss meeting in
that torrid tompeialnre, wouht deter even
the ambition of statesmanship aud the
greed ol uftl u tockiug Tlie (amous dec
larstlon of Jellerson touching the oitl '.e
holders, that ’‘lew die and u >no reslyn, ‘
would he contradicted, tor many would
die aud multitudes ol the survivors would
resign rather than oodu re n summer lu S'
Loui. Tho contrsi over tho originsl site
ol tho esp ial produced a sen me crlrls iu
the young republic. The selection was,on
tho whole, wisely made. Tho climate ot
Washington, although oppreisivoly hot lu
tho summer months, and at-hough subject
to malarial i .ftuenccs,’which willgraduil
ly disappear, L a healthy one. Consider
ing tl.u number of people gathered there
Irom all pails of the country, many of
tliein \tiihout their Families, a id ma ly ol
them compelled lo greatly changs their or
der i*nd habits ol life, and considering also
'.he hs'lly ventilated halls ol Cougror, tin;
sickness ami mortality are less than might
he expected, The vast investments <>l the
government iu public buildings, which vi *
iu splendor with the stateliest odifl'ei o
Kuiopuan capitals, would ol it-cil tie sul
flclo il to retail) tiie seal ol gov emincnl
where it was originally llxed. As the edy
grows in maguitudu ami iu elegance, the
wisdom of the lathers in its peculiar laying
out I* Vindicated. It used to he lai.ghed
at as “Iho oily of magnillcnt distmcee
hut these ilHtances me last Piling up w iili
superb buildings, public and piivatu, wliile
the open spaces ol leircshln ; green, at the
angular intersections ol the streets, and the
sipiari's nud circles reserved for public two,
add immensely to the beauty of the eity.
Many ol these are adorned wiili itatun* in
bronze and marble ; ami ether works ol
artooinmetnmorative ol great events ami
great men In our htslory are projected.
The seieutlllc and literary attrwcUons ol
the Umigiesstonal Library, tho Hmltbso
nlan, the lihserval r/, the Coast bmvey,
<I W sn l detain many visit*.rs, while the
Art Gallery, founded by tho munificence
*>f Mr, Corcoran, roiiial* s one ol the Hnesi
c)lleclloiis I * the country. Aliliough.
Washli gi'in. In Its transition Irom a sting
gllng, overgrown village to a splendid
metropolis, lias become a desirable place
t< live lu, apa t Irom li# political charac
ter and the tradition# tli it duster mound
It, und Iho Ameiicin people would not
consent to, it# removal ; mid if they would,
they could never agree up u the new loca
tion. Even II ai.y Htuto would cede exclu
•dvejurisdiction over a large city, the op
poncoiy of any one locutiun would out
iiuuiner the friends of a removal. Tee capi
tal Is very well situated, and Is perfect ly
sale where it is.
OerLlnly she will, If it I# Ihe Old, Old
Htory, and you tell it sweetly, hill don't he
100 hasty In your wooing. 8.-nd her fl si
a copy of llariy l*rcj% oeautlful new song
named ale ire, ami thus gracefully hint
your ii,trnti'ms. There never wan a pret
tier am g written and singers are wild over
it. Over 8,000 copies sold in one week.
For I'lsno or Organ and easy to play or
slug. Ask your nearest Merle Dealer lor
jt or enclose 40 Onta to the I’ubtlshei
LUDLHCN Hi BA l EH.Htvariiuh, Os.
Vrvn the AttymUi Chronicle.
A Gi., couespondoul
writes regarding the sjkjocli made by Blc
phens at that place Baturday : Little Al
eck’ had just begun to treid water on one
i.f those constitutional billows ol hi, and
was dashing Jofiertoalau spray all lUouod
him, when drawing that Util-: sip, and, re
turning Ibe bottle io bis pocket, concluded
hie rhetorical swell,Yes fellow-citizens,this
is true Democracy.
A oce legged political orator, who wa*
pretty successful In battering an Irishman,
was asked by the latter how he ho<l come
to lose his leg ? -
Well, seid Jonee, on exsmfumg my ped
igree, and lookiog up my dm e it, { lound
that there wa* some Irish b'ood in
becoming convinced that it had ail settled
hi that left leg, 1 had It cut - fl at oner.
