Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vmdicatoc
Pi;i;l,liUtl> KflfiV VXlli.vY,
OMcs South *1 le- rtf '*>• Hrt .■’ .
6HKRIFP O. S. Florence
CLERK 8. C H K r! pi
1 AX REC EtVKK H. ?■ Ultim nu
SURVEYOR <>. V Matthew*
if. A., A iron Sibley,
C. J- Reeve*, J- E- Buchanan
A!ltu 11. Walvn*.
John VV riW, J B..rn t
Matson Reeves, R- A. l'arktr
A 11. F.nman, Sec
tTNATOR SC L I'n-tiici, F. M. !
K J. Wiitttuis, C. W.vWilhan r
,. —
J\, OA
Will practice 111 Meriwether nu.l the t I
jihdug ctt.itties-
A. 11. KUK MAN
/ V I.KKI ftVU.I.K, U
Alt bu‘**t*.- entrusted to Ills .TIP t.lcml
e.i u. promptly ami l.ulbluily.
1). U. WEI J il, * -'}
A A T lORNkiY AT E 1 W
W ill prarUi-c m it*H)eih* i and in*
count *.-* c*mp**ii* ***e I- *la i*oui .
(it k> r Vll. tM , O A
A. <i K. OVI). */ O. H
1 t*t-H o*
Terns* a*h. All w* rk eairanl*-* 1
$/CftOl 5 aA.
II A VING I*<*• actively engaged jo Hi*
Ii f**vi ev of J>et i 4 Nut|? ty
tltr iftht l r, Jlm I v*Mi| t t*'i l **
hi! kmdtvf ntisi rU in lli' wry B"'*
Mfjir i |hr: Ari, Mini 1 fcoiU.ll tl* |r*t <*11 *
gf flat ot I* < ißltlt \ ,
nii wbr jhVr<i i\7jc u** lnu- 'h*
shall I ■ lilt- *• <) hoi w-.y * *,l -u.k, a- o
Ivr a* little ~,*) i.s n*'U)d h*’ * liiiii *d liy
, rir (-* |ii| do t 14*. t‘l I' lh* alr*l’. I "f
leatajodwice ny mail i>r*-ii>| lv .
" : Mil I li I Lit.ihLL,
Ki KH6 hi* l'i<<le*i* nal M-ivirsoa to
\ ) tk I'ubiK C’th'N With hie lallie#
Or J. K G. I i-iir-li. a' Hj* o*ug Hlor*-.
/ • KKERB hi* ) I'd* >-i"i*al mu*ho. U.
\ ) ibe cd'se-.a ol Grot vii.e nn'l *i inlt;
xm (rfUceatJ. L. C Ten. II <k <
l>ruf hlor*;
wls. "
I liß -
mu JfcW'KLlO .ud FANCY rSi'Htfc
ul I.s'j lOi 1 ;, (/corgi*.
I | A“. : OW, aud will k<|. s.ways on
_L ] li (1 at Lit <<l . tUuc. Eaei m e ul
li • j t-L h. <|Ure, * K' and ->i and
Wfi L fci tCTKO *K/tJi or *
Cooii.hi.g, ol pail ot,
tW GOLD aud fciE\Eit Vi aicbee, jfc,
ktcu. and ki}-<<UM.tii l ul the Ctrl make
fepletdi Odd and ('liter Watch Übefn*.
of all nzes, n,aer* and prices
CiO'd I’ent nd all kinds of holders; Oold
r liver A t e* i (Spectacles A £y c-lUasses,
Si ver Plate Ware
ol all kind* H*U fly leu.
Packet, TaLle Culiery, and Hum
by th very renown' (i outlier*, —Joseph
Budgets and George W oateni-ulma
* be* Aim is a
I arn ttiii rej airing ail goods in my lioe
Too many citizens el >ieri wether and ad-
Iritiitf loutks Lire tutted tr y w ork to
reijufat a w<rc' from mt ns to the charac
ter <>iU. I ill, hi - eve: warrant all u.
w ark, it pro; erljf nteo, a* I hare always
lesyectLiiy ark a contiuoanee of
the pair, uajr I Lave received from tny
triced* in Meriwether.
JWoitser’s May at He,
And cor* year cMid wilt Ir. MoSt-tl'a TsaUiina
lTetlung Fcrwder*; Teetktca RegnitU*
tenr*:* and aitn Teethts# ry ; Csn* CWotn*.
ietaetma and the Huuur c-ompisict* oCeßiiCreo.
beat* Eruption and Sore* . Becoores and fntata
tbslovnartoa of Worm. Mo neeaiein* ever re
celrtd neb eatbauaetic uaumesdattea from tbcee
•be bare aaed it.
for tale by Dr. J. E- G. T errojl & Gu- >
1 ditoi mi C.iriritpimli'iiei 1 .
CU-lybeale Springs M. ri \ethci Cos
Auguat ili) I, 1876
From the Maeoa Telegraph and Messer.-
Tnc bealieg 8j as and pleasure rcst ris of
. ur gseul Siate should lie properly koovri.
and appreciated by her people, aud bene*
e propose to give a auccinct history ol
his lovely spot and tlie sparkling louu-
Uiu which has hr err another Sika.a lo
ihouaan la.
1 was in 1855, Anno DjUlißi, lhat Mr.
J.-hn Hollins, then Hie owner Ot the
g ounds and eontigu* us lands, chanced to
tx> so unlucky as to have a fuvoiHe milch
cow*- down in tire oozy marsh which
then formed the site ot the spring. He ni
once proceed® I to rescue the po r animal,
•uiUMpiag p>, Ivcarue thoroughly sain
i a ted with mud and w.ler.
From that very moment, lo hts great ds he perceived that a
under which lie had sufJ.'red, began to dry
tip. Haying uecari in soon alter also, t >
open a illicit through the morass, the labor
was assigned to an old negro slave who
nnd a teir ble sore leg
The old le low plied his task with dili
gence, delving early and late in the a.juc
ou quagmire until the work was win
i deled
But now,—to the surprise of bim-tell and
owner, dimoycred that what the
dorlols Isi’eJ In do
Lon, her occult materia tuntu-a, and tin
lame .lav - was lame no logger.
The fa tie of Ibesc cares spur ding !>n
and wide, Invalids Legati to vtsil tin: spirit,
and Mr. RoIIL.SW fcs iu.dn o t t-> erect, u
so.all bull. Hug near liy l a their sccoimn. -
datum bil l Ihc number ol henllii seek
og pilgrims contlutied to tnciuasc, ami
finding no house to iu, they cam. hy utul
iit odes In covered w-aguin and other vohi
cl* provhlod with t-nU and edible-, aud
'oieau.ped beneath the aheiter >.l : noble
luiihi ti** vviii* 11 have stood - dry loi
* eniurivs ovi r lhis l.ygi. ii; lieu tilt Al
-er wards a goal hotel and in uv collages
an plied the wants ol the a mUa- public,
and Hu spuing became nu csiiili tsU*'d a..el
popular ream t lot health, Una*. u looted,
however, t. onset li e übe ■ 1 a Ho olao* ,
Mi R Hint In 1850, sold out to one Fiue
i mail ol a bant a, who tao
(he establishment lot two yoai*
and thou ijj lam disposed ol Ihe profant)
jolhi* chunkt,
of C’, foi Uu- Itamla tine amt of fi
.tin Ih'.u anl rjnllais. Tina Wat m 16A2.