By the (rowers, said Fat, it ud been a
deuced good thing el it had set (led iu yei
A Chicago pork-packer, who*.- pew-rent
wa* raised to twenty-five dollar*, exelab"-
sru Great (hniar I litre’s* nice state of
sflaii* ! The go*, el going up, and |oik
g dug down. M hat is to become ol u* ?
- - !■■— ■■ - ■
Acklen. the heto of the WashingtOD
scandal, bs* been endorse I for re-elec'ion
'by the Democrats of /msumi lion Parish,
La„ who Kel particularly srrll sail fied a
his success in obtaining an appiopriaiioo
ol fIO.GOd for the improvement of Bayou
My M on’ Cards are n *w newly clMhiel'
tml in tine comd ini and T think 1 **•£
*alely rny that Ia n prepared to dh' gew
wmk. 1 do-i*eiiw***-wh'i fovor me witli'
patronage in wuU linn wool atones sn*l
biing it h. <*rly vo llml l may card and
have ll rea ly when you want It. Dos’!
wall till late w lien I may ho crowded •Bt!'
not have time to *l** tlo work promptly'
for you. 1 guarantee good rotfo whoo*
good wemt 1. brought In.
lam sis > Carding Colton and tnakinf
nlco|Rullv. Send and get some and t tf
Wool Carding 10 cte per lb. off
furnished,f the wool.
Cotton Carding 8 cts per lb- <
tho C *lt n.
1 will sell
Wool Rolls at 4l)rt lb:
Cotton It*>l la at. ..16 cts lb.
My mill i* also iu good order and seldom
ever sh ri ol w atcr.
Udve me % •**#*!, ...
Yours A'..
Lutherville, fli.
Junc'7 :l m.
The ‘White
'C^gyß*l h i/
_J iimi mm n
- m U %•
Sewim Machine
It* Introduction and Worfd-renowned
reputation wns the death-blow to Mfh
priced macblnea.
This It ■ very Impnrtnnt msltsr, ss It ft awsM*
Imown >"<l nndUpul.d fact thst many eMhe at
calls') arldss mscWnts which tr* eOsfsa Se
sh.ap now a days srs th that hast o*sn re
ponDiitd (that Is. taken back from ousts*Mrs
sftsr uts) and rsbullt snd put upon tas mare**
“‘thVWhiti is the meb of *mt Mwinc
So not Buy any other bofort try
ing tho WHITZ.
Prices ail Term Hale SatuMcrr
White Hewing Machine Cos.,
N ursorios,
Established A.. 0. Vm.
\V< I tike tli 1* n <fi|n dto Inform t lie -
zens of Mi ii wet her, Talbot aud adjoining
counties, that out agents, having certifi
cate of agency, w til vblt you during Um
.months of July, An/, and Sept, to solicit
your order* for truit truer, vines, (or
the tall del very ol IMS. We reque-t jroo
to re<tervo your order* until you can see
our plate* reprersnllug our varieliee, and
g’it such Information* our agents arc pre*
pared to kivu you. WK OU.M<\NTKJS
Our senior JO'llUfi TIN LEY baa,
I r tii’i past fifty year*, engaged in collect
ing, proving and Kclect'Hg fruits ; sod •
hate liuwr ever, variety of *u, crior kinds
in the world, and those heat adapted lor
pic ro th and its di.lcieut localities.
Don’t be li inhng,ted hy tree peddlers but
con e to head<{Url< ra for good fruits.
There i nubling the taenia ol tbc Lind,
ley Nurseries can lunu sneb doubts re
moved by rel< rriug to John it. WtllisSM
ot Lilli rrdh;. J nlgc Cunninghaas of At
ata, Editor ot VItDIAT K, J. H. Psroefl
We-l I'oinl, aud hundreds ol others who.
have tested or fruits to perfect satis lac
lion. Thanking |jo tor past pstn nags
we ska ct. tinuance of vame.
Very Itcs|>eclfully,
Live cue gutic men wanted as ageuM
iberat comm tssiou given. Address
J. > ny. Is *h i 1
L. L. LAWbENC E .Newsta, Os.
NO 31