The Judge built most ol tins cabins now
.fooling, uliif enjoyed a lull amount ol |U
.lousgt lui 7 yeis, or uuill IbuU, havug
<>i u portion of ib time assouaud wuli
him Mi. H. (fhapntuii, ol Columbine
Dr. ixiloei, ul Augusts, then uieude
to (Ue |no|<ri(io>lii|i by pun be**, paying
gIW,W <>■ III# Spring* and tin Ir nppurU
iiai.iii. whs h ginllcinao ul grca
tilde and * lieigy, a'ld expended over twell
'y ti.OUMltd doll*!* IQ improvement*. I 1
was during ij u> admiuistiatioo ili'l Hi'
Cua.ybeate h|iii*ij; ettsined I" > li** auuili.
ol Ibeir popularity, tin imihlm r ol gunl*
•>ae petid ii utliing the large llgur? ol liw*
liiudi i>t.
T * principal hotel ad rwUie ground*
were lit l iy gas, toe Itiiija in lit laitei
ai audio,/ only about tblity y**'l" a,mit.
with three r w ol them esundi ng -tin
•thole length ol the area betweeu the tot -
'age*, tut-I Including the ti, rings.
Alter three year* po-eoanon, l>.. Ixituei
aol'l the premises back to Cheney,
who took into partoerab ip with birn Mr.
Paul. The 'alter ie*i lid there lor two
yearn during the war, and kept the houee
' pert a* long ns possible- Hot the t ■ erneo
douaetrnU ol that meu.trrebr* etrurgl*
put a pi nod to Halt, and nearly every otb
ei similar e -terpilae at the Booth,
lo the iwal year ol the contest a large
crowd of botneieat re!ug* Irora Tenrie*
*ee thronged every csl/tn, hut too tbaiiktui
to escape tiotn lh the Indignities and in
suits ot the conquering foe Here, in this
soli’ary retreat far removed from the din
of arm* and hemmed in by mountain
range*.'hey dwelt secure from molestation,
trot with hearts bursting with anxiety for
ibe loved ones, who In the bloody Iront
contested loch by inch the advance i.f the
leienlless enemy, whose path waa marked
bv the smoking lotos of peaceful habita
tioriS, and the suffering wall of unresisting
non-com balant*.
The war over, the Springs were deaeited
f.r sever.l year* until at length rented hi
Mr. Hooker of Golumbu*, for two years
<lBk-W7<B. At the expiration of that
Ume Mr. C- B. Howard, of Columbus,
leased the property krf eoe year and had
quite a run ol patronage From bis re
Uremenl to the present year the premises
hare been closed to tbs public .a conse
quence of a law *uit which I .vo ved the
right ol ownership. Tne matter in dispute
however, ha* been adjusted by a aaUafac
tory compraaiue, and
are now the ale and uadispeted piopric
It sbou'.d have been stared that in 1 802
when Confederate currency waa still al
most at par, Dr. Leilner received sixty
thousand dollars for the Springs and im
provement*. Ibis is the hut sale.
The present proprietor* are cultivate]
gentleman an 1 lull of enterprise and taste.
P Mwesaed ot ample meanr, 11 t* their sel
lled purpose to make the "Chalybeate”
whit nvture designed it to bo, one ol the
in .Ist attractive, salutary and delightful
lies'll. .nP pleasure 1 ©sorts al the S toll.
They have already made a noble begin
ning, and when the programa.e mapped
out has been ctimpleted, no -v.vleriug p 1 noc
iu the B ate wiil he aide to otter su,
indo.eineuts to Uio invalid or pleasure
Tt.e Springs are situated in the south
east corner ot Meriwether county, and
lorm part ol a valuable estate containing
one thousand aerosol land.
The grounds comprioa about sixteen
aeie* gently aloptug on all sids to the
Sjitiugs, which are In a tew feet ol each
other, and located not lar Irom the centre
of the enclosure. Directly In Irom is the
main hotel from which a gradod pathway
leads to the Hprlngs, and on either side
long rows wi comfortable Cottages have
been elected, ciptble with main airucture
nf accommodating three hundred gneata.
The land rise* amphitheatre-like from
he main wslk, and is covrred with a
Jieavy mid primeval growth nl forest tiees,
which give an exceedingly beautifbl and
pictureetjue appearanee to the scene. Oou
venler.tly placed, is a two-story building,
tire upper floor of whicli forms a commo
dious ball room, while Inflow, two ton pin
allrya serve to vniuse and give exorcise to
the go&ts.
To Iho leil o! the h <t*-l the extensive
lively stable may lie found, where pleas
ure vehicles and saddle Imreet are furnish
ed at model ate rates. Still lurthar remov
ed, in tlie midst of a charming oak grove,
aed <p .lie remote from hotel or cahlus, the room uiiil billiard tables, three Iu num
ber, aie placed in a detached building, the
alter being tree to all visiting guests A
must a fill Hard labia a an, is placed In ouo
of Hie Inl He.
The celebrated Chat) best# Bpiluga gush
oil out ot a uX'-k in ui Impel ti mi* streamlet,
tne e-rtapiHl wtrx being conducted iulo a
Hpii otm pool several hundred tmd In the
rear, when there ia room lor a dozen hath
in to lake a pinispo anil swimming hath,
,ind the surplus itN again passes ol
through a vnul In the wall. • This pool,
*hinh ia emptied dally, Irirma one ol the
most attractive hnlurcs ol tint ©stablish
nii'tit. The mineral water it Intensely cold
imd tht' shock to the system as comp!* to
as sny one could desire. In it trice ever)
trace ol caloric disappear Irom the par
t>olltd victim ol Ihia Inti irmly hot auuuuer,
and hu cornea out completely ndfigerated,
sit'i i lively sense ol what am the lee!-
Ings ot those Arctic tmvlga'or* In search of
tlm Notth l'ole,when the goal Is plainly iu
view, (rut intervening Icebergs, mountain*
nigh, Interpose their (retains hsniers. Iln
ipmkt sand snivora and longs tor ,bUnkids
oil oak lire*, but a lew seconds’ vigorous
application ol a rough crash towul tends
the led blood umntliug through every Vein
sufl artoiy, and ha espeileucea a glorious
mwof tecnpi ration, wnCh slloidv the
moors' povedlle ttlioll ol IV list Is
meant lu Pcriplore by being "lorn again,"
I'liysically, ttl least, lie is anew man, and
ola step lu the direction ol the luoaktavt
nole, mi I lea's a a 'trcnciioiutaa' when
sled a iih the g> od thl gs Udore him,
mow tbs' to the cost ol the landlord, the
ionic iva er, uh' ious bstli, bracing air, ot
a ! coiubltied, '.iaiialoiuted h>m into u
loin less guard Indeed, the only solution
to He. problem how Measru Alien A
riimn, wmi can kaep soul and liody togeth
er under the con.biue 1 onslanght ol arj
man* hungry lovalida and toorivta, can be
lourni in the lact that they pay but foui
i ants pir jxiuuil lor the hlud-i|uarters ol
the heat •mud fat’ U" vrs, or live dollar*
apiece for the auirnai oo his Icet Full
grown fat aheep alao, arc abundanl at two
dollars each. Hence, their siccptioually
low rate* of board and abuudsuby aup
plled tabletl.
But wa arc not done with the batlra yel.
Just below the plunging pool, a loug row
ol neat bath>dg rooms has been erected,
each supplied with either but or cold min
eial water all day long—the loriner pump
ed In Irom an adjoining furnace, always
aept aglow, and under the direction ol a
respoueible *balb tender
The ladies, ;*ec ally, patronlae thuw
healtls-giviug and refreshing batns contin
uslly, and the beat ol A all Is thst they ere
free to the guests ol the proprtetor*.
Kuch liberality alr>oe, makes a powerful
spisfil to the public sympathy and sup
The Chalybeate fount, as stated, burst*
in s cry a'a! tfde from the living rock, and
Is approached by several marble steps, and
covered over bead tjr a graceful open
structure. Tb* water baa been analysed
by Dr. Mewos, and pronounced very rich
to remedial agents- K<4 haring hb analy
sis at hand, wa shall not attempt any enu
meration of tb* several constituents. As
to the value of the water.
stand ready to testify, or bars dose so.
For diseases of lbs liver, stomach ami kid
neys, cutaueoos sod scrofulous affections
dyspepsia. Indolent clears, general debili
ty, eV.; no better natural remedy has been
discovered. We ae credibly informed
that hundreds of cersifioaten tuny be bad it
needed, from the moat responsible sources
reciting the various extraordinary cures
thst have been affected upon those who
bare been attracted hither and teated the
healing In licence ot the water.
We give n aingle instance related to the
writer try Mr.* W. H. Martin, ol l alhot
ton, as hla iwsoeal exp>nricnec. Tmd
gentleman, win) was a tnave C jnfederate
M.luiar, found himself at the end ol Hie
war aim oat reiiaeed to a a’releton from
chronic dlarihtht Which had ath clcd him
for neat ly a y<hT. Every known remedy
had tie n rihflMsi by the various hospi
tal surgeons la the aUort lo relieve theii
patient, wtthyot eftect. To all human a,-
pcarances he must die. At this crisis, a
friend advising him lo try the Chalybeate
w atet, he went to the apang In a vsgtu,
takiu.p with hi|p ins own iprov.sions and
spent several tracks there. Tlie efl ect ivsa
m*>st tnarv -loflj, anJ ho returned ho e
perfectly curei of hla malady.
Removed about fifty tceet from fro Oha
lybaate la a sulphur aud magnesia aprlng,
which many rtaa with aigual advantage.
Stilt nearer, bidced aot too fret diaunt,
la a atr- ug >ulj stir fount. In attempUug.
tio never, to tube tho latter they missed
itie veiu and there U no outgoing flow
from it.
Messrs. Allan A Thomson, though us
ing the utmost diligence in the limited
lima allowed them, wore by no lUoaus
prepared lor the
ittsn or visitors
which has UMted their hospiiality lo the
utmost. They expected, aud “were quite
>esdv to afiacmmodale fifty guests, but
liave been compelled to provide tor two
himdreJ anil aeventy-fivo ,l one tiu.r.
Still all aiipmlr tatlsrt.-d, and the next .sea
son the uumer will lie greatly lucreta
Atpre.emEtwn hundred and fifty |atr
s.ins are eojoitrniitg ho e, and .sooin pleas
antly and eulertaiuod. Not a
murmur of e- in plaint ha. reached the
wiltci’a ear. N*r Is lliie aurpilalng lo
ilmao win) *re wUnease* of the Inceanaut
efforU of
umi lliuir cauriemiN avals (ante, to promote
the comfort and Impplno* cf thsdr gue**i>.
In alckohs, no kluet<*lk roold tie m -ru
eonahliiKt#ami aHsntlve lo Iho afflicted,
and the klftl bsli‘ mlnlatu-H Iu puiti.*ii
to their ev<ry want, Mr. Bud Cahlur, wi
ll*! I* lumtliaily e*i)leil, |*ro#i lea In the
diiiliig-iooca, and i# every Inch u perfect
gei Human aud attentive euiurer lo ihu
w iut.i of all.
The profs, igtiiit contunplate cxtanalve
the u.-xt koi-s *n, promiii**ui
among will bo the repair ot iho
a*.< iamim and eutuhbs.
Till* ’*;j be done al comparatively
small < xpttutn, and two wagon loads ol
rusin'ins pfita aiiota from th* nelgliboi|*>g
mouslaln, to urn immii <*l, w <ut*l geueraio
gas enough In supply ihu hotel am!
ground* tor a week. They tlivu contain
phila iimlvii'.ittlnbig tho biller, ami nowiug
til*tu down in blue grow, which would
U luriah llnolv uu h t the *llß'lc ol the Irens
will probably enlarge llie main hotel ami
I Ul all Iho cabins In putlecl order, and, lo
shod, do al! In their power to uiaku a
grand succour of the splendid property
which, jiiopeily managed, muat prove u
princely lortuuo lo ilium.
The mrmpatiy ut Iho Hprlngs la of a vt-rv
so I ect character, eoihiacmg many of ihe
and representstivus Irnm Havaunali, M
cnii, M sntgomwry, Mobile and I'tlier dues
and stales— whole lemilles arc suniuu ring
ll here, and vucli a crowd <>l merry healthy,
noisy children, we never saw . ongregated
at any pleasure retort. The scenery
around Is uioceplngly UaullluL
Two mountain ranges rbo to view <u
either ride ol lbs Kprlngs, at the very
hero ol one ol the 101 l test peaks ol which
Healing fount htesks lotlli, 1 lie salienl
pacnllarlty o I the slmosphen: is Ita won
derlul dryness and rarity. In the early
motn to breathe It, eras It* an Indescriba
ble leellog of eikilsialio t, auiljunconacious
ly you And youts'ilf expanding the lungs to
the Utmost, to lake lu the largest posnlile
volume ol the glorious aerial 11 rid.
Hat we must dose lor the present our
notes of this charming spot, sod reserve
lor another missive, the events and audit*
which chequer one's existence at a water
ing place.
IJ. H. J.
UcorgiMi Who fiuMnoi
Hince the organization of the Kedeial
Government and the inauguration ol Pres
ident Washington on the iOth, April,l7B9,
the following named Ueorgiao* btve held
a cabinet office,
Becretsry ol State—John K.ra> tb, ap
pointed June 27Ui, 1834, by Piesidert
Jackson. Again appointed M'ch 4th,
1887, by President Van Only one
Secretary ol State.
Secretaries ol the Treasury—Wor.. H.
Crawford, appointed October 23J, 1810, by
President Msdieun. Again appointed on
the sth, of March, 1817, h/ PrchletH Mot
rco, and again appointed ou the sth ot
March 1821, by President Mo tree upon
hla reflection. Howell Cobb was appoin
ted ou the Oth March 1857, by Prcsid< m
Buchanan. Two Treasurers.
Becretafire ot War— *Vm. 11. Crawford,
appointed August 1, 1815, by President
Madison. Goo, W. Crawford, appointed
March Bth, 1843, by P,evident Taylor
Two ffeerotenoa of War.
Secretaries of Nary -None.
Secretaries ol the Interior—None. Presi
dent Fillmore in leGO, offered the appoint-
meat to Q -v. Chas J. Jeoki s, hut It was
I**istumste-General J*.sc|.h II ibcr
sliaiu, nptolntcd Fsbrua'V idlli, 179-5 by
Prealtlent VVaaliiaglon. i in M ire I
4ih, 179*. by Freaident A lum*, aivl a s ain
in March 4th, 1801, by I'ieslJanl ,ktl raon.
One Fostinaalei General.
Attorneys. General -J dm M Uarrlen,
appointed March Bh, 182 U, liy President
Jackson. Amos T. Akormvi, app inted
June 9S i, 1870, by Pi evident Grant, T *vi
Attorney U*-nerl>.
■—a m —
kketeli ot the pi-oeerdiiig* of the
4'olitnsbn* Couvesttloii,
AtioosT 81st, 23nd. 98rd and Slth.
The coiivenli< l) being called to order by
VV. U. Butt, the first hotly contested fight
of the se*skm commenced. VV T Revill
nominated t; VV Mabry, of Troup ae tora
p orary chairman. J M Mathews, ol Tal
h koficted a substitute that a committee of
one from each county ho appointed to se
lect a jvrrnuer.-if chalrmsn. Revill mad
from MeU’s Parliamentary I’ractlco show
ing that ncMtw.nti meeting* were usually
orgauixed by someone calling Ihe meeting
to order and himself ur some other mcm-
bei* placing iu notiii.vatiwn a name for tem
porary chairman, nud 111 the event several
intuits weie t'tacod iu uoniiualiou the fir-t
mimed should be voted on tirnt and si in
succes iou, tho proposer ol the names or
any oilier member having Ihe light lo taU*-
tbo vote on tho names proposed, lie at i
ted also, that according to the rule n*l*>t -
ted *t Cl.!ybe>ile hml
lice n-< many votes at she h*l rtpresoula
lives In the legisl.tuic. J M Mdhows ur
.;ne*t ilmt A’ U liult, hy vlitueut his po*i
ti >n us chairniau ot the D alibi Executive
Committee tompormy ebairmuu ol Hie
Convention, lie said that Dr. Mvll hy the
term e*'<hmejjaf .. netlogs meant llspli*t al
so iiitioiia, slid tin.oght Ilia rules no. ap
plicable to this body.
A I) Freeman, ol Coweta, said that
while Di. Mell toils oa that such meeting*
.lie i nutiUi/ oigiiuixed iu tho n.miner spvci
(lc l still ho Kmeinaii, held Ihul they may
fa organized dillereiilly. TM. VViliis, of
Tulhot, thought Mr, Butt temporary chair
man an I intimated that there wuiu pre
cedents on Hint line.
K A B Fireman, of Tr-mp, read the rs
olulinn appointing the executive c mmli
iee mill allowed there was no rl>.ht given
any member ot the cotumlttno to at t as
tempoiaiy chairman.
Mr. Ilevill,occupying a place on the
ilan and ilting 4o reply was a-kad by Mr.
Butt to take tils place on the Horn. M'. R.
reap, iufe.l that Mr, Butt eluimed a place
on the taga ou account ol 'toliig chairman
of tho executive eommlileo, and ns hu,
Revill, was secretary ol thn samn Indy,
their light to plueea on the slngn were
alxul the same, and si all the dulrgalos
wein equal until *.uio o c was regularly
iiitUlliui chairman by tlie voice of tde co
vcmlon, l.e hail Ihu aiimu right to the stage
us the gentleman fiom Mai ion, especially
as he lord proposed a guntieuisn's name
lot cl.nil man nu t had a right to put th<
nomliinlloi) to the convention. Afu-i wards
Mi. H itt asking Mr. Revill ’'why do you
address rue us chairman while deny! g
my rty/il to such a pObltlon,"Mr. Hcvill re
spnuded, “I address you as chalrinan only
because you auunu to act In Unit cnpc ; -
lu teply to Judge Msthetvs, Ileylll
read Irom Di.Mell delluiug oeaili'/iuil meet
ings Pi he county and stile couvci tliins
district political'codventious, Ac., end no
ilcing the (>aiiila ol Messrs. Fieetnao and
Willis, he asked II there was a gentleman
in the house that ever knew a meeting or
ganized other than by the plan laid down
by I)r. Mell In hold up his hsnd. No rer
noiisi. Il said that the convention that
iiomlnalod Oov. Hmlth waa organized by
calling Oen. P. M. H. Young to the chair
temporality and afterward* selecting Hon.
Thoi. Tima, flardeman permanent presi
dent. The congressional convention at
LnOrange six yeais ago, and thst at West
Point two years ago, were organized pre
cisely the same way. At West Poiot Dr.
Long, momlrer of ths execatlre
commlltoo, celled Ihe convention to order
but did not claim to set as leaipors<y
chinrman, Major Miller, •( Ms*ion, tieing
called to fill that place.
Mr. Butt, still claiming the chair and
deciding, In opposition to Dr. Meli, that
the resolution of Judge Mathews had prec
edence of the nomination made by Mr.
Ilevill, the latter gentleman appealed from
the decision, hut Mr. Butt tailing and de
clining to put the appeal In Hie manner
tin.' Mr. Kevill stated it was made, it w*
withdrawn. Mr. Freeman of Troup mov
ed to table the substitute of Judge Math
ews , Mr. Ifevlll by the direction ol Mr.
Butt called the roll of conntiee and the
substitute wa* table J by a vote of 18 ayes,
non* 18. Mr. Ilevill calling for his origl
usl motion, It was adopted by a tote ol
ayes 22, noe* 13, and C. W. Mabry was de
clared temperry chairman. ;
J. O. Christian aas elected secretary
with M. p. Pinson and K. T. Winn us -
slafanta w ilbotrt optiositlon.
>ju curoiiiug the delegates two delega
tions were reported from Carioll county,
and Mr. Krecmun of Troup asked lor a
committee compose J < t one irom each
connty to tXau.lue into and report on the
matter. M<. Freeman of C'oweU moved
as a substitute, that both Jefe-athxs be
‘ GoMTI VOED on SWJOkD rs p-
My VV nol Cards *rc now newly cloth'uJ
rod in fine comli iin mid I think 1 can
Holy say that f i>t pro i ,rj.i to do good
work. 1 device those wt> tavor me wkb
..atr. imgo to wash their wool at once and
•ring it iu early aw that l may card and
nave it rea 'f when you want it. Don't
wait till hit* when I may he c*owdad ami
not have thou to do tho work promptly
lor you. I guarantee good rolls when
good wool lc br,night lu.
1 atn at* v Carding Ootton aud making
nice Ralls. Bead and gel some and try
Wool Carding 10 eta per lb. oil
fura nlicd, or 4 the wool.
Cotton Caidlng 8 eta per lb. or
th Cott.m.
I will sell
Wool Holla at... 40cU lb.
Cotton Rolls at 15 cts lb.
My mill R also in good order and seldom
ever fh rt ol water.
CUvo ine a trial,
Lutherville, Ga.
June 7-!t no.
The Whit©
—is —
J s §a
Its Infrodnotlon and Wartd-raaawMd
reputation was tbs death-blow to blgb
prlotd machines.
Tkla la a vary Imaurtant naltf. as It la a wall
known and undUpulsd lcl llilt iwny •! Iwt •••
calltd flritalaia machlnta which art effert* ae
cheap now-a-eay* arc theca lhal hava hcca ra
poitcucil la. takes heck trom cut U-ere
alter uee) antf rehvllt and pul upon the Market
So not Buy any othsr boforo try*
ing tho WHITE.
Prices asi Terms Kale Satisfactory
White Sewing Machine Cos.,
UST urßeries,
K-tstdished A. D. IH7-
We take M.h irdbi and lo !nl< im Hie -
zens of Meriwether, Talbot and adjoining
counties, that our agents, having certifi
cate of agency, will visit you duriog the
months of July, Aur. and Be pi. to solid
your orders for Irtid trees, vines, &e., for
the lad del.very <d I@7B. We requo-t yoa
to reserve your orders until you can see
oar plates representing our varieties, and
g'rt such ioPirmstion as our agents are pro
psred ui give yuo. WK. GUAKANTER
Our senior JO 11UA LIN 1 LET has,
I r tli psfcl fifty years, engaged in collect
iug, proving soil telecPng fruits ; aud wu
hare now every variety of n, eiior kinds
in the world, and those beat adapted for
the sw th and Its different lotnlitlea.
Don't be h mhugged by tree peddlers but
come to headquarters lor good fruits.
Thoee doubting the merits ol the Lind,
ley Numetie* can have such doubts re
moved by referring to John H. Williams
ol Lolln rvi’ e, Judge Cunningham ot At
auta, K litor ot VISOICAT >B, J, 11. Painel 1
We t Point, *n<l h<itidrcd ol cithers who.
have tested our fruits to perfect satisfac
tion. Thanking you lor past patrmagw
we ssk a r oi tinuaoce of same.
Very Ues|irtlolly.
Live eneigeius men wanted aa agents
liberal commission given. A Idresa
J A. Hewn New nan, (it
l L. LAWi.JKNCi' New nan, Ga.
NO 